Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 30, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Japanese Continue At-
tactaon Port Arthur.
ltf(aunsrSajd to Have Been
Pliced'oh'63-Meter Hill.
It fs'AlMr'PjrcjMKd to MaKetRetreat
fjthe Slays to Laotle 'Mountain '
IrnpoesIble-Tunnei -Novr Ber
ing Run, to This Jofnt.-
LONDON, Nov.. 30. According to a
Toklo dispatch, to the Standard, there is
mi -official -iairaor that ihe Japanese have
hauled .large caliber guns to the top of
203-Metef -Hill, -whence their Are has a
gweep of the -whole liarbor. This report
doubtless goes "beyond the facts; but
-various dispatches indicate the progress
the Japanese are making in the reduction
of Port Arthur. Japanese here explain
the great importance of the capture of
203-Meter Hill, which, besides giving com
mand of the harbor, will serve as a wide
breach made by the wedge the Japanese
had previously driven In between the Etz
group and the Russians' last retreat In
the ravines of Laotle Mountain. They
declare that retreat to Laotle will be
effectually cut off, and It is not unlikely
that Laotle will be simultaneously at
tacked in the final assault.
Bennett Burleigh wires to the Dally
Telegraph from Chefoo that in the last
assault the Japanese lost 400 men in one
hour's fighting. They claim to have cap
tured two more of the nortneastern fort3
and a third, which is part of the "West
Kekwan fort. They assert, Mr. Burleigh
adds, to have effected a lodgment at
Pigeon Bay, thus turning the fort on
203-Mete.r.Hlll, and that they are now tun
neling from the gorge below Laotle Hill,
which they hope first to damage and then
rush. The dispatch continues:
"Desperate lighting Is proceeding dally,
and the losses are admitted to be ex
cessive, but the Japanese insist that
Port Arthur must fall within 21 days."
The Morning Post's correspondent at
Shanghai telegraphs that wireless com
munication has been re-established be
tween the Russian Consulate at Chefoo
and the Port Arthur garrison.
Russia Fears Crisis Is at Hand.
ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 30, 3:28 A. M.
Foreign reports o the fighting at Port
Arthur are accepted here very seriously.
If the Japanese have taken 203-Meter
!Hill, as reported, commanding the whole
Siarbor, It is believed that the situation is
critical. Experts on Port Arthur topo
graphy assert however, that it is more
likely that the Japanese have occupied
some positions at the base of the bill, and
believe that owing to the concentrated fire
of the covered forts the Japanese will find
the top of the hill untenable if they ar
rive there.
Declare Attack Has Ceased.
BERLIN, Nov. 30. A" dispatch "-from
Toklo to the Tagllsche Rundschau reports
that the Japanese storming of Port Ar
thur was abandoned on November 28, be
cause, though large breaches had been
made in the Sungshu, Rihlung and Kek
wan forts, the Japanese .were unable to
enter on account of the heavy fire from
the other forts and the resistance of the
Oyama's Army on the Shakhe Has
Been Reduced to 150,000 Men.
ST. PETERSBURG, Npv. 29. Accord
lngt to information which has reached the
"War Office. Field Marshal Oyama's
ntrencth is much smaller than hereto
fore believed,, tending to confirm the the
ory that a large force has been withdrawn
tn assist in storming Port Arthur. Thla
Information is to the effect that not much
mora than 150.000 men. are now conrront
lng General .Kuropatkin, but that the
Japanese lines are heavily fortified In
order to check -any aggressive movement
which Kuropatkin might undertake long
enough to enable tne Japanese to nurry
up reinforcements by Tail from tne pemn
The present activity of the Japanese
along the front these reports indicate.
is only feigning to convince Kuropatkin
that the offensive is imminent Should
this important intelligence be absolutely
confirmed, it is possible that the Rns
slan commander-in-chief may himself at
tempt to strike a quick blow. Kuropat
kin Is now supposed to have nearly 300,000
apanesevimperlal Headquarters Sunv
.marize Arthur Situation.
TOKIO, Nov. 29. The imperial head
quarters tonight summarized the Port
Arthur situation as follows:
"With regard to the enemy's forts at
Sungshu Mountain and eastward, we have
firmly captured the glacis ana counter
scarps and their vicinities, but the time
to charge has' not yet come. At present
we are destroying the casements and
other caponiers.
"At 2:30 Meter Hill, by several charges.
we succeeded in gaining tire enemy s
shelter trenches near- the summit At
present our force is holding its position
and endeavoring to capture the whole
-Japanese Lost 230 Men In Attack of
Rennenkampff's Front.
MUKDEN. Nov. 29. The activity of the
Japanese against General RennenkampfTs
front continued November 28, culminating
before noon in one of the severest fights
in recent weeks. The Japanese retired
only about 600 yards, but after the fight
the Russians collected 230 Japanese dead,
all from the Seventh and Ninth Reserve
brigades. The Russians also captured a
large quantity . of rifles, entrenching tools
and Red Cross stores.
Night sorties vcontinue." 'Russian scouts
prove very adaptable to this sort of work
and can go all around the Japanese In
woodcraft r
On the night of NovemWer 25, a party of
Siberian sharpshooters want out a& cap
tured every one of the gmrs in front of
. Japne party cutting firewood, with-
TTYiYi t pnTiTinitiwi NnDAmnai ' w jMiiminnnnf
out arousing the susplclbns of-thc' Japan
ese that anything bad happened. On the J
evening of November 27 a party of Rus
sian volunteers practically wiped opt the
village of Naganza, situated at the foot
of the double-humped hill opposite Poutl
loff (Lone Tree) HUL The Japanese had
been occupying a building in this village
every night and hampering the Russian
sharpshooters. Attacking the village in
the rear, the Russian volunteers drove out
the Japanese from the village early in the
evening, mined the building and retired.
The Japanese subsequently reoccupled the
village which was blown, up, and almost
the whole village destroyed. The Rus
sian losses during the whole affair were
three men killed and 15 wounded.
Chinese report that the main Japanese
force Is located at Bhilikhe, on the rail
road, three miles south of Bhakhe, but it
is impossible to animate its numbers.
The Japanese at close quarters, espe
cially during the night fighting, usually
use Russian' words and phrases, with. thea
object of misleading their foes. General"
Llnevltc has especially warned the troops
on this point -
Japanese Cavalrymen Captured by
Russians Denies the Rumors..
MTJKDEN,. Nov. ,29. A Japanese cav
alryman who has been captured by the
Russians declares that -General Kurokl is
not .dead, as has been rumored among
the Chinese.
There -has been no important change in
the" filtuatipn. Small skirmishes aro re
ported on "the eastward, "hut "there is no
sign of a definite Japanese-advance.
, The close proximity ol the opposing lines
ih'-many places is leading to new. and un
expected developments. Recently the Jap
anese nave been using dogs as scouts,
sending them out from the trenches with
long- cords attached. It is almost impossi
ble to detect these wary animals,, which
unerringly locate the Russian position and
give warning of any movement against
the Japanese.
Some of the Russians have managed,
however, to strew the neutral ground with
poisoned pork, thus thinning the ranks
of the dog scout department.
A number of rockets were recently sent
up by the Japanese in the hope, appar
ently, of drawing the Russian fire at night
Prisoners taken by the Russians are
generally well clothed, but are said not to
show any great desire to return to their
own lines.
Likely to Favor Japanese.
MELBOURNE, Victoria, Nov. 29. The
Federal House of Representatives will
next week discuss the question of with
drawing the restriction placed on the en
try of Japanese into the commonwealth
on the grounds, in the words of the
motion,, that "They have placed them
selves in the front rank of nations, have
granted religious freedom, have estab
lished consulates and have become the
honored ally -of Great Britain."
New Japanese Duties on Grain.
MADRID. Nov. 29. Finance Minister
Osma introduced a bill in the Chamber of
Deputies today imposing 80 cents .duty on
imported corn (per 100 kilos)', and 51.40 on
imported flour (per 100 kilos), whenever
the price of Spanish wheat exceeds $5.00
per 100 kilos. The new duties will become
effective Immediately after the bill Is ap
proved by the cortes.
Red Cross Appeals for Funds.
BERLIN, Nov, 29. The central commit
tee of the German Red Cross Society
has issued an appeal for funds to main
tain a field hospital with the Russian
army, supply medical and surgical requl
sites for the Japanese and enlarge the
facilities of the German Hospital at
Fournler Is French Member.
PARIS, Nov. 29. The council of Min
istera today designated Admiral Fournler
to sit on the Anglo-Russian North Sea
Commission. Foreign Minister Delcasse
informed the council that the Foreign
Minister's palace on the Quay d'Orsay
would ne placed at the' disposal of the
commission, which will assemble at an
early date.
Submarine Boats Sent by Rail.
ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 29. Two Rus
sian submarine boats were nut on rail
way flatcars hero today to be transported
to viaaivostoK.
Russian Vessels Sail.
CHBBOUHG, Nov. 29. The Russian
cruiser Dnelper and two torpedo-boat de
stroyers, after repairing here, have left
lor tne Far East
Portland Baseball Players Will Scat
ter Friday for the Winter.
Manager Ike Butler and several of his
baseball crew returned home yesterday
morning. .The -breaking up of the team
followed last Sunday's game. Ham Iberg
and Harry Spencer remained In San Fran
cisco, and Phil Nadeau went to Fresno,
where he Intends to spend the Winter.
Those who returned- to Portland with
Manager Butler are Beck, Runkle, Stark-
eis. Tmeiman, Drennen and Frary.
Tfte members of the team will stav
here until Friday, the day eet for settling
with tne players, and they will then scat
ter. Frary, "who Is under reserve by the
local club, will "Winter In Seattle. Thlel-
man will go to St Cloud, Minn.; Runkle
for St Paul, and Starkells, who has been
signed by the New York Americans, will
spend the Winter In Tacoma. Kellackey
will return to his home In Cleveland. Irve
Beck-is undecided whether he will return
to Toledo.. O.. or stay in Portland. When
Andy Anderson and Van Buren return
there is to be a great big hunting party
In which Butler and several ball players
will take part.
"I am glad," said Manager Butler yes
terday, "that Walter-AMcCreed!e has
bought the team. Hfs uncle. Judge Mc
Creedle, is one of the best men I have ever
met It Is a man of Judge McCreedle's
splendid character that uplifts sport, and
the fact that he and Walter get the Port
land franchise Is one of the best things
for the game that could happen. If It Is
possible to give Portland a winning team
they will do it between them. Walter Mc
Creedle knows the game, and he knows
a ball player when he sees one. It he has
to buy players he will get the best He Is
personally well liked in the East and
will experience no trouble in getting men
to play for him.
"I have not decided upon my own plans
yet I like Portland, and of course would
rather play here than anywhere else. I
have an offer from President Sexton, of
the Three-I League, to manage a club
at Rock Island. When I assumed the
management of the team it was with the
understanding that if Ely had the team
next year that I was to be manager, and
if not I would be free to go where I
pleased. '
"Our trip South, In a measure, was a
success. We won one more game on the
trip than the Browns ever did before, and
we should have won two others that we
were tied for. Financially the trip was a
success, end at Los Angeles our share of
;be recelpts amounted to more than $700.
. . . . ...
we aiso maae money Dy iransierring tne
games to Sacramento. Luck was with
us there, for If It had not rained we
would have been up against some auto
mobile races. The rain prevented the
machines racing, and we got the crowd,
which was about the largest that ever fit
tended a ball game in that city."
A call has -been issued to. tho directors
and stockholders, announcing mere Is to
he a meeting at Bauer & Greene's law
office on Saturday morning at 11 o'clock.
HaMtaal constipation cured and the
bowels atreagthened by the regular use of
Curler's Little Liver Pills in 'small doses.
Doc't forgH this.
Leading Editor Says Russian
Reforms Will Be Delayed,
Foremost Spokesman of the Policy
Goes On to Say People Have No
Conception of the Meaning of
Constitutional Government.
ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 29. Prince
Meschersky, editor of the Crasbdanln,
and the foremost spokesman of the
autocracy, holds that the Inauguration
of such reforms as are at present pos-
slDle In Russia has been actually preju
diced by "the. irresponsible agitation
for a constitution which is now in
progress." Autocracy he considers vital
to the life and future greatness of
Russia as a nation. Liberal reforms, he
maintains, are necessary, but they can
not be introduced except by the. au
tocracy. Moreover, declares the Prince, a
broad plan of reform was already
mapped out for gradual Introduction
-when the whole work was thrownHbto
confusion by the Liberal reboundamc-
companied by the discussion of a in
stitution, which followed Minister von
Flehve's death. Speaking to the Asso
ciated Press today. Prince Mestchersky
"The question is often asked, why not
introduce a constitution? Russia might
as well ask an American or a Briton
why not introduce autocracy? A con
stitution Is just as necessary to Great
Britain or the" United States as au
tocracy Is for Russia. Russia without
autocracy would cease to be Russian.
The greatest contemporary Russian
statesmen, men of the most command
ing intellect like M. WItte, aro of this
Constitutional government Is impos
sible in Russia for the simple reason
that the vast majority of the peoplo
have not the slightest conception of
Its meaning. There are, perhaps, 100,000
Russians who want a constitution, and
as they do all the talking, while the
remaining 150,000,000 are voiceless, the
impression goes abroad that the sen
timent of the majority of the nation
desires a change in the form of gov
ernment Would Be Shortlived.
"If a constitution were Introduced to
morrow, it would be shortlived for the
simple reason that it would not be
based upon the ideas or wishes of the
people, and therefore it would only
Impede real and lasting reforms. Con
stitutional government would prove an
actual danger, because tho nation in
cludes races like the Poles and those
of the Baltic territory, who are more
advanced and developed that the rest
They would consequently soon obtain
a predominence in the Parliament
which would call forth the opposition
of the great mass of the population
and lead to tho disintegration of the
"Wo want reforms;, not a constitution.
I contend that reform is attainable only
through autocracy. The Imperial mani
festo of February, 1901, laid down a basis
of reform, which the government was
carefully preparing and gradually but
Burelyr carrying out when Von Plehve's
untimely end put & sudden stop to the
work. The fundamental Idea of this re
form Is to extend local government by
the creation of a small Zemstvo, thus be
stowing the widest possible measure of
self-government The project contemplat
ed a complete reorganization of the pres
ent form of ZcmstvoB, whereby local af
fairs would be submitted to the control of
those Immediately Interested, and ques
tions affecting the provinces at large
would be referred to a representative pro
vincial council under the presidency of
the Governor.
"Once local government should be estab
lished upon a firm basis, it was the in
tention of the sovereign to reform the cen
tral administration at St Petersburg. This
would probably be begun with the Intro
duction of Ministerial responsibilities. The
Council of the Ministry, which Is now
purely a perfunctory body, would sit un
der the presidency of the sovereign, thus
doing away with the irresponsibility of
Ministers. At present each Minister has
his own programme or policy, often in
conflict with other Ministers.
"The reforms would next Include the in
troduction of representative members in
the Council of the Empire, giving the
nation a voice in legislation. The Sen
ate would be restored to the primary func
tion for which It was created by Peter
the Great of controlling the administration
of the law and thus becoming a strong
safeguard against arbitrariness In admin
Wholesale Murders Are Reported In
German Southwest Africa.
LONDON, Nov. 30. The Standard's Capo
Town correspondent reports that the po
sition of the whites in German Southwest
Africa Is precarious. Wholesale murders
of Hottentots aro reported from various
sources, and an Uplngton dispatch states
that Insurgents have massacred 50 Dutch
settlers. White women and children, it
Is added, are fleeing from Capo territory.
Violent Student Demonstration.
PARIS, Nov. 29. There was a violent
student demonstration today in connec
tlon with the alleged Insults to the mem
ory of Joan of Arc made recently at the
Lycee Condorcc by a professor of his
tory. A crowd of S00 students engaged In
a demonstration before the Louvre and
charged a detachment of police. A lively
scuffle followed, during which arrests, In
cluding that of a girl student and the son
of a former Prefect of Police, were made,
Opponent of Zemstvos Called.
ST. PETERSBURG, "Nov. 29. The Grand
Duke Sergls, Governor-General of Mos
cow. Is reported to have arrived at Tsars
ko-Selo from Moscow. His presence at
Tsarsko-Seli Is presumed to be in con
nection with the Zemstvos propaganda.
concessions to which he is considered to
be bitterly opposed.
Edward Faulk Alleged to Have Influ
enced His Fellow Jurors.
Misconduct on the part of Juror Ed
ward Faulk in telling his fellow jurors
that he had studied law and knew what
he was talking about and they should
be guided by him, Is one of the grounds
set up by George o. fcnepnerd. attorney.
In a'motion which he has filed asking for
a new trial In the suit of Rodney Berger
against the Astoria & Columbia River
Railroad Company.
This case was tried recently before
Judge Frazer and the Jury, after being
out all night, returned a verdict In favor
of Berger for $100 damages. Berger was
put off a train near Astoria In July.
1902. He had a round trip from Portland
to Ilwaco, which the railroad company
refused to honor. In this motion for a
new trial the attorney alleges that the
amount of damages awarded Is InsufB
cient He also sets forth that Charles,
W. Fulton, counsel for the defease, wa
wrong in arguing to the jury that Rer
ger should have sued the O. R. & N. Co.
Juror Faulk is said to have told the
other 11 jurors that he had -studied law,
knew what he was talking about and
substituted his interpretation of law tor
the court's Instructions, whereby a com
promise verdict was reached. Faulk, by
holding out. Is said to have swung tho
majority of jurors to his way of think
ing, and brouhgt about the $100 verdict
The others wanted to give more.
Ngum Lun May Is Unable to Convince
Commissioner Siaden.
Ngum Lun May, a Chinaman, had his
hearing before United States Commis
sioner J. A. Siaden on the charge of
illegal residence, and was ordered de
ported. The caso was Btubbornly defended
and Ngum Lun will take an appeal.
The defense submitted that May had ar
rived In this country In 1SSS and that dur
ing the registration period he wa3 a mer
chant In San Francisco. It was contended
that under such circumstances it had not
been necessary for the defendant to take
out registration papers and that he had
not done so for this reason.
Tho testimony on the point of May's
career as a merchant was not sufficient
to satisfy the commissioner, and the fur
ther fact that May Is now a laborer
brought the order for deportation. The
appeal will bring the case before Judge
O. B. Eakin Sues Employers of Travel
lng Salesman.
O. B. Eakin has sued Wadhams & Kerr
Bros, in the State Circuit Court to re
cover 51S2 on account of a buggy and
team of horses furnished to B. F. Ger
main, one of their traveling salesmen, In
August 1903. For the use of the team
for 25 days Eakin demands JS2, which he
says he has not yet received. He alleges
that he had to go to Condon after one
horse, and to Madras for another, and
says Germain drove the horses 85 mlles
m a aay over a hilly road, rendering
them lame and sore, and injuring them.
we asKs tor 575 damages, 525 for loss of
time recovering his property, making the
total of 5182.
Kitchener's Reorganization Scheme
Greatly Enlarged.
LONDON, Nov. SO. The War. Office 13
in possession of the full details of Lord
Kitchener's army reorganization scheme.
No secret is made of the fact that par
ticular mention has been paid to points
which would offer convenient centers of
Russian, invasion in the event of hos
tilities, and in view of the recent im
broglio tho original plan- was consider
ably extended.
The keynote of the reorganization.
wmcn will entail expenditures to the
amount of $50,000,000, is to secure through
war training a great army In times of
peace, and to place the troops not only
where they can obtain such instructions,
out wnere their presence will be of per
manent atrateglc value.
With this object In view Northern In
dia has been divided by parallel Hnc3
Into a number of areas with their upper
pomis converging on the frontier, and
their respective bases well down In In
dia, were the word to mobilize given
seven or eight field forces, each frnm
15,000 to 20,000 strong, could, in .a. few
nours, tie concentrated on the border
land from east to west
neipiess woman Arises and Walks-
From Burning Building..
NEW YORK. Nov. 29. With MlMnm
held under their arms, ' clinging around
meir neexs or nanglng to their shoulders,
firemen early today carried 40 screaming
youngsters irom a burning tenement at
Nos. 231 and 236 Ninth avenue. At the
same time 30 adults followed the rescuers
down the fire escape. Among them was
a woman who, for two weeks, had been
helpless from a paralytic stroke.
The building, a five-story tenement was
occupied by 12 families. In which the
number of children average from 3 to 6.
The air shaft and stairways were ablaze
and the tenants fled to the fire escapes
in tneir nignt clothing. Mrs. W. A. Con-
naUghton, an aged woman living on the
second floor, who had been bedridden for
two weeks from paralysis, arose and
climbed Into the street unaided. The fright
of the moment seemed to have effected a
cure, and she hurried to a neighbor's
home without a twinge of pain. The finan
cial loss caused by the fire was small.
She Disappoints a Fashionable Audi
ence at Vienna.
VIENNA, Nov. 29. Madame Calve, who
has been making an extended concert
tour of Europe, disappointed a fashion
able audience here tonight It was an
nounced that sho was taken 111 and that
the doctors have diagnosed her ailment
as appendicitis. It Js feared an opera
tion will be necessary.
New Oregon Postmaster.
ington, Nov. 29. Albert Bunnlng was to
day appointed regular and Alva Wedell
substitute rural carrier on route No. 2, at
Cornelius. Or.
Henrietta Tate was today appointed
pastmaster at Crawfordsvllle, Or., vice
Anna Seits, resigned.
Peoplo who suffered from rheumatism
have taken Hood's Sarsaparllla and found
lasting reuer.
stupid. You
mm mt
sr m n imp I
1 1
atupia oecause you never tnougnt
? about his liver. There is where all
his trouble lies. A sluggish liver makes
a slueeisli mind. A bov cannot studv
when his blood is
Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. They are
all vegetable, sugar-coated. Dose, just one pill
I at bedtime. .Sold for
box of these pills in
3UA fee jr. c. Xr C XwU. Xw.
Alaa austutann of
JOTR'8 XASt YMOK-Tk the hair.
A23S tttAPMTT.-Tr the MMi.
Relative of Vanderbilts Gets
, divorce From Turk,
New York Society Is Greatly Sur
prised, Although Many Friends of
Heiress Shock Their Their
Heads When She Married.
PARIS, Nov. 29. The -first tribunal of
the Seine today decided in favor of
Countess Czaykowaky, formerly Miss
Edith L. Collins, of New York, and a
great granddaughter of Commodore Van
derbllt in her application for a separa
tion from her husband. Count Czay
kowisky, secretary of the Turkish Lega
tion at The Hague. The decree awards
the wife the care of tho children. The
Count pleaded the Turkish law gave him
control of the children above 7 years of.
age, but the court sustained tho Countess
plea that the Turkish law Is inapplicable
to parties resident outside of Turkey.
Many Friends of Heiress Shook Their
Heads When She Wed Turk.
NEW YORK, Nov. 29. (Special.) The
announcement from Paris that Countess
CzaykowskI has won her fight for divorce
has caused a profound sensation in society
circles here. Countess CzaykowskI was
formerly Miss Edith Collins, and Is a
great-granddaughter of Cgmmodore Van
derbilt The entire social world was
electrified when, in IS97, with an inherit
ance of J7.000.C00, she married the Secre
tary of the Turkish Legation at The
Always at
the foot of
the class
Do not blame I
the boy for be-1
ing dull and
are the stupid one!
. V
full of bile !
60 years. Always keep a
the house.
AYXR'S CXMtXr C90iXr-?r MMlK.
ATXR'S AffSX C1XKS rUrfe aa4jugM
workmen in the world can
do so much or use the same
intelligence that our own
American work -men and
women are capable of. That is why
America is now beating the world in
manufactures: all due to the brain
and muscle of our Yankee men and
Unfortunately where there is smoke,
dirt and dust and little sunlight there
also can be found the germs of dis
ease. Nature's great disinfectant is
sunlight Sunlight and fresh air pro
mote the growth of animals and plants
but kill the germs of disease. Air,
free from dust, such as we have on
the sea, never permits the germs of
disease to have any chance for growth
and development. It is in the fac
tory, the work-shop, the office, that
men and women suffer from diseases
which are in the dust and the bad
air. Such disease germs enter into,
the blood in two ways, either through
the lungs or stomach. If the blood
is pure and rich, the liver and stom
ach in healthy active condition, the
germs of disease cannot find a resting
place there to multiply. Disease of
the lungs, bronchitis, and consump
tion, are very apt to spread through
a factory where there is much fine
dust in the air. The lungs become
irritated and the germs, find a fertile
field for growth. Extreme weakness,
feelings of aervous exhaustion, coughs
and colds are the warning signals
which should be heeded. One should
put the system in the very best possi
ble condition right away.
After years or experience in an zc-t
tive practice, Dr. Fierce discovered, a
remedy that suited these conditions
in a blood-maker and tissue-builder,
which at the same time alleviates the
cough. He called it Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery an altera
tive extract that assists in the diges
tion and assimilation of the food in
the stomach so that the blood gets
what it needs for food and oxidation,
the liver is. at the same time started
into activity and there is perfect
elimination of waste matter. When
the blood is pure and rich, all the
organs work without effort, and the
body is like a perfect machine; if,
however, any part is allowed to rust,
and this human machine does not
get its full supply of rich red blood
(which acts like oil on machinery),
then new fields are created in which
the bacteria or germs of disease thrive
and multiply. The germs of grip,
malaria, catarrh or consumption find
a fertile field if the body is not kept in
perfect order and the blood pure. No
Hague. In all the courts of Europe tho
International union was looked upon with
favon. In this country friends of the
heiress, who knew but little of the strange
romance, shook their heads doubtfully
and wondered at tho strange contrast of
religions. When friends approached
Chauncey M. Depew, her guardian, he
said he approved the choice made by his
"Tho Count is a- very anle-jnan," said
he. "I don't care what his religion is. I
don't care what a man's religion Is, so
long as he has one."
In bringing suit for divorce, which was
granted today, the Countess asserted that
1 Frencn actress, Juanlte De Frezia, was
the principal cause of domestic Infelicity.
She declared she found her husband at the
opera in Paris with the actress, and also
discovered that certain Jewels which were
paid for with her own money were being
worn by the new charmer. A most in
volved situation, which for a time serious
ly threatened the health of tho Countess
during the court proceedings, was the
contention raised by the Count over her
a molher should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and
danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery.
Mother's Friend is the only remedy which relieves women of the great
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JZW wSJ'vRStai.i oa TPrivat Diseases seat tre to all who 4.
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DR. WALKER, 181 First Street, Corner Yamftilf, Portia Or,
man or woman can be strong or feel.
happy who is suffering from indiges-.
tion. Because the stomach is diseased
there is a diminution of the red corpus
cles of the blood. This is why one
is sleepless, is languid,, nervous and
irritable. Sensitive stomachs groan
aloud at the irritating Cod liver oils,
but they will get all the 'food' ele
ments the tissues require by using .
the "Golden Medical Discovery."
Mr. Roy A. Reed, of Casper, Wyoming,
writes : "For eight years I had catarrh
of the throat in the very worst form ;
could hardly speak above a whisper for
two years. Tried nearly a dozen patent
medicines withoutTrclief: " I was'sodis-'
couraged that I just about decided ca
tarrh could not be cured with any medi
cine. My father, however, advised me"
to try Dr. Pierce's medicines before giv
ing up. I followed his advice and com
menced using the medicine on the twen- '
tieth of December. I was surprised to
note-the result of the first month's treat
ment After using six bottles of Dr.
rierce's Golden Medical Discovery, I
was perfectly cured. It has been months
since I took the last medicine, and I
have not had the least return of my
trouble. I have felt better during the."
past two months than for seven winters
previous to this time."
Mrs. Lydia James, of Ogdensburg,
Wis., writes : "In regard to your medi
cine will say that the 'Golden Medical
Discovery' is a God-send to suffering
women. I was sick in bed with liver
complaint and kidney disease arid fever
when I began to take Dr. Pierce's Gold--en
Medical Discovery. In ten davs'
time I was so I could begin to get around
the house, and gained right along. After
that, took about five bottles of it and am
sure. I would have been in my grave by
this time had it not been for this1 rem
edy.. I would advise all suffering women
to use Dr. Pierce's medicines."
C P.- Spencer, of Piano, Ofcla., wrote :
"I can hardly express ray thanks for the
benefit I have received from taking' Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and
Pleasant Pellets.' They worked like a
charm in my case. Am m better health
now than for some time, and will not fail
to recommend your medicines to my
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ceive my thanks for the good your med-
icine has done me."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, the
best laxative for old people. They
cure constipation and biliousness.
No book except the Bible and dic
tionary has circulated so widely as.
"The People's Common Sense Med
ical Adviser," by R. V. Pierce,. M.. D.
Nearly two million copies have gone
into American homes. Send 21 cents
in one-cent stamps, for this 1,000-page
hook in paper covers, or 31 cents for
a copy in cloth binding. Address Dn
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
right to claim guardianship of their chil
dren. In the decision handed down today
the chlldtsn are placed in the care of their
mother. This victory was gained only
after a fierce combat between opposing
lawyers The proceedings brought to a
close today were filled with bitter denun
elation by both parties to the suit in open1
court ' "
. Miss Collins,!? a direct descendant of
the famous - Commodore VanderbUt. She
is also a cousin In the same " generation
to the present Cornelius, Alfred, Reginafd
snd William K. Vanderbilt, Mrs. William
J. Schieffelln, Mrs. Ernest Fabri, Mrs.,D.
Hennen Morris, Mrs. Abercromble Bur
den and Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney.
Milan Aldermen Resign;
MILAN, Italy, Nov. 29. Following the
defeat of the lawless elements as a re
sult of the municipal elections, Sunday,
all the radical members of the Municipal
Council have resigned. A Rural Commis
sioner will conduct the administration of
Milan until the general administrative
Every mother feela a
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