Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 30, 1904, Image 3

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Strikers atZiegler Send
irr 500 Shots.
Response Is Made by Four
Gatlings at Mines.
Lelter Arrives With More Men From
Chicago Company f Militia Also
Comes, and Force Is Likely
to Be Increased.
BENTON, -EL, Nov. 23. Zelgler was
fired upon last night from sundown to
daylight. It la Intimated that no less
than 500 shots -were fired at the town.
The town was completely surrounded, and
the firing came from every quarter. Re
Eponse to this fusillade was made hy four
Gatllng guns placed at various polnt3
about the mine buildings. Assistant Adjutant-General
Heece and the Carhondale
militia company arrived at Zelgler today,
and General Heece will remain several
days to Investigate the situation. It la
thought that still more troops will be
Joseph Lelter reached Zelgler today
with more miners from Chicago. Exam-,
1 nation of the ground this morning showed
that the men who were firing have power
ful guns. They were stationed from one
half to three-quarters of a mile away
from the town. Almost a bushel of empty
shells of every size were found In the
woods. A trail of blood was found on a
rail fence, and from this It la supposed at
least one person was wounded. Further
trouble Is anticipated.
Union Leader Says No Troops Needed.
BUQUERN, I1L, Nov. 29. John Conroy,
president of the local branch of the
United Mineworkers, said today:
"There Is no need of soldiers at Zelgler.
There has been no violence, nor Is any
anticipated. Our men are comfortably
quartered at their camp, and have made
no demonstration whatever. It Is pre
sumed that Letter intends Importing ex
pert miners from Pennsylvania, and that
he has Induced Sheriff Stein to ask for
assistance simply to have the soldiers act
as guards, the same as Deputy Sheriffs
have been doing since the strike began,
June 10.
"I believe that Governor Tates has been
misinformed as to the situation. The
miners are convinced that. Lelter is un
dertaking a hopeless task; others have
tried what he Is now trying and gave it
up. lie will find his efforts more expen
sive than his failure to corner wheat."
All persons, including newspaper men,
are barred from the stockades of Zelgler.
No' one but Joseph Lelter, it Is said, can
Issue permits passing any one through
the line. t
Parry So Reports In Annual Address
to Industrial Association.
NEW YORK. Nov. 29. Members of the
Citizens' Industrial Association, repre
senting all sections of the country, were
present when the second annual conven
tion of the association opened here today.
It is the wish of the convention tp bring
about a complete organization of manu
facturers, business men and all employ
ers, and to advocate the open-shop idea.
All employers not affiliated with the as
sociation were invited to attend the con
vention. President David M. Parry, in his an
nual address, reviewed the growth of the
"open shop" movement, and said that
within a year 1000 factories have opened
their doors to workmen who do not be
long to unions. In some of these fac
tories, he said, the output per man has
been increased from 25 to 50 per cent. Mr.
Parry said:
"If trades unionists had become domi
nant in this country," he said. "I have
not the least doubt that our industries
would languish and our streets would be
filled with idle men. No other results
could possibly result from a system that
'would base a reward of labor, not on
merit, but on the power of organization
to dlctato terms, a system that "would re
strict our output, discourage enterprise
and permit the Indolent and least effi
cient to set the pace for Industry."
Mr. Parry declared that the courts have
with practical unanimity held that the
closed shop cannot be maintained by
means of contracts between employers
and unions, for the reason that such con
tracts are illegal and void, in that they
tend to produce a monopoly and are un
constitutional and against public policy.
"The question," he said, "then arises,
whether the closed shop can be main
tained in the absence of contracts by the
method of the unions refusing to work
with nonunlonmen.
"I believe that when any organization
takes concerted action to quit work
merely to prevent men not in their or
ganization from earning their right to la
bor, an Injury is inflicted upon the men
forced out of employment which should
entitle them to some redress. The unions
must also remember that while they have
the right to quit work, the employer has
the right to employ whom he pleases."
Mr. Parry, speaking of the Socialist
vote, said:
"It may be considered unfortunate by
some that the result of compelling the
unions to Abide by the laws is to drive
a ' portion of their membership into the
Socialist party, but certainly it is no ar
gument to say that the unions should be
permitted to follow their own sweet will
in order that their members may not be
come Socialists. The growth of the So
clolist pary simply adds additional force
to the necessity that confronts the em
ployers to take an active part In shaping
public sentiment to the end that our
great individualistic form of government
may be maintained."
In closing Mr. Parry laid special stress
on the educational feature of the work of
the Citizens' Industrial Association. He
said the association has made marvelous
progress in the first year of its organiza
tion, and that it was certain to become
one of the most powerful and influential
forces for good to be found In the world.
The work, he .said, that it has undertaken
must and shall go forward.
Citizens of Murray, Utah, Want More
- Desirable Class of Workmen.
SALT LAKE CITY, Nov. 29. At a mass
meeting of citizens of Murray, called to
consider means for getting rid of the for
eign laborers employed at the smelters,
who are held responsible for the recent
series of crimes. Including two murders.
It -was unanimously voted to have a com
titee -confer with the immigration bureau
of the Mormon Church in an effort to
bring In a more desirable class of laborers
to . supercede the Greeks and Austrians
now employed.
Mayor J. H. Stratton, who presided.
stated a letter had been received from
the authorities of the Mormon Church
offering assistance by encouraging other
immigrants to come to Utah. He also
stated the smelter officials bad expressed
a willingness to hire other men than
Greeks and Austrians if these others were
imported. The plan was strongly opposed
by A. "W. Charters, state organizer for
the western Federation of Miners, who
said he would call the attention of the
United States Commissioner of Labor to
the apparent violation of the contract la
bor laws. About TOO Greeks and Austrians
are employed at the smelters.
Director Friendly to Miners Out.
COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo.. ?fo 39.
William Barth. of Denver, and John T.
Mllllkin. of St. Louis, were elected di
rectors of the Colorado Springs & Cripple
Creek District Railroad today to succeed
James F. 'Burns and John G. Shields, of
this city. The failure to re-elect. Mr.
Burns is regarded here as significant, in
view of his opposition to the" Colorado
Mineowners' Association in the recent
campaign against the Western Federa
tion of Miners.
Tellurlde Strike Is Off.
OURAY. Colo.. Nov. 29. After a
meeting of the San Juan District Min
ers' Association tonight. President
Moyer. of the . Western Federation
of Miners, gave out the statement that
the strike in the Tellurlde district had
been declared off, and an official state
ment to this effect would be Issued im
mediately. B00SEVELT AGAIN HOME.
Large Crowd Cheers the President
.When He Alights From His Car.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29. President
Roosevelt arrived here at 7.-02 A. M. from
his visit to the St. Louis Exposition. The
special train was awaited by a -throng of
several hundred at the station, and as It
drew Into the depot the crowd broke Into
cheers. It was 25 minutes later when the
President, accompanied by Mrs. Roosevelt
and Miss Alico Roosevelt, alighted from
their car. They were conducted Immedi
ately to their carriage and driven rapidly
to the White House.
The trip of the President, in some cir
cumstances, was one of the most notable
he ever" took. The arrangements for the
comfort, convenience and personal safety
of the President and Mrs. Roosevelt were
the most thorough ever made. They were
planned, with the approval of Mr. Roose
velt, by Secretary Loeb and John E. Wll
kie, chief of the secret service. They were
accepted by President D. R. Francis, of
the Exposition Company, and by the St.
Louis officials, and were carried into ef
fect absolutely to the letter.
Reply to Messages Referring to Pres
ident's Visit to Exhibits.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 29. Additional mes
sages in reply to those sent out to the
crowned heads of countries whose exhib
its were visited by President Roosevelt
on his trip through the World's Fair
have been received by President Francis,
of the exposition, as follows:
"Schloss Mendeck Obersehl, Nov. 29.
"D. R. Francis, President of the Expo
sition: Thank you so much for telegram.
Am so glad to hear again that German
exhibit a success and was kindly ap
preciated by President Roosevelt. I trust
it will be remembered as a precious test
of good friendship between American and
German people
(Signed) "WILLIAM. L R."
"Toklo, Nov. 29. To President Francis,
St. Louis: His Majesty haa accepted your
kind telegram with great pleasure.
(Signed) "TOKUBAUL"
Czar Indorses Policy of MIrsky.
ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 29. The stu
dent bodies of St. Petersburg have adopt-
Our furs are noted for their
superiority of style and quality and
for the ah solute perfection of their
construction. We are manufactur
ers, purchasing our skins in the raw
state and zealously watching every
detail in their fashioning.
Our selection in furs is the larg
est in the "West, embracing a va
riety of styles in all the most fav
ored furs.
$1.25 Gloves 98c
We are offering a special line of
ladies' gloves, in all colors, includ
ing gray, mode, tan, black, white
and "brown in the two-clasp style
with Paris point stitching. The reg
ular price of these gloves is $1.25,
we are placing them on sale
Wednesday and Thursday at 89
Ladies' Flannel Waists
$5.00 Values $3.85
Ws place on sala & "beautiful assemblage of flannel waists in nuBS
TtOing, mohair, canvas cloth and French flannels, in plaids, stripes and,
solid colors. Waists wa have always sold at $5.00. On sale at $3.85
ed resolutions to support Interior Minis
ter Svlatopolk-Mirsky. It now transpires
that the students' demonstration planned
for yesterday waa in approval of the
Minister's policy.
Prince Svlatopolk-Mirsky will have a
special audience with Emperor Nicholas
tomorrow. It is said in court circles,
where the opposition to the Interior Min
ister's policy is the greatest, that when
the Minister reminded the Emperor that
he had taken office under certain condi
tions, and that he was ready to resign" if
his policy did not receive his majesty's
approval, the Emperor gave the Minister
the most complete assurances of his confi.
dence and indorsement of his policy.
Mystery of Disappearance of Promi
nent Ranchman Is Cleared Up.
SUNDANCE, Wyo., Nov. 29. The mys
tery' it the disappearance of James Gar
rett, a prominent ranchman, on October
19, has been cleared by the confession of
Willie Erickson. a 19 -year-old boy. Erlck
son confesses that on October 19, while
Garrett was driving off a calf belonging
to the Ericksons, he was met by Otto
Erickson, who commanded him to release
the calf. Garrett, in reply, knocked Otto
from his horse and attempted to shoot
him with a rifle. The boy was too quick
and shot Garrett three times. Garrett fell
from his horse, still alive, and the Erick
sons dragged him into some bushes and
there cut his throat with a knife, despite
his appeals for mercy.
Later In the day Otto returned to the
body and, tying a rope to the feet, dragged
it some distance to a new hiding place.
Two days later Willie and Otto packed
the body on a horse and moved it four
miles, depositing It where it was found
later by searching parties.
New Yorker Throws Himself From
Third Floor of London Hotel.
LONDON, Nov. 23. Elverton Chap
man, aged 23, whose home Is la New York
City, committed suicide last night at the
Carlton Hotel by throwing himself from
the third-floor landing to the vestibule,
where he was shockingly mangled on the
marble floor. His skull was crushed, one
arm shattered, and there were other in
juries from which he died In terrible
agony within a few minutes.
Chapman arrived at the Carlton from
Paris last Saturday, accompanied by his
valet. He complained of ill health and
apparently the management suspected
that his mind was' unhinged, as they de
tailed a man to watch him. The de
ceased remained In his room till Monday.
After dressing for dinner last evening
ho left his room and, upon arriving at
the head of the staircase, suddenly eluded
the attendant, sprang forward, cleared the
banister and fell three flights to the
ground. The vestibult was filled with
well-dressed men and women who were
proceeding to the dlnlng-hall. In his fall
he narrowly escaped striking the wife of
the Mexican Minister, General Gallardo.
Father Is a New York Banker.
NEW YORK. Nov. 29. E. R. Chap
man, the young man who committed
suicide in a sensational manner In a
London hotel last night, was the son
of E. R. Chapman, senior member of the
firm of E. It. Chapman & Co., bankers,
of this city. Young Chapman was about
23 years old, and had recently gradu
ated from Oxford. Ho visited his home
here early in the present year. During
his stay here he appeared to be in ex-
jC&e Non-Irritating
Easy to take, easy to operate-
Hood's Pills. -
Our corset department, on the third
floor, is now in charge of an expert
fitter and" demonstrator of many years
experience who will he pleased to give
you any" information, or tell you all
about corsets, as she is fully able to
do. Our stock includes all the best
styles, including the "Anita," Eoyal
Duchess, 'Odette," the E. and G. and
children's Ferris' ""Waists. "We also
carry a line of corsets especially
adapted to fancy gowns.
AH corsets from 1.00 up are fitted
free of charge.
75c Fancy Hose 59c
A spledid line of ladies' fancy
hose we are placing on sale at a
price which makes this a very
tempting offer. The line consists
of fancy hose in lisle and cotton,
embroidered figures and stripes;
regular 75c values, per pair 59
. We make all kinds of Drapery
work, Portieres and Window
Shades to order.
Knit Goods
For Baby's Wear
Hundreds of dainty knit and
crocheted articles of wearing ap
parel designed for baby's use all
priced at wee prices.
crocheted of fine zephyrs, trim
med .ribbons, white body with
pink, blue and white ribbons; ex
cellent values at 35c, 50c, 75c.
$1.00 and up to 2.25
crocheted, of worsteds, white with
pink or blue trimmings; excellent
values at 12c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c
and up to $1.75
silk, white and cardinal red, 20c,
30c, 35c, 65 $
INFANTS' CAPES -With hoods,
hand crocheted, white with pink
or blue trimming; excellent values
at $1.35 and $1.75
cardinal and black 35, 65
White and black 75, $1.25
YouCanBuy Women's and Children's
$4 Hats Today at 59c
This hat special is worth a special
trip down town They being the
choicest bargain plum ever picked.
There are Women's Hats, Misses'
Hats, Children's Hats in the ready-to-wear
and trimmed effects All of
1 them this season's goods. Values
to $4. Choice today at 5S.
DOLLS' HATS We make Dolls'
Hats to order. We will furnish the
materials or use that furnished by
our customers. Prices are only nom
inal ones.
Great Leather
Goods Sale, 50c
A sale made possible because
manufacturer miscalculated in
financial matters. A rapid ad
justment of his troubles led him
to sell goods away below value.
You benefit greatly. Prices
ought to be 75, 8o, $1.
Picture frames, blotter pads,
perpetual Calendars with ther
mometers, men's coin purses,
sewing sets, card cases, 'Ker
chief boxes, glove boxes, col
lar and cuff boxes, memoran
dum book sets, Address books,
note books, pocket companions,
stamp cases, coin purses, mail
bags, music rolls, cigar cases,
hand bag, phone registers. All
on sale at 50.
cellent health, both physically and
mentally, and his friends say they are
unable to account for his strange ac
tion In taking his life.
Thirty-First National Convention
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 29. The 31st"Na
tlonal convention of the National Wom
en's Christian TemDerance Union began
here today In the Baptist Temple. The
union numbers more than 20,000 members
The Whiskey
with a
Awarded ths GOLD MEDAL at the
Louisiana Purchase Exposition for
Superior Quality, Parity cud Per
fection, of Ajra
l"er sal at && leadtag bars, eafes
Hd drag; stare
S. KSRSGH & G0.7Kaiius GKyf Me.
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Today's Remarkable Sale
of $4.50 Waists at $1.98
It may sound trite and threadbare to describe this offering of Women's Waists as the very
best we've ever offered. But it's part of a great business to be ever improving and progressing
and to make each month, each year mark an advance over the month or year preceding.
When you see these Waists you'll cheerfully admit that we've bettered all our previous
offers in Waist bargains.
These Waists are made of the highest quality of heavy white mercerized Madras in a variety of
choice brocaded designs. The fronts are in plaited effect, have French back, full pouch sleeves
r . . l n V -v . . .
- ana iancy sxock courts., une particular point to De rememDerea
, is the absolute perfect fit. We state that their value is $4.50
We could say $5, and nven a bit more and .then not be jeopard
izing the truth any. These wonderful Waists are on sale, today
Some Excellent Coats for
Women at $9.98
f Actual Values Are from $17.50 to $20.00
These coats were made specially for us over a selected model and
present most unusual values. All are brand new and as stylish as
they are serviceable.
These coats are made of excellent kerseys in tan and castor made in fancy
stitched and strapped styles, 36 to 40-inch lengths; some of them have
capes while others are made without. All are lined with satin of excellent
quality; $17.50 to $20 is a very conservative estimate of their value, yet
our price is only $9.98
Stylish Suits at $12.75 Which
Are Worth $20 to $30
Altogether a most attractive collection of stylish Tailored Suits
Full of little touches of newness that women will enjoy seeing
and possessing.
Tailor-made Suits Made of cheviots, oroadcloths and fancy
mixed men's wear materials Colors ar; brown, navy, blue and
black In vestee, coat and blouse styles, some are plain tailor-
made, others are fancy effects None in the
lot less than a $20 value, from that up to
$30 Choice of the line today at only
"Dollyland" a Country Full
of Joy for Little Folks
The storm center of interest for the little ones these days is
"Dollyland." Everyone loves our dolls, they are so natural and
pretty. As one little mother was overheard to say: "I just feel
like taking them into my arms and squeezing them."
The three special lots mentioned below were picked at random .
Take any Doll among the thousands it's just as priceworthy.
a i)Cp Thirteen-inch kid body Dolls Moving eyes full
Al jointed.
At 35C rteen"nc1 k bv Dolls Moving eyes, fine kid
A f OA, Twenty-inch kid body Dolls Have shoes and
stockings Jointed Go to sleep.
and includes in Its ranks members of
every Christian denomination. Five hun
dred delegates, representing every state
and territory in the Union, are in at
tendance at the convention. Presidents
of representative women's union clubs
will be Invited to make addresses during
the convenUon, and many well-known
clergymen and educators will join the
speakers. Representatives from numer
ous charitable and social improvement
societies will also address the meeting.
The chief features of today's programme
was the annual address of Mrs. Lillian
M. N. Stevens, of Portland, Me., presi
dent of the organization. Mrs. Stevens
has failed to attend but one convention in
20 years, and at that time she was kept
at home by Jllness. v
Mrs. Susan M. D. Fry, of Illinois, cor
responding secretary, reported that dur
ing the year 272 new unions were organ
ized and MIS members secured for the
National organization. In addition to 2231
local Temperance Legion members.
Twenty states were aided by the Fran
ces Wlllard fund, the sum distributed
being 51055. For organization purposes
$3053 was spent. Mrs. Helen Morton Ba
ker, of Illinois, the National treasurer,
reported that total receipts from all
sources were J5S.215, of which Jl 5,475 were
dues. The expenditures totaled $55,961.
leaving a balance of $2264. which, with the
balance from last year, gives the treas
ury $3042.
Graphophone Company Asks Receiver
Be Named for His Works.
TRENTON, N. J., Nov. 29. The Inter
national Graphophone Company today In
stituted suit In the Court of. Chancery
asking for the appointment of a receiver
for the Edison Phonograph Works, of
Orange, N. J., and also asking" tliat
Thomas A. Edison. Jobs F. Xandclph,- XL
W. Gilmore. the Edison Fboaegras
Company and tbe NatSosal PhBOgr3t
Company make discovery of the niiiti
aad pcoflU -oC the Ettooa FhaogTpfc
Picture Store
We place on sale today in the
picture store four great lots of
etchings at prices which are just
one-half of those asked else
where.. LOT 1 Framed Etchings, 22x9
inches in size, dark oak QSm
frames, special 7JW
LOT 2 Framed Etchings, 25x10
inches, white mats, Mission
moulding, M. "j K
special.... pi5r4J
LOT 3 Framed Etchings, 23x
13, 3-inch gilt frames, brass
corners, R
special tyltOKJ
LOT 4 Framed Etchings, 32x
18, white mats, heavy oak
frames, gilt-linings C 12 CA
-special 40UU
Works, alleged in the bill to be diverted
wrongfully to the National Phonograph
Company and to the Edison Manufactur
ing Company. Insolvency Is not alleged.
It Is also asked that the defendants
make a statement of all profits or moneys
that have been, diverted from the Edison
Phonograph works, by Edison'. Randolph,
Gilmore, the Edison Manufacturing Com
pany, the National Phonograph Com
pany or any of them.
The International Phonograph Com
pany owns 1440 shares of the Edison Pho
nograph works and the bill charges that
this company and Edison In 1S30 agreed
to form the United Phonograph Company,
which was to have closed business rela
tions with the Edison Phonograph works
Tor Infants and CMlirea.
Vh KM Yh Han Alwip BNgH
Bears the
All over this Coast,
Schilling's Best is in every
one's mouth:,
flararing ex&actl
They go far to make living
This k the ealy store ia tiw
city which does artistic a&d reli
able picture f ramimg.
ncn back, lull pouch sleeves
New College Calendars, very
pretty, Harvard, Yale, Prince
ton, University of Pennsyl
vania, Univeristy of Chicago,
Columbia. Entire set
special today, at. . . .
Music Store
Out today
Containing all .these pieces .
"Navajo," "Sweetest Girl in
"Dixie," "Cordelia Malone,"
"Bedelia," "Seminole," "The
Man Behind," "It Was the
Dutch," "Zanzibar," "Under a
Panama," "Nancy Lee" and 20
Others. The greatest folio ever
published. Regular
price 75c Special ....27
Warm Gloves
A-f CI ff Fownes' gen
l p J..UVS uine English
2-clasp fancy silk lined cash
mere -Gloves, black, gray and
At 35c
Women's .wool
Golf Gloves in
plain white, black, navy blue,
red and fancy two-toned ef
fects. Puff and
Soap Boxes
Fancy white-glass Puff Boxes,
with white metal tops silver
ornamented Eboniod Soap
Boxes great special at.. 25
and to handle phonographs made by the
latter company. It is further charged
that in 1896 the National Phonograph
Company was formed by Edison, and oth
ers, and that this latter company fur
nished phonographs' to the- exclusion and
to the financial detriment of the Inter
national Company.
Any one can take Carter's Little Llvei
Pills, they are so very small. No trouble
to swallow. No pain, or griping after
Tutfs Pills
Cure All
liver Ulg
Twenty Years Proof.
Tutt's Liver Pills keep the bow
els in naturalraotion and cleanse
.the system of all impurities An
absolute cure for sick headache,
dyspepsia, sour stomach, con
stipation and kindred diseases.
"Can't do without item"
R. P. Smith, Chilssburg", Va.
writes I don't knowhow I could
do without them. I have had
Liver disease for over twenty
yean. Am nr esntineiy. cured.
Tutt's LNtr Pills