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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1904)
THE aiOKINI.Nl UCiSUUJ?flAJSr, TvVTfiDZt BSD A"jl , xxa VifJixiSiTK 3D, imj. Twt SkifK lick tf Cirpi Roxbury Carpets Have been the standard Tapes try Brussels for a generation. Best Quality. Handsomest Styles. Largest Assortment. We carry more than 30 patterns suitable for every room in the house; sewed, lined and laid, $1.25 Exclusive Carpet House J.GJack&Co. 86-88 Third St. EatDpMU'Pkn THB PORTLAND PCBTUKD, OR. American Plan also European Plan. Modera Restaurant. $3 PER DAY and upward. COST QMS MILLION POTT, KB. Sermon on Ventilation. NEW YORK, Nov. 29. Lack of oxygen in the room where he slept has caused the death, of Charles Krasny, o. machinist living In Newark, N. J. The one door and -window were so tightly closed as to make the room practically airtight. When he retired, Krasney started a small gas heater. This soon exhausted the oxygen in the room and Krasny died In his Bleep. CLASSIFIED A3). BATES. "Rooms." "Boonu and Board." "Hbuse Iteeping Booms," "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," SO cents for 15 words or less; 1C to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. IMPORTANT The low second-time rate on advertising that runs either In the classified columns, or under head "New Today," will be Riven .only when advertising Js Inserted on consecutive days. Bally and Sunday Issues. Advertising that Is scheduled to appear at Intervals of one or more days apart will be charged for at full one-nme rate each in sert! oa. "NEW TODAT" (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonian, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed en velope. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonian will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone AUCTION SALES TODAT. Turkish rug sale today at Baker's auction house, cor. Alder and Park. Sale at 2 and 8 P. M. Geo. Baker & Co., auctioneers. By J. T. Wilson, at salesroom, ISO First, corner Yamhill, at 10 A. JL J. T. Wilson, Auctioneer. At residence. CSG 20th st. N., at 10 o'clock A- it. S. L, N. Gllman. Auctioneer. MEETJNONOTICES. WASHINGTON COUNCIL NO. 8. R, & 8. MASTERS Special assem bly will be held In Masonic Hall, Burkhardt building. East Side, this (Wednesday) evening, 7:30 oclock. for the purpose of installing officers and pay ment of dues. Vteltlng companions cordially invited. Refreshments. By order Th. I1L M. C. M. BROSY. Recorder. PORTLAND LODGE NO. KS. A. F. & A. M. Special communication this (Wednesday) evening. 7:80 o'clock. "Work In M. M. degree. All M. M. are cordially invited. By order W. M. X. W. PRATT. Secretary. . SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 2. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening at S o'clock. Election of officers. Visitors wel come. M. OSVOLD. Secretary. BORN. KELSEY On November 2J, 1004. to the wife of Judson Kelsey. of near Forest Grove, a daughter weighing 144 ounces, the parents of whom are the best-pleased couple on the Pacific Coast, Dr. C. L. Large attending. DIED. KNIGHT At La Canada, Cal., November 28, 1004. Ethel Knight, aged 21 years, 11 months and 11 days. Sister of Dr. A. F. Knoder, of this city. Notice of funeral hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES. PENDERS In this city, on November 2S. 1904. Christian H. Fenders, age 65 years S months. Funeral Wednesday morning, No vember 30. 1904. 0 A. M., from Holman's cnapei. corner xnira ana salmon streets. 0:30 A. M., from St. Joseph's Church, cor ner Fifteenth and Couch streets. Inter ment Mount Calvary Cemetery. Chicago ana Minneapolis papers piease copy. SANDERSON In this city, November 2S 1004, Thomas G. Sanderson, aged 3S years, mem ber of the Brotherhood Railroad Trainmen No. 315 of La Grande, Or. The remains will be shipped this morning on the 9:15 train for La Grande. DUNNING, McENTEE GILBAUGK. nucceasors to Donning X Campion, under takers and embalmers, modern In every de tail. 7th and Pine. Phono Mais 4S8. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO, Undertakers and embalmers, have moved to their sew balU Sag, Third and Sal-mar Lady asrietaat. TdsffhoBe No. H7. jr. P. nXLEY SON, Faaeral Directors, car. Sd ad MacHsea. Office ef Cesaty Cor mmt. Lady assistant. Telephone X. S. t T. S. DUNNING, UBdertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady mtflstnat. Tclepaaae East M. TRADE MARK Two Stripes WsfM Fn . lack if Carpet per yard c -jr. zmmK, acgr. Exclusive Carpet House iMuamvmmtm.runMi. wsm $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day EUBOBUTEM roiTioKisrsui COKKEICIU TUTElEtl Special ritii Bi4 to families and single gentle znen. The man agement Trill be pleased at all time to show rooms and give price. A modera Turkish bath es tablish meat la the hotel, li. C. BOWERS, M&ntrcr. AMUSEMENTS. Marquam Grand Theater w.t.mmu Phone Main S68. Retideat Mxagtr Tonight and Tomorrow Night, TONIGHT AHD!"Th npvil'c 1 Spscta:n!ar T0K0RH0W a at lEitniaguzi KIGHT I Auction. Burlesque Everything new but the title. Prices Lowr floor, $1, 75c Balcony, 75c, 50c Gallery. 25c, 35c. Boxes and loses, $7.50. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS IT. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER l&Sfflgfe Phono Main SCS. Friday and Saturday night, Dec 2, 3, 1004, Special-price matinee Saturday, at 2:15 o'clock. tod Forget I William Morris in' f vSL "Who's Brown" e The comedy success of tho year. Evening prices Lower floor, $1. Balcony, 75c. 50c Gallery. 25c, 35c , Special matinee prices 75c, 50c. 25c SEATS ARE NOW SELLING. J The Grand Theater (Formerly Cordray's.) To see the best In the land You must patronize the Grand. A Tremendous Bill! 10 TOP-LINE ACTS 10. RAWLES & VON KAUFMAN In "Mush" a scream. THE FOUR MANGEANS. Society Acrobats. CHARLES AND IDA KALMO. Lightning-Change Dancers. TOMMY HAYES, Musical Trick Bone Soloist. Together with Walsh and Llgon. The Em plre Trio. Ed. B and Rolla White. Mr. Alf Bonner In a pictured melody and the great Grandlscope with "The Elopement" and "YVinie-s vacation." Admission to any Seat. 10c: box seats. 25c Matinees. 2 to 5 P. M.; evenings. 7 to 11 THE STAR THEATER Cor. Park and Washington. The Best and Most Fashion able Vaudeville Theater 6-Austrian Girls-6 4-Mozart Comedy Four-4 RICK AND WALTERS, GAIUUTT SISTERS. TINT WELSH. THE PROJECTOSCOPE, Shows-2:30 to 4:S0 P. 1L, 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. General admission, 10c; reserved box seats, 25c THE ARCADE THEATER The original family vaudeville house. This Week. La Monfs Cockatoo Circus THE GREAT MALCOLM. BILLY 3ULLER, KATE COYLE. LEICESTER AND WILSON. AMERICAN BIOSCOPE. Shows 2:S0 to 4:30 P. M 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. Admission. 10c to any seat. BAKER THEATER KEATING & FLOOD, Managers. Third and Yamhill. LARGEST CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE HOUSE IN THE WORLD. EVERY SEAT 10c One performance afternoon; two every evening. BIJOU THEATER EIXTH ST.. OPP. OREGONIAN. THIS WEEK'S PROGRAMME: Walker & LabelL McNamee. Clay Modeler. , , Audrey Sisters. Harry Steele Lydell and Butterworth. The Two Ross. Pearl Greyson. Moving Pictures on the VltascoDc Afternoons from 2 to 4:30; evenings from 7 to 10:30: continuous Sundays, 2 to 10:30. A amission. luc LYRIC THEATER (Corner Alder and Seventh.) HIQH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2 JO to 4:30: 7:36 to 1030; Ssnday. X to X P. M. This ad, and lOe will adsatt two pJ any his. tine, except Sundays aad bolt. TEN CENTS N SOUS, NEW TODAY. TO MONEY SAVERS THE OLpEST TRUST COMPANY. IN OREGON." Will pay 4 per cent Interest on any sum on Certificates of Deposit to run twelve raoctns straignt. t or sums or xsoo ana upwards we Issue our Coupon Certlfi caies ox ueposii to run zor s years, with Interest at 4 per cent, as per semi-annual coupons attached. For sums or 3300 ana upwards, -we issuo our special certificates or Deposit, payable on 90 days' caU with Interest at 4 per cent. These are fullr wnicn we win sena you. we wi come small sums In our Savings ueparuneat, ana par a-per cent interest, corresponaence solicit ed All questions, answered by oeraonal letters. PortlaBd Trust Co. of Oregea, lua TDira street. BENJ. X COHEN. Prestdent. a. l. FiTTOCK- v.-Yres. is. lee: PAGET, sec J. O. GOLTRA Asst. Secy. DO YOU KNOW That Woodstock Is 400 feet higher than the business district of Portland? That this means purer air. more eunshlne and better health for the fortunate people who live In this suburb? That Woodstock also has pure water, a fer tile soli, school, churches, postofflce, stores, excellent car service? That lots are 100 feet 6quare, every lot a corner? That we arc selling theee lota at $175 to J250; $10 down and $10 per month? That we will loan you money to build and you can pay us In Installments? That NOW Is the time to take advantage of this great opportunity to secure a home? Portland Trust Company Of Oregon 109 Third Street FOR SALE: Worthington Compound Duplex Pump, second hand, A I condition. Size 10xl8Kxl4xlO. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute. Check valve, lub ricator, etc., complete. Inquire A. W. Cochran, Oregonian Building. BUY AT WHOLESALE A "block of 38 lots in Nob Hill to St, Johns at half retail price. Easy terms; an opportunity to make big money. Francis I. McKenna. 606 Commercial Block. Mortgage Loans 5and Upwards Keal Estate City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. H. BIERELL, 202-3 McKay Building. Third and Stark. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 318 Worcester Block General practice. Investigations. Estate work. Special and periodical audits. Phono West 11. INVESTMENT BONDS Warrants and stocks bought aud sold. J. W. Cruthers &. Co.. Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage Loans--City Property At Lowest Current Rates. Apply FRANK E. HART. 105 Sherlock bldg. BUSINESS OPENING FOR PARTT WITH $3000 to J5000. manufacturing and lobbing. established; references exchanged. Address U l, care oregonian. FOR SALE IN ST. JOHNS, TWO-STORY store buiiaing ana lot; nest location in St. Johns. $2220; this Is a snap. 013 Marquam Duuaing. WANTED CASCARA. GRAPE ROOT. Rosenberg Bros. & Co.. 200 Washington. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. rnp CATV iOIWl Very choice block on East Side, level and nign. on car line. PORTLAND TRUST COM PANT. 100 THIRD STREET. STOP RENT. Stewart Park. 20 minutes by ML Scott car. lots 50x100: SIOO. $5 a month: only a few to offer; special terms this week to Immediate builders; best values on the market; office on grounds. $050 BUYS MY NEW 5-ROOM HOME. ALL complete; large iruit trees, bee Joe Nash in the White House, at Nashville Station, on the Mount Scott car line Big bargain. FOR SALE $2750 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Elm St., corner 21st. a magnificent build ing site. 100x100, one block from car line. Portland Trust Company. 100 Third st. FOR SALE 2 HOLLADAY PARK LOTS. Wasco st.. value $C50; equity costing $375 ior jw cosn. ua.inuce -u monuiiy. inter est C per cent. Y 0. Oregonian. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on o. w. P. electric line. O. R. Addition Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car. Co. 12 ACRES ON RIVER FRONT. NEAR CITY; nne watcrpower. guoa ram or iaciory sue. Sahlstrom & Patterson. 232 Stark et. $4750. CHOICE U BLOCK, 104x104. A. N. King's Add., diock 10; cneap ior high class property. T 7. Oregonian. LOT 25x100 AND TWO HOUSES FOR SALE. oet. wasn. ana Aiaer. on xwnsaaie. in quire 123 Lownzdale st. GOOD INTEREST - BEARING BUSINESS property: nice residence lots near in. See owner. o w. lutn. 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE: NICEST place la Upper Aiuina. 328 San Rafael. 7000 THREE MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSES close In: yearly Income $SG4. East Side, OSDorn Hotel 50x100 LOTS. ON CAR LINE; CITY WATER; 2U minutes nac; la 4av; u per month. 23Z Ktarx 51. A FEW CHOICE BUILDING LOTS AT WOOD- wVi TR vorr rr ra ttttt iA raMUa 5-ROOM COTTAGE WITH OR "WITHOUT zurniture. uiti --o juarquarn mag., bet. 5-8. CENTRAL. 31x100. AND NEW NINE-ROOM nouee; $3W0. Apply at house, 331 Treat. HOWE CORNER LOT, 9 ROOM?. MT CASK. rOS SALE REAL BSTATX. STOP PAYING HIGH RENT WHEN I CAN cell you on small payment down. Just the house you want. $1250. or $150 down for new 5-room cottage on Williams ave. on car-line. $1750.. or $200 cash down for -elegant new modern 5-room cottage (corner), Williams ave.. Alblna. $2350, or $300 down, for beautiful new. modern 6-room house, lot 100x120 feet, with alley, Williams ave. $1500. or $250 cash down, new 5-room cot tage on rvey st., near Williams ave. $1300 for lovely place of two lots and 6-room house at Midway, near car-line; will take $700 down. This Is a real snap. $1100 Nice 5-room cottage, email lot. West Side. H. H. STAUB. 245H Morrison, room 12. FOR SALE 3Vi acres near Mt. Tabor. 4 blocks from car-line; 0-room house, barn, cistern, well; S acres fine fruit trees and choice assortment small fruit. Price reasonable. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 109 Third street. $2350 NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL AT- uc ana Dasement. modern plumbing, gooa lo cation. East Side; $235 cash, balance $25 monthly. $1600 7-room house, good order. 100x100 lot, Woodstock. $1000 6-room cottage, nice location. East Side. F. W. TORGLER. 106 SHERLOCK BLDG. FOR SALE. $2600 corner lot ana store building. S. W cor. Union ave. and Broadway. Now rented for $25 per month. Investigate this. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 109 THIRD STREET. ACRE TRACTS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of handling acreage; we have tracts In-, side of city limits or outside; some are directly on car line; all are accessible, one acre or more; prices very low; terms to suit. A. C Churchill & Co.. 110 Second street. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR PORTLAND vacant, 720 acres on Rogue River, 200 acres level black land, under cultivation; all fenced; C miles N. Grant's Pass. King, 860 E. 7th St.. N. Phone East 675. FOR SALE. $1000 AND $1100 Two lots at N. E. cor. 2d and Grover. We will advance money to build. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 109 THIRD STREET. FOR SALE S. W. CORNER. SO. FRONT and Currle sts.. South" Portland; that fine 9-robm house, and corner lot. cheap, on easy terms. R. C Prince, 443 Sherlock block. Thlr dand Oak, FOR SALE. $250 AND UP Lots ana nouses on rortiana Heignis. reached by the new "loop" electric line. We have a particularly choice list of Heights property and can sult almost any purse. We will advance money to build. , PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 100 Third street. FOB SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED SO acres, with 11 under plow and 11 more slashed, burnt and partly cleared; balance of land easily cleared; some trap, pole, piling and cordwood timber on place; plen ty creek and spring water, can Irrigate about 15 acres; 50 bearing fruit trees. SO more' not yet bearing; new 1-story box house, small barn, team of good horses, new wagon arid harness. 2 milch cows and calves, 70 chickens. 3 tons hay. harrow and other small Implements; on county road, H mile from Carrollton. a town on N. P. Ry. and Columbia Rlvc; excellent transporta tion facilities; price for place. $850, or $1200, including team, etc I in us & Wll loughby, Kalarna, Wash. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS FINE LEVEL farming lands, abundance of good watsr; making up party to start In few days. Nc 4 N. 6tl opposite Poatofflce. ONE 240-ACRB WHEAT RANCH ONE 160 acre stock ranch, rvlth private lrrl -rating ditch, all located In Klickitat .County. Wash ington. B 09, Oregonian. FOR SALE 40 ACRES. WITH GOOD S-ACRE bearing orchard: one mllo from Mosler, Vt- mlle from good school. Address James J. Lewis, Mosler, Or. i.ouv yvvivx-.j iibnn iix.u , ) Southern Pacific;, fenced. 8 cleared, good nousc. parn, stocK. xeea. lurnuure. u. Kydd. Barlow. 10-ACRE HOME. BEAUTIFULLY LOCA- ted on public road, one mile from P. O.; fruit and berries. G. B. Rlggs. Proebstel. Wash. TO EXCHANGE. ONE-HALF BLOCK IN WOODSTOCK. PORT 1a.A rnn 9TTV VAnil Cniith.m rN.1l- fornfa city property; prefer Los Angeles or beach, or near Los Angeies. unimproved. Address R. F. Davis, 320 Trust bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. SECOND-HAND TALKING. MACHINES OF all makes bought, sold and exchanged; "bargains In second-hand machines and rec ords. 100 3d st. LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approvtd, unrestricted, ready for Immedlats ase. LOWEST PRICES. E. F. & F. B. BUey. 603 Chamber Commerce. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP for securing title timbered or agricultural land. II. B. Compson. CIS Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH cr guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate, ilasinnis & son. t .tailing cue FOREST RESERVES AND ALL OTHER scrip: general land practice. Collins Land Co., Concord Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TOy, PURCHASE RESIDENCE within 3 blocks of Cth and Washington. $3000 to $5000; might buy building site; give full particulars ana price tor cash. T 07. Oregonian. TOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. ONE HORSE. HARNESS AND TWO CARTS for sale cheap; can be seen at Spranger's Arcade. 6th ana coucn, or at Aioaei stable. 5th and Davis. press wagon, cheap for cash. Phone Scott wnT.FS'lvkliN bevs and sells horses, vracmu. harness, buggies, farm Implements. 227 Front. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AN 2D-HAND vehicles on coast ior saie or nire. 211 wash. NEW BUSINESS TOP BUGGY FOR SALE cheap. 323 seiiwooa st. .rnone iast FOR SALE HORSES BY W. E. JACOBS. 134 CASL dltu w A uwws Plaaos. PIANO SQUARE PIANO BARGAIN A' 5125; will sell $45 cash or easy payments. Don't pass this up. li . uregonian. FOR SALE 1 STANDARD-MAKE NEW piano at 1ZS 1st su Miscellaneous. DOES TOUR ROOF LEAK? Reoalr it with Elate rite: It rolls, easr to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, un or samgies; ee ior new roots. Elaterlte Roofing Co., room 2, Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege or buying. Mod' rn bar fixture, cheap prices. Bruaawlck' Balke-Collender. 44 3d st. FOR SALE 25 NEW VOLUMES ENCYCLO- pedla Brltannlca for sale cheap. L 6, Ore gonian. CHAEP. A NEW GAS' RANGE. A 6-FOOT extension table ana oil heating stove. 202H sa st. Moving Blctsre 1bb. sesg s4!aea. naglo lan terns, x. f. AKrem, iw J oat., b. r.. caL Bargain ia typewriters; sullies, office rood J. nMr ttaiaps. sates, woasc uo.. si surx. Oliver typewriters, 8. H. typewriters, all DSXSMORK TYPEWRITERS "We sIL rt. sair aii maeamea. J, m. nwciey. mt 4th. BKTCLX CLOSDW OCT SALS-M4 WOLTJT- FOR SALE. MlaoeuaJweM. A. PURE. WHITE SOLTAIRE DIAMOND ring, xinany setting, for considered a bargain. Uncle Myers. 143 3d at., pear AJdr. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER. NO. 6; ALUM- mum irame; in use one month; almost new; $35. Woodard. Clarke & Co. FOR SALE SEVERAL FINE PURE BLUE- whltK rilimnnila l-U of Kolf villi. ai" Commercial blockj HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED EXPERIENCED DRY GOODS salesmen to sell our buttqns on the road as side line In Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and adjacent states; easily carried, sells quickly; Spring line ready; liberal com mission; the only exclusive button house Id the West; give full particulars and refer ences. Charles Rubens & Co., 267-263 Frank lin st.. Chicago. WE PREPARE YOU QUICKLY AS ILLUS- xrator. cartoonist, lawyer. pcarmacist, stenographer, bookkeeper, journalist, , ad writer. correspondence man. banker. Write for free book, "Profit of Knowing How" tells everything. National Correspondence Schools. 62 When., Indianapolis. U. S. A. LOGGERS. MILL AND YARDMEN. LAB- orers. city ana country; men ana tems. farmhands and milkers, restaurant and taeza-bouse help; work of all kinds. Ca cadlan Employment Co.. 249 Buraslds aad 22&K Morrison. Phone Main 3074. GLAZIER AND STOCK CLERK To take charge of glazing department In sash and door factory, adjacent city. Including glass, glazed stock and shipping same. Ap ply until Thursday noon, with .address and references. A S, Oregonian. WE SEARCH THB WORLD FOR MEN; "WE ua.c ii,, iu un uic yuamuna we nvw iiavo open for competent managers, salesmen, office and technical men. Call or write Pacific Com mercial Bureau, suite 45, Concord block, 2d and Stark. DRAMATIC VAUDEVILLE ACTING. stage dancing, sketches taught; terms rea sonable; positions guaranteed. Newman's School of Acting, Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. ADVERTISING. REPRESENTATIVES. COM- mission; magazines, newspapers, periodi cals, publications, programmes Clyde's Advertising Bureau. 41S Chamber of Com merce. WANTED SINGERS. ACTORS. MUSICIANS, ior roniaaa j world s nir, vaudeville cir cult and traveling companies. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, Raleigh, 6th and Wash ington. DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE ACTING, STAGE uuncing. sKcicnes, taugnt; terms reasonable; positions guaranteed. Newman's "School ot Acting. Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Washington. WANTED EXPERD3NCED BUSINESS MAN to represent corporation; salary 51S0O per year; must -be prepared to take at least $1000 worth of stock.. Address Q 2, Oregonian. WANTED AT PLANING MILL. A FIRST- "Tuner; must De ramiuar witn plan work. Frank Schmidt '& Co.. East Sth and Taylor sts. WANTED AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAN TO taxe a private course In pharmacy; rare opportunity. Address E. G. care Ore gonian. "WANTED EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR FOR anu cleaning (justness; good position for right man. Apply 408 Washington. WANTED BRIGHT. CAPABLE YOUNG MAN uirc.icuceu in gents iumisnings. cierKS Registration Bureau, 265 Morrison st. WANTED EXPERIENCED WASHER. COM- petent to repair; salary, $18: references. American Laundry Co.; Boise. Idaho. WANTED i TWO MEN FOR AUDITOR'S OF- nce; must be rapid accounts and good pen men. Call suite 45. Concord block. WANTED SINGLE MAN WHO HAS Ex perience in teaching schoou Clerks' Regis tration Bureau. 2C5 Morrison st. YOUNG MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; coiiege newiy opened, under new manage ment. 267 Flanders st. WANTED DRY GOODS MAN FOR EAST- ern Washington, clerk's Registration Bu reau, 265 Morrison et. WANTED FIVE SOLICITORS. SALARY OR commission. $4 to $10 per day. 23 Labbe blJff Portland. WANTED AT ONCE. AN EXPERIENCED woodturner. Portland Sash & Door Ca. 230 Front st. Men wanted to . learn barber trade. Barber College. 741 Howard st.. San Francisco. SOLICITOR WANTED AT OREGON STEAM Cleaning Works. 333 Bumside st. DR. WALKER. 181 1ST.. CURES ALL PRI vate diseases of men. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMEN TO SEW AT HOME. $9 PER week; materials sent everywhere free; steady wont, piain sewing only, send addressed envelope for full particulars. W. J. V.'., Du Pont, Philadelphia, Pa. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS CHAM bermalds. cooks, waitresses, nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, housework. $15 to $50. Canadian Parlors. 226tt Morrison. Phono Main 1823. WANTED. IMMEDIATELY FOUR LADIES, amateurs, for theatrical company; experience unnecessary: big salary, long engagement. Room 35. the Raleigh, 6th and Washington. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR chamber work; none but experienced need apply, can oet. l ana 5 P. M.. at 67is 3d st. ladies earn $20 per 100 writing short letters. Send stamped envelope .for particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., cassopolls; Mich. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT- ers. cnambermaias. general workers. St Louis Agency, 230H Yamhill. Phone Black 2331. WANTED GIRLS TO LEARN MILLINERY whole course taught In 1 month, $10. Ap ply at Hotel Brown, room 220. Tel. East 362. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; must be good cook; wages $25 per month. Apply Pacific Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis. CHAMBERMAID. BOARD SELF; WAITRESS; aiso one cook, i-u (country); nousework Order help. Drake. 205fc Washington. WANTED YOUNG LADY TO TAKE PRI- vate lessons in stenography; fine chance. Aaaress a. c. care uregonian. WANTED LADY SOLICITORS FOR CITY ana country: nne proposition; salary or com- rmeaion. . Aider st. WANTED A COMPETENT SECOND GIRL; references required. Call mornings. 721 Flanders st.. cor jxa. WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED MAN gel folders, at Oregon Laundry. 368 East Oak, phone East is. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, two In family. 449 West Park st.; apply mornings. WANTED GIRL TO HELP WITH HOUSE work for home. Give age. references, etc. O 0. oregonian. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR DIN lng-room and second work. Main 2443. Apply mornings. WANTED STRONG GIRL FOR WORK IN rooming-house. Call 514 Jefferson st cor ner 10th. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL nouseworK. gooa wages, -sis ix q k.. cor. Halsey. WANTED-COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. Apply 400 Holladay ave. WOMAN WANTED; MUST KNOW HOW TO cook snort orders. At 0054 M. 6th st. WANTED TWO LADIES TO CANVASS: gooa wages. lm Asmgun mag. GOOD. PLAIN COOK; ALSO SECOND giri. iu x. lain. cor. uuun. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED LADY OR GENTLEMAN TO canvass city wnn puoucauon suitable for nounaiB. o. vi,. care- oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. A YOUNG MAN OF 8 YEARS' EXPERT. ence In the china and glass business de sires a position xor tne holidays, can fur nish best of reference. J 6. Oregonian. BY TRAVELING SALESMAN. 7 YEARS -with present house: Al reference: no salde GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS - SITUATION to- do housework or nip coex. X. 9a C YOUNG ,TAPANE8W BOY "WANTS KOC- work; fatal I waM. n X. M mt., etjr. JAPANESE. GOOB- COOK. "WAXTS ITUA- SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaaeoiia. WANTED A POSITION AS EDITOR OF weeiuy or small dally by experienced young man 'of 27; a student ot University of Chi cago and College of Journalism. Address AV. H. Weir, care Ellers Piano House. I FIRST-CLASS MACHINIST AND ALL-" around engineer wishes a steady position. Best of references. Lock Box 559. city. POSITION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS planer or sticker man. Address E, R. Rayner. The Albany. 22 6th st- N. JAPANESE ASSOCIATION CAN FURNISH uomrauc servants. larmer ana all kinds of help. 208" Everett. Black 892. YOUNG MAN OF 25. WITH FAIR BUSI- uc3s cuucaiion. wants woric. most any kind. K 6. Oregonian WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. POSITION OF nauiuuiu or cmuxer; nrst-ciass refer ences. J 7. Oregonian. EXPERT YOUNG JAPANESE WISHES Po sition ot janitor worn in public building. Address 121 15th st. l GOOD MEATCUTTER AND BUTCHER wants position out of town; single man, B 8. Oregonian. WANTED CONTRACT TO CUT 1000 TO uwr i.uiu wooo. jvaaress x &i. urego nian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO AT- tena scnooi; wages no object. Phone Hood 362. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER. WITH some experience, wisnes position in general office work. Moderate salary. L 7. Ore gonian. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION as copyist or as office glrL M 7, Ore gonian. Dressmakers, DRESSMAKING. AT 140 EAST 34TH ST. Phone -Scott 2S4L Domestics. NEAT GIRL DESIRES SITUATION HOUSE- worK in small family; no washing. 230ft Yamhill. Phone Black 2S81. YOUNG SWISS WOMAN WITHOUT CHIL- aren wants work as cook or general house work. H 0. Oregonian. VERY CAPABLE GIRL DESIRES SITUA- tion as family cook; wages $30. 230 Yam hill. Phone Black 28SI. SITUATION WANTED BY A SWEDISH girl to do light housework. Call 7S2 Roose velt st. EXPERIENCED COOK DESIRES POSITION note! or boarding-house. H 1. Oregonian. Housekeepers. SITUATION WANTED MIDLE-AGED WOM- an housekeeper, widowers family; chamber maids, cooks, waitresses. 230& Yamhill. Phone Black 2S81. RESPECTABLE. INTELLIGENT WOMAN OF 29 wants position as housekeeper for wid ower with home; no objection to children. B 7. Oregonian. RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN WTSHES situation as housekeeper, widowers family; no objection to children. P 7, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED GOOD GIRL, GEN- erai housework; wages $20 to $25. 230H YamhllL Phone Black 2831. YOUNG WIDOW. WITH GIRL 3 YEARS. wants place as housekeeper, for 2 or 3 per sons. 608 Pettygrove st. Miscellaneous. SKILLFUL WOMAN DESIRES DAY WORK. laundering and cleaning; dinners prepared and served. Phone Main 1625. LADY COOK WANTS A POSITION IN A camp or hotel. Call at 2 o'clock at 209 4th St., room 2. TWO YOUNG LADIES WISH HOUSEWORK or note i wnere iney can do togciuer. r 7. Oregonian. LADY WISHES TO DO SEWING AT HOME. Call room 30 Avalon Hotel, cor. 11th, and Washington. MAN AND WIFE WITH BABY YEAR OLD want any kind of work. Mrs. Keeney. 46 7 th st. N. WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK. WASHING. ironing, nousecieaning, etc 591 upshur, near -10th. GIRL ATTENDING SCHOOL WANTS place to work for board. Y 7, Oregonian. SHIRTWAISTS. 75C AND UP; SHIRTWAIST suits, up. 210 Jiiaricet st. SITUATION WANTED. BY WAITRESS. 734 Roosevelt st. WANTED AGENTS. A. J. CRANWELL & CO.. 218-224 ABING ton bldg., wholesale dealers and Jobbers, carry the largest stock, of Jewelry, notions, and novelties west of Chicago; retail trade supplied; house-to-house canvassers, ped. dlers and agents can make big money handling our special lines. Call and Inspect our new stock for Christmas trade. THE ORIGINAL JOHN A. MOEER HAS opened one ot his famous barber colleges at 644 Clay st.. San Francisco; special Induce ments this month; positions guaranteed; tui tion earned while learning. Call or write chas. Halstead. agent. 215 Morrison at.. Portland. SOLICITORS. BOTH SEX. FOR EVERY county In the state; best talking proposi tion ever ottered in the West: one agent cleared $50 last week. Gold Reserve Burial Association, room 12, over Citizens Bank. East Side. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY MAN OR woman for small local office; ve train our own people: weekly cash salary. Supt. Lo cal Dept.. 223 14. ML St.. St LOUIS. LEADING GALLERY WANTS PHOTO graph coupon agents; premium extraor dinary. Poirler. field agent. 123 Uth. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE PEER less Cleaner; Just the thing for good hus tler. Call at 127 11th sti WANTED PICTURE AGENTS. LADIES OR gents; big money. 404 Ablngton bldg. Wanted Portrait agents; side line; big money. Lucerne Photo Studio. Dekum bldg. WANTED TO BENT. WE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS WHO WANT houses. If you have a house to rent, see us or send description. We make no charge for renting. H. E. Edwards. 187 lit st. WANTED TO RENT HOUSE OR FLAT 15 to 30 rooms, one noor preierreo. x 88, Oregonian. WANTED 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS NEAR Courthouse. E 4, uregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED RELIABLE. RESPECTABLE woman, who gives cabinet baths and mas sage to give lady treatments. West Side. Give office aaaress; no nouse number; treatments not to exceed $L Address S 7. care Oregonian. WANTED LADIES. FOR 10c WE WILL send you package ever-ready mending tis sue; also new catalogue witn premium or fer. Write at once. Louis NuentbsJ. de- alum. Wash. WANTED A PLACE FOR BOY OF 12 TO work for his board and go to school; coun try preferred. Phone wood 338 or address Nellie panin, c ts. -wegonian. c i rr rr t. pn 9.M at.tvptr rt podt. 'land. Or. Mining securities bought and sold; stocks in producing properties a specialty; reliable corporations represented. Wanted men's cast-off clothing and sboesr highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." d N. 3d. fnone Hooa bit. PARTIES DESIRING ' TO HAVE THEIR children cared for in private nome pnone Main 1S09. iriv-ptn tiiw tanno n pttr cent, a to 5 years; real estate 'security. Q 1, Ore gonian. SHOES HALF-SOLED- FOR Soc at HOC LA' baaga'a. 96T Taylor, bet. 3d aad 4th. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie et all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR KENT. THE COSMOS. S. E. COR 4TH AND MOR rlsea; best -dowa-towR rooms la the city; heat aad service sight aad. day: rates $3.50 THE T. M. C A. BAB A FKBB LIST OP fsralsfce'l rooi is. ail part ot cnj. MC PARK sr. FTJRXBHED FRONT AL- mm room. wmseMMt. juuk nw. BOOMS AND BOARD' (HOME COOKING) AT the jrarr mw. naiaunaan sc FOR XKNT. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. EVERY thing new; gas. bath- telephone: 12-mlnut walk to center of city: fine residence, steam heat; rent reasonable to right par ties. Phone Main 4503, or call 67 20th St. North, forenoon. Use ot phone. If desired. THE AUDITORIUM. 208H 3D ST.. BET. TAT ,lor and Salmon, one block south of Baker Theater, new brick, building, elegantly .fur nished, steam heat, hot and cold water la room, porcelain bath, -rooms with private baths, elevator: reasonable rates. THE PALMER. S. E. COR. ALDER AND Park Sts. The most complete apartment house In the city; steam heat. gas. electrlo lights, porcelain baths, every modern con venience; tourist and translant trada solicited. Young & Shepard. Props. 33 N. 19TH, NEAR WASHINGTON FUR nlshed suite or single rooms; also front par lor, suitable for two; private family; all modern conveniences; easy access to two car-lines; rent reasonable. THE LINCOLN." 409 Morrison, cor. 11th New brick, elegant, furnished, sunny rooms, all modern conveniences'; tourists and trav Ungmen solicited. Mrs. T. D. Hughes. Prop. 231H ALDER. NEAR 3D ST. NICELY furnished, pleasant rooms, new brick build ing, new, good furnishings; $2 to $4 a week; transients. SOc to $L Red 314& THE NEWCASTLE. 3D AND HARRISON Elecant ua-to-date furnished and unfumlsk- ed housekeeping and other rooms: heat, bath, light tree; reasonable prices. THE ANGELUS. 272 6TH ST.. COR. JEF- rerson, new nouse. new furniture, rooms sin gle or en suite, strictly modern; $2.50 and up per week. FINELY FURNISHED LARGE BAY WIN- dow room $a per week, furnace heat, bath, Shone, private family, central. 394 Yam Ill at COMPLETELY NEW, BAY WINDOW front room, private nome. bath, $8 per month: i-i block; from GUsan car. 131 N. 12. PLEASANT FRONT SUITE SUITABLE FOR two; also single roam; new bouse. 4 blocks from Hotel Portland; home comforts. 2504 6th. THB KNICKERBOCKER, 69 6TH ST.. ONE oiocx south or pcstonice rew brick, elegant ly furnished rooms, all modern conveniences. FOR RENT ON CAR LINE. LARGE UN- furnishea room, suitable for working wom an; very reasonable. F 7, Oregonian PRIVATE RESIDENCE. FURNISHED rooms; bath. heat, walking distance; men preferred; $8, $10 month. 29? 10th. 471 JEFFERSON. BEAUTIFUL SUNNY ence porcelain bath, gas, etc THE TEMPLE, 343H YAMHILL ST.. COR- Ttn. opposite notei i'oruana cicely iut nlsbed rooms; rates reasonable. 324 HASSALO ST.. NEAR STEEL BRIDGE. East Side, nicely furnished rooms, modern convenience; private family. THE DEXTER NO. 124 12TH. COR. WA3H- ingtcn, nice comry rooms, single, en suite, transient. Phone Green 486. CHEERFUL FRONT ROOM. CLEAN. NEW. private home: $8.50 to permanent tenant; references. O 7. Oregonian. SELECT FAMILY HOTELS, ROOMS EN suite or single; transients; 11 in ana Mor rison st. Phone Main 1398. !4414 7TH NEAT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR one or two gentlemen; private fiat; all con veniences; references. 188 PARK ST.-ONE NICELY FURNISHED side room; one block from Portland Hotel; modern conveniences. NICELY FURNISHED ALCOVE SUITE FOR two young ladles; all conveniences; $16. 168 12th. next Morrison. THE ELM. 121 13TH. COR. WASHINGTON Newly furnished rooms; single or en suite; modern conveniences. 125 14TH MODERN HOUSE. NEWLY FUR nlshed; always hot water; only first-class patronage solicited. FOR RENT BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED room: modern conveniences; gentlemen pre ferred. 255 13th. 248 SIXTH ST FOUR BLOCKS SOUTH Hotel Portland, sunny turnisnea room with private family. NICELY FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM. suitable tor two or more persons. 163. Park, near Morrison. 364 TAYLOR PLEASANT ROOMS $8. .UP. 2. blocks Portland Hotel, no children; - gas. bath, phone. BAYWTNDOW ROOM. WELL FURNISHED. convenient to city, zft urana ave, cor. E. Ankeny. THREE LIGHT. AIRY. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, no juast 34tn. Phone Scott 2841." v JUST THE ROOM YOU'RE LOOKING FOR; with or. without housekeeping; upper nau Jefferson. NICE. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM IWI ALL modern conveniences, tor gentiean. lao 13th st. MRS. SMITH. 194 13TH ST.. HAS NICELY furnished room to rent; all accommodations. FRONT ROOM. WELL FURNISHED. FOR man and wife or two gentlemen. 251 10th. Cheapest and best located rooms in Portland, $1 weik up. Gllman. 1st and Alder sts. NEW. CONVENIENT FRONT ROOM. GAS. bath, phone, furnace heat. 251 10th st. THB APPLETON, 71 N. 6TH SUNNY FUR. nlshed rooms. $2 up; transient rooms. GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS WITH STOVES, S3 per montn. w uiay ana wr. 327 W. PARK NICE FRONT PARLOR, WITH heat and bath; also one small room. 3 LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. RENT $7. 542 Karl St.. near Mllwaukle. 786 IRVING NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for two gentlemen. SUNNY. WELL - FURNISHED rooms. $8 and $10. 443 7th st. FRONT Booms With Beard. THE MANITOU HOME FOR FASTTDIOUS people: steam heat, hot water In abundance; every COmiOrX oo. .lain ai ruouu sun .usuo. HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; elevator; billiard-room; transients; both car lines. ROOM AND BOARD FOR MARRIED COUPLE or two gentlemen; piano, phone and all con- " venlences. Address E 8. Oregonian. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. WITH OR without board, on West Side, closer lnr ref erences required. A 89. Oregonian. PRIVATE RESIDENCE. FRONT ROOM nicely furnished, bath, heat. Walking dis tance; special rates men. 292 10th. LARGE FRONT ROM, WITH BOARD. jFOR two gentlemen: use of bath and phone. 28 16th st.. near Washington. WANTED TWO YOUNG MEN TO BOARD IN private family; new house: modern conven iences. Address D 8, Oregonian. BLAKELY HALL. 270 6TH ST. PLEASANT rooms, with first-class board; new house; 4. j blocks south Hotel Portland. VERY COMFORTABLY FURNISHED rooms; best home-cooking. 443 5th, cor. of College. Phone Main 6237. . 468 YAMHILL FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board; also table board by meal, day or month; reasonable. GOOD FRONT ROOM AND BOARD IN private family for two gentlemen, $40. 489 E. Washington. PLEASANT ROOM ON FIRST FLOOR. WITH board; best home-cooking, private family. 487 E. Ankeny. 304 ALDER. COR. 10TH ST.. NICELY FUR nlshed large front room, with board; first -class service. LOVELY ALCOVE ROOM. WITH GOOD TA ble board; modern; suitable for two or three. 208 11th st. VERY PLEASANT ROOM IN NEW HOUSKr very central; with or without board. 147 W. Park. NEW LOW RATES AT THE LTXDELL Market, bet. 3d and 4tb; all moders. eoa venlences. BOARD AND NICE ROOMS. WITH PRI-, vate family, at Mount Tabor. Phone eett 1441. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. "WITH OR -without . boara; gas ana Bath, its -m. mtm. 28 N. 20TH. ST. ROOMS WITH OR WITH- -out board; biock xrem car-une. juimh. THX OZARK. 236 11TH ST. ROOMS XX salts or tlssl-e. board, hot aad cold water. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOOT board; alee table board. 3M Mserteocu 124 GLISAN ST. . ONE TJNrUBXJCBXO room for rat. $4 m-oath. -- li