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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1904)
. If 1 imHftiT W CH AT r ' - 1-.T,TJ-,T-. TITTTW ITItTfTICT VOL. XUV.-SO. 13,721. POBTLAND, OREGON, TVEDNESDAY, KOVEMBttK 30, i - i i FRIEND OF FAIFj Governor Pardee NIak ing Active Efforts. WANTS STATE BUILDING California Legislators Respond Favorably on Appropriation. INDIVIDUAL EXHIBIT SPACE This WW Be In Addition to $20,000 Already Provided and the Golden ' State Display at the St. Louis Fair. SACRAMENTO. CaL, Nov. 29. (Spo clal.) Since his visit to Oregon in August Governor Pardee has been an enthusl astlc friend of the Lewis and Clark Ex- nosltlon and has sought actively to pro mote sentiment favorable to It In this state. Immediately after the election ho addressed a'personal letter to each mem ber of the coming Legislature asking for his views upon a proposal to appropriate $70,000 for the purpose of erecting and fur nishing a California state building, this in addition to the sum of $30,000 appro prlated by the last Legislature, also In addition to the California exhibit at &u Louis, which Is to be sent to Portland. The Governor has already received, re plies from many of the Legislators, all of whom declare themselves favorable to the Governor's proposal- The opinion of the Governor, with that of the members nf th Lerislature who have thus far spoken, is that California should have an Individual exhibit In Its own hulldmg. The number of favorable answers already received from members of the coming Legislature gives practical assurance that the money for a state building on a liberal scale will be provided and It is probable that the Governor will order the erection of such a building upon the credit of the state. There Is no question about the friendly sentiment of California towards the Lewis .and Clark Exposition or of the willingness of the state to do everything which good neighborship demands. rIEADQUARTER8 IN PORTLAND Exposition Staff workers in St. Louis Are Recalled. Within the next two weeks all Exposi tion business will bo transacted directly from Portland headquarters. All members of the Exposition staff now operating In St. Louis were telegraphed yesterday to close up their affairs at the Missouri me tropolis without delay and return here. This order will bring hero Director of Concessions John A. "Wakefield. Director of -Exhibits Henry E. Dosch. C. H. Mc Isaac, assistant to Colonel Dosch, and Oskar Huber, director of works. Presi dent Goode will probably remain for the closing work at St. Louis and return with the members of his staff. The impending end'of the St Louis Ex position, which occurs tomorrow, and the great success In gaining exhibitors and concessionaires is responsible for the is suance of the Important order, at this time. As already announced, Colonel Dosch has secured an army of exhibitors, while the concessions department has se cured the more desirable St. Louis con ceslonalres, with their unequal ed amuse ment attractions, which will adorn the Trail. m simultaneous with the return of the St. Louis staff, which should be by De cember 15, at the very latest, will be noted the advance guard of exniDiiors ana con rsrfonalres of the larger Exposition en terprlses. Some of these will accompany their exhibits and property to Portland fi ninea them in storage until needed. rtthsrs will come for the purpose of start ing work on their displays, which will re quire several months' time to perfect, with the end of the St. Louis Fair and the return of the Lewis and Clark staff will begin the greatest activity of the pre-Exposltlon period. FINE PAINTINGS TO BE ON VIEW Royal Italian Art Galleries to Send Their Treasures to Portland. " Rrmift of the finest paintings of the fa mous royal Italian art galleries are to be v,rr-ht to the Lewis and Clark Exposi tion. Italy recently announced that the display of that nation was not to be In ferior to anv. and. after making a large application for exhibit space In the For elgh Exhibits building, the Italian Ex HHnr. Commission decided to have some of the rarest creations of Italian art at th fine arts display brougnt to i-oruanu. ir 7rHn who was appointed Italian Commissioner-General to the Lewis and Clark Exposition, has left for Venice, for the puTDoae of making selections of tho brilliant masterpieces which have had n mfiiinp DDn the world of art and culture. Just what productions he will be allowed to select from or which will be decided upon cannot re saia at uns umc, .uhnnch same .of the rarest painting ex- tA rItipa the Renaissance occupy the royal Italian galleries, and there can be little doubt but that some of the old -masters will be represented in the exhibit. The paintings will be brought under special . oTrfni- to their Immense value. Any of the creations of an old master Is oa.l v iroHh tosuv mure UIl i ,.! than- the finest exhibit -build ing, so that the care that will have to be taken of a dozen or more w "c able paintings is easily apparent. STATE COMMISSION'S FINANCES Expenditures to Date Are $257,028 aSi. Louis Exhibit Cost $44,508 rhe monthly financial statement of the yWis ana Clark State Commission was Issued yesterday by Secretary E. C Gllt ner. The total expedltures to the present time are 257.CCS-S1. For the past month jtt.707.C3 has been spent, of which amount XLS2235 was expended at St Louis In Tnalntalnlng the Oregon exhibit at that covering the first payments on a number of the exhibit buildings -which are rapidly I nearlng completion. Final payment "was made on the foreign exhibits building, the total cost of -which was S52.S2S. The total cost of Oregon's participation in the St. Louis exposition to the present time has been JM.H&59. Including the cost of the Oregon State Building and all ex penses attendant upon placing and main taining a full exhibit Will Work for Sunday Closing. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Nov. 23. (Special.) The Evangelical Alliance of St. Louis, at its regular meeting today, decided to as sist the ministers or Portland, or., in a movement to close the gates on Sundays at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. The matter was Introduced by letter from Rev. J. H. Leiper. of Portland, secretary of the Southwest Sabbath Association. The letter was addressed to Be v. A. M. Camp bell, a former acquaintance of Mr. Leiper. Mr. Leiper stated that the Portland mln- isters of different denominations would meet next Monday morning and before that time desire some expression as to Sundav closlntr from the clergy of St. Louis. The Evangelical Alliance adopted a resolution which concludes as follows: We Join roost heartily with the Min isterial Association of Portland In its ef forts to secure for the Lewis and Clark Exposition the closing of the gates on the sabbath." Coins for Christmas Gifts. Christmas Is to bring an increased ac tivity in the sale of Lewis and Clark souvenir coins. Communications have been received In numbers from jewelers In dif ferent parts of the West asking for from five to 100 coins to be used as Christmas presents. The coins make an excellent tie or scarf pin and should prove popular as Christmas gifts. The sale, up to tho present, has not been as heavy as might be expected. The total number sold, up to yesterday, was ioOO, the cash returns being approximately $15,000. Exhibits Enter Free of Duty. A telegram was received, from President Goode by Secretary Reed yesterday stat ing that the order of the United States Government lifting duty charges from all imports for the Lewis and Clark exposi tion had gone into effect. All exhibitors from foreign countries may now send their wares to Portland without paying a cent of entrance fee to the custom offi cials, although the strictest regulations will be enforced to see that the order Is not taken advantage of by smugglers. SAY EE TRIED TO SELL VOTES Coloradans Declare Challenger Off ered to Control Family for $5. DENVER. Nov. 29. Tho taking of testi mony was continued today in the con tempt cases before the Supreme Court. wherein Democratic officials and ward leaders are accused of violating the Su preme Court order appointing special watchers on election day. Several of the defendants were on the witness stand, in cluding Frank Kratke, Chief License In spector. Both Kratke and Alderman Michael Mahoney denied having shown any discourtesy to tho Supreme Court watchers, thus refntlnn- thft tps&mfinv given yesterday. They also denied Jgwt. 1 Alfred Welmer was fcrced' cut- o'ilEe boll Ing booth because he asked for a second ballot upon discovering that the one he had handed him was already marked. Kratke and Mahoney, as well as other witnesses, said Welmer was told by the Judges to mark the ballot as he saw fit before scratching out the writing already upon It. Welmer became angry, accord- ing to the witnesses, and left the polling place in a huff. Kratke, Edward O'Mailia, Charles Kofsky and other wit nesses also swore there was no repeating as far as they knew in Precinct 8 of the Fifth Ward. City and County Clerk Julius Alchelle testified that no such name as Dowd ap peared on the registration and poll books of that precinct. It was alleged by the Republicans that Dowd was a resident of the precinct, and would swear to having voted repeatedly upon solicitation of the Democratic workers. If ho was granted immunity from arrest. The court declined to give the guarantee. A feature of the testimony today was the statement of Kratke that Oscar An derson, who served as a Republican chal lenser. a resident of Precinct 8 of Ward 5. had come to him on election day and offered to vote .his entire family for the Democratic ticket for the sum of 55. Pre vious to this Anderson had denied having made any such offer. The prosecution rested its case this morning after taking the testimony of several new witnesses and recalling others who were on the stand yesterday. The main trend of their evidence was that there was wholesale re peating by Democrats in Precinct 8 of Ward 5. TO TEST COURT'S JURISDICTION Habeas Corpus Proceedings for Den ver Men Held for Election Frauds. DENVER. Nov. 29. Representing the Democratic State Central Committee, At torney E. F. Richardson has left this city for St. Louis, where he will apply to Judce Thayer, of the United States District Court of Appeals, for writs of habeas corpus for Thomas Shepardson, Peter Miller and Michael Dowd. prison' ers in the Denver County Jail- under sentence or contempt of the Supreme Court of this state in disregarding its orders at the late election. 'We wish to test the Jurisdiction of the Colorado Supreme Court in this mat ter." said Milton Smith, chairman of the Democratic State Committee, in reference to the proposed proceedings in the Fed eral Court. Attorney John M. Waldron has also de parted for St. Louis to contest the mo tion that is to be made by Mr. iucnara- son. Iowa's Official Vote. DES MOINES, la., Nov. 29. The offi- clal vote of Iowa was canvassed today v- k t,.n,- r-T,u by the Executive Council, and the fe suit follows: Koosevelr, 307.907: Park er, 149,141; Swallow, 11,601; Debs, 14, 947; "Watson. 2207: Roosevelt's plural ity over Parker. 15S.766. . Returns In New Jersey. TRENTON, N. J., Nov. 29. The average vote, for National Electors on the Repub lican ticket was 245,138 ana tne demo cratic average was IC4.550, making the -average Republican majority S0.5SS. LEADS MISS LETTER TO ALTAR Captain Campbell, of- British Army, Weds American Heiress. "WASHINGTON. Nov. 29. Miss Nancy narver loiter, the second daughter of the late Ijcvrz. Letter, of Chicago, and Major Colin Powis Campbell, of the British Amy. were married today at the resi dence of the bride's mother. The Earl of Suffolk was best man and Miss Daisy Eel. ter "attended her sister. Rev. Roland Cot ton Smith, rector of St. John's ispiscopai Church, of this dt. officiated at the service. ANE IS WINNER Nelson Decisively De feats Corbett SECONDS HAVE TO SAVE HIM SnnrtPP k 1 hmWIl Mil in tflB Fu,,&e ,b HHUWII UJ III WO Tenth Round. MILLING FAST At ALL TIMES Fight at Bay City Is the Greatest Witnessed Between Little Men in Years Victor Will Meet Brltt Next Month. "Battling" Kelson Is a new star In the flstlc fklcs. A year ago he was a Chicago scrub preliminary fighter. Ho first came into prominence last year, when he knocked out Spider Welsh In 17 rounds In Salt Lake. Martin Canole next fell before him in 16 rounds. Nel son startled the pugilistic world early In the present year by giving Hanlon a terrible whipping In San Francisco. The police stopped the fight In the nineteenth round. On Labor day, the Bane got the decision over Herrera In a 20-round-mix-up in Butte. WOODWARD'S PAVILION. San Fran cisco. Nov. 29. In the greatest fight wit nessed between little men In years "Bat tling Nelson," of Chicago, won from "Young Corbett," of Denver, in 10 rounds. From the tap of the gong until Corbett's seconds threw up the sponge Nelson was master of the situation at every stage of tho game. His infighting was a revelation and the most brilliant ever witnessed in any ring here. For the last three rounds of the fight Corbett was as helpless as a baby, but he wobbled around groggily and gamely until the repeated calls from around the house to stop the fight caused Harry Tuthlll to enter the ring. Tho fight was over, and tho new man Is In line to "ioulsh Jimmy Brltt. Tho story - the tfght is simply told. Corbett entered tho ring at 9:S almost unnoticed, owing to the presence of gaudily-attired negro whom Announcer Billy Jordan Introduced as Count Blstiall. champion Graeco-Roman wrestler of the world. "Battling Nelson" entered five minutes later. Although It was not a championship af fair, the tense stillness of the big house the men squared up to each other showed the deep- Interest taken In the event. Nelson Surprises the House. Both men showed extreme caution in the first round, there being an evident disposition to take each other's measure. Neither showed the slightest nervousness. In the second Nelson went right at his man, winning the cheers of the house. The milling was fast, and Corbett looked at bit dazed, but woro a contemptuous smile. Corbett was bleeding at the nose when ho went to his corner. Nelson sur prised the house by his brilliant Infight ing. Corbett was bleeding freely at the end of the third round. The next two rounds showed some of the fastest milling seen In any ring. Nelson continually forced Corbett to the ropes and beat him badly with short arm blows. "Keep away from him," continually yelled Corbett's sec onds. They began to realize that the Chi cago lad was the superior of the man who was supposed to be a master at in fighting, but Corbett always came back swift and hard when away at arm's length. Then the gruelling work of Nel son began to telL Corbett was between the ropes three-fourths of the time. He repeatedly missed uppercuts and swings that would have ended the fight at this stage had they landed. The sixth was a furious round which ended In Nelson beating Corbett all over the ring. The crowd was growing wild. Nelson kept up the work in the seventh. beating Corbett until his face .was streaming with blood. Corbett had but ono chance to lay for and land the punch for which he is famous but he. never got tho -chance. In the eighth Nelson even outboxed the Denver lad. He was all but out when the bell rang. Corbett Loses Judgment. The ninth was a terrible round. Cor bett withstood blow after blow with mar velous endurance. "Keep away. keeD away and use Judgment," his seconds kept repeating. But Corbett missed again and again. He seemed to lose" judg- .-. L. ment, strength and every quality which had formerly gained him fame. The cry of "stop the fight," was yelled from every part of the house, but It was not until the tenth that the butchering ended. Corbett wobbled around gamely. but was as helpless as a lame duck. Harry Tuthlll then Jumped Into the ring and a great yell went up from the crowd. The fight was over.. Corbetv bauiea in. blood, and with a sickly smile, shook hands with tha. vic tor, and was then helped out' of the ring. Nelson looked strong and-was unmarked. He received the congratulations of scores of friends who crowded about him. After posing lor the snapshot men, he was -carried off on the shoulders of his smil ing friends. The house gave him a tre-. mendous ovation. Pavilion Crowded to Danger Point. The pavilion was jammed to the danger point. The taint of suspicion which has characterized some of the recent contests in this city was entirely absent lri con nection with tonight's battle, and lntex- est was keen. This was shown by the betting. Notwithstanding the one-slded- ness of the odds, the Corbett men giv ing 2 for 1, the speculation on the result was the heaviest of any contest since the Britt-Corbett battle nearly a year ago. Later In the evening the betting. owing to the weight of 'Nelsom money, switched to uie odds of 10 to 7. Bets were - registered at even money that the ex champion would dispose of his opponent in 12 to 15 rounds. Despite the disparity in the price, betting continued heavy up to the final moment.. It is estimated that the receipts tonight will approximate $15, 000. While technically no championship title r;, Jimmy Brltt In this city next month for the world's feather-weight championship proved an Incentive which greatly stimu lated the efforts of the principals and im pelled them to train to the limit. Cor bett, in particular, underwent a very se vere' course of training. The former champion made no secret of the fact that his weight just previous to the con dltlonlntr process was 146 pounds, but by faithful and strenuous work that figure was systematically reduced and when the lads weighed In at 6 o'clock this evening Corbett'3 weight was at the figure previ ously agreed upen, namely, 130 pounds. Nelson had been at the figure for days past, and at no time has there been any apprehension in regard to his making the weight. He failed to raise the beam at the 130 notch as he stepped on the scales. Corbett's seconds were Harry Tuthlll. his manager; Frank McDonald, Billy Otts, Benny Carson and Tim McGrath. Nelson was seconded by Ted Murphy, Frank Rafael, Dan Danziger and Jack Kelley. Cyclone Kelly knocked out George Ad ams in the second round of the first pre liminary- Jack Cornell, or San Francisco, was awarded the decision over Eddie Santry at tho end of 10 rounds. The decision was very unpopular with the spectators. CORBETT A GOOD LOSER. He Says He Was Fairly Beaten Nelson Sure He Can Defeat Brltt. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 29. After the fight Nelson said: "Well, another short-ender brought home the money. Kind of fooled 'em. didn't I? At no stage of tho fight was I In doubt of the result. Of course, in the first two or three rounds I was Just feel ing him out, but after the third had passed I knew I had him. Before the fight I said Corbett wasn't game. I take that back now. He Is surely a game guy. wnat ne toon tomgnt snowea it. I am not marked up a bit, and I am not hurt. Brltt? Why. I'll win from Brltt. He looks Just llko the rest of 'em to me, and Til get him. I won a llttlo over J2000 tonight outside of my share of the re ceipts." Corbett said: "I was beaten fairly, that is all there is to It. I have really nothing to say. Let It go out to the world that I say I was fairly beaten by a man who Is better than J .am tonight. You know what T mftnn . TlwK'li Tin iviTnnla Iryt- Tnrri this ld. VA wlU'aiWVys. take-our Bcaf- lags with -ay jrood grace as we vo it tp others, and I would be the last man to de tract from the other man's victory. Ho won, and he won fairly all the way. He Is better than I am tonight." James Brltt said: "Nelson Is one grand little fighter and I realize that when I fight him in December I have got fo put up a better fight than I ever did before I In my life. I have had my eyes opened. (Concluded on Fase 7.) CONTENTS OP "TODAY'S PAPER The Weather. TODAY'S Rain; high south, shifting to south west winds. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 53 deg.; minimum, 42. Precipitation, none. Koseo-Japaneae War. Japanese are reported to have gained a sreat advantage at Fort Arthur. Fase 4. Attackers are Buttering heavy losses. Pa?e 4. Japanese attack against RennenkampfTa front on the Shakhe proves to have been the nerceat skirmish In weeks. Page 4. Admiral Dewey declines to be member of North Sea Commission. Page 4. Foreign. Prominent Russian editor, declares demand for a constitutional government will only delay reforms. Page 4. Relative of Vanderbllta secures divorce from Turkish Count. Page 4, Whites In German Southwest Africa are re ported to be In great danger of being mas sacred. Page 4. Domestic. Roosevelt Is likely to visit the South, and make It a point to meet the masses. Page 1. Strikers at Zlegler. Hl., mines fire on town all night, and more troops are sent to the scene. Page 3. Lawyer for creditors of ilrs. Chadwlck de clares one of notes she gave as collateral bears the signature of Carnegie; magnate declares he does not know the woman. Page 5. Commercial and Marine. Coffee market a puzzle to traders. Page IS. Much speculative Interest In stock market. Page 15. Further break In Chicago wheat prices. Page IS. Slums in wheat options at San Francisco. Page 15. srH Liner Kumantla arrives with cargo Irom Orient. Page 7. O. R. & lWtccjii'weBroot salvage offer. Page 7. Pacific Coast. Governor Pardee working for California state building at the Lewis and Clark Fair. Page 1. Anniversary of the "Whitman massacre cele- brated at TValla Walla. Page 6. "Willamette Valley orchard produces Immense crop of peerless apples. Page 6. PU repudiates anu-electnament su mlt claims to business men s conference. Pags 6. Sports. "Battling" Nelson defeats "Young Corbett.' the oponge being .thrown up In the tenth round. Page 1. Portland and Vicinity. Prosecution will close case against defendants In land-fraud trial today. Page 1. Grand Jury Indicts TV. E. Applegate for pool- selling. Page 1C Bridge Investigation committee seeds an ex pert. Page 10. Another arrest expected In Incendiary ' are case. Page 10. William Gavin, brother of girl held up, is mlaalng. Page 11 Work of visiting nurses praised. Page 14. Detectives arrest man charged with: looting freight car. Page 11. New electric line being surveyed from Gresham to the Columbia. Page 11. Prosecution rests In trial of Major Beesi Page ' 14. Three saloonkeepers arrested for selling liquor to boys. .Page 10. Contract for Celilb portage roadwijl be .let soon. Page 11. Itayor- "WUlla satirise" municipal', reforms before Ocesoa r AscJlfc. -t-e ju NET IS TIGHTER Strong Evidence In Land-Fraud Cases TRIAL , REARING IIS tHU W. A. Richards Identifies Letter of Senator Mitchell. ASKED CASES BE EXPEDITED Mr. Hermann's Lapse of Memory Is Bridged Over Experts Testify That Defendants Signed the Forged Affidavits. W. A. Richards, commissioner of the General Land Office has come across the United States; has occupied the witness- stand at the land fraud trial for a few brief minutes; has Identified a few papers and letters; has cleared up the little un certainty left by the forgetfulness of BIng- er Hermann: has proved that Mr. Her mann's memory ought to have been bet ter in regard to the letters "offered as evi dence and forgotten by him and has fin Ished his business without the expected denouement or the explosion that was rumored. Yesterday's trial lacked the startling disclosures hinted at when it was learned that Mr. Richards was to be a witness, but in Its evenness It drew closer still the net around the defendants. Trial Nears an End. The trial Is nearing an end. and the prosecution has stated that today will close its case. What the defense will do Is a matter or doubt. It Is not known what or how much testimony will be In troduced In rebuttal. It is not thought that the defendants will trust themselves be fore the cross-examining fire of Mr. Heney who. It Is said, spent two weeks in cross examining one witness In San Francisco. What other testimony can be offered not known. So far In the case tho relations of the defendants In a business and a social way have been shown; the fact that they have been working together in the land busi ness is a matter conceded. The falsity of their homestead affidavits and of the fraudulent reports sent to tho depart- Went is too- BlarJngrtonilt f vAfe.Tiitd E sane comraaicuon an wit--pave w,m ae- fended on some other ground than simple denial. Emma Porter 'has bcei Identified and connected fn the case as Emma I. "Watson; the knowledge of Puter as to the fraudulent statements has been shown and Horace G- ilcKinley will be Identi fied as George A. Howe, a fictitious per son who bandied large tracts at the land secured upon fraudulent transactions. To a layman the case would seem to be won, but it is nor, accoruing u mo ae- fense: far from such a stage, and will not bo tainted with, defeat until the verdict of the Jury has rendered sucn an opinion. If It does so happen to do. Special Venire Summoned. At the opening of the morning, session yesterday Mr. Hall asked that the court Issue a special venire of 36 Jurors to sit in tha cases yet to be called. The court ordered the venire to Issue and directed that the Jurors be present at Tuesday of next week at 2 o'clock. "Wells A. Bell, United States Commis sioner at Prineville, was the first witness called and by him the prosecution at tempted to prove the conspiracy of Mrs. Watson and Puter, by showing that Puter had been present at the time when ilrs. "Watson made affidavit to a timber claim before tho Commissioner and thereiore had knowledge of her fraudulent allega tions and acts. Judge Pipes objected to the testimony of the witness, arguing on the defect in the indictment, claimed by the defense, in that it did not charge the knowledge of thn defendants In alleging ground for ac Hon, and for which reason such knowledge could not be proved. Tha court, however, held to ihe con- TOT-ir nnri allowed the witness to testify. holding that the conspiracy did not end, with the Issuance of the patents, that the nnmirfun- was therefore continuous un til the second selection of land had been made and the last patents issuea. Tht.q testimony." said tho court, "Is of- fpred to connect Puter with the consplr- o.. tn rtKnw that "Watson's acts were unlawful and to show that Puter knew ,a Watson was encaged In unlawful en terprises and that with that knowledge he co-operated witn ner. Mrs. Watson as Emma Porter, Mr Bell's testimony was admitted, and he to'ld of having witnessed Mrs. Watson's .im.t.i ns -Emma Porter, to -affidavits In securing land, and that Puter was with her at the time. H. F. Coleman, chief Clerk in the regis try department of tne uenerai xana. m flce, was next called for one question by the prosecution, .-cxr, ta it thnt receives all letters written by United States Senators and "fy" m congress to the Com- ???JtagJr?.in nVnal "Land Ofllcet" f,. VVt. -nnev I ..7,. X l.tters and all letters marked or or -private' go HlrL" to the Commis- olnnor direct.' "That will do, Mr. Coleman.' Heney. "We will now call ttt a -Richards." said Mr. Governor Governor Richards had been the focus point of an hundred pairs of eyes since T.n!nc- of the court, and now that he was at last xo ,iuu "" -v- - j..n lvoatli or. expectation iuu cciutu down to bear the shock, whatever It might be that had to come. nr- TTPnev asked the witness at the out set to tell what, he had to do with the T,o!intr nf final proofs while he held the position of Assistant Commissioner under Blnger Hermann. Governor Richards Testifies. T had nothing, to do with it unless It j referred to me by the Commissioner,' T,rpred Mr. Rlcharde. "I had no au thnritv to expedite cases, because that -nrno thi sDecial privilege of the Coramis- slbner and was not exercised by the As sistant Commissioner.'' Mr. Richards then teatlfted coacernliig the Instructions sent to -Special Agent c E. Loo mis at Oregon City and WUed the book of record, had. brought, from the iAn De with mm, aorrm: the instruction xot Ixiimlt in regard t the investigation of the 45 claims In town- hip 11 south of range 7 east. Judge Pipes objected to the Introduction of the book as evidence on the ground that the letters j contained were copies and not original letters. A great deal of time was taken In arguing the question before the books were Introduced- The second book, con taining the supplementary instructions to Mr. loomls, as well as the book contain ing the instructions to S. B. Ormsby to conduct an investigation, were all Identi fied by the witness and offered as evidence to show the fact that the agents were acting under orders of the department and were therefore competent to take af fidavits, which had been denied by the de fense. At the conclusion of the preliminary ex amination Mr. Heney asked Mr. Richards the question: Did you have anything to do with certifying to the patent In the Puter and "Watson claims?" 'I did." responded the witness. 'When and how?" asked Mr. Heney. 'In the first part of March, 1902 Mr. Hermann called me Into his office. Senator Mitchell was present at the time. Mr. Hermann had a lot of papera relating to 12 homestead entries in Oregon and asked me to take them and go through them to see if there was any reason why patents snouia not issue at once. I Were either Puter or Mrs. Watson I present?" asked Judge Pipes. The witness answered: that tney were not, whereupon the defense objected, to the Introduction of the testimony, but the objection was overruled. "I would like to say," said Governor Richards, "that I was making a state ment of how I came by the papers. I had no original jurisdiction and had no busi ness with special cases except when they were turned over to me by the Commis sioner." The witness then was asked to identify the homestead papers in the 12 cases In terested In the suit and stated that he had them under his consideration and that they were the same ones given him by Hermann. Mr. Heney next sought to settle the question as to whether or not a special agent had the right to administer oaths, and asked the witness concerning the practice of the department. 'It has been the practice in cases ot supposed fraud for a special agent to take affidavits ever since I have had any con nection with the Land Department." an swered the witness. In the afternoon Mr. Richards identified the Ormsby reports made to the Govern ment. He had met Puter while he had the claims under consideration, and iden tified him in the courtroom. Puter Introduced by Mitchell. "My first recollection of Mr. Puter," said the witness, "was shortly after these cases had been placed in my hands, when ho came into my office and was intro duced to me by Senator Mitchell." "What did the Senator say about the cases?" asked Mr. Hene.y. "He said, during the first Interview, that Puter was Interested In 12 cases and that he was a reputable man and one of the best citizens of Oregon, and that I could rely on any statement he made." In relating the conversation had with Puter, Mr. Richards called to mind the presence of Mrs. Watson, whom he Identi fied In the courtroom as the woman with Puter In -Washington. "Puter said." continued the witness, "that Mrs. Watson had purchased the lands with. 2jop(y borrower! by. her. The parties -credItorhad asked for the money and she wlahed to nave the- title m order to be able to realize on the land. He was interested In the case because it was through his advice that she had made the investment.'' Mr. Heney next brought the copy book containing the letter presented to -Mr. Hermann and which could not be iden tified by him. It was the failure of Mr. Hermann to make this Identification that was the cause of Mr. Richards' Journey across the country. It was the letter written by Mr. Hermann to Senator Mitchell In answer to one asking that the 12 cases be expedited, and which con tained the notation calling the Senator's attention to the fact that Mr. Hermann had made the cases special, as requested. Asked That Proofs Be Expedited. "The purpose of thi3 letter," said Mr. Heney. in offering it to the court as evidence, "Is to show that It was upon the request of Senator Mitchell that these Watson and Puter affidavits were con sidered and the cases expedited and that the Commissioner acted upon them at his request." 'What has the Commissioner or the as sistant to do with the Issue of patents?" continued -the lawyer, addressing the wit ness. "Neither of them have anything to do with the Issue unless for some special rea son. They are Issued if the affidavits and proof eeem fair upon the face, and the Commissioner knows nothing of the trans action." Governor Richards was then excused without cross-examination from the case. Edward Meeker was called by the prose cution to prove that McKinley had paid for the filing- of the George A. Howe re linquishment to the Government. The witness had been the County Recorder of linn County from 1900 tp 1902, but had no recollection of the occurrences without the aid of memoranda made at the of fice, which was" objected to. The objec tion was sustained In part by the court, and the' witness was excused. B. M. Payne, County Clerk at Albany, identified an abstract of title made for the George A. Howe lands, he having been in the abstract business before his election as County Clerk. It was attempted tot show by this witness that McKinley had paid for Ihe- George' X Howe abstract. but the wltaeseoiifd not remember inde pendently of his notes, and was excused. Charles PTeiner. a derK at tne juoany Hotel, identified the signature of McKin ley on his register of November IS and 19. Unable to Find Howe. J. H- Booth, of the Roseburg Land Of fice, laid the ghost of Howe. He stated that he had been Instructed to find Howe, owing to the absence of a nonpccupatlon affidavit In the relinquishment. lie was unable to locate him. as there was no postoffice address other than Multnomah County given in the relinquishment, ne had written, to Multnomah. County, but the letter jcame back. "These directions," asked Judge O'Dsy "wire in wri'tlnrr. were they not?" The witness stated that he had received a Tet ter from the department. "Then I object to this testimony," an nounced the Judge. "If you would like to see the letters.", said Mr. Heney, "I will show 'tnem to you, Xudge." and the objector sat down amid the laughter of the court. Puter's Writing Identified. Clyde Lloyd was called to Identify the writing of Puter by letters received In the course of business transacted while working with McKinley. He Identified Puter's handwriting In the testimony of the Emma Porter claim and of the Maude Witt claim. The testimony was fought on the part of the defense, and in croes examlnatlon Judge O'Day asked: "You are not on speaking- terms with -these defendants, are your- Mr. Lloyd Mated that he was not on friendly terms, though he spoke to part Of the number. ""Totf are willing to state Jthe reason-you, are not on Xriendly terms, are you -not, rMr. LtaysT' asked Mr. Heney. (Cmc1M en Pa '!.). TO WIN SOUTH Roosevelt Is Likeljf'to Make a Tbur. PLANS TO MAKE IT UNIQUE Executive Desires to Come in Contact With the Masses. n A Mrnr--rr rn nmir- m-nnmm DMitUUu I o 1U L.U1YIL dCUUNU Indications Are Fast Multiplying That the People Are Anxious to Meet the President and Judge Him for Themselves. WASHINGTON, .Nov. 23. (Special.) It is the belief of those who have close per sonal relations with President Roosevelt that there Is much more than mere rumor In his reported determination to visit the South. The President returned from St. Louis today, and it i3 almost certain that the next train which bears him away on an extended trip will be drawn due south over the Potomac River. If the President be given Invitations from Southern cities other than the per functory ones which come from boards of trade and civic bodies, he Is certain to accept them. Mr. Roosevelt wishes to win the South, and if a journey through the Southern States Is arranged it will be unllko any other Presidential journey of history, if he can make it so. He docs not believe that he can make himself known to the Southern people, or that he. can get Into anything like close touch with them. If his visiting programme is cut out after the fashion of the pro gramme of ordinary Presidential Journey In gs. It Is hard for the President of the United States to meet the multitudes In the way he would like to meet them. He goes to a town and a hundred citizens who have evening wear In their ward robes. Invite him to a dinner. The people the President would llko o get at are watching the windows of the dining room from afar off. If the executive decides to make the trip he will see' to it that he can meet the people. President Roosevelt doe3 not hide the fact that he Is? sorry over the attitude of tiro South toward him and toward his- ad ministration. He llkee the Southerners. He Is half a Southerner himself and even the Northern Winters have not chilled' the warmth, of the Southern mix ture In his blood. invitations Are Pouring In. Indications are multiplying that the South wants President Roosevelt to visit its people In their homes. Invitations have come from boards of. trade and other bodies, but these were expected. Now other Invitations have come. They are from the people, some at whom don't know what a board of trade Is. There have been invitations from Atlanta, from Jacksonville, from Mobile and from. New Orleans that the people will welcome Theodore Roosevelt, the man, as well as Theodore Roosevelt, the President ot the United States. The President believes if he can get at the Southern people he can probably win them. There Is certainly precedent enough in his history" to excuse the assumption. There are those who fear that if Theo dore Roosevelt goes South he will be in sulted. Some irresponsible one may howl an Insult at him, but the Southern pec-ple are .hospitable, and they don't care toTsea a guest Insulted, whatever his politics. They probably would lynch the lnsulter. KnoxvIIle Invites President. KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Nov. 29. By un animous vote tho "KnoxvIIle Chamber of Commerce tonight Invited "President Roosevelt to visit the city on his South ern trip. Atlanta Also Desires a Visit. ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 29. At a meet ing of the Atlanta Chamber of Com merce tonight, a resolution extending President Roosevelt an invltatlom to visit Atlanta was unanimously adopted. MR. DO0LEY BACK HT CHICAGO Philosopher Visited Archey Road ami Renewed Old Acquaintances. CHICAGO, Nov. 29. (Speclali) "Well, I see everything here Is the. same," mJA "Mr. Dooley" (Flnley Peter. Jhmne), as ha alighted from an Eastern train tqday, "Lake Michigan, with, its tumulfchu prodigality, is free, but they cba-a-rge for everythin' Use." Mr Dunne arrived from Ne Tork and in an automobile visited "Archey Road" and other familiar scenes, renewed ac quaintances with majiyldfriends, talked some politics, but steadfastly refused, to talk about himself, or' his plans. "Whiit, last seen he was at the station trytoff to, decide whether to buy a. tlcketand return .st immediately or rensaarand aceapt a pressing and well-nigh overwhelming in vitation to attend a banquet of tha' forty Club given in his honor. Be wted to attend the banquet, , but. erealded. belnr called upon for a speech Labor Law U wowatftifan a. ALBANT. N.'T., Nsv. 2f. The Nw York State Court of Appeals today de clared v unconstitutional the labor tew which prohibits a cocttmetor from em ploying his men mora than eight hour a day On city, county or state, worx. Rsoetvtlt's Big Lead In Ohio. COLUMBUS 0 Nov. 2. The- Official canvas of tke state shows 1.0ai.M ballot cast: SteeMTtlt m,m; Parker, 24 974: Swelled 2MM; D.. X,M; CVirr n. 1 ity, apa ?u,im. was pent in ramwiu