1 THE MORNING OKEGOITLLK, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, lite. flBf1, " ITflHHF The Sun Never Sets on the "Fair-Way" XtHPV "7?!iWHK "Rose "Different HfiL 5feajHB - H&j!& City" Style Store" oKBSLT3 f PORTLAND'S LARGEST, FOREMOST STORE "-y,f Shop " ". l EXPONENTS OP QUALITY IN MERCHANDISE. Quality: "A grace which no amount of artifice can ever hope 16 pr6fuce.,?-Stedman A GREAT CORNUCOPIA OP FASHION'S RIPENED FRUITAGE IS GATHERED FOR DISTRIBUTION AMONG THE PATRONS Or THIS STORE'S ... - 52d GRAND "FRIDAY ECONOMY SALE" TODAY! RARE BARGAINS! HH JOKLPFUL f TORE has arranged the most -vitally important sale to economists it has yet conducted this season. A sale so largo so mamnfoth in proportions that, were we to devote the eiftire paper you are reading to it we could not print mentions of all the remarkable values that go to make it up. The opportunities for saving in every ono of our over forty departments in this big eeUblishsaent are suefe as to well still firmer the friendship existing between this, Portland's most popular store, and its clientele. The daily crowds of satisfied purchasers attest the down-to-dateness and fairness of its mer chandising methods. And for today's selling we have brought together the greatest and "best stocks' ever found under any Portland mercantile roof, and priced them beyond the pale of competition. The newest, most dependable merchandise for less than actual cost of make in many cases for less than others will sell for in every case. Come in today and bring along the visiting folks who. stopped over from Thanksgiving. The store holds hosts of attractions not mentioned on this page. - A Happy Surprise for Buyers of Walking Skirts Smartly Tailored, Stylish, Trim and Trig $6.50 and $7.50 Walking Skirts for $2.79 The " Monty Hooligan" Shop thought to take this wide awake Apparel Store by surprise by stealing a march in the night, disguised in skirts. Like the omnipresent "cop" in the funny pa pers, we "were on" and "Monty" gets left again. What will the "Duke" say! An Immense Purchase of Walking Skirts at a Ridiculously Low Price for Today and Saturday Our expert woman buyer, when East on her last trip, closed a deal whereby 575 handsome, new. stvlishv tailored "Walkine Skirts came to us at about 40c on the dollar of regular cost. It was his invoicing time and he preferred entering the amount they represented on his cost book rather than his stock sheet. The skirts arrived by express Wednesday just in time to provide our patrons with the biggest bargains in Portland for todaj in Walking Skirts. So large a purchase. as this would be out of question with any other Portland house lor none other have the outlet. Our fair valuations of $6.50 and $7.50 would become at least $7.50 and S8J5Q at the windy stores that blow of "shoestring" purchases in market. A mouse becomes an elephant thro' the goggle eyes of "cheap" stores. No purchase is too big for us if the price is right The materials in these skirts are cheviots, serges, meltons and handsome, stylish faner mannish mixtures. A full and attractive color line, embracing plain blues, blacks, grays in light and the serviceable Oxfords, rojal blues, cadet blues, etc All the skirts are in the popular new round lengths, some plain tailored, others in strap, button, stitched, corded and plaited effects. The swellest line of $6.50, $7.50 and a very few $8.50 values (other store's $10 skirts) here today and Saturday only at $2.78. witf-sri For further Extra 9 Specials for today see supplementary announcement on page 5. The Home ot Quality and Worth jJQT Largest Women's Apparel Sterw and Stocks Wsrt of Marshall Field's Gbicg Srtafrlkhmrat. The Unmatchable Suit Sale Continues Today and Tomorrow in Portland's Foremost and Largest Suit and Wrap Store Second floor, Grand Salons Women's $35.50 to $42.50 Suits for $26.55 Low Prices at Your Feet Did Your Shoes Spring a Leak Yesterday? Have you got a pair that refuse to become ac climated? Maybe they're working: overtime. You wouldn't like to be working on a Summer Job yet now, would you? Trot along: your feet hero Today and order 'em fitted. The more particular you are the better we'll like It. But .remember don't come if you don't want "Good El...n Vin nnltr onr it a nail Vi-lonir less on Friday, ou the "Fair Way."" Special Ecoaomy Sale Prices a Shoe for e TOmta aad children. TheO. W. & K. Shoes for Men The best Shoe on the market today at the price comes in box can, veiour cair, patent coit, patent Kia and vici ma, in choice styles. Buy a pair, give them a trial, and you won't be one bit sorry, but will congratulate yourself on getting a pair of shoes worth J 5.00 for only . -. 93JS9 Women's Dress Shoes, for $269 1 1000 pairs of women's dress Shoes, have matt tops, patent tips, 2 round toes, Cuban or military heels, very choice styles; a ,great a Economy Sale special at, the pair S2.8 I $1.65 for Women's Shoes worth $2.50 Nurses' solid comfort Shoes for house or hospital wear, with hand- turned soles, rubber heels and patent tips, regular $2.50 value; Economy Sale price, the pair si.88 Women's Shoes worth $3.00 for $1.74 m 800 pairs of women's "Gladys" Shoes, with double or single soles, a round toes, military or Cuban heels, best kid uppers, $3.00 value; Economy Sale price, the pair 81.74 Children's Shoes About 500 pairs in box calf with double soles, the best Winter a school Shoes: Sizes 6 to 8. value $1.50: Economy Sale nrice Sc Sizes 8 to 11, value $1.75; Economy Sale price SL6S -Sizes lltt to 2, value $2.00; Economy Sale price.: SL3S HRflRHBkn' Boys' Shoes In box calf, with heavy double soles. Shoes built for good, hard wear, substantial and weu maae 98c 81.38 $1.43 A glorious feast of post-Thanksgiving values a word of each value a lot of stunningly handsome new Street Suits and Calling Gowns in materials of broadcloth, cheviot and normlar mannish mixtures: Macks, naws. browns and nrftttv imxtnrfcs in tourist, diren- toire, Norfolk, blouse and Paquin styles, with mannish fancy vests; braid, velvet, button silts il to i'x&iui iilii; Economy tale price", 'air .". and strap trimmings; some in the severer tailored styles. Best $38.50, 5? U SlzZ- i 'w, ;cono? we pnee. pair.. ....... ta. $40 and $42.50 values for today and Saturday only-choose for $0.00 ; 95C fOf Women's Juliettes WOrth $ 1 .50 Above sale is continued by special request of a large number of out-of-town patrons who are stop-over guests today among the city's homes. We are glad to extend this special privilege to so many of our visiting friends. Women's $20 Theater Copes Today and Saturday for Only $10.95 Juliettes. made of red or black felt, fur trimmed, with hand turned soles, value $1.50; special Economy Sale price, the pair.BSc ; Women's Kid Juliettes worth $2.50 for 2 $1.75 Women's house Juliettes. with finest kid uppers, patent tips, hand a turned soles, onera- heels, regular jz.00 value: .Economy sale price, the pair 81.78 - Savings in the Domestic Aisle Flrmt Fleer. Most of you have read in the funny papers of the "Handy Man," is always showing up at lust the rignt time to aid some un well, we ve a handy man in charge, of the who is always showln fortunate individual. Domestic Section, where Handsome Capes for evening wear, in a rich tan shade of soft beautiful kersoy trimmed with thibet. These have a full 144-inch sweep and are a staple fashionable wrap for wear to any social or evening function over the rich theater or calling gowns. The last of last season's line, but appropriate now as then, and the price to close, i I A A7 today and tomorrow is about halfN $14.95 Today or Saturday Allows Choice 5 of the New $2$$w d Raincoats A special lot of new Coats just in, the mult of a sharp trade in whicb the maker camVeSL LCQtllCr GOOdS 311(1 JCWClf second best with our expert woman buyer. An offer to close the lot of 150 Coats with " i ike xeir-jUiex-Fint Fleer, some others was the argument ha succaaabed to and the coats are here. Handsome Crav- 880 roR rtrKSES worth s ub. . , , . . . , . .... , . , i i " envelope jtruraes 1U Uiu.ca uiunu ui nuu iuist, uuw OIJ1S, enettes in plain colors and the popular mannish mixtures. Blouse, tourist and plain. box 3-pieco fitted, value SL25; special at. each . sec style, splendidly tailored and of perfect workmanship. Plaited backs, Ieg-o'-mutton and J jJgtfgffiStESSt iTbS&SSW value Bischoff sleeves. The best actual $22J0 and $25 values offered in town. r m r r Z ;i.25; special at, each ,...7e lot today ana Saturday only, your choice for ,....r rv ; Dainty Wash Fabrics and Flannels a Are sold. He Donsed up just in time to aid Friday buyers to e; .Christmas money and the mora of these you buy the more you ; 25c for Nulls, Lawns and Organdies 5000 yards of plain Silk Mulls, French Lawns and lace striped or- gandles In all colors: regular 40c, 50c, 60c and 75c values; pe- clal economy sale price, yard .aoe 55c for French Flannels worth 75c Finest quality imported printed French Flannels, in beautiful floral errects. serous, ngures, qols, s;ripe3 ana Persian designs, every one new and splendid 75c value; for Friday economy sale, special at, the yard :...58e THE WANTED WINTER WAISTS A Sweeping Clean -Up Sale $3.50, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00 and $7.50 WAISTS TO-DAY FOR $2.45 ExquUitely tailored Waists in Cannelsy. alpacas and new granite eloths reds, tans, navys, suaeu, clues, grays aad browns. In plaited and tacked fleets, splendid werk manship and finish. Sart and serviceable. A ffcw of tk $7 waists reIiUy mussed from handling. JhQ JLK Yaisut a above, on Friday only, at a cieiet for. . T W AX EXTRAORDINARY SAL.K 9R m hi u it sxiiiA. riiis wun'ia Sterling: silver Stick Pins, assorted styles, value 19c; special at, each xa 35C FOR HAT PINS WORTH 36 C. Fancy Hat Fins, in assorted styles, extra long; pins, value 35c; special at, each v 3Se 8SO FOR HAT BRUSHES WORTH flJW. Sterling sliver Hat Brushes, fine soft white bristles, value 11.25: a M n1V M. special at. each Economy Sale of Handsome Laces and Chiffons Lace Cenntcr Flrat Fleer. A lot of Lace Bands, 1 to 3 Inches wide, consisting of Point Veaise in white and cream and cotton cluny in white; also black wool skirt Laces and insertions; regular prices, iwc, stcr sua b&c, 40c, 7oc; isconomy saie prices are, tne yara..... Stylish, Handsome COATS AND Smart Tailored WAISTS FOR WOMEN Stlrrisc yrtee eeMie8 fer FrIAay ftrm in the sxea.t Sec ond floor apparel MUono-the largest store devoted solely to the sale of trasaea'a outer ap rtrel west of Cijlcso's Manhall leld ettablUhBient. Wnm'i $10 iA 120 OmU $7.i5-flS mi $lf.50 TaIsft.H. The neatest sale Of Coats vet this season. The creducta of ? aaaster tailors upon Trhom we depead lor many of oar smartest Briflflt RlbbOflS fOT FflnCV WOTk ararmenta. A purchase of our buye,r during Her recent trip to Ribbons of every hue Bilk, satin and sre gTaI Jt what you flo ior& si. jti price conocnigR os hccuiui ui ui iucbhs ui the maker's season. Materials are cheviots, kerseys aa& hand- s soe mannish mixtures. Cut in tl an 32-lnch Korfalks, teurists and paletots in felaeks, blues, browaa an taas. gome kave velvet collars and turned military eu&ts. Eeaie lala tailored. otherVfii: fancy titc&lax. yipl&r, faacr braid aad button-trimmed .effects. Grand value at the regular price. Tea ay you naay cKbeta the tIK tit Cft md fni- '.MJE lt and ilt.SI sradet for 9CSK A lot of swell spapcled fans with pred sticks, lstedj very haadsorae designs. Regular $2.59 and $3 value For ecemy Mt(99tifitl9taiti sale, special at, each... .aiM 4Ec 50c and ......................... -tj ii -.'v, wk, jki ur wme Juby Rufflings and Headings worth 15c, 20c and 25c, for !0c ? Chiffon Huffling-s, i. and 1 inch wide, in all colars (no whito I op black), regular 15c, 20c and 25c values; special SoeRoiay Sale e price, the yard , , ,l Same as above, 1 Inches wide, regular 35c. 40c and 50c values; Z for Economy -Sale price, special, at, the yard...., ..1 s Lace Hat Drapes 46c FOR LACK D RANK'S WRTH 7Xe New Lacs Hat Drapes in black and white very stylish and be coming worth 75c special economy sale prie,. eea......4Se need for Holiday jrirt-maklnir. have cut tne prices in two: For Friday aeemr sale we Ribbons worth 6c for, the yard Ribbons worth 10 for, the yard Rlbbon3 worth 20 for. the yard .,.3 I life NEED A DAIXTX FAX FOR OPXRA R. SAIX? Here's Pretty Tans at Plebeian Prices STAXGIiED FAXS IffXTK N AND ff'FCR fCeT 1 MAYBE YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO WOULD LIKE ONE OF THESE LAMPS FOR CHRISTMAS EHf Economy Lights These Lamps A SALE THIRD FLOOR LAMP STORE. Do you read much o'nlchts or write? Surely ' If you do you must appreciate the convenience of a reading lamp. As you glance thro these items you'll also appreciate the helps these S rices for Friday give to buyers. Maybe you've eea waitlne for this special sale? , FRIDAY .ECONOMY SALES OF Gas and Electric Portable and Reading Lamps THIKD FLOOR Our stock of electric and g-as portable and reading- lamps is complete in every respect. These lamps come In novel and beau tiful designs, which it would be difficult to duplicate anywhere in the city. They are all Included at special prices In the Friday economy sale. ' . Below are printed a few descriptions and prices which will in terest prospective buyers: Gas Reading Lamps $2J5$ FOR LAMP WORTH $3.45 Has black base, oxidized stan, complete with burner, mantel, dec orated shade and six teet ox tuDing. vaiue j.o iconumy m.w price, each - fsso $2.79 FOR LAMP WORTH S3.79 Lamp with orn&menteJ stand and base, complete, same as aBove Value $3.70 Special Economy sale nrlce, each , FOR LAMP WORTH Uf Lamp in Colonial design, old brass nnish. .complete with burner, mantle and tubing-. Value $4.20 Economy sale price. each..M6 35 FOR LAMP WORTH 5J5 This lamp has green enameled stand and brass trimmings", heavy base, complete as above. Value 53.35 Fr Economy saje, - special at, each- - 3.S faf FOR LAMP WORTH S7.95 Lamp with fancy antique brass base and stationary shade-holder, very neat. Value $7.95 Economy sale price, each $&ie Our liae of gas reading lamp mages la -price from $M5 to S228 each. Electric weeding Lamps Old brass finish lamps with plain ribbed stand and vase, with decorated shades. Value $3.75 Special Economy price, each.. $3.78 LAMPS WORTH $50 FOR S4.10 Ti..t.i. lamn izrltti licmfv nftiinrA hAS anticiuA brass fin ish. Regular value i'S.50 Special Economy sale price; each. .$-U9 Electric i'onasie saa unua iuat jiib " r " In Baby-to-Miss Aisles Second Floor. No such pretty babies as Portland babies, and no such a liaby shop in Portland as this one. And when ba bies grow to misses -we care for them, too. Every age is best looked af.ter here. Special today Children's Bonnets, b white India, Bengaline silk, rows of fancy hem stitching, cord and ruche trimming. Better quality of children's white silk Bonnets, embroidered,, fine tucked, fancy braid, ruche and ribbon trimmed. Begular prices 90c and $1.00, at V a Lace Curtains and Curtain Rods Economi cally Priced for Priday Economy Sale Fourth Floor. f 3.97 POX LAOS OUITAKS WORTH $5.50. 200, pairs of whiter Brussels Lac Cnr ains, seven handsome rjatter&a. from which to select-all this season's im portations, Yalues to $5.50 for Econ omy Sale, special at, pair.,.?3.87 only e roa brass ixtemiiok xods BrasT Extension. Curtain Bods, -nth hooks extending from 30 to 50 inches. For Friday Economy. Sale special at, each,..6. Three different linesvt Undressed-Dolls, with bisque beads, kid bodies and jointed knee3. These Holjs are perfect little "Slp inj? Beauties," have curly locks, and are of the bloqde and, bru nette types. Have shoes and stockings: Our 35a size Dolls .special for today and tomorrow at 23 Our 50o size.Dolls special for jtoday and tomorrow -at. . . .33 Our 65c size Dolls special for today and tomorrow at. ... 48y Quite a Crowd of Little Mothers Have Visited DoHvMeThis WeeK TiKirth Floor. And not a few dollies went home with thVk newly found maters. You see, dol lies -will need dressing before, they'll be presentable before company. "Too. sweet for anything," a number of little firls said the other day about our "Lit tle Sweetheart" dolls. These curly haired beauties are created by skilled artisans froLthe models that cost more far-more when made by that clever Frenchman Jmnwtn- Ihree sfxtcial offerings todayr se lected from these aristoeratic beauties: Our siae "Little Sweetheart" Doll Owr $2J8 "siie ' f Little S wee th'ert' Dxl . fl.47 Oar $2,m size "Little Sweetheart" Doll fl.88 I I mi i