The Meier Frank Store Portland's Largest and Best Store 6ity Engineer Safe Un less He Acts. Special Xawts FoMer of .Toys, Dolt, , Q Glass, Silverware, Etc., Fr for AskStvg Priadaal Forties Ageeet Ibr1ttericfc PaftanavaaMi rlketioXie Jelatettr Mem SeutSon U. S. Posfcsdfiioa Rear Mai Floor Moaey Orders, Stajaaa, KagfetaAg , Artktic Picture Fraaaifcg to Year, Order at the Very Lowest Prices New MoMlagt Largest Trsnk and Bag Store oa, the Coast Third FloorEvery Goo Size Style Custom S&ade ewi Drapery Work Or SMciaRy Estimates CheerfoHy Give PTDTHEHUYfl CHARGES GOME FROM HIM If Not Made, Council Cannot Remove Officials. BRIDGE INQUIRY NOT BEGUN Building of Morrison-Street Structure and Delay in Construction of Wil lamette Heights Bridge to Be Investigated. Upon one man, George H. - "Williams, who Is ilayor of the City of Portland, rest the eyes of the other officials of the city jverament, and particularly of the members of the Council which yesterday recommended the removal of City En gineer Elliott, his assistant, George Ecoggln. and the inspector of the Ill famed Tanner Creek sewer, J. M. Cay wood. The question now is: "What will the Mayor do?" According to the ten com mandments of the municipality, known as the city charter, the Mayor may now file charges against the City Engineer. In act. since the Council has recom mended his removal, it would be gener ally expected that such proceedings would Immediately follow. But it's right there that the Council .will perhaps experience one of the big aurpises of its life. Such charges may be a long time in coming. Simply because certain persons, Councllmcn though they be, think It proper that an official be removed from office. It does not necessar ily follow thathe Mayor will think the game. On the last day of 1903, nine Council men, who had made New Tear's resolu tions, called upon Mayor "Williams in a body and very strongly suggested that Chief of Police Hunt be relieved of his command. It was practically a recom mendation of the Council. That was nearly 11 months ago, but up to a late hour last night Charles H. Hunt was still Chief of Police. City Engineer Elliott, for his part, is waiting for the Mayor to speak. "I'll see the Mayor in the morning and talk the matter over with him," said he yes terday afternoon. A short time later Mayor Williams said he had nothing further to say. On Wednesday he said he would announce his stand in a few days. By the charter, the Council can do nothing more to get Mr. Elliott out of of fice. The Councllmcn, however, realize that they aro over their shoe tops in dig ging out the scandal now, and If hard pressed they will wade much further. It Is more than Intimated that the 1905 ap propriation for the City Engineer's De partment will not be allowed by the Coun cil until the recommendation Is compiled with. As to the bridges investigation, no plans have yet been formulated. Chairman Rumelln was confined to his home yes terday, and has not consulted with Dr. Whiting and Matt Foeller, the other mem bers of the committee. Ugly rumors have been afloat concern ing the delay In the construction of the Willamette Heights bridge, the Etcel structure across Balch's Gulch. So far as the Morrison-street bridge Is ooncerned. it Is generally believed that a strong attempt was made to form a pool of the bidders, but that the pool fell through, and that the bids were presented in good faith. The Marquam Gulch bridges were sublet by te or iginal receivers of the contracts. EARTH FILL IS WASHED AWAY No Provision Made to Carry Away Water In Woods-Street Gulch. A fill of earth washing out because no provision was made to carry off the water is the condition of affairs on the Front-street All across the Woods-Btreet gulch in South Portland. The heavy rains of the past week have washed out 200 cubic yards of earth, say residents of the assessment district. The blame is laid upon the City Engineer's Depart ment. The planking on the fill was completed two weeks ago, but already bo much earth has been washed away that the planks are dangerous, and the fill Is bar ricaded to vehicles and pedestrians. The people who paid for the earth originally do not care to pay for It over again. "the Simple life." Noted Book, Commended by Roose velt, In The Sunday Oregonlan. With the last Issue, The Sunday Ore gonlan began publication of "The Simple lite," whoso author. Rev. Charles Wag ner, was introduced to a Washington audience on Tuesday evening by so dis tinguished a man as President Roosevelt It .Is not necessary to add to the Presi dent's commendatory words of the man and his book. "The Simple Life" will be completed In ten Issues of The Sunday Oregonlan. Each Issue will contain a complete sermon. President Roosevelt says: "I know of no other book written In recent years, whether here or abroad, which contains so much that we of Amer ica, ought to take to our hearts as Is con tained In The Simple Life. " "MEN'S SUITS AHD OVERCOATS Made to order, eatlsfaction guaranteed or it can't cost you one cent. An elegant line of 530.00 values at 523.00, easy pay ments If you want, 5L00 per week. Men's overcoats, made to order, 525.00 and 530.00 values. 520.00 and 525.00; also easy terms. No use of you being compelled to buy cheap, ready-made. Ill-fitting truck. THE J. M. ACHESON CO.. Merchant Tailors, Fifth and Alder. HAIKC0ATS:LXAmC0ATS. We arc making them just as fast as we can and have a large stock of them ready for showing today. Special prices will be given on these popular coats today. Tourist Coats,' Ladles Suits and Skirts, ready-to-wear, made of our elegant tailor cloth. Easy payments 51.00 per week. If you like. THE J. M. ACHESON CO., Manufacturing Ladles' Garments, ready-to-wear. Fifth and Alder streets. Habitual constipation cured and the bowels strengthened by the regular use of Carter's Little Liver Pills In small doses. Xoa't Xorget this. V-.' -j eK BBBBBDBflBn .bbbbVbbt' mWWWw? Hf f- ' BBaaBTC Toyland Bids You Welcome Today Today fiads Sent Clans' Headquarters eanjaped to satisfy the wants of Christinas shoppers After eleven month of planning and'ye naring Portland's Christmas store k once again ready to serve ks army of frisnas wkh the greatest spread of ieaported awl donmtic toys ever fcrongnt to the Far West What couM the-Kttle folks of Portland do for Christmas without or toy store? Nothing k Port land with which to compare it Placed, hetides the niggesttoy stores m the kavdk k not overshadowed This great third floor "Toy land" filled to overflowing with the newest and hesttoys dtlgeat searchers comH flad lathis and foreign conntrks We cU particular attention to our magnificent display of mechanical, steam and electric toys The highlit grade noveHies we have ever shown and many of which are heing demonstrated for the benefit of Kttle and hig foMcs Bring the children as often as yon wowM like, they are always welcome Remember the advantages of early buying Make your selections, have them charged, pay cash or make a deposit and we will carefully pack them, store free of charge and deliver whenever yon say These special today just to start the hall roMmg Great Values in Dolls 12-inch Eid Body Dolls, cohered bust, bisque bead, glsss eyes, flowing hair, real shoes and stockings; best 25c values for. . . 15c 17- inch Kid Body Doll, bisque head, flowing hair, real shoes and stockings; marvelous values for this sale at 5avC 18- inch Fine Kid Body Doll "Florodora" -bisque head, sewed wig, with curly hair and moving eyes, removable shoes and stockings, EL! regular 75c value for J3C 24-inch Fine Kid Body Doll; handsome large bisque head, curly hair, removable shoes and stockings; $1.6d value for. . . . $1.12 Picture Department Bargains Great half-price sale of our entire stock of Medallions. ZJTf Great variety of subjects. All sizes, at the low price null of only PRICE 23 per cent reduction on our entire stock of OH Paintings beauti ful subjects. hlgh-Krade -work, all sizes. Choose any framed picture in our entire stock at U off from regular selling price. The largest and best stock In the city to select from. Second floor. Extra Fine Kid Body Doll, elegant bisque head, full sewed wig parted on side and tied with ribbon bow, curly hair; shoes and stock- 49-'g ings; wonderful value Vy "KESTNER'S" Famous Full Ball Pointed Papier Mache Doll, best turn ing head, sewed curly wig, moving eyes, white chemise trim- " A med, openwork stockings, patent leather shoes; great value. p Great Values in Toys An actual All Steel Range, nickel-plated high shelf, alochol lamp, and with each stove a set of copper utensils ; 11 in. high ; each. . Hansom Cab in black enamel, 16in. wheesl, have rubber tires, iron horse; a stylish turnout; 65c value for, each. . . . 5.-piece Vestibule Iron Passenger Train, painted red, white and blue; 38 in. long; always sold at $1.25; this sale your choice 500 50c Toy Music Boxes on sale at, each Combination Game Board; over 50 games can be played-on this board; size 24x24-in. ; regular $1.25 value for opening sale Rubber Vacuum Arrow Nickel-Plated Pistol ; absolutely harmless;-will not mar furniture; trains the eye; reg. 65c value. . . . American Toy Furniture Set, made of oak; 3 chairs, rocker, table ; great value, set American-made Mechanical Train, on Track ; locomotive, tender,, car and vestibuled sleeping-car; 8 pieces of track; regular $1.75 value for this sale. . . . ..73c ..39c 79c ...33 J?c A7c .33c baggage- .27 $1.75, $2 Hosiery 98c Pr. Great clean-up today and tomorrow of all our fine Hosiery for women, about 300 pairs, in fancy lisle hose, lace hose, plain and fancy embroidered hosiery; about all sizes; very best styles; regular $1.50, $1.75 and $2 values for, pair Bargains in Silk Hosiery "Women's Black Silk Gauze Hose, fine quality, all sizes; $1.25 values for, pair v-rOC "Women's Medium "Weight Black All-Silk Hosiery, best ej 9 q $2.50 quality, in all sizes ; marvelous values at, pair. .?l iO Friday and Saturday Specials in Children's Hosiery. Sale of Brushes All 35c Tooth Brushes, each. 21 All 25c Tooth Brushes, each. 15 All 15c Tooth Brushes, each. 11 Best $1 Hair Brushes, each.63p Best 50c Hair Brushes, each.35 Best $1 Cloth Brushes, each. 63 Best 60c Cloth Brushes, each.39 Best 75c Hat Brushes, each. 52 Best 50c Hat Brushes, each. 38 $1.25 Ebony Military Brushes, each 98 15c Hand Brushes for, each. 20c Hand Brushes for, each. .14 25c Hand Brushes for, each. .17 $ 50c Hand Brushes for,, each. .39 $6.00 Walking Skirts $2.98 Each $2.50 Albatross Waists $1.18 Each Today's Great 786th Friday Surprise Sale's great special pnrchase of Women's Walking Skirts Phenomenal valae every one of them A walking skirt bargain never equaled iiK the history of Portland retailing The price asked wouldn't cover the cost of material alone Tweeds and mannish mixtures in the very best patterns, plaited with strapped yoke, splendidly made and finished throughout We've sold hundreds of them at $5.50 and $6.00 each $2.98 Take yoqr pick today at the remarkably low price of See Fifth-Street Window Display $2.50 Albatross Waists $1.18 Ea. 600 Stylish Albatross Waists at less than half their real value should attract a great crowd of eager bnyers bright and early this mornkig all new, desirable waists in the best. colors, white, black, red, royal bine, brown, tan and navy; plaited front and back, tacked yoke, lace stock collar n oi t j. t i x At I MAi sizes me jreai wroi wusi &ar&am oj luc season Everyone of them regnlar $2.50 value Your choice for today's Surprise Sale at the exceptionally low price of $1.18 See Fifth-Street Window Display Oriental Rugs for Xitvas Gifts Wonld please most anyone, mala or female Every rag yoq boy here carries the guar- ontae of the Meier 4c Frank Store as to quality and worth The special pricing in force offers many beanthl specimens far below actual valqe Rngs, Prayer Mats, Hall Kunners, Carpet Sizes 18x36 Anatolian Mats, $5 values, for $ 3.95 $21 Belooch, re'duced to. $15.65 $17.50 Carabagh Rugs. .$12.95 Beautiful Benjeh Rugs, $17.50 value $12.95 Magnificent Shirvan Rugs, $27.50 values $21.50. $24.50 Bokara Rug for.. $18.85 $95.00 Afghan "Rug for. .$79.50 $87.50 Feraghan Rug. . .$71.00 $105 Cashmere Rug $79.00 $35 Moussul Rug for $28.50 $105 Iran Rug for, $87.00 $47.50 Gurdez Rug for. .$38.00 Hall Runners, room sized. An immense showing of Axminster and Smyrna Rugs in all sizes. Oriental and floral designs all sizes. Women's $1.50 Gowns ?9c Each 120 dozen Women's Cambric Night Robes in embroidery edgings and insertions, bead ing, tucks and ribbon trim medSquare, high and V shaped necks Splendidly made and trimmed All sizes Gowns selling regularly at $1.25 and $1.50 each Today your choice, each...- 79 OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS 100 dozen women's Outing- Flannel Gowns at remarkakly low prices. This season's very best styles in pink and blue stripes and pink, blue .and white plain colors Well made throughout. All $1.00 Gowns for S .7 All $1.2? Gowns tor .97 All $1.50 Gowns for $1.37 WASH GOODS SPECIALS 30c and 35c plain Silk Organdies in all the leading shades Value extraordi nary, at the low ptice of, yard..aie 75c and S1.00 medium and heavy weight fancy white Waistings. Mar velous values" at, yard 48c 25c to 50c fancy French organdies for party dresses. Great special value' at this low price, yard 18c $28.85 Fur Bargains 22-inch Astrachan Jacket, storm, collar, leg-o '-mutton sleeve ; regular $38 val ue; this sale.. . . Long Sable "Wolf Scarf, squirrel lined, 6 tails ; regular $15 val ue; for this ii sale $1 Long Black Coney Scarf, 6 tailsi silk cord ornaments ; best $7.50 value; this sale $5.25 Portland's Leading Cloak Store $22.50 Cravenettes $1?.45 Women's Cravenette Raglans in blouse, plaited back, collar less, leg-o '-mutton sleeve, fancy button trim- y Aft med; tans, olives, Oxfords; $22.50 values. . . t Women's Cravenettes, box plaited with belt; tans, olives Ox fords; all new, handsome styles; best $22.50 it values; for Thanksgiving week at , . . . V JtJ $20.00 Coats at $15.45 Women's Tan Covert Tourist Coats, single or double-breasted, satin-lined, with or without collar ; slot-seam back with belt; this season's most desirable value; T t regular $20 value k T Evening Waists Marvelous values this week. Exclusive novelties in Evening and Dress Waists, Chiffon Taf fetas, Chiffon Messalines, Crepe de Chines, Lace, Peau de Cygnes; magnificent styles in all shades $16.00 Waists, each $18.00 Waists, each $14.35 $22.00 Waists, each 91&S5 $25.00 Waists, each 1&45 $23.00 Waists, each $2245 $32.00 Waists, each $2445 $45.00 Waists, each Children's Coats, Dresses and Raincoats in immense assort ment. We outfit the children in the same - satisfactory manner that we do women. Costumes $34SI Special purchase of 15 beautiful Crepe do Chine Evening Gowns, in gray." light blue, brown, navy, pink, white and cham pagne; waist has lace yoke and clusters of tucks; skirt is. shirred to the belt; clusters ot tucks around bottom of skirt; entire gown Taffeta Silk Lined; regular jso.uo value, on sale at. SILK ..$34.85 PETTICOATS All High-Class Petticoats He duced. $14.00 values at 919.S6 $16.50 values at 913.95 J1S.00 values at S14.96 $22.59 values at.... 917AS $25.00 values at $28.00 values ut ftsl.36 $30.00 values-at 93S.1S $32.00 values at $40.00 values at ...f31.3S Men's Clothing Low Priced End of the Week bargains in opt Men's Clothing Store Satis factory ready-to-wear Spits and Overcoats at economical prici ? The best grade garments from America's leadmg tailors These extra special values for today and tomorrow Second Floor Men's All-Wool Through-and-Through Fancy "Worsted Suits, -well made and trimmedj perfect fitting, best patterns, all sizes; C ) O 3tX suits the exciusive clothier aslcs you $18.00. for . . . v Men's All-"Wool Fancy- Cheviot Suits in neat mixtures b e andbest styles; values extraordinary at . v $20 Unfinished Worsted Suits $16.15 Men's Fine Black Unfinished "Worsted Suits, hand-tailored, finest trim mings, newest style and cut; Suits the exclusive cloth- i j r ier asks you $25 for you "will find on sale here at . . . . P I 1 Men's $15 Black Unfinished Worsted Suits, very best CIA ft . styles, all sizes; remarkable values at . . . V0 $22.50 Belt Overcoats Only $18.35 Men's Fine $22.50 Belt Overcoats in Fancy Tweeds and' Cheviots, very lat est fashions ; Overcoats that the exclusive clothier doesn't tf o C hesitate to ask you $27.50 for; our special price today. . . 00? Men's Fine Quality $6 Worsted Dress Trousers, equal to tailor-made, very best patterns; great value $4.95 Meier & Frank Comfumy Meier Sc Frank Company Meier & Friaik ComjMny Meier & Frcnk Company Meier is. Fra nk Comptxy Meier & Frank Comfiay