Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 24, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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    . THE. ilORKXNG OEE(K)jXAS t TjaCUB.SP.AX,.OYEMBEl 24, 1904,
! Multnomah and Oregon Will
Present Snappy Game,
Indications -r-'XhaWeather Will
Bo Perfect, and That a Large
Crowd Will 'Watch Contest
for Football Supremacy.
10 A. M.
Football between T. il. C A. and
Fort Stevens, on Multnomah Field.
10:16 A- M.
Paper chase for Kerr cup. held by the
Portland Hunt Club, starting irom Pied
mont wafer, tower, .- t
AM. morning handicap competitions on
the Waverley Golf Club's links for the
Thanksgiving- day cups. Matches, medal
play, for both men and women. Men's
foursomes In the afternoon.
2:30 P. M.
The annual football gamo between the
Multnomah Club and the University of
Oregon, on Multnomah Field.
" 3-P. M.
Boat crews from ships of Ave different
t nationalities race from Oceanic Dock.
8 P. M.
Basket ball and Indoor baseball games
at the Y. M. C A.
The football supremacy of the North
west will; be decided this afternoon on
Multnomah field. The University of Ore
gon has sent down Its fast team to play
the sturdy Multnomahs. They will line
up against each other at 2:30 this after
noon, and for two hours after that the
audience is promised momentary thrills
of excitement. The two teams have played
together for ten years, but neither has
been so well prepared for the struggle
Multnomah is far heavier, has much
more experienced men and 'has had the
advantage of being trained by Chester
' Murphy, who is considered the beat-Informed
man on football '.on the Pacific
, Coast. Murphy will himself play quarter
i and direct the game " The line seems, un
I breakable. No college in the country had
J .such forwards as Multnomah this year.
The ends are taken care of by the old and
trusted players, Dave Jordan and Captain
Bowling. The halves, Corbett and
Horan, with either Dolph or Lonergan at
full, can execute any play football has
produced. Corbett is the fast and shifty
runner, Horan is unexcelled at sheer line
plunging, and Dolph is the best man for
opening holes and forming interference
the club team has. Lonergan is only
known by reputation, but his past per
formances give him as a bucking full.
- Oregon baa one great chance of win
ning this year. It has been coached all
season by "Dick Smith, who made a
sensation in the football world in the
East last year by turning out a good
team of football players from Columbia.
He was the whole thing as captain there.
He Is the whole thing as coach in Eugene.
He has taken a bunch of raw lads and in
a single season made of them football
players who will show the crowd today
rthe game as it should be played. Fast
and shifty plays, fierce line plunging and
unparalleled defensive -work against riext
. IO OVerwneimins weigut is vuuj:v,reguii
, will show. The field will be comparatively
fast, and Oregon will profit by that. Port
land has not been favored for a long time
with such football as Oregon will furnish
this day.
Oregon relies for victory on the Temple
ton brothers, Frank and Joe, at half,
and Xerren at fulL On a fast field they
will be at their best, and Multnomah
, will have to step lively" to corral that
trio. Jack Latourette at quarter is a
t heady chap, also, and he will put the
, plays where they will count. If Oregon is
defeated today it will not be because the
team was not worked right.
It Is difficult to judge as to the prob
able outcome of the game tomorrow, for
no opportunity has been afforded to
compare the strength of the respective
teams. One thing Is certain, however,
and that -is that Oregon will be repre
sented by theffStrbrfgest team that has
ever been organized at the State Uni
versity. The team Is light, but the
playeis have been coached to take ad
vantage of every opportunity, and I ex
pect to give the clubmen the game of
the season. Every member of the 'Var
sity eleven la la perfect condition, and
the team should, play the beat game of
the season this afternoon. Unless the
Multnomah defense Is perfect, we should
advance the ball, for every man is in
every play. Joseph Tcmpleton. captain
of University of Oregon..
The ends are this good, at least, that
it will take a clever piece of formation
to box them; They have proved that
before. The line Is by no means so heavy
or powerful- as. Multnomah, and-h&E some
hard knocks coming to it today. Arn
epiger is reputed to be the tower of
strength, but he has an uncommon :clever
opponent in KIrkley, who has come
through a hard season In good shape.
Oregon's chances of victory He in per
fect condition, two good Victories to look
back upon,and the confidence that "has
been Inspired into them by their coach.
The officials today will be the same as
la the Oregon-Corvallls game, Kenneth
Hamilton, of San Francisco, and "W. Lair
Thompson, of Albany. They distinguished
themselves Saturday by the quickness and
fairness of their decisions and their
knowledge of the rule-book. They will
stick very close to rulings, and there
will be no time taken out during the
game except for Injuries.
The lineup In today's gamo follows:
Multnomah. Position. Oregon. '
Jordan .'..L"E. H Chandler
(Stow .".ET. R vEarl
Ross L. G R Mclntyre
Grieve-Rlntoul C Reld
i Seeley R. G. L Mcplain
j KIrkley R. T. L Arnspiger
I Dowllng (cap.)..R. E. L Moores
' "Murphy Q Latourette
(Corbett L. H. RJ. Tcmpleton (c)
"Horan R. H. L F. Templeton
Dolph-Lonergan ...f Kerron-Grays
Oregon Has Made No Formal Protest
Against Fullback.
Marion Dolph will probaDlyllne up, as
lullback with Multnomah against Oregon
today. In spit& of the hasty telegram
pent to Manager "Watklns by Manager
! Graham from Eugene Tuesday, stating
that the sentiment of the college was
against Dolph's playing, ho is more than
Jlkely to be in the game.
I Manager Graham told Manager Wat-
kins in Corvallis last Saturday to play
Dolph, that it would be all right Then
i he went back to Eugene and found the
,t college did not approve of the permission.
So he wired Watklns in order to give him
n opportunity to select another -fullback.
in case the matter went so far as a for
mal protest.
The two managers got together again
last night and Graham explained his posi
tion, which was not plain, to "Watklns, as
he had read the telegram in theilght of a
protest. "Watklns expects to call on Pres
ident Campbell himself this morning and
procure permission from him for Dolph
to play. Multnomah is not making this
stand for fear it will be seriously weak
ened, as Lonergan will make an able sub
stitute, but to put Dolph right before the
football world.
Oregon's objection to Dolph is that ho
was hired when he first left Williams to
coach the Oregon eleven. That of course
has never been denied, though Dolph's
pay was more for expenses than for.jjire.
Since that time, though Dolph bits fre
quently played with -Multnomah, he has
always refused, to play against Oregon,
"but this tyear, relying on Graham's'read
ily given permission, he has agreed to
stay with the team in the Oregon game.
He would willingly havo withdrawn be
fore, but now he is anxious to play to
show his good faith.
Multnomah Club Boys fiave" Good
Trme Before the Game.
If concerted rooting helps to win a game
the M. A. A. C. football team will certain
ly be the winner in today's batle.
The members of the club held a football
rally last night in the clubhouse, and in
point oLattendance and enthusiasm it was
the greatestvsuccess oWts'kind.t '
Yells forthe purpose of stimulating the
winged "M"' players and urging them to
greater energies, yells of derision for the
opponents and yells of victory were prac
ticed last night, and If half the lung
power shown Is expended today it bodes
ill .for Vhe ardor of the wearers of tho
A smoker given prior to the rally brought
much praise to its director, "Bob" Mc
Craken. A programme without a stale
number, was the verdict, and its rendi
tion justified the compliment.
A couple of clever boxing exhibitions be
tween Roberts and Dranga and Bottler
and Mapes were followed by a wrestling
match with -Franks and Dranga on the
mat. These events were clever to watch
and wero'weH received! - '
Dom J. Zan had to respond to three
encores, and Melvin K. Dodson was kept
on the floor with his character stories.
Through the courtesy of Messrs. Flood
and Keating, theatrical managers, Mr.
Samuels, Hebrew Impersonator, gave many
a club member an aching side from laugh
ter. His perfect impersonation of an old
Hebrew, his droll witticisms and his fun
ny parodies created a-oar of laughter.
Another vaudeville house also furnished
the acrobatic comedy team, Fyne and
Dandy. Some of the club members who
thought they had learned all the acro
batic stunts going received a surprise
when Fyne and Dandy got down to work.
The things they did -were funny in the
extreme, and furnished more amusement
than has been found in the -clubhouse for
many a day.
This part of the programme particular
ly appealed to Tom Ross. Multnomah's
"We have. a etout line, fast, heavy
backs, and op 'that account should' win
In the game with Oregon. Our weight
will be In our favor, and we have had
much more team work this year than
usual. The drier the field the better
opportunity Oregon will have to more,
and I have not underestimated the
strength of our opponents so far as to
believe that .we will have everything our
-own way. We have a stronger"leven
than at any time since I have been a
member of the club, but it looks as It
Oregon were much stronger than usual.
"We will win, I am sure, but we will
have a run for our money. E. S. Dowl
ing. captain of Multnomah.
big guard. Ross thought that if he could
only do some of the stunts shown there
would be nothing to going through Ore
gon's line.
An orchestra varied the programme by
playing all the late popular airs, and the
refreshments served put the members in
the humor for the rally which followed.
Fort Stevens to Meet Local Y. M. C.
A. on Gridiron.
The Y. M. C A. football team has its
first opportunity to show Portland
what it can do in the way of football
this morning in the game against the
artillerymen from Fort Stevens. The
game will be played on Multnomah
Field. The Y. M. C. A. is not an insti
tution where football has flourished to
any great extent, and of recent years
it has practically given up the sport,
but this year a small squad has been
struggling manfully to get a start. Its
season istbarely under way now. u
Fort Stevens has "unusual strength on
the football field for an Army eleven,
having played Astoria to a standstill
several weeks ago. That was reported
to have been a pretty rough game. This
morning's contest will be characterized
by individual playing rather than by
team work.
Idaho Will Not Play Corvallis
CORVALLIS. Or., Nov. 23. (Special.)
The Thanksgiving football game be
tween O. A. C and the . University of
Idaho elevens has been abandoned by
m'utuaT agreement of the managers
Idaho was originally scheduled to play
Multnomah and O. A. C on the Oregon
tour, the two Oregon teams bearing
jointly the expense of the visitors.
After the Idaho-Multnomah gamo was
abandoned it was up to O. A. C 'to pay
th'e e'rttlrc-.expense, or- go to- Moscow to
play. Both teams were crippled, and it
was largely on this account that the
game was called on, tho arrangement
being satisfactory to both managers.
Astoria Game Called Off.
,JThB Astoriagame for, .Multnojnah's
second eleven has been called oti!l The
team was to havo gone down this morn
ing, but it was found out yesterday af
ternoon that Astoria would not guaran
tee any gate receipts, and the club did
not feel like standing the whole possi
ble expense, so the boys had to be dis
appointed in their sport. i
Five Colleges Compete in the Cross
- - Country Run.
. NEW YORK, Novi 23.-CorneU's -sturdy
athletes once more captured the intercol
legiate cross-country championship in the
run over the course between Pelham Man
or Station and the home of the New York
Athletic Club on Travers Island, in Long
Island Sound. Five teams, made up of 31
runners, representing Cornell, Columbia,
Harvard, Yale and the University of
Pennsylvania, took part in the contest,
and of the seven men who carried the
Cornell colors, four finished in the first
five places, winning the honor with a total
of 12 points.
.?E. T. Newman, of Cornell, led the big
field durlnjLhegreater partof the jour
ney and finished fully 50 yards in front
b his team mate, C. F. McGofHn, who, in
turn, was a like distance ahead of W. J.
Hail, of Yale. Newman's time was 22:52.
Today's contest was the sixth event of
its kind which has taken place under the
auspices of the Intercollegiate Cross
Country Association of Amateur Athletes
of America, and Cornell bas won five
Following Is the result by points. Cor
nell first, with 12: Pennsylvania second,
with 41: Yale third, with 51; Harvard
fourth, with 52, and Columbia last with 73.
Two Players Attack Brown at
Los Angeles.
Mob of Several Hundred People Pro
poses to Handle 'the Official at
Close of Game Won by
Seattle Team.
Yesterday's Scores.
Portland, 1; Tacoma, 6.
Oakland, 3; San Francisco, 4.
Seattle, 11; Los Angeles, 7.
r5 Standing-of the Clubs.
i " Won: .'Lost. P. C.
Tacoma 61 49 .570
Oakland 53 47 .581
Los Angeles 55 46 .545
Seattle 52 55 .4S6
San Francisco 4S 52 .4SO
Portland ....36 CO .343
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Nov. 23. The
scene that followed today's game between
Seattle and Los Angeles was the wildest
that ever took place on the local grounds.
The chief feature of the game was the
questionable decisions against the local
team by Umpire Brown, and as a result
Brown was slapped In the face by Flood
in the second inning, knocked down by
Frank Chance at the end of the eighth,
when the .game was called on account of
darkness, and almost mobbed by a crowd
of several hundred. It required the com
bined efforts of four policemen, two de
tectives and Jim Morley to protect the
umpire frome the crowd. Score:
R. H. E.
Los Angeles 111002 310 11 2
Seattle 031002 4 1-11 11 2
Batteries Baum and Spies; Shields,
Williams and Blankenship. Umpire,
Heavy Stick Work of the Tigers Wins
tie Game.
FRESNO, Cal., Nov. 23. (Special.)
Portland was easy for the Tigers today.
Overall had the Webfooters on his staff
from the first and would have had an
other shut-out to his credit, had not Cap
tain Graham failed to hold the ball in tho
eighth and permitted Kellackcy to make
a base. A hit by Starkells brought him
home. The fielding of Beck of Portland
and Casey of Tacoma were features of
the game, both accepting several difficult
chances and handling them splendidly.
McLaughlin was the star batter. In the
sixth Inning ho clouted the leather for
the longest hit ever made on the local
diamond, clearing the sacks for a homo
run. The score:
Tacoma 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 6 10 1
.Portland 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 01 5 1
Batteries Overall and Graham; Stark
ells and Frary.
Umpire Perrine.
Mosklman Is Hammered Hard, and
Oakland Never Had a Chance.
- SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 23. Hard hit
'ting tells the- story of - today's game. In
the early innings the locals hammered
Mosklman when hits became results, and
Oakland never had a chance. Score:
Oakland 0 0102000 0-3 5 6
San Francisco 0 2 2 0 2 0 01 7 8 0
Batteries Mosklman and Byrnes Bar
ber and Wilson.
Umpire McDonald.
St. Louis Browns Secure Second-Baseman
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 23. (Special.) Robert
Lee Hedges, . president of tho Browns,
announces that the Browns management
is in the market for several new players.
The new Brownies so far are "Buck"
Weaver, of Minneapolis; Starr, of Youngs
town, an.d Mathews, of Birmingham,
catchers. Buchanan, of Oakland; Still
man, of Des Moines, and Swan, of Shreve
port, pitchers. Smith, of Shrcveport,
shortstop, and Rockenfeld, of Portland,
second baseman.
Tacoma to Havo New Ball Park.
TACOMA, Wash., Nov. 23. George M.
Shreeder, of the Tacoma Baseball Club,
has taken an option on. five acres of land
for a new baseball park. This is made
necessary, as the old park will soon be
unfit by reason of the grading of a street
which will cut off a strip SO feet wldo
from the rear.
"When tho ball season opens next
Spring," said Mr. Schreeder, "Tacoma
will have the best call park on the Coast.
Thereuwill bo plenty of room .for the play
ers, and new stands that will beat any
thing in the West.
"In reference to the reports about Spo
kanc trying to land the franchise, I tele
graphed to Dave Evans, who is in Fres
no. at the present time, and Risked him
to investigate. He wired baqk that bo
couia nna no room lor such a rumor. In
fact, were these reports true, we woula
not be spending several thousand dollars
preparing for next season."
Referee Leaves Ring In the Fourth
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 23. The flcht
between Tommy Ryan, the middle-weight
pugilist, and Jack Root, of Chicago, the
light heavy-weight, which was scheduled
to go six rounds at the Nationar Athletic
Club tonight, was ended in the middle of
the fourth by the referee, Jack McGui
gan, announcing it a fake. It was ono
of the most unsatisfactory pugilistic af
fairs ever held In this city, and the specta
tors, long before the referee stopped the
bout, showed their disapproval of the ex
hibition the men were giving. Trouble
was averted by tho prompt work of tho
police in jumping Into the ring and pro
tecting the fighters and in clearing the
The managers of both fighters vehe
mently protested against the action of the
referee, but they found few sympathizers
in the crowd.
Ryan and Root were late in entering the
ring. After the spectators had been kept
waiting a half-hour. Referee McGuigan,
who has an interest In the club, an
nounced that the fighters were counting
-'the money In the box office He explained
that the house was a slim one. and that
each man wanted hi a money, before enter
ing the ring. Five minutes later Ryan
and Root appeared.
The men did nothing but feint In the
opening round, which was followed by a
light exchange of blows which left no
mark on the fighters. Ryan caught Root
lightly on the cheek and Root returned
with a light blow on the jaw. There was
more sparring, and then Ryan let go a
straight-arm blow to Root's mouth, which
did no damage. When the bell rang the
men were clinched. The spectators began
to hiss the men toward the end of the
round, and as they took their corners a
storm of disapproval was hurled at them.
In the second round not a solid blow
was struck. Both men swung wildly at
each other, tho blows in most cases fall
ing short of the mark. What few light
blows were struck were harmless. "Root,
as a rule, was the aggressor. All through
the second round the crowd hissed, and
kept it up after the round ended.
The third round was so palpably poor
that Referee McGuigan leaned against the
ropes and waved his hands in disgust at
the fighters attempt to mix It up. At the
expiration of the three minutes the bell
rang, but instead of sitting in their cor
ners the men thought it was tho "beginning
of the fourth round. The referee let them
go. He watched them mix up a little, and
then walked over to where the newspaper
men were seated and told them Root had
Just told Ryan to "mix It up." He watched"
them again attempting to land blows,
which they did without damage, and after
1 minute and 33 seconds had elapsed he
jumped through the ropes and left the
men in the ring alone. His action met
with the approval of the crowd.
The moment McGuigan left the men
half a hundred policemen, under the com
mand of a Captain, surrounded the ring.
Ryan and Root stood in their respective
corners, not knowing what to do and evi
dently afraid to leave the arena for fear
of harm at the hands of the disappointed
crowd. Suddenly a soda-water bottlo
which had been thrown from the gallery
dropped In the middle of the ring. Then
a score of policemen climbed through the
ropes and, waved their hands for the
crowd to calm down. Ryan and Root were
led to their dressing-rooms under heavy
Referee McGuigan said it was the worst
showing ever attempted in this city, and
felt sure tho spectators agreed with him.
He said the men were guaranteed $2500,
which they insisted upon getting before
entering the ring. As they had the money
he could do nothing but stop the exhibi
Fltzpatrlck Ends Fifteen-Round Bout
in the Fifth.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 23. In the fifth round,
while Barney Furey. of Cincinnati, was
bent back over the ropes of the ring at
the West End Club tonight, Dick Fltz
patrlck, of Chicago, drove a straight right
with terrific force into his stomach, end
ing a scheduled 15-round contest.
Furey made a claim of foul, but stag
gered to his feet and rained blows on
Fltzpatrlck, who had retired to his cor
ner. Fltzpatrlck defended himself mo
mentarily without returning a blow, but
finally cut loose and again floored the
Cincinnati man. Furey was on the floor
at the end of the fifth round, and was
carried to his corner. When the gong
for the sixth round sounded Furey would
not respond. A physician who examined
him decided he had not been fouled.
Rellly-Flynn Fight Very Tame.
BUTTE, Moaf.. Nov. 23. Tommy Rellly
and Jimmy Flynn tonight ' fought eight
fake rounds, it being understood that If
both men were on their feet at the end
the bout would be declared a draw.
The men at first refused to go on be
cause of the slim crowd, but were finally
Induced to appear, the crowd yelling and
clamoring for its mosey and threatening
The two men made hardly a pretense of
fighting, sparring and clinching, mean
while exchanging remarks and smiling at
each mother, at one time shaking hands.
The crowd kept up a continual cry of
fake and left the theater disgusted. The
fight was held under the auspices of the
Montana Athletic Club.
Three Horses Fall, but Only Ono
Jockey Is Injured.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 23. Racing at
Oakland today was marred by several ac
cidents, three horses falling. Their rid
ers escaped serious injury. Fltzpatrlck
was the only one hurt. He had: the mount
on Ocyrobe, the favorite, in tho lar.t racaj
Atnx Dumped into ucyrone ana ne icii.
Fltzpatrlck sustained a severe cut on the
scalp and was shaken up. Lady Rowell
and Wandering Boy stumbled in the first
race, throwing Noran and Bell. The lat
ter rider again met with an accident in
the second race, when the' saddle on Vel
slipped. Only two favorite finished first,
but. the other winners were well played.
Six furlongs, selling Flaneur won, Kna
bel second. Myrtle H. third; time. 1:15.
Five furlongs Entrenous won, Lily
Golding second, Macene third; time, 1:0254.
Futurity course, selling Yada won.
Corn blossom second, Bibragon third; time.
One mile and one-slxteonth, selling Eva
G. won. Feather Honey second. Allopath
third; time, 1:48.
Six furlongs, selling Whoa BUI won.
Sterling Tommes second, Scotsman third;
time. 1:14.
One mile, selling Mindanao won. Red
Cross Nurse second, Northwest third;
time, i:4i.
Sire of Lou Dillon Brings $9000.
NEW YORK, Nov. 23. Sidney Dillon.
the famous sire of Lou Dillon, was sold
today at tho Old Glory horse sale for
$9000. He was bought by Sterling R.
Holt, of Indianapolis, and was shipped
East from Santa Rosa, Cal., tho Santa
Rosa-Stock Farm being the consignors.
Crews of Vessels In Harbor to Enjoy
The "first thanksgiving boat race to be
held for several years on the river be
tween the crews of the different ships in
the harbor will take place this afternoon
at 3 o'clock, when the crews from seven
vessels now In port will line np at tho
Oceanic dock for a run to the steel
The English ships Hampton. Dum
frlesshlre. Falrport and Dunreggan, the
French ships Europe and Asle and the
Italian ship Celeste will each furnish
crews for the race and great Interest Is
being manifested in the outcome along the
G; Anderson will act as referee and Alec
Rao as starter. At 7 o'clock in the even
ing the sailors will gather at the Sea
men's Institute for the annual Thanks
giving dinner.
Thanksgiving Day Will Be Celebrated
by Golf Enthusiasts.
The Thanksgiving cups will bo played
for at the Waverly Golf Club today. It
has been the regular custom of the club
for a number of years past to make this
.holiday tho most-popular day of the Fall
on the links, and it has been the custom
to put up two cups, one for men and an
other for women, to be played for under
the handicap rules, medal play. A large
crowd invariably fills the links until late
In tho afternoon, when the players begin
to go home to dinner. i
This year there Is an attempt to ar
range for a men's foursome during the
afternoon, but this will not be 'done till
today, It '.is probable, as the entry list
was not large enough last night. Ten en
tries were required. The links will be fall
all day, most of the players competing
under the handicap competition.
World's Swimming Record Lowered.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 23. Francis
Galley has lowered the world's quarter
mile swimmlncr record during the Olympic
Club's natatorial tournament The former
record was held by F. Daniels, of the New
York Athletic Club, whose mark was
6:02. Tho new record Is 5:53 4-5.
The Denver &. Rio Grande scenery is
even more beautiful la Winter than Sum
mer. Travel East via that Una and spend
a day in Salt Lake C!tr .
Hunt Club Ready for Kerr
Gup Race.
Officials .Have Made Special Arrange
ments for Street-Car to Carry
Spectators to Start and
With anything like favorable weather
one of the largest fields that has ever
ridden through a crosscountry ride will
contest for the Kerr cup this morning.
The start will be at the Piedmont water
tower and the finish will be announced to
the rallery after the riders have started.
A special car has been chartered by tho
Hunt Club, which will leave tne corner
of Third and Yamhill streets promptly at
S:30. The car will take those who wish
to see the start and the finish ot the
race directly to the starting point, and
once the big field Is racing away, follow
ing the paper-laid trail, the car will
take them to the finishing point.
In all there will be between 20 and SO
riders who will contest for the cup. The
ride will bo over an eight-mile route, with
between eight and ten Jumps strung over
the route. Thoso. with others who will
ride through are:
Riders and Mounts.
Miss D. B. Howard, on Jim Budd; E.
T. Chase. Zadoc; J. T. Dillon. Tom; E.
R. Eldrldge, Uncle Paul; Judge A. H.
Tanner, Banner; V. S. Howard. Conchl;
R. IL Jenkins, Barnato; John Latta, Qui
dado; F. W. Leadbettcr, Raclvo; Frank
Kerr, Dandy; Charles Leadbetter, Chief;
T. S. McRath, Gyn; Will G. McRae,
Jerry; James NIcol, Will WehrUng; C. S.
bpencer. Bob Proudy; E. B. Tongue, Ore
gon Kid; A. B. Scoble, Rollick: Dr. A. C.
Froom, Hal; Emmett Brown, Rifle; J. H.
Coghlan. Humbert; J. C. Meuhe, Nigger.
The Judges will be J. W. Caruthers and
R. L. Sabln. Miss Howard, the present
holder of the cup, will be the only woman
to ride through. Miss Howard won. the
cuo last year, and she Is conceded an ex
cellent chance of again winning tho trophy
this morning. She Is a daring cross
country rider and her mount, Jim Budd,
on whom she won the cup last Thanks
giving day, she handles perfectly. If she
again wins this morning the Kerr cup
becomes her personal property, for the
conditions are that the permanent holder
of the cup must win it twice In success
Ion on the same mount.
Hares Choose Fine Course.
President F. O. Downing and T. T.
Strain are the hares, and they have se
lected a splendid course, so that out of
me first six jumps the gallery will be
able to see five. Many of the jumps are
over fences, and while some of them are
a bit stiff, the footing both in taking oft
and landing Is very good. There will
be also some brush work, but it has
been selected with care and there .is no
danger of tne riders being handicapped
by the limbs of the trees. The ride to
day ends the cross-country season of tha
Hunt Club. The next important event
of the organization will be the annual
June meet.
New Law May Stop Many Games.
NEW YORK, Nov. 23. An ordinance
which has just been passed by the Board
of Aldermen, having for its object tho
prevention ot six-day bicycle races, is
quite broad In its provisions, so much so
"that it might "be Intended to stop many
popular games. It forbids any person in
a contest of "speed, skill or endurance"
from remaining in the contest for more
than "three hours out of any 24."
Under strict application the new ordi
nance, as signed by the Mayor, might af
feet golf, bowling and even the time-hon
ored poker game.
Woman Drops Lamp When She Goes
to See If Riches Are Really Gone.
CHICAGO, Noy. 23. As a result of a
dream, Mrs. Lizzie Couet, 41 years old.
lost her life today and her husband and
infant child were fatally burned in a
fire that partly destroyed their home.
The woman dreamed that her savings
had been stolen from a hiding place in
the bottom of a sugar jar in the pantry.
Startled by the reality of the dream,
she took a lamp in one hand and her
baby under the other arm and went to
investigate. The lamp fell and ex
pio'ded. Her husband, aroused from sleep in
an adjoining room, made a brave at
tempt to put out the flames and finally
succeeded, but only after himself as
well as his wife and child had been
frightfully burned. Mrs. Couet died
while being taken to a hospital.
Sailor Beaten and Robbed.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 23. Lars Ullini
mate of the schooner Empire, was taken
to the emergency hospital today 'suffering
from a fractured skull and fractured ribs.
Before losing consciousness Ullin said last
night he wag attacked on the street by
three men, one of whom knocked him
down with a sandbag. He was then
kicked until ho lost his senses. When he
recovered he found that $12 had. been
taken from him; He managed to reach
the home of a friend and- was transferred
later to the hospital, where he died this
Contract for Portage Railway.
SALEM. Or., Nov. 23. (SpecIaL) Attorney-General
Crawford has drawn
a contract for the construction of the
Portage Railway between The Dalles
and Cclilo, and at a meeting to be held
Friday the document will bo exam
ined by the State Engineer, the Por
tage Railway Commissioners and rep
resentatives of the Open River Asso
ciation, to see that its provisions are
satisfactory to all concerned.
Penitentiary Is Crowded.
SALEM. Or.. Nov. 23. (SpeciaL) The
population of the Oregon penitentiary
reached 364 today, the highest num
"ber in several years. One year ago tha
number of convicts was down to 285,
but the criminal business in the courts
the past year has been so heavy that
the number of prisoners received has
exceeded the number discharged by 79.
Over 200 prisoners are now working
in the prison stove foundry.
Man Who Fell Off Trestle.
ASTORIA. Or., Nov. 23. (SpeciaL)
The body that was found on the tide
flats near Warrenton last evening -was
identified this morning as that of
Charles DahL who fell overboard from
the railway trestle at the foot of Tenth
street on the night of October 29. The
remains were so badly decomposed
that they were buried at once.
Silverton May Have New lank.
SILVERTON. Or., Nov. 36. (SpeciaL)
A new National bank is talked of in this
city, to be officered and financiered by
Silverton capitalists.
Seasick: Hotel Chanfes Hanefe.
ASJORIA. Or.', Nov. at 8petel. The
Our store will be closed all day today in or
der that our employes may enjoy a well
earned rest. Tomorrow we shall start in on
the advance holiday business. We shall have
many new and attractive offerings, and as
heretofore you will always find this store a
most satisfactory place at which to do your
i 15 GOOD
deal that has been pending for some time
for tho sale of the Holllday property at
Seaside, Including what is known as the
Seaside Hotel, to a syndicate composed of
Astoria and Portland men. has been con
summated. The price paid is said to be
about J20.0C0.
P Greenbergr. S F
!J Frank. New Tork
T J McCarnany. N T
Mrs E Thompson. Engl
J w Chanfller. Cal
"W Stearns, City
Mrs TV Stearns, do
T H Purdy. Chicago
J New. Chicago
H Ross, Chicago
G Hoftstadt, N York
E J Frailer, Eugene
K C Hamilton. S F
G T HlRhtower. Ky
TJ S Wood, Chicago
E Clark. San Fran
t A Mussell, Colfax
D H Clark. St Paul
R Werthend. Vancvr
G B Hegardt, Ft Stev
IMrs G B Hegardt. dol
A L Goldsmith. S F
A D Rummell, S F
11 R Hlnton. Sanlko
jMrs R R Hlnton, do
A D McCully. Shanlko
W D Connor. Seattle
A G Bernard. S F
P L Campbell. Eugene
S Siebenhauser. S F
B Llchtitr. S F
N F Hill. St Louis
G Perkins. S F
G W Schtvarzenbaeh,
Baltimore. Md
S Mackey, Boaton
J T Shurr. Ft Colvln
Mrs J T Shurr, do
H Shaw.-New York
W L Hampson, Albany
5 H Friendly, Eugene
Miss T Friendly, do
Miss R Friendly, do
r xempieton, u or o
football team
jW G Chandler, do
A Hemphill. New Yrk
U .Movies. do
H A Munson. S F
J K Latourette, do
J Templeton, do
W H Thorr. Minnpls
Mrs w t inorp, do
S B Slrdsalt. Tampa
B C Holt. "W Walla
M B Fries, Stockton
C Dryfus. Ky
S M Kerron,
V D Carl.
c Gray.
O Arnspiger.
K Reld.
C McCIaln.
J Penland,
R Crow,
D Graham.
R t Smith.
W A Huneke. Spokan
Mrs W A Huneke. do
Mrs Calne. SF
W H Andrews. N Or
Mrs J L Beacham. do
W E Pearson. London
W Bailey, Grants P
C Grange and sister
W X Toley, Olex I
E B Burns. Castle Rk
A H Flsk, Chicago
L M Lewis. Kalama
Mrs Xi F Coolie, do
Miss O Coolie, do
Elmer Coolie, do
H C Schlarh. do
T Storey, Boise. Ida
T M Barr, Salem
W E Sawyer. H Lake
L Aiken. Hot Lake
J R Proutt. Hot Lake
J S Lackey. Eugene
Mrs J S Lackey, do
Mrs Dr Pane, do
IT Warfleld. do
Mary Warfleld, do
C Carroll. do
N L Hendricks, do
E L Hendricks, do
C A Waterman, do
ID W Cade. St Joe
II M Trakum. Hennni
Mrs O J Orcutt, do
Misa Orcutt, do
u Kaiston, newberg
C Jack. Jr. Hillsboro
T H Tongue. Jr. do
J P Van Orsdel, Dallas
susie Jackson. F Grov
Dorothy Graham, do
c Hopper, Goldendale
Mrs C Hopper, do
David Piatt. do
Mrs D Piatt. do
H W Baldwin, Klam F
F D WInton. Astoria
Mrs S A Fastaband. do
J "W Keating, do
F M McElprest. Salem
C G Davis. Tacoma
R B McDonald. Mc
Mlnnvllle G W arisen. Eugene
A I Owens. Grants P
Makes the weak healthy
and the healthy, hale.
Flavor preserved for palate1 't enjoyment in hermetically sealed cant.
mood poison,
potency thoroughly car- th
bashfula. Xvsloa to soemGwnicu cprlv. you ot your manhooa,UWIT
rOTJimrjLfrA3 SSlifwno from excesses, and strain have lost their MANLY
PO,Vt 7im cimr DISEASES, Syphillis, Gonorrhoea, painful, bloody uH.
t ,? t TlnS d Instate. Sexual Lability Varicocele. Hydrocele. Xld
feTf Lver' Troubfes. cured without MERCUKY ok OTHBK FOISOXeOS
nmrtaa ratsrrk nod fhfiUmatlsm
VaVkermethods are regular and scientific. He wms ao patent HoatrusM
ray-snsLd orenarxtions, but cures the disease by thorough zaeslieal treat
l Hie New Paweklet on Private Diseases seat free to all mn wM de
S?ih. tkelr trouble: ATUCNTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All letters
ISnrarad in plaivelopfc Consultation free and sacredly MnMwtltL QUI
94 Of fedWCfll
DR. WALKER. 181 First Street, Corner YWW, PfrtNui Of,,
J M Short. G re sham IT A White. McMInnv
Mrs J M Short, do
w H McPhee. Seattle
H Everett, Hillsboro
T Styner, Tacoma
R Blair. Tacoma
K. S Myers. Idaho
Mrs K S Myers, do
J L Sharpsteln. "W W
E Metcalf. Seattle
Mrs E Metcalf, do
G E Class. Fairfield
Mrs G E Glass, do
A A Carmine, Milton
Mrs Carmine, do
H G Pue. do
Mrs H G Pue, do
L D Mulkey. Amity
Mrs Mulkey, do
A R "Williams, do
iW A Johnston. T Dalls
Mrs Johnston, do
Master Johnston, do
!J H Wersley. do
A C DamDUclc S F
iW Li Gibson. Olex. Or
iMra VT L Gibson, do
Mrs C L Howe. Boise
Miss M Howe, do
E H Phillips. B C
Mrs E H Phillips, do
Miss Phillips, do
o R a Everett, Maim
w C Stewart, Salem
(Mrs "W C Stewart, do
Mra N "W Young, do
IF B "Walt, Roseburg
A R Tiffany, Eugene (C M Kelly. Idaho
Maurice "Winter. City
Mrs J J Daley. Dallas
M Meyer. City
L F Daley, Dallas
Carrie Browne. Cltskn
A J Cooper, USA
R P Biggs. Salem
L M King, Kalama
J E Hasklns. Tacoma
M M Mattsson, seatti
Mrs Mattsson. do
B N Raymond. Astor
A Axelroad, N York
C B "Wllleman. Cbgo
G Haselton, Boston
A C Babson, Seattle
S A Gobeer. Chicago
J TV" Smith. Rufuo
Li s Cameron, Mont
K L Cooper. Corvallis
G B King. Dayton
W G Gllstrop. Eugene
B Hermann. Rosebrg
A C Dixon, Coburg
Mrs Dixon, do
H M Kershaw. Gr Ron
Mrs Hermann, do
D B Hopkins, Eugn
A M Tollman, Seattle
G Thomas
J D Miller, Sara, "Wn
A Haynes. Goldson
"W Austin
D O Quick, Hally
E L Hyde, Yankton
G TV "Welch. Marshlno
E Husky
E H Robinson
H A Htbbard
Mrs Hlbbard
R J MIers. Or City
C C Thayer, Stevensn
Capt A V Gray,
Knappton, "Wash
Mrs A TV" Gray, do
G Bathmore. Cal
A E Johnson, Vancvr
Mrs Johnson; do
fW H Wood. Montana
Mrs TV H woodjdo
J Carmody
J S Doan
Robert McKee
C W Pltchford, Idaho
A Nelson. Cottage Grv
C C Wilson. lone
Mrs C C Wilson, do
C M Fowler
S B Darling". Holbrook
Mrg S E Earllnsr. do
A J Parrlsh. Hd Rivr
P Wright
J TV Montgomery,
Bridal Veil
Mrs H H "Wright
J R Hamilton. Amity
R L Smith, LewlsvlllelE M Cook, Stevensbn
M Cahlll. Goldendale Mr E M Cook, do
Robert Manary IE W Holt
A Linn, Currlnsville 'Mrs E W Holt
V Linn. do IR L Stradley, Damascs
A Kltchlng do IF T Miles
G W Tobey, Rldgefleld p L Wolford, Spokane
P Patton. Gaston Ij H Rosenberg. Etna
M S Hochsteter. Hub- F W Gilt, New York
bard H Marsh. Seattle
J G Kanffman, do IW E Alberson, Burns
Sanson. (Cathlaraet)D C Pierce, Columbia
Mrs J" Hanson, do jChas Simmons, do
J Chrlstensen. do (Ole Kure. Chehalis
Mrs Chrlstensen, do I
Tacsma Betel, Tarrrmi
American plan. Rates. $3 and up
Hotel DeaaeUr, Taeesta.
Flrst-claes restaurant in connection.
Twenty Years of Success
In the treatment of chronic disease, such as liver,
kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diar
rhoea, dropsical swellings, Brighfs disease, ate.
' Kidney and Urinary
Complaints, painful, uilncuit, too frequent, milky er
bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured.
Diseases of the Rectum
cr.u am nlles. luiiiLiU, cssurt:. ulceration, mucous and
bloody discharges, curd without the knife, pain or
Diseases f Men
fcittet., unnatural leases, las-
Qt emissions, dreams, exhausting: drains.