Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 24, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Verdict of the Jury is Murder
in the First Degree.
Rockefeller is Designated as
the Premier Criminal,
This Pretty
Girl Saved
of the
Lungs by
Mrs. Len'ore B. Jones Was Fatally
Shot at Home of Parents in Ore
gon City After Quarrel Over
Division Of Property.
Seattle Lecturer Scores Capitalists
Who Use Portion of Wealth to
Hoodwink Church People and
Securing More in Return.
OREGON CITY, Or., Nov. 23. Special)
The jury at 7:15 tonight returned a ver
dict finding Lauth guilty ol murder in tho
first degree. The prisoner betrayed signs
of nervousness but received the verdict
without comment. Counsel for the de
fendant Immediately applied for a new
trial, and were given until Saturday, De
cember 3, to perfect the application. On
the initial ballot the Jury stood nine to
three for conviction Jn the first degree.
The case went to the Jury at 4 P. M.
When the case was resumed this morn
ing the defense called Dr. W. B. Carll; "W.
E. Wilson. Luther Moore and Police Offi
cers Shaw and Noblett, who testified that
the conduct and actions of the defend
ant Lauth. on the night preceding the
shooting, as "well as the morning on
which the crime was committed, -were not
those of a sane man, the purpose being
to show that Lauth was temporarily in
sane and not responsible for the shooting
it was admitted he had done.
Judce McBrlde gave the Jury lengthy
instructions with respect to insanity as a
defense. He said in part:
"The law presumes every man to bo
sane until he establishes in the minds of
the Jury, beyond a reasonable doubt, the
fact of his Insanity. In other woras, tno
burden is upon the party claiming in
sanity as a defense to make out that de
fense beyond a reasonable doubt, and if
you have any reasonable doubt as to
whether the prisoner at the time of the
commission of the alleged homicide, if he
did commit it, was sane or Insane, the
state Is entitled to the benefit of such
doubt and you should reject such de
DeDutv Prosecuting Attorney Scheubel
addressed the Jury before the noon ad
journment and made a thorough and con
vincing review of the evidence that had
been offered by the state in establishing
Droof of the commission of a cold-blooded
and premeditated murder. In the after
noon Senator Brownell and G. B. DImick,
counsel for Lauth, made eloquent pleas
for the defendant.
District Attorney Allen, who closed the
case for the state, subjected the prisoner
to a severe arraignment, scoring him for
the illegal relations he had carried on
with the woman he deliberately murdered
He reviewed much of the testimony of
fered by the defense, and called particu
lar attention to several inconsistencies in
the story of the defendant as to his men
tal oondltlon and actions prior ana sudsc
quent to the murder.
fGeorce W. Lauth shot and killed Mrs.
Lenore B. Jones, a -woman with whom he
had been living. In Oregon city, beptem
ber 6. The crime was committed at the
home of the woman s parents. J. N.
Woods and wife. The murderer made no
attempt to escape.)
City on the Bay Will Have to Econo
mize in Order to Meet Expenses
TIIXAM0K. - Or., Nov. , 23. (Special.)
This city nas three saloons, eacn or wmcn
has been paying 5400 a year license
"When prohibition becomes effective Jan
uary 1. $900 -will have to be refunded to
the saloonkeepers. The loss of the reve
nue from the liquor traffic will have to
be made up either by a higher tax levy
or a special tax on business enterprises.
The general opinion is that the city
will bo able to get along without tho
saloon licenses though It will have to
economize. The total levy In Tillamook
City this year was 45 mills on an assessed
valuation of $183,000. 6 mills of which
went into the town treasury, about 51000
in all. The charter does not permit
more than 2 mills for general purposes.
The debt of the town will be about
$1500, at the first of the new year and the
Council to be elected next month will
have to deviso means for meeting the
Nehalem. a town of 50 persons, has a
saloon which pays $400 a year license and
which will have to go out of business.
The town incorporated so as to be able
to collect the license for public improve
ments. Early In the year Nehalem had
two saloons and Tillamook five, but there
was not enough business for that num
ber. The present disposition of the people
of Tillamook -County Is to give the law
a fair trial. To this end prominent citi
zens have formed a nonpartisan law-enforcement
league. Tho local option law
and prohibition carried In the county be
cause the people wanted violation of ihe
gambling and liquor laws stopped. Sa
loonkeepers and gamblers now see that
they themselves were to blame for the
county'c going "dry."
Hitherto both county and city authori
ties have been lax in enforcing the laws
against gambling and illegal liquor sell
ing. Last week the grand Jury Indicted
several saloonkeepers .and gamblers,
hauled Sheriff Woolfe and Constable
Marshall over the coals, and Instructed
the District Attorney to explain to these
officers their duties. There Is every rea
son to believe that prohibition will be
enforced in the county.
ProhifcKion Alleged to Have Been
Signed Irregularly.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. Nov. 23. (Special.)
E. A Seabrook left this morning for
Corvallls. where he will appear before
Judge Hamilton Friday and ask for a'
temporary injunction restraining the
County Court from givlngotlce to sa
loonkeepers to cease tho sale of intoxi
cants. The title of the case Is Robert
Marsdcn vs. L. Harlocker. E. A Ander
son And Lloyd Spires, comprising the
County Court.
Tho plaintiff alleges that .no order of
the County Court was made for a prohi
bition election, and his contention is sup
ported by affidavits of the members ofthe
court itself, showing that after it ad
journed September 12 it did not meet again
till November 19. The prohibition peti
tion was not filed till September 30. The
members of the court signed the order for
the election individually at different
places, and It is alleged that this was
Albany Candidates for Council See
Way to Pay Off City Debt.
ALBANY, Or., Nov. 23. (Special.)
A, sensation in municipal politics was
created tonight when J. L. .Tomllnson,
John Foshay and E. R. Huston, sup
posed to be anti-saloon candidates for
City Councllmen, from the First, Sec
ond and Third Wards, respectively. Is
sued a Joint statement in the course of
which they affirm that "as the citizens
of Albany have registered themselves
very emphatically in favor of the pol
icy of licensing saloons," they accept
their verdict and abide by the license
They are in favor of raising saloon
-lioenser rather than, increasing taxes
ABERDEEN, Wash., Nov. 23. (Special.) The plans for the City Hall, which Is to bo rected Immediately, call for a two-story
brick and stone structure that will cost from $20,000 to $25,000. The building will be a permanent home for the city employes and
the hcadauartcra of the Arc department. Since the fire which destroyed the btulcera portion of the city, over a year ago. the Council
and other officers of the municipality have been occupying limited and very inadequate quarters. With the new City Hall and the
new newer and water rystem, and many new brick buildings in the business district, the future prospects of Aberdeen are most en
couraging. .
to pay off city Indebtedness and will
make their campaign on that issue.
Order of Prohibition in Linn.
ALBANY. Or., Nov. 23. (Special.)
The County Court of Linn County has
issued an order prohibiting the salo
of intoxicating liquors In the 13 pre
cincts which -went dry in the recent
election. The precincts are:
South Brownsville, Crawfordsvllle,
Halsey, Lacomb, So.uth Lebanon, Or
leans, Price, Rock Creek, Santiam,
Shedd, Sodaville, Sweet Home and Tan
gent. The only precinct which will be
affected by the order Is South Lebanon,
in which there are three saloons.
Home Court Issues Legal Order.
EUGENE, Or., Nov. 23. (Special.)
The County Court met in special ses
sion this afternoon in compliance with
the provision of the law requiring that
an order of prohibition be made prior
to December 1. An order was made
proclaiming prohibition in all pre
cincts which voted dry at .the recent
election, which order will be promul
gated according to the requirements of
the law.
Prominent Umatilla Men Put on Com
mittee to Canvass the Country.
PENDLETON. On, Nov. 23. (Special.)
At a mass meeting of business men and
prominent farmers the subject of raising
$5000 as Umatilla County's portion asked
by the Open River Association for the
portage road was discussed and plans
decided upon. A committee was ap
pointed to take active charge of the work
and Is composed of the following: George
Perlnger, M. M. Wyrlck, W. P. Temple,
T. J. KIrck, extensive wheatralsers, and
County Commissioner Horace Walker.
Tho committee will make a thorough
canvass of the county. It will be the
plan to divide the county Into districts
and each member of the committee have
charge of the district he may choose. In
this manner it is believed that the en
tire county can be covered in a few days
and the desired amount raised without
difficulty. A large portion of the amount
asked for has already been donated.
Ashland improvement Depends on
Award of Circuit Court.
ASHLAND. Or., Nov. 23. (Special.)
The City Council last night awarded the
contract for extensions of the new sewer
system for Ashland to J. E. Frick. of this
city, for 53S.750. There were five bids,
Portland and San Francisco parties figur
ing upon it, the highest estimate being
$41,000. The city has already laid trunk
lines at a cost of $20,000 and the contract
now let is for about 12 miles of six, eight
and ten-Inch laterals to cover all streets
within the sewer district which embraces
the greater part of tho city.
A suit to test the validity of the or
dinance passed by the Council levying
special benefit assessments upon property
In the sewer district to provide funds for
this improvement is now in the courts and
will probably be determined within a few
days. The contract for the extensions
was let conditional upon the court sus
taining the validity of the Council pro
ceedings. Pipe for Kelso Water Works.
KELSO. Wash.. Nov. 23.-(Speclal.) The
Kelso Light & Water Company has com
pleted the big well and Is putting the fin
Ishlng touches on the 200.000.000-gallon
reservoir located on Onorato Hill, one-half
mile northeast of the city and at an ele
vation of 200 feet above the level of the
business portion of the town. The supply
pipes are beginning to arrive: 19.000 feet
of four, six and eight-Inch pipes are now
being distributed. This Is the first In
stallment of pipe on a tptal of nearly five
miles of mains necessary to complete the
system, which is now expected to bo fin
Ishcd by February, 1903. giving Kelso one
of the best plants for fire and domestic
uses In Washington.
Gold Brick From the Vesuvius.
COTTAGE. GROVE, Or., Nov.. 23.
(Special.) F. J. Hardman. manager of
the Vesuvius Mining Company, came
from the mines yesterday and brought a
gold brick containing several thousand
dollars. This is a clean-up or 20 days
run In the new plant installed this Fall,
The "company is much elated over the
product of the first run and It Is stated
that the plant will be kept in constant
operation. Large earnings are assured,
as the property is extensively developed!
Collins Postoffice Destroyed.
COLLINS, Wash., Nov. 21 (Special.)
Fire destroyed the store, postoffice and
laundry at noon Sunday. A heavy wind
prevailing, nothing was saved. Captain
Belcher mad several attempts to save
the postoffice records and papers, but
owing to the smoke and flames was un
able to save anything. All records, books.
etc., were destroyed. The loss Is $3000.
This will in no way Interfere with busl
ness at Coljlns Hot Springs, as the store
building was situated about two blocks
Fish Warden Would Have
More Stringent Laws Made,
Take by Rod or Net Should Not Be
Permitted Wlthin-Five Miles of
Obstruction In Any Ore
gon Stream.
SALEM, Or., Nov. 23. (SpeciaL) The
dam as a menace to the fishing industry
in Oregon Is one of the important .sub
jects discussed in the biennial report of
Master Fish Warden Van Dusen, and con
cerning which he recommends the enact-
ment of stringent laws. He would not
only require builders of dams to construct
fish ways in accordance with plans ap
proved by the Fish Commission, but would
also forbid fishing In the vicinity of a
dam. Six hundred feet, the limit under
the present law, Is too close, he thinks,
for fishing with a rod and line, and he
would not permit other kinds of fishing
within five miles. Upon this subject he
says In part:
From the experience had with dams and
such obstructions during the past two years, I
am fully persuaded, that any one being privi
leged the right to harness and take the waters
of this state for power, irrigating or other pur
poses, can, without Jeopardizing their Interests,
well afford to put In and maintain good and
easy passageways for fish directly through
their dams so that fish will have no trouble in
ascending or descending the stream.
The law should set out clearly what sort
of a flshway should be provided, and require
of all persons desiring to obstruct any of the
waters of this state by a dam or otherwise,
that they first prepare plans and specifica
tions of the dam or obstruction contem
plated, together with the proposed flshway.
and secure the approval of the State Fish
Warden before being allowed to put In such
obstruction, for it is much easier and less
expense to have the passageway built right
In the first place.
The principal trouble arises where dams
have already been built and fishways must be
put In afterwards; the owner thinks the
passageway he has provided is good enough
and does not like the additional expense
when required to make a change. My opin
ion is that a party rfhould at all times be
required to maintain and keep free the pass
ageway for fish, which should, in the first
place, be constructed according to the stat
utes, and if ho fails to maintain such a flsh
way and to keep the same free and easy for
the passage of nsh at all times he be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to pros
ecution by any peace officer or any other
The matter of fishing in the flshway. or
within COO feet thereof, should be modified,
and made so that It would be a misdemeanor
to fish within a specified distance of the
dam as well as that of the flshway. for the
fish ore sure to be stopped and their ascent
of the stream interfered with to a great
extent by the dam no matter how easy a
flshway may be provided, and while they are
stopped and shut off In this way they should
be left alone and protected to the fullest
extent. The limit, that is. 600 feet for hook
and line fishing. is altogether too close, es
pecially for large streams, and other than
rod and line fishing should be limited to at
least five miles, or restricted entirely.
The dam is, without doubt, one of the most
serious affairs that we have to contend with
today, for they are invariably located on the
best salmon-breeding streams that we have,
and stop and Interfere with the salmon as
cending the stream to their spawning grounds
or the hatchery, and if concessions are not
made In the matter of fishing streams, on
which these dams are located, it will only
be a -question of a few years before the
salmon product will be lost entirely to the
stream, for they are sure to collect In great
numbers below the dams, where they will
remain for days before taking the flshway.
and? are a great temptation to the unscrupu
lous fisherman. It Is a well-known fact by
those familiar with the subject thatno dam
that has stood the freshets, and has proven
to have been a complete obstruction to
salmon for a period of years, has ever been
constructed across any of the streams of this
state without completely ruining the stream
forever thereafter as a salmon-breeding
stream. ,
To guard against this tremendous destruc
tion stringent laws should be passed, and
the people themselves, that is the"wner or
occupant of the dam. should be required to
maintain a bailiff continually on the prem
ises to see to it that the salmon and other
fish are not molested In any way. and that
the said owner or occupant be held person
ally liable and guilty of a misdemeanor it
they neglect to do this. The waters. In the
first place, rightfully belonged to the salmon
product, which has brought millions of dol
lars into this state, and will so continue tp
Ao long- after the mills and mines are a
thing of the past. If it is rightly fostered.
Be that as it may, they are entitled to the
right-of-way and should not be shut off or
Interfered with from ascending the stream
to the hatchery or to their spawning grounds.
Kate B. Linn Files Sensational Mo
tion In Court at Oregon City.
OREGON CITY, Or.. Nov. 23. (Special.)
Deception and fraud in procuring a
divorce last week is charged by Kate B.
Linn against F. E. Linn. Mrs. Linn to
day filed a sensational motion through her
attorney, G. E. Hayes, in which she asks
tho court to vacate the order granting the
divorce and open up the case that sho
may be given an opportunity to make an
answer to the complaint and make a do
fense to the suit.
In the motion that was filed this after
noon Mrs. Linn alleges that several times
since the filing of the divorce suit against
herself by Linn on October 8 last. Linn
visited her at the home of her father, B.
L. Commons, in this city, before the time
expired in which she could defend herself
against the divorce proceeding. A few
days after the divorce had been filed, the
woman represents that Linn called on her
and remained all night with her. when he
confessed that he- had been hasty in filing
the suit for divorce, which he said he
would not prosecute, as he desired again
to live with her, asked her forgiveness
and assured her that It would be unneces
sary for her to employ an attorney to fight
the case.
Mrs. Linn further alleges that Linn re
mained all night In her company on tho
night of November 18 last, and on the
following morning appeared In the Circuit
Court and obtained a decree dissolving
the marriage relations existing between
them and by his fraudulent facts obtained
from the court the care and custody of
their minor child.
Judge McBrlde granted the 'decree of
divorce last Saturday on charges of Infi
delity preferred against the wife by the
husband, and for the further reason of the
nonappearance of the defendant at tne
hearing of the case.
The motion to vacate the decree of the
court is supported by the affidavits of Mrs.
Linn father, B. L. Commons, and "War
ren Charles, who depose as to the reia
tlons that existed between the husband
and wife during the pendency of the
divorce suit. Mr. and Mrs. Linn are both
young people, the wife being but 25 years
of age. Tho husband Is engaged in the
sawmill business near tnis city.
Spokane Youth Was Speeding Away
With Pair of Stolen Shoes.
SPOKANE. "Wash., Nov. 23. (Special.)
Fred Brown stole a pair of shoes from
a North Side store tonight and as he was
running away with his plunder a bullet
from Officer "Willis revolver brought him
down. "Willis Bays ho commanded the
man to stop before shooting. An eyewit
ness of the affair declares the officer
cave no warning before using his weapon,
The bullet perforated Brown's body from
the "lower back and Is expected to prove
Brown has been a hanger-around-town
for some time. He is 21 years of age. His
aged mother Is nearly crazed with grief
and anxiety. Officer "Willis Is one of the
oldest members of the local force.
Open Gambling at Pendleton.
PENDLETON. Or.. Nov. 23. (Spe
cial. The Merchants' Cafe, -which wa
one of the largest gambling-houses In
the city during the heavy run the past
Summer and Fall, opened its doors last
night and gambling in nearly all Its
forms is again In operation. This Is
the only house in the city that has
openly defied District Attorney G. "W.
Phelps' order to remain closed after
election day. The District Attorney's
office has been notified of the resump
tion of games at the Merchants Cafe
and arrests are expected to follow in
a day or two.
Safewreckers Get Poor Loot.
EVERETT. "Wash., Nov. 23. Safe
crackers blew to pieces the safe of the
People's Union Store, at Stanwood, during
the night. The explosion damaged the
store fixtures and stock $200, and awak
ened Manager Rcep, who lives 50 yards
from the store. He reached the store
quickly and the two burglars fled, secur
ing only 70 cents and leaving ?250 in the
Prosperity at Sllverton.
SILVERTON. Or.. Nov. 23. (Special.)
The past year has been a very prosperous
one for Sllverton. Several blocks of Its
business streets have ben graded and im
proved, a number of new store buildings
have been erected, several of which are of
brick. About 50 new residences have been
built and there Is not a vacant house In
the town.
Found Hanging to a Juniper.
PRINEVTLLE, Or., Nov. 23. George
"Welsener, of Sdo, an employe of the Des
chutes Irrigation Company's experiment
farm, two and one-half miles from
Bend, was found dead hanging to a
juniper tree yesterday.
BELLINGHAM. Wash.. Nov. 23.
(SpeciaL) "John D. Rockefeller is tho
greatest criminal that is walking on
the face of the earth." said Dr. M. A
Mathews, of Seattle, in a lecture here
today. In leading up to the arraign
ment of Rockefeller, Dr. Mathews,
who was lecturing on "The "Wealth of
Altruism," began talking on the self
ishness and corruption of the capital
ists in this country, how they use their
immense wealth In securing privileges
that a poor man could not get; how
they get the immense throngs of
church people under their influence by
donating large sums of money, and
then expecting- and securing the sup
port of the church people in carrying
out private enterprises that bring them
far more than they gave.
"It is not the great mass of young
people on the streets that I am Inter
ested in, but the hypocrite who goes to
church on Sunday and sits through
the service with an angelic expression
on his face, plays whist in the evening
and steals during the rest of the week.
Scale of Wages Will Go Up and Down
With the Market.
BELLINGHAM, "Wash., Nov. 23. (Spe
cial.) The first "Whatcom County shingle
mill to pass Into the hands of the syndi
cate of Japanese capitalists who are try
Ing to get control of tho Industry In
this state, is the Vanderhoof mill
at Sumas. Yesterday the plant, together
with a large tract of timber, was sold to
T. Furushlma and C. MIyahama for $10,
COO. These men represent British Colum
bia Japanese and Japanese who are now
In Japan. They will take charge of the
concern December 1.
Experienced Japanese will be employed,
and also white men. If they desire to
wcrk for . apanese wages. Several lnex
pcrlenced men will be placed with them,
and after a crew has become proficient In
the operating of the shingle mill another
plant will be bought and the process re
Unlike the present managers of the
shingle Industry, the Japanese will not
close the mills when the market Is weak.
"Work will continue, but the scale of
wages will go up and down with the de
mand. If at any time they are unable to
dispose of the product they will store the
shingles and keep on manufacturing.
Mr. Furushlma says that about the same
wages will be paid in good times- as are
paid now by the majority of the mills
that only cut when the demand Is heavy.
Shot In the Heart He Falls and His
Neck Is Broken.
BUTTE, Mont., Nov. 23. A. E. Schwan,
whose domestic troubles have sometimes
led to blows and threats to kill, was him
self the victim of a fatal row last night.
He was shot through the heart and his
neck wa3 broken. A remarkable cir
cumstance attended his death in the fact
that, after being shot through the heart.
the bullet entering the back and penetrat
ing the skin under the breast, he lived
for three minutes, walking through three
rooms and a hallway, finally falling to
the floor and breaking his neck.
Schwan has had trouble with his wife.
who is owner of the Schwan Print
ing Company, over the employment as
foreman of "W. F. Meyers. He followed
his wife last night, making threats de
manding mat ne be given nis revolver to
kill Meyers. Ho appeared at the home
and created such a disturbance that
neighbors attempted to get him away.
John Evans, a boy of 18 years, tried to
make Schwan leave the place, finally
bringing out his gun, which he fired
twice, as he says, to scare the man. One
of these shots evidently took effect.
Abraham Hackleman.
ALBANY. Or., Nov. 23.-( Special.)-Abra
ham Hackleman, one of the most promt
nent pioneer citizens of Oregon, and one
of the founders of the city of Albany-
died at his home in East Albany this
morning. He had been 111 only a short
time with pneumonia.
Mr. Hackleman was born in Indiana in
1S29 and was 75 years old at the time of
his death. He crossed the plains to Ore
gon in 1S47 and took up a donation land
claim on the site of Albany, one-half of
the present city being located on the orig
lnal claim. The log cabin he erected on
his claim was the first house In this part
of tho state.
In 1S30 he laid out 70 acres as the City of
Albany, and has added three additions to
tho city since that time. Mr. Hackleman
assisted In many notable enterprises In
the unbuilding of the state, among them
being the construction of the military
wagon road across the Cascade Moun
tains. He was director and president of
the road at different time. He was also
Interested in the Oregon & Pacific Rail
road, now the Corvallls & Eastern.
Mr. Hackleman was a leader in the
Democratic party In this county. He had
served as County Commissioner and as
City Councilman of this city. Besides his
large property Interests in Albany and
Linn County Mr. Hackleman owned 3000
acres of land In Crook County. He left
one daughter. Mrs. Price, of Southern
Oregon, and three sons, Thurston P., Den
ver D. and Frank A., all residents of
Albany and vicinity.
Mrs. Myrta A. Twltchell.
ROSEBURG. Or.. Nov. 23. (Special.)
Mrs. Myrta A Twltchell, wife of Dr.
J. C. Twltchell, Coroner of Douglas
Countv. died at the family home In
Do you know
"The Song of
Sixty Years?"
There are four verses. Verse
1. Ayer'sHair Vigor makes
the hair grow. Verse 2.
Ayer's Hair Vigor stops
falling hair. Verse 3. Ayer's
Hair Vigor cures dandruff.
Verse 4. Ayer's Hair Vigor
restores color to gray hair.
Qr1r1 frk. ft vera J.O.AywC..
Miss Florence E. Kenah, 434 Maria street, Ottawa, Ont., wrltest
"A few months ago I caught a severe cold, which settled on my lungs and
remained there so persistently that I
out benefit, until my digestive organs
began to ache severely and frequently.
' 'I was advised to try Peruna, and,
that I was ready to try anything. It
I felt that I had the right medicine at
pletely restored, and have enjoyed perfect health since.
"I now have the greatest faith in
The cold wind
and r a In. slush
and mud of No
vember are espe
cially conducive
to catarrh of the lungs. Few women
Upon the first symptoms of catching
cold Peruna should be taken. Colds
lead to catarrh. Catarrh ends in con-.
sumption. Delays are dangerous.
Pe-ru-na for Colds and Catarrh.
The following interesting letter gives
one young womans experience wnn
Miss Rose Gerblng. a popular society
woman, of Crown Point, Ind., writes:
"Recently I took a long drive in tne
country, and. being too thinly clad, I
caught a bad cold, which settled on my
lungs, and which I could not seem to
shake off. I had heard a great deal of
Peruna for colds and catarrh, and I
bought a bottle to try. I am pleased
that I did, for It brought speedy relief.
It only took about two bottles, and I
consider this money well spent.
You have a firm friend in me, and i
not only advise Its use to my friends.
Roseburg last night after an illness of
eight months. The body will be taken
to Portland tonight and funeral serv
ices hold Friday morning by Arch
bishop Christie at the Cathedral of the
Immaculate Conception.
Fatal Accidents to Miners.
ROSSLAND, B. C, Nov. 23. Emll Nl
kolm, cage tender in the Josle mine, at
Rossland, lost his life yesterday by
plunging 500 feet down a shaft. His
duties were to load and unload cars.
The accident was not seen by anyone,
but It Is supposed he started the car
Into one of the compartments "when
the cage was at the bottom of the
shaft, and In an endeavor to stop the
car was drawn In himself. The car
caught at the 300-foot level. Nlkolm'a
brains were dashed out, and nearly
Pure, Healthful, Refreshing
AUTHORITIES declare Apollinaris
to be the pre-eminently pure . and
healthful Table Water and that it is
bottled at the Spring, Neuenahr,
Germany, under the most favorable
Addres3, United Agenct Co., 503-5th Ave., New York, for a Phil. May Sketch.
You know that for fifty years most farmers have considered the
f Studebaker the best farm wagon on earth.
v, You knoT that the Studebaker factory at SoutlxBend is the largest
You know that moro Studebaker wagots are sold every year tkaa
most manufacturers make In ten years. '
nusuiu you ever scop 10 consider wnyi
"We couldn't sell the Studebaker In Increasing numbers every'yearfor fifty
yearsif it did not "fill the bul"frul and running over. J
The truth is thd Studebaker Is a little tha best farm wagon ever built. Be-
i causa wo are ma inrgvst macuianurerswegectne cream ot umber products,
and the first pick of materials; because we have tho largest factory we cae)
i auora me Dess laauaes ana aro a mo to Duua a netter, stronger, lighter I
draft farm waoa than any other manufacturer caa build.
You dontDuy a tarm wagon very often: why not got tho best whQe yea
are at it? A Studebaker will last you; perhaps as long as you live. It's aoth
Ing unusual tor,aStudebaker to run from 10 toSO years without eve reset
ting i3 tires. StvMMktr BrM. Mfs.
Studebaker Bros. Co. Northwest,
became alarmed. I took medicine with
became upset, and my head and back
although I had little faith, I felt so sick
brought mo blessed relief at once, sad
last. Within three weeks I was com
Peruna." Florence E. Kenah.
but have purchased several battles to
give to those without the means to buy.
and have noticed without exception
that it has brought about a speedy cure
wherever it has been used." Rose
Pe-ru-na Contains No Narcotics.
One reason why Peruna has found
permanent use In so many homes is
that it contains no narcotic of any
kind. Peruna Is perfectly harmless. It
can be used any length of time with
out acquiring a drug habit. Peruna
does not produce temporary results. It
Is permanent In its effect.
It has no bad effect upon the system,
and gradually eliminates catarrh byre
moving the cause of catarrh. There
are a multitude of homes where Peruna.
has been used off and on for twenty
years. Such a thing could not be pos
sible if Peruna contained any drugs of
a narcotic nature.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus.
All correspondence held strictly con
fidential. every bone in his body was broken
from hitting timbers on the way down.
BUTTE, .Mont., Nov. 23. Overcome by
gas following a blast, Grego Finn! fell
to his death, as he was ascending a bucket
shaft on a prospect near the Mountain
View mine. About one-third of the way
up he fell from the bucket to the bottom
of the shaft and was Instantly -killed.
Rescuers descending the shaft bad great
difficulty on account of the gas.
Missourian Sent to Asylum.
LA GRANDE. Or., Nov. 23. (Special.)
Arlle "W. Reavls was committed to the
Insane asylum at Salem today. Reavls is
a young man and was confined in an
asylum In Missouri once before. He came
to Oregon some months ago, purchasing
some timber land in "Western Oregon, but
has recently shown signs of Insanity.