16 THE MORfflffG OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1904, i : i 11 ' . . TO AID THE CAUSE Binger .Hermann to Work for Rivers and Harbors, HE 'LEAVES FOR THE EAST Appropriation for Columbia River May .Suffer Unless Oregon Delegation Appears and Demands In . crease on Estimate. Einirer Hermann. Representative to Con gress from the First District, left for Washington last nignt over we iufuiu Pacific He will hurry straight through so as to go before the House committee on rivers and harbors, which will ad journ the end of next week alter naving prepared recommendations for river and harbor appropriations. Unless Oregon shall be fully represented before the committee, appropriations for rivers and harbors in this state may be pruned even lower than the Chief of En gineers has cut flown me esuoiaiea ui Major Langfitt. Though the Columbia tmvm- rins jiot touch his district. Jar- Hermann recognizes Its needs -as the most important that the Oregon members of Congress will .nave to urge m. m tinnni oanltaL Luckily Congress is dis posed to be generous with the Columbia no -doubt oecause tne river is one -. -u largest in the United States, thus testi fied Mr. Hermann last night,, and added: "It has always been comparatively easy to get appropriations for the Columbia River. It is a great stream ana wn cress is aware of Its Importance. A. very kindly spirit prevails at "Washington as to the Columbia." Mr. Hermann spoke of the pruning given to the estimates of Major Langntt by tho Chief of Engineers as "very unfortunate and as requiring: the immediate presence of the Oregon delegation at Washington. But for the fact that his testimony was required yesterday in this city In the land- fraud trials, Mr- Hermann would have started East earlier. Senator Mitchell is probably there now, as he intended to eat Thanksgiving turkey at "Washington. Senator Fulton will arrive Monday. "It is customary," said Mr. Hermann, "for the House committee, in drawing up the river and harbor bill, to follow the recommendations of the Chief of Engin eers; indeed. It is almost an unwritten law that his estimates shall not be raised." "Then, will it be Impossible to have the Chief of Engineer's estimates for the Columbia raised?" was asked. - "No," responded Mr. Hermann, "I do not say 'that. It may be possible to raise the House figures in the Senate. In the House, however, the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers may be reduced In order to keep down the tetal of the ap propriations to the sum that the House leaders deem expedient. Mr. Hermann does not forget the lesser harbors on the coast of Oregon, such as Tillamook and Coos Bay and the Siuslaw River, and says that he will bend his en ergies to have them- recognized in the next river and harbor bill. He is thor oughly convinced of the efficacy of dredg ing and will endeavor to secure appro priations for small sea dredges for the lesser harbors. He Is of the opinion that the dredge Chlnook.has done more toward deepening the Columbia bar than has been credited to It. WILL SUPPORT ARBITRATION. Portland Chamber of Commerce In dorses the Movement. The Portland Chamber of Commerce will support the international arbitration Idea. which looks toward an agreement of all the great powers to settle their future disputes by arbitration. At a meeting of I me Doara 01 trustees yesterday morning, a letter from the Lake Mohonk Confer ence of Arbitration was received, asking tne cnamoero approval, as It was feared the measure might not be able to pass the Senate unless powerful pressure were brought to bear from many sides. The chamber will take the matter up with the Oregon delegation at Washington. A communication was received from the Fraternal Building Association asklnc the indorsement of the chamber In their work of soliciting funds for a fraternal temple at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. This indorsement was at once extended. A report from the special committee re cently appointed to investigate the needs of a set of public scales on the "water front, to expedite the weighing of Im ports, was heard. The committee report ed that at least one set should be in stalled, and after the adoption of the re port It was decided to take the matter up with tne Treasury .Department at Wash ington. S. M. Mears. Henry Hahn, C. F. Beebe, George Taylor and R. Livingstone, former presidents or tne cnamoer, were named as i a committee to arrange for the annual meeting', which will occur December U, CONQUERING HEROES RETURN Victorious Delegates Arrive From EI Paso Irrigation Congress. The advance-guard of the victorious Ore gon delegation to the National irrigation Congress at il Paso reached the city yes terday. They are: E. L. Smith, of Hood RIyer. named as vice-president of the con gress; Tom Richardson, who was elected secretary; A King Wilson, executive com mitteeman, and Congressman J. N. 'Will iamson, of The Dalles. They confirm the previous accounts of the enthusiastic support which was ac corded Portland s claims to the congress. although they aver tho victory was not won without a fight, as a number of other cities of the "West, particularly Boise, were flirting with the 190o congress. Mr. Richardson has been away for a number of weeks, having visited the prin cipal cities of the "West and Middle West, and also worked with the Oregon dele gation at the recent Trans-Mis sis sippl Commercial Congress, which chose Port land as Its meeting place for 1905. He re ports great Interest In the Lewis and Clark Exposition In all the cities visited by him. and Is confident the attendance I at the Fair will surpass all expectations. GIVING AWAY MONEY. Lewis and Clark Exposition Gold Dol lars Free With Suits. For the balance of this week we will give free with each suit purchased from our store at $20.00 or above one of the handsome Lewis and Clark sou venir sold pieces; the value Is 52.00. "We show at $20.00, 322.50 and 525.00 the swellest line of tailor-made clothing we believe is shown In this city. Store is open until noon today. BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILLS STORE. 3d st., opposite Chamber of Commerce. CAM) OF THANKS, ' I wish to extend rny thanks to the Red men of Ashland and Portland, the Broth erhood of Firemen and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and mv friend In Portland and Ashland for their kind ness during wo sicKness ana death of The Meier Frank Store's Thanksgiving Proclamation We have mach to W ttimkftd for-Ttokfal to the thoas oifrhmiz of the store throqghowt Ae Northwest for tfewr vary generous itrongThgiikfal for their kiai appreciation of oar efforts to al ways supply them with rtdkfrk merchandise at fair price ni to reader the fcsst possible store service To make shopping a pleasure kitead of a bcrden To provide metropolitan stocks of merchandise for yonr choosms-Yon showld be thankfal that yog have krvonr midst a "safe" store, an establishment where yoong and oH cam trade wkh confidence and assnraBce of receiving fall valne for they money The Meier & Frank Store, established m 1&57, started hnsmess m a very modest way, but its principles were right and it grew step by step to be Portland's largest and best store thronrh hem riiii rTtZ. servative. too mnch so at times-Its chief concern m "57" was to sell the best merchandise for the least I money This aim is foremost in its policy today and always wHl be. "Toyland" Santa Claus "Toyland " is rapidly shaping ks elf-Saturday win find Santa Clans' headquarters comfortably weH ar ranged to show everyone the thousands and thonsands of new Toys, Dolls and Games Portland's only all-the-year-ronnd Toystore has prepared for Christmas. 1904, on e scale never before attempted by any concern on the Pacific Coast Germany, Austria, France. England, Japan and China, as well as onr own United States, have sent ns their newest and best in every line Floor space over 50x200 feet will soon be devoted to this magnificent gathering of things to make young hearts haonv Each itmHwIbWi line systematically arranged so yon can do yoar Christmas trading expeditiocsly as weH as permitting yon to see the entire assortment before baying This will iris are the most satisfactory shopping yog have ever experienced Remember Christmas is only five weeks away Make your selections early, have them charged, pay cash, or make a deposit We will store hoKdav purchases for yon free of charge and deliver whenever yon say STOKE CLOSED ALL DAY TODAY "Great Sale of Brashes All 35c Tooth Brushes 21c each All 25c Tooth Brushes 15c each All 15c Tooth Brashes 11c each Best $1.00 Hair Brushes 63c each Best 50c Hair Brushes 35c each Best $1.00 Cloth Brushes 63c each Best 60c Cloth Brushes 39c each Best 75c Hat Brushes 52c each Best 50c Hat Brushes 39c each $1.25 Ebony Military Brushes. .98c each 15c Hand Brushes for 11c each 20c Hand Brushes for 14c each 25c Hand Brushes for 17c each 50c Hand Brushes for 39c each $2.50 Albatross Waists $1.18 600 Beautiful Albatross Waists Best . . . . $2.50 values for $1.18 each comprises a remarkable purchase which we place on the counters for tomorrow's 786th Friday Surprise Sale Portland's Larg est and Leading Garment Store has pre sented scores of remarkable purchasing opportunities this season, but tomor row's offering is the greatest of all Just think of a handsome Albatross Waist in the best style and colors for $1.18 each You can't equal it any where 400 of them for your choos ingLight blue, red, brown, black, royal blue, navy and white Plaited front and back Tucked yoke Well made Lace stock collar Sizes 32 to 44 Everyone genuine $2.50 value Choice tomorrow at this unusually low price $1.18 See Fifth-St. window display Arrange to come early in the morning $6 Walking Skirts $2.98 For tomorrow's 786th Friday Surprise Sale Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store offers a great special purchase of 400 sew, attractive Walking Skirts hi the very best styles and materials at a price the lowest ever known on Women's Apparel having merit $2.98 wouldn't cover the cost of the material alone Just another practical demon stration of the supremacy of the Meier &. Frank Garment Store Fancy tweeds and mannish mixtures, in stripes and mixtures, plaited style, strapped yoke Splendidly made and perfect fitting We've sold hundreds of these skirts regularly at $5.50 and $6.00 each They are the grandest Walking Skirt bargain ever offered . in the city, at the phenomenally low jft Q f; price of P ay O See Fifth-Street window display Dress Goods Reduced Four great lots of new wool Dress (3oods, mixtures and mannish suitings in Jilg- va riety This season's very hest fabrics. Begular $ .85 grade for, yard .63 Regular $1.00 grade for, yard $ .70 Regular $1.25 grade for, yard 8 .97 Regular $1.50 grade for, yard $127 Fancy "Waist and Suiting velvets. This sea son's best styles, S5c, $1.00, $1.50 values, yard 40c PORTIERES HALF-PRICE 25 patterns of Portieres, only 1 pair of a pattern, marvelous values at these prices. . $4.50 Portieres for, pair - 9S3 $5.50 Portieres for, pair $2.75 $6.50 Portieres for, pair $7.50 Portieres for, pair $3.75 Few pairs at 9425, $4.75, 9&2S, $7.75) values $&50 up to $1550 pair. 15 patterns of Cross Stripe Madras Curtains, ranging in value from $1.60 to $4.75, best styles; your flail choice at . FRICE Picture Dept. Bargains Great half-price sale of our entire i tw stock of Medallions. Great va- TltHI rlety of subjects. All sizes at PRICE 25 per cent reduction on our entire stock of Oil Paintings Beautiful subjects High grade work All sizes. Choose any framed picture in Our entire stock at yi off from regular selling price. The largest and best stock In the city to select from. Second floor. Wash Goods Specials 30c and 35c plain Silk Organdies In all the leading shades Value extraordinary, at the low price of. yard. ......21c .75c and $1.00 medium and heavy-weight fancy white Waistlngs. Marvelous values at, yard . ....46c 25c to 50c fancy French organdie's for party dresses. Great special value at this low price, yard 18c OutingFlannelGowns 100 dozen women's Outing Flannel Gowns at remarkably low prices. This season's very best styles in pink and blue stripes and pink, blue and white plain colors Well made throughout. All $1.00 Gowns for .78 All $1.25 Gowns for... .... $ 7 All $1.50 Gowns for ...$127 Women's $1,50 Gowns For 79c Ea. 1 20 dozen Women's Cam- bric Night Robes in em broidery edgings and in sertions, 'beading, tucks and ribbon trimmed Square, high and V-shaped necks Splendidly made and trimmed All sizes Gowns selling regnlarly at $1.25 and $1.50 ea. Tomorrow your Choice 7 9c Ea. A Great Sale of Oriental Rugs Opportunity to bay a magnificent rag or two at low prices A new importation of $25,000 worth of beautiful specimens Rags, Hall Runners, Mats, Room Sizes Rugs and prices yon can have utmost confidence in Don't buy Oriental Rugs from traveling fakers, yon get no assurance as to the quality or value of your purchase. The Meier & Frank guaran tee goes with every rug you buy here Let ns show them to yon 18x36 Anatolian Mats, $5 values.... $3.95 $21.00 Belooch. reduced to $15.65 $17.50 Carabagh Rugs, this sale $12.55 Beautiful Genjeh Rugs, $17.50 vaL$lZ95 Magnificent Shirvan Rugs, $27.50 value. for - J2L50 $24.50 Bokhara Rug for. $18.85 $55.00 Afghan Rug for $79.50 $87.50 Feraghan Rug for. $71.00 $105 Cashmere Rug for $79.00 $35.00 Moussul Rug for $28.50 $105 IzfanxRug for. $87.00 $47X0 Gurdez Rug for. $33.00 Hall Runners, room sizes. Rugs, Prayer Mats, in all sizes and great ran go of prices Third Floor. The Greatest Women's Apparel Business West of Chicago Is concentrated under this roof The greatest garment business to be found in,ayclty m the United States equal or double the population of Portland Women's andr children's ready-to-wear apparel of every description Apparel that we guarantee .sa'tistactory in style and quality Fall and Wmter stocks are complete Buying can be done.to.b jtt advan tage in Portland's largest and best store These spec ial values must interest yon i $22:50 Cravenettes $17.45 Men's Clothing and Furnishings Our men's clothing department has been making great strides during the past year supply ing better clothing than ever ana at the most economical prices Styles and materials to please every fancy Second Floor 4Bk. mm mo m m iiy 3 li YMi $20 Unfinished Worsted Suits $16.15 Men's fine black Unfinished "Worsted Suits, hand tailored, trimmings, newest style and cut; Suits the exclusive finest clothier asks you $25 for, you will find on sale here at V Men's $15.00 -black Unfinished "Worsted Suits, very CIA ft best styles, all sizes, remarkable values, at . V vQ $22.50 Belt Overcoats Only $18.35 Men's heavy fleeced 'Underwear, shirts and drawers, exceptional value at, garment .....-.C Best quality heavy ribbed Underwear, In brown, shirts and drawers, great value, garment. 4rC Best quality heavy ribbed Underwear, m uiue, sains znQ arawers, m mil slses... ...r...42C Men's fine $22.50 Belt,Overcoats in fancyTweeds and Cheviots, very latest fashions;; Overcoats that the exclusive clothier doesn't hesi tate to ask you $27.50 for; our special price, i o c tomorrow, , .:. . v 03 Men's fine quality $6:00 "Worsted Dress Trousers, equal ftC to tailor-made, very best patterns; great value qMf? mcii r u iiwum5 vyws opciicuo if Men s Openwork Black Lisle Hose, today pair 3L9c Men V Excelda-Silk Handkerchiefs, 25c values, each ...18 1U0 dozen Men s JNecKwear, newest styles and color iqgs; immense variety, great values at each. 50c f I Men's Natural Wool Underwear, shirts and drawers, tho grade, sold-around town at $1.00 garment,' sale L"7 price. 0C Wright's Health Underwear for Men, wool fleeced, shirts and draw- - era, best styles.. .OjC Men's super-weight Natural Wool TJn 'derwear, . shirts and drawers, $1.00 values ...OJC Men's extra quality heavy wool Under-ear., shirts and draw- c-1 nc era, $1-35 values, for i,UJ Silver gray ribbed 'Underwear, c garment , QjG BoHbte-breate4 Australian Wool Un derwear, regular UJti . ,n valae .'. Women's Cravenette Raglans in blouse, plaited back, collar less, leg-o '-mutton sleeve, fancy button trim- a 9 Att med; tans, olives, Oxfords, $22.50 values. . . W Women's Cravenettes, box plaited with belt; tans, olives, Oxfords; all new, handsome styles; best i iP $22.50 values, for Thanksgiving week at. . . . V tP" $20.00 Coats at $15.45 Women's Tan Covert Tourist Coats, single or double-breast ed, satin-lined, with or without colter ; slot-seam back with 13.45 belt ; this, season's most desirable value, . regular $20 value Great Special Fur Bargains 22-inch Astracban Jacket, 'storm sleeve, regular $38.00 value, this sale collar, leg-o '-mutton $28.85 Long Sable "Wolf Scarf, squirrel lined, six tails, i f regular $15 valuefor this sale $ 1 1 Long Black Coney Scarf, six tails, silk cord ornaments ; best $7.50 value, this sale. . . . Evening Waists Marvelous values this week. JSxcIa slye novelties in Hhrening and Dress Waists; Chiffon Taffetas, Chiffon Mes sallnes. Crepe de Chines, Lace. Peau de Cygnes; magnificent styles in all shades $16.00 Waists, each $12.46 flS.00 Waists, each.....; 514.3 $22.00 Waists, each...... 5185 jaSLCO Waists, eacb ; !;...: r;J18. 3.. Waists', each . 3fc4S $32.00 Waists, each $K.4 HS.00 Waists, each ZM Children's Coatsv Dres6 and Ram- coats in immense aseertjaet. We out fit the children la the ww satMac tory Bwaaer that w& da wonwu. T $5.25 Costumes $34.85 Special purchase of 15 beauUful Crepe de Chine Evening Gowns, In gray, light blue, brown, navy, pink, white and champagne; waist has lace yoke and clusters of tucks; skirt is shirred to the belt; clusters of tucks around bottom of skirt; entire gown Taffeta Silk Lined: regular $30. CO m4 mr value, on sale at .,..vfiOJ SILK PETTICOATS All High-Class Petticoats Reduced. HiM values at ..$iaS5 i.50 values- at: $12.35. values at $14.65 9ft.94 values at.. .$17; 45 MLW values at. $20.35 m.U values at. $21.23 mM Yalwes at. $3305 ptM Talues at.. - i $25.33 fm.m Tlu.at.....7....,.rt.,... $3L2a $42.00, $44.00 Spits at $31.43 Worn Eta's handsome Suits in ZMreatoire. blouse or tlght-flttinsr styles, wRh or without vests, ?i and Baedlua, length" jackets, in mannish mixtures; Ghev--Iota, Coverts . and Tweeds; black. ; navy, tan, grays, light and dark jnli tares: this season's .00, and .00 Suits, en. ale Tfasaksfcrinr " week" at the marvelously i low uric of. ...3t.45 GREAT APRON SALE IVoraen's .Fancy Tea. Aprcnu. mde of fine Swiss and lawns, trimmed wtik dainty embroidery and laces, beading, ribbons and tucks round, square and pointed. gr.t values at 4$, 9fc, tS my son. J. W. GRIFFITH AND -FAMILY.