( THE MORNING OBEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, N O VEMEH " 55,19C&, ST MORE WATER ON BAR Channel Has 24 Feet at Low Water in Columbia. BIG DREDGE TO STOP WORK Engineer's Method of Construction Saves Jetty Trestle From Serious Damage by Storms,-and Re- . -pairs Will Be Made. The Columbia bar has 24' feet of water at low tide, an increase of three feet since last June. The deeper channel is due to the extension of the jetty. Only a fraction of the extension has -been completed, and If Congress supplies money this winter lor finishing the work, the depth is ex pected by the United States engineers to exceed SO feet two years hence; perhaps to approach 40 feet. Two more summers will be needed to complete the extension. Examination of the Jetty yesterday by the Government tug George H. Mendell showed that the recent violent gales have not damaged the unfinished jetty, nor in jured the new tramway. About 4000 feet of old tramway, eaten by teredoes, was recently swept away, but work has al ready begun to replace it. The cost of this work will be about 935,000. The 7000 feet of new tramway withstood the storms remarkably well, and the en gineers are highly pleased. Major Lang fltt's plan of at present building up the Jetty only to two-thirds its full height has undoubtedly saved the trestle, since it al lowed the seas to spend their force un obstructed beneath. The new section of the Jetty Is built up to a height of between 13 and 20 feet, and when finished will be .20 feet The jetty is yet to go out 6000 feet. The aim of the engineers is to se cure 40 feet at low tide.and if the exten sion now building will not scour out that depth their plans call for another Jetty .from the north cape. The estimate of the chief of engineers for the next river and harbor bill will not finish the Jetty. Ma. Jor Langfltt has estimated that the sum necessary for completion is $1,320,000, and the chief of engineers has cut this down to $776,000. The big bar dredge Chinook will be laid off at the end of this month for repairs. From now until Spring the bar will bo too rough for effective dredging. Repairs will be made to the boilers, and the stern post, and the vessel will have to go Into drvdock. The cost of the repairs will be between $12,000 and $15,000. If Portland bidders can win the contract the big ves sel can be lifted out of the water In the Port of Portland drydock. It is the generally accepted opinion that the dredge has done more to eat up the last congressional appropriation than to deepen the bar. SUICIDE WROTE A LIE. Laid His Death at Door of an Inno cent Man. GREAT FALX.S, Mont., Nov. 22. "Wnat jwas reported to have been i case of cold-blooded murder, in which Jacob Ralston, one of the best-known trappers and guides of the Sun River country, was the victim and James Fisher, alias Smith, a fugitive from Alaska, the murderer, turns out to have been a case of suicide. Ralston resorted to the odd scheme of leaving a note accusing- an innocent man of bis r.V&, Lb ea eee g-e303 i r. cisgrac o hiz fate. After a day's searcn by a posse for Fiher, coupled -rStS ttis ttMs of CS'Jt-JTS ts lynch him. another message vrts Zso2V7si In the Jtzlaton cabin tsJtltisr ct nls suicide and asking those finding his corpse not to divulge the XFU glrMimtanwa of his iCSh tu his v.jyent-. A courier dispatched to Ral ston to inform him that his father was on his deathbed found the body. Ral ston fs a brother of Samuel F. Ral ston, State Senator. Why Teachers Are III Paid. ALBANY, Or., Nov. 22. (Special) In an address on the "Status of the Teacher" before the Linn County teachers Institute in this city this fore noon, Superintendent "V7. G. Hartranft, of Seattle, characterized school teaching as the lowest-salaried profession in the world. And ho blamed the school teachers in part for this condition of affairs. He said the average length of service of the school teachers was three years, and on account of this most schools were taught by inexperienced teachers with a consequent lowering of t"e standard of the profession. This is one of the principal reasons, Superintendent Hartranft said, why salaries are not raised. If teachers enter the profession with the proper spirit and qualify themselves so they become indispensable to certain dls trlcts they can demand their rights in regard to salary and be paid what they are worth. Besides the address at assembly tho teachers are receiving a great deal of practical instruction in different Im Dortant subjects of school work. Tho instructors are Superintendent Hart ranft. President E. D. Ressler and Pre fessor C A. Rice, of the Orecon State Normal School, and Professor T. A. Hayes, of this city. Death Lurked in Jugs. PAYETTE, Idaho, Nov. 22. A mixture of four pounds of arsenic, four pounds of soda and a gallon of water was tho fatal beverage that met the lips of Charles B Jackson, as he tilted a Jug supposed to contain water in the pear orchard of J. H. Ch&whan. near Payette. Tho jug con tained a formula used for spraying the fruit trees. Jackson was unable to get farther than a. road adjoining the orchard after swal lowing the poisonous fluid. He was picked up by William Davis, who helped him to a near-by house, and sent for a physician. Nothing could be done, and Jackson died. Deceased was able to give little inior nation about himself or his relatives. He managed to make it known, however, that he 'had a mother in Kansas. The only paper found on him was a receivers re celpt given at the Boise Land Office for homestead entry. Reported Sale of Wilhoit Springs. OREGON CITY, Or., Nov. 22. (Spe clal.) It is rumored here that the Ore Bon "Water Power & Railway Company ten days ago closed a deal by which the railway corporation became the owner of the famous "Wilhoit Springs, In the eastern part of the county. "With the purchase of Clackamas County's celebrated mineral springs, the "building of a motor line to the resort by the company would naturally follow and the ascent of the bluff via Third street and the proposed South End Road is by far the most feasible route for scaling the precipitous bluff that bor ders the company's right of Tray. . Survey to Iron Dike Mine. "WEISER, Idaho, Nov. 22. (Special.) xaa irariy oi surveyors wno nave oeen runnlnc the Brpllmlnnrv siirrov from Huntington, Or., to the Iron Dyke mine. a aisiancc oi oi mues, returned to tne c this afternoon. The ralfmnH mmnn to be backed by the Ladd Metals Com pany, of which Charles Ladd, the Port land multl-mllHonalre banker. Is prcsi dent. Thn Ladd Mfttals PnmnnrA le i-r tcnsively engaged in mining at Mineral and Iandore, In this county, and it Is ex pected they will soon secure possession of the Iron Dyke mines across the Snake Klver from the Seven Devils district. It is quite remote from the railroad, hence the projected line- Hoquiam Js Run Wide Open. HO QUI AM. "Wash.. Nov. 22. Special. Much Interest is now being taken in the municipal election next month. O. C. Fenlason seems to be the only candidate mentioned so far. The recent police ad ministration has been much criticised. Officers Dole and Lance, who were dis charged on complaint of Chief of Police Philips and the Mayor for grafting, will be given a hearing by the Council at tne next meeting, and some startling develop ments are predicted. This town has been run on a wlae-open basis the past few months. The town is overrun with undesirable classes. Order to Remove Old Docks. VANCOUVER, Wash., Nov. 22. (Spe cial.) After negotiating in vain for sev eral months with the Security Savings & Trust Company, of Portland, the owners the old docks on the water front with the view of having the old menaces removed, the street committee of the City Council has notified the City Clerk to in form the owners of the dilapidated prop erty that unless action was taken to re move the structures at once that legal steps would be taken to abate the nuis ance. Mills Renew Their Contract. CENTRALIA. "Wash., Nov. 22. (Special.) At the annual meeting of the directors of the Lumber Manufacturers Agency, held in this city today, all the mills re newed their contracts for the ensuing year, with the exception of one. which was not represented at this meeting. The results of the agency for the past year were highly satisfactory to the directors in every respect, and the success of the enterprise Is unquestioned. Boon for the Housekeeper. OREGON CITY, Or.. Nov. 22. (Spe cial.) C. "W. Kelly and Mat Heurth. of this city, have perfected the invention of an attachment by which windows can be swung open from the inside of a building without being removed from the sash. Application has been made for a patent. The device is simple but valuable, and will prove a great boon to the housekeeper in window-washing? season. Limit to Company's Liability. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 22. United States District Judge De Haven has hand. ed uown an opinion limiting the liability of the Michigan Steamship Company, as owner of the steamer Progreso, wnicn blew up in December, 1302, the explosion killing several persons. Claims to tne amount of $100,000 had been filed oy neirs of the deceased. The opinion limits the liability of the company to $15,020, the appraised value of the wreck. Will Study Street Paving. SALEM. Or.. Nov. 22. (Special.) The Greater Salem Commercial Club tonight annotated a committee, composed or J. H. Albert John H. McNary, P. S. Knight, Mavor "Waters, and J. C. Thompson, to investigate the subject oi paving aooui 11 blocks of Balem streets in tne Business section of the city. Salenrhas not now a foot of paved street. Kills Man to Save Wife From Beating BUTTE. Mont, Nov. 22. John Schwan, Dronrietor of the Schwan Printing "Works, was shot and killed tonight by a boy named John Evans. Schwan was making demonstration at his home, and to frighten the man away and save Mrs. Schwan from a beating, Evans" says he fired several shots at Schwan, one of which took effect, passing through his heart. Cows Forbidden Chehalls Strsats. Last night the City Council passed the ordinance for planing cows stops, rva&teuc ax larro wiznuj iss gyr m. vm hkj Chemuis. Tne cow question was vcisd. on by the citizens at a special election held several weeks ago, who decided by a big majority that they did not wish cowa running at large in tho city. Anniversary of Whitman Massacre. "WALLA "WALLA. "Wash., Nov. 22. (Special.) Exercises will be held in the college chapel next Tuesday morn ing in commemoration of the anniver sary of the "Whitman massacre. Profes sor "Walter A. Bratton, of the mathe matical department, will deliver a his torical address on Dr. Marcus whit man. Death of Well-Known Detective. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 22. Detective Abraham Anthony, one of the best known members of the San Francisco police force, is dead at his home In this city after a brief Illness. He made the arrest of Theodore Durant, and for years was engaged In locating missing women and girls. Young Hunter Instantly Killed. BUTTE, Mont, Nov. 22. Percy Glenn, 13 years of age, accidentally shot and killed himself while hunting near his home on McDonald Creek, near Lewistown. Mont. He slipped on a stone while pursuing some game and in 'some manner the gun was discharged, the entire charge taking effect in his body. Invitation to Forest Congress. SALEM, Or., Nov. 22. (Special.) Governor Chamberlain has been "invited to attend the annual session of the American Forest Congress, to be held in "Washington, D. C January 2 to 6, 1905. The Governor has also been re quested to appoint five delegates to represent this state at the congress. Death After a Quarrel. CULDESAC, Idaho. Nov. 22. Isaac Matteson's body was found yesterday in tho barn of his brother, Theodore. at Culdcsac, Idaho, with a bullet wound in his left breast. Matteson had com mitted suicide, subsequent to a quar rel with his sweetheart, Nellie Johns. New "Brutality" Fad. London Brutalltarian. It is -full time, in this age of decadent humanltarlanism, that some trumpet tongued protest were raised against the prevalent sentimentality, and that there should be an attempt to organize and con solidate the forces that make for manliness and patriotism. If we are fools enough to allow the use of tho lash to die out. good-by to all the sterling traits in an Englishman's char acter! What could bo more pitiful than the plea put forward by the naval lords, for I instance, that boys In the royal navy are not "flogged" but "birched," In spite of' the fact that every public school man In the country knows that the terms are identical? The Brutalltarian will at least make It impossible for our friends to repeat these errors, for it will frankly, fully, and con sistently uphold flogging (under that name), whether with birch, or" cane, or "cat."-or any other instrument, as the mainstay of British education. War and sport, flesh eating and vivisec tion are all kindred practices which musf stand or fall together. Voting Trust Illegal. TRENTON. N. J.. Nov. 22. The Court of Errors and Appeals today. In the case of Warren against the Fisheries Com pany, sustained the Court of Chancery in holding that the voting trust formed by certain stockholders was against pub lic nollcy and' illegal. The fisheries company is composed of many large fishing concerns, with the principal branches on the Pacific Coast. HERE ON FIRST TRIP Steamer F. A. Kilburn Arrives From San Francisco. STORMY PASSAGE UP COAST Sea Too High to Allow Her to Call at Coos Bay Narrow Escape of British . Ship Off Van couver Island. The steamer F. A. Kilburn, the latest acquisition to the Portland-San Francisco line of Russell & Rogers, arrived up last evening with freight and passengers and made fast to Oak-street dock. The Kil burn left San Francisco at 8 o'clock Satur day night and reached Astoria at 10 yes terday morning. She would have made better time, as she is rated as a speedy boat, but for the boisterous weather en countered. However, she proved her steaming qualities by coming up the river in eight hours. The officers report a stormy but un eventful run up the Coast. The Kilburn was in the thick of the gale, which was severely felt here, but she Is a good sea boat In the worst weather and suffered no damage, nor were her decks at any time under water. The passengers, of which she brought 36, suffered but little Incon venience. It was the Intention to call at Coos Bay on the way up. but. a big sea was running off the boy and the steamer did not venture, to enter. Hereafter, weather permitting, she will call at Coos Bay on both the up and down trips. The steamer brought about 500 tons of general cargo from San Francisco, and will take back a full load of wheat, shipped by "W. A. Gordon & Co. to the Bay City. The Kilburn is a new steamer, with all appliances for the rapid handling of cargo. "While not of large size, she has very comfortable accommodations for her pas sengers, with a roomy dining saloon, a ladles' cabin and a smoking-room on the upper deck. She is commanded by Cap tain A. Thompson, the other officers being Chief Officer Bash. Second Officer "Westop and Chief Engineer Flynn. The Kilburn sails on her return trip Saturday, and with the Aurella. of the same line, will provide a weekly passenger and freight service between Portland and San Fran cisco. . NARROW ESCAPE OF ARRACAN Shin Was Inside the Breakers Off Carmanah Point. The British ship Arracan, for the safety of which fears were felt on the Sound, has made port without mishap. though she had a narrow escape from the breakers on November 12. The ship Is now at Port Townsend and will be towed to Tacoroa to load. Captain Kelk, In sneaking of his narrow escape on the Vancouver Island shore, said: "It was on the night of November 12, and so thick that we could hardly tell where we were going. "We were keeping a close watch, of course. Of a sudden the lookout In the bows shouted that he heard breakers. At almost the same Instant the Carmanah light was discovered on our starboard bows. "We realized where we were and as forlorn hope I decided to try and wear the ship about. The attempt was success ful, but every moment I was prepared to hear tho dull, ugly grating that tells of collision with rocka. As the vessel swung ytfUfuA c fecge "wyw&er. looking like. j a great black wall as K swept down ujon im. crashed on our bam ajA wu.nt. r 6epai rx-ea tm seers. As th decks were again cleared I E&2ed about and there, not fifty feet off the port quarter SS a rock standing fenS static fwr as large as our ship. That we missed It was a miracle; that we Anally reached deep water safely seems another." EXPERIENCES OF SCHOONER. Charles Hansen Reaches Port After Hard Cruise Man Rescued. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 21 The whal ing schooner Charles Hansen has arrived from tho Arctic with 2200 pounds of bone. She was caught in the ice off Point Bar row on September Z and carried away her stem and forefoot, and lost her JIbboom in a gale off Cape Flattery on October 28. She brought to this port H. Meyer, who sailed from here last May In the schooner Stanley and while out In a dory off Chlnawick Island with two companions became separated from the vessel, owing to a dense fog. After Ave days of priva tions they reached' Dutch Harbor. A boat In which were two men is still missing, so far as Meyer knows. Nicomedia Takes More Cargo. The Portland & Asiatic steamer Nico media left down yesterday morning, bound for Hong Kong and way ports. jOwing to the rise of two feet in the water stage, she was enabled to take on a lot more cargo, which brings the total value of her freight up to 5377,957. The additions made to her cargo follow: $60 barrels of flour, 722 cases of sewing ma chines. 2710 kegs of nails, 349 cases of tea, 100 bales of cotton, 33,600 feet of lumber, 600 bales of fence wire, three cases of ad vertising matter and one case of sta tionery. Sicilian Prince Floated. NEW YORK, Nov. 22. After lying fast In the sand near Point Lookout, off the Long Island shore, since early Sunday morning, the Prince Line steamer Sicilian Prince was floated at high tide tonight. According to marine observers who have watched the vessel since ohe first went ashore, the liner is not damaged to any great extent. It Is thought she will pro ceed immediately to her dock in Brooklyn, Collins Store Burned. Captain Allen of the steamer Charles R. Spencer reports that the store at Collins SDrings. conducted by Captain C. T, Belcher, was burned to the ground Sunday night. The loss is placed at 53000 and there was no insurance. The store had only been opened a short time and was run as an auxiliary to Captain Belcher's hotel and also supplied the settlement there. Lost Barges Recovered. HIGHLAND LIGHT, Mass., Nov. 22. The barges Buffalo and Burden, which broke adrift from tho tug Lehigh Sunday night, were found today 'by the tug 15 miles east of Highland Light. The tug proceeded with them to Boston. All on board were well and the barges had met with no mishap. Traffic Opens on Upper Willamette. ALBANY, Or., Nov. 22. (Special.) River traffic on the upper Willamette commenced for the season today, the re cent rains having provided the necessary stage 01 water, ine romona and JUtona will make the Portland-Co rvallls run this Winter, giving Albany a daily service again. Nicaragua Buys Steamer Line. MANAGUA. Nov. 22. The Nlcaraguan Government has purchased the Caribbean Steamship Company and will reorganize this line between Grenada and Cape Gar- cias. , Marine Notes. The Ruth well shifted down to the flour- Ins mill, where she will begin loading for South Africa this morning. The schooner Muriel cleared, for San Pedro with 860,000 feet of lumber and 300,009 lath, loaded at the Portland Lum ber Company's mill. The Virginia cleared with 650,000 feet of lumber for San Fran cisco, shipped by the North Pacific Lum ber Company. - The lighthouse tender Heather came up yesterday after supplies. The Intended re pairs to the steamer will not be made at present. Astoria Departures ami Arrivals. ASTORIA, Or.. Nov. 22. (Special.) Several light-draft vessels crossed out to day. Tfiose sailing were the steam schoon ers Aberdeen, Despatch, Asuncion and Northland, and the schooners Eva Joseph Buss and Alcyon. Remaining In the har bor and waiting to sail are the French barks Pierre Lot! and Crlllon, the German steamship Nicomedia and the Norwegian steamship "Viking. The latter is light and will probably cross out tomorrow. Both tugs were outside today, but saw nothing of the vessels which are known to be off the coast. They are the schooner James A. Garfield, another schooner. thought to be the Honiopu, and a four masted bark with Pilot Howes on board. The only vessels arriving today were the steamers Francis Leggett and F. A. Kil burn. Both came from San Francisco and reached the mouth of the river this morning. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA. Or.. Nov. 22. Arrived at 7 A M and left up at 10 A. it. Steamer Francis H. X-eggott, from San Francisco. Arrived at 10:45 A M. and left up at 12 M. Steamer F. A Kilburn from San Francisco. Sailed at 11:30 Steamers Aberdeen and Despatch, for San Francisco. Sailed at 12 M. Steamers Northland and Asuncion, for San Francisco. Sailed at 12:30 P. M. Schooners Joseph Russ, Halcyon and Era, for San Francisco. Arrived down at 1 P. M. German steamer Nicomedia. Arrived down at 3:20 P. M. Norwegian steamer Vlklnir. Arrived down at 4:20 P. M. Schoon er Robert Sevles. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M., rough; wind, northeast: weather. cloudy. San Francisco, Nov. 22. Arrived Bark Lily F. Whitney, Makawell; schooner Luzon, from Gray's Harbor; whaling Bchooner Charles Hansen, from Unalaska; steamer City of Puebla, from Puget Sound. Sailed Schooner Wlnslow. for Everett. Teaeriffe, Nov. 22. Arrived Totmes. from San Francisco and Seattle, for Hamburg. POTATOES SAVE PIPES. Vegetable Placed In Boilers Neutral ize Effects of Acid. Pittsburg Dispatch. Owing to a worklngman's discovery that potatoes placed in boilers will coun teract the action of foreign acids and alkali on the boiler tubes, thousands of dollars will be saved annually by the Car negie Steel Company at Its big mills in the lower Monongahela "Valley. The water of the Monongahela River Is said by men familiar with Its action on boiler tubes to be the most destructive of any on record. Expensive water-soft ening plants costing as high as $10,000 have come to be considered necessary equipment of boiler houses getting water from the Monongahela River. The Carnegie Steel Company made ex haustive tests to ascertain what chemical would neutralize the effect of the acid in the water and rejected as Impossible many alleged processes. The only means deemed of sufficient note to Install Is mechanical water-softening plant which passes the water over beds of chemicals and then slightly heats it before using. With this process specimens of heavy pipe are shown which have become as porous as baked clay through the action of the water during a short period. Men working on the boilers of the Carnegie works cite Instances where boiler tubing has been eaten through, within firs- day a after being placed In use. In one. case an froir pipe five-eighths of an Inch thick brrr.-s tzs parens w u water. While efforts were being made to solve the question a worklncmaa In HomMtw J tsces paniiet o Tswr pKo la a boil er and awaited results.. The allotted time for the life of the tubes passed, and no leakage was discovered. The time was doubled, and attention was directed ts the- time the tubes lasted. The working man told his employers of his idea. Sep arate trials were Inaugurated and an ex haustive Investigation was made. The result Is said to have been more than satisfactory. It was found that the starch In the potatoes almost entirely counteracted the acid in the river water. No secret has been made of the dis covery, companies ana inoiviauais own ing boiler plants using the river water have been quick to give the potato a trial, and the reports have been without exception satisfactory. BULL FIGHT. THE THING. In Spain Young and Old Worship the Matador. Metropolitan Magazine. Pan y Ios toros! When you have lived awhile in Spain you understand what this cry means, the cry of a sunstricken. pleasure-loving people not free from the lust of cruelty. The bull ring ' is half In shade and half In blinding sunshine, the shady side Is dear, the sunny side is cheap and crowded for every corrida, but Pedro and Juanna could only afford an annual visit to the sunny side, and this luxury always, followed Holy Week. To be sure It was an event. On the great Pears' Most soaps clog the skin pores, by the fats and free alkali in their com position: Pears' is quickly rinsed off, leaves the pores open and the skin soft and cool. Established in 1789. There is just one way to have good tea bakiac-penrder e-ffe fixToriag cstracti economically : ape bchillings Best, at your grocer's, moheyback. 5oo Reward WHO Q21NNOT BE Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a rec ord such as no other remedy for the dis eases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors and mak ers of Dr. Pierce's ravorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States for any case of Ieucorrhea, Fe male Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of "Womb, which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. WHEN IX) VE INVITES The woman follows the man of her choice though the path leads out of Eden into a world untrodden and un tried. What is her reward? Many a rime when her health is broken by the burdens she has borne for the man's sake, her reward is to see him turn from her to seek rosier cheeks and brighter eyes. It is man's nature to crave beauty in the wife as in the maid. And what woman is there, who would not be hap py to keep her maiden bloom when motherhood has crowned her wifely happiness? Some women seem to have found this secret of perpetual youth. "Age cannot wither them." They have learned that fairness of face and form depend upon the health, and that the general health depends upon the local womanly health. They establish regu larity of the periods. They dry the Sunday Juanna would rise early and de vote an hour or two to Pedro's solitary suit before its owner was awake; he gen erally had a new tie or a new waistband to celebrate the happy day, while Juanna herself had some noticeable piece of fin ery fresh for the occasion. They would take their breakfast with them to eat in one of the public gardens and enjoy their bottle of wine which cost In. Eng lish money rather less than threepence. Then they would have good seats on the sunny side close to the barrier, so that they should not mints any piece of work however delicate. The expense of that daV SS& J5 CV. Sim! nine, oranges and sandwiches were paid for, sometimes amounted to ten pesetas, jmarlv lc piUJ"" t"1 11 and saeh a sum Is not lightly spent from the proceeds of paper selling and cigar making. It was n red-letter day. a day of ample food and endless sun and gener ous bloodshed. Twenty horses and six bulLs would sometimes make the sum to tal of slaughtered things, and then Pedro and Juanna would feel that there were compensating joys In life after all. Congratulate the Zemstvos. MOSCOW, Nov. 22. University profes sors and' students have Just met here and telegraphed their congratulations to the Zemstvos presidents and also to Prince Svlatopolk-Mlrsky, the Interior Minister, Indorsing the programme for a represent ative government. Only One Dollar To get rid of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Belching of Gas, Catarrh of v. the Stomach ' or any other disorder due to Indigestion. Kod DYSPEPSIA Digests What Yoix Eat I have been a. dyspeptic all my life, have tried all kinds of Dyspepsia remedies, but continued to get worse. Could eat but little and suffered greatly. I was reduced in weight and run down to nothing In strength. After using a few bottles cf Kodol Dyspepsia Curs I began to improve and am now fully restored In weight, health and strength. 1 am now able to do my own work and can eat whatever I like. MRS. MARY S. CRICK,-White Plains, Ky. Tkto i ea3y Msf mix? Mca Uti MOBllW h ikk Umt UMA11IM trial, of CTt lit. disagreeable drains which draw the lus ter from the eyes and the vermillion from the lips as well as sap the body's strength. They quench the internal fires of inflammation in which the very elements of beauty are consumed. They heal the ulcer which gnaws into the very life. They walk the world as won ders women exempt from the sacrifice to love. How have they done this? By the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, which makes weak women strong and sick women well. It matters not how weak the woman is, or how sick she is, "Favorite Prescription n will cure the womanly ills that vex her; will round out the sunken curves of her form, put light in her eyes, tint her cheeks with health's carnation, and make her a glad and happy woman. Hundreds of thousands of women testify to the truth of these statements. Jet every ailing woman read the two testi monials given below and remember that these two women speak for more than half a million other women cured by the skill of Dr. Pierce and by the use of his "Favorite Prescription." There is no alcohol in "Favorite Prescription," neither has it any opium or other narcotic. "Two years ago I began to gradually lose my health," writes Mrs. Nellie D. Stark, Vice-President Bethesda Society, 39 Gardner Street, Worcester, Mass. "Became nervous, lost my appetite, and $fiPr rflf3 The Woman Who Knows I i "J ykTBKiS how to provide for the pantry always S JjggijyMij slIfiffiE keeps the essentials on hand. S 9Kj3W Economy J B is an essential to those who have tried it Compare tha other brands with those l 1 bearing-our cap label and you will find that they look B X BBBV watery in comparison. Economy Brand runs smoothly jpj BJBiBBBP from the can, is uniform in appearance and is the purest g Bnt rfuff M-S"ffi7 Ask your dealer for the kind that has the cap label, g Vfgjjppr HELVETIA jgLK CONNSING COlMPi i CURE QURED. it seemed impossible to obtain a good night's rest. I became emaciated, hollow-eyed, and suffered with -frequent heart palpitation. Complexion was bad and "muddy" looking and I had a hag- fard expression. I felt as though life, ad lost its charm; did not care to live, for life without health is simply a living death. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion changed all this. It came as 'a blessing into my home; I felt better in a short time after starting to use It, and within a month I was like another wom an. New life, health and vigor returned and my husband fell in love with me all over again, and a new light and. happi ness came in5 my life, your medicine did all this for me, and it is certainly worthy of praise." " I was a great sufferer for six years and doctored all the time with a number of physicians but did not receive any bene fit," writes Mrs. Geo. Sogden, ii Bonds. Street, Saginaw (South), Michigan. "I had given up all hope of ever getting better, thought I would write to you. When I received your letter telling me what to do I commenced to take your ' Favorite Prescription ' and follow your advice. I have taken ten bottles in all, also five vials of the ' Pleasant Pellets.' Am now regular, after having missed two years and suffered with pain In the head and back. I was so nervous, could not eat or sleep. Now I can thank you for my recovery." , tf'jt tl&'2 Z, " -r GUARANTEE COUPON If, after using two-thirds of the contents of a dollar bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure you are not satisfied with, it or can honestly say thatlt has not benefited you, take. the bottle back to the dealer from whom you boughUif and we will refund your money. All we ask is that you be honest with us. Sign this guarantee coupon, and leave it with your dealer, who must mail it to us with the outside wrapper from around the bottle. Xum -