Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 23, 1904, Image 6

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Slayer of: js;i(xes Pleads
Insariityln'His Defense,
Alleged Murderer Sheds Some Tears
and Becomes "Badly Tanglwl 'ln
Statements Concerning the
State of His Finances.
OREGON CITY. Or.. -Nov. 22. (Spe
cial.) Charged with .first degree mur
der, the trial of George Lauth, for
the fatal shooting of Mrs. Lenore B.
Jones in this city September 6 last, was
begun before Judge McBride today. In
sanity Is being piakded as a defense in
the case, which was continued until
8:30 A. M. Wednesday shortly after the
state rested its side this afternoon.. The
Jurors arw William F. Harris, James
Smith, W. H. Bottlemiller, John Page.
John I. Evans, Charles Epler, Frank
H. Hilton, Nicholas Bath. Mat Kandel,
Hulras, A. a Holllngsworth and
Xhomas Johnson.
J. N. Woods and wife, tho parents of
the murdered woman, testified that
Lauth came to their home on the
morning of the shooting and shortly
after he was joined by Mrs. Jones in
an adjoining room the shooting took
place, Lauth surrendering himself to
Mr. Woods and admitting" that he had
shot the woman .and was sorry for it.
The 9-year-old daughter of the mur
dered woman was called by the state
and related a conversation she over
heard between Lauth and her mother,
Just before the shooting, in which
there took place a dispute over the di
vision of some personal property.
Charles Wright, proprietor of a bar
ber shop in this city, testified that on
the morning of the murder Lauth en
tered his shop and, while being shaved,
-This is the last time you will see
me or have a chance to shave me."
When asked lor an explanation as to
what he meant by the remark, Wright
stated that Lauth said: $,
"The big fight Is coming oft at 10
o'clock this morning and you will hear
all about it." With these remarks
Lauth left the shop and the shooting
occurred between 9:30 and 10 o'clock,
less than a half hour later.
Dr. W, E. Carll, who conducted the
post-mortem examination, testified as
to the nature of the four gunshot
wounds, either one of two of which
would have resulted fatally without
the interference of an operation. The
objection of the defense to the Intro
duction of the ante-mortem statement
of Mrs. Jones was overruled, and the
document, which was subscribed to by
the murdered woman Just before she
was operated upon at a Portland hos
pital, was admitted. In this statement,
Mrs. Jones gave her account of the
shooting which, she said, resulted from
a dispute between herself and Lauth
as to the division of -ome personal ef--fects.
W. E. Wilson, Constable Trembath
and George Smalley gave testimony
that went to show that the shooting of
the woman by Lauth was deliberate
and with premeditation.
"When the state rested its case, tho
defense -called Lauth to the stand. The
defendant carr'ed an Injured expres
sion throughout the proceedings, and
vhen witnesses for tho state testified
.concerning the shooting and death of
the woman, he became noticeably ai-
Xeeted .and shed a few tears. When
called to the witness-stand, however,
he regained his composure, but he
proved a poor witness. He testified that
for IS months he and the murdered
woman had lived together as husband
and wife, although not married, the
woman not having been divorced from
her former husband: stated that his
every affection was centered in the
-woman, whom he charged with having
taken with her a diamond pin to the
value of $163 and $700 In money, which
Tie claimed was his personal property,
when she went to Roseburg a few days
nerore the shooting.
He did not remember having visited
Wright's barber shop on tho morning
of the shooting, although ho admitted a
faint recollection of having visited his
room at the Woods home that morn
ing, but from that time until he was
on the way to the County Jail in charge
ot an officer, subsequent to the shoot
ing. he testified that his mind was a
blank and that ho had absolutely no
knowledge of the deed.
On cross-examination something of
a scandal was sprung by District Attor
ney Allen, who sought to establish the
fact that, although Lauth claimed to
be Infatuated with the Jones wo
man alone, he was having Illicit
relations at the same time with two
other women, one of whom was a sis
ter of the woman ho shot This form of
cross-examination was ruled out by the
Lauth became badly entangled by the
District Attorney on further cross-examination
as to his possession ot tho
$700 he said he gave Mrs. Jones Just
before she went to Roseburg. He first
testified that the sum represented his
savings or 33 months, but afterwards
admitted that at the time he purchased
the diamond ring for $165 in May last
ne naa oniy 5b&..jie then-said he won
the $700 at gambling between the mid
dle of May artd some time in July when
he and the Jones woman had a quarrel
anu eeparatea.
Best Chance to Get Lands Purchased
From Oregon as Lieu Lands.
SALEM. Or.. Nov. 22. fSDeeial."7n
a letter received toaay by Governor
Chamberlain, Commissioner Richards,
of the General Land Office, says that
ms present course regarding state lieu
land selections is not in accordance with
the plan outlined ly him in his letter
of October 13. 1903. but tin iitiflet.
himself by saying that his course is in
accordance with law while the plan
suggested by him a year ago was not a
decision in a pending caso but was only
a report to the Secretary of the Interior.
According to the letter received today,
the purchasers of state lieu land have
no advantage or protection by reason of
holding relinquishments of the state's
claim to the land.
In his letter of a year ago the Com
missioner said that the state could
protect its purchasers where the state's
title had failed, by giving them relin
quishments, and these, "purchasers,
holding the state's relinquishments,
may present it with their applications
and thereby securo the right of entry."
This letter was addressed to the Secre
tary of the Interior and transmitted to
the Governor "for his information."
All the members ot the State Land
Board took this to be a statement of
the policy of the department, and acted
accordingly, issuing hundreds of re
linquishments upon the expressed un
derstanding that by presenting them at
the Land Offices tho purchasers could
secure a right of entry. But the appli
cations of purchasers were refused by
the local land officials, and this refusal
is approved in. the letter received by the
Governor today. The letter is a
lengthy one, but the substance of it is
that "the fact that an application to
enter Is accompanied by a. relinquish
ment of the title of1 the state la and
t9 a pending iIcti-on. list. See not'
warrant the allowance. of such appli
cation for. until the relinquishment has
been accepted by this office the selection
list cancelled and the cancellation noted
upon the records of the local office, the
land remains segregated.'
The letter closes with tho suggestion
that where purchasers from the state
have lost their titles they muBt.look to
tne 'state for redress. It is also, -declared
that as soon as the selection lists
are canceled the land is open to entry
by the first qualified applicant. This
means, in effect, that "scrippers" will
have the best chance to get lands pur
chased from the state as lieu land, to'
which the state's title has failed. The
land for which the selections have been
or "will be canceled will aggregate 30.
000 acres.
Governor Chamberlain says he will
try further to induce the Department ot
the Interior, to change its policy as an
nounced Ia the Jotter today.
Governor Chamberlain .In Favor of
Georgia Democrats Plan.
SALEM, Or., -N?v. 22. (Special".) :
Governor George E. Chamberlain, who
was a 'delegate to the Democratic Na
tional Convention at St. Louis and who
voted in that convention for Judge
Parker, believes it would be best for
all the Democratic ,members of the
electoral college to vote for Roosevelt
for President and 'make his electlfm
unanimous. This opinion Governor
Chamberhtin expressed today upon
reading in The Oregonian the views of
Julius urown, a prominent Georgia
Democrat, to the same effect.
The Governor concurs in what Mr.
Brown was quoted as saying, and. be
lieves that the election of Roosevelt by
a unanimous vote would do more than
any other one thing to create a friendly
feeling between Mortn ana soutn ana
destroy the old lines of division. Gov
ernor Chamberlain believes that Roose
velt has been misrepresented regarding
his feeling toward the South and that
entirely wrong conclusions wero drawn
from the Booker T. Washington, inci
dent. The leader of the Oregon dele
gation In the Democratic delegation
hopes to see the Democratic vote go to
In commenting upon this subject the
Governor showed quite plainly that he
feels that the men who bolted the
Democratic ticket In 1900 got Just retri
bution in 1904, when they were in con
trol of the party. Nevertheless the Gov
ernor was a supporter of Parker in 1904
as he was of Bryan in 1900. .
Hero in Bad Repute.
TACOMA. Wash., Nov. 22. T. J. Ca
sey, the so-called "hero of Caloocan,"
said to possess a medal of honor for
climbing a flagpole and hoisting the
colors that had been shot away In bat
tle, has been driven from Tacoma as
an undesirable person. His soldier ca
reer was with the Army in the Philip
pines. Two years ago he was convicted
for robbing a sailor, and has Just served
his term. He was given his fare from
the penitentiary to Tacoma, but tho
police recognized him and made him
more on. although he declared he had
returned to live down his former rep
utation and begin anew. In spite of his
bravery and the service he rendered
his country, however, the police claim
that he has a bad record and is too dan
gerous a man to be allowed to remain
in the community.
Freshets Bring Down Logs.
ASTORIA. Or.. Nov. 22. (Special.) A
great many logs were brought down by
the recent freshets, although quite a
quantity is still left. In the Lewis and
Clark River 6,000.000 of the 10,000.000 feet
came down. Lower Gray's River Is blocked
with logs and several jinllllon feet must
have been moved. There were about 15.
000.000 feet of logs on Upper Gray's River,
but all of them were not floated.
A report received from there today says
that only a small portion of the logs be
longing to the Willamette Pulp & Paper
Company were moved. A large Jam oc
curred in the Clatskanlne Creek, and as a
result only about 600,000 of the 5,000,000
feet on that stream reached tidewater.
Candidates for Rhodes Scholarships.
Wash., Nov. 22. (Special.) The list
of those eligible to try for the Cecil
Rhodes scholarship at the examination
to be held at Whitman In January In
eludes: Hubert Lyman, Frank Evans,
Ridgway Gillls, Galus Greenslade. Har
old Ellis, George LIbbey, Haylett
O'Neill, Howard Merrltt, Harry Robin
son. Calvin Thomason, Marshall Wil
kinson and Roy N. Wolfe, all now at
tending school, and H. E. Brown, '03,
and Wilbur Toner, '02, alumni. By
agreement among the different colleges
the Rhodes representative from the
State of Washington this year will come
from Whitman College.
Floater on the Tide Flats.
ASTORIA, Or.. Nov. 22. (Special.)
Coroner Pohn received a telephone
message from Warrenton this evening
stating that the body of a man had been
washed ashore on the tide flats near
there. The body has been secured and
the Coroner will go after it tomorrow,
The remains are believed to be those
of B. Curran. fireman on the Heather,
who has been missing since November
1. and is supposed to have been drown
ed. or those of Charles Dahl, who is
thought to have been drowned about
two weeks ago by falling off the rail
way trestle In this city.
Threatened With Water Famine.
ASTORIA. Or., Nov. 21 (SpeciaL) The
repairs to the break in the main conduit
leading from the headworks of the water
system to the mg reservoir win .not do
completed before tomorrow night or
Thursday morning and in the meantime
Astoria is threatened with a water fam
ine. The water In the reservoir is 12 feet
below normal and only sufficient is left
to supply families for one day. In order
to ward off the danger of a shortage as
long as possible, connections with the
mills, cold-storage and manufacturing
plants were shut off toaay.
Canvass for Portage Fund.
WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Nov. 22.
(Special.) At a meeting of tho direct
ors of the Walla Walla Commercial
Club last night, Harry Turner, its pres
ident, was authorized to employ a paid
solicitor to finish the work of raising
the $5000 apportioned to Walla Walla
County to make up the amount needed
to construct the Portage Railroad at
Celilo. Less than $2000 has been raised
as yet, but it is thought that a sys
tematic canvass of the county will
make up the deficit in a short time.
Idaho Vote Canvassed.
BOISE, Idaho, Nov. 22. The county
canvassing boards have completed the
canvass of the vote ot the recent elec
tion. It is shown Roosevelt received 47,
3S4 votes. Parker 18,423; Gooding. Repub
lican, for G6vernor.' 4L371; Heltfleld,
Democrat. 24,022. Roosevelt's, plurality,
28.961: Gooding's, 17.349.
The exact vote for Debs is not yet
known, but it is about 4200. The Prohi
bitionists cast 2SS and the Populists 335.
Walla Walla Will Protest.
WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Nov. 22.
(SpeciaL) The directors of the Walla
Walla Commercial Club at a meeting
held last night decided, to make a vig
orous protest to the railroad compa
nies against alleged discrimination in
favor of the Palouse country against
this city. Under the new freight tar
iff wheat In carload lots is 6 cents less
per bushel from Palouse points to the
East than from here.
Adam They tell me w shall have to more
out of th garden. Eve Arid I -haven't a thins
to Tear iVm always Just ta way. Boston
xnatcnpu . .
Weekly Closed Season Rec
' 'o'mmended in Columbia.
Oregon Master Fish Warden Also
Asks for Revision of- License Law,
With Preference Shown Old
Established Firms.
Salmon product of Colombia Rrrer,
Oregon Bide: 1803. 1904.
Pounds. Pounds.
Chlnooks .. 0,001.833 19.6H.174
Steelheada 2.SM.375 1.772,075
Bllrersldoa 1.O07.444 1.658,375
BTuebacks 90.410 :1.69S
Tule 600.S41 62.485
Total 25.376.000 23.528.758
(Shortage of pack in 1004 on Orejcn
tlfle was more than made up by in
creased pack by new canneries on tjie
TasaIngton side.)
SALEM, Or., Nov. 22. (Special.)
The- adoption of a -weekly closed season
instead of Spring and Fall closed seas
ons, the appropriation of money for .the
purchase and operation of two swift
patrol boats and the revision of the li
cense laws, are among- the most Im
portant recommendations made by Mas
ter Fish Warden H. G. Van Dusen In
his biennial report setting: forth the
-work of his office and the condition of
the fishing- industry In Oregon. He
also recommends that all fishing at the
mouth of the Columbia be prohibited, so
that fish may not bo prevented from en
tering the river, and that officers of the
fishery department be authorized to
seize and Immediately destroy as pub
lic nuisances all fishing appliances
found in operation in violation of law.
The Commissioner's report is a
lengthy document, comprising 105
pages of typewritten matter. It gives
a detailed account ''of hatchery opera
tions and an exhaustive discussion of
the subject of closod seasons and en
forcement of the law. Spocial reports
from hatchery superintendents are in
cluded, setting forth their views of the
reason for the shortage in the take of
salmon eggs this year.
"While Mr. Van Dusen says that over
fishing seems to be the most reason
able explanation of the shortage, he has
some doubt about the correctness of
this theory and will make further in
vestigations before the Legislature
Close One Day Each Week.
The reason advanced for the recom
mendation in favor of a weekly closed
season Is that this will permit fish ot
all kinds to ascend the Tiver. thus sup
plying the hatcheries with every vari
ety of salmon from which to take eggs
for hatching purposes, and at the same
time the fishing Interests will not be
deprived of an opportunity to do a
good season's work. He saya that on
the Sacramento River, In California, af
ter threshing out the question for many
years, the weekly closed season has
been substituted or the Spring closed
season, with satisfactory results. The
closed season extends from sunrise Sat
urday morning to sunset Sunday even
ing. Mr. Van Dusen says that if one day a
week is not enough in Oregon two days
should be provided as a closed season,
but he thinks one-seventh of the time
each week Is enough for the fish to get
up the stream if left without interfer
ence. Scores Washington Officials.
Mr. Van Dusen scores the Washing
ton state officers for collecting license
fees from Oregon fishermen and using
the moiey to build up Washington
hatcheries. What Mr. Van Dusen wants
is a patrpl boat so that Oregon may
be on an equality with Washington In
looking after Illegal fishing. While he
admits that a patrol boat is an expen
sive luxury, he reminds the Legislature
that It is impossible for an officer of
the fishlnsr department to "swoop down
upon" fishermen in a skiff. A faster
means of travel Is necessary, as no
thinks any one would admit who would
o-o out with an officer In a skiff while
attempting to watch several thousand
fishermen on such a broad ana long
river as the Columbia. He adds:
The state ot Washington provided a pa
trol boat for its officers last year, which
they made very good use of during tho
Spring close season this year gathering in
licenses from Oregon fishermen whom they
found violating the law It seems from the
dozen or more fishermen I questioned rela
tive to the matter that when they wer
caught all they had to do was to put up
the $2.50 for their license and then they
were allowed to go with a reprimand, their
aim evidently being to collect as much as
possible to build up their own hatchery
fund regardless of the detriment'lt might b
to this state. '
While the State of Washington requires no
official etiquette ot Its police patrol on th
Columbia. It seems to me that there Is
nothing left for this state to do but to pro
vide Its officials with a couple of good,
swift patrol boats built especially for the
work, or submit to the Inevitable.
Protect Old Cannerymen.
The revision of the license schedules
recommended is chiefly for the purpose.
of attaining greater equality between
old and now cannerymen. New cannory-
men pay only a small fee, but get tho
benefit of a fishing industry that has
been largely built up with funds paid
in by the old operators. Mr. Van Dusen
recommends that the amount of the feo
to be paid by cannerymen the first year
of their operation be fixed by the Board
of Fish Commissioners and that it bo
four or five times the amount now re
quired by that class.
Legislation Recommended. ,
A. summary of. the recommendations
made, by Master Fish Warden Van Du
sen is'as follows:
First -That the state continue to assist the
work cf artificial propagation of salmon by
orovldlng the hatchery establishments.
Second That $10,000 be appropriated for a
general flsheultural hatchery on the Wallowa
Third That (5000 be appropriated, for a. gen
eral flsheultural hatchery on the McKensle
Fourth That an annual appropriation or
$3000 be allowed district No. 2 to assist in
defraying the expense of operating the coast
Fifth That the schedule of licenses be raised
and made sufficient to meet all the require
ments for hatchery operations.
Sixth That the license fee for a set-net be
made the same as a gill-net license fee.
Seventh That no fishing be allowed on hatch,
cry streams, or on salmon-breeding streams, or
within five rails of the mouth of such streams,
excepting with hook and line, commonly called
Eighth That a certain well-defined line- be
established at the mouth of the Columbia River
and no fishing be allowed beyond that line.
Ninth Thai certain well-defined line be es
tablished on all coat streams, and that so
fishing he allowed above those lines, excepting
with book aad line, cosusoBly called angling.
Tenth That on streams acroas which is con.
4. structea mmA olstslne a Um fcitUir fee
allowed. exceUBg with, heelc aad line, com
monly called angllag. asd that hook, and llne
flshlBg be -restricted and act allowed within
half a zalle ot t&e dam.
X3erreath That any flchlag aepllance found
fishing unlawfully, or In prohibited waters, be
declared a public nuisance and be seized and
destroyed without process of law.
Twelfth That during a clos-eaoa period
no salmon be allowed within the- state, whether
caught ouUlde or within the state. '
Thirteenth That the location ot flshtraps.
set-nets, fishwheela and seines be definitely de
fined and not allowed within certain distances
of one another.
Fourteenth That Curry. Coos, Douglas. Ine.
Lincoln. Tillamook. Clatsop. Columbia. Mult
nomah and Wasco Counties each be required to
maintain epeelal water bailiffs.
Fifteenth That a well-regulated and substan
tial system of headworks and gates be required
at the Intake ot every Irrigating ditch and
mining ditch.
Sixteenth That a dynamiter be punished with
a term of years in the penitentiary, asd not be
allowed to get oft with a fine as under the
present law.
Seventeenth That the Board of Fish Commis
sioners be authorised and empowered to offer a
reward, to be paid out of the hatchery fund.
for the arrest and conviction, of a dynamiter
or for the arrest and conviction of a person
polluting the waters of the state with, -malicious
Eighteenth That the salary ot the Deputy
Warden be Increased and made $1200 per
Nineteenth That provision be made for a
clerk, at a stipulated salary, for the office of
the Fish Warden.
Twentieth That two patrol boats be-provided,
to take care ot the close-seasons on the Co
lumbia River.
Twenty-first That the Columbia River Spring
close-season be repealed.
Twenty-second That the close-teason for stur
geon conform to the salmon close-eeason pe
riods, or be repealed entirely.
Twenty-third That the law protecting black
baea be repealed.
Hatchery Operations in 1904,
The take of Chinook salmon eggs at
all of the different hatcheries tributary
to the Columbia River this year has
been as follows:
Oregon State Hatcheries
Salmon River Hatchery 1.745.000
Ontario Salmon Hatchery 4,482.500
Total 6.221,500
United States Bureau of Fisheries
Little White Salmon River. Wash.... 2.129.000
Big White Salmon River. Wash 2.161.40O
Eagle Creek and Tanner Creek. Or... 111,140
Upper Clackamas, Oregon 1,237,500
Lower Clackamas. Oregon 3,031,000
Total . D.S00.040
Washington State Hatcheries
Kalama River Hatchery 2.500,000
Chinook River Hatchery 100.000
Wind River Hatchery 270.000
Total 2,870.000
Grand total on Columbia and tributaries,
Note Assuming that the fry raised from
these eggs will all be turned Into the Colum
bia River, and that the loss -during the Incuba
tion and young fry period will not exceed 10
per cent, the number of fry to be liberated In
said river during the season ot 1904-5 will be
as follows:
Oregon State Hatcheries 6,604,750
United States Bureau tot Fisheries... 8,451.036
Washington State Hatcheries 2.5S3.000
Total 16.638.786
In addition to the Chinook eggs, tho
Oregon Department took 175,200 steel
head eggs at its Salmon River hatchery,
a tributary of the Columbia River, and
raised and turned out 143,849 fry.
Grand Ronde Farmers Are Mastering
Art of. Their Culture.
LA GRANDE, Or., Nov. 22. (SpeciaL)
The La Grande Amalgamated Sugar
factory Is on the last of the beets of
the 1904 crop, and the superintendent
of the factory reports this the most suc
cessful year since the establishment of
the factory in 1898.
There have been 21,000 tons of beets
delivered to the factory this season, all
first-class, which will make 55,000 100
pound bags cf sugar. The factory-will
run about ten days longer this Fail,
which will make a 90 days' run.
Five hundred men and children, in
cluding a number of Indians and Japs,
were employed in the beets from three
to four months this season, thinning
them early in the season and pulling
and topping this Fall, realizing very
good wages for their work.
F. S- Bramwell, the field superintend
ent, states that the average tonnage to
the acre was greater this season than
any year heretofore, and that the
farmers in the valley are becoming
thoroughly acquainted with the raising
of beets and raise more of them every
year. M. s. Carroll, on a tract ot nve
acres, raised 236,401 pounds,, for which
he received $4.50 per ton, netting $106
an acre. Other growers did equally as
well where tho land was well prepared
and the same attention paid the crop.
The sugar factory .planted a large
acreage this season, in all about 2300
acres, and expects to greatly increase
this amount next year. The factory
has geen running night and day for
90 days, employing 125 men, and many
of these will be emoloved In and about
the factory after the run of sugar has
been completed.
About $110,000 has been paid out to
the beetgrowers for beets this season
by the company:, and the expense of
work In the factory. In tho company's
fields and in the purchase of some lands
for the raising of beets.
Funeral of Merva Potter.
SHERIDAN, Or., Nov. 22. The funeral
of Merva Potter, who was -fatally shot by
John Dlcklns last week, was held Satur.
a a-,- nnri uraa vprv l.irrelv attended. Mr.
-Pnttois Viot lived at home- for several
vonT-s tnlflns- enre of his own and his
father's business In the warehouse and
elevator at this place. Tne family is wen
and favorably known throughout the
John Nelson.
MISSOULA, Mont, Nov. 22. John Nel
son, one of the best-known pioneers of
Montana, was found dead in his bed in
"this city today. Heart failure was thej
cause. In the days of Marcus Daly, Nel
son was very prosperous, conducting
many large enterprises in the Bitter Root
Valley. Reverses since then reduced him
to no vert v. He was once Sheriff of Deer
Lodge County and many years ago was a
conductor on the Oregon Short Line.
Logs Brought Down by Flood.
HOOD RIVER, Or.. Nov. 22. SpeciaL)
A-freshet in Hood River yesterday car
ried out 2,000,000 feet of saw logs for the
Oregon Lumber Company.
Your head is all
right, and so is
your heart
It's your liver that is not all
right And ycur bilious
ness, sick-headaches, dizzy
spelis, indigestion, consti
pation prove it. Ayer's Pills
are regular liver pills. They
make wrong livers right.
Sugar-coated, all vegetable.
Sold for 60 years.
Drives Off Man Sent to Take
Place at Penitentiary,
MatterWIII Be Taken Before SupremeJ
court for5ettlement sheriff Aug
ments Forces to Forestall
Outbreak of Prisoners.
BOISE. Idaho, Nov. 22. SpeciaL)
The trouble over the management of the
penitentiary resulted today in an effort
on the part of Attorney-General Bagley
and Secretary of State Gibson to oust
"Warden Perrln and install Guard D. "W.
Ackley in charge of the institution. The
warden refused to recognise the appoint
ment and after considerable squabbling
the parties agreed to call a truce until
the Supreme Court could act on applica
tion for a writ of mandate to compel
Perrln to turn over the keys of tho prop
erty. The two members of tho State Board.
acting in the absence of the Governor,
made the orders early this morning dis
missing Perrln and appointing Ackley.
The latter thereupon went to tho prison
armed with an order from them to turn
the Institution over to him. Perrln told.
him be could not recognize the order, as
the meeting of the board was not legaL
Ackley insisted would take possession
at once and demanded that the warden
deliver the keys. '
warden Perrln then exhibited a revert
er and ordered Ackley tb leave the prem
ises. Ackley left and came down town.
After he had reported to the board Gib
son ana Bagley, accompanied by Sheriff
Agnew, went bac& with him. Bagley in
formed Perrin that Ackley was warden
and that the keys and property must be
turned over to him. Perrin again refused
to recognize the legality of their action.
Perrln had bis counsel present and much
discussion followed.
It was finally agreed that the matter
should be taken Into the Supreme Court,
the members of the board applying for
a writ of mandate to compel Perrin to
deliver possession.
This evening Sheriff Agnew went up
to the penitentiary, this was at the re
quest of Bagley and Gibson - and' with
Perrin's consent. It was feared news of
the dlfflcultr reaching the prisoners might
lead them to make a break. Ackley Is a
resident of Boise. He was a guard under
Jack Campbell, when the latter was
Not Guilty of Assault in Clackamas
OREGON CITY. Or.. Nov. 22. (Spe
ciaL) Rev. S. D. Martin, of "Vancouver,
Wash., was acquitted by a jury in the
Circuit Court here today of the charge
of assault with a dangerous weapon.
The trial occupied all of yesterday and
was submitted to the Jury about 1 5
o'clock In the afternoon, a sealed ver
dict being returned at 9 o'clock last
The complaining witness was Eddie
Wollman, of Chehalls, Wash., and the
trouble that resulted In Martin's ar
rest took place in a hopyard near Au
rora last September. Martin, who for
years was a Christian minister, and
family were camped in this yard and
wre repeatedly disturbed by Wollman
and his companions. On the morning
that Martin and' his family started to
leave the yard Wollman and his asso
ciates approached the wagon on which
the preacher and family were being
taken to the railroad depot. Wollman
climbed into the rear of the wagon and
was going after Martin and his wife
when the preacher turned and fired
twice from a 38-caliber revolver, one
shot striking the young man in the
Bodies of Walla Walla Boys Will Be
Burned, by the County.
WALLA WALLA. Wash., Nov. 22. (Spe
cial.) The youths killed in the wreck at
Hunt's Sunday night were August Weltz.
born in Russia, aged 19, and Lemma Can
trill, aged 17. The bodies were identified
by Sheriff Painter this evening. Both
were raised here. They were wild boys,
and had been in Jail several times
Conrad Weltz, tho father, on seeing the
remains of bis son, said he had disowned
him before, and refused to bury him. W.
A. Cantrill now In Seattle, disowned his
son long since. Both will probably be
burled at county expense.
Wealthy Linn County Farmer is Be
lieved to Have Been Insane.
ALBANY. Or.. Nov. 22. (Special.Wohn
of the suffering- and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother
of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her &
shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of woman
have found that the use of Mother's Friend daring jjregnancy robs
confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother
and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all-women at tha
time of their most critical trial. Not onl7 does Motfaar's Frfead
carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use
gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents 'morning
sickness, and other dis
comforts of this period.
Sold by all druggists at
$1.00 per bottle. Book
containing valuable information free.
The BrarffieM RequJator Atlanta, (in.
?r olGoay oiaaiu
Hlood poiaoB,
P YoyC 1 VmW1 Wtk nisht epaiMlew.-areaas, exhausting: dralaa,
bJurifvsl tl wcich dajHTiv. ym ot y.ur mankeoa.UKfHS
YOtaODDl?Gls SivJ"ffl excesses and strain have lost thlr MAXhX
My and Livsr Troubles, -cured witktaMRCUKX O OTKSK T91smiV
DRUGS. Catarrh aad rhsumaUeia CIJXSHJ.
Tr. Walker's method ara rasnJar and aMtltt E mm m patent etrum
r ready-made preparations, hut ourea the dUe by thorough SMdlaal treat
ment. His New Pampklat on Private iMmm tree to aM seen wfce de
scribe their trouble. FATTBXTS ewrd t hfm. Terjn reaaoaable. Ml lttr
answered in .pUin envelope. Ceasultatten tree ad iweredly. eenfldoaUaJ. Call
on or addrMw.
DR. WALKER, 131 First Street, Corner YwiiJtJit, PtrtSsmi Or,
T. Bilywi, a well-kaowB resident of Ltan
Cotmty, eesamitted suicide at his home In
Seio late this afternoon. He went late
the kitchen, shot himself In the back of
the head, placed the pistol on a table and
fell over dead. He had apparently been
whittling shavings to start a fire when
he was sfrlzed with a fit of insanity, to
which he was subject, and killed, him
self. His wife was in another part of the
house at the time.
Bilyeu was about 55 years old and had
spent almost all his life in this county.
He was a retired farmer and worth about
536,000. A few years ago he showed, symp
toms of mild Insanity and was treated In
private sanitariums, but was never per
fectly cured. No cause whatever is known
for his suicide except temporary Insanity.
Tllmon Ford breaks a Leg William
Hall Has a Serious Fall.
SALEM. Or., Nov. 22.-SpeclaL) Hon.
Tllmon Ford, a prominent attorney and
capitalist, suffered a bad fall at the Wil
lamette Hotel last night, resulting in the
fracture of his thigh. He was preparing
to retire for the night, and while remov
ing his trousers lost his balance and, be
ing unable to catch himself, fell heavily
against a chair. With difficulty he reached
the call bell anf summoned assistance.
Doctor Gillls attended him and later he
was removed to the Cartwright San!
William Hall, of Hall's Ferry, south of
Salem, walked off the side of a tramway
at his hophouse last night and fell IS feet,
striking on his head and shoulders. He
was unconscious several hours, and his
recovery is doubtluL
Weapon Used In Slaughter at Auburn
Is Found.
AUBURN, Cal., Nov. 22. The prelimi
nary examination of Adolph Weber prac
tically ended this afternoon with the sen
sation of the whole trial the dramatic
presentation in court of the pistol with
which the deed was evidently committed.
It was found on one of the sills under a
barn on the Weber place. The barn
stands on the side of a hill near the
bouse, and on -4he under side a person
can creep under It.
The weapon Is an Iver-Johnson 32-callber
pistol. When examined four chambers
were found empty and one loaded. The
pistol was smeared with blood, and on one
of the stains some hair Is stuck fast, as
if it might be the weapon with which the
boy was beaten. Half-way between the
cylinder' and muzzle are to be plainly
seen the Imprints of two bloody fingers.
Clatsop County Youth Is instantly
Killed While Hunting.
ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 22. (Special.)
Mattie Kukas, a boy 19 years of age,
whose home was at Brownsport Slough,
a short distance above Knappa, accident
ally killed himself shortly before noon to
day. He and his younger brother, Alex,
were duck hunting on the tide lands near
their home and became separated.
Alex heard two shots fired, and upon in
vestigating found his brother dead with
hl3 gun beside him. Both barrels had been
discharged. The charges had glanced on
the boy's "breast arid, striking him" under
the Jaw. tore oft the right side of his
head. The body was brought her,e this
evening, and an inquest will probably be
held tomorrow.
Suit Is Dismissed In the Circuit Court
at Bellingham.
BELLINGHAM. Wash.. Nov. 22. On
motion of Prosecuting Attorney Healy,
In whose name action was brought, the
suit Instituted last week against the
Pacific American Fisheries Company
and subsidiary - coraoratlons was dis
missed in the Superior Cour of What
com County today. The case was
based ort alleged violations, of the' state
law governing the holding of fishtrap
locations. The defendants have since
paid certain lees and filed list 3 with
officers, removing two causes for alle
gations. This, it is believed, will end threat
ened litigation In the state courts
against the fisheries company.
Attempt Made to Render Prohibition
Election In Coos Ineffective.
MARSHFD3LD. On, Nov. 22. (Special.)
An attempt will be made to enjoin the
Coos County Court from issuing notice to
the saloon men to cease the sale of in
toxicants on the following grounds: First,
that tho notice calling for an election was
posted only eight days Instead of 12; sec
ond, that tho notice was Issued by the
County Clerk and not by the County
The local option law is explicit in these
particulars, and it is believed that the
failure of the officials to comply with its
provisions will render the measure ap
proved by the people on November 8 in
valid. Cripple Ends His Own Life.
BUTTE, Mont., Nov. 22. George Fish
burn, despondent from long suffering as a
cripple, committed suicide at the Mc
Hugh ranch, near Lewis town, Mont, yes
terday by shooting himself in the head.
Is an ordeal which aQ
women approach with
indescribable fear, for
nothing compare with
the pain and horror of
child-birth. Thethoafht
Twenty Years of Success
In tha treatment ef chrenlo dlse&see, zmch as liver,
kJdaey .and stomach disorders, ceastlpatloa, diar
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Kidney and Urinary
Complaints, painful, uimcuit, 100 frequent, stllkr or
bloody urine, unnatural dlscharg-es speedily- cured.
Diseases of the Rectum
Sack as pil&s, lusttua, ttsuure, ulcurauoa, mucous as
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Diseases f Men
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The World's Greatest
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Affects Every Age and
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The Only Sure Cure is.
. If there "were not asotier ezteraal
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vades all classes, and descends tmp&r
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bare it coaised to small patches is the
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palms of the Lands, os the limb, etc.,
but erarTwhere its distinctive f eatare is
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tion, asd iatease itchlsg, sealiag asd
crusting. t
The Cntlrara treatment is at once
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prehensive. Bathe the affected parts
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Soap, to cleanse the surface of crasts
asd scales, and soften the thickened
caticle. Dry, without hard rabbing,
asd apply Catfcura Ointseat to alky
itching, Irritation and lnfiammaties,
asd soothe asd heal, asd, lastly, take
Caticnxa Resolvent, or Pills, to cool asd
cleanse tie blood. This treatzneat af
fords instant relief, permits rest and
sleep in the severest forms of eczema
and other Itching-, barnlsg asd scaly
homosrs, and points to a speedy, per
xtaneat asd economical cure of tar
turiig, disfiguring humours, eczemas,
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CoW throBfioat tkt ircrM. CaScua Kaeirtat, Ste.
(hfotto CkUi Cesl FBii. 06c. pr tU Z k).
Ctatamt, JBc Sob. 36c Depota 1 Ixmdca. V Cferta
kovM Sq.t TkU. S dU frixi Barton. VB Celimtm
JLT. t TrrTTTiiTii Timji Hill T1 iijiilttiM
-Sod ferXvteC
Will Cure tha Xtollawlag- Symptoms:
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blade, (mothering- (easatloos, palpitation of the
heart, a tired feeling la the morning; a poor
Appetite, coated tongue, blotches and ptmplea.
So days' treatment. 25c All druggists.
fkeZ&tntv Receipt Booi tentFSES.
The Walter M, Lowney Ceq Bss&fl, Ma.
4 fffea C tfcB
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I is distinguished from, all othersby 1
Kits fall flavor, delicious quality andjl