THE MOENING OREGOMAN, WEDNESDAY, "NOVEMBER 23, 1904. NEW RESERVE POLICY Richards Urges There Be Less -Haste in Creating Them. EXPERTS TO REPORT FIRST Land Commissioner, In His Annual Review, Shows That Receipts of . Office Were Largest on Rec ord, Except That of 1903. WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. In his annual report for this year. Commissioner Rich ards, of the General Land Office, recom mends the exercise of more deliberate consideration o propositions looking to the establishment of forest reserves than lias been exercised in the past The re port adds: "Though the importance pt the object to be accomplished by the reserves, .and the many local interests to be considered necessitates great care in proceeding Jurther in this direction, the Government can well afford at this juncture to delay action in establishing additional reserves until the force of forest experts now en gaged upon the -work can, by practical field examinations, and the necessary sci entific research, determine beyond any reasonable doubt, in what localities and to what extent further area should be set apart for this purpose." During the last fiscal year, nine re sferves were created, bringing the total number up to 59 and increased the aggre gate area covered by forest reservations to 62,763,494 acres. , The report shows a falling off of $1,741, 401 in the total receipts of the office as compared with the previous year, and a decrease in the area of public land dis posed of amounting to 6,181.177 acres. "With the exception of 1903, the cash receipts were greater than any previous year. Speaking of the frauds committed under the timber and stone act, Mr. Richards says: "During the last year it was decided to use the corps of examiners of surveys to investigate in the field all applications for surveys which alleged settlement, and the result has proved the wisdom of this course. "In the timbered regions no real settle ment of any extent was found, but in most cases a mere camping hut, without furniture and destitute of the means of housekeeping, was all that the examiner could discover on the ground. It was learned that these alleged settlers resided in distant towns and cities, and that they were Induced to lend their names by promises of rewards after the survey was accomplished, evidently having no inten tion to make their homes on the land, This Investigation has thus far resulted In materially checking the rapid absorp tion, by unscrupulous persons, of the valu able timber now standing on the public lands In the mountain district." According to the report, the total amount converted Into the treasury for the benefit of the reclamation fund amounted to $23,013,836 on June 30 last. UPHOLDS TRANSPORT SYSTEM Quartermaster-General Says It Is Both Necessary and. Economical. WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. General C.F. Humphrey, Quartermaster-General, In his annual report to the Secretary of War, says the enormous amount of work in volved in meeting the needs of the Army can hardly be comprehended by any one not in close touch with the service. Con tinuing, he says: "This work, which would tax the best ability and energies of a force numerically strong enough to permit of giving it prop, er official attention at all points, has been made doubly onerous- because of the inadequate number of Quartermasters now provided by law, and the greatly de pleted civilian force in the Quartermaster-General's office." General Humphrey strongly recommends some Increase In his clerical force. General Humphrey says there has been expended during the fiscal year, on ac count of the Army transport service, 53,074.024. The value of the work per formed by the Army transports on the basis of the lowest obtainable rates of fered for the same service, he says, was 53.472,250, or a difference in favor of the Army transport eervice of 5398.236. Con tinuing, he says: "Another year's experience has only tended to confirm and emphasize the views expressed In my last annual report as to the utility, economy and necessity of the Army transport system and the wisdom of continuing our present policy in its operation." The cost of inter-island transportation in the Philippines has been $876,763, or 5193.S67 less .than the same service would cost at commercial rates. General Humphrey says a general ser vice corps Is desirable on the grounds of efficiency, economy and discipline. In time of war or emergency, such a corps would furnish a body of trained men to instruct and direct appointees from civil life and Chilian employes. Some conservative and practical plan looking to the retirement of superannu ated employes of the Government Is advo cated. It will not do, the report says, to say that In a long period of service the employes should have saved sufficient to provide a competence for old age, add ing: "Government salaries and Washington living expenses are not conducive to afflu ence." " . BURTON CASE IS ADVANCED. Senator Accused of Taking Bribe Will Have Hearing Monday. WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. Briefs con taining the arguments of counsel for Senator Joseph R. Burton, of Kansas, were filed In the Supreme Court of the United States today. The court has ad vanced the case for hearing on Monday, November 28. Counsel for Senator Burton contend ed that the judgment of the court be low should be wholly reversed. It is In eisted that the United States -was not interested in the question -whether a fraud order should issue against the Rlalto Grain & Securities Company, and that correctly the lower court should have sustained the demurrer to the in dictment, or should have granted a mo tion in arrest of judgment or directed a verdict for the defendant. Counsel held there was no evidence to establish the guilt of the defendant, and that th,e court erred in refusing to direct a verdict of not guilty. The de fendant, it Is contended, during the time of his employment by the RIalto Company, did not know that even an Inquiry was before the Postofflce De partment as to whether a fraud order should issue, and he never rendered any service having any reference to the Is suance of a fraud order. It is maintained that the St. Louis court, under the Constitution, had no jurisdiction of alleged offenses- based on the checks to Senator Burton which the facts at the trial showed were made in Washington and not in St. Lrouls: that no services were performed by Burton before the Posxoffice Depart ment for the salary which was handed to him in cash in St. Louis on March 26. 1903: that the court erred In trying yBrtou when the Senate was in session, and also in pronouncing sentence of fine and Imprisonment against him to be executed at a time -when the Senate was in session. VIGOROUS PROTEST TO MEXICO United States Contends Sentence of Murderer Is Inadequate. WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. Through the American Ambassador to Mexico, Gen eral Powell Clayton, the State Depart ment has addressed a vigorous protest to the Mexican government against the sentence imposed by the local court upon Hermalao Torres, local Judge of the District of Fuerte, for his connec tion -with the murder at Aguas Call ente de Baca on July 19 last, of Clar ence Walt and Edward B. Latimer, two American citizens. Torres', who, ac cording to reports received at the State Department, -was the chief in stigator of the crime, received a sen tence of ten months' imprisonment and a small fine, which sentence this Gov ernment deems wholly Inadequate. It is charged by foreign residents of the Fuerto district that the court shielded Torres at his trial and that Torres had threatened other foreigners. Led by David Gibson, formerly a resident of Chicago, the foreigners have prepared a detailed statement, which has been presented to the State Department. ARBITRATION TREATY SIGNED United States Concludes Agreement With Germany. WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. The American-German arbitration treaty was signed this morning at the State Department by Secretary Hay and Baron von Sternberg, the German Ambassador. It Is Identical with the American-French treaty. As he left the State Department, Baron von Sternberg expressed his hearty satis faction that the treaty had been conclud ed so promptly. "It was," he said, "a pleasure to post pone my departure for Europe in order to sign this convention, the Importance of which. In its effect upon the maintenance of the good will and amity between the two countries cannot be estimated. T can assure you that this is a happy day for me. as it Is for my sovereign and my peo ple." The Ambassador leaves for Germany with the Ambassadoress the middle of December. Declares Swayne's Accounts Correct. WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. W. O. Brad ley, of the Treasury Department, was the only witness before the House Judiciary committee today in the Judge Charles Swayne hearing. He testified to the correctness of the accounts of Judge Swayne, which were charged at the rate of $10 a day while he was holding court outside of his district The legal allowance is not to exceed $10 a day, the law providing that the Judge shall have his actual expenses, which are paid on his own certifica tion. Guard Sees Chinese to Steamer. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 22. Two hun dred and fifty-one Chinese arrived from the St. Louis Fair today in charge of an immigration inspector and a strong guard. They were immediately transferred from Oakland Mole to the steamer Coptic, which sails Saturday, for transportation to China. American Cruiser Sails. LEGHORN. Italy. Nov. 22. The United States cruiser Tes Moines left here today for Gibraltar. Tales of the Street and Town H. ALBERT, of the State Lewis and Clark Fair Commission, and a lead ing banker of Salem, has a story which he likes to tell on his son. "Harry." Son Harry works in the bank. Son Har ry wears his hair bald because he likes It that way. He was born so, he says, and his mother and all the family relatives and friends called him just boo-ful then. Besides, all men of brains prefer to wear their hair that way. Who but a fop would be bothered with partings and combings and brushings? But one Rube Haystack, a lifelong friend of the Alberts, and a depositor at the bank, came in one day and caught Son Harry with his hat off. (An unusual cir cumstance, for all baldhcaded men wear their hats as much as possible, and like to be photographed hatted.) Mr. Haystack gazed hard at the bald spot until a sunbeam, reflected from the polished dome of Albertian thought, struck the Haystacklan eye and caused it to blink and water. "That ain't right, Harry." said the old friend. "You ain't no business to be bald at your age. Your paw wan't that-a-way at your age." Son Harry modestly covered the exposed surface with his hat, and murmured some thing in an undertone "not loud, but deep." "I'll tell you how to fix that." pursued Mr. Haystack. "I read about 'How to get hair on ba-ald heads In an advertisement In the Christian Endeavor Herald, an' you can bank on anything printed in that thero paper." Son Harry began to feel rather uncom fortable because of the presence of sev eral Albany young ladies, who were smil ing. "I'll tell you what I'll do." went on the kind-hearted Mr. Haystack. "I'll .send your name to the feller, and he'll do the rest." Some days later. Son Harry received a brief circular, urging him to send $1 to learn how to get hair on his bald head. Just to get rid of the matter. Son Harry sent the $1, and promptly received the "secret." "Buy one of our $15 toupees your $1 will be credited on the price. If you send $14 more, we will, forward toupee and guar antee satisfaction." N an argument a home thrust Is" 1 easy if your opponent gives you a handle to fit your weapon. A local athe ist furnished such a handle recently to a church-member with whom he was arguing the question of "God's exis tence. "Show me a God,' he cried, heatedly. "Let me see him, or know him, as I know you. You can't make me believe the existence of anything that I can't hear or see or feel or taste or smell the senses are all any man has to go by in deciding upon a thing's existence. You talk to me about the evidences of God in the facts of life, earth, air, space and all that sort of thing, but It all proves nothing except that there are such things. No, sir. let me see your God and I'll agree with you that there is such a being." "Have you any brains?" gently in quired the church-member. "Why. of course; anybody has. What d'you mean?" "Can you see them? hear them? feel them? smell them? taste. them?"' "Well but " "How do you know you've got any brains?" TO the peripatetic job-hunter, dis tance lends enchantment Also the other fellow always has the best Job. One of the legion entered the head quarters of the Lewis and Clark Fair organization recently and asked to soe the president, Jefferson Myers. "What can I do for you?" said Mr, Myers. Td like to get In on this 1905 Fair business, somehow," Teplled the visitor, "ain't there some opening here, or can't you find one. that will fit me?" "At present X believe we bare all the RISKS TO FIND LOVER Russian War Nurse Walks In to Hands of Bandits. JAPANESE DOUBT THE STORY They. Suspect Her of Being a Spy, and Refuse to Allow Her to Search for Gallant Young Lieutenant. CHEFOO, Nov. 22. A romantic story de velops around Miss Corelle, the Russian war nurse, who Is on her way to Japan. She refuses to talk, but a reliable au thority says her capture by the Chinese bandits, who took her into the Japan ese lines was part of her scheme to find her lover. The first report was that Miss Corelle had voluntarily entered the Japanese lines. This now seems to be incorrect. Miss Corelle, it is now said, was a nurse during the Boxer rebellion, and won the Stanislas us medal. During that war she was wounded in the arm and received the St. George medal because she continued to work when her wound was dressed. Miss Corelle is a remarkably handsome woman of 21 years of age. A young Rus sian officer fell in lovo -with the pretty nurse, who reciprocated hla affections fully. Recently this officer was among the missing, and It was believed he was wounded or a prisoner among the Jap anese. In order to find him it is alleged Miss Corelle strolled from the Russian camp and very cheerfully allowed some Chinese bandits to capture her. This was about 10 days ago. The next step in her scheme was to become a Japanese prisoner or reach their lines. The ban dits, it Is asserted, allowed her to com municate with the French Consul at Nlu Chwang, following which a detail of Jap anese soldiers reached their camp and Miss Corelle was taken to Nlu Chwang. She tried to secure permission to go to Japan and search for her lover, but the Japanese gave her 24 hours in which to leave the town, suspecting her of being a spy. DI8HEARTENED THE JAPANESE Lone Tree Attacks Were Not Only Costly, but No Ground Was Gained. ZANDAGAWA, Manchuria,, by cou rler to Mukden. Nov. 22. The Japan ese lost 500 men in the attacks of No vember 17 and November 18 and were evidently disheartened. When they re newed the attack November 19. the Japanese sent out several battalions from Doublehumped Hill, but their movements lacked decision. The Rus slans opened fire from Poutiloff (Lone Tree) Hill and neighboring eminences. Shells burst in the middle of the ad vanclng Japanese columns and checked them. The Japanese also tried a turn ing operation at Chanlindza, but there also they were dispersed. There was a slight encounter November 20. Rus sian scouts penetrated a short distance into the Japanese lines, but without much result. During the last two days the Chinese ollice and outside force that is neces sary to carry on the work." replied Mr. Myers. But the visitor did not BedpU satisfied. He thought something could be found, "without overstraining things." "How would my job strike you?" In quired Mr. Myers. "Why, I hadn't thought of that." "Do you think you'd care to tackle it in case I should resign?" "Why," yes, of course, if you are going to resign, I wouldn t mind taking your place If you could help me get It. "But, of course, you know, there Is no salary attached to it?" The visitor's face felL He said some thing about having a family to support; then silently faded away. AN ANIMATED discussion took place yesterday mong a number of men who were wasting their time waiting to get- "next" to a chair in a downtown bar ber shop. The subject of the discussion was a shaving machine lately patented. which is operated by electricity and shaves one as clean as a whistle, and doesn't talk. All agreed that it would be a great blessing to a long suffering public. If It worked all right. Some were a little afraid of It, as it Is said to slice off an ear or a nose occasionally when In a hurry, while others were anxious to give it a trial at any risk, In order that they, might enjoy being shaved in quiet An old gentleman who has always waited for one particular barber to attend to him said ho felt that it would be more pleas ant to have one's jugular severed by a shaving machine, and be out of misery, than to undergo the slow agony of being talked to ideath by a talking machine. He said that if the machine could cut hair he would be In favor of getting up a club and sending for one, for he was getting very . tired of having his, hair look as if it had been cut with a knife and fork or driven in with a tack hammer. The matter is to be further discussed soon. and the crowd seems determined to secure one of these machines or a few deaf and dumb barbers in the interests of self- preservation. NICK HAMMERSTBIN is a hack man. His company insists that Its drivers shall wear the uniform long coat and top hat more or less pe cullar to hackdrlvers the world over. Nick,, of course, wears one. Once in every three or four years Nick "takes a streak" and does some queer and unheard of thing, something nobody else would ever think of, or would do if they did think of it And Nick "takes the streak" when he's sober, too. This Is not meant to imply that he takes it during Intervals of sobriety, for, so far as we know, he is sober all the time. He took his latest streak late Satur day night Having greatly enjoyed a "stack o' buckwheats and maple syrup" at a Fifth-street restaurant he bethought him of his friend Redd, the night clerk at the drugstore up Morrison. "Redd must get pretty hungry," said Nick to himself. "How he would enjoy a stack of those buckwheats and syrup, on a terrible stormy night like this." Then came the streak. Ten minutes later Nick emerged from the restaurant carrying a package of 24 hot buckwheat cakes under his left arm, while in his right hand he held a quart pitcher of maple syrup and an umbrella. He had successfully weathered the gale as far as Sixth and Morrison, though it required unusual skill and resolution to pilot abroad that uniform coat, that tall hat and protect his burden with the um brella. Suddenly around the new Post' office ell came a gust that lifted the hat Up went the arm with the umbrella (and the syrup pitcher) to readjust the hat That was the wind's opportunity. Getting the underhold-on the umbrella, it swept it aloft hand, hat syrup and all. Belated pedestrians saw the strange spectacle of a bareheaded hackman pour ing a quart of maple syrup all over him self while a high hat went cavorting down the street In a river of gutter water. At last accounts the kind-hearted hack man was still trying to wash off the "stictttiMfcr - iiUTfi FJEASK. have been moving in large numbers from the east, northward. 'taking their wives, children and household goods In order to save them from the Japan ese. They evidence more confidence in the Russians than in the Japanese. The Chinese complain that the whole coun try between the Russian and Japanese lines is laid waste. Not a single dwell ing Is standing. The earth dwellings of the soldiers are comfortable. General Linevltch. commander of the first army, rode around the Russian positions today. Press Indirectly Refers to Work. Russian newspapers, although not al lowed to. refer directly to the meeting of Zemstvos presidents, are indirectly ucKJuiung to uiscuss me questions ittiaeu uy me memorial, xnc .novosii. sentatlves of the people will shortly be summoned to aeDaie legislative pro posals points out that only 34 of the o provinces nave legally consiiruiou Zemstvos, the local governments of the recently organized western provinces not being based on the elective prin ciple. It therefore urges that they be treed irom government control in con formity with the statutes of 1864.. Turks Make Demonstration. 6ALONICA. Nov. 22. There was a dem onstration by 23,000 Turks at Klupruli on November 20, demanding protection or permission to defend themselves against the Bulgarians. The demonstration as sumed a violent form, and the Turks used their revolvers, killing or wounding sev eral Bulgarians. Three battalions of troops from Uskub reached Klupruli on November 2L. Honor for Alexleff. ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 22. An im perial decree Issued today appoints Vice roy Alexleff a member of the Council of the Empire and of the Committee of Chamber of Ministers. - Japan Buying Coal at Cardiff. LONDON, Nov. 22. Japan is buying Welsh coal at Cardiff. One purchase of 10,000 tons Is recorded, and other orders are reported. to have been placed. The steamer King Robert, 3500 tons, has been chartered at Cardiff for Japanese account! Russian Cruiser Sails From Vigo. VIGO, Spain, Nov. 22. The Russian cruiser Kuban, which arrived here No vember ID. sailed today southward. It Is reported that her condenser is dam aged. Skrydloff Again at Vladivostok. VLADIVOSTOK, Nov. 22. Vlce-Admlral Skrydloff has returned here from Mukden. NEW CABLE E0TJTE PE0P0SED Connects Siberia, Orient and Old World by Way of Behrlng Strait. SEATTLE, Nov. 22. Cable and tele graphic communication with Russian Si beria, the Orient and the old world coun tries by way of Behring Strait is pro posed by John Rosene, managing director of the Northeastern Siberian Company, He intimates that if the United States Government will extend its Nome tele graph line from Nome on to Cape Prince of Wales and thence establish the wireless system across Behring Strait, between Cape Prince of Wales and East Cape, the nearest point of the Siberian side, the Intervening distance being only from 2S to 35 miles, that the Northeastern Siberian Company will build an overland telegraph line across Northeastern Siberia, for the whole of which It holds concessions from the Russian Imperial Government, to a connection with the telegraph line extend ing the full length of the trans-Siberian Railway from Vladivostok to St Peters burg. . This would jlfice, by means of existing cable connections Japan, China, the Phil ippines, corea and Manchuria and other Far East countries, as well as all of those of the continent of Europe, In cable and telegraphic communication with all points on the North and South American con tinents. It could be done, Mr. Rosene points out &t a much more reasonable telegraph and cable tariff than now ob tains. League to Develop Merchant Marine CLEVELAND, u.. Nov. 22. At a meet ing here of prominent business men. held at the Union Club, the National Mer chant Marine League of the United States has been organized, with the object of restoring the American nag to the high seas. The resolutions adopted declare that "The foreign commerce of the unit ed States has grown to the great total of $2,500,000,000 per annum and the coun try's whole prosperity depends upon the undisturbed continuation and extension of this commerce. Yet it is being car ried oversea today under foreign flags. The tonnage of American ships engaged in the foreign trade aggregates only 879,000 tons, while there is not today a single ship building anywhere in the United States for this trade. The sltua tlon is critical and calls for immediate action." Vice-presldtfnta of the league will later be chosen fr6m each state In the Union In order to mako it National in scope. Kadi Has Narrow Escape. LONDON, Nov. 22. According to a dis Tntni from Tansrler to the Dallv Mall. Kadi Sir Harry MacLean, commander of ho RiiUnn of 'Morocco's bodvtruard while traveling from Larache to Tangier by way oi Arzua, was urea upon ana nis horse killed. The Kadi was not Injured. (General Sir Harry Aubrey De MacLean was formerly an officer of the British army service in the Sixty-ninth Foot and wag made a K. C. M. G. In 1901 for serv ices rendered the British Government) Take Negroes Away for Safe Keeping LEXINGTON, Ky., Nov. 22. Garfield Smith and John and Ed Taylor, colored. were today taken, under heavy guard, to Yarnallton Station, seven miles from this city, and there put aboard a train for Louisville, where they will be kept until the authorities believe It safe for them to appear for trial here. The mob which gathered last night to lynch them has dis persed. Arrested for Violating Sunday Law, EL PASO, Texas, Nov. 22. The man agers and officials of several breweries of El Paso and the local branch of the Amer ican Smelting & Refining Company have been arrested for violations oi the Sun day-closing law. As the ruling of the court on this question exempts both the smelters and breweries. It is believed here that the cases will likely be dismissed. Record Number of Female Students BERLIN. Nov. 22. There are 619 women attending the Berlin University, being the record number. The Increase occurred notwithstanding the fact that the number of Russian women has been reduced through the more stringent en trance requirements. The United States is well represented. Including several with, doctors' degrees. Fresno Games Transferred. FRESNO, CaL. Nov. 22. The manager of the Tacoma Baseball Club announced today that the two last games of the sea son, to be played on Saturday aad Sun day next between Portland and Tacoma, will be transferred from this city to Sac ramento. The transfer is made at the request of the people of Sacramento. Order Restored in Brazil. RIO DE JANEIRO. Nov. 22. President Alves has sent a i&ees&ge to Congress an nouncing that order has bee a restored throughout Um eowBtry, Thousands of Trouble and Never Suspect It Almost every one, frera personal experleace, knows, that the effects of aay klad of severe physical strala are felt, first of all, la the l His ls as true In the case of the true whenever the kidneys are weak or oat of order. The Great Kldaey Remedy Swamp-Rest, streatftheas the kidneys aad through them helps aH the other organs. WOMEN suffer untold misery because the toring, they are led to believe that womb trouble or female weakness of some sort Is responsible for their ills, when In fact dis ordered kidneys are the chief causa of their distressing troubles. DIDN'T KNOW I HAB KIDNEY TROUBLE I bad tried ao many remedies without their havinr benefited mo that I was about dli- couraged, but In a few days after taking your wonderful Swamp-Root I began to feel bet ter. I was cut of health and run down gen erally; bad no appetite, was dizzy and suf fered with headache most of the time. I did not know that my kidneys were the cause oi msr trouDie. out somenow xeit tner might be. and I began taking Swamp-Root, as aoove matea. 'mere is such a pleasant taste to Swamp-Root, and it goes right to the spot and drives disease out of tne system. it nas cured me, maun; mo stronger, and better in every way. and I cheerfully rec ommend It to all sufferers. Gratefully yours. MRS. A. I. "WALKER. 48 West Linden 8k. Atlanta, Go. To Prove What SWAMP-ROOT, the Great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy, Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of "The Oregonian" May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mall. EDITOIlXAIi NOTICE. No matter how many doctors you have tried no matter how much money you may have spent on other medicines, you really owe it to yourself, and to your family, to at least give Swamp-Root a trial. Its strongest friends today are those who had almost given up hope of ever becoming well again. So successful is Swamp-Root in promptly curing even the most distressing cases, that to prove its wonderful merits you may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery, Swamp-Root, sent absolutely free by mail, also a book telling all about Swamp-Root, and containing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men an women who- owe their good health. In fact their very Hve3, to its wonderful curative properties. In writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., be sure to say that you read this generous offer In The Portland Daily Oregonian., The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need, you can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles at the drug stores everywhere. BRITAIN HAS SNOW Heavy Squalls Reported AH Over the Kingdom. GALE RAGES ALONG COAST Sudden Change In the Weather li Causing Much Misery In London Traffic Difficult in the Country Districts. LONDON, Nov. 22. Keen frost and heavy snow squalls are reported from all parts of the United Kingdom. A gale raged all night over the coast, driving vessels to shelter and seriously dislocat ing the telegraph wires, especially In the north of England and In Scotland. Blind ing snow storms are causing deep drlfts and rendering traffic difficult In the coun try districts and are necessitating a ces sation of out-of-door work In many of the provincial towns. In London little snow has fallen, but a sharp fall in temperature Is accentuating the distress among the poor which is already prevalent. The snow Is so deep at Chatsworth that the King of Portu gal and others of the house party there have been prevented from shooting. Some small craft have been wrecked. Up to the present time November has been unusually mild and the sudden change Is causing much misery. Wintry weather seems general in Europe, frost being reported as far south as Naples! In "Westmoreland the unusual sight was seen of trains stuck In snowdrifts and blocking communication on the Northeastern Railroad. The race meet ing at Warwick had to be postponed, as the track was deeply covered with snow. The land lines in Ireland are affected, causing delay in communication with America. The lifeboats are busy, but the most serious wreck so .far reported is that of the British steamer Indianic, which was driven ashore on the rocks near Sunder land. The Ufesavers took off the crew. A few fatalities have occurred as the result of wrecks of small craft. Laurier Leaves for California. OTTAWA, Ont, Nov. 22. Sir Wilfrid Laurier left here this afternoon by way of Montreal for California. He will re main away about four weeks. , NOT MEDICINE Babies don't need medi cine older children, very rarely. Better nourishment will generally set them right. Scott's Emulsion is the right kind of nourishment and the kind -that will do them the most good. Scott's Emulsion contains nothing that chil dren should not have and everything that they should. Wei! ttti 79s x in pi irec JCOTT: BOWKS, 409 fwi Stmt, Xrr Yk. Women Have Kidney small of the back Is other words, very pewerfal as It Is with one of nature of their disease Is not always correctly understood; In many cases when doe- Perhaps you suffer almost continually with, pain in the backs bearing-down feelings, headache and utter exhaustion Tour poor health makes you nervous, Irritable and at times despondent; but thousands of Just such suffering or broken-down women are being restored to health and strength even day by the use of that wonderful discovery. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. Not only does Swamp-Root bring new life and activity to the kidneys, the cause of the trouble, but by strength ening the kidneys it acts as a general tonic and food for the entire constitu tion. The mild and extraordinary effect of the world-famous kidney and bladder remedy, Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. A trial will convince any one and you may have a sample bottle sent free by mail. In taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root you afford natural help to nature, for Swamp-Root is the most perfect healer and gentle aid to the kidneys that has ever been discovered. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, and the address, Blnghamton, N. Y., on every .bottle. V k Profits in Shoes One important fact about Selz. Royal Blue Shoes at $3.50 and $4 is, the man who buys them to wear makes a bigger profit on the deal than anybody else. That's the kind of a shoe the Royal Blue is; and you'll find it so. - . - , Find a pair to Bt you here LION CLOTHING CO. Outfitters to Men and Boys 1 66-1 68 Third St. Mohawk Bid. Doctors of the St SPECIALISTS IN DISEASES OF MEN VARICOCELE, HYDROCELE TS Muter SyeoUHrt ef Pertlasd. Trfce eare sattesta after effects. Our charges will be as low as possible for conscientious, skillful anA successful service. Consult us before consenting to aay aurcical procedure upon. Important blood vessels and organs. SPECIAL KOXE TREATMENT. If you cannot eall write u. Always ia clese ten 2 -cent stamps for reply. , OFF2CJS HOURS: 3 A. 5C tSF M.; SUNDAYS 1 t 2 OJCLY. THE DR. KSeSEZX St. Louis Si"41 Dispensary Cmr. Sc4 and YmMH Strtx, Pmrtlmad, Or. in those VJtal Organs, the Khiacys. less strength, arid It is especially SWAMP-ROOT A BLESSING TO WOMEN My kidneys and bladder gave me great trouble for over two months and I suffered untold misery. I became weak, emaciated and very much run down. I had great dif ficulty In retaining my urlner and was obliged to pass water very often sight aad. day. After I had used a sample bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, sent me on my request. I experienced relief and r Immedi ately bought of my druggist two large bot tles and continued taking It regularly. I am pleased to say that Swamp-Root cured mo entirely. I can now stand on my feet all day without any bad symptoms whatever. Swamp-Root has proved a blessing to me. Gratefully yours. MRS. K. AUSTIN; 10 Nassau St., Brooklyn. 27. T. aay day - HAVE THE SELZ Royal Blue Shoes Louis HI".'. Dispensary NERVOUS DEBILITY BLOOD POISON, RUPTURE, KID NEY AND URINARY DISEASES and aU diseases and weaknesses of men, due to in heritance, habits, excesses, or tne result of speeltic Every man who is afflicted owes it to himself and his posterity to get cured safely and positively, with out leaving -any blight or weakness in his systera. We make no misleading statements or unbusiness like propositions to the afflicted in. order to secure their patronage. The many years of our successful practice in Portland prove that our methods of treat ment are safe and certain., Call at our offices or write, and if we .find that yoa cannot be cured we will NOT accept your meny UNDER ANT CONDITIONS; and If we Had you are curable we will guarantee a SAFK AND V&smvn nrr in th shortest nosslble time, without injurious