THE MOBNT&G OBEGONIAJ, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1JM, MANY ABE AFTER IT Patriots Look With Favor tm Gubernatorial Chair. GOOD TIMBER IN ABUNDANCE Would-e Candidates Hall From All Portions of the State, and Num . erous Little Booms Are Start' Ing to Grow Larger. Republicans -will have a sprightly-bunch of oatriots from which to choose their candidates for Governor, Secretary oH State and State Treasurer 18 jnontns hence- The Democratic candidate for Governor will doubtless be George B. Chamberlain, who was elected to the office two years ago by 150 votes. Other stato offices don't seem to be within the reach o the Democratic brethren in the face o 43,000 plurality for the Republican candi date for President, hence few brethren aspire. The other offices are those of Su preme Judge, Attorney-General, Superin tendent of Public Instruction, Labor Com missioner and State Printer. For Governor, Republicans see they will have to put up a strong man, since Cham berlain has. been shaping hi3 course for re-election, and with a good record be t.im4 ifm ni nlrfnr!v entrenched in the office, he is recognized as possessing strong advantage. Republicans will take no .chances in the game, as they did last -nrVir. thlr nominee was slaughtered. Among the patriots whose names are on the lips oi the gossips is ex-oovcniur x. T. Geer, editor of the Salem Statesman, 4e ' nn"unt(fl as belnsr undecided whether to try for the executive chair or ior the United States Senate rshlp. It is taken for certain, however, that he will Tnv. tiu nf tYie- direct orlmarv system, to nominate himself for the one or the other. Just arter the legislature aa journed in 1503, Mr. Geer declared he ha olpntnri Senator to succeed John H. Mitchell. If he shall go on the pri mary ticket with Mitchell a lively scrap will follow and no mistake. Another stalwart sometimes snoken" of Sor the honor is Binger Hermann, at present Representative in congress irom the First District, but his boom is be HmtaA tn navft been started bv somebody who would like to slip into his shoes In Congress. Dr. James Withycombe, director of the experiment station at Corvallls, is olan fteA nn ihn list of elicibles as a candidate who would draw many rural votes. Henry E, Ankcny, or iugene, wno would have accepted the nomination from the State Convention of 1902, Is Included in the catalogue or saints: also biate aen ntnr w TCnvkendall of the same city. nVin If oold urnnlil uka tha Presidency of the Senate this Winter as a stepping stone to higher greatness, ix-aiaie sen A r1 Marutffni of PtoRnhursr. had a pretty good-sized boom until the same was flattened out In the June election, when O. P. Coshow, Democrat, beat him for election to the State Senate. F. I. nnnVisr nf Astoria, now Secretary of State, has been spoken of frequently for the dignity, but the tact mat ciaisop County already has one United States KTiatorshin is to his disadvantage. Mr. TlnnVioT- Vina Knld he will not be candidate for re-election to his present 'place under any circumstances. Annn- ztVioT- Tintfihlpja icho sj retarded as available timber are C. H. Carey, of Portland, who desires appointment to the Court of Claims at "Washington, D. C. Ttim foiwr is nlsn freouentlv mentioned as a possible candidate for United States Senator should air. oitcneii jioi oe a can iMgu fnr rp-plAntlnn. Geonre C. Brownell. State Senator from Clackamas. Is known tn nsnirA to the Governorship. C. A -rAv.n 4nif Airx 'M'flvor of Baker-Cltv. is talked of; also Malcolm A Moody, of The Dalles, ex-Representauve to uon tvh CoTotfln? nf matA'n office is a more princely job than that of Governor, but the crop of candidates Is not yet so boun teous. Claud Gatch, of Salem, is known to have an ambition to possess the place: Tv-nV Wrtchtman of the same city. Willis S. Dunlway. of Portland, would not be averse to accepting the nomination, nor Frank S. Fields, county cierK oi jsiuii. The office of State Treasurer, now held v.,. c ft -Mnnrp. of Klamath County, will v .np-Vit- aftpr bv a number of centle- men, among them being State Senator W. H. Hobson, iot fierce, oi Jianon; T. F. Ryan, County Judge of Clackamas: K. V"! Carter. State Senator from Jackson; w w - st!nTPr nf Fossil. Wheeler Coun ty ex-State Senator, and J. II. Aitkin, of .Huntington. DIES PE0M SIS INJURIES. David Kuntz, Struck by Train, Suc cumbs at St. Vincent's Hospital. From injuries received In an accident on the O. R. & N. line. David u.untz. farmer from Troutdale, died last night at St. Vincent's Hospital, ills wile was at his side. Kuntz was one of the best known farmers In his section of the country. He was bound for this city when the acci dent befel him. Hb had a load of pump kins for thePortland market. He did not see the freight train approaching in time "to avoid the collision, and subsequent in Jury to himself and horses. Both animals were so badly Injured they had to be shot. Kuntz was removed to St. Vincent's Hospital, where he was attended by Dr. William Jones, who said death resulted from a clot of blood mat rormed on the brain. THOUGHT HUE A KURDEREB. John Lakson Questioned Closely by Detectives. . John Lakson was picked up on the street yesterday by Detectives Hlllyer and Vaughn, on request of J. If. Olds, and was put through a sensational course of . questions that made his hair assume the perpendicular for a few minutes. He was told he bore a most striking resemb lance to -a man who was wanted in an Eastern city for a triple murder, and he had 'to clear himself before he was per mltted to leave the Police Station. Lakson was able to show that he was not the man wanted for the crimes, which occurred seven years ago. and was re leased. His name- was not plated on the blotter. It "was with a great sigh of re lief that he left the station. SEAMEN TO CELEBRATE. Will Have Dinner and Boatraces on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving time "will be royally observed at the Seamen's Institute. In the afternoon there is going to be boat race of two miles, participated In. uy crews from most of the ships of all nations now In the harbor, finishing at xne steel oriage. The rivalry is Keen between the different boat's crews, and, as several of the captains are known to be of sporty blood, the event will lie a HVely one. At 7 o'clock Thursday evening a Thanksgiving dinner "will be served in- ;the Institute to 120 sailors. the arrangements being under the di recti on of Mrs. S. St- Martin. 231 Morrtoe. -ta fc Barters for trunks, Thursday, Nov. 24th, "Tfcaoksgivkig Day," That, Store Wfll Be Ckel All Dry Agents for Bcttorick Patterns and PaMfrtkns Maic Sqltmtiog U. S. Potoffice, R.w of Ham Ftoor-Moaey Orders and Stamps Sold Registering Hoars &'A. M. to 6 P. M. Artistic PSctnre Framing to Yottr Order at the Lowest Prices Cwstom Shade and Drapery Work Oar Specialty ThanksgivrgStoreNewsWorthReading Plain, trovarnkhed statements of facts and fignres Reliable store news, reliable merchandise, reasonable prices A store that will serve yog with a marked degree of jatisf action m addition to providing the largest and best selected stock of merchandise for yon to choose from Thanksgiving wearing apparel for women, men and children Thanksgiving table reqnirements. Thanksgiving kitchen needs, all can be supplied right at Portland's largest and best store today, tomorrow, all the time Special store service today and tomorrow, increased sales force Frequent deliveries to all parts of the city Perrins' $1.50 Gloves 98c i V - Perrins' Real French Kid Gloves, a great special pur chase of this season's best styles, all sixes and the leading shades, white, black, gray, tans, modes, oxblood, etc., every pair the famons Perrins' Real French Kid Gloves that every Portland woman knows as the most satisfactory in style and wearing qualities An immense variety to se lect from, every pair gencine $ 1 .50 value An opportu nity to buy Thanksgiving Gloves at a fraction of their real worth Today and tomorrow only, per pair Mail Orders Filled Write Today Thanksgivi'g Linens Our entire stock of fine Table Linens John S. Brown & Sons at splendid reduc tions from regular prices. Buy linens to day and tomorrow. All Hemstitched Damask Table Sets Table Cloths. and one dozen Napkins to match J 7.00 Sets for $ 58 $10.00 Table Sets S 7.83 $12.50 Table Sets 8 SJ5 $15.00 Table Sets S1L90 $18.00 Table Sets $14.18 $20.00 Table Sets $155 125.00 Table Sets $18.45 $2.50 Table Damasks, yard S1.9S $ .50 Table Damask, yard $ .39 $ .60 Table Damask, yard. ...... ....$ .48 $ .70 Table Damask, yard $ .88 $1.00 Table Damask, yard 9 .89 $1.25 Table Damask, yard .84 $L75 Table Damask, yard 81,48 $2.25 Table Damask, yard 81.78 $1.50 Table Damask, yard 81.21 $4.00 Table Damask, yard 8X30 All Napkins. Dollies, Tray Cloths, etc.. at reduced prices. Women's Shoes $2.05 a Pair 800 pairs of women's $3.00 Shoes; we'll place them in competition with the best $3.50 ad vertised Shoes; vlci kid, stock or patent tip, patent leathers, light or heavy sole3, Cu ban heel, all sizes and widths, ne for, pair tfAJJ Mall orders will be filled at sale price. 300 pairs of women's Shoes, odds and ends, low heels and spring heels, lace and button styles, vict kid, stock or patent tip, light or heavy soles, $2.50 and $3.00 o o values, pair 30 Men's $4 Shoes $2.?8 Men's Goodyear welt Shoes, patent colt, Blucher cut; box calf, lace or Blucher cut; Eskimo calf, Blucher cut; very best models in all sizes and widths: regulai 70 "34.00 values on sale for, pair fto $7.50 Scotch Silk Waists at $4.85 Each For tomorrow only we offer a special purchase of 1 15 beautiful new Scotch check Silk Waists, the prettiest styles shown this season Genuine $7.50 values, ordinary stores would mark them $9.00 each Six patterns, strictly tailor made, plaited yoke, silk stock collar with embroidery turnover Every waist perfect fitting and lined through out, waist made of superior quality silk, handsomely made and finished, just the styles the best dressers in town have been demanding Only 1 15 in the lot, so arrange to come early tomorrow morning if you want to share in this very unusual offering of attractive waists Fifth-street window display tells the story better than type tf A Q Make it a point to see them this afternoon P '" $1.50 Velvets 49c 1500 yards of fancy "Waist and Suiting Velvets, this season's very best pat terns and colorings, regular 85c, U arid $1.50 values, on sale to day at .49c Percales 9c Yard For Tuesday and "Wednesday we offer SOOO yards of 3$-Inch Percales, very best colors and designs. Immense va riety and remarkable value, q per yard "C Spot Cotton Crepes, in all .the i i leading shades, yard i 1C SOc, 35c plain Silk Organdies, y best colors, yard 1C 25e to EOc Fancy French Organ- q dies for, yard A Ribbons 3c Yard 8000 yards of all-silk satin and gros grain Ribbons, widths 5. 7, 9 and 12, splendid for holiday fancy work, yard JC, $2.50 Umbrellas For $1.57 Each Women's Fine Umbrellas, twilled glo ria covering and case. Immense vari ety of handles, Including pearl, gold and sterling mounted, gunmetal. horn, enamel,- Dresdens, fancy carved pearl, plain wood sterling mounted, etc beautiful styles for Christmas gifts values $2, $2.25 and $2.50 each your choice while they e-y last at l.Dc Mall orders will be filled. Carving Sets, Silverware,Etc 3-piece Carving Sets, stag handles, lined box; value r extraordinary for Thanksgiving "week set 3-piece Carving Set, stag handles, sterling silver OLA, AQ 7 mountings, leather case, $6.00 value, for JTiSO-y Cracker Jars of colored opal glass, silver-plated cover, r QO fancy decorated; regular $2.50 value Cut Glass Jelly Dishes, with or without handles, hand- a qj some cut; regular $3.75 value, for this sale 4V3 $2.00 Cut Glass?Bon-Bon Dishes for each S1.63 $3.00 Cut Glass Olive Dishes, new shape and cut each $2.56 $7.25 Cut Glass Celery Dishes, 5.98; $4.50 Cut Glass Dishes, IJ3.v6; Glass Salt and Pepper Shakers, sterling tops, ea. . 2c Beautiful Cut Glass Vases, 12-inch high; $15.00 value. .$12.50 Mail orders will be carefully filled. "Write today. Portieres 25 patterns of Portieres, only 1 pair of a pattern, marvelous values at these prices: $4.50 Portieres, pair. $2.25 $5.50 Portieres, pair. $2.75 $6.50 Portieres, pair $3.25 $7.50 Portieres, pair. $3.75 Few pairs at $4.25, $4.75, $8.25, $7.75; values $8.60 up to $15.60 calr. 15 patterns of Cross Stripe Madras Cur tains, ranging in value from $1.50 to $4.75, Dest styles, your rz choice at PKICB Lace Curtains Two, three and four-pair lots of White Scotch and Cable Net Ixice Cur tains, not over 4 pairs of any one pat tern. $ 1 .75 values for, pr . .$ 1 . 1 7 $2.25 values fqr, pr . .$ 1 .48 $2.50 values for, pr. .$1.67 $3.50 values for, pr .$2.25 $4.50 values for, pr. .$3.00 Dress Goods Four great lots of new "Wool Dress Goods, mixtures and mannish suitings , in big variety this season's very best materials 85c grade for yard, 65c $1.00 grade for, yard . 79c $1.25 grade for, yard. 9 7c $ 1 .50 grade for, yd . . $ 1 .27 Our entire stock of Black Dress Goods is feeing offered at greatly re duced prices take advantage. Chafing Dishes, 3 o'Clock Teas, Etc, Nickel Chafing Dishes3-pint size with fancy cover andg? qq stand, very best burner, $9.00 and $10.00 values, for. 44 eO" Chafing Dishes with wrought-iron stand, 3-pint size, 1 Q best $4.00 values, for Thanksgiving week 1 5 o'Clock Teas, nickel, on stand or swinging kettle; $r- pq regular $4.25 value, for Thanksgiving week p-J Candle Shades, Coronation design; red and pinkj regu- o lar 25c values, for Thanksgiving w.eek, each OC Large Silk 'Candle Shades, $1.85 values each S1.48 Large assortment of Colored Candles, great bargain 3-5 Holiday Stationery Specials Box Cabinet Paper, containing 100 sheets of paper, 50 LQ envelopes, best 75c values for this sale, box Lap Tablet Box, 2 quires paper, 50 envelopes, r i regular $L25 value, box 0jG New Box Paper, hemstitched design, blue, gray or white, 75c value, at the low price of, box OVC All the newest and best Box Papers at 40c, 45c, 50c, 60c, 75c, $1.00 up to $3.50 box. ' Large Letter Tablet, best paper, 25c value 15 Plain White Paper Napkins, per hundred XO Dennison's Sealing "Wax Sets, 50c value 39 Paper Table Sets, Ice Cream Molds, etc. Laces and Em broideries Cleaning up Evening Nets, in white, black and cream, all the newest and ' prettiest styles, big variety. Values up to $L2S, per yard E3c Values up to $2, per yard .-..$119 Net Top Laces, in white and cream, widths 4 to 12 inches, values - Q 65c yard, at, per yard jzJC- New Jot of Corset Cover Embroideries, best styles, values up to $15 -q yard, at, per yard OyC Handkerchiefs Ten great bargains in Women's Hand kerchiefs, all the best styles and grades, singly or fancy holiday boxes the best bargains In town will be found here. Knit Underwear For women aflow 'prices. Women's natural wool Vests and Pants, regular $1 values, ea VC "Harvard Mills" wool Vests and Pants, natural or white, regular t j aT $2values..... Women's XJsIe Union Suits, llgh't blue, plnk'and black, open front. 3 all sixes, $3 values - Boys' Clothing The Boys New Thanksgiving' Suit and Overcoat, if bought at the Xeler it Frank store, entitles him to one year's subscription to the ' "American Bey." Portland's Leading Cloak Store THE GREAT THANKSGIVING SALE CONTINUES Buy Women's ready-to-wear apparel at a safe store and get a "square deal" Portland's leading specialty cloak and suit store sells high-grade ready-to-wear apparel at reasonable prices and gives yon choice from varieties larger than all other local displays combined What's the natural result ? The largest women's and chil dren's garment business west of Chicago Conceded the largest by reliable concerns and individuals $ 22.5(LCravenettes $ 1 7.45 Women's Craveajcte Kaglans in blouse plaitecWSack. collarless, leg-o'-muttonjsleeve, fancy Taut ton trimmed ;' tans, olives, Ox fords; $22.50 values.. $17.45 "Women's Cravenettes, box plait ed with belt; tans, olives, Ox fords ; all new, handsome styles ; best $22.50 values, for Thanks giving week $17.45 $20.00 Coats $15.45 Each "Women's Tan Covert Tourist Coats, single or double-breasted, satin-lined, with or without col- 22-inch Astrachan Jacket, storm collar, leg-o '-mutton sleeve, reg. $38.00 value, this sale. 28.85 Long Sable Wolf Scarf, squirrel lined, six tails; regular $15.00 lar, slot-seam back .with belt; this season's most desirable style, reg. $20 "value, .$15.45 value,, for this sale.-. .$11.25 Long Black Coney Scarf, six tails, silk cord ornaments; best $7.50 value, this sale... $5.25 $42, $44 Suits $31.45 Ea. Women's handsome Suits in Direc toire, blouse or tight-fitting styles, with or without vests, and me dium length jackets in mannish mixtures; Cheviots, Coverts and Tweeds; black, navy, tan, grays, light and dark mixtures; this sea son's $40.00, $42.00 and $44.00 Suits, on sale Thanksgiving week at the marvelously AC low price of aO $50 Costumes $34.5 Special purchase of 15 beautiful Crepe de Chine Evening Gowns, in gray, light blue, brown, navy, pink, white and champagne; waist has lace yoke and clusters of tucks; skirt is shirred to the belt; clusters of tucks around bottom of . skirt; entire gown Taffeta Silk lined; regular $50.00 ft value, on sale at....p-20 Great special values in Walking Skirts and Children's Garments. Emfflk Waists "jSIarvelpus values this week. Exclusive. Bayelties in Evening and Dress. Waists.; Chiffon Taf fetas, Chiffon Messalines, Crepe de Chines;. Lace, Peau de Cygnes magnificent styles in all shades $16.00 Waists, "each"... $12.45 $18.00 Waistsrefech.. .$14.25 $22.00 Waists, each.. .$16.85 $25.00 Waists, each.. .$18.45 $28.00 Waists, each...$22.45 $32.00 Waists, each... $24.45 $45.00 Waists, each... $32.50 Silk Petticoats All high-class Petticoats re duced. $14.00 values at $10.85 $16.50 values at $12.95 $18.00 values at $14.65 $22.50 values at .$17.45 $25.00 values at $20.25 $28.00 values at $21.25 $30.00 values at $23.15 $32.00 values at $25.35 Oriental Rugs $25,000 worth new importa tions Bugs, Hall Runners, Mats, Carpets. 18x36 Anatolian Mats, $5 values for $3.95 $21 Belooch, redwsed to. $15.65 $24.50 Bokara Rug for. .$18.85 $95.00 Afghan Rug for.. $79.50 $87.50 Feraghan Rug ..$71.00 $105.00 Cashmere Rug. .$79.00 $17.50 Carabagh Jlugs... $12.95 Beautiful Genjeh Rug, $17.50 value, for. $12.95 $35 Moussul Rugs for. . .$28.50 $105.00 Iran Rug for. . . .$87.00 $47.50 Gurdez Rug for. .$38.00 Hall Runners, room sized. Thanksgivi'gpron Sale 7 Entire stock ofc nicety White Aprons -at reduced prices f orbday and tomorrow. We know you wanffone. - We kacfff you will ap preciate the saving to be effected, particular ly after spending about all your allowance for good things to eat. Women's Fancy Tea Aprons, made of fine swiss and lawns; trimmed with dainty- embroidery and laces,' headings, ribbons and tucks round, square and pointed, great values at 43& 67d S3, 98, $1.37. Maids' Aprons, with or w'ithoutbibs,. fine lawns and cambrics, trimmeTwith; emlirid eries, insertions, - tucks, hemstitching, 35c values, 27; 50e value's, 37; -60c values," 47; 85c values, 73; $1.00 values, 794 $1.50 values, $1.27- - Buy Thanksgiving Groceries Here jT- SCeler & Kraak famewi Meek a aid Jv Ceef peaud 24c 5-lb pkg; Domino Sugar 55c "Vlotor" Flour, none better, sk.spuas 1-lb. pk. new Currants Loose Muscatel 'Raisins,- 4 lbs... 35c 10-lb. sack yellow or white Cornmeal Xc , 1- lb. can Lightship Salmon, 2 for .........3Kc Baker's Unsweetened Chocolate. 36c 1 can K. C Baking" Powder 39e 2 cans Duchess Peaches 36c 2 cans Alamo Tomatoes ...15c 2 cans "All-Gold" Tomatoes.... 3Bc 1 can Amazon Peaches. ....... 15c 1 can "All-Go W Peaches : Durkee's Salad Dress In g-, feet, 10c, 25c .U.... 4Re 2- lb. "can Bine Point Oysters, S tor Poppy Oyster. 1-lb. cans, 3 fer.ase 14-ec bottle Olive for,. ase Smoked Sardines, cair,.vf 10c Yacht Club Boneless Sardines .36c 1-lb. basket Washed Tliea 23c 2-lb. basket Washed Figat, 4c J 3 l-io. pacKagcs Figs. ...asc "Ii BHfa" lb. Jar Jam, S tar.-. . .v5f "Long's" Saratoga Drips, X gal. Me "Long's" Saratoga Drips. gal.sre 3 -packages o Jeli-O or........ase. 3-lb. package Soda Crackers... 3e Log Cabin Maple Syrup, gal....L3e Log Cabin Maple Syrup, &-gal..5e Log Cabin Maple Syrup, quart. .SSe Log Cabin Maple ?yrup,.pint. . ..3e New Paper Shell Almonds, 2 lbs.aee 2 1-lb pkgs. Graham Crackers... 3Ke Tig? Prune or Postum Cereal ae 2 packages' Grape Nuts as 3 packages Mince Meat., aSe 3 "cans Van. Camp's Soups..... .aCc 1 can Queen of West Corn Me 3 1-lb. pkgs. "Seeded. Raisins 3Sc Snlder's Catsup, 2, bottles. .....,ase Snider1 Oyster Cocktail Catsup. 1-lb. package "New Date. i. ..19c Knor Gelatine, 2 package ase 32-oz. jas Chow Chow.-...'.'. ...35c Sagar lew priced 17 Iba. Westers Dry GruIatedJri.M 100-lb. sk W. D. Granulated. 9Sg 100-lb. sack Fruit -Granulated.. 100-lb k, Beet Sugar. . ...95.7S Calif&rala "W'hJshIs, hyt ee. Hi 15 32-oz. jars of Pickles. ...,,....a5eB i new jjranucs, 2 iDS. ..... ... T3e New Pecans for, lb......,..i8e 1- lbv can Shrimps ...le 2- lb. can Shrimps .........ate New Lemon Peel, pound. ....... New Orange Peel, pound. ...... .?S New Citron Peel, pound. . Royal Salad Dressing SKf4R Rice Popcorn, poujvd,. .10 lba. Rye; TJour McLaren's'Xmperial Cheese 2 -jars for .is. Wx 2 can Albert Roche's Sardinia. .3Se sit cftsecMW me. :T Croaks .rlr.