THE MORNING QKEG02IAN, TUESDAY,- NOVEMBER 22, im. 15 SHORT 1500 CARS Gram Man's Estimate of Wheat Traffic Congestion. DENIES 0. R. & N..STATEMENT Dealers Say Not Half of Grain Bought for Eastern Shipment Has Yet Been Moved by Harrl man Line; According to an official O. B. & N. state ment, there Is no car shortage on that line, every car order hae been filled, and there Is no freight congestion. R. B. Miller, general freight agent of the line. Is authority for that declaration. Mr. Miller's statement was made to a reporter of the Spokane Spokesman-Re view, and was printed In that paper last Thursday. It follows: "A shortage ot cars hae been complained of in the Northwest, but our road has not a sin gle order for cars for an Eastward shipment of wheat that is not filled. W received a large number of cars from the Rio Grande, the Great Northern, the Union Pacific, and all of the Missouri Valley roads, and have not been short at all. X think more than a fourth cf the wheat crop of this state will go Bast this year, and fully one-half of its has moved." This statement did not go long unchallenged. for in the following issue the Spokesman-Re view printed the following dispatch from Col fax: "The statement of R. B. Miller, general freight agent of the O. R. & N., that there is no shortage of cars on that road, which was published in the Spokesman-Review yesterday. caused much comment among gralnmen of this tectlon. One of these, who requested that his same be not used. eald: " 'Mr. Miller's statement Is so far from the truth that it is laughable, as the bulk of Eastern Washington wheat has been sold for Eastern shipment, and only a very small por tion of it has been moved. All grain shippers are clamoring for cans, and claim that they has been making Inquiries concerning car con ditions, made the statement today that he did not know what the O. R. & N. Co. does with its cars or car orders, or how many cars are en route here from the East, but he does know that at present the unfilled orders for cars In Eastern "Washington, north of Snako River, amount to more than 1500 cars. " This is in line with the assertions frequently made by Portland grain dealers that Ices than half of the wheat so far bought for shipment to the East has been 'taken care of by the rail road. The total sales to date are about 15,000, 000 bushels. WANT TO SELL HOPS. RrAmrs WnV.n Sltimtlfm tw Th1r Anxiety. SALEM. Or., Nov. 21. (Special.) Firm hold uay, oul Luxy uo uui uuu uciucia cr rcauy to buy. One grower, who could havesecured Sic some time ago, had difficulty In getting an offer of 30c today. The situation eeems to be that the Immediate needs of brewers have been supplied, and they are not actively in the market to buy. Only a few growers are trying to sell, and these are in a measure compelled to do so by their need of money. Encouraged by the sue cess of this year operations, they have either enlarged their yards or bought property for other purposes, and did this In anticipation of selling this year's crop. The money for thoir deals now being due, they wish to sell, end are hunting for purchasers. - Firm holders regret action of this kind, for, all tlirough the present season, the dealers have been the active men in the hop market, the growers standing back and awaiting offers. Growers generally have faith in the future of the market, and, though many do not expect renewed activity before the first of the new year, they have no doubt that, when present stocks are partly consumed, the brewers will be compelled to bid up in order to get more hops. . PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc The wheat market yesterday was dull and weak, though there was no particular change in price. WHEAT Walla Walla, export value. S0c; milling, 83c; Eastern basis, 85c: bluestem, 5c higher; Valley, STfcc BARLEY- Feed, $22 per ton; rolled. $23.50 024.50. OATS No. 1 white, $1.3001.3214; gray. $1.35 0 1.40 per cental. FLOUR Patents, $4.0504.85 per barrel; straights, $4.3004.45; clears, $3.S54; Val ley. $4.1004.25; Dakota hard wheat. $G.5O0 7.50; Graham, $3.5004: whole wheat. $40 4.2Z; rye flour, local, $4.50; Eastern, $50 5.10. MILLSTTJFFS Bran, $19 per ton; mid dlings, $23.50; shorts. $21; chops. V. S. Mills. $18; linseed dairy food. $18: .Unseed ollmeal, lc per pound. , CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 00 pound sacks, $0.75: lower grades, $5,750 K 0.25: oatmeal, steel cut. 50-pound sacks, $S per barrel; 10-pound sacks. $4.25 per bale; oatmeal ground), 50-pound sacks, $7.50 per AAarrel; 10-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale; split Jyas, $4.50 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes, $1S5; pearl barley. $4 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry flour. 10-pound sacks, $2.50 per bale. HAT Timothy. $14010 per ton; clover, $11012; grain. $11012; cheat. $12013. Vegetables. Fruit, Etc, The fruit market was active, the principal demand being for oranges and bananas for the holiday trade. VEGETABLES Turnips. $1 per rack; car rots. $1; beets. $L25; parsnips, $L25; cab bage. lc: lettuce, head. 15c per dozen; parsley. 20c dozen; tomatoes, 30050c per box; cauliflower. $1 per dozen; egg plant. $1 ner crate: celery. 50070c per dozen: cu cumbers. 10015c per dozen; peaa. 405c per pound: beans, green. 40'oc; wax, 493c; pumpkins. 10114c per pound; peppers, 5c per pound. ONIONS New. $1.7501.85. buyers' prices. HONEY $303.25 ner case. POTATOES New Oregon, fancy. 75S5c, buyers' nrice: Merced sweets. lliQlVc RAISINS Loose Muscatels. 4-crown. 7c: 3-laycr Muscatel raisins. 7o; unbleached seedless Sultanas. C4e: London layers. 3-crown, whole boxes of 20 pounds, $1.85; 2-crown. $1.75. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. CO Sc per pound; sundrled. sacks or boxes none; apricots, luyiic: peacnes. uuivc; pears, none; prunes. Italians. 45c; French, 2033tC; figs, California blacks, 5?ic: do white, none; Smyrna. c; ara aaies, i.ou; plums, pitted. 6c DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, fancy. $10 173: clean. 75c$l; wormy, 50 060c per tcx. figs. S5c0$2.5O per box; grapes. Call- frml. 1 RS- nnnt. "Winter TCollljt. $12501.50; quinces. $1; cranberries, $9,500 11 ner barrel: persimmons. $1.25 per box. TRnoiP IT. FRTTTTS TLmonii- fnpv. 2.55 04. choice. $3 per box; oranges, new na vels, $3.50 03.75; Valenclas. $4.5005 per bcx; grapefruit. $4 per box: bananas. 505c per pound; pomegranates. per pox. Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc Receipts of dressed turkeys were large yes terday, but the demand was strong, and all the arrivals cleaned up. There was more than the usual quantity- of culle, some of which sold down to 15 cents, .while fancy birds easily brought 22 cents, owing to the comparatively high price of turkeys. Chickens were in strong request at firmer prices. Eggs were tin changed. Butter is quoted weaker BUTTER City creameries: Extra, cream ery. 30c per pound: fancy creamery. 25 O 27c State creameries: Fancy creamery. 25030c; store butter. I2tfi4c Eastern: Ex tra creamery. itic; lancy creamery. 73 tf E5C EGGS Oregon, ranch. S0331?ic: Eastern. fresh. 27c: storage. 19025c POULTRY tancy nene. utilise: 00 old. lOSlle: mixed chickens. 9ei0c: old roosters. 70c, do young, 1010ct Springs. 1 to 2-pound, lojiwuc: nrouera, 1 xo impound. 12013c: cress ea caicKcna. iai-Tic; lurxeys. live. EDrinc. 15016c; do dressed. 15fll7c: do clioisT lMS2e: xecs. live. ficr do drexted. BeiOc: ducks, old. S6M0-50: do young, as toxXze. (70S: pigeons, $10L25. GAMS Wild geese, iiuitra cuckb, $304; "Wligeon. $202.50; Teal. $232.25: Chin pheasants, $697: do attire. $530; 'srouic $G quail, ix-ixja-i-CHEESE Full cream twins. 11 0 14c: Tonne Americas, 12 & 15c Groceries. Nuts. Etc. COFFEE Mocha. 20 23c: Java, ordinary. 10020c; Costa Rica, fancy, 18 20c: good. lC0iSc; ordinary, uvue. per pouna; co lurabla roast, cases, 100s. $13: 50s. 513.25; Arbuckle, $14.75; Lion, $14.75. RICE imperial japan, no. u $5.37 h: o. Creole, $4-25; Carolina. 6c; broken-head. 4 c SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails. $1.05 per dozen; 2-pound talis, $2.40; fancy 1 -pound cats, lsu: s-pouna n&u. i-iu; Alaska pink, 1-pound tails. S7Hc; red. 1 pound tails, $1.20; sockeyes, 1-pound tails, $1.75; 1-pound flats, $1.85. sun Ail' sacic oasis, xuv pounos: v-uue. $0.50; powdered. $0.25; dry granulated. $0.10; extra U. o.t; .goiaen v. irun surar. SG.25 advance over sack basis as fol lows: Barrels. 10c; half barrels, 25c; boxes. 50c per 100 pouBus. ITenns: On remittance J within 15 days, deduct .c per pound; if I -. .i within art rinrc flu. I Intrr tVinn IX flnva and Within 30 days, de duct He per pound; no discount after 30 days.) Beet sugar granulated. $0.05 per 100 pounds; maple sugar, ivicc per iwuuu. SALT California. $0.50 per ton; $1.30 per bale: Liverpool. 50a. $15.50 ; 100s. $15: 2uO. $14.50; half-ground. 100s, $5.25; 60a. $5.5. K U1B W ainuiE, XOTtC per yuuuu uj lc extra for less than sack; Brazil nuts. 15c: filberts, 15c; pecans, Jumbos, 15c: extra Dlus ultras. 15c: nonpareils. 13c; chestnuts, I large, 14c; aimonas, i. -x- l., lottionoc; u peanuts, raw. 8c per pound; roasted, yvnw. i plnenuts. lO012Uc; hickory nuts, 7c; cocoa- nuts. tuuuc per ooico. BEANS Small white, 3ic; large white, 3Uc; pink, 4c; bayou, 3c; Lima. 4c. Hops, "Wool, Hides, Etc "HOPS Fanev shippers. 32c: choice. 31c; prime. 50c; medium, 28c per pound. WOOL Valley. 10020c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 10017c; mohair, 25 02 tic per pound for choice. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 10 pounds and up, 15013HC ner sound: dry kin. No. 1. 5 to 10 nounds. 12c: dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds. ifli- drv. ealted bulla and stajrs. one-third less than dry. flint; salted hides, steers, sound. 70 pounds and over, osrojic; mi n w pounau. ist Kr. under 50 oounds and cows. GWtf'C stags and bulls, sound, 404Ho; kip, sound. 15 to 20 pounds, 7c: under lu pounoa. oc; green iuu uiltpril. le ner nound less: culls, lc per -pound: horse hides, salted, ;i.uit eacn; orj-, ij 1.50 each; colts- niaes, UQduc eacn; goauiuuts common. 1015o each; Angora, "with wool on. TALLOW Prime, per pouna, ijfc; ao, and grease, 2H03& Meats and Provisions. BEEF Dressed 426c per pound. MUTTON Dressed. 45Vic per pound: lambs. 5fe6Cc per pound. hams Ten to 14 pounds. 13c per pouna t i to 10 pounds, 13c; 18 to 20 pounds. 13c; Cali fornia (.picnic). 10c; cottage bams, 10c; shoulders, none: boiled hrj.. 21c: boiled nicnlo ham, boneless, 14c. veal Dreseed, 100 to 125, 78c per pound; 125 to 200. 50c; 200 and up. 3HHc PORK Dreised, 100 to 150. 6Qiic per pound; 150 and up. 5c. bacos-irancy breakfast, 15c per pouna; standard breakfast, 17c; choice, 15c; Eng lish breakfast. 11 to 14 pounds. 14c. SAUSAGE Portland ham. 13c per pound: minced bam. lOUc: Summer, choice dry. 17V-c: bologna, long. 04c: welnerwurst. 8c: liver. Cw: pork, 10c; blood, d'.ic; neaacneese, sc; bo logna sausage, link, 5&c DRY-SALTED MEATS Regular short dears. salt, 11UC smoked; clear backs, 10c salt. 11c smoked: Oregon export. 20 to 25 sounds. average 10&c salt, llc smoked; Union butts. 10 to IS pounds, average, 8c salt, 0c smoked. PICKLED GOODS Pickled pigs' feet, -car- rels, $5; barrels, $2.75; 15-pound kit, $1.25; pickled tripe, -narreis, $3; y4-Darrels. $z.7o; uiw ui. iua w oarreis, -Darreis, io; n-pouna Kit, II ?;. nlVI l.mK.- tnT,f-7. LiV.,ri1. id carrels, $4.75; 15-pound Kits, $z.25. LARD Kettle rendered: Terces, lOiic; tubs, 10Kc; 50s. 10V4c; 20s, 10c; 10s. lie; 5s. HUc. Standard pure: Tierces. 0c; tubs, 0?ic; 80s. 9c; 20s, 9-4c; 10s. lOc; 5s. lOiic, Compound: Tierces. Cc; tubs, 6c; dus. uiic; ius, 7c; ss, 7 5c Oils. GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases, 24Hc; Iron barrels, ibe: so degrees gasoline, cases. 82c: iron barrels or drums. 28c COAL OIL Cases. 21c; iron barrels, 10c; wood barrels, none; 03 degrees, cases, 22c; barrels, lSc Washington State test burning oils, except headlight. c per gallon higher. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, 54c; cases, S9c Boiled: Barrels. 50c; cases, 01c One cent less In 250-gallon lots. TURPENTINE Cases. S5c; barrels. Sic WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 754c; 600-pound, 7tc; less man 00-pound lots, 8c LIVESTOCK MARKET. Frlccs at Portland Union Stockyards Yesterday. Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards yesterday were 505 sheep, 155 hogs and 100 cattle. The following prices were quoted at the yards: CATTLE Best steers, $3.25; medium. $2.75: cows, $2J2.50. HOGS Best Urge, fat hogs, $5.50; light nogs. $44.73. SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley, :.5o; iambs, $3.25. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Current at Chicago, Omaha and Kansas City. OMAHA, Nov. 21. Cattle Receipts. 9200 Market 5010c lower: native steers, $3.8000.40; cows and heifers, $2.4003.83; Western steers. 0: Texas steers, $2.7503.75; cows and heifers. $2.2503.50; canners, $L7502.75; stock- ers and feeders, $2.4034; calves. $2,500-5.50: Dulls, stags, etc, $1.8503.85. Hogs Receipts. 6200. Market 507c lower: heaT $4.5504.00; mixed, $4.8504.90; light. $4.50047; pigs, $404.50; bulk of sales, $4.55 04.57. Sheep Receipts, 17.500. Market slow to 10c lower; Western yearlings, $4.2504.50; wethers. $4.1004.40; ewes, $3.8004.35; common and etockers, $2.5004.10; lambs, $505.85. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 21. Cattle Receipts. 18.000, including 1000 Southerns. Market steady to 10c lower; native steers. $3.5006.15; South ern steers. $2.5004.25; Southern cows. $1,500 3.25; native cows and heifers, $1.6005; stack ers and feeders. $2.2504.10; bulls, $1.5503.50: calves. $2.2503.75; Western steers. $304.75: Western cows, $3.ja&3.&o. Hogs-Receipts, 7000. Market 5c lower; bulk of sales. $4.4004.70; heavy, $4.7004.80; pack. ers, $4.5504.70; pigs and light, $404.60. Sheep Receipts. 6000. Market steady: mut tons, $3.7504.50; lambs, $4.2505.85; range wethers. $404.85; ewes, $2.5004. CHICAGO. Nov. 21. Cattle Receipts, 10,000. including 5000 Texans. Market 10c lower. steady; good to prime steers, $506.75; poor to medium, $3.5006.50; stockcra and feeders. $2 04.20; cows, $1.2504.25; heifers, $1.7505; can ners, $1.2502.40; bulls. $204.25; calves, $3.50 06.50; Western steers, $303.35. Hogs Receipts. 45,009; tomorrow, 27,000. Market 5c lower; mixed and butchers. $4,500 4.75; good to choice heavy, $4.7004.75; rough heavy, $4.4004.60; light, $4.6004.70: bulk of sales, $4.6004.70. Sheep Receipts, 28,000. Sheep and lambs steady; good to choice wethers, $4.3505; fair to choice mixed, $3.5004.30; Western sheep. $3; native lambs, $4.5006.20; Western do. $4 (TO. Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 21. Official closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follqjvs: Alta Alpha Con. $ .03 .12 Justice $ .05 Mexican 1.10 Andes Best & Belcher. Bullion Caledonia Challenge Con. . Confidence . . . , Con. Cal. & Va.. Crown Point ... Exchequer Gould & Curry.. Hale & Norcross Julia -25 Occidental Con.. .94 1.10 Ophlr 2.20 .23 Overman .13 49Potosl .18 .18 .85 Savage ... Seg. Belcher ... Sierra Nevada 24 .00 i.8o; .16 .43 .13 .44 Silver Hill Union Con. .... Utah Con. .54 .08 721 Yellow Jacket .. 1.75 521 NEW YORK. Nov. 2L Closing quotations: Adams Con, - - $ -25 Alice 70 Breece ... ..... .12 Brunswick Con.. 15 Little Chief $ .06 Ontario ... ... 3.75 Ophlr ... .10 Phoenix ... .. Potosl Savage 14 Comstock Tun.. ,'OSi .17 Con. Cal. & Va.. 1.95 Horn Silver .... 1.55! Iron Sliver 2.00 Lead vllle Con. . .02 Sierra Nevada 40 20 Small Hopes . Standard .... 1.90 BOSTON. Nov. 21. Closing quotations: Adventure ...$ 6.50lMohawk $ 55.50 Allouez 1S.75 Amalcamated. 0.38 Mont. C & C 4.50 Old Dominion. 27.75 Osceola -90.00 Am. Zinc 13.00; Atlari tie 19.251 Bingham .... S7.50 parrott 32.00 Qutncy 120.00 Cat t: Kecia. es..uu Shannon 9.50 Centenial . S0.00Trinity 15. Copper Range. 71.75 U. S. Mining.. 24.50 12. 3S 45.75 Daly West . . . Dominion Coal Franklin ..... Graney . . .... Isle Royale Jiichicta 13.50 u. s. on 61.50 13.00, S.S0 SO. 00 9.73! Utah ... Victoria S.3S Winona 11.63 IWolvcrine .... 10S.CO STOCKSQUIETANDSTRONG FALLING OFF. IN BUSINESS OF NEW YORK EXCHANGE. Broken Week Ahead " One Cause of the Inactivity More Gold Ex ports Are Probable. NEW YORK. Nov. 21. Aggregate sales of stocks at the Stock Exchange fell off today. but notwithstanding the declining activity prices were, well maintained. The market Is best denned as quiet and strong. The cause of the' falling off in business was not very clear. The fact ot a broken week ahead on account of the. Thanksgiving holiday may have been a motive. There was an intimation that the expectation of an immediate decision of .v. . - .1 V ,. .... . ,, uic .luweni securities euil nugai w uibi- pointing. Wall street clings to a decision in that suit as a toasIhV lmnortant announcement affecting the transcontinental railroad situation and the prospect of its delay discouraged some operators. union Pacific was noticeably strong, however, as was St. Paul. The engagement of gold bars for export to Paris this week was added to by an amount of several hundred thousand, and Inquiry for Treasury office. Foreign exchange made afur- ther advance, thus bridging the interval which permits the shipment of coin, and $500,000 was engaged for Germany. The United States Steel stocks and the railroad stocks reflected, the good reports from trade circles. 'Amalgamated Copper was strong, and 4 metal stocks were . generally benefited In sympathy. The large demand for copper is assumed to go largely into electrical Improvements, and the "electric stocks made notable gains. The day's small changes In leading stocks comports with the narrowing of the dimensions of the market, and-1 the closing was irregular. Bonds were Arm. Total sales. $10.3SO,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. HIcb. Low. bia. Atchison 10,400 80 80H 8ft ao preierrea ...... .100 1U3' 103-i 1UJ4 Baltimore & Ohio... 8.300 iliti 9?Ts do preferred 100 Olfe IHfe V4 Canadian Pacific 9,200 13474 134 hi 134vs Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio. 11 8,300 SOU SOU 50H umcago & Alton.. aw 4&!a do preferred 82 Chi. Great AVeotera.. 24,000 25S 24; 241 cm. & ionnwestern. sou 201 2ixi zoo Chi., MIL &St. Paul 21,000 174 173& U3?i ao preierrea ita Chi. Term. z Trans, 8,100 1G 15U do preferred 7.400 22 V.600 23tj 100 58 300 37 800 167 800 331 20H 58 30& 186 330 "so" 30U 73 54 H 20ji c, a. c. & st. l... as 23 58 Colorado bout hern .. do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred..... 36tt Delaware & Hudson.. 180 330 32 80 Del.. Lack. & West Denver & Rio Grande do preferred 100 23,100 1.O00 3C0 SO 54. Brie 39ii do 1st preferred.... 724 54& do 2d preferred:.... Hocking Valley . 400 84 S4 84 do preferred Sy Illinois Central 700 150 149 14?i- Iowa Central 600 31Vi 30 30, uo preierrea ....... Kan. City Southern.. HW OS UJ 07 COO 31V4 30 294 do preferred 1.500 54U 53 53-4 3.100 139 139 ISOVt Louisville & Nashv.. Manhattan L. l.WO loo 1H7V4 1G7 Metrop. Securities... 2.400 84 SI4 811 Metropolitan St. Ry.. 0.4O0 125 124 124 Mexican central 22,900 23S 22 mm & g. Louis. 04 v cf r bS c o xr I O1- P- & S. S. M. : nis: ao preferred imu Missouri Pacific 24.100 109: 1084 10914 -""-1 oc icxas.. j,iw 3i 3a; do preferred T.Sfift usi i u national nr Mpt rM k rjvi iui Atr nv Norfolk & Western.. 7,700 754 75U 75' do preferred 90 42 42 Ontario & Western.. Pennsylanla 000 42 7,200 137 133i 130 if.. C. C. & St. L Reading 73.700 11 70 C0T4 25?: 5314 75 8714 SO 30 83 08 254 53 70 do 1st preferred inn do 2d Dreferred inn T 7991 Rock Island Co 20.000 30 sn OS 25 do preferred n.Tnn St. L. &: S. Ft-2d pfd. 500 cu l. soumwestem. 600 do preferred 900 42,400 53 Southern Pacific .... US 07 do preferred 1.200 1175i 11 TV 117 Southern Railway ... I0.O00 -30 35 35i do preferred -inn I Texas & Pacific 2.100 37 Toledo, St. L. &V.. 400 32U 3151 31: 00 preferred ........ l.fcOO 335i Union Pacific 171.900 117 52 53 115 no;; do preferred 400- ns naoasn 1.400 24U m 24 48?1 23 23T4 do preferred 2"no 40 40 21S 2li Wheeling & L. Erie. 300 Wisconsin Central .. " 000 24 do preferred 1,000 47 47 ixprrs.i companies Adams . 230 American . United States 100 11 i 110 124 Wells-Fargo 240 Miscellaneous Amalgamated Cooper. 83.700 K1U 7991 Sl SS 34 "0" 3S 18 P0 31-)I SSi Amer. Car & Foundry 7.400 3251 ao preferred 400- 89 American Cotton Oil. 700 3ii do preferred American -Ice 5.600 do preferred 2.800 39 1S?8 38 American Linseed OH 100 17 do preferred 40 American Locomotive 23.100 34 33 33 do preferred 2.G00 lois: innu inial Amer. Em. & Refining 23.700 81 TOW 81 do preferred 900 11451 H4s; iiiu .n.iut-1. oufem neuuiHE JD.11KI liilVt Anaconda Mining Co. 3.000 120 119 119 Brooklyn R. Transit. 0,900 CS14 6S OSU Colorado Fuel Iron Consolidated Gas Com' Products 9.400 47 4654 47 7,500 :k 21b 218. 3.300 25 25 do preferred . 1.300 80 SO 700 37 36?i 7.100 190 165 4,000 20 20 600 79 78 , 1.000 41 40 400 85 S5 400 24i 24 80 Distillers' Securities. General Electric .... International Paper.. 36 1S0 20H ao preferred International Pump.. 41 do preferred 84 National Lead North American .... Pacific Mall People's Gas , Pressed Steel Car.... 1.900 106 105 103t: l.dUU -lUtt 4HW 1,700 109 108 10ft S.500 do preferred 200 S3' Pullman Palace Car, Republic Steel , 300 231 1,700 1 do preferred , 1.500 Rubber Goods ....... 1,200 300 7.500 40.500 2,500 8,700 2.400 1.200 -65,100 10S.500 do preferred Tenn. Coal & Iron.., U. S. Leather , do preferred U. S. Realty U. S. Rubber , do preferred U. S. Steel , do preferred Wcstlnghouse Elec. Western Union 7,000 170 300 92 Total tales for the day. 1,173,400 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK. Nov. 2L Closing quotations: U. S. ref. 2s reg.l04JC. &. N. W. C. 7s,12S do coupon ... 104 D. & R. G. 4s.. 101 TJ. S. 3s reg. ...104 N. Y. Cen. Ists..l00 do coupon . . . 105 iMor. Pacific 3s.. 75 U. S. new 4s reg.130 do 48 105 do coupon ...130 So. Pacific 4s.... 90 Union Pacific 4s. 100 I Wis. Central 4s. 02 U. S. old 4s reg. 106 do coupon ...106 Atchison AdJ 4s. 94 Stocks at London. LONDON. Nov. 21. Consols for money. 88: consols for account, 88 5-10. Anaconda 0 Nor. & Western. 77 Atchison SSi ao preferred ..94 do preferred ..100 OnL & Western. 43 Bait. A Ohio ...100 Pennsylvania ... 70 Can. Pacmc -...1S7 Rand Mines .... 11 Chen. & Ohio ..51 Reading 38 a GL Western.. 20 do 1st pre! ... 45 C M. & St. P.. 178 do 2d pref ... 41 DeBeers 18 So. Railway ... 30 K D. & B, G 34 ao. preierrea . . us do preferred.. 88 So. Pacific 69 Erie 40jUnlon Pacific ...118 do 1st pref ... 74 do 2d pref ... 55 do preferred ..97 u. 5. uteel 2S'i Illinois Central. 153 L. & N. 143 do preferred .. 90 Wabash 24 M.. K. & T. 30 do preferred ..48 X. Y. Central.. .139 Spanish 4s 87 Bank Clearings. Clearings. Balances. Portland $ S30.901 Seattle 1,008.023 Tacoma 593,703 $ 82.021 158,510 62.802 39,948 Spokane 519,869 Dally Treasury Statement. "WASHINGTON. Nov. 21. Today's statement of the Treasury showa 1 Available cash balance... ..$144,757,06? Gold Money. Exchange, Etc LONDON. Nov. 21. Bar sliver, firm, 27 l-16d per ounce. Money. 202 per cent. The rate ot discount In the open market for 83 83 230 230 7 16 16 69 OS 68 24 23 23g 87J S7 87 7C 75;- 75 15 14 14 9M 95 95 84 S3 83 34 33 33 SSU 88 88 2S 27 27ft iy 02 92 short bills is 3031-10 per cent; -three months" -- a jcggg fj. Joseph T. Bowen Gang." and finally led' to many of them," JvlTsteaSSra Tfor ports In Callforala, Mex billN 363 1-10 per cent, 4Wl rtmT,t the $15,088 needed to raise and their recruits' being: connected with fcT ad Humioldt Bay. . Torturthtrlnlonn- NEW YORK. Nov. 2L-Money on calU steady. 202 per cent; closing r hid " Tvr nt- S 01a, - per cent, offered. 3 per cent. Time loans, steady; 80 days. 3U per cent; 90. days and" six months. ! 3K04 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 40, I 4w xer cent. Steriinc axchme StrgEC, with actual bu1 ness tn bankers' bills, at $i.S7104.8715 for de mand and at $4.84154.8420 for 60-day bills; posted rates. $4.S5 and $4.S7&8-LS8; commer cial bills, $4.S30.84. Bar silver 5Sic Mexican dollars iGic Bonds Government, steady; railroads, firm. SAN FRANCISCO. . Nov. 21. Silver bars. SSJic. , . Mexican dollars. 40c. ' Dratts-Slght, 2Hc;Oelegraph, 5c ' Sterling On London. CO days, $4-84; sight. $4.S7U. Gold Engaged for Export. NEW YORK, Nov. 21. Lazard Freres have Increased their gold engagements for export to $1,800,000. Of this amount $1,000,000 will be shipped to Paris on the steamer leaving to morrow, and the balance, on Thursday. This exhausts" the supply of gold hars at the assay office. Goldman, Sachs & Co. today" engaged $500,000 gold coin for shipment to Paris tomor row, making $2,300,000 certain to be shipped then. The first engagement of gold coin announced since the payments last Spring for the Panama Canal was that by Goldman. Sachs & Co. to- it t t n..i ht conslderably more gold would be exported, now that the movement had begun. The total gold chipped or engaged since the present- movement began oa October 27 Is placed at $23,750,000, of which $9,000,000 went to Paris. S AN 1"KAN CISCO MARKETS. Heavy Liquidating Sales cf Wheat Options nlivea Trade. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 21. Special.) Large liquidating sales of wheat options, chief ly May delivery, at lower prices, enlivened trade in the local grain pit. Weakness in Chicago, and fears iraong speculative holders here that wheat la that market will decline to the dollar mark were the leading causes of the break. Spot prices were unchanged, but a re- duction is expected tomorrow, should futures further decline. Barley is stubborn, and firm, despite the weakness in wheat. Oats are steady, but Inactive.' Sample lots of Eastern white clipped of good color and fair weight are offering here at '$1.37. Feedstuffs and. hay are steady. Nearly 100 tons of dressed turkeys arrived. Including a good portion from Oregon. No. 1 are active and firm at 23c to 26c Heavy ar rivals of turkeys are expected tomorrow. Citrus fruits, excepting fancy lemons, are plentiful and easy. The feature was the ar rival of two carloads of Redlands Sunflower oranges. Four carloads of apples arrived from the North, adding to the easiness of the market for that fruit. Grapes are In light supply and higher. Tropical fruits are more active and steadier. Nuts are firm. River potatoes are In liberal supply, but best grades are in good demand and steady. Nine carloads of sweets arrived, causing a sharp decline. Fancy onions are firm at full figures. Butter Is quiet and unchanged. Cheese Is easy. Eggs are selling more freely and stead ier. Receipts. 30,000 pounds butter. 3000 pounds cheese. 13,000 dozen eggs. vegetables Garlic, 405c: green peas, 7c; string beans, 407c; -tomatoes, 4Oc0$l; egg plant. 75c0$l. . POULTRY Turkey gobblers, 17018c; tur key hens, 17020c; roosters, old, $404.50; do young, $5.5000; broilers, small. $101.: do large, $3.5004; fryers, $4.5005; hens. $4.5005; ducks, old, $4:5005.50; do young. $507. BUTTER Fancy creamery. 20c; creamery seconds. 16c; fancy dairy. 16c; dairy seconds. 14c. CHEESE Young America, 11012c; .East ern, 12014c. EGGS Store, 25030c; fancy, ranch, 45c WOOL Lambs'. '10018c MILLFEED Bran, $17.50018.50; mid. dllngs. $24 027. HOPS 1904, 29032c HAY Wheat, $10015; wheat and oats. $10 014; barley. $9012; alfalfa. $9011.60; do ver, $700; stock; $307; straw, 45003c FRUIT Apples, choice. $1.25; do common. 25c; bananas. 75c0$3; Mexican limes, $40 4.50; California lemons, choice. $3: do com mon. $1; oranges, navels, $1.5002.60; pineap ples, 75C0S3. POTATOES River Burbanks. 40 070c: River reds. CO0Oc; Salinas Burbanks. 9Oc0 $1.35; sweets, C50S5c; Oregon Burbanks. 75c 0$1- RECEIPTS Flour. 13.594 nuarter sacks; wheat, 1099 centals: barley. 4C83 centals: oats. 1575 centals; do Oregon, 90 centals: beans. 10, 095 sacks; corn. 1209 centals: potatoes. 8378 sacks: bran, 521 sacks: middlings, 300 sacks: hay, 874 tons; wool, 33 bales; hides. 1179. Metal Markets. NEW TORK, Nov. 21. Another advance was reported -In the copper market, with the tone firm. Lake. J4.87015.12c; electrolytic. 14.75015. and casting. 14.50014.75, with some of the larger producers naming 15c as an la side price for Lake. Spot copper in London eloped at 60 12s 60. and futures at 67, Tin was- also higher locally, closing at 290 29.25c for spot, while in London the market "tvas rather irregular, with spot at 132 15s and I " wu- Lead was mnchanged at 4.2004.70c In the local market. In London, the market was little higher at 12. Spelter was firm and higher at fl.7505.87Uc locally. Abroad it was unchanged at 25 5s. Iron closed at 52s 95 in Glasgow, and at 4Gs 6d in MIddlceboro. Locally, Iron Is firm. Dairy Produce in' the East. NEW YORK. Nov. '21. Butter Firm; street prices: extra creamery, 25025c; official prices, creamery, common to extra. 15025c; state dairy, common to extra. 14023c; reno- vated, common to extra, 13019c; Western Imi tation creamery, common to choice, 15019c Cheese Firm; state full cream, September, colored and white fancy, llc; do late made. colored and white, poor to choice. 810c; do large September, colored and white, fancy. llc; do late made, colored; good to choice. 910c; do late made, white, poor to fancy. 701Oc Eggs Strong; Western selected, choice, 290 30c: do average best. 2Sc CHICAGO, Nov. 21. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was steady; creamery. 16024c Egg, firm. 15Q2Zc Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Nov. 21. Evaporated- apples. quiet: common. 304c; prime, 404c; choice. 5g5c; fancy, 606 Prunes continue quiet, ranging from 2c to 6c, according to grade and for California fruit. Oregon prunes are pretty well cleaned up, with quotations ranging from 5c to 7c Anricots, steady; choice, D01Oc; extra choice. 1010c; fancy, 11015c Peaches, steady; choice, 009 c; extra choice, 901Oc; fancy. lO011c Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Nov. 21. The market for coffee futures closed steady 5010 points higher. Soles. 97,500 bags, including: December, 6.70c; March. 7c; May, 7.1507.20c; July, 7.35c; September. 7.5007.55c Spot Rio, quiet; No. invoice. 8c: mild, quiet, Sugar Raw. firm; fair refining. 4 3-1 Gc; cen trifugal, 06. test, 411-16c; molasses sugar. 3 5-1 6c; refined, firm. Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Nov. 2L Wool Steady; territory and Western medium. 22023c; fine medium. 19021c; fine, 15018c. XiUUoiLN.UO JiCtC-i vjxsxxxvxju Hurricane Causes Immense Damage in the Talsutse Islands. AMSTERDAM, Nov. 2L Tho Talsutse Islands northeast of -Celebes, Malay Archipelago, have been visited, by a dls- natrmi hurricane, causlntr the sea to rise to such, an extent that It flooded the isl ands and left 30.000 persons destitute, their homes, boats and. plantations being do stroyed. Debt -of Church Raised. - 'mprrnann Nnv. 21. A eift of between I j.v. T.n, TkMnal rhnrch "13rr, Ar,.n i wane viie ji utilise ui c I ..w,v, ov- will inhl from an unknown giver will enable the. church to have the iMiired. esdowmelat ot lESO.OeeL These ankosnceafeats were, made during a service wWcb was attended by im popJe. Downing, Hopkins & Co. Established 1893 ' WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor GRAIN ELEVATORS PACKED HEAVY WHEAT MOVEMENT BREAKS CHICAGO MARKET. e-illnrt Starts hv Commission ' 3 J House Representing Wall- Street Interests. CHICAGO. Nov. 21. At the opening In wheat a firm undertone was manifested. The strength was probably due to the fact that xnany-tradr ers who sold short on Saturday took fright at rumor circulated early to the effect that there was frost in Argentine. Another factor that tended to give support to the groin mar ket was news concerning world's shipments for last week, the movement shown being less than many traders expected. For a time offer ings were inadequate to the demand, and prices made a quick advance. Suddenly sentiment veered to the bear side. Reports from the Northwest stated that the movement of wheat from the farms In that eectlon would probably continue heavy for several months, and that elevators are packed with wheat. Following the lead of a large commission-house, said to be acting for prominent Wall street interests, the traders turned active sellers of December. The result was a sharp decline, December clos ing at $1.07X01-07. May closed weak at $1.08. In the face of the sharp break in wheat prices a firm undertone prevailed in conu De- cember closed He higher at 48c; May closed at 45ic Oats held steady all day. December closed at 2SX02SKC Provisions were weak as a result of liberal receipts of hogs. Pork cloaed 7c lower; lard. 10c lower, and ribs down 25c. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. $1.0S5i $1.096 . 1.09 1.10 , .97 .83 CORN. .48 .48 , .45 .45 , .45 .45a OATS.' . .31U .31 Low. ' $1.09 1.08 Close. December May $1.07 1.08 July , December May , July 47i .45 .4S?i .45 July November J31U .31 December 2S?s -31 2SS .31 .23 May .31 31 MESS PORK. 2.45 . 12.45 January 12.37 12.50 12.40 May 12.52 12.55 12.52 LARD. . 6.97 6.97 . 7.12 7.12 SHORT RIBS. January May ... 6.93 7.10 6.95 7.12 January May .... 6.47 .. 0.60 0.47 6.62 6.42 6.57 6.45 6.60 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Weak. Wheat No. 2 Spring. $1.0801.12; No. 3, J$l 1.08; No. 2 red. S1.1OU01.13U. Corn No. 2, 53c; No. 2 yellow, 57c. . Oats No. 2. 2&ic: No. 2 white, 31$1032c; No. 3 white, 3O032c Rye No. 2, 78c. Barley Good feeding, 38033c; fair to choice malting. 42052c Flaxseed No. 1, $1.11; No. 1 Northwestern. $1.18. Mess pork-Pcr barrel.. $11.05011.10. Lard Per 100 pounds. $O.4206.95. Short ribs sides Loose, $6.6206.65. Short clear sides Boxed, $6.7506.87. Clover Contract grade. $12.25. Receipts. Shipments. Flcur. barrels . Wheat, bushels . 23,000 18.000 02.000 543.000 234.000 4.000 100.000 13.000 Corn, huzhsls .. 115.000 Oats, bufbels ... Rye. bushels ... Barley, bushels , 72.0CO 10.O0O 133,000 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW TORK. Nov. 21. Flour Receipts. 23,- 00 barrels; exports. 2900 barrels. Market. quiet. Minnesota patents, $006.30. heat Receipts. 2S.000 buehels; exports. 23,910 bushels. No. 2 red. $1.18 f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1.20S f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba, $1.08 f. o. b. afloat. Options were active all day. but closed net lower on bear pressure. May closed $1.10; July closed $1.02; December closed $1.15. Hops, hides and wool Firm. Grain at Son Eranclsco. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 21. Wheat and bax- ley, Eteady. Spot quotations- Wheat Shipping. $1.4701.5O; milling. $1.5201.65. Barley Feed, $1.O8S101.13K: brewing. $1.15 1.17. Oats Red. $L2201.8O: white, $1.420 1.57; black, $1.2701.62. Call board sales Wheat December. $L43?4 Barley December, $1.09. Corn Large yellow. $L4O01.45. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Nov. 21. Wheat Cargoes on pass age buyers Indifferent. English country mar- United Kingdom, 3,070.000; to the Continent, 1.670.0C0. ' LIVERPOOL, Nov. 21. Wheat Quiet; De cember, 7s d; March. 7s 2d; May, 7s 2d. Wheat and flour in Paris, dull. -French coun try markets, flirner. Weather in England, fine and cold. i - Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. Waeh.. Nov. 21. Wheat, lc lower; bluestem. SSc; club, unchanged. 85c Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK. Nov. 21. The visible supply of grain Saturday, November 19, as compiled by the New York Produce Exchange, was. as fol lows: Bushels. Decrease. Wheat 33.399;000 2.097,000 Com 1.493.000 783,000 Oats 24.324.000 437.0UO Rye 1.298,000 153,000 Barley - o.oii.wu si.uuu Increase. ' ROOSEVELT AS ARBITRATOR. Bondholders Desire Him to Say How 'Much Colombia Pay Panama. LONDON, Nov. 2L A movement Is on foot to get President Roosevelt to arbi trate the difference .between Panama and the corporation of foreign bondholders in reffara to tne uosomDian aeDt. a meet ing of the Colombia committee of the cor poration has been summoned to consider the best means ot recovery from Panama of a portion of the $10,009,000 paid by tho united States in connection witn too canal and it is proposed to call a public the purpose of requesting president Roosevelt to arDiiraie as to tne prupor- tion of this amount tha new republic ought to pay toward tho liquidation of Colombia's debt TRYING TO reform: youths. Gotham Ministers Begin Campaign to Keep Them" Off Corners. - I NEW TORK, Nov. 12. The misdeeds of hundreds of young men connected with well-known families In the Bedford sec tion of Brooklyn, which began some years atro J)Y the formation of the "Bedford I ..tmlnnl rasoo much to the dtemst STIm.. h Hf .n. Wmnml . fhn ty,a lnnnirntlnn nf a ralir- the Inauguration of a reraarkabl-e rslig- Idus camoalsri for the puxiflcatlo of the youths who apead their tins: mmmt to street Corners. Th first htskt of. ib "csroprigr ot Chamber of Commerce evangelization," as It Is called, began with a street parade In which tramped 2000 men with banners, with the band of the Twenty-third Regiment playing hymns at the front. Many frock-coated paraders went Up Hancock street, where hung a greater banner. There they held an open-air meeting;' Ministers from -E0 churches of all Protestant denomina tions' were In attendance, and many ot them made short addresses. Every lnem. 5?,L-. caurcn m me aibinct is joining iu uie movement. The street corner meeting ended, the brass band again headed the procession and It marched to the Central Presbyte rian Church, where .a meeting had been called- The church has a capacity for 2500, and every seat was taken and the closed doors held out hundreds. Six min isters made short addresses, telling the purposes of the movement, which it was announced would continue throughout the "Winter. "WILL TEY TO OUST ALIENS. Utah Miners Believe They Are Re sponsible for Most of the Crimes. SALT LAKE. Nov. 21. As a result of a series of criminal acts which culminated last week In the assault and serious In- Jury of Mrs. Schwan, the wife of a smelter employe, and her two small children, a mass meetlns will be held In the smelter town of Murray tomorrow nlgnt. At this meeting It is proposed to take steps to rid the community. If possible, of all Greek and Austrian laborers, of whom several hundred are employed at the smelters. The smelter officials. It Is stated, will be asked to discharge all Greeks and Aus trian and hereafter to employ only Americans. Failing In this, there Is some talk of using more forclbfe measures. Allen laborers are believed to- be respon sible for most o the recent crimes and excitement has been aroused to a high pitch. Pain in the side nearly always comes from a disordered liver and 13 promptly relieved by carters Little Liver mis. Don't forget this. Marconi Wireless The Marconi System Is now in successful commercial operation. It Is now used by tha British Admiralty ex clusively. The annual revenue of the company for 1903 Increased 700 per cent over that of the previous year. The Marconi System Is now employed by the Italian Government exclusively, in ail aepan ments. It Is now in dally operation on nearly 100 steamships in tha Mercantile Marine. Under a 14-year contract with Lloyd's great 1 1 shiDcine Azencv. it is emDioyea ail over ma world In reporting vessel registered with that. corporation. The British Postofllce .Department has entered Into a tramc agreement with the larconi sys tem to deliver lta messages to ail parts oi Lng- land, Ireland. Scotland and wales. The of one department of this com- nanv (the trans-Atlantic). When in full opera. tion. New Year's day. 1905. will alone be suffi cient to pajr-an annual dividend ot 160 per cent cn the present capitalization. The Marconi System has been heavily subsi dized by the Canadian uovernmenr, ana mem are now in active operation' on canaaian sou upwards of 15 stations in the service of the government. The Western Union TeleKranh Company and I the Postal TeltraDh Company have each, en tered Into traffic agreements with the Marconi System to deliver its messages to an pans ot the united States and Canada. The Marconi System is now a permanent fac tor in American business lii by the commer cial establishment of flvo stations in dally use, in the transmission of- ordinary telegraphlo mes sages. The Marconi System Is now operating In the service ot a daily newspaper, published la mid- ocean on board Cunard steamships. It is estl- mated that thla branch of the Marconi business JLl bring the company a net annual pront ot $700,000. These are but faint indications of what may be accomplished through the thorough estab lishment of the Marconi System. Full details concerning . this and other matters or import- ance bearing upon the Marconi System may be obtained by writing us today. We will end vna complete literature and explain our easy- payment plan of owning stock in this company. SOUTHWESTERN SECURITIES CO., 514 II. W. "Hellman Building, Los Angeles, California. OE OMMISSION GRAIN and STOCK BROKERS We Charge No Interest for Carrying Lob Stock General Office 35 SSSSum MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. X. K- Aides. CemaposdaaZ. Room 2, GrosBd floor. Chamber of Corns ere e. XKAYXLKBS- C1CIDJC Columbia river scenery PORTLAND to THE DALLES Regulator Line Steamers WILY (EXCEfT SDEiMTj'7 JL H. Direct Una for Moffett's. St. Martin's and Collins Hot Springs. Connecting at Lyie, w..s -with Columbia River & Northern Ry. Co.. for uoiaenaaie ana mctiuh vuhj- tr. ... Lanamg loot o. juaer -aireac truoua Main si. w For Sooth -Eastern Alaska LEAVES. SSATTLB to A. it. TACOMA 0 P. M., day pre vious, steamshins CITY up HvSEATTLE, Nov. 4, 10. 2, cali- lng ul jmeiiuuu, uuaioj, Juneau and Skagway: HUM BOLDT. Nov. 11, 24, Via. Vic toria: COTTAGH CITY. Nov. 7. 21. via Vancouver. Sitka and Kllllsnoo; ROMONA Xor Vancouver. Jfioacay. w tunes- day and Triday 1? wffS ,m. of I tten olKala folder. Kisci rSwTJS? hu( eal ax wxaageu ur ' 1 I T-rr-v-srr opbtcES. ntSSX OFBTCES. 28 Wasbiagtoa st. .113 James st. -and" Dock. .,. jaariMC su 30 MsCNt.. Mm. XXAVXLEXg GtrtOX. AN. Shor t Line ak Union Pacific 3 TRAINS TO THE BAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and tourist sleeping-cars dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spokane; tourist eleeplng-csx dally to KnruaV City; through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (person ally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Reclining chair-cars (seats free) to the East daily. 0.1? WM 0 UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:15 A. M. 5:25 P. XL SPECIAL tor in ut Dally. Dolly, vu Huntington. I SPOiANii 1'LYKU, J05 P. M. 8:00 A. M. for aurn Waaing- Dally, Daily, ion.. Yt alia Walla, Lew Uion. Coeur a'Aiene and Great Noruw. yolnta. ATLANTIC EXPRESS J:15 P. M. 1:15 A. 1L f or tha F.i at via Hunt Daily. "Daily. Ington, RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 P. it. 5 .-00 P. li. way polnu. connecting Dally. Dally, wltn ut earner for llWu- except exceat . co and North Beach Sunday. 3unday. steamer HasaaJo, Ash- Saiuraiy, street dock (water prj lu:txj p. M. FOR DAYTON, Ore- 7:00 A. il. J'JO V. M gon City and Xamnlll Daily. Daily. Uver points steamers except except Modoo and Ruth. Asa- Sunaay. 'Sunday., street dock (water per.j FOR LEWISTON. 1:40 A. M. About- Idaho, and way polnu Dally. :0O P. M. from Riparla. wash, except except' steamers tipokans and Saturday. Friday. LwUton. TICKET OFFICE. Third aud Washington. Tlepnone Main 712. SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. CO. For San Francisco, every flva days from Alnbworth dock S. S. Geo. W. Elder. Nov. 22; S. S. Columbia, Nov. 17-27. Sailings from Alnsworth dock. 8:00 P. M. PORTLAND ASIATIC 3. 8. COMPANY. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking frelgh: via connecting steamers for Manila, Port Ar thur and Vladivostok; S. S. Nlcomedia, Iov. 21; S. S. Numantia. Dec 8. For freight and further rarticulars apply to JAMES H. DE-WSON. Agent. relephcna Main 283. Upper Alaika Dock. EAST via SOUTH UNION DEPOT. Arrivta. UYEitLAND iOX- PRESS TRAIN d S 30 P.M. for - !"'"r", Rose- 7:23 A. M. burg. Ashland. Sac ramento, Ogden. aaa Francisco; Mojave, Los Angelttf. 4 Paso. New Orleans and the East. Mom 8:30 A. if. ing train connrcta at- Woodburn tdally except Sunday) with exam xor jaount Angel. SUverton, Brownsville. Boring. aeld, WsndUng and Natron. 4:00 P.M. Albany passenger 10:10 A.-M.V connects at wood- turn with Alt. Angel and SUverton local. 7:20 A. M. Corvaills passenger. Sheridan passenger. 5:30 P. m;' -118:23 A. M. H4X0 P. M. Daily. Daily, except Sunday. POBTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICE AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Tv -Portland daily for Oswego .t 7:30 A. M.. 12:50. 2:05. 3:25. 5:30. 6:25. 8:30, 10 tlO P. M. Dally, except aunaay oou. og. 10:25 A. M., 4:0u. 11:30 P. M- Sunday, ouiy. 9 A. M. ,, TortIani. daiiv 1;B5. 3.. 4-S5, 6a5. 7U55, 0:55. ii:l0"P. M." Dally except Sunday. 6:25. Igo. 8:30. WgW. Tm a. m. W,inta dally except Sunday. 4 P. M. Ueave irom aau uv"- 'T.. , W i 'y; tr I ftSiDitceI,enQence-Monmoutb: motor line oper- ates daily to Monmouth and Alrlle connecting with S. P. trains at Dallas and Independ- JJ1 bTkl. Al T.tvVT r-hina. Honolulu and Australia. JaA-?V TKKHC OFFICE, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone mam . TIME CARD ; OfTRAINS PORTLAND Depart. Arrive. Puget Sound Limited for Tacoma. biuc, "South Bend and Grays Harbor points 8:30 am 0:30 pev North Coast Limited lor . Tacoma, seaiue, Djaue, uBtte, St. Paul, New York. Boston and all points East " and Southeast 3:00 pm 7:00 an Twin Cltr Jaxpress. tor Tacoma, &eaie, opog. -- Helenaj St. Paul, Minne apolis. Chicago. New York. Rratnn and all points East O 0KlSrtATsW ! and Southeast 11:45 pm 7:00 pra... Puget sound-itansas jy- Et. LOUIS special, ior Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane. Butte. Billings. Denver. tnnana, flnn-w iLjr, bu Louis and all points East and Southeast 8:30 am 7:00 am. - All trains dally, except on South Bend branch. a n. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas. senger Agent, 255 Morrison St., corner Third, Portland. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. paiiy . For Maygers, icatnlor, ngn, ClaUkania, Westport, Clifton. Astoria. War- 8-00 A. M. renton, Plavel, Hara- xi:lo a. moad. Fort Stevens, -Gear hart Park; Sea side, Astoria and Sea shore. Express Dally. 7:00 P. M- Astoria. Express. 0:40 P.M. Dally. C A. STEWART. J. C Coram 1 Agt..- 2ts Aiaer sc. u. x . r . j& Phooa Mais 90S. -" CKy Ticket OClee. IS U it. PkM 2 0VSLA3D TE1BTS DAILY.- O The flrar ad t&e -Fast Mali. gPLXNDID 8EXYICB CP-T0-DAXX SQOIPXSXT COOKTSOC8 Vmr TIcfcets. Katw, 1"bWt ami MA farBBftUM; eH s er aMrw I w nirKSOM. Ci- PuMBMr'sad Tiafcec Irf. ill 1W fr lb , 1 aw-nmr-. 1.11 ikir- JAPAN-AM ERfCAN LINE s. s. 1YO MARU Vmt Jsfi. Cktas ami. ail AstaH Porta, 4H