12 THE MORXLNG OREG01?JA2n, TUESDAY, NTOVEtfBER 22, 190:4. HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Boot. SL60 tojr.W Per Day, Accordlsjr to Location. J. F. DAVEES. Pre. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.) front and morrison streets Portland; Oregon EvrepesB Plan Rooms 50c to $1.50 , First-Class Restaarant la CeBBectiea mi BLAMES HIS FATHER. Fourteen-Year-Old Boy Says His Parent Sent Him After Liquor. If 14-year-old Earl Hynds is telling the truth, his father. Al Hynds, 508 East Ash street, is responsible for the fact that the youngster was intoxicated Sunday evening. The boy ivas picked up by the police in an intoxicated c6n dltlon. and ivhen arraigned before Judge Hogue yesterday morning, he said his father had sent him after beer on three different occasions Sunday, and each time he drank a glass of the beer. Judge Hogue at once ordered the father brought into court to explain. A warrant was issued charging him with supplying liquor to a minor, and in the event the charge proves true he will probably get a maximum dose of legal medicine. Another warrant will be issued for the arrest of the barten der at Burnside street and Unton ave nue, where the boy got the liquor. CITY STATISTICS. Marriage Licenses. James E. Coleman, 26, Clatsop County; Addle M. Brown,. 18. Naif Goddard, S3, Kin? County, Washington; Lalla W. Doane, 25. Frank X. Pflleger. 37; Anna Masher, 33. Albert If. Clarke, 30; Cecilia E. Dake, 23. Deaths. November 18, Jean "Wallace, 7 years, 30 East Sixth North; diphtheria. November 18. Leoag Sing, 48 years, 193 Second; valvular heart disease. Births. November 12, to the -wife o Com, Gone, 233 Second, a boy. November 16, to the wife ot Thomas Sullivan, 1121 Kelly, a girt. November 17, to the wife of Adolph Ham mersmith, 415 Going, a girt. November 14, to the wife of Arthur Edgar, 1058 East Seventh, a boy. November 16. to the wife of George C. Hen riot, 1617 Jordan, a boy. November 18. to the wife of W. Percy Por ter. 176 Sherman, a glrL November 18. to the wife of James Dlllane, Front and Savler, a girl. Building Permits. W. B. Strater, Ravensvlew avenue, two-story dwelling; $3400. E. Kroner. Gllean, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second, two-story residence; $3900. "William Rltter, Roosevelt, between Twenty fourth and Twenty-third, two-story dwelling; $1000. American Trust Company, Lownsdale, be tween "Washington and Alder, three-story rooming-house; $15,000. "William Hass, East Second, between Oregon and East Irving, two-story dwelling; $2000. J. Belgbcder, Park and Everett, one-story frame building; $1500. L. H. Clary, Irving, between Twenty-eecond and Twenty-third, two-story flats; $5000. George "Wcidler. Seventeenth and Overton, alterations; $700. Lewis & Stenger. First, between Morrison and Alder, alteration; $700. Mrs. Rosona Strain, Thirty-second and Thur man. two-Btory residence; $5000. Bow On Tong Company, Second, between Stark and Oak. alterations; $200. R. C Brooks, East Davis, between East Twenty-ninth and East Thirtieth, two-story dwelling; $1800. Tour complexion, as well as your tem per, is rendered miserable by a disordered liver. Improve both by taking Carter's Little Liver Pills. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Nov. 21. Maximum tempera, turc, C2 dep.; minimum, 54. River reading at 11 A. M., 5.9 feet; change In past 24 hours, rise 2.2. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.. O.OS Inch: total since September 1, 1904, 7.81 inches; normal, 9.67; deficiency, LSO . To tal sun6Ulne November 20, 1904. none; possible, 9 hours and IS minutes. Barometer (reduced to eea level) .at ,5 P. M., 28.74. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. S 3 "Wind. , STATIONS. g -. p : f : Baker" City ,. Blscnarck Bolt Eureka Helena Kamloops, B. C North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg . Sacramento ...... Salt Lake City.... San Francisco ... Spokane Seattle "Walla "Walla Light. T trace. 8) BE NW C R Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy 0.01 Sis 0.00 c's-w Clear lO.lOil0,SE Cloudy IO.S4i4S SE Rain PL cloudy Rain Pt. cloudy 10.0012 SE T 114 5SO.00 SE 8410.00. 8'sw Cloudy GZ 0.00 SR Pt. cloudy 54 0.00 SW Clear RS'O.OOl 6 NW 54) T I 8 l5Si0.10 680.00 14 Pt. cloudy Cloudy Raln SE SH S Pt cloudy "WEATHER CONDITIONS. The third disturbance within the past week made Its appearance this rooming off the 'Washington coast, and it is sow central over the Straits cf Fnca, and moving rapidly east erly. Storm southeast warnings were ordered at all seaports at 7 A. M. and changed to southwest at 5:50 P. M. A maximum wind velocity of 76 miles from the southeast occurred during the afternoon at North Head. "Wash., and the wires are down to Tatoosh Island, so the velocity of the wind at that station Is not known. The rainfall has been heavy along the Imme diate coast, but only light amounts are reported &t Interior stations. The river at Portland has risen 4.4 feet dur ing the last 48 hours, and it will continue to rise for the next few days. The indications are for rain in this district Tuesday., with high southwest winds along the coast and brisk to high gusty south winds In the interior. WEATHER FORECASTS. yorecasts made at Portland at 8 P. 11. for 96 hours ending at midnight, November 22: . PortVoBd and vicinity Rain; brisk to high saety winds. "Westers Oregon and "Western Washington PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON Flrst-Claa Check Coanected With Hotel. C O. DAVIS, Sec sad Treu. :THE: ESMOND HOTEL CSCAR aKDEBsM, Hinaitr Frost and Morris b Streets PORTLAND - OREQON 3TREE 'BUS TO AND FROM ALL. TRAINS. RatesEuropean plan, 50c. 73c $L00, $L50, (2.00 per day. Sample rooms In connection. Rain; brisk o high gusty south to southwest winas. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Rain; high south to southwest winds. EDWARD A. BBALS. District Forecaster, CLASSIFIED AD. KATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board. ' "House keeping Rooms," "Situations Wanted," 15 words cr less, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first iertion. Each additional insertion. one-haLvno further discount un der one month. IMPORTANT The low second-time rate oa advertising that runs either in the classified columns, or under head "New Today," will be given only when advertising: is inserted on consecutive days. Daily and Sunday lssnes. Advertising that Is scheduled to appear at Intervals ot one or more days apart will Ix charged for at full one-time rate each in sertion. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO -ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dresfred care The. Oregonlan, And left at this office, should always be inclosed in sealed en velopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oresronian will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Gilman's auction-rooms, 413 Washing ton sU at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gllman, auctioneer. By J. T. Wilson at ISO First, cor. Yamhill, at 2 P. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At Baker's auction-house, corner Alder and Park. Sale at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker & Co., auctioneers. MEETING NOTICES. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT. NO. 1. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Tuesday) even ing. November 22, 1904, at 7:30 o'clock. Odd fellows Temple. Patriarchal degree and election of officers. E. E. SHARON, Scribe. A. 4 A. S. RITE. MULTNO MAH COUNCIL OF KADOSH. NO. 1 Regular meeting In Memorial Hall, Scottish Rite Cathedral, this evening at 8 o'clock. By order Em. Com mander. OREGON LODGE. NO. 1. K. OF P. Regu lar meeting tonight, 8th floor Marquam bids., at 8 o'clock. Nomination of ooicers. Visiting Knights cordially Invited. THAU L. GRAVES, C C ED D. CURTIS. K. of R. and S. KUNZ-In this city. Nov. 21. 1904. from In juries received yesterday, David Kunz. Fu neral notice hereafter. FLEGEL Last evening, at the home ot his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Flegel, Lewis Everett Flegel, aged 17 months. RALSTON At Maysville, Or., on November 20. 1904. 10:30 P. M.. D. W. Ralston. Re mains will arrive In Portland Tuesday night. Announcement of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. BUELL In this city, Nov. 16. 1904. at 487 Taylor st, the .residence of his son. W. B. Buell, Emmons BuelL aged 83 years, 9 months and 6 days. Interment will be at Deer Island, Wednesday, Nov. 23. . TRAIN At her late residence In Montavillo. Nov. 21. 1904. Elvira C. Train, aged 70 years, 5 months. 12 days. Funeral will take place today. Nov. 22. at 2 P. M.. from the Advent Church. In Montavllla. Friends in vited. CHURCHLEY In this city, on November 20, 1904. at 241 McMUIen street. Mrs. Mercy A. Churchley, aged 55 years, 3 months 22 days, beloved mother of Mrs. Bertha King, J. J.. A. G.. J. M.. Gertrude. Frank, Amy, and Hellen Churchley, all of Portland. Funeral services will take place at late residence Wednesday, November 23, at 2 P. II. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. DUNNING, McENTEE GILBAUGIL successors to Donning, ft Campion, under taker and embalm erg, modern In every de tail, 7th asd Fine. Phone Mala 43. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLM AN CO, Undertakers and embalm ers, hare moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. J. P. XTNLEY Jt SON, Funeral Directors, cor. Sd aad Madison. OOce of County Cor ener. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. P. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 62. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE AT A GREAT BARGAIN A. 900-acre stock and dairy farm, 3 miles from Roseburg, on main gravel road, 300 acres good corn land, balance the best of grazing land; well Improved; large creek runs through the place: price $13,000. Ad dress W. L. Cobb Real Estate Co.. Roso burg; Or. FOR SALE ABOUT 5000 FEET OF 1-INCH galvanized pipe; good as new. The Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES GOOD APPLE LAND. .4 MILES west Hood River: cheap for cash. Hart Land Company, 107 Sherlock bldg. WANTED CASCARA. GRAPE ROOT. Rosenberg Bros. & Co., 200 Washington. The Center of Albina We offer for sale a number of lots In Evans Addition Prices are reasonable. We will build for you. You can pay In Installments. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 Third St. Bamboo FURNITURE WHOLESALE K. KOKARA. S7 SO AND 51 JO8SJjg0ar. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER Phone Main SOS. Tonight and tomorrow night George Bernard Shaw's "CANDIDA" WITH LESTER LONERGAN The hit of the season last night. PRICES Lower floor. $L50. $1.00; balcony. 75c. 50c; gallery. 25c 35c; boxes and loges. $10. Seats now selling. Carriages at 10:45 o'clock. Marquam Grand Theater W. T. Pangle Res. Mgr. Phone Main S65. Thanksgiving Day Matinee and Night. After the turkey dinner. HAVERLY'S MINSTRELS V With Billy Van A gala night; both football teams there. Prices both matinee and night Entire lower floor, $1: balcony, 75c and 50c; gal lery. 35c and 25c: boxes and loges. $7.50. Watch tor the big parade at high noon. COLUMBIA THEATER 14th and Washington sts. GEORGE L. BAKER, Manager. Tonight, all this week, matinees Thursday and Saturday. The Favorite Columbia Stock Company, Presenting Dion Bouelcault's famous comedy-drama. LED ASTRAY THANKSGIVING DAY MATINEE. Evening prices, 15c, 25c, 35c. 50c Matinee prices, 10c 15c. 25c Bor office open all day lown-iown, 10 A. M. to 7 P. M., at Dolly Var den Candy Shop, in Marquam bldg., 327 Mor rison st. After 7 P. M. at theater. THE STAR THEATER Cor. Park and Washington. The Best and Most Fashion able Vaudeville Theater 4 Flying Banvards 4 COWLES AND ALDEN, SCHILLER BROS, THE GREAT ZANG, HICKMAN AND MORTON, HARRY BROWN, THE FLETCHERS, THE PROJECTOSCOPE. Shows 2:30 to 4:30 P. M., 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. General admlssoln, 10c; reserved box seats, 25c The Grand Theater (Formerly Cord ray's.) SULLIVAN & CONSIDINE. Proprietors. To see the best In the land. You must patronize the Grand. Hundreds turned away! CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES. Dally matinee. 2 to 5. Evening, 7. to 11 P. M. unequal m Bill Musllner1 Trained Sheep. (Never on the Coast before.) Fine and Dandy, comedy acrobats. The Four Olirans, grotesque comedy. The Elliotts, harp lata. Sam and Ida Kelly, rural skit. Arthur O. Folkert, whistler. Frank Melton. Illustrated songs. The GrandlBCope. New and screamingly funny story film, "A Guiltless Tramp." YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE. Admission to any seat, 10c Box eeats, 25c EMPIRE THEATER Geo. L. Baker, Manager. Grand benefit performance given by the United Irish League Wednesday Evening, Nov. 23 Special programme of exceptional talent. Tickets now on sale. Admission 25c EMPIRE THEATER Twelfth and Morri son streets. Three days, starting Thanks giving matinee. Thursday, November 24, the diamond of musical comedies, without, a flaw, the new "Grimes Cellar Door." Latest edition, with James B. Mackle and a big operatic extravaganza company. A veritable revelation. Pretty girls, funny comedians, great specialties, new music Special novelty feature of the famous Onrl family, panto mlmlsts, equilibrists, acrobats and jugglers. A tower of merit. Prices. 10c 20c 30c Spe cial reserved seats, 50c Matinee, 25c to any part of the house. Children's special seats, 10c BAKER THEATER, KZATrXG & FLOOD. Managers. Third and Yamhill. LARGEST CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE HOUSE IN THE WORLD. EVERY SEAT 10c One performance afternoon; two erery evening. THE ARCADE THEATER The original family vaudeville hoose. This Week. Heraclides HARVEY CHILDREN, THE EDWARDS, THE JAMESONS, GEORGE WILSON. KATE COYLE. AMERICAN BIOSCOPE. Shows 2:30 to 4:30 P. M.. 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. Admission, 10c to any seat. BIJOU THEATER SIXTH ST.. OPP. OREGONIAN. ELMORE AND BARTLETT. PEARL GREVSON. PEDRO. WALKER AND LABELL. DAN M'GREERY. FERELDA. FRYE AND ALLEN. NEW PICTURES ON THE VITASCOPE. All for 10 cents. Afternoons from 2 to 4:30, Evenings from 7 to 10:30. LYRIC THEATER (Corner Alder and Seventh.) , HIOM-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30; 7:30 to 10:30; Sunday. 2 to 10 P. M. This ad. and 10c will admit two people any matlnre, except Sundays and holidays. TEN CENTS NO HIGHER. ROSE EYTI1NGE Pupils prepared for stage, pulpit, platform or parlor. Either private lessons or class work. For time and terms, apply at 261 Thirteenth Street PHONE MAIN 1203. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE The one-story cottage, No. 427 Glisan St., between 10th and 11th sts.; mustbe removed immediately Wakefield, Fries & Co. 29 Stark St. $3500 35 Acres first-class garden land 3 miles from courthouse. This land sold 14 years aco for S9000. To be had now -for 53500. before new cars run. GOLDSMITH & CO., 8. E. Cor. Third and oaic sts. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Oar recor&s ar complete and p to data. rt iDmu aeexracis prompuy. MORTGAGE LOANS Ob lmmoved Portland Real "Estita, EEcuxrrr abstract s& trust co. 214-2LS Chamber e CssajMre. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland real estata at lo-irtt rats. Titles, tantred. Abstracts tarnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co, 7 QiUBMr or rtiBimm. INVESTMENT BONDS ITarraaU and sfesck boacht and aeld. J. W. NEW TODAY. NEVER BEFORE In the history of Its seventeen and a half years 'existence have the deposits ot "THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON" Been as- large aa at the present time. Full particulars are contained In our book of ILLUSTRATIONS, Which, we' shall be glad to send you. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY 8F OREGON 109 Third Street. BENJ. L COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK '. Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary i $35 LOTS All unsold lots in Peninsular Ad ditions are for sale ar $35.00. Must be sold to close out estate of L. D. Brown. Lots are cleared, high, sightly, level; Bull Run. water, streets graded and the price is one quarter for adjoining property is selling. Title perfect abstract fur nished with every sale. Sherman D. Brown 351 Stark St. FOR SALE: Worthington Compound Duplex Pump, second hand, Alconditton. Size 10xlSMxl4xlO. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute. Check valve, lub ricator, etc., complete. iBqutrc A. W. Cochraa, OregoBlan Building. AUCTION! Holiday Goods! Beginning Tuesday, Nov. 22, we will cell at auction the ART GOODS Now stored and in stock, to make room for our other lines. Sales on Tuezdaya, Thursday and Saturdays, at 2 P. M. and 7 P. M., at our store, 310 and S12 Alder, near Sixth. E. H. M00REH0USE & CO. SEE THIS 25x100. West Side. 10th. bet. Washington and Alder. Delay'ls dangerous. Buy now. Better be sure than sorry. R. M. WILBUR. 303 McKay bldjg. Mortgage LoansCity Property At Lowest Current Rates. Apply FRANK E. HART. 105 Sherlock bldg. TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $50 Lot 50x100 feet and old house at West Portland, 100 feet from the Taylor Ferry road. (P. 123.) $1300 Two lota In Wilson's Addition, near 23d and Thurman. IC 167.) $0500 Lot 75x100 feet and house 10 rooms. West Main sL. bet. St. Clair and Ford streets. (P. 129.) $1750 Portland Heights. 65x100 feet and modern house 7 rooms, bath, two fire places, fine view, near car line. (P. $1(S50 Sunnyslde (adjoining). lot 50xlOC. feet, house 5 rooms; terms half cash, bal ance on time. (S. 205.) $2200 Sunnyslde. Belmont ot, lot and house G rooms, bath, basement, etc. (S. 200.) $1700 Sunnyslde. 3 lots. S. W. cor. Bel mont and E. 31st st. Terms, half cash, balance on time. (S. 209.) $700 St. Johns Park. 5 -room cottage and lot 50x100 feet, stable, city water. (A. 299.) $1750 Lot 50x105 feet and house 5 rooms and bath. Ivy st., near Rodney ave. (A. 298.) $1500 West Irvington. two fine lots. 100 xlOO. N. W. cor. E. 10th and Tillamook ots. (H. 179.) $750 West Irvington. lot 50x100 feet, cement walks, sewer, gas and electric (H. 1C0.) $1000 North Irvington lots 90x100 feet feet and cottage 5 rooms (new), small barn, terms halt cash, balance on time. (A. 293.) $500 For 10 fine lots, few minutes' walk from Peninsula Station, school and stores; fine place for suburban home; title per fect. (A. 201.) $600 Lot 50x100 feet. cor. E. 2Sth and Hoyt; two feet above grade, sewer. (E. P. 232.) $1250 Fine lot. 50x100 feet, best part. of E. Portland, on is. lutn near a. -Morri son. (E. P. 206.) $425 Lot 50x100 feet, corner Beech st. and Grand ave. (A. 300.) $3700 McMUlen's Addition, few minutes walk from. Steel bridge, lot and new house 7 rooms, all modern conveniences. (H. 170.) $2500 Multnomah Addition, near Thomp son School. 100x100 feet and house 6 rooms; streets sewered and Improved. (A. 297.) 12 acres, near Sellwood, on Johnson Creek. In cultivation, cottage 5 rooms, barn. (E. P. 237.) 19 acres on car line, closo in, platted and in shape to be put on the market at a handsome profit. Price $400 an acre. TITLES INSURED. ABSTRACTS FURNISHED. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. A KNAP S2 acres Vi mile west from Falrvlew; CO acres In high state or cultivation. Daianco slashed and in nasture: 7-room house, fine bam with stone basement; water piped into house: running water through place; 2 or chards; fine piano, cost $600; two good horses. 6 cows, 2 wagons, two-seat buggy, binder." mower, and all kinds of farm Imple ments; barn full of hay. granary full of bar ley; new rot? boat: everything goes with the farm. A beautiful lake adjoins this farm oa the north. 3-room house: 100x100 feet of ground: city water; 3 blocks to car line: large chicken corral ana cucxen nouae, suae. race. ouu; terms. Acreage From 1 to 12 acres, near Mount Tabor; o. w. p. car une. on section line road; $750 to $900 per acre; terms. EXCHANGE. 461-acT stock farm. 55 acres under plow. S acres nearly clear. 2 houses. 2 hams. 2 cow sheds, granary, two orcharde; farm all fenced except 40 acres. Will sell or trade for city property. Price $15 per acre. 160-acre place, 4 or 5 acres clear, balance heavy timber, 1 mites from river, small bouse, bam, woodshed and workshop; nice young orcnara. win seij or mat. .trice $1200. Plentv of ether Drcoertr for sale or trade. Farms, houses, lots, acreage, business chances, etc come in ana let us ten you about them. CHARLESON & SMITH. Room 210. Alisky Building. Northwest Comer Third and Morrison. xBOOO A beautiful home on Nob Hill, all modern. now leased to responsible tenant and pay lng a good return on price asked. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 109 THIRD STREET. $3150 BEAUTIFUL 2-STORY, MODERN, new house, near Steel bridge; tinted walls, elegant reception hall, gas fixtures, furnace heat. Its rent equals bankable Interest on $9000. Pittenger. iiornson st. FOR SALE $250 IN WOODSTOCK. FORT land's most attractive suburb: lots 100x100. every lot & comer. We will loan you money to build: you can cay us in installments. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 109 THIRD STREET. FOR SALTS HANDSOME NEW 8-ROOM residence, kwga attic and baaemest: all modern lcmvaeBts, MkIM lot, goed lo cation. wM Me. AMriH Jt m. Ore zoataa. t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE.' FOR SALE. $2600 Comer lot and store building, S. W. cor. Union ave. and Broadway. Now rented for $25 per month. Investigate this. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 109 THIRD STREET. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 160 acres, with 10 acres under plow; about 20 acres more that Is almost cleared: balance of land with exception of about 15 acres Is nice level land; some timber on place re served; live water: large family lore hard: a new 7-room house, built at the cost of $550; fair bam, on county road. 1 mile from Carrollton and 2H miles from Ka lam a, including a fractional 9-acre strip of Government land; this property fronts on the Columbia River. Good soil; title clear; price only $800. with $500 down. Imus & Willoughby, Kalama, Wash. 1 FOR SALE, $2150 x Quarter block on East lam st-. two diocks from car line. Level and high. A choice location for a home. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 109 THIRD STREET. J. W. OGILBEE. ROOM 11. 145 1ST .ST. $300027 acres. 20 acres in good state oi cultivation; good 6-roomed house, barn, granary, chicken-bouse, etc; small orchard; good well water, and 1b in fine shape to make a good livelihood on; situated in sub urbs of Oregon City. Would take a house and lot in Portland of as good value. f ACRE TRACTS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of handling acreage; We have tracts In side of city limits or outside; soma are directly on car line; all are accessible, one acre or more; prices very low; terms to suit. A. a Churchill & Co.. 110 Second street. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE, ALL COMPLETE, with lot and 25 large 10-year-old xrult trees all for $650 cash. See owner Joe Nash, at Nashville StaUon. on Mt. Scott car. 4 LOTS AND S-ROOM HOUSE. WITHIN walking distance ot Washington sr.; situ ated so 7 more houses could be built on It; bargain If bought this week. A 97, Ore gonian. FOR SALE $2750 PORTLAND HEIGHTS, Elm st, comer 21st, a magnificent build ing site. 100x100, one block from car line. Portland Trust Company, 109 Third at. TWO GIRLS WHO ARE EXPERTS AT pyrography (burnt woodwork), can find employment at Llpman, Wolfe & Co. Ap ply with samples of work to supt. LOT 50x100, comer E. 12th and Beacon sts.; must sell at great sacrifice; make us an offer. Henkle & Baker. 217 Ablngton bldg. $7000 SEVEN 5-ROOM COTTAGES. GOOD condition; bring $77 per month; near Fair ground entrance; easy terms. Apply 303 College st 200 FARM 3. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. w. P. electric line. O. R. Addition. Lents, Or. Take Mr, Scott car. 5c $4600 NEW MODERN. 8-ROOM HOUSE. Z3d st; notning like it lor the money; move right In. W. H. Grlndstaff. 240 Stark. WOMAN. GOOD ADDRESS. FOR MANAGE- rial position out city; must he best of health; references and security. C 92, Oregonlan. 7-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER LOT. 35x100; wanting distance; xiao; part time. ii. Hat field. Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. TO SELL OR EXCHANGE. LAND. ANY quantity, for Portland property. Inquire owner. 394 Shaver st. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. WILLAMETTE Heights: no finer view in Portland; easy terms. Phone East C75. .$1000 CORNER LOT. SE. COR. HOOD AND Graver sts.. 100 feet on Hood st. See own er. 211. Glbbs st. HOME CORNER LOT. 9 ROOMS. $075 CASH. Berry & Alexander. 4 N. eta. MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE, EASY terms, pnone iiist 675. FOR SALE FARMS. YAMHILL COUNTY'S BEST FARMS 47 acres, all In cultivation, rich level bot tom land. mile R. R. station, no buildings; $45 per acre. 148 acres, 100 acres cultivated, 10 acres in hops, house and bam, three springs; price $6000. 2S4 acres. 200 acres under cultivation, some open pasture. 8-room house, good bam, crop now sown; $30 per acre. 220 acres, 210 In cultivation, one mile from depot, a fine farm; $40 per acre. B. S. COOK & CO.. 251 Alder st POLK COUNTY CHOICE FARM 033 acre. U under cultivation, fine grass or grain land, good buildings, one mile from station"; $16 per acre; or will divide in small tracts. Call and get Information. B. S. COOK & CO., 251 Alder st- 320 ACRES. 12 MILES EAST OREGON CITY; iou unaer cultivation; two aweiungs; large bam. eheds and toolhouse; two orchards; fine dairy country. Room 7, I. O. O. F. Tem ple. THE BEST LITTLE FARM IN CLARK County, 40 acres. good Improvements: $2100, half cash, balance easy terms. Write or Inquire F. Bartlett, Rldgefleld. Wash, FINE FARM, 55 ACRES, NICELY IM proTed. 8 miles east; electric car, fins roads; 6 acres Winter apples Just bearing; fine soil, excellent water. 227 Front HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS FINE LEVEL farming lands, abundance ot good water; making up party to start in few days. No. 4 N. 6th. opposite Postofflcc 10 ACRES. WITH BUILDINGS; NEAR EL EC trie cars. Room 445, 83U 3d. Phone Clay 1S42. - TO EXCHANGE. FIRST MORTGAGE ON 1C0-ACRE FARM for $1200, due In three years, 8 per cent In terest, to exchange for house and lot In Portland; or will take desirable building lots In good location. D 95, Oregonlan. I TO EXCHANGE 40 ACRES. ST. CLAIR CO.. Illinois; Improved. 4-room house, for house in Portland or suburbs. S 91, Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO BUY A SUBURBAN HOME; must be cheap; no agents. Address H 89. Oregonlan. mntVE LANDS FOR SALE. FOR SALE HOMESTEAD RELINQUISH ment In desirable locality. Room 38, Wash ington bldg. LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Accrovtd. unrestricted, ready -for Immediate use. LOWEST PRICES. E. F. t F. K. Riley. 603 Chamber Commerce. FOREST RESERVE, SANTA FE AND OTH er guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate. Maglnnls Sc. Son. 227 Falling bldg. FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER ecrlpx; general land practice. Collins I .and Co.. Concord Bldg. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP NOW ready. H- B. Compson, 618 Marquaza, bldg. FCS BALK. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. WOLFSTETN buys and sells horses, wagons, harness, buggies, farm Implements. 227 Frost LARGEST STOCK- OF NEW AN 2D-HAND vehicles on Coast tor sale or hire. 211 Wash. FEW TOP WAGONS AND cheap. 49 N. 4th. near DavU. BUGGIES MUocl Iaaeoaa. SEWING MACHINES AT A BARGAIN Three golden oak drop-head Singer sewing machines to be sold for the small balances due on them. The above machines are as good as new and warranted for 5 years. Don't miss the above 1" you ar contem plating buying. The Singer Mfg. Co., 44 Washington st Phone Main 458. t . SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices Singer. V. S.. Domestic Wheeler & Wllsse and White; dropheads la oak and box taps. At Wheeler A Wilson and Dossestte eCSees. S. B. SigeL agent, 3tt Morrises st DOES TOUR ROOF LBAXT . Repair it with Elaterltc: K lay; needs no painting or eoa.Ua; geed tbt out iron, ua or sjiscim; aesc.wr Mir rstf i. Water ; v.. FOR SALE. MlsceliaBeesa. FOR SALS SEW AND SECOND-HAND Diiuara and pool tables; easy payments: we rent tables, with privilege ot buying. Mod em bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. GOATS ABOUT 60 HEAD FOR SALE. IN- quire or o. w. Sharp. Cove Orchard, near North YajnhlU. or of owner. A. S. Watt, 746 E. Burnside st. Portland. A BEAUTIFUL SUNBURST. CONTAINING T genuine diamonds, original cost $70. only $40. Uncle Myers. 143 3d st, near Alder. FOR SALE BABY CARRIAGE; GOOD . AS new; cost $3Z.50; at a great sacrifice. Call mornings, 67 N. 20th st DOG AT STUD. IMPORTED. (SNOW- flake) thoroughbred white Pomeranian. Phone Scott 84. FOR SALE GENTLEMAN'S FIRST-CLASS ticket to St Louis; reasonable. N 96. Ore gonlan. Moving picture film, nong slides, maglo lan terns. T. P. Andrews. 109 Mont. S. F.. Cat Bargains In typewriters, supplies, office goods, rubber stamps, safes. Coast Co.. 231 Stark. BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF Americans now $25. 7th and Morrison. DENSMORE TYPEWRITERS We sell, rent, repair all machines. J. E. Huxley, 82 4th. FOR SALE COCKER SPANIEL. 4 MO. old. Phone East 1544. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED TOR U. S. ARM1 ABLEBODIED. unmarried men. between ages oi 21 and 35. citizens of United States, ot good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information, apply to Recruiting Officer. 3d and Oak sts.. Portland. Or. THE ORIGINAL JOHN A. MOLER HAS opened cne of his famous barber colleges at 644 Clay st, San Francisco. Special Induce ments this month; positions guaranteed; tuition earned while learning. Write cor rect number, 644 Clay st, San Francisco. LOGGERS. MILL AND YARDMEN. LAB crcrs. city and country; men and teams, larmhands and milkers, restaurant and mess-hous help: work of all kinds. Ca nadian Employment Co., 249 Bumslda and 226H Morrison. Phone Main 3074. POSITIONS $1000 TO $3000 PER YEAR for managers, bookkeepers, salesmen, etc Offices In eight cities. Plan and booklet on application. Call and sea us. Suite 45, Con cord blk. Pacific Commercial Bureau. Inc LEARN BARBER TRADE AT HAIGHTS; he teaches you free in shops; only prac tical method; wages while learning: don't mix us with fake barber colleges. 847 Com mercial st. San Francisco. WANTED REPRESENTATIVES FOR SICK and accident protective proposition; some thing new: you are Invited to Investigate. Northwestern Mutual Benefit Association. 33 Russel bldg.. ltH 4tn st VAUDEVILLE ACTING. STAGE DANCING, sketches, etc, taught: terms reasonable: positions guaranteed. Newman's School of Acting; Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. WANTED TWO ENERGETIC YOUNG men to solicit proof orders: experience un necessary. Call at room 3, Schada bldg., cor. 1st and Main. Spencerlan Art Co. BOY WANTED GOOD BOY WITH Bi cycle can make good salary: one living with parents preferred. Apply Immediately 93 6th st THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRES the services of an Al sign writer: must be a rapid worker and turn out first-class work. WANTED YOUNG MAN WITH SOME Ex perience in the grocery business as delivery man; must give reference. S 96, Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER AND ASSISTANT bookkeeper In manufacturing business; state experience. B 95. Oregonlan. i : t PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE SPECIAL inducements this coming week to young men to learn trade. 287 Flanders. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS HARD CANDY maker; none other need apply. Empire Candy Co., Spokane, Wash. -WANTED RESPONSIBLE PARTY IN city to care lor buiuic uurao tur use ui same M uo. uregonian.. WANTED ACTIVE SOLICITORS FOR SOME thlng new. Room 36. Russel bldg., 165& 4th et, cor. Morrison. SHOEMAKER FOR REPALR WORK; GOOD place. Apply 72 5th st, the Breyman Leather Co. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BOOK and magazine illustrating. Address E. C, Oregonlan. WANTED QUARTZ MINERS, LONG JOB and good accommodations. H 88. Oregonlan. WANTED DRY PRESS BRICK SETTER. Apply Portland Brick & Tile Co., 102 1st WANTED MEN TO SELL HOMINY AND horseradish. Inquire at 178 Madison st Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber College. 741 Howard st. San Francisco. WANTED PHOTOGRAPHER; GOOD PRINT er and retoucher. 801 Dekum bldg. DR. WALKER, 181 1ST.. CURE3 ALL PBI vate diseases of men. BRIGHT BOY. 16 YEARS OLD. APPLY 171 Third street HELP WANTED FEMALE. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS CHAM bermalds. cooks, waitresses- nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, housework, $15 to $30. Canarftan Parlors. 226H Morrison, Phone Main 1323. WANTED-CHORUS GIRLS, ACTORS. Musi cians, for vaudeville circuit and Portland World's Fair. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, the Raleigh. 6th and Washington. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. ' WANTED GIRLS TO LEARN MILLINERY whole course taught in 1 month, $10. Ap ply at Hotel Brown, room 220. Tel. East 302. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work: must be able to cook, good wages. 141 N. J8th st Call bet 9 and 12 A. M. A WOMAN TO TAKE CARE OF AN IN valld lady; no experience In nursing re quired. Address D. H. Giger, BuelL Or. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work and plain cooking, family of 3. E 100, Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply between 10 and 12. 550 Everett st WANTED A FIRST-CLASS. COMPETENT girl for general housework; good pay. Ap ply 414 7th. NEAT. REFINED GIRL" FORHOUSEWORK; no cooking, assist with children. 095 Davis, cor. 21st, GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE- , work. Apply 215 24th st Phone Main 2077, WANTED ACTIVE WOMEN SOLICITORS. 36 Russel bldg, 165)4 4th st, cor. Morrison. WANTED TEACHERS FOR CHINESE Mis sion. Call at 343 Yamhill, or 310 Burnside 6t WANTED A GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK. Apply B. 12th and Hawthorne. YOUNG NURSE GIRL. SLEEP HOME. Mrs. D. A. Doyle. 265 6th sC. WANTED SECOND GIRL. CALL 321 N. 24. Small; family. HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. WANTED PYRO GRAPHIC ARTIST TWO afternoons weekly. Apply room 3, 66 6th. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG MAN WITH KNOWLEDGE OF bookkeeping- desires clerical position of. any kind city or country: have had 10 years experience in large shipping and commis sion house, San Francisco; first-class ref erences. V 80, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG MAR riee man as bookkeeper; have eight years' experienced best of reference. T 06, Ore goalas. WANTED POSITION BOOKKEEPER, tester .business 'experience, modern methods, Brsc-elaac references. C 89, Oregonlan. MtiMairinii "WANTED BT YOUNG MAX WITH A thorough knowledge or wire splicing"- a. po sltloa la some wire firm, willing to make hfsilf etMUr ueefW. Paoae Mala 4.187. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. QUARTZ MINING COMPANIES THOR- ougb, practical quartz miner ready to take charge of mine and mill, or would open up new quartz property; first-class references. Address for three weeks. Quartz Miner. O 96, Oregonlan. NATIONAL CONTINENTAL DIST. CO.. Z70H wasn. siog.. room 3U. .f none Main itts Distributors of all kinds of advertising mat tr and samples; guarantee advertiser against all loss; mall or telephone orders. WANTED POSITION AS WATCHMAN OR any light work, by man of 30, recruiting from long sickness; small wages, night or day work. D. A. Miller, General Delivery, city. JAPANESE ASSOCIATION CAN FURNISH domestic servants, farmer and all kinds of help. 268 Everett Black 992. BAKER ON BREAD OR CAKES WANTS steady position in or out of the city; day work. Address Y 100. Oregonlan. WORK WANTED FOR 5 COOKS (WHITE); also negro, Chinese; dishwashers, farmhands, laborers. Drake, 205H Washington. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A SITUATION, any kind housework. Address K 06. Ore gonlan. WANTED CONTRACT TO CUT 1000 TO 1500 cords wood. Address T 84, Orego nlan. YOUNG MAN. 19. SOME EXPERIENCE IN office work; references. J 90, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS SECRET SERVICE AT REA- Bonaoie rates, q . Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Dressmakers. MRS. VAUGHAN COMPETENT DRESS maker. sewing by day; price $2; call after 7 P. M. Phone Main 6025. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING BY THE day; fit guaranteed. Phone Scott 5445. FINE DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAISTS. 75c up. 164 West Park st . Housekeepers, AN AMERICAN LADY OF 32 DESIRES Po sition as managing housekeeper for widow er or Invalid. Address Mrs. D. Dale. Gen eral Delivery, Portland, Or. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER In private family, hotel or rooming-house. Address R 96, Oregonlan. Phone Main 2376. Domestics. YOUNG WIDOW LADY AGE 23 YEARS, with little girl aged 3, would Ilka place to work small family. Mrs. Emilia Brosi. 608 Pettygrove,, st SITUATION WANTED-BY GIRL TO DO second work; best references; please call or address Mrs. C. O. BJorck, 292 N. 19th. EXPERIENCED GERMAN GIRL DESIRES situation second work in first-class family. 230 YamhilL Phone Black 28S1. VERY CAPABLE SWEDISH GIRL DE sires situation family cook; wages $30. 230 & YamhilL Phone Black 2881. SITUATION WANTED BY 2 GIRLS, GEN eral housework and good cooks. Call 81 East 28th st, N. A FIRST-CLASS WOMAN COOK. WANT ed cooking In boarding-house. Apply 511 Savler. SITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED woman as first-class cook. 230 3d st WANTED PLACE AS COOK BY COLORED woman. L. A. F. 571 Raleigh st Nurses. GRADUATE NURSE WISHES FEW MORE maternity cases; terms moderate. Phone West 1591. Miscellaneous. SITUATIONS WANTED NEAT WOMAN, family cooking, chambermaids, housekeep ers, girl to assist plain boarding-house, waitresses, nurses. 230 YamhilL Phone Black 2881. r GIRL WANTS EITHER IRONING. CHAM berwork, sweeping, pantry, sewing or wait ress work by the day. Room 9, 83 1st st Call Sunday or after Monday; experienced. STEADY, INTELLIGENT YOUNG WOMAN. good plain cook and housekeeper., wants place In family of two; good remuneration: no washing. Address soon, F' 96, Oregonlan. WORK WANTED FOR FIVE CHAMBER. maids. 10 waitresses, cooks, housework girls, housekeepers, anybody. Drake, 205 Wash ington. RESPECTABLE WIDOW WOMAN WOULD take few more customers for day work; sewing. Phone West 1591. WANTED AGENTS. A. J. CRANWELL & CO., 218-224 ABLNG ton bldg., wholesale dealers and Jobbers, carry the largest stock of Jewelry, notions, and novelties west of Chicago; retail trade supplied; house-to-house canvassers, ped dlers and agents can make big money handling our special lines. Call and Inspect our new stock for Christ man trade. AGENT3 AND STREET MEN I AM wholesaling for cash all kinds of novelties and Jewelry. Office open all Sunday and 6:30 evenings, except Saturdays. Room 24, 204 4th at Sam Ruby. WANTED SOLICITORS, BOTH MEN AND women, for the best proposition ever ot tered to the public Apply Gold Reserve Llfei Insurance Co.. room 12. Grand ave., Alder st, over Citizens' Bank. WANTED AGENTS MEN AND WOMEN, local and traveling, for Little Chronicle. Fine; new proposition. Call on or address Wm. Irle. 1701 E. 11th. Portland. Or. WANTED A COUPLE ACTIVE, ENER getlc men or women to solicit orders; salary or commission. Address Lock Box 305, Portland, ur. 4 WANTED TRAVELING SALESMEN, DRUGS and groceries, to take side line; no samples; good seller. Call this week, 310 Fenton bldg., Portland, Or. 4 "WANTED FOUR ENERGETIC SOLICI- tors. men or women; salary or commis sion. Room 23. Lohbe bldg., Portland. WANTED TWO UP-TO-DATE PHOTO coupon sellers; ladles or gents. Rembrandt Studio. Ablngton bldg. WANTED PICTURE AGENTS; NEW OF fer; big money. 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS WHO WANT houses. If you have a house to rent see ua or send description. We make no charge for renting. H. E. Edwards. 187 1st st FOUR- OR MORE FURNISHED OR UNFUR nlshed housekeeping rooms or cottage In re spectable location; no children; references. P 90, Oregonlan. FARM WANTED RENT ABOUT 20 ACRES Improved. Mt Scott line, year, cash. J. H. MIddleton, Chamber Commerce. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-r-LADIES, FOR 10c WE WELL send you package ever-ready mending tis sue; also new catalogue with premium of fer. Write at once. Louis Nuenthal. Cle- x alum. Wash. E. A- CLEM & CO.. 251 ALDER ST.. PORT land'. Or. Mining securities Bbught and sold; stocks in" producing properties a specialty; reliable corporations represented. WANTED TO BUY FROM OWNER. FURNI ture of 10 or 12-room house, centrally lo cated; must be good stuff and cheap for spot cash. Q 92. Oregonlan. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF 'CLOTHING and shoes; hlshest price paid. Call at th "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WANTED $6000 FOR 3 OR 5 YEARS. FAIR Interest first-class inside Astoria real estate security. Address P 96, Dregonlan. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 50c at HOOLA baugh's. 267 Taylor, bet 3d and 4th, NICE PRIVATE HOME FOR CHILDREN, terms reasonable. Phone Main. 1809. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tia of all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR KENT. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM; PRIVATE flat; suitable for one or two gentlemen: ref erences. 244 7th st. . 363 PARK ST. FURNISHED FRONT AL cove room, reasonable. Mala 5390. 7S6 IRVING NICELY FURNISHSD TRONT rosea, suitable for two -sentient. 'FURNISHED ROOM. GENTLSXAK PRJ5 fmd. 415 M11L cor. lltk.