I 1HE ORE GO NI AN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19, IlKM. 12s THEY GET OFF EASY Verdict of Simple Assault in Hold-Up Case, NO ATTEMPT TO ROB SHOWN Two Young Men Arrested by Officer Taylor at Twelfth and Morrison Streets In September May Get Off With Light Sentence. "We met for the first time in Blazler's saloon, and as I rubbed against him I felt that he had a revolver In hla pocket. I said: 'You are a hold-up man. I ,dare you to go out and hold up somebody. He said: 'I dare you to go.' I took him. up, and go we started out. On Sixth street he picked up a piece of cloth and cut holes In it and make a mask." Thus testified John Morgan, who was jointly charged with William Bowen with Attempted robbery. In Judge Cleland's court yesterday. The two young men endeavored to hold up T. W. Taylor, a policeman, on the night of September 25, at Twelfth and Morrison streets. Instead they were made to throw up their hands by the officer, who covered them with his revolver, and after he had called tor assistance he sum moned a patrol wagon and conveyed the would-be highwaymen to the police sta tion. Bowen had a revolver and wore a mask, and Morgan had used a handker chief to conceal Mb features. After Morgan had admitted that he and Bowen had started out together from Blaster's saloon, his attorney, continu ing the examination, said: "Did you meet anybody?" "Yes hundreds of people.' "Why didn't you hold any of them up?" "I didn't have the nerve, but I didn't like to tell Bowen so. I guess he didn't have the nerve, either, and he didn't care to admit it to me." Testifying further, Morgan said: "When the officer came we got behind a fence. We wanted to take off our masks and run away. Bowen couldn't get the mask off. I took off the handkerchief. Bowen took the pistol and put it on the fence Then Ofilcer Taylor arrived and said 'Hold your hands up.' " Morgan said he had arrived here only a few days before from the East. He is boyish-looking, and does not appear to be over 21 years of age. Bowen has lived here several years and encaged in catching crawfish for a llv- lng. He lived with his wife and child. only a few months old, on Montana ave nue. Mrs. Bowen, with the baby in her arms, was present in the courtroom. Bowen told a story similar to that re lated by Morgan. He said they had both been drinking considerably. They were afraid to hold anybody up, and It was merely a case of one challenging the other. They had abandoned any such idea, and were about to start for home when they were arrested. Bowen admitted that at the police sta tlon he said "What is a man going to do if he has a wife and child and has no work and no money?" He said he owns and has paid for a lot In the Peninsular Addition. Officer Taylor testified concerning the arrest. He stated that he watched tho two young men for some time, because they were acting in a very suspicious manner. When he came upon them hiding behind the fence Bowen had the gun pointed at him. Captain Moore and Captain Bailey, of the Police Iepartment, and other wit nesses testified that Morgan and Bowen immediately after their arrest made the remark "We are up against It. Otto Pawloekl testified that Bowen in vited him to go out with him and make some easy money, and he declined to do so. A witness testified to having seen Bowen with a mask. John Ditchburn and John F. Watts ar gued to the jury that the evidence did not show the accused attempted to rob the policeman, and if they had ever Intended to rob anybody they had abandoned the intention at the time of thelc. arrest. The jury returned a verdict finding the young men guilty of simple aseault. AT THE THEATERS What the Press Agents Say. SHAKESPEAREAN MATINEE. Florence Gale in "As You Like It" at the Marquam Grand Theater. A special matinee will be given this afternoon at the Marquam Grand The-ntPi- whpn Florence Gale. suDDorted by an excellent company of players, will present Shakespeare s aeiignxiui com nrtxr. "As You Like It." This will cive thA lnrilns and children an oDDortunlty of seeing this charming actress In a comedy that is notn comical ana in structive; as the Shakespearean offer inm t few and far between, theater- rrnArc -who like the best in dramatic art will take advantage of. The last performance will be given tonignt. Pleases the Crowds. The final performances of "The Gay Parisians" will be given this afternoon and tonight by the Columbia Theater Stock Company. The capacity of the house at each performance is assured by the advance sale. The French farce has proven so triumphantly successful that the management Is looking for a similar one to produce several weeks nence. The laughter begins with the rise of the curtain in "The Gay Parisians" and becomes a hilarious demonstration when Pinglet, early in the act, begins to make love to his partner s wire. "Marcelle," he cries, "I am in the clouds I am swimming In ethereal atmosphere. At which, his wife's shrewish voice being heard In an adjoining room, he mutters, "I'm down again!" Few farces are funnier than this adap tatlon from the French. Matinee this af ternoon at 2:15. Just Two Mora Left. Two performances, this afternoon and tonight, will see the end of tho marvelously "successful run of Flnnl can's Ball" at Cordray's and also the termination of the famous old theater sis a combination house. Even its nami will be changed and after tonight th Cordray-Russell management of the popular place of amusement will be but a memory. Aside from the fact that "Finnlgan's Ball" is better this year tHan ever before in its history and that the cleverest people in the ranks of musical comedians are in the big or ?ranlzation, hundreds of people will do sire to attend either this afternoon' matinee or the night performance as a sort of good-by to a theatrical land mark. Come out tonight for "Finnigan; itau ana tne passing of Cordray s. HAVERLY'S MINSTRELS. Next Thursday Afternoon and Night Thanksgiving Day. W. E. Nankevillo will present Haver ly's Minstrels, and that this ortranlza tlon will be greeted by a packed house at tho Marquam Grand Theater is foregone conclusion. This season company, numbering nearly half hundred. Is on the usual high grade of excellence which marked previous visits of the great Havcrly show. Billy HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN Resets. L.OQ to $3.06 Per Day, According to Location. 3. 7. DA VIES. Pres. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Esropean Plan Rooms 50c to $1.50 First-Class Rcstaarant In Connection Van, the unique comedian, known as "the assassin of sorrow, is stiu me bright, particular star, and he is. close ly followed by that prince 01 enter tainers, Jimmy Wall. Another notable engagement and exclusive feature of the vaudeville department Is Clayton. Jenkins and Jasper, fresh from their seven-year triumphant tour of the world, presenting their comic novelty. "The Darktown Circus." "Led Astray." TomorroTV afternoon the Columhla Stock Company -will give Its first performance of "Led Astray," a famous comedy drama from the pen of Dion Boucicault. who "wrote "The Jilt" and many plays which have lived since the middle of the last century. "Led Astray" was produced In the early Os and In the original cast were such well-known players as Charles Thorne, Rose Eytlnge, Kate Claxton and McKee Rankin. It was a pronounced success from the first, and Its revival In late years is always regarded with tremendous In terest. With plenty of good, clean com edy and several thrilling episodes, It will prove exactly suited to the taste of the Columbia's patrons and a vehicle In which the organization can display its fine tal ent admirably. Miss Countlss, Mr. Baume and Mr. Bowles are cast for exception ally strong roles. The scenic production will be up to the Columbia s standard. Columbia Benefit Tuesday. The time, Tuesday afternoon at 2:15 o'clock; the place, the Columbia Theater, Fourteenth and Washington streets: tho event, the benefit matinee to be tendered to Miss Edith Angus, lately a member of the Columbia Stock Company, and who is now recovering from the effects of an operation at Good Samaritan Hospital. At no other one tlmo in Portland this season will such a diversified programme be given, comprising two of Portland's best singers, Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer and Mrs. Walter Reed; the Columbia Stock Company In the balcony scene from "Romeo and Juliet;" reading of a poem by Rose Eytlnge; a song from Louise Brandt, that bright ingenue, and also Dot Bernard; selections by Webbers Mandolin Orchestra and the Columbia Theater Orchestra; star acts from the Star, Arcade. Lyric, Grand and Baker vaudeville theaters, and other numbers. The women of Portland are managing the matinee, and the occasion will be a society event. Critic Calls "Candida" Charming. Alan Dale, New York's severest critic and the bane of Broadway failures. can always write nice things In a nice way about nice plays. Of "Candida," the comedy due at the Marquam Grand Theater next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, November 21, 22, 23, he wrote: It was one of the most delectable offers of the season and it was not one of those abnormal, far fetched things that one cannot appre ciate without long hair. 'Candida seems like an oasis in the desert. . . We leave the theater murmuring 'charming.' " The cast calls for clever players and the company that will be seen In It here promises to meet tho most sanguine expectations. Sale of seats opened yesterday morning. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS The Star's Great Acts. Two of the greatest acts in vaudeville are presented this week at the Star Thea ter, and today and tomorrow are tne last opportunities of seeing them. The most marvelous acrobats ever seen In Portland, the three Avolas. head the bill, with the Yale Duo occupying a place of equal honor on the programme. Tne Avoias are a father and his two sons, and their acro batic feats have never been excelled. Tho Yale Duo are club Jugglers of the first rank, too, for they do their work with the most admirable neatness and dex terity. The Musical Harts also make a hit with their novelty musical act, which is entitled a "Bit of Blarney." The other acts are worthy of a place on this high- class programme. She Won Bijou Watch. One day this week a little girl at tended a Bijou matinee and was offered one of tho customary gold-watch cou pons. "I'm never lucky," she said, but she took the coupon. At the drawing last evening she won the 15-jeweled watch. She Is Emily Bowman, 26s Co lumbla street. The Baker's the Place. Portland's real bargain show shop Is the Baker, for the price charged is the same as at other vaudeville theaters, yet the acts offered are In a class far above those presented elsewhere. The house Is a new one but It has already proven Itself to be the best of all and Its patrons arc numbered by the thou sand. It will never do to let the week go by without having seen the hig bill which is now on. You haven t much time so you'd better go this afternoon or tonight. O'Brien, Mann and Frank are setting the town wild with their tabloid musical comedy "Our Uncle,' and the cat and dog circus Is the mar vel of the season. The Fern Comedy Four. Headed by the famous Fern Comedy Four, the Arcade's hill has leaped into popular favor. Today and tomorrow are the last chances to see it. This is the most expensive act ever presented in Portland. The theater-going public wants to laugh. No one can help laughing at tho Fern Comedy Four. The fun puts even the most morose In good humor, and five en cores dally are the reward of these expert merrymakers. The acrobatic dancing of the Adams Brothers and the singing and l dancing of Divine Dodson. the female, inv personator, are adding variety to the Ar cade's entertaining programme. The Grand Opens Tomorrow. ' Tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock will occur the grand opening of Portland's largest and finest vaudeville theater. PORTLAND, OREGON PLAN First-Class Check Reetasrwt. ' Connect 1 With Hotel. C O. DAVIS, Sec and Tress. :THE: ESMOND HOTEL OSCAR M0EBS0.1, Uuajer Front and Morrison Streets PORTLAND - OREQON 3TREE 'BUS TO AND FROM ALL. TRAINS. Rates European plan, 50c. 75c. $1.00. $L50. (2.00 per day. Sample rooms In connection. "The Grand" (formerly Cordray's). and a large lorce of workmen Is busy at work on the alterations and Improve ments now being; made on the famous house which has been catering to the local public for many years as a popular-price combination theater. From now on It will be devoted strictly to top-notch polite vaudeville, although the prices will be no higher than other vaudeville houses in the city. The pre raler bill which was engaged In Xow York by Manager Lincoln two weeks ago, is without doubt the finest array of talent ever seen on any stage west of Chicago. The particular topllne spe cial will be Musllner's trained sheep, beyond question the most marvelous exhibition of trained animals on this earth. Remember the opening: tomor row afternoon. The Lyric'3 Best Bill. The proper way to round out tho week Is to attend the Lyric this after noon or tonight. You will enjoy your self more in that way than In any other. It will rest you and make you craterui that you live In a community where for the trifling- sum asked by the Lyric you can buy so much solid enjoyment. The bill this week is one of the best of the season and the public has not been slow In recognizing its merit, iou .have lost something out o your life If you have not attended the Lyric show this week. It Is not too late yet. Go tonight and make yourself glad DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Nor. IS. Maximum tempera ture, 52 deg.; minimum, 43. RJver reading; at li A. ii.. 1.7 feet; change in past 24 hours, ris 0.2 foot. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 6 P. M.. 0.21 inch; total since September 1 100. S.6S inches; normal. 9.0T: deficiency. 3.39, Total sunshine November 17, 1IXM, none; pos sible, 0 hours and 21 minutes. Barometer (re duced to ea level), at 5 P. M., 30.20. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck ........ .1420.011 'N . 4410.01 14 W . 48J0.0C NW . 5010.041 6 N . 520.001 NTV . 4210.00 0 . 4Si T 30 SE . 50 T 16;SW . 520.00 s . 64 0.00 :NB . 52 002l ,N . 62 0.00 12. NW . 54 0.00 ;nv .60 O.O0jl0 NW . 46 0.00 8jSW .148 0.04 ,SB .46 0.02 201 SE .l5o;o.oo! sw Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Boise Eureka wear Cloudy Clear Helena Komloocs. B. C... North Head Pocatello Portland Cloudr Cloudy Pt. cloudy Red Bluff uiear Roseburg Clear fcacramento Salt Lake City.... San Francisco ... Spokane .-. Seattle Tatoosh Island ... "Walla Walla Clear- Cloudr Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudv Clear Light. T trace. "WEATHER CONDITIONS. Light rains hare fallen durimr th Irmt it hours in extreme Northern California. Orvemn Washington and Idaho. It is much cooler in Eastern Oregon, Eastern "Washington and Idaho. Thft ftu!lr9f(nn an. fm nln Ond.., In Western Oregon and Western Washington, and. xair weatner in tne eastern portion of these states and Idaho. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecast made at Portland at 8 P. M. for' 28 hours ending at midnlcht. November 19: i-oruana ana vicinity nam; southerly winds Western Oregon and Western Washincton- Raln; southeasterly winds. Increasing to brisk ana prooaoiy nign along tne immediate coast. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and ma no r air. MEETING NOTICES. ANNUAL MEETING Multnomah Camn No. 2, Indian War Veterns. N. P. C., will meet at 1 P. II. at City Hall on Saturday. j.ov. iu. jfuu attendance is requested. I M. PARRISH, Captain. A B. STUART, Ord. Sergeant. ALBINA LODGE. NO. 101. A F. & A il" Stated communication this (Saturday) evening, at S o clock. II. M. degree. All M. M. cordially in vitea. uy oruer w. a. A J. HANDLAN, Secretary. pnnxi.Avn innE. xn ks. a v & A. M. Special communication this fCnturriiivt pvenlncr. 7:20 IVnrV In XT M degree. AH M. M. are cordially l. w. PRATT, Secretary, THE NECKTIE PARTY to be gi-en by the Swiss Ladies Society takes; place this evenlnsr. November 10. at Drew's Hall. 16: Second st. Instead of last Saturday, as staled by error in tne uerroan paper. DIED. JOHNSON In this city. Nov. 18. 1004, at 703 Vancouver avc, Anna jonnson. wire or Jonn A. Johnson, age 39 Tears. Remains were sent to La Center, Wash., for interment by Zeller-Bymea uo. MAHER Nov. 18. 1004. Mrs. William Maher. beloved wire of William J. Maher. and mother or Alary, winiirco, Anna, Margaret and Eaizaoetn aianer. Mortn istn st. Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. CLARK At Walla Walla. Wash.. Nov. 16. 1904, Jobn-R. Clark, aged 4 years. Funeral will take place Sunday, Nov. 20. at 1 P. M., from F. S. Dunnlnir's chapel. 414 E. Alder et. Friends- invited. Sacramento Record Union please copy. ROSS la this city. Nor. IB. 1S04. at 3S3 6th at.. Mrs. Mary E. Rosa, aged 50 years, 10 months. Beloved mother of Harry. Mae and Ntttle Ross. Funeral will take place today (Saturday). -N ov. iv, at i: -n.. irom Dun ning, McEatee & GUbaugh's Chapel. 7th and rae eta. interment ione inr cemetery. .Fzienas inviwa. DUNNING. StcENTEE tt GILBAUGH; successors to DbbbIbs Campion. wder takers a& eaabaliQers, modern la erecy de tail, 7tk aa liae. iHcao XjUb 430. Lady wdstawf, EDWARD HOLMAN CO.., Undertakers sad eaMuaien, Bare biotm to xaeir new bum lC, Third sad Sabaon. Lady rsi'ntnnr. Telephone Na. 4)7. 3. P. FTNUer SON, Feaeral Directors. cor. 3d a&d Madigost. OfSce of County Car- eer. Tarty iMttwiit. Xelrvfaaae a. T. 8. DUNNING, TMertaker. 414 Xmmt AUer. Ledr nmtHnnt. Teliyhgae Xast SC. AXUSKHXNTS. GRAND Theater Formerly Cordray's Tom Mm fctd It is 1m4 jk Bdi Ti m Mm U b fet Ut pa ml pibntziifc fatt SULLIVAN 3t CONSIDINE. Preps. POLITE VAUDEVILLE GRAND OPENING Sunday Matinee, Nov. 20, 2 P. M. CosUbhsbs PerforBiaaccs. An Unsurpassed Bill. 9 TOP LINE ACTS 9 Musllner's Trained Sheep The Acme of Animal Training Beached. ADSoiutely first xime on iacluc uoaat. THE FOUR O LI FANS Fresh From World's Fair Triumphs. FRYE & ALLEN Refined Comedy Sketch. THE ELLIOTTS Who Captured Critical New York. SAM AND IDA KELLY Rural Comedy Skit. "SI and Mandy." ARTHUR O. l-OLKERT Double Note Whistling and Imitations. WILLIAM GROSS German Comedian. FRANK MELTON Pictured Melodies. THE GRANDISCOPE Screamingly Funny Picture Story, A Uulltless Tramp." YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE Admission, 10c to Any Seat BOX SEATS. 23c 1 MAKQUASI GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLE. Resident Manager. Phone Main SCS. Special-price matinee today at 2:15 o'clock, FLORENCE GALE In Shakespeare's delightful comedy, "AS YOU LIKE IT." Matinee prices Entire lower floor. 75c. En ure Daicony, sue. Entire gallery, zac. LiAhT V KKJ-T1 KM AX (Jr. XOlUttl. Prices Parauet. $1.50: parquet circle. SL Bal cony, 75c. 50c Gallery. 35c. zac. SEATS ARE NOW SELLING. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLE. Resident Manager. Phone Main 63. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday nights, Nov. 21. 22. 23. 1904. George Bernard Shaw's brilliant comedy, "CANDIDA" With Lester Lonergan and a specially selected cast. Tice farauet. SLOO. Parauet circle. i. Balcony, first six rows, 75c; last six rows, COc uauery, 35c. 25c Boxes and loges, J1U. SEATS ARE NOW SELLING. CORDRAY'S THEATER CORDRAY Si RUSSELL. Managers. Portland's most popular playhouse. Tonight and every evening this week, matinee Saturday. OLLIE MACK and JOE W. SPEARS present the big fun crowd. GALLAGHER AND BARRETT, in the evergreen success, "FINNIGAN'S BALL." Borne eintrlnir. Eome danclnc Some nonsense. 25 people 25, mostly girls. Nice folks like It. Prices. 10c 20c 30c: special reserved seats. wc Matinee, 25c any part or souse; cnu dren (special seats), 10c THE STAR THEATER Cor. Park and Washington. The Best and Most Fashloa able Vaudeville Theater 3 AIvoIas3 The Yale Duo RICHARD BURTON. CARTER AND MEN DELTA ADELINE BIRCHLER. THE MUSICAL HARTS. THE PROJECTOSCOPE. Showa 2:30 to 4:30 P. M.. 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. General admission. 10c; reserved box seats, 25c BIJOU THEATER SIXTH ST.. OPP. OREGONIAN. Programme for This Week. LANE AND DECKER. ED SIMPSON. THE TWO MORTONS. PEARL GREYSON. THE LAMONT BROS. THE GREAT ELLWOOD. NEW PICTURES ON THE VITASCOPE. Afternoon from 2 to 4:30; evenings from 7 to 10:30; continuous Sundays 2 to 10:30. Any seat Jn the house 10 cents. BAKER THEATER KEATING & FLOOD, Managers. Third and Yamhill. LARGEST CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE HOUSE IN THE WORLD. EVERY SEAT 10c One performance afternoon; two every evening. THE ARCADE THEATER The Original Family Vaudeville House. This Week. Fern Comedy Four ADAMS BROTHERS. DIVINE DODSON. NICHOLS AND DIMES. KATE COYLE. AMERICAN BIOSCOPE. Shows 2:30 to 4:30 P. M., 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. Admission, 10c to any seat. LYRIC THEATER (.Corner Alder and Seventh.) HIOH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30; 7:30 to 1030; Sunday, 2 tc 10 P. M. This ad. and 10c will admit wo peopl any matinee, except Sundaya and holiday. TEN CENTS NO HIGHER. UKCALLED-P0E, ANSWEKS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS. AND MAY BE HAD BY PRE SENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE GONIAN OFFICE: A 17, 74, 75, 82, 86, 99. B 72, 71, 75. 78, 81, ftl, 87, 88. C 76, 82. D 67, 68, 75, 86, 88. E 71, 89, 88. F 73. 74, 78, 83, 84, 85. G 52. 66, 71, 75, 78. 83. 1137, 72, 78, 81, 83, 87. J 33. 72. 77. 81. 82, 85. K 74, 81, 82, 83. L 72. 83. M 72. 73, 76, 79. 81. 83, 84. N 17, 67, 83, 85, 86. O 18, 72, 73, 80. 84, 85. P 63, 71. 73. . ,Q 71. 73, 78, 82, 83, 81. . S It 63, 77, 82. S 14, 69. T 76, 82. V 68. 79, 82, 85, 86, 87. . W 100. X 71, 75, 76. Y 71. 73. 82, 84, 85. NEW TODAY FOR SALE: Worthington Compound Duplex Pump, second hand, A 1 condition. Size 10x,18?xi4xl0. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute. Checi valve, .lub ricator, etc., complete. laqvlre A. W. Cecbraa, Qregealaa BhIWIbs. INVESTMENT BONDS Warraata a4 ateeks oagat"a-?c iiK: J. Crtttkesa Jk Ce rfrawbw Cummnn. NEW TO AY. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. West Portland, 100 feet from the Taylor Ferry Road. (P. 1251) eionn Two lots in Wilson's Addition, 910UU near 23d and Thurman. (C 107. CKRDn Lot 75x100 feet and house 10 90UUU rooms. West Main aL. bet. St. Clair and Ford sts. (P. 129.) c-i i7KA "Portland Heights, 65x100 feet and 1,uu modern house 7 rooms, bath, two fireplaces, fine view, near car line. (P. .) eiCRn Sunnyslde (adjoining) lot 50x100 feet, house 5 rooms, terms half cash, balance on time. (S. 205.) COOflft Sunnyslde, Belmont st., lot and PAmUU hoiiso a rooms, bath, basement. etc. (S. 206.) S1 7Hn Sunnyslde. 3 lots. S. W. cor. Bel- VKWU mnnf nnri V. Slut -t Tfmi half cash, balance on time. (S. 209.) $7nf St. Johns Park, 5-room cottage u'' and lot 50x100 feet, stable, city water. (A. 2i.) ?1 7Kft 1x11 50x105 feet and house 5 rooms HX I UV nnd hnth I vv- f near Rodnev ave. (A 29S.) einn West Irvington. two fine lota. 100X luuu too. -w ir y. loth ni Til lamook sta. (H. 179.) S7S0 West Irvington. lot 50x100 feet. MW cement vallu. newer, ffu and elec tric (H. 160.) SI 0(10 ?0rth Irvington lots 90x100 feet w and cottars S rooms new). small barn, terms half cash, balance on time. (A 293.) $Knn For 10 fine lots, few minutes' walk uuu from PenlnsruhL Rtntlnn. srhnnl nd stores. Fine place for suburban home. Title perfect. (A 291.) ; fiflO Lot 50x100 feet, cor. E. 28th and h uu Hoyt Two feet above grade. Sewer. (E. P.. 232.) ClOSfl Fine lot, 50x100 feet, beat part of T Portland on E. 18th near E. Morrison. (E. P. 206.) 4.9 R Lot 50x100 feet, corner Beech st. and Grand ave. (A 300.) 370(1 McMIUen's AddlUon, few minutes' ' vu walk from Steel bridge, lot and new house 7 rooms, all modern conveniences. (H. 170.) 2fnO Multnomah Addition, near Thomp- uuu son .School, 100x100 feet, and house, C rooms, streets sewered and Improved. (A 297.) 12 n Johnson Creek, in cultivation, cottage 5 rooms, barn. (E. P., 237.) 1Q i P'RT'H On car line, close in. uu platted and in shape to tie put on the mar ket at a handsome profit. Price $400 an acre. TITLES INSURED. ABSTRACTS FURNISHED. Title Guarantees Trust Co. 6 and" 7 Chamber of Commerce. A SNAP! TO CLOSE AV ESTATK- Larra D-rtiom Vinttu ivlrh full hg..tvi.iit furnace, etc. original cost $3000, with two very fine sightly lota in the Patton tract on Michigan ave. To be had for $2250, if taken uuctj jiuerai terms. CHAS. F. PATTON. Phone Scott 1032. Mortgage Loans--CIty Property At Lowest Current Rates. Apply FRANK E. HART. 105 Sherlock bldg. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board." "Hoase keeplns Rooms." "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except a'.n rT... . in - . -.- i , awmj, v (gCAui lot ao wonu or icra, 16 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 0 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half ; no farther discount un der one month. IMPORTANT The low second-time rate on advertising that runs either In tho classified columns, or under head "New Today," will be given only when advert Ldne Is Inserted on consecutive dara. Dallr and SuhHrt Immec Advertlslng that Is scheduled to appear at intervals or one or more days apart will be charged for at full one-ttmo rate ach In sertion. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 15 ccnta per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANS1VERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Orczonlan. and left at this office, should always be Inclosed in sealed en velopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors is aaverxlsemeats taken tnrouzh the Iriepnone. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SEE AND BE CONVINCED $600 WILL BUY A 160-ACRE FARM which Is one of the biggest snaps ever ouerea to tne puouc; situated one mile railway station In Benton County; splendid dairy farm or fruit land; has small house and barn and a good apple orchard. $2200 will buy a charminrc home on Peninsular ave., containing a cozy 5-room cottage, u loja, good ham, poultry house, poultry yard, very excellent garden, choi cest variety of fruits, berries, roses and anruooery. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY, 149H First Street. FOR SALE $230 IN WOODSTOCK. PORT- land's most attractive suburb; lots 100x10, every lot a corner. Wo will loan you money to build; you can pay us In installments. Portland Trust Company, 109 Third st. FOR SALE TWO MODERN 5-ROOM COT- tages; gas. electric lignt, electric acoroeiia prettiest place In Upper Alblna: nice yard lota of rosea; brick basement; will sell one or both; 15 minutes' walk to Portland. 328 San Rafael st., cor. Rodney ave. NEW STRICTLY MODERN 9-ROOM NOB Hill house, corner lot. built out of pine and Port Orchard cedar; price $6500. easy terms;-this place will lease for $52.50 per mo.; principals only. Address P. O. Box -477. Portland, or. FOR SALE AT MONTAVILLA. 5-ROOM house and -block, $100 down, balance $10 per month; also several nice building lots ongtiasy terms, either at Montavilla or on MdUnt scott line. none union 4421. STEWART PARK 20 MINUTES BY MT. Scott car; lota 50x100, $100, $5 a month best value on the market in suburban lots see them today and you will buy; only a few to oner, oraco on grounds. FOR SALE $2750 PORTLAND HEIGHTS, Elm st.. corner -1st, a magnificent build lng site, 100x100. one block from car line. Portland J. rust ijompany, inira st. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE. COMPLETE. WITH large fruit trees, lot 40x120, all for $850 cash; see owner, joe rtasn. nasnvuie sta' tlon. on the Mt. scott car line. car line; most desirable location; acre of grouaa nau impiuieiucuw iui wsw uuuae; Minn ' 87. Oreronlan. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on o. w. tr. ejectnc une. o. R. Addition. Lenta, Or. Take Mt. Scott car. 6c 23d St.: nothing like' It for the mosey; l.k. In TV TT OrHTjrtnf aff nipt e..V cor KALE-COMMODIOUS RBSnOENCET. West Side, close in; corner, lot. Address Owner. K 75, uregonian. TO SELL OR EXCHANGE, LAND, ANY ... li u- irc TPirr wriTTCv vicv n. chard, near Highland, for rent or sale. 1I0S union acuiio. LOTS ON UNION AVE., ALBINA HOME- fine for berries or chickens. 2G1 Mael-eay mug. $723 NEW HOUSE 3 FULL LOTS. BARK. woodshed; water in nosse. i-ws , nt&. a. FOR SALE 8-ROOM EOUSi. MOD9KX. full lot: nargaia. uraaa ave. . HOME CORNER. LOT. t) ROOMS. $SS CASK. .Kerry aicmjmk, x. vol. FOR SALS REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. 17000 Mancock St.. cor. E. 15th at., beautiful 14-room house, excellent coadltlos. all modem Improvements, good barn, lot 100x100. fruit tret, cemsnt walk, etc This property cost $10,000. A bargain at price offered. rVKTLASD TRUST COMPANY. 109 THIRD ST. ACRE TRACTS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY or handling acreage: we have tracts in side of city limits or outside; some are directly on car line; all are accessible, one acre or more; prices very low; terms to suit. A. C. Churchill & Co.. 110 Second street. FOR SALE FARMS- i $580 BUYS 40 ACRES GOOD LAND, MULT- noman county, west biae. WATER POWER. 22 acres and mill with fine water power developed. 1500 horsepower can be easily added; near Portland, at a very low fig ure. 320 acres choice timber. 13.000.000 feet, near railroad, at half its value if sold im mediately. Some good property, near carshops, AI blna, cheap. BATCHELOR BERNARD. 604 McKay bldg. Third and Stark sts. STOCK FARM FOR RENT OR SALE AND implements and growing crop for sale; farm consists of 900 acres, 150 acres in cultivation, 400 acres In stump pasture, balance timber; unlimited outrange; good improvements; in Benton Co. Address A 87, care Oregonlan. THE BEST LITTLE FARM IN CLARK County, 40 acres, good Improvements; $2100. half cash, balance easy terms. Write or inquire F. Bartlett, Rldgefleld. Wash. FINE FARM, 55 ACRES, NICELY IM- proveo. B miles east; electric car. nne roads; 6 acres Winter apples Just bearing; fine solL excellent water. 227 Front. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS FINE LEVEL farming lands, abundance or goca water; making up party to start in few days. No. 4 N. eth, opposite PostoCflce. HTJITPl -CTC! vnVTHT.V P1VVMTR low prices. Deschutes irrigated -lana syn dicate. 418 oregonlan mag. LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready tor lmmedlat use. Lutvuii rtixtja. B. F. & F. B. Hlley. 60S Chamber Commerc. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH- er guaranteed land scrip on nana ready to locate. Maginnis & ton. 227 Falling bldg. FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER scrips; general land practice. Collins Land jo., uoncora mag. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP NOW ready. H. B. Compson. 61S Marquam bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM. ALL UNDER CULTIVATION, AND nop lana, near cnampoeg. 801 Hood st. Jfnone front 2Q33. . TO EXCHANGE. 7-ROOM HOUSE. LOTS 100x100: GAS AND sewers; Ideal home, elegant roses and shrubbery, on two car lines. 20 minutes walk to city's center; give description of acreage: must be choice and close in. V 85. Oregonlan. 160 ACRES OF THE FINEST YELLOW pine land in Southeastern Oregon for Port land residence property. 92 2d st. $2000 GET IN OUT OF THE RAIN! FARM in sunny California, city or country; owner room 202. commercial bldg. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicle and Harness. FOR SALE SPAN SHETLAND PONIES. gentle, well broken; single and double har ness. Phone Union 745. BROWN MARE. 8 YEARS OLD, WEIGHT 1100; also new top buggy and harness. 5S5 5th. WOLFSTKIN buys and setts horses, wagons. harness, buggies. larm implements. ZZ7 front. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AN 2D-HAND vehicles on Coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. FOR SALE GOOD HORSE AT A BARGAIN. Call 290 3d at. Piano. SELF-PLAYING PIANOS JUST ARRIVED, the latest and grandest Invention In pianos, the Ceclllan selt-playlng piano; prices reason able; terms easy, il V. Wills Music-House. 350 Alder st. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES AT A BARGAIN Three golden oak drop-head Singer sewing machines to be sold for the small balances due on them. The above machines are as good as now and warranted for 5 years. Don't miss the above If you ar contem plating buying. The Singer Mfg. Co.. 402 Washington sU Phone Main 4588. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices Singer, V. S., Domestic Wheeler & Wilson and White; dropheads In oak and box tops. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic offices. 8. S. Slgel. agent, 335- Morrison st. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with Elaterlte; It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or ehingles; best for new roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co., room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND' SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; wa rent tables, with privilege of buying. Mod ern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. FOR UNREDEEMED WATCHES. DIA- monds and Jewelry at exceedingly great bargains, go to Uncle Myer, 143 3d st., near Alder. OFFICE FIXTURES FOR SALE ROLL top desk. etc. new last August. W. G. Davis, 210 Allsky bldg.; also office for rent. SECOND-HAND ORGAN, GOOD CONDITION; piano attachment, chapel style, at Graves & Co., 328 Washington. DOG AT STUD. IMPORTED. (SNOW flake) thoroughbred white Pomeranian. Phone Scott 84. FOR SALE TWO FRESH COWS AT YOOR own price; come and get them. 919 E. Yam hill st. Moving picture film, song slides, maglo lan terns. T. P. Andrews. 109 Mont.. 8. F.. CaL Bargalns In typewriters, supplies, office goods, rubber stamps, safes. Coast Co.. 231 SUrk. BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE 540 WOLFF Americana now $25. 7th and Morrison. DEN8MORE TYPEWRITERS We sell. rent, repair all machines. J. E. Huxley. 82 4th. LAUNCH FOR SALE. ENGINE NEW; cheap for cash. Phone Union 2661. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED YOUNG MAN, 15 TO 17 YEARS, for office; must write good hand and be quck at figures; state references. K 8S. Oregonlan. WANTED A RELIABLE MARRIED MAN who understands farming" and hoo cultlvatir.rv Inquire room 15, Russet bldg., 4th and Mor rison sts. WANTED GOOD MAN WHO UNDER- e tan 4s woric in marKet handling poultry and produce. Call early. Palace Market. 260 Yamhill. 5.00 AGENTS WANTED FOR THE BEST typewriter on earth; salary or commission. McLaln A Co., room 14, Starr-Boyd bldg., Seattle. WANTED AGENTS. SALARY OR COM xnlsslon: $3 to $6 per day. W. R.T Taylor - &. Co.. 23 Labbe bldg.. Portland, Or. BOY OR TOUNG MAN FOR THE WINTER; also several boys to deliver on Thanksgiving. Portland Oyster Co.. 127 N. 19th. . WANTED GOOD SOLICITORS FOR SOME- thlng- new; Investigate. 26 Ruasel bldg., 19H4 4th st. WANTED QUARTZ MINERS, LONG JOB and good accommodations. H 88, Oregonlan. Mea wante to learn barber trade. Rarbar CaUece, 741 Howard U San Francisco. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED BUTCHER. Call at Jones' Meat Market. 151 4th. SHOE AND CLOTHING SALESMEN. AP pir Strata's, 383 Washington. B9C WALKER. 181 JST CURES ALL PRI-Vate- dlaM of saa. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED ENERGETIC MAN AS PART- playing halls and having established busi ness; must be able to furnish $300: experi ence not necessary: big and quick returns assured; investigation courted. K S7. Ore gonlan. THE ORIGINAL JOHN A MOLER HAS opened ine of his famous barber colleges at 644 Clay st.. San Francisco. Special induce ments this month: positions guaranteed: tuition earned while learning. Write cor rect somber. 644 Clay St.. San Francisco. WE PREPARE YOU QUICKLY AS ILLUS- trator. cartoonist, lawyer. pharoactsi. stenographer, bookkeeper. Journalist, ad wrlter. correspondence man. banker. Writs for free book. "Profits of Knowing How" tells everything. National Correspondence Schools. 82 When.. Indianapolis. U. S. A WANTED FOR U. S. ARM1 ABLEBODD3D. unmarried men. between ages of 21 and 35. citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information, apply to Recruiting Officer. 3d and Oak sts.. Portland. Or. LOGGERS. MILL AND YARDMEN. LAB orcrs. city and country: men and teams, farmhands and milkers, restauran: ana siezs-boiue help; work of all kinds. Ca nadian Employment Co.. 249 Burnsld and 228ft Morrison. Phons Main 3074. POSITIONS $1000 TO $3000 PER YEAR for managers, bookkeepers, salesmen, etc Offices In eight cities. Plan and booklet on application. Call and see us. Suite 45. Con cord blk. Pacific Commercial Bureau. Inc. OFFICE BOY WITH .GOOD EDUCATION ntuiieu in wnoiesaio nouse; not under 10 years of age; good chance to work up. Ap Ply la own handwriting. W 89. Oregonlan. WANTED AMATEUR SINGERS. ACTORS, musicians, for vaudeville circuit and road shows; big salary. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, the Raleigh, 6th and Washington. LOCAL CALENDAR SALESMAN IN DIF ferent towns for 1906 line Art Calendars for advertising. Van Dyck Company, 200 S. 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED AT ONCE ENERGETIC YOUNG man to take charge of billiard and pool hall. Call room 45, Concord block, cor. Second and Stark. m. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS COMMISSION; newspapers, periodical?, "magazines, trade Journals. 418 Chamber of Commerce, Clyde's Advertising Agency. WANTED FIBST-CLASS MARKER FOR steam laundry; must be steady and tem perate. Address Aberdeen Steam Laundry, Aberdeen. Wash. PRINTER "ALL-ROUND, CAPABLE OF taking charge of country paper: must be good Jobber; steady Job. Apply American Type Founders Co. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO TAKE PRI vate lessons In Journalism or story-writing. Address E. C, Oregonlan. WANTED SHOEMAKER FOR CUSTOM RE palring. 552 Savier st. WANTED BOY WITH WHEEL. PALACE Market. 260 YamhilL HELP WANTED FKlf A t.k, DOMESTIC HELP OF ALj KINDS CHAM bermalds. cooks, waitresses, nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, housework. $15 to $30. Canadian Parlora. 220& Morrison. Phone Main 1323. WANTED SINGERS. ACTORS, MUSICIANS, etc, for vaudeville circuit and Portland World's Fair. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, the Raleigh, 6th and Washington. WANTED A GOOD PIANIST. LADY FRE ferred; must play classical music: must giva references; good offer for a Teflned person. Answer J 89, Oregonlan. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS. WAIT ers, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 23U& Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. WANTED GIRLS TO LEARN MILLINERY whole course taught In 1 month, $10. Ap ply at Hotel Brown, room 220. Tel. East 382. I : HOUSEWORK (HEPPNER). $20 WASH out). Some city work, $10 up $25. Wait ress, $20. Drake, 205 Washington. WANTED WOMAN TO WORK IN COUN try: no objection to child not an infant.- Address De L., Witch Hazel, Or. WANTED 2 EXPERIENCED LADY CAN- vassers; big money, easy proposition. Rem brandt. 404 Ablngton "bldg. WANTED YOUNG LADY WITH TASTE for art to learn book and magazine illus trating. E. C, Oregonlan. COOK PERMANENT POSITION AT BEST wages, to thoroughly experienced cook. 215 Ford. cor. Park ave. WANTED YOUNG- LADY ACCUSTOMED to office work; state salary. Address Y 89, Oregonlan. NEAT. REFINED GIRL. FOR HOUSEWORK; no cooking, assist with children. 635 Davis, cor. 21st. WANTED GIRL FOR DININGROOM AND ncusework. Inquire .mornings, 341 11th st. SITUATION WANTED BY GERMAN GIRL, general housework. Call 2 to 5, 334 4th st. WANTED GOOD. WILLING GIRL FOR general housework. Call morning. 321 6th. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED ..GIRL AS nurse; references required. 361 Ilth st. WANTED LADY STENOGRAPHER: state salary. Address X 89, Oregonlan. GIRL SEWERS AT G. P. RUMMELIN & Sons. 126 2d sf, near Washington. NEAT GIRL. FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 257 N. 22d, cor North ru p. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. WE WANT. SOLICITORS FOR THE BEST proposition ever offered on the Coast; something new; both men and women: good pay; don't fall investigate. 39 Rus sel bldg. , , GOOD PAY TO HUSTLERS. MEN OR women, all or part time, local work. Ad dress the Kohna Co., Ravenna, Ohio. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ' bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED POSITION IN AN OFFICE OR store by young man who is hard of hear ing; has fair education and can give good references. Apply T 87, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED BOOK iceeper and typewriter, wishes position in or out of city, good references. G 84, Ore gonlan. WANTED POSITION BOOKKEEPER, long- business experience; modern methods, first-class references. C 89, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED CLOTHING SALESMAN desires position with reliable house; ref erences. Address P 87. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED COLLECTOR AND OFFICE man wants work part or whole of time; best references. Address A 83, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. NATIONAL & CONTINENTAL DIST. CO.. 2704 Wash, bldg., room 30. Phone Main 1778. Distributors of all kinds of advertising mai tr and samples; guarantee advertiser against all loss; mall or telephone orders. JAPANESE. A GOOD BOY, WANTS Posi tion at housework; good dishwasher. Ad dress Japanese Mission, 121 N. 15th. Tele phone Clay 854. ALL ROUND NEWSPAPER MAN. EDITOR, manager, news and Job printer; good char acter, desires situation. W H. Woodard, Hwaco, Wash. MARRIED MAN. RELIABLE AND TRUST worthy In all circumstances, wants position as night watchman. L 87, Oregonlan. JAPANESE ASSOCIATION CAN FURNISH domestic servants, farmer and all kinds of help. 268 Everett. Black 992. GOOD JAPANESE- BOY WANTS POSITION any kind of bouaawork or help cook. Jap anese Mission;- Clay 859. JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION AS COOK or house-worker in the city. J 88, Ore gonlan. WANTED CONTRACT TO CUT 1000 TO 1500 cords wood. Address T 84, Orego nlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITIONTO DO any kind work, without cook. Phone Black 142. YOUNG MAN, 19. SOME EXPERIENCE IN offlco .work; references. F 86. Oregoalan. JAPANESE BOY WANT? POSITION OT work In aay place. N 86, OreconlAB.. BOY OF 16 DESDXBf BOXORABLK ZT ploysaent. L 86, OronJaH. GOOD TEAMSTER WISHES A JOB TBAM-' ff. D M, OrejconiftB.