Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 18, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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Eight Hundred to Work
forthe Fair.
Immigration Agents Enlisted
to Interest the Nation,
Unique Scheme Sure to Prove Great
Advertising Success and Bring
Thousands of People to Grand
Exposition Next Year.
An army of 800 men has been secured
actively to represent and work for the
Lewis and Clark Exposition In territories
covering nearly the entire area of the
United States.
These men are the various immigration
agents of the Union Pacific and Northern
Pacific Hall road Companies, who come In
contact with hundreds of tourists and
homeseekers each month. This novel
scheme of advertising: the Exposition was
recently hit upon and submitted to the
officials of the railroad companies, who
at once indorsed xthe proposition and. sub
mitted invitations to their immigration
agents to join in the movement.
The success of the proposition became
known yesterday, when Secretary Henry
Heed received from General Passenger
Agent E. I. Lomax, of the Union Pacific
Company, a package containing replies
from the SOO immigration agents, in which
they unanimously agreed to lend their ef
forts to stimulating interest in the Lewis
& Clark Exposition and travel Into Ore
gon. The benefits that will accrue from hav
ing all these agents working for the Fair
is apparent when It is considered they
come in contact each year with home
seekers ind travelers aggregating several
hundred thousand people.
There is little doubt that they will
divert several hundred Immigrants at the
very least to Oregon next year. The
tones of their replies to Mr. Lomax show
throughout that they have accepted the
Invitation with the Intent of producing re
sults. It chances that among the agents
Is a former Oregonian, Howard Willard,
now stationed at Alma, Mich. Mr. -Willard
writes that he has already taken up
the work and has no Jess than 20 definite
promises from residents of his village that
they will visit the Portland "World's Fair.
Great Interest Manifested In Athletic
Meet at Exposition.
The athletic contests which will be a
feature of next year's amusements at the
Lewis and Clark Exposition are arousing
the interest of amateur athletes all over
the Pacific Coast and Western country,
with the result that many communica
tions and suggestions have been received
concerning the Intercollegiate meet. Rep
resentatives of nearly every big school in
the West have written for information,
and the indications are that the contests
will be exciting throughout, .and will re
sult in the smashing of many records.
Among the communications which
reached headquarters yesterday was one
from H. B. Co ni be ax, director of athlet
ics at the University of Montana, which
has produced a number of good athletes.
Mr. Conibear states that his school will be
here with a strong team of ten men to
compete in all the events of the intercol
legiate meet, from the 100-yard dash to the
16-pound shot-putting contest. The wri
ter suggests that high requirements should
be placed on all contestants and that no
one should be allowed to enter without
presenting an affidavit of having sized up
to the required standard in some previous
The Institutions which will probably be
represented In the intercollegiate contests
are the Universities of Oregon, California,
Washington, Idaho, Montana. Utah, Wyo
ming, Nevada and the Agricultural Col
leges of Oregon, Washington. Montana
and Utah, and the Whitman, College.
Director of Exhibits Dosch Wants to
Stir Up Growers.
Prunegrowers of Oregon are charged
with being negligent in preparing an ex
hibit for the horticultural display of the
Lewis -and Clark Exposition. Henry E.
Dosch, director of exhibits, and incident
ally horticultural enthusiast, makes the
charge in a communication from St. Louis
to Exposition headquarters, in which he
directs that steps be taken at once to
get the prunegrowers of Marlon County
interested in making a display, since lo
cal growers have passed the appeals for
action unheeded. Colonel Dosch contends
that the prune Industry is an important
one and that It is important that the far
mer and fruitgrower .should arrange for
demonstrations xt Its utility as a food
Oklahoma People Are Coming to Get
Homes in Oregon.
McCtoud, Okla., is threatened with de
population as the result of the Lewis and
Clark Exposition. Several communica
tions have been received from that place
asking for information about the Oregon
country. A letter was received by Pres
ldent Jefferson Myers, of the State Com
mission, yesterday from Fred B. Lucas
stating that many of the people of Mc
Cloud have announced an intention of
coming to Oregon next year in search of
new homes. They Intend to take advan
tage of the low passenger rates which
will be in effect during the Exposition.
Mr. Lucas says, and he adds that Mc
Cloud will be a trifle shy on population
after the Oregon Fair.
LQcal Manufacturers File Applica
tions for Exhibits.
There has been a rush all week on tha
part of local manufacturers for exhibit
space. Since the announcement a few
mornings since that the rest of the world
is pressing for space, thus placing It at
a premium, local men have become anx
ious, and hy the end of this week all will
probably have their formal applications
In the hands of the Exposition officials,
When Exposition headquarters closed
last evening exactly 50 applications had
been made since Monday, and many more
are known to have been made direct to
Director of Exhibits Dosch.
Chinese Pheasant Exhibit.
Application for exhibit space for a Chi
nese pheasant exhibit was received at
Exposition headquarters yesterday from
iolly Whitney, of Woodburn. Miss Whit
ney offers to furnish a colony of 63 pheas
ants and to cohduct-aa. exhibit which will
show the birds at all stages, from the
nesting female to the grown cock, and
also offers to furnish the wheat to feed
the birds during the Fair. Her applica
tion for 20 feet by 25 feet of space was
forwarded to Colonel Dosch at St. Louis.
Oregon Water Power &. Railway Company-
Remodel Their Offices.
The. Oregon Water Power & Hallway
Company has commenced to remodel its
head offices at the corner of First and
Alder streets. The building in which the
company makes its home is one of the
oldest structures In Portland and there
fore lacks many of the conveniences of
the modern office building which are nec
essary for the conducting of the increas
ing business of the company.
According to the plans, the building
will be entirely overhauled and practi
cally rebuilt. The stairway which now
runs from the street to the second floor
will be moved to one side and the space
now taken up by It will be used as part
of the waiting-rooms, which in turn will
be enlarged and modernized.
On the lower floor rooms will be built
on the south side for the use of the super
intendent of the company, and as general
store rooms for the use of the operating
department. The rest of the floor will be
used as waiting-rooms.
The partitions will be taken out on the
second floor, making the general office
twice as large as it is at present. The
quarters are now so cramped as to hinder
the work of the force of clerks employed
by the company.
In addition to this a fireproof vault will
be built from the ground floor for the use
of the offices on both the first and second
floors. At present there Is no fire pro tec-
Tt North Portland manufacturing district will shortly have an additional bulldlns on the corner of Tenth and GU&an
streets. Excavations are now beinsr made, and foundations will be laid for a. flve-itory structure, to cost $40,000, though only
three stories will bo completed now. The bulldlne Is being erected by E. M. Lazarus for I. Lowencort. The names of the manu
facturing arms which are to occupy the building have not yet been given out.
tlon other than the small safes In tho
general office arid the plans and drawings
of the engineer's department, which
could not be replaced for J50.000, are nec
essarily left out In the open rooms of the
engineer's office.
Along tho front of the building a glass
awning will be constructed to cover the
sidewalk, so that the passengers waiting
for incoming or outgoing cars can have
protection during the wet weather. The
improvements will cost the company be
tween J000O and $10,000 and will be com
pleted in a couple of months.
Experiment May Result in Extensive
Interurban Service.
Tho new gasoline motor-cars which will
be put on the Forest Grove-Portland West
Side run by the Southern Pacific Com
pany, as soon as completed and shipped
to this city, will be tho first of the type to
be used in the United States.
The cars resemble the big vestlbuled
cars of the Oregon Water Power Company
In outer construction, while the motor en
gine used In driving them will be placed
in one end and separated from the pas
senger apartment.
'Similar cars have been and are now
being used In France and England with
great success, but the plan to bring them
here by the management of the Harriman
lines is more of an experiment than any
thing else. Since they have been found to
be serviceable wherever used, there is but
little doubt In the minds of railroad men
that they will be a great advantage to the
service in the state, and it is possible
that more and more of them will be put
to work as they are demonstrated to be a
success. If the West. Side experiment Is
found to pay It Is rumored that It will bo
but a short time until a fast interurban
service will be put on between Portland
and Salem, and perhaps further toward
the head of the Valley.
This move on the part of the Southern
Pacific would practically do away with the
present clamor for electric lines up the
Valley, as the service would be as rapid
and as cheap as could be given by any
new company; the track would be better
and the cars would serve the same terri
tory. It is understood that the extension
of the service depends to a great degree
upon the patronage accorded the West
Side line and its successful operation.
Dedicatory Exercises to Include Ad
dress by Governor Chamberlain.
Tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock the
opening exercises of the new $35,000 Men's
Resort irA People's Institute, at the
southwest corner of Fourth and Burnslde
streets, will be held, and the general pub
lic is Invited to attend. Addresses will
be delivered by Governor Chamberlain,
Dr. E. P. ,H111, of the First Presby
terian Church; Dr. H I. House, of
the First Congregational Church; H. W.
Stone, general secretary of the Toung
Men's Christian Association, and others.
There will be music by the Men's Resort
Octette and Weber's Mandolin Club.
Primarily, the place Is Intended for the
social betterment of the population living
in the region bounded by the Willamette
River to Tenth street and north from
Ankcny street, a locality where there are
no churches, due to the latter being
moved to residence districts. Principally,
the work will be for men, "but there will
be departments for women and children.
The Presbyterian Alliance, composed of
ministers, trustees, elders and other offi
cials, will hold a banquet at the Men's
Resort and People's Institute November
28 to welcome Rev. Mr. Calhoun, . of Pitts
burg, Pa., who will visit this city in con
nection with the evangelical work of the
Presbyterian Church.
If Baby X CBttias Teeth.
Be sure aad use that old and well-tried remedy.
Mrs. WImIoWb Soothing Syrup, for children
teething. It aoothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all patn. core wind colic and diarrhoea.
Say "No" when a dealer offers you a
substitute for liooa s barsaparilla. assist
upon Hood's.
Only Portion of Trestle Carried
Away by Storm.
Another Steamer oh Portland-San
Francisco1 Route Freight Mar
ket Demoralized Arrlval-of '
French Cargo Ship.
ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 17. Tho recent
storms have caused but little damage to
the Columbia River Jetty, according to
reliable information secured today. Re
port had It that the big, breakwater had"
been badly damaged, but only a small
portion of tho trestle has been carried
away, and the Improvement will not be
Tho first storm of the Winter opened
a gap m the jetty ' trestle about four
miles from the shorts The second storm
tore another hole some distance beyond
the first gap, leaving a small portion
standing between the two gaps, while a
mile a half of the trestle remained stand
ing beyond the outside gap. The latest
storm resulted in the loss of only about
six bents in that portion remaining be
tween tho two gaps. At the present time
the jetty trestle Is intact four miles from
shore. Then comes a gap about a mile
In length, while beyond there Is one and
a half miles of trestlework.
That portion carried away had beeri
damaged by tcredoes and If not carried
out would have been replaced before op
erations could be continued. In one or
two places, where fresh water eddies
exist, the piling has not been eaten by
teredoes, but practically all of the best
trestlework was damaged. The storm
has really saved the engineers the work
of removing the teredo-eaten portion and
the money loss Is insignificant. All that
portion carried out was the superstruc
ture and the completed portion of the
Jetty has withstood the ravages of the
heavy gales. That it will hold is firmly
Steamship Minnesota's Owners Make
a Distinction.
The Great Northern Steamship Company
In a circular just Issued announces that
the new steamer Minnesota will not take
"actual," but "conditional," contraband
of war for Japan. The distinction be
tween the two classes rests on the deter
mination of the question as to whether, or
not the commodities shipped are intended
for the use directly of the Japanese gov
ernment. If they are, they are held to be
actual contraband and the Minnesota will
not carry them. If they are not .and it la
marked on each package that the contents
are "not for the use of the Japanese army
or navy," then the goods will be accented
for shipment, it being considered that
such cargo is "conditional" contraband,
of war and not to be disturbed In the
event of the seizure of the ship.
For all such cargo the steamship com
pany, however, expressly disclaims all re
sponsibility, and states that it will not re
imburse shippers for Its loss.
Tho late arrival of the Minnesota at
Coronel makes It probable that her voy
age from New York will require a longer
time than was at first thought. Her
sailing date from Pugct Sound is not
fixed, but it Is thought she will not be
ready to leave until some time during
Changes in the Line Since the Steam
ers Left Portland.
A letter received by a Portland shipping
man yesterday from Mr. Seaton, chief
mate of the steamship Indrasamha, con
tained some information about well-known
officers of the "Indra" line that will In
terest their numerous friends here. The
Indrasamha is In command of Captain
W. E. Craven, and left New York Octo
ber 20 for Hong Kong. She has a two
years' contract to carry Chinese coolies
from Hong Kong to South Africa. Cap
tain R. P. Craven, formerly of tho Indra
vclli. Is now master of the Indra mayo,
relieving Captain Colllngton, who, it will
be remembered, was first officer of tho
steamer when Captain Porter left her In
New York. Captain Cullington goes to
the IndravellL Captain A. E. Holllngs
worth Is now on the In drag hi ri, a new
steamer on the Australian run. Captain
Home Is still on the Indrapura. Captain
Williams, whq was his. first mate while
iere. Is master of the Indrana. Mr. Sea
ton left the Indrasamha at New York for
a brief vacation, his place being taken by
Mr. Mansfield. Aside from the Indra
samha and Indraghiri, these steamers are
all on the New York-Oriental route.
F. A. Kllburn Will Be Operated on
Coast Route.
Charles E. Steelsmlth, the local agent
of Russel & Rogers, of San Francisco,
was yesterday advised by wire that
the steamer F. A. Kllburn will be
placed permanently on the run between
San Francisco and this city, making
alternate trips with the steamer Au
relia and thus providing a -weekly serv
Ice. The Intention Is to have a sailing
from each port on every Saturday. In
addition to her through business, the
Kllburn "will also call at Coos Bay,
coming and going.
This is the moat important change In
the coastlng business that has been
announced for some- time. The regu
larity of the service is counted upon to
make it popular wlt shippers, and If
this promise is carried out to the let
ter, It Is believed the company will
make serious Inroads upon the busi
ness of the Harriman line, -which may
provoke retaliation on the part of the
latter. The invasion of the Coos Bay
trade, heretofore held by the California
& Oregon Coast Steamship Company,
operating' the Alliance, may also bring
on a rate conflict in that territory.
Tho F. A. Kllburn has good speed, in
her, being rated at 14 knots, and though
no.t a large steamer, can take care of
35 Urst-class passengers and a good
number in the steerage. Efforts will
be made to fill her list each trip. She
will begin her service by sailing north
from San Francisco tomorrow. The
Aurella, on reaching- the Bay City, will
be laid off for a few days for docking.
In addition the Russel & Rogers,
Harriman and California & Oregon lines
plying between1 Portland and San
Francisco, Taylor. Young & Co. are
operating- the steamer Redondo regu
larly, carrying freight and passengers,
and E. J. Dodge & Co. have the steam
er Northland In the same service and
expect soon to place another vessel on
the run.
French Ship Jules Gommes Arrives
From Hull.
The French ship Jules Gommes arrived
up yesterday morning- and made fast to
Mersey dock. She brings a widely assort
ed cargo from Hull to Balfour, Guthrie
& Co., comprising 1000 casks of china clay,
60,000 firebrick, 200 bales of oakum, 133
casks of soda ash, 50 barrels of ginger ale,
57 anvils, 750 tons of cannel coal, 250 tons
of pig Iron and 250 tons of fireclay.
Captain Quartrcvaux reports a passage
around from England devoid of incident.
The ship has no .outward charter.
Freight Market Demoralized.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 17. Special.)
The local grain freight market continues
at a standstill, with rates -wholly nominal.
Tho shipowners' combination was a sig
nal failure. Finding It Impossible to se
cure their minimum rates, nothing Is left
to union vessels but to sail away in ballast
or wait the expiration of the compact
next month and then charter for what
they can get. The ballast fleet thus far
this season totals 25,000 tons, and will
doubtless be largely Increased within the
next few weeks.
Sailors Rescued in Hurricane.
NEW YORK, Nov. 17. Eight ship
wrecked sailors, the captain and crew of
yie three-masted schooner Isleboro, who
were rescued from their storm-battered,
waterlogged craft, after a terrible experi
ence in the hurricane which swept the
Atlantic seaboard early in the week, were
brought here today on the British steamer
Atholl, which arrived from Yokohama and
other Far Eastern ports. The rescue was
made by the Atholl In the dangerous seas
off Cape Henry, while- the waves were
breaking over the helpless craft fore and
Uruguay Seizes Coaling Schooner.
HALIFAX, N. S., Nov. 17. A private
cable from Montevideo announces that
the coaling schooner Agnes G. Donohoe,
of this city, has been seized by the Uru
guayan authorities. The Donohoe Is
owned by the Balcombe Company. Tho
agents have wired for particulars of the
Domestic and Foroign Ports.
ASTORIA, Nov. 17. Condition of the bar at
5 P. M., rough; wind southwest; weather
cloudy. Outside at 5 P. M. Steamship Asun
cion, from San Francisco; Norwegian steam
ship Viking, from Hakodate.
Saa Francisco, Nov. 17. Sailed Schooner G.
W. "Watson, for Portland; British bark Inver
clyde, for Sydney. Arrived Steamer Mariposa,
from Tahiti.
New York, Nov. 17. Arrived Victorian, from
August Carlson Suddenly Promoted to
Captain of Gasoline Launch.
August Carlson, president of the East
Portland Fence Works, suddenly found
himself commander-in-chief and crew of
a gasoline launch In the Willamette River
a few days ago under very peculiar and
amusing circumstances. Mr. Carlson
stepped aboard the launch that Is being
operated as a ferry between, the East
and West Side near the new Morrison
bridge. He took his seat on one side of
the craft against the canvas curtain.
When about half way across he received
a severe blow on the back and was thrown
violently forward on the bottom of the
craft. Picking himself up he was amazed
to find he was the sole occupant of the
craft, which was speeding through the
water at a high rate of speed. Thinking
he should do something to stop the launch,
Mr. Carlson seized the throttle and gave
a pull back. This was followed with such
a vibration and racket that Mr. Carlson
thought there would be an explosion and
pushed the throttle forward to the high
est notch. This movement turned on the
full speed of the engine and the craft
began speeding around in a circle in the
middle of the river, Mr. Carlson being un
able to stop the engines. It transpired
that, the launch had bee struck by an
other small craft, and all the crew, think
ing It would sink, had jumped on the
colliding boat, leaving Mr. Carlson in sole
command. When It was seen that the
launch did not sink and was sailing around
in a circle at full speed, the other craft
pursued, finally overtaking the launch.
and Mr. Carlson was relieved of command.
Boiler Explosion Causes Fire.
DECATUR, DL, Nor. 17. Fire caused
by the explosion of a boiler In the base
ment of the Arcade bulldlne today caused
a loss- of $103,999. Three persons were In
Oregon Poultry Association to
Hold Annual -Exhibit
Great Interest Is Being Manifested In
Event, and Associations Through
out State Are Preparing to
Exhibit Fancy Fowls.
Members of the Oregon State -Poultry
Association are planning-' to hold their
tenth annual exhibit, and from the man
ner in which they have started out "tho
1504 show will be the largest and best
in the history of the organization.
The building where the exhibition will be
held this year has not been selected as
yet, but the dates have been named and
the shew will run from December 20 to
28 inclusive. Owing to the larger num
ber of chickens and household pets that
will be exhibited this year, a larger
showroom will be necessary, and In or
der to accommodate tho chickens 500
additional new cages have been ordered
that will coop something like 1500
A special feature of the show this year
will be the household pet division, such
as canaries, Oriental birds, cats and
other pets dear to children and women.
This department will be under the super
vision of F. A. Stuhr, and will be judged
by Thomas Wilkinson, of Vancouver, B.
C, who is kown to have the finest col
lection of canaries on the Pacific Coast.
Mr. Wilkinson will be the judge of the
household pets, and will bring his rare
collection of canaries, many of them col
ored by feeding, to the show. They will
not be entered for competition, but will
merely be placed on exhibition. He has
also . the finest of homing pigeons, and
these also he will exhibit during the poul
try show. By feeding red pepper to cer
tain breeds of his canaries Mr. Wilkinson
Jias a canary with red plumage as a re
sult. F. A. Stuhr will also exhibit his col
lection of Oriental birds and homing pig
eons. W. W. Browning, of Ogden. Utah,
and Elmer Dlxori, will be the Judges of
the poultry.
Invitations Are Sent Out.
Secretary Guy T. Hunt has been in cor
respondence with all of the local poultry
associations in the state, and he has sent
a general invitation to each association,
inviting them to bring their fancy chick
ens to the big show.
Mr. Hunt has received- replies from
many of the associations stating that
they will be on hand In December. It Is
the Intention of the local association to
offer a handsome silver cup for the as
sociation, outside of the City of Portland,
making the best exhibition. There will
also be, several substantial cash prizes for
the same purpose.
The list of prizes this year Is greater
than ever .before, but for the most part
they will be cash, a thing which the local
association thinks will please exhibitors
better than ribbons and trophies. In all
the association exnects to 'spend between
$1200 and $1500 on its show this year, in
order to stimulate Interest In poultry ana
household pet exhibitions.
Invltatfon to Fair Officials.
They feel that If Oregon Is to have a
creditable showing of poultry during the
Lewis and Clark Fair it is the time dur
ing the coming show to set the wheels In
When the December exhibitions are
placed a special invitation to visit the
show will be sent the officers of the
Lewis and Clark Fair, and they will
be shown what Oregon can do in the
way of raising handsome and profitable
The entry and premium list will be
ready by November 20. and any persons
wishing them sent by mail can do so
by addressing Secretary Guy T. Hunt;
at Lents, Or. Later, they will be ob
tainable In the city.
MAY PRISCILLA RICE preferred the
company of John, the educated Chi
naman, to7 that of any of her paler ad
mirers, and thereby hange a tale.
Incidentally a Jury trial.
When May Prlscllla met the wily hea
then at a vaudeville show some weeks agp
hl3 Oriental cast of countenance and lim
pid black eyes set In almond-shaped sllt3
were not at once attractive to her. But
when he spoke he had such a subdued ac
cent and such a quiet. Intelligent manner
May Priscllla couldn t resist, for his Euro
pean garb and European speech were ex
cellent, the Chink having been put-through
a course of instruction and an Illinois
High School.
And when he spoke of Chinatown and
the romance of eating Chinese noodles
after tho show May Priscllla was won.
She Induced Alice Alexander to go with
her, and the three went a night .or two
ago across the deadline Into Chinatown
and Into the box of an upstairs Chinese
noodle joint.
Which was raided by the police shortly
afterward and the trio taken to Jail.
John, the educated Chinaman, said he
had merely been entertaining the girls.
He even told the court and Jury he had
been smitten by May Priscllla and had,
hoped but when he dared to express
these hopes to her she had always
switched the subject- After hearing all
the evidence In the case the Intelligent
Jury decided the girls had no business
chasing around with a heathen.
Judge Hogue gave May Priscllla a se
vere talking to, advising hef to be a lit
tle more select hereafter. The heat of
the courtroom and the humiliation of
it all overcame her after the proceedings,
and restoratives had to be applied efore
she could walk home.
John, the educated Chinaman, was fined
Scott's Emulsion is cod
Ever oil prepared as a food
not a food like bread or meat,
but more like 'cream ; in fact,
it is the cream of cod liver
oil. At the same time it is a
blood-maker, a nerve tonic
and a flesh-builder. But
principally it is food for tired
and weak digestions, for all
who are fat-starved and thin.
It is pleasant to take ; children
like it and ask for more.
WVB atai. jo a i r if Tl, free
PCOTT BOWXE, 409 Paul StoMC, XrrYsr.
Promote Development of
Girls to Healthy Womanhood.
'l certify that I have used Dr.
WtHlama Pink Pills In four
cases of thSLslmpIo anaemia
of development. Aft or a few
weeks of treatment, the result
oame fully up to my expecta
tions. For that reason I shall
not fail in the future to extend
the use of this laudable pre
paration, not only In the treat
ment of other form 3 of the
category of anaemia or chlo
rosis, but also In cases of
neurasthenia and the like."
Via del Gracchi, 332, Rome.
Pink Pi
Pale People
J50 for his presumption and, since he Is
broke, the Mongolian will serve the fine
out on the rockplle.
Overcoat Worn by Lincoln Disappears
NEW YORK. Nov. 1". Alexander Free
man, a negro 00 years of. age, has brought
suit here against an express company for
300 damages alleged to have been caused
b-- the los3 of an overcoat that once be
longed to Abraham Lincoln. Freeman
escaped from slavery and fled to "Wash
ington. He became a servant In the
"WJilte House, and since 1S64 had jealously
guarded as a treasyre an overcoat that
President Lincoln presented to him. The
court will be asked to place the value of
the coat, which Is the only point at issue
between Freeman and the express com
pany. Declare Kaiser 13 Not Hoarse.
BERLIN, Nov. 17. The Foreign Office
says there Is absolutely no truth in yes
terday's rumors that Emperor William's
throat trouble had returned. Persons who
were present at Chancellor von Buelow'a
dinner Saturday night say th Emperor
took a most animated part In the conver
sation. Nobody noticed a trace of hoarse
ness or any other indication that his
voice was affected. Furthermore, the'
Foreign Office assures the Associated
Prese that If the trouble recurs the news
will immediately be given to the public
Fain in the side nearly always comes
from a disordered liver and Is promptly
relieved by Carter's Little Liver Pills.
Don't forget this.
For Infants and Children.
Tfas Kind You H.yi Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Now the writing' on the yellow box
Can be read by anyone;
"New Rubber" Is Implied thereby.
The same "O'Sulllvan."
There's a harvest of comfort to be
reaped by the purchase of O'Sulllvan
Rubber Heels while Its imitators only
furnish a blank ticket in a lottery.
Both cost the same, although, deal
ers do not profit so much by seUlng
O'SulllT&n's for 50c attached.
The signature Is your protection.
It ensures an enjoyable, invigor
ating bath; makes every por
respond, removes deed skin,
starts the circulation, and leaves
a glow equal to a Turkish bath.
1s Interested and fbouldknow
Jiooat the wonderful
MAXVEL Whirling Spray
iNrwIrf-dles' Syrlng?
Bct. Safuit. Most
It be cuMt supply th
MAKVKI,. accent no
otter, feet send, stamp for 11
lamM hook MilvdJt sires
fall Btrtlcal&rs .nd rflreotlen Is.
Talnabltnbulfr. HVKL,0..
SaMlNTlaulk.Xtt Tort.
asa rA?7a
"Mistress Cook," said
Golden Gate, "let us be
befriends. Keep my top
down t&ht to save my
aroma and freshness;
make me right and 111
help you hold your job.
Good coffee makes the
whole breakfast taste
- right poor coffee spoils
Nothiag does with GOLDEN GATS
COFFEE knt aatiafcctlon. No
prizes no coapons no crockery
1 and 2 lb. aroma-tidht tins;
Never sold la fenlu.
J. A. Folger Co.
Eata.fellsfc.ed Half a. Century
San Francisco
. Gut ihe Can
and compare the quality of
with any of its imitations.
I Note the difference. See how i
smooth and appetizing ouri
iproauct is, owing to its 1
! heavy consistence, which
. keeps the butter fat equally
oistriDuiea, in contrast with
, the cheap and thin imita- ,
I tions which allow the but
ter fat to rise and form
unsightly clods.
Dr, W. Norton Davis
TV a treat raccessfullr all private nervous and
chronic diseases of men. also blood, etomach.
heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We
cure STPHUJS (without mercury)- to stay
cured forever. In 30 to 60 days. Wo remov
STRICTURE, -without operation cr pain, la
IB daya.
We stop drains, the result of self-abuse. Im
mediately. We can restore the sexual visor o
any man under CO, by means of local treatmens
peculiar to ourselves.
The doctors of this Institute are all regular
graduates, have had many years' experience,
have been known In Portland for 15 years, hava
a reputation to maintain, and -will undertake
so case unless certain cure can be effected.
We guarantee a cure In vori' caaa we under
take or charge no fee. consultation free. Let
ters confidential. Instructive BOOK FOR
mailed free In plain wrapper.
If you cannot call at office, write for QUestloa
blank. Boms treatment successful.
Office houra. 9 to S and 7 to 8. Sundays and
holidays. 10 to 12.
Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co.
Offices :n Van-Xoy Hotel. 52 Third sU cor.
Pine. Pcryand. Or.
To two cups Falcon Self-RIsingr Pancake
Flour add enough milk or water to make
a comparatively thin hatter, or Use two
cups Pancake Flour, two cups milk, one
tablespoonf ul sugar or syrup, one egg; have
griddle hot; bake most after turning. Get
Falcon SelfVRisIng Pancake Flour at any
Thasa tiny Capsuia ar !
to Balsam of Copaiba.
tbi same dlsafc
SUiy all A-ugistt,