Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 16, 1904, Image 1

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    VOL. XLIV. NO. 13,709.
Philippine Exhibit
Now Assured.
War Department Will Also
Detail Scouts for Duty.
President Goode Will Meet Chief of
Insular Bureau Next Week at St.
Louis and Select Inanimate
Objects for Portland.
ington, Nov. 15. President H. W. Goode,
of the Lewis' and Clark Exposition, left
"Washington today hearing assurances
that Portland -will have an adequate and
comprehensive Philippine exhibit at its
Fair next Summer. This satisfactory
outcome was the result of a series of
conferences which Mr. Goode had -with
President Roosevelt. Secretary Taft Colo
nel Edwards, Chairman Hills and various
members of the Government Exposition
"When Mr. Goode arrived in "Washington
last Friday, it had been practically de
termined there would bo no Philippine
exhibit at Portland, owing to the inability
of the "War Department and Government
Board to reach an agreement. Mr. Goode's
interviews with various officials brought
about an understanding satisfactory to
all. It is now arranged that the Govern
ment shall include in Its exhibit in its
main building, a liberal display of woods,
fibers, tobacco and other products of the
archipelago on the general line of its in
animate Philippine exhibit at St. Louis,
though on a less expensive scale. Ample
fends will he provided from the Gov
ernment fund to pay for its installation
and maintenance.
To make the Philippine exhibit com
plete. President Goode is completing con
tracts for several Philippine villages,
which axe to he operated as concessions.
The contract will call for not less than
160 natives, probably 200, including Visay
ans, Iggorites and mother characteristic
tribes, This, in conjunction with the
Ooverso-t run, Vine piMt ili slvc
a more comprehenslvo idea of the people
and resources of the Insular possessions
than does the elaborate exhibit at St.
President Goode is thoroughly pleased
with the . arrangements that have been
made. He has an appointment to meet
Colonel Edwards, Chief of the Insular
Bureau, at St liouls next Sunday, and
with him and the Philippine Commission
ers will go over and select such features
of the inanimate Philippine exhibit as he
deems desirable for shipment to Port
land. Secretary Taft has given Mr.
Goode full sway in the selection of the
exhibit and he is anxious 'that Portland
shall have the cream of all that is availa
ble. To Round Out Insular Exhibit.
To round out the insular exhibit. Presi
dent Goode requested Secretary Tafft and
General Chaffee to send to Portland 100
or more Philippine scouts to remain on
duty throughout the Exposition. The
scout companies now at St. Louis are to
be sent home immediately, but the "War
Department, at the proper time, will
honor the request, and the assurance is
given that several companies of native
soldiers will he sent to Portland in time
for the opening of the Exposition.
The Government Exposition Board held
a meeting .today to transact Informal
business. It was decided to hold another
meeting in St Louis November 25, at
which time President Goode and Colonel
Dosch will give to the board a complete
Ust of the Government exhibits which it
is desired shall be sent to Portland. The
list will cover practically the entire Gov
ernment exhibit at St. Louis, save that
all duplicates will be eliminated and sev
.era! unimportant details will be cut out.
Inasmuch as the President has directed
the Government Board in selecting Its ex
hibits to defer as far as practicable to
the wishes of the Portland people, the se
lections made by Messrs. Goode and Dosch
will be adopted by the board. As the
coming meeting of the board will be the
last before the close of the St Louis
Exposition, the board intends, while at
Bt Louis, to gove definite instructions for
shipment to Portland of all the exhibits
Intended for the Lewis and Clark Fair.
"When he called at "White House this
morning, Mr. Goode invited the President
to attend the Lewis and Clark Exposition.
The President said he could not make an
engagement so far ahead, but it is ap
parent he will strain a point to get to
Portland next year if public business will
permit him to make so long a trip. He
expressed delight when "told of the prog
ress that had been made with the Ex
position. He was greatly pleased to
hear that the Exposition will be ready
on time, and that everything points to its
being a great success.
From the start the President has been
deeply Interested in Portland's enterprise,
nd is surprisingly well Informed on the
progress of the work at Portland.
President Goode left for New Tork this
afternoon to confer with Chevalier
Zegglo, Italian Commissioner to the Lewis
and Clark Exposition, about the Italian
exhibit, for which 25,000 feet of floor
space has been asked. He will go from
2Jew Tork to St Louis.
Washington Lands Withdrawn.
V" "Xfr .Secrjet&ry; Pt the
Interior has temporarily -with drawn from
entry 65,000 acres of land in township 15,
north, ranges 23 to 27 inclusive, along the
the Columbia River, in Douglas County,
"Washington, in connection -with the
Priest-Rapids irrigation project-
Vice-President Elect Makes Tour In
"Yellowstone Park Coach."
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 15. Vice-Presidentelect
Charles Fairbanks arrived today
from Indianapolis and was met at the
"Union Station by President D. R. Francis,
of the Exposition, and Colonel J. G. But
ler. The party proceeded to the St Louis"
Club, where breakfast was taKen, alter
which Senator Fairbanks was escorted to
the "World's Fair. Senator Fairbanks
stated that his decision to visit the Expo
sition had been made hastily and that he
would not be ablo to remain more than
one day
"I am feeling very well," he said, "and
want to see the Exposition if I have to
walk all the time I am here."
After leaving the St Louis Club. Senator
Fairbanks was given an automobile tour
through a portion of the residence section
of St Louis and then proceeded to the
Exoosition. where an informal reception
was held In the Administration building.
Senator Fairbanks will proceed East
after leaving St Louis to witness the
Tale-Harvard football game next Satur
"I have a long-standing engagement
with my boys at college to run down East
and see the Tale-Harvard football same
Saturday." ho salt. '"Thursday Mrs. Fair
banks will accompany: ta6 to New Haven
to keep the engagement From there I
will go to New Tork to attend the meet
ing of the McKInley Memorial Association
next Monday. I shall not be able to be in
St Louis with President Roosevelt"
After the "World's Fair officials had met
Senator Fairbanks he was escorted to the
"Tellowstone Park Coach." A large as
sembling of spectators tendered him a
rousing cheer as the driver's whip cracked
and the Vice-President-elect started on his
tour of the grounds. President Francis
personally directed the course of the
The party was then driven to the
French pavilion. Here a toast was pro
posed by Commissioner-General Gerald to
"America's Prosperity." At the Brazil
ian exhibit. Speaker Cannon joined the
party. A great demonstration attended
the meeting of the two Republicans,
which was marked by a fervent hand
clasp. The Senator again mounted the coach
and the main portion of the Exposition
was traversed.
The largest crowd of the day assembled
on the Plaza St Louis, and as the vehi
cle wheeled past the Louisiana monu
ment a cry went up. "Speech, speech."
Not until the coach was out of sight on
its way to the German House, where
the banquet was held, did the crowd,
satisfied that the Vice-President-elect
would not speak, disperse.
St. Louis Fair Visitors- Are Relieved
of About $100.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 15. It has Just be
come known from the Exposition Pollco
Station that two masked men held up
and robbed a train on the miniature
railroad at the "World's Fair Saturday
night in true "Western style, securing'
money and valuables amounting to about
5100 and then escaping. The train, con
taining the engineer and three passen-
t juaiiag ts last trip ana was
crossing a deserted plot of ground when
suddenly two masked men with drawn
revolvers appeared In the shaft of light
thrown by tho headlight and called to
the engineer to stop. The train Immedi
ately came to a standstill, and while one
robber covered those aboard, the other
relieved them of their money and valu
ables. Jacob Vannlch. an employe, was
arrested today on suspicion and was re
leased on bond.
Fair Settles Debt With Nation.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 15. The sum of J19L
850.81, the last installment on the Federal
loan of 54,600,000 made to the "World's Fair
several months ago, was paid into the
United States subtreasury today by the
Exposition offlclals. This is the 11th pay
ment tho previous refunding amounts
having been made semi-monthly since
June 1.
Senator Gives a Buckwheat Breakfast
at His Oswego Home.
OSWEGO. N. T., Nov. 15. Oswego
never has seen so many men who are
as prominent in publlo life as were as
sembled here today in response to the
invitations or Senator Piatt to his
buckwheat breakfast Senator Depew.
congressmen, state Senators and As
semblymen, some accompanied by their
wives were present at the Ahawga
Souse, Senator Platts home. Neither
Governor Odell nor Governor-elect Hlg
gins attended, the latter being ilL
Senator Depew was one of the after
breakfast speakers. In the course of
an address he said that Senator Piatt's
20 years of leadership will stand in po
lltical history as Unequaled in its ab
sence of factional strife within the
party and the glorious victories of the
party. Referring to the election. Sena
tor Depew asked: "What elected Roose
velt? The answer Is as clear as rev
elation. Roosevelt elected Roosevelt
No personality in American public life
ever stood out so distinct in individual
characteristics, in emphasized traits pe
culiarly his own and in outspoken con
fidence with the whole people like
President Roosevelt The qualities
which his enemies caricatured or an
athematized were the ones which en
deared him to his countrymen. He ho'lds
his commission freer from pledges or
obligations, except to the people who
elected him, than any of his predeces
"Now, my friends, what of the future?
Upon the ruins of the disintegration of
the Democratic party will arise an or
ganlzatlon built up by resourceful and
able agitators, whose appeal will be to
discontent It must be our task that
there shall be a minimum of discontent
and a maximum of satisfaction."
Civil Service Extended to Panama.
"WASHINGTON, Nov. 15. President
Roosevelt today signed an. order extend'
lnc the civil service regulations to all
employes of the Isthmian Canal Commls
sidn except those appointed directly by
the President day laborers and a few
places which in nature are personal to the
members of the commission.
Weabier is Crowing Colder.
MUKDEN. Nov. 15. There was very
("little fighting in this vicinity on Novem-
ber 13 and 14. The weatner is growing
colder day by day and flurries of snow
are frequent
Jewesses Are Favored.
ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 15. Prince
Svlatopolk-Mirsky, the Minister of the In
terior, has granted permission to many
Jewesses to'attend.the lectures lor women
at le university,
Harriman Lines Have
mportant Railroad Improve
ments re Planned.
Heavier Steel Ralls Are to Be Laid on
Southern Pacific, and Wooden
Trestles Replaced With Steel
Structures on Both Lines.
Three million dollars will be expended
hv the Harriman lines In Oregon during
1905 in improvements and general work on
the maintenance of way and structures.
This estimate does not Include the 5300,000
to be spent on the alterations of the car"
shops at Alblna, the cost of the 50 miles
of 80-pound steel rails now being laid In
Cow Creek Canyon, in Douglas County, or
tho cost of the ties to be used in the
14S miles of new track to be laid in the
Southern Oregon district of the Southern
Pacific Company.
One hundred and forty-eight miles of
new 80-pound steel rails will be laid dur
ing the year on the Southern Pacific line,
commencing at Ashland and running
north. This work, excluslvo of the ties.
but inclusive of the fixtures, such as
switch attachments, plates, spikes and
general supplies, will cost 5715,000. Be
sides this strip of new track, the com
pany is now putting in 50 miles of similar
track through the Cow Creek Canyon.
Tracks to Be Ballasted.
One hundred and ten thousand dollars
will be spent In ballasting S3 miles of the
Southern Pacific track north of Ashland.
The work will not be done In one stretch.
but will be scattered over the Oregon
territory as is needed and will include
all unballasted track between Portland
and Ashland.
Seventy-six miles of the O. R. & N
track between Portland and Huntington
will be ballasted at a cost of 570,000.
The sum of 2470,000 .has been set aside
for construction and repairs for the bridge
department of the Southern Pacific, while
the O. R. & N. will have 54OS.O0O for the
same purpose. During the last yer the
Southern Pacific has been filling In "many
of the deep canyons through the moun
tains of Southern -OrQci,)d .Nprthp.rn
California, ttfuldns of yards of earth and
rock have been used in this work, which
has been hardly more than started. Dur
ing the coming year the work win be
kept up until the high trestles across tho
deep canyons can be done away with.
either wholly or in part
Wooden Trestles to Be Replaced.
The old wooden trestles of both the
Southern Pacific and the O. R. & N. are
being replaced with new and strictly mod
era steel structures, and during tho year
many of these old bridges will be torn
down and the steel ones put in their
These estimates, which are now In the
hands of and have been approved by the
general manager of the two companies.
are but little more than half of what will
be done during the year. They represent
an outlay of 51,761,000, which leaves 51.233.
000 of the 53,000,000 allowed for the year's
work to be expended in such improve
ment and construction as may be deemed
necessary in the future.
Expenditure Begins at Once.
The expenditure of this large sum will
begin as soon as is convenient and will
be pushed through as" fast as the con
e traction crews of the two roads can com
plete the different tasks. The trackwork
and ballasting will be done as nearly as
possible In order that the tracks may be
in the best possible condition to handle the
Increased business expected during the
coming Summer, while the bridge depart
ment will begin at once on those bridges
wnicn are most in need of repair or re
newal as the case may be. It is expected
tnat ail of the work will be done by late
bummer or early FalL
New York Chamber of Commerce
Gives Its Annual Dinner.
NEW YORK, Nov. 15. The 136th annual
alnner of the New xork Chamber of Com
merce was held tonight at Delmonico's.
The speakers were Secretary of the Treas-
ury Shaw, Hon. John Morley. M. P;
Richard Olney and Sir James Kltson. M.
P. President Morris K. Jessup presided.
After the healths of President Roosevelt
and King Edward had been drunk, Presi
dent Jessup read a letter from President
Roosevelt in which he expressed regret
at being unable to attend, and sent Sec
retary Shaw as his representative.
Mr. Jessup then introduced Secretary
bhaw, who, in responso to the sentiment
"Watchman, "What of the Hour?" said in
"Money is now plenty and cheap, crop3
are abundant prices good, labor finds
ready employment, furnaces are aglow
and hope is buoyant If clouds exist they
do not show above the horizon. If hope
ful conservatism snail possess the coun
try, there is no visible reason to doubt
that we are approaching a period of ex
cellent growth and-sound development"
Mr. Morley wag then introduced. He
declared that the thing that has inter
ested him most during his visit has been
the Presidential campaign.
"I confess it greatly impressed my imag
ination," said Mr. Morley, speaking of
watching the returns come in from, all
over the country in a newspaper office.
"and stirred me to think' that in this
vast country within a few hours the -voice
of the people, right or wrong, would be
so emphatically and so unmistakably as
certain ed.'
Toward the end of his address Mr. Mor.
ley said:
"I rejoice to think, and I do think, that
in the great questions and emergencies
that may arise Great Britain and the
United States will both, by interests, by
sentiment be found side by slde-
"I believe from the bottom of my heart
that for the progress of the world, for the
civilisation of mankind, we will fight slew
A.hy. side for those, ideals "and those QUA-
tions which are common to us and com
mon to you."
Mr. Money's speech was received witn
great enthusiasm.'
W. L. Douglass Says This Is Amount
He Gave Massachusetts Democrats.
BROCKTON. Mass.. Nov. 15. Governor-
elect "W. L. Douglass today filed with the
Secretary of State a statement of his elec
tion expenses. The statement certifies
that on September 23 last Mr. Douglass
gave to the Democratic Central Committee
534,300 for the purpose, of conducting his
campaign. Mr. Douglass adds that he nad
no other expenses.
Canvass of Denver Vote Held Up.
DENVER. Nov. 15. The Supreme Court
today granted the application of the. Dem
ocratic attorneys for a rehearing on the
question of the legality of its action in
Issuing instructions to election officials
In the City and County of Denver and
appointing watchers 'for some polling
places. The right of tho court to assume
original Jurisdiction in this manner Is
attacked. Arguments, will be heard to
morrow. Pending further orders of the
court, the canvass of the vote In this city
will be discontinued. Twenty-seven elec
tion officials have been charged with
contempt of the Supreme Court and ac
tion in these cases Is deferred until the
question of Jurisdiction is settled.
Cody Bank Robbers Hold Up Saloon
in Broad Daylight.
CHEYENNE. "Wvo.. Nov. 15. Tbatwon
bandits who made a. descentoifTne First
National Bank of ffody-two weeks ago
today and killed X-ashier Mlddaugh, com
mltted another bold robbery early today
when they held up the Inmates of Ed
wards' saloon and gambling-house at
Thermopolls, Big Horn County, and se
cured a large sum of money, watches and
The outlaws wore masks, but were rec
ognized as George Menitt and his part-
Uaer. who killed Mlddaugh. They were
mounted on fast horses and. escaped to
the bad lands along the Big Horn River,
south of Thermopolls. Posses were quick
ly organized and started In pursuit but
the robbers reached the mountains ahead
of them.
These desperadoes doubled on their trail
from the Hole-ln-the-Wall country after
the Cody robbery and took refuge in the
Owl Mountains, south of Thermopolls,
where the officers had prepared to cap
ture them.
Feeling runs high in Big Horn County,
and if the desperadoes are ever caught
they will be punished without waiting for
the courts to convict them.
King and Queen of Portugal Arrive
at Windsor.
"WINDSOR. England, Nov. 15. The- King
and Queen of Portugal, on their arrival
here from Portsmouth today, were wel
comed at the railroad station by King Ed
ward and Queen Alexandria. The visit
era, who crossed the channel in "King'Ed-
ward's yacht escorted by half a dozen
British warships, had an imposing wel
come at naval headquarters, where 30 to
40 warship -vtKrsaely dressed with
bunting; had assembled in their v honor.
No such naval pegeant had been wit
nessed here since the coronation review.
The Prince of "Wales awaited the royal
yacht at tho dockyard Jotty, and Imme
diately after she was moored he boarded
her, and In behalf of King Edward wel
comed King Charles and Queen Amelia
to England.
The Weather.
TODATS Generally fair; -southwesterly "winds.
Y KSTiKPAy S Maxlmtim, CO dep.; minimum.
oo. .precipitation. or an men.
Russo-Japaaeao War.
Russian torpedo-boat escapes from Fort Arthur
and enters Chefoo. Paso 1.
Stoessel's wound necessitates his going to hos
pital. Page- 1.
Last treat attack cost the Japanese 5200,000,
Pace- 1.
Russians surprise Japanese on the Ehakha and
capture a village, but soon have to abandon
it Page 1.
Japanese advance again appears imminent
Page 1.
British inquiry into North Sra Incident is be
gun at Hull. Page 6.
Russia objects to terms of convention fixing
responsibility- Page 6.
Philippine exhibit for 1005 Fair Is assured.
Page 1.
President Roosevelt receive Prince Fuahlma,
who bears cordial greetings from. Mikado,
Page 3.
French Minister of "War Andrei resigns. Page 2.
Great system of canals planned yVyrcssla by
Kaiser finally appears assurtPT Page1 2.
Portland now has & cl$arJWtd'"for '05 National
Irrigation congwsa. yage l.
Executive Co Cecil of Federation of Labor se
verely censures several unions. Paga fl.
Marquise des Monstiers, who founded American
Catholic- school, leaves that church. Page 5.
Commercial and Marine,
"Wool merchants optimistic Page 18.
Selling pressure in New Tork stock market
Page 13.
Break in Chicago wheat prices- Page IS.
"Wheat sympathetically weak at San Francisco,
Pago 13.
Grain for East par go by Cape Horn route.
I'age a.
Arrival of -cargo-ship Fairport Page 8. '
Pae&c Ceaat.
Mead will make A. N. Brown, of Seattle-, his
private secretary. Page 4.
Pretty Mollie "Walker obtains a trousseau, by
fraud and marries her lover. Page 4.
j. c. Levolff, of Portland j loses lease on vain.
able Seattle property. Page 4.
Indian pony runs 90 miles la a little" over four
hours in IdahOv . Page 4.
Twenty-nve-to-onsf shot ts a surprise at Oak-
land races- Page XU, .
Montana will send athletic teasC to compete
in Lewis and. Clark games. Page 12.
Portland Browns win from San Francisco,
Page 12.
Pertlaaa aad YteteRy.
Lonrer closed season advocated for salmon.
Page 8.
Prohibitionists eeek to heal breach with Antl
Saloon League. Paga 8.
Forestry building ay be donated to Oregon
uloneers. Page- 8.
Pete Grant found not guilty of gambling
charge. Page 30.
Harriman liaea will spend $3,006,000 in ha
provemeats In Oregon. Page- L
Experts will report to Council today that Tan-
ser-Oeek sewer 1 full Dr select. s h
TJ ra. users arrive In force for annual convention.
ScMUorOCitalMll tafea.ipM Irate, fee T"Tfciar-
Russian Ship Leaves Ar
thur During Storm.
apanese Torpedo - Boat
.Now Off the Harbor.
Soldfers Who Would Surrender Are
Kept at Their Posts Under Cover
of Guns Stoessel Forced to '
Go to Hospital.
CHBFQO, Nov. 15. The Russian tor
pedo-boat destroyer JRatstoropony put into
this harbor this morning. Firing -was
heard half an hour before she entered
the harbor. A snowstorm and high wind
was prevailing at the time, and it is be
lieved that tho Russian vessel", under cover
of the storm, made an attempt to escape
from Port Arthur.
The correspondent of tho Associated
Press succeeded in reaching the destroyer
after she arrived here, but he was not
allowed to board her. The captain of the
Chinese cruiser Hal Tung was the .first
person to t;o on board. He held a brief
conference with her commander, after
which the Ratstoropcny came further in
the stream and anchored in the same spot
that the destroyer Ryeshltelnl did last
Aueust before she was cut out by the
It 13 reported that a Japanese torpedo-
boat destroyer has been seen outside,
watching the movements of the Russian
Notifies China He Will Disarm.
CHEFOO. Nov. 18 (2:30 P. M.) The Cap
tain of the Russian torpedo-boat destroyer
Ratstorophy, which put into this harbor
early- this morning, has notified the Chi
Tieao authorities that he will disarm. It
is believed that this decision was arrived
Ttt after- communicating with St. Peters
There is reason to believe that Japanese
cruisers- have, been watching the port, al
though a steamer which has just arrived
saw no Japanese -war vessels.
Only Fear of Officers Keep Many Men
at Posts Stoessel In Hospital.
THUR, Nov. 15, via Fusan. It is reported
that a wound received by General stoessel
has necessitated his confinement in a hos
pital; that he refuses to relinquish the
command of the garrison, and that he
has issued orders to the troops to idle
at their posts rather than surrender.
It Is said that the spirit of the Russians
has been damaged by continuous swork.
the lack of supplies and the hopelessness
of their ability to make any successful
defense of the fortress. It Is said further
that many of the Russian, soldiers are
roflflv to surrender, but tnat mey are
hkeDt at their posts by officers who threat
en them with revolvers, and that several
soldiers who were suspected of a desire
to desert have been shot as a warning to
other would-be deserters.
The Japanese now believe that the garri
son has almost reached tho limit of hu
man endurance.
Short of Rations.
THUR,' Nov. 14, via Fusan, Nov. 15. (De
layed In Transmission.) Sple3 and Rus
slans who have surrendered report that
rations In the fortress have been reduced.
The wounded found by the Japanese are
-Russian artillery shells partly filled
wijh wood, and -which would not explode,
hive been found. This shows that the
Russians are short of material for mak
ing heavy ammunition. The capture of
the eastern fortified ridge will mean the
surrender of the fortress In a couple of
weeSS: unless the garrison there retires to
the isolated, fort. This seems improb
able, however, and cold weather and the
lack of food and ammunition render des
perate resistance unlikely.
ASSAULT COST $200,000.
Vivid Description of Last Desperate
Attack on Port Arthur.
-LONDON. Nov. 16. The Dally Tele-
rranh's correspondent with the Japanese
army before Port Arthur,, describing the
attack of the Japanese on the eastern
fortified ridges on October 30, says;
the terrific and continuous bombard
moJfeoilght and day. from October 27 to
30 culminated in wondenui aruuery prac
tice, oulte beyond criticism, with appalling
raniaitv. Countless bursting shelte
mint-lori their smoke into a dense, oscH
latins mass of vapor laden with earth
and gleaming with flashes of fire, the cli
max being reached, at i ociock witn
trmrrsflnflous fire of shrapnel across the
broken bKastworks of the fortresses.
Suddenly every gun ceased fire , and the
Japanese Infantry rushed out ere the hills
had ceased reverberating with the. thun
der of the cannonade, from seven separ
ate quarters against the Rihlung. Kek
wan. and Panlung fortified ridges. The
attack was simultaneously developed
without jL single preraoaltory feint, tally
4000 trbWps dashing out pell mell with
fixed bayonets, waving- standards and
rending the air with shouts of benaaL'
The corresboadent details how. the vari
ous Japanese attacks were checked by
the big moats and the terrible Russlaa
fire, which raptdly deplete tneir ranKs,
nalwithstandiBr a clever coverir Are of
Japanese artillery, aad says:
"It was BMt rMsgte
ible, but fully substantiating surmises of
their ability to withstand the fire of the
heaviest Japanese ordnance, how the Rus
sians, despite the previous bombardment.
replied from their fortress guns, although
over 1S0O 500-pound shells had been fired
that day, not counting thousands of smal
ler projectiles.
"It is estimated that the day's bombard
ment cost the Jananese $200,000. repre
senting nearly 20 per cent of the total
cost since the opening days of the siege
in August. Before half an hour had
elapsed and after losing 600 men, the Jap
anese abandoned, the attack against the
South Kekwan fort.
'Br 4 o'clock the Japanese fire had
diminished in intensity and the assaults
ceased shortly before sunset, when fire
broke out in the new town of Port Ar
thur, and at nightfall the Japanese
opened a shrapnel fire on the eastern
ridge to cover the retirement of their
isolated assaulters, whose situation
was critical between the East and the
South Kekwan fort. The total Jap
anese casualties exceeded 2000. Al
though the assaults, failed Jn the cap
ture of the main objective, they abso
lutely unmasked the eastern Russian
positions and their strength. The cas
ualties are relatively small, for al
though seven regiments were engaged
not half the troops Issued from the par
allels owing to the attacks being so
skillfully manipulated and finally ceas
lng. For strength, the Russian posl
tion was unassaultable, and it would
have been useless to endanger double
the force, and incur double the casual
ties in the same assault.
"After dusk the Russians sortied and
recovered the ground lost between the
East and the South Kekwan forts.
They recovered tholort at 10 o'clock in
tne evening, Dut uenerai aenmoye gal
lantly -restormed the hill and, despite
250 casualties, expelled the Russians by
sheer dash and courage. Indeed, his
personality won the hill for the?1 Jap
After having captured the capon-
leres (covered jralleries) of the East
Kekwan forts, the Japanese engaged in
a bloody fight in the underground pass
age, slowly winning the vitals of the
fort, inch by Inch, despite tne Domos
and mountain cruns of the Russians ae
fending the casements, un isovemDer
the central and fort sections oi tne
caponieres were gained. The worK.
however, is progressing slowly, owing
to the nature of the ground."
The Daily TeleRrraph'3 Chefoo corre
spondent gives rumors of renewed Jap
anese attacks on Port Arthur with 15,-
UUU irOOpS, DCIWCCU nmcuiuci m ct..u.
with 1200 casualties. The Dally iTele-
graph, however, does not credit tnese
TMimnr because of evidence that the
dispatch above summarised was filed
November 6, or later. November 6 sou
remains the latest date of rename news
from Port Arthur.
RusaJana Take a Vlllaqe, DUt Are
Soon Forced to Abandon It.
CHAN SIAN OUTUN, Manchuria, Gen
eral -Kuronatkln's Headquarters, jnov. o,
A Japanese advance is daily expected.
Larre "masses of their troops are moving
eastward and the Russians are expecting
them to strike at their left flanic.
An attack-upon the fortified village of
Endowunlulu. not far from alncninpu,
two miles west of the Shakhe railroad
station and. fronting the right flank of
the Seventeenth Corps, was carried out
brilliantly during the night of Govern
ber 10. bv the second brigade of the
Thirty-fifth Infantry Division. Tne "vil
lage had -been captured the same mora
ine by the Japanese. Subsequently the
Russians abandoned, the place.
At nightfall the. brigade silently marched
out and deployed. Four battalions were
detached for the attack and several com
panies of riflemen were ordered to -move
from the right, left and rear of the vil
lage. The men, were told not to fire, but
to charge with tho bayonet. Two battal
ions were left on reserve with eight guns.
A simultaneous advance was begun at 10
o'clock at night. The assailants hurried
forward and encountered a deep ravine,
which they crossed. They then rushed on
the village. Not a single shot was fired.
The Japanese were completely surprised,
mostly sitting in the streets and huts,
eating their suppers. They fled before
the bayonets. As soon as tho Russians
occupied the village, they brought up
battery. The Japanese tried to recapture
the place at break of day, but were re
nulsed. The Russians, however, were
compelled later on to abandon Endow
unlulu. as the retirement of the third
division exposed them to a flank attack.
All Relics Found on the Russian Dead
Are Forwarded to St. Petersburg,
MUKDEN. Nov. 14. via Tientsin, Nov.
15. The Manchurian army Vestnlk, pub
lished under the sanction of the Russian
officials, gives details of the scrupulous
care shown by the Japanese for the relics
and other effects of the Russian dead
found on the battlefield, and tells how
the Japanese have forwarded Euch ef
fects to St Petersburg. The paper high
ly commends this action and announces
that General Kuropatkln recommends that
all his commanders shall observe a sim
ilar practice regarding the-Japanese dead.
The homogenity and discipline dt the
Jananese, as well as their success, have
furnished them witlf 'facilities for the ex
ercise of this- humane conduct, the prac
tice of which by the Russians has been
rendered difficult owing to" the betero-
seneous elements which compose the Rus
sian army, taken in- connection with their
constant retreats. Owing to the fact that
the Japanese have- been left in possession
of nearly all the battlefields, these hu
mane and benevolent offices have entire
ly developed -upon them. This may have
given the impression that the Russians
have been inconsiderate in tneir treat
ment of the dead warriors, but such an
impression would be obviously unfair- In
the widely separated and distant parts
of the battlefields where opportunities- pre
sented themselves for the exercise of hu
manlty there has Been, of course,.
means of knowing exactly what may
have happened. This recognition by both
sides, however, of the Benevolent care
of the dead sou iurtner maras ma aoan
donment oc primitive practices in war
Son of Russian Ambassador at Paris
Expires on Hospital Ship.
PARIS. Nov.15.-The Foreign Office was
Informed today from Dakar, on the ex
tremes' point of Cape Verde, of the death
of Lieutenant TeIeIdoff, son of the Rus
si an Ambassador - at Paris. Lieutenant
Neleidoff commanded the hospital ship
Orel, attached to vlce-Admiral Rojest-
vensky's fleet The ship was fitted out in
Frsace; uhdef the personal supervision of
Ifme. Neleidoff, and largely through con
tributions from French sympathizers with
Russia. This morning Admiral Rojest-
vensky telegraphed Mrae. Neleidoff,
thankinar her for her efforts for the ea mo
ment of the Orel, and later he telegraphed
the tragic news of tne deatn or ner son.
Foreign SCialster Delcasse called at the
JtuseiaB Embassy to exprsss his condo-
with tto faauy...
ortland in High Favor
With Irrigationists.
Los Angeles Soon Gives Up
Trying for '05 Meeting.
Congress Opens With an Attendance
Fully Up to Expectations at El
Paso, and Is Addressed by
Many Prominent Men.
EL, PASO, Nov. 15. Portland, Or., to
night appears to have- a clear field for
the 1S05 convention of the National Irri
gation Congress, which began its sessions
In this city today. Denver, her strongest
competitor, has withdrawn, also Los An
geles. When the California delegation arrived
they intended to fight Portlaad-and Denver
for the 1905 meeting, but they decided 10
day to work for Los Angeles for 1905" and
help Portland this year.
The congress was called to order -today
by Senator Clark of Montana, Its presi
dent The hall was decorated with the
colors of Mexico and the United States.
The attendance was fully up to expecta
Congressman "W. R. Smith, of the Six
teenth Texas district extended a wel
come on behalf of the state.
"William B. Phillips spoke for the State
University, and Captain T. J. Beall for
the city. Responses were made by Gif-
ford Pinchot, of the United States Geo
logical Survey; "W. C. Johnson, of Den
ver; C. A Carlisle, of South Bend, Ind.;
and E. L. Smith, of Hood, River, Or.
Senator Newlande, of Nevada, Governor
Pardee, of California, and Governor Mor
rison, of Idaho, also delivered addresses
at the morning session. This afternoon
President Clark delivered his annual ad
Letters were read from "President Rnnsi.
velt and President Diaz and Vlce-PreSlT'
dent CorraL of, Mexico, also Setters from
all the members of President Roosevelt's
Cabinet There were -two letters from
President Roosevelt One- said. Jn partw
"The best use of the public lantC is that
made by the man who has come to stay.
You should make yourselves the guardians
of the future and prevent the waste of the
great National resources of the country."
He said irrigation and all other inter
ests of the country were interlaced, as
irrigation would make the "West prosper,
and, If the West prospered, it would cause
other sections to prosper as a result The
other letter said:
"I wish it were possible for me to accept
your kind invitation to attend the Nation
al Irrigation Congress to be held at El
Paso. I need not state to you the deep
Interest I feel In the cause of National ir
rigation. Irrigation is, in very fact one
of the means for National expansion
which Is most important
"Wishing you a successful meeting, I
am yours truly,
Hon. Glfford Plnchott Chief of the For
estry of the United States Department of
Agriculture, delivered an address- He
was followed, by E. Benjamin Andrews,
chancellor of the University of Nebraska,
and H. E. Williams, Assistant Chief of the
United States Weather Bureau; William
E. Smythe, of San Diego, Cal., and F. W.
Newell. Chief of the United States Re
clamation Bureau.
Resolutions, credentials and permanent
organization committees were then, ap
pointed. Oklahoma secured approval .to
day of the Geological Survey for Its great
mountain park project to reclaim 2,250,000
The Mexican delegates resolved today to
ask the congress to give them official rec
ognition, and an effort will likely be made
to make the congress internationals .
Prof. E. G. McAdle, of the San. Francisco
Weather Bureau; M. E. Phillips, of the
University of Texas; Prof. William L.
Bray, of the University of Texas, and
others delivered addresses tonight Tba
citizens of El Paso tonight tendered a
banquet to F. H. Newell, Chief of the
United States Reclamation Service.
Hfs Throat and Ear Are Giving Him
Much Trouble.
VIENNA, Nov. 15. Absolutely reliable
information has been' received that there
13 jeason for the gravest fears in con
nection with the health of Emperor Will
iam. The report which emanates from
a source in Berlin, the mere mention of
which would convince the world that the
German Emperor Is a very sick man, adds
that His Majesty's physicians have al
ready decided that another operation la
inevitable if their patient Is to be saved
from a rapid decline.
While it is still uncertain whether the
Emperor's trip south will be arranged
sooner than originally contemplated, his
entire rqutine during his, stay in- Berlin
is subject to revision by his physicians,
He has been absolutely forbidden to in
dulge in mental or physical exertion to
any extent, and his recent public appear
ance was in direct opposition to the phy
sicians orders. As a result of his dis
obedience the Emperor has suffered a se
vere relapse. His throat is so sore that
he cannot speak audibly, and his old ear
trouble- has also been aggravated. The
report of the sudden change for the worse
irT the Emperor's condition, has reached
Vienna In a roundabout way, none of
the correspondents in the German capital
being ready to Incur the displeasure of
the authorities by attempting to apprise
the world, pt the perilous condition of the
Emperor's health.
French Action Surprises Tokio Prsss.
TOKIO, Nov. IS. Leading Tokio news
papers discuss with surprise the faottlUes
given to the Baltic fleet to coal at JTreh
ports. They declare that saeh prtvitegeg
were altogether analosoas to graatter
passage to belligerent troops tfcf&aa .
tral- wcriwry -