Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 14, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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Why Physicians Recommend Castoria
C ASTORIA has met with pronounced favor on the part of physicians, pharmaceutical societies and medical authorities. It is used by physicians
with results most gratifying. The extended use of Castoria is unquestionably the result of three f&cts: - JFbrst The indisputable eridenoe that
it is harmless: Second, That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimilates the food: . ThirdA-lX is an agreeable and
perfect substitute. for Castor Oil. It is absolutely safe. It does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotic and does not stupefy. It is
unlike Soothing Syrups, Batemans Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, etc. This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty, however, is to
expose danger and record the means of advancing health. The day for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance ought to end. To
our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by regulating the system not by stupefying it and our readers are
entitled to the information. Journal of Health, ,... I , rLru
Letters from Prominent Physicians Addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
eabkreparatioa0r As
similating 6e7ood ami Regula
ting tfeeSto&acfes and Bowks of
ProcKI)e3EonOref ful
ness andBestjContains ratter
Opwm.Morpbme corMeeraL
Kot "Nam c otic .
JUMbSAt- ,
Soar Stoaach.Disote),
mntss aoa if ass ur swr.
ItoeStaafe SifMfere at
The Kind You Have
Always Bought and which
has been in use for over 30
years, has borne the signa
ture of Chas. H. Fletcher,
and has been made under
his personal supervision
since its infancy. Allow
no one to deceive you in
this. All Counterfeits, Imi
tations $nd " Just-as-good "
are but Experiments that
trifle with and endanger
the health of Infante and
Children E xperience
against Experiment.
Dr.W. L. Leister, of Hogers, Ark.,
says: "As a practicing physician I
use Castoria and like it very much."
Dr. W. T. Seeley, of Amity, IT.
Y., says: "I have used your Castoria
for several years in my practice and
have found it a safe and reliable
Dr. Raymond II. Evarts, of Santa
Ynez, CaL, says: "After using
your Castoria for children for years
it annoys me greatly to have an ig-.
norant druggist substitute some
thing else, especially to ihe patient's
disadvantage, asan this case. I en
close herewith the -wrapper of the
Dr. B. M. Ward, of Kansas City,
Mo., says: "'Physicians' generally' do
not prescribe proprietary prepara
tions, but in the case of Castoria my
experience, like that of many other
physicians, has taught me to make
an exception. I prescribe your Cas
toria in my practice because I have
found it to he a thoroughly reliable
remedy for children's complaints.
Any physician who has raised a
family, as I have, .will join me in
heartiest recommendation of Casto
Dr. W. P. Wallace, of Bradford,
X. H., says: "I use your Castoria in
my practice, and in my family."
Dr. Win. I. McCann, of Omaha,
Neb., says: "As the father of thir
teen children I certainly know some
thing about your great medicine and
aside from my own family experi
ence, I have, in. my years of practice,
found Castoria a popular and effi
cient remedy in almost every home."
Dr. Howard James, of New York
City, says : "It is with great pleasure
that I desire to testify to the medici
nal virtue of your Castoria. I have
used it with marked benefit in the
case of my own daughter, and have
obtained, excellent results from its
administration to other children in
my practice."
Dr. J. E. Clausen, of Philadel
phia, Pa., says: "The. name that
your Castoria has made for itself in
the tens of thousands of homes
blessed by the presence of children,
scarcely needs to be supplemented by
the" endorsement of the medical pro
fession, but J, for one, most heartily
endorse it and believe it an excel
lent remedy."
Dr. B. Halstead Scott, of Chicago,
111., says: "I have prescribed your
Castoria often for infanta during
my .practice and find it very satis
factory" Dr. William Belmont, of 'Cleve
land, Ohio,, says: "Your Castoria
stands first in its class. In my thirty
years of practice I can say I never
nave found anything that so filled
the place."
Dr. E. J. Hamlen, of Detroit,
Mich., says: "I prescribe your Cas
toria extensively as I have never,
found anything to equal it for chil
dren's troubles. I am aware that
there are imitations in the field, but
I always see that my patients get
Dr. Channing H. Cook, of Sain
Louis, Mo., says: "I have sed your
Castoria for several years past in
my own family and have always
found it thoroughly . efficient and
never objected to by children, which
is a great consideration in view of
the fact that mjst medicines of this
character are obnoxious and there
fore difficult of administration. A3
a laxative I consider it the peer of
anything that I ever prescribed."
Dr. Ii. 0. Morgan, of So. Amber,
IT. J., says: "I prescribe your Casto
ria every day for children who are
suffering from constipation, with
better effect than I receive from aaj
other combination of drugs'
Dr. H. J. Taft, of Brooklyn, K.
Y., says: "I have used your Castoria
and found it an excellent remedy in
my household and private practice
for many years. The formula is excellent"-
Dr. Wm. I. Bosserman, of Buf
falo, K Y., sayB: "I am pleased to
speak a good word for your Castoria.
I think so highly of it that I not
only, recommend it to others, but
have used it in my own family."
Dr. P. H. Kyle, f St Paul,
Minn., says: "It affords me pleasure
to add my name to the long list of
those who have used and now "en
dorse your Castoria. The fact of the
ingredients being known through
the printing of the formula on the
wrapper is one good and sufficient
reason for the recommendation of
any physician. I know of its good
qualities and recommend it cheerfully."
Bears the Signature of
5 ria."
Loo Loos Get Busy and Walk
Away With Double-Header,
Qoee Into Box for Portland,, and Is
Hit for Triple and Three Singles
in First Inning, Letting
in Five Runs.
Xe8terdays Scores.
Portland, 2, 4; Los Angeles, 8. 7.
Seattle. .3, 0; Ban Francisco, 4, 1.
Tacoma, 4; Oakland, 1.
Steading ef tha CI aba.
"Won. Lost. P. C.
Lc Angelas S3 40. -5T0
Oakland SS 43 .608
. Tacoma. r6 43 ,CW
Seattle 47 51 .480
Can Francisco 42 BO .457
Portland ....-34 S3 .551
LOS ANGELES. Nov. 13. (Special.)
Portland lost two games of a double
header today by scores of 8 to "2 and 1 to
4, the first game being for the one post
poned in Portland two weeks ago.
Starkells pitched the first game and
was hit bard at the right time, Splea and
Bernard getting triples and Cravath a
homer, among others. -Jones was very
effective. The second game lasted but
five and one-half Innings and was
stopped after sundown.
Mason, of Los Angeles, was hit nine
times, but won because a. local pitcher,
Simons, " who pitched for Portland, was
hit for three singles and a triple in the
first inning, and an error sotted Los An
geles five runs. A pass, & double and
an error made two more tn the fourth.
Los Angeles .'. 02302001 0 S 7 2
Portland 0000 2 0 00 02 6 2
Batteries Jones. Spies and Chance;
Etarkels and Kellackey.
Second game ,
Los Angeles 50 02 0 07 8 2
Portland .1012 00 t 3 2
Batteries Mason and Chance; Simons
and Kellackey.
Overall Pitches Great Game Before
Crowd ef Old Townsmen.
FRESNO. Nov. 13. This was Overall's
6ay. Fifteen hundred people. Including an
excursion load from visalla. his home
town, saw him pitch one of the best
gaJRAtf he ever twirled. Fifteen men were
struck out by him. Oakland's lone score
vw mvo9 in ice nintn. score:
Tea . o 0100002 4 s l
Oakland 0000000011 4 2
BatUrle Overall and Hogan; Buchan
an d Stark.
UMfek to Hit the tall Whtn Rum
Were in ilfht. '
SAM rRAXCfSCO, Nov. U--The inabil
ity of Seattle to make hits when hits
would have produced runs was the cause
of the double defeat of the Northern team
today. In the afternoon game Corbett,
allowed only two hits and struck out
seven men. The scores:
First game-
Seattle 0 0000012 0-3 6 2
San Francisco 2110 0 0 0 0 4 9 6
BatteriesShields, Hall and Blanken-
shlp; "Wheeler and Gorton.
Second game
Seattle OOOOOOOOO-O 2 1
San Francisco .'.....0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 4
Batteries "Williams and Leahy; Corbett
and "Wilson.
Umpire McDonald.
Free Love Would Bring Votes.
VANCOUVER. Waah.. Nor. 11. (To the Ed
itor.) Noting- the criticism of the 'Catholic
Sentinel on th6 sermon of the Her. &. C. Lap-
ham on the "Undlvoreeable Man," reprinted In
your paper of November 7, I wish to reply to
the ely tiara at Socialism Interjected In the
last paragraph, viz.: "I have it on good author
ity that advanced Socialist advocate free
hooks, free food, free clothes and free lore,
hut It remained for Mr. Lap ham to preach
free love from the "pulpit."
It Is not necessary to defend Mr. L&pham
in either his views on divorce or his private
character, as any one .acquainted with the
gentteman knows that h tan da firmly for
purity of life and the sanctity of the home;
and any fair-minded person who heard or read
the sermon mentioned will agree with the con
clusions reached, whether the conclusions har
monize with narrow, pec tartan views of tha
Bible or not.
It would be lnterestinc to know the "good
authority" or what "advanced Socialists ad
vocate tree books, free food, free" clothes .and
free Jove," if the Catholic Sentinel would In
vestigate and be just, it will see and know
that Socialism does not advocate or propose
to give anything free, but that In order for
any one to enjoy the necessities and luxuries
of life one. roust help to produce them it men
tally or physically able. As for love, Socialism
proposes to fre It from the commercial basis
by giving woman all her natural rights and
placing her In circumstances wher she will
not be tempted, la order to make a "good
match," to make a mockery of marriage, or
be compelled by bitter necessity to sell herself
for the meant to live. For hundreds efyears
woman was held In subjection as an lnfartor
being, without "volte in church, state or fam
ily, and such subjection of woman la greatly
responsible for the present condition of society.
Socialism is not a religion, nor does it pro
pose to Interfere with any one's religious views.
or hind the conscience In any way. On the
contrary. It opens the way to entire freedom
of conscience by removing the fear from the
mind that one may suffer financially If one
dares to be honest. It alms at industrial free
dom. under which the home, the foundation of
our Nation, will reach its highest development.
when freed from the commercial spirit which
permeates every avenue of society today. i
"There may he -Socialists who &rc "free lor.
era," as I presume such may be found in any
party, but If socialism as a system stood for.
or advocated free love, the Socialist ticket
would poll a far larger vote than la recorded to
Its credit today. D. E. IAJNSFORD,
The World's Kali Service.
The aggregate annual letter and news
paper mail of the world amounts to 32.
500,000,000 pieces, of which 8.BO0.OGO.O0O go
through the United "States mails. We have
75,000 poetofBces and 500,000 miles of postal
routes, with a yearly travel over them
amountiag to BOO.000,090 miles. The serv
ice costs over $160,000,000 a year. The re
ceipts now almost equal the expenditures.
and have doubled in the last ten years. In
I860 the total receipt were 16,030,600. which
was considered an extraordinary sum. But
for $22,000,090 spent In establishing the
rural free delivery, which now serves one-
seventh of tha population or tne uaitea
States, the postofflco would he eeir.uetain
twp wok coxxnfs jsdr snoxee.
A cevre4 platfocsa has sees erect
by the O. R. '. lameltaZely opposite
Oallin Ket SDrinss fer the sveeestsaoAa-
Hon Af paseensers who testr to visit this
resort. The Spokane Flyer, trains s.aof
at tMs point en Sag to taJtae m r
meets aad carries aJI passengers a
across ta rmr to ut bote.
aa ar-
Both Teams Working Hard and Ex
press Themselves Confident of
The account of the way Oregon de
feated "Washington In the football game
Saturday at Kugene was read with de
light by all the Portland football enthu
siasts yesterday, because it means a game
with Multnomah here which will be well
worth seeing. A score of IS to 0 against
the much strengthened line of the Uni
versity of "Washington, made as It was
bv steady team work, prophesies a strug
gle(wlth Multnomah which will go down
in foqtball history.
The game Saturday was played while
Coach "Dick" Smith was away in Cali
fornia refereelng the Stanford-Berkeley
game. He had left orders to play straight
football, simple formation plays and
straight bucks, and his advice brought
victory. From now on till Thanksgiving
Coach Smith will be with his team, and
what the last week's training means for
a football - team was shown plentifully
Saturday in the Tale victory over Pripce
ton. The match here Thanksgiving day will
be between a team of old, tried football
players, Individual stars, with a neces
sarily smaller amount of team work,
against an eleven which began the sea
eon rather worse off for material than
usual, but was schooled into a machine-
like body by its coach, a roan who could
make even Columbia play not only clean.
but good football. Columbia during
Smith's captaincy there last year, made
a big hit in the- football world, for the
first time in several years. Smith was
not there this year, and it went to pieces
once more.
Smith's record at Columbia is what
gives assurance of a hard game in store
for Multnomah. If his team played such
a steady, sure game at Eugene when he
was away, there is going to be something
doing when the team lines up against
Multnomah. Oregon always plays a snap
py, hard game of football, and has fought
Multnomah a desperate fight annually for
years, but it has never had the hopes
before that it has this year. In a col
lege team all depends upon the coaching.
and there have been precious few col
lege teams in the country this year which
have received the coaching that Oregon
has had.
But Just now Oregon I3 more interested
in another game, that with Corral lis on
Saturday. The Farmers have laid as low
as bird dogs on a point ever since the
beginning of the season when they walked
all over "Washington much worse than Ore
gon did, and there is no telling what the
outcome of their game will be. Coach
Steckle, with several of his best Players.
was in Eugene Saturday learning his op
ponents' game, and there will be some
tall work in Corral! Is this week. The
game Saturday will be for the college
championship of the Isorthwest.
Fcotball Honors fer the Year Witt
Prabably Be Evenly Divided.
The football honors in the East this
year will very likely go to West Point
and to Tale.. Something seems to have
happened to Annapolis since it defe&tea
Princeton, and the big" Army-Navy game
to bo played Saturday on Franklua Ffeld.
:TJtUaafelp&, will protJrty go ts tae
Xrmy. TaJe, by its victory over Prince
ton Saturday, has placed itself In the
front rank In spite of the downfall to !
"West Point two weeks ago, and It counted
on to. win from Harvard Saturday. Har
vard Is believed to be weak since deteated
by Pensylvanla.
The working out of the. season in the
East has left things in a rather unsatis
factory condition. Pennsylvania should
have another show at one of the giants
to see if It could repeat that Harvard
game. If Tale does not do better against
Harvard than Pennsylvania, there will be
no Judging which- of the Big Four de
serves the championship.
The greatest interest of the year was
undoubtedly in the Tale-Princeton game.
and that was the best of the season. Un
fortunately for Princeton, the field was
slow, and there was no. oportunlty for
the many clever players lor which the
Tigers have long been renowned. Tale's
weight counted greatly on the wet ground,
and Princeton was shoved back for two
touchdowns. But, even at that, Prince
ton made one wonderful rally In tho sec
ond half of the game. when, with two
scores against It,' the whole team entered
into a dash for a touchdown rrom tne
center of the field, ending when Tale's
immense forwards finally refused to give
an Inch more on their 27-yard line.
Tha way the end of the season looks
now, the last games will not be .the most
Interesting. If .Harvara or Annapous
shonld suddenly take a brace, there is
possibility Of excitement, but as it ap
pears now there is no nope oi mat.
Coursing In California.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 13. The John
Grace coursing cup. valued at J350O, was
won today by H. H." "Waddlngton's . Tom
King, who beat J. H. Hunter's McVey,
16 to 7.
The purse stake was won by Agile
Spirit, owned by "W. G. Crawford, of St.
Louis. He beat Runaway Actress, owned
by "W. Grelchen, of Fresno.
The plate .stake was won by P. "W.
"Walsh'3 Sacramento Boy, who beat Carlo
Grafton, a well-known Montana dog,
after winning two courses, injured him
self. He was withdrawn.
Finding of Strange Coin.
PORTLAND, Nov. 11. To the Editor.) A
singular coin or piece- of token jot advertising
money was found on October 20, 1904, by the
children of Frank Scott, about ten miles east
of "Wllholt Springs, la this wise: Mr. Scott's
dogs chaed a woodrat Into Us hole In a .bank,
and the children dug the rodent out. finding in
Its nest a lot of arrow points, a string of beads
and this coin, made of brass. It la the elxs of
a 130 piece, and about one-third the thickness.
On one side appears the Goddess of Liberty,
surrounded by ten stars, and underneath the
word. "Compos. Eplel-Munxe." The design of
the goddess is a very close copy of the goddess
on the $20 piece. On tho reverse side appears
a shield similar to that on a $20 piece, with
the corona, just above, and 13 stars arranged
In an elliptical form, surrounded by the words,
"la Unltated Fortitudo. Compos. SpleLMarke."
The shield bears the words "B plurlbua unum."
but they are almost obliterated by abrasion.
'While there Is &o date upon either side, It Is
evident that the coin has been handled a good
deal, aad might "be 30 or 40 years old. The
questioa Is. "Is it aa attempted counterfeit, or
was it iceaed for some adTertlsIng or other
beslnesa purpose T And If so, when and by
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA. Ncv. 13. Arrived at 9 A. St. and
left up at 80 A. M. Steamer Aberdeen, from
a Fra.BC loco. Sailed sX 7:15 A. 31. Steamer
Geo. "W. Elder, for Son Francisco. Arrived at
12:15 P. M- Schooner Beulah, from San Pedro.
Arrived at 6 P, M. Schooner Honolpu. from
Santa Barbara. Condition of the bar at 5 P.
L, snoots; wind southeast; weather cloudy.
Saa Fraaclsco, Nov. 13. Sailed Steamer Ne-
Tadax, for Hoc alula; bark Marie Hadelelae, for
Glasgow; bark R. P. RIthet, for Honolulu;
rrtrsmtr Columbia, fer Portland. Arrived Ship
General Faldberbea, frem Swansea; steamer
Norwood, frem Gray's Harbor; steamer "Whit
tier. Ires Pprttae.
gas FraacSseo. Nov. IS. Arrived TVhltUer.
Sailed at 5 Asractea. t
Butt tha neoale.'aeaaiMO tfcer see tired
C Mttoc doMs, yritk. um -pata a gripiHif
ttet usually Mer. 'Carwrs i4tu-J-rr
P01a Op ptil a do.
Victors Have a Hard Struggle Before
Them. When They Meet the
Husky Men at Coryalllt.
Nov. 13. (Special. Yesterday's football
game between Oregon and Washington
will go on record as one of the hardest
and best games ever seen in Eugene.
UOregon's decisive victory can be attribut
ed to tho excellent coaching of "Dick
Smith, the first graduate coach in the
history of Northwest football. . Smith's
particular system of coaching puts 11
men in every play, the result being a high
standard of team work. Although prer
vious Oregon elevens have contained
many star players, such as Coleman,
Shattuck and Zelgler, never before have
the webfooters shown such speed and
strength of team work.
In Saturday's same every man on the
local eleven aided materially in winning
the game, but the work of several Indi
vidluals deserves especial praise. "Walter
Mclntyre, a big freshman, who played
for the first time at rlghguard, demon
strated the fact that he has great possl
blllties on the gridiron. As a ground
gainer, Mclntyro showed, exceptional
ability. Arnsplger, at - left ' tackle, who
was pitted against the hitherto Invincl
ble McDonald, outplayed his gigantic op
ponent in every department of the game.
Although outweighed 31 pounds, by ile
Donald, Arnsplger repeatedly broke
through the line,. throwing the "Washing
ton backs for losses.
The center trio of the home team played
faultlessly, and the men of the back Held
moved like clock-work. Captain Joe
Templeton displayed better defensive form
than heretofore, while Kerron and Frank
Templeton were in every play, iatauretta
was effective in handling punts. Cut Ore
gon's jends prevented Seattles fullback
from running In Templeton's drives. Right
Tackle Earl deserves credit fdr opening
huge holes in the Washington line,
through which "Kerron and the Temple-
ton's shot for substantial gains.
Captain McElmon. at fullback, was an
effective ground-gainer, while -Dean and
Shaw, Washington's freshman halfbacks.
made fierce assaults on the local line,
Center Rush Crim and Left End Polland
did effective work, while Tlbbals and Or-
mand. who alternated at rlgh end.
brought the Oregon backs to the ground
with an earthquake lar. On the whole.
however, Washington was outplayed and
the Seattle men frankly admit that tha
best team won. The Visitors made u host
of .friends while in Eugene, for they ac
cepted their defeat in a most sportsman
like leaner.
Oregon's next game, occurs at CorvalUs,
when Coach. Smith's eleven will be pitted
aealnst the undefeated team of the Agri
cultural College. Tha local collegians are
not overconfident of winning the game,
but they are determined that if the
"f armtrs" win it will be only 'after the
most spirited gridiron straggle ever seen
In the Pacific Northwest. The intercolle-
srlate championship of - three states "will
be at stake, and although tho local
eleven will he outweighed ! .pounds to
the mar and will be opposed fey a team
of veterans, Oregon's fleet-footed repre
sentatives will fight like demons to win
the day.
The football isanagesent will run a spe
clal train to Ccrvaiils. and tha team will
be accompanied by tt excwrsioaisls.
VItery for Intef rlty. ,
PORTLAND. Nov. 11. T the Xiltor.) The
atgmlfiosnca of the eleetfes last Tmeaday -was
In Its iBdoeseme&t by the po4e of caety
tM Miaeerlty aad Mek. eonsetsiitssos sjisttves
la oolitic as la Um aetalaHrtrattoa af tin
Gavfcnirnt, "Whoever aTrw-e tfcte fil W
se the drift o pobile efteJoo. To It.
wss a Mraetial trlvsnsti for Mr. Raoserstt. It
waa an unprecedented ovation to him, but why
did the people rally to his standard with such
Inflexible purposes? They admired his Intellect
ual ability, to be sure, but that was not what
drew men to him. There are many brilliant
men, intellectually, in this country, some of
whom, at least, have no appreciable hold on
the people. Why la thisT The ready answer
Is the people do not have faith in their Integ
rity. They distrust them, and hence will not
follow them, or Indorse them. It was this very
consideration that had much to do In causing
Mr. Parker's overwhelming- defeat.. Not that
the people distrusted him. personally, but they
did distrust the men who brought him out and
who stood behind his campaign. It was dis
trust and disgust that defeated blm. On the
other hand, the people have confidence In
Roosevelt. They believe he acts from con
scientious motives, and this It waa that drew
voters to him. They believed hint honest and
sincere, and that he could be safely trusted
with the Government for the next four years.
It seems to me this Is the significant point In
the result, and one that cannot be brought too
prominently to the front. Trick, and fraud and
deception and management m pontics nave
been savagely rebuked by the popular verdict.
and honesty, and conscience, and integrity,
and candor, and sincerity, hate met 'with un
precedented approval.
Honesty and courage are personified In tne
President and this waa the honest man a cam
paign. Henceforth when a candidate offers
himself -for public support tha main questions
asked about blm. will be. Is hs honest and baa
be moral backbone? If he lacks in these Qual
ifications, the chancea are that he will have
hard sledding. Is 16 too much to hope that tha
days of the trickster and schemer ere num
bered? They will be when men of Integrity
learn to pull together, as they ought to, for
their own good, and for the good of the public
at large. Roosevelt's splendid conscience has
awakened and quickened the conscience of the
entire Nation. LEVI W MYERS.
Years Before 1905 Fair.
' PORTLAND, Nov. 11. To the Editor.)!
noted In an editorial la the New York Dry
Goods Economist, the great American textile
authority, issue of October 29, the following
about the St. Louis Exposition: "The exposi
tion has been the biggest thing ever, at least.
In point of else, and In some other respects It
cannot be beat, but has proven a failure from
a financial standpoint, so In this country, at
least. It will he years before another great
National exposition will be held."
I would like to Inquire: What Is publicity
committee of the 1905 Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion about? HARRY C. WHJTTD3R,
1 think," declared the little daughter ol
the widow, to the- millionaire who was call
lng. "that you are a charming' and delightful
man." "How nice! What make ye say
so?" "Mamma told me to." Detroit Fru
Doctors of the St Louis H".', Dispensary
and all diseases and weaknesses of men, due to in
heritance, habits, excesses, or the result of. specific
Every man who Is afflicted owes It to himself and
his posterity to get cured safely and positively, with
out leaving any blight or weakness in his system.
We make no misleading statements or unbusiness
like propositions to the afflicted in order to secure
their patronage. Tho many years of our successful
practice in Portland prove that our methods of treat
ment are safe and certain.
Call at our offices or write, and if we find that you
cannot ba cured we will WOT accept your money
UNDER A2fY CONDITIONS j and if we find you ara
curable we will guarantee a SAFE AJTD POSITIVK
CURE in the shortest possible time, without injurious
after effects. Our charges will be as low as possible for conscientious,
skillful and successful -service. Consult us before consenting to any
surgical procedure upon Important blood vessels and organs.
SPECIAL HOME TREATMENT. If you cannot call write us. Always in
close ten 2-cent stamps for reply.
OFFICE HOURS 8 A- X. te S P. M) StJKDATS 10 tm 2 ONLY.
St. Louis S?i"nd Dispensary
Cer Secaad aad YankM Streets, Partlaad, Or.
The Master Specialist
ef 7ortlad. who earen
m oaiy, whe sees
patients personally.
Established 1879.
Blood .poison.
Twenty Years of Success
In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver,
kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diar
rhoea, dropsical swellings, Srlght's disease, etc,
Kidney ami Urinary
Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent, zsilky 9?
bloody urine, unnatural discharge speedily curs,
Diseases tf the Rectum
Such as piles, nstuia, fissure, ulceratiea, jbsohs aad
bloody discharges cura without th ksii pain e
Diseases of Men,
gisot, binciura, unnatural !, Ua
Cures guaranteed.
emissions, dreams, exhausting Aratea,
luucuus nij- ww. lth niAht emissions, dreams, exhaust! nr ralM
bMhfatoa, aversion to JS3l GbT
XYlimDSS2awi !VWioom"ex-c8a ana strains have lost their 9CAXX.X
P"Sf5br Mm kxtk DiSKASKS, Sypkllllsv Gonorrhoea, painful. Woody aria,
niriad. JAwv Troubles, cured wloutatKCirr K wTJUM. rfHKW
V'wlai tt nostra.
me reWiy-mkd. pr.paraticma. but cure tha Us by thorough awdieal trt
ZLntT' HLiJfew' Famaalt m Privata Iias pmt tr to aU bm who -SeriWtsMkir
trbi PATUSKW eurad at hosae. Tersas rsMal. AU lttr
a2siB vop. CMJUitKw tr and tMncbr emMtaL Call
n -orfraar .
DR. WALKER, 181 First Street, Corner YiMnllift, Porwid, Or