THE MORNINGr OREGONIAN, 'MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1304. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Count! ag-RooEi ............. . .Wain 667 Managing Editor .ilaia C33 6un day Editor Main 633 City Editor . Mala 160 Composing-Room Main 6S5 Superintendent Building Bed 2S26 East Side Office East 61 AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER (Morrison St.. between 6th and 7th) Tonight at 6:30 o'clock, gran a concert. COLUMBIA THEATER 14th and -Washington) Tonight at 8:15, "The Gay Pari slant" CORDRATS THEATER (Park and Washing ton) Tonight at 8:15, "Flnnigan's Ball." STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. BAKER THEATER (Third 'and Yamhill) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 4. 7:30 to 10 P. M. ARCADE THEATER (SeTenth and Wash ington) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. BIJOU THEATER (Sixth, near Alder) Con tinuous vaudeville from 2 to 10:20 P. M. X.YRIC THEATER (corner Alder and Sev enth) Continuous vaudeville irom 2 to 10 P. M. Held Teacheiis' Institute. Professor J. Zlnxer, superintendent of the Clacka mas County schools, held a successful institute in the Harmony schoolhouse Sat urday. Many from Oregon City -were present- In the forenoon J. TV. Wills took up the subject of writing, and strongly advocated the Spencerian and condemned the vertical method, and -was followed by a discussion. Professor Evans, of Oswego, save a paper on "Recitation," that was commended. At noon luncheon was served. In the after noon, Addle Clark, superintendent of the Oregon City schools, gave a Teport of her observations at the St. Louis Fair. There was extended discussion of the school exhibit from Clackamas County at the Lewis and Clark Fair, and it was the concensus of opinion that it should he high class in every respect. It has not been settled whether this exhibit will go with the county display, or with the educational exhibit. In the afternoon, the Clackamas County Teachers Association elected the following officers: Professor Zlnzer, president; vice-president, Gilbert Beattle, TVest Oregon City school; secre tary. Miss Fannie Porter, Portland. Offi cers of the Library Associations were chosen as follows: Professor Mlndell, president: L. A. Read, vice-president. To Make 'Alberta Street TJjrironit in Naite a?jd Width. Councilman A. F. Flegel says that an agreement has been entered into with the large property owners to make the name of Alberta street and its width uniform. East of Williams avenue it is known as Alberta street, but west to the Willamette boule vard it is but 30 feet wide and is called Carpenter street. It will be widened to 60 feet to the Willamette boulevard and the name Carpenter wiped out, so that the entire street will be termed Alberta street, and will be uniformly K) feet wide. It will then be graded and sidewalks laid to the Willamette boulevard, except be tween Williams and Vancouver avenues, where plank will be laid for the 'benefit of the public For the Educational Displat. The Montavllla public school will prepare sev eral product maps for the educational exhibit for the Lewis and Clark Fair. On a small scope, some of these maps have been prepared of North America and other countries, and they have at tracted much .attention among educators who have seen them, and are pronounced unique In their class. On the surface of these maps the products of the countries are shown. The great grain producing sections of the West and the corn re gions are represented by kernels of wheat and' corn. The maps the school will pre pare for the Fair will be about sixvfeet square. Principal Bowland says that work will be started on the maps within a If the party who picked up check of The Oregonlan Pub. Co. Thursday will kindly return same to the office, he will receive reward. Payment on check has been stopped. A Choice business property for sale on Third street. Particulars, 31 North Front- Grand Opening today. Japanese art collection. Parlor G, Hotel Portland. Woman's Exchange, 133 loth, near Al der. Lunches 12 to 2 P. M. Jr. Brown, eye "and ear. The Marquam. BESEHT TICKETS ON SALE. Matinee for Miss Edith Angus Prom ises to Be Well Attended. Tickets will go on sale today at the box offices of the Columbia Theater and at Rowe & Martin's drug store at Sixth and Washlngtoq streets, and at the Star and Arcade Theaters for the benefit perform ance at the Columbia Theater on the aft ernoon of November 22 for Miss Edith Angus, a member of the Columbia Thea ter Stock Company, and who is now re covering from the effects of a serious operation at Good Samaritan Hospital. Business arrangements for the matinee are in the hands of a committee of women who belong to the different Protestant Episcopal Churches In town. Miss Angus being a busy church worker when in good health. To make the sale of tickets as large as possible, it is suggested that reg ular patrons of the Columbia Theater take small parcels of tickets and sell these to friends. Tickets are only 50 cents each, and it Is hoped to tax the seating ca pacity of the house for such a worthy cause. The programme Is not yet defi nitely settled upon, but the Columbia Theater Stock Company will be seen in one act; Mrs. Walter Reed, contralto, and Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer, soprano, will sing, and Max Conn, of the Star and Ar cade Theaters, has promised two or three good vaudeville acts. It will be a per formance that cannot elsewhere bo dupli cated in this city. TELLS OF C0L0BAD0 TROUBLE Cripple Creek Cruelties Described Be fore Audience at Arion Hall. Arion Hall, at Second and Oak streets, -was comfortably filled last night by an audience gathered to listen to the lecture on "Cripple Creek Cruelties." as delivered by D. C. Copley, who for many years has been identified with the Western Federa tion of Miners and the various mining or ganizations of the -country. The lecture dealt with the scenes and In cidents of the great miners' battle In Colo rado, and was told In a graphic manner by one who has been in the midst of it. He reviewed the conditions which led up to the trouble between employers and employes, and told of the organization of the miners and of their alms and pur poses. Mr. Copley in his address threw the burden of blame for lawlessness upon the shoulders of Governor Peabody. claiming that it was his arbitrary ruling that aroused the miners to a state of frenzy. While in this state. It is held by Mr. Cop ley, the outrages were perpetrated, not by the members of the Federation of Miners, but at the instigation of the mlneowners, their hired deputies and thugs. The state ments of tne speaker were roundly ap plauded by the audience. CHARGES TO LEAFY SOWER. Structure Being Uniquely Decorated for the Grangers' Convention. Products of field and garden are fast transforming the Armory into one large bower, decorated in the night by fairy hands, to welcome the thousands ot peo ple In attendance at the 3Sth annual ceaveation of the National Grange. Pat retM of Husbandry, opening .Wednesday BiniBg. The pilgrims from the Xast arrive tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock at tfe Union Terminal Depot, and they will spend the remaining part of the day rest ing from the fatigue' of their Journey, many of them coming from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Exhibits of grains, fruits, etc, from the different counties of this state, and particularly from Clark County. Washington, are being arranged around the Armory- Washington farmers nave sent over an Immense picture in wheat, with a picture in wheat of President Washington, and the words worked around the edging, "The Star of the Northwest." The picture contains grains, minerals, flowers, fruit, lumber and shin gles. WAGOHS TO CAESY MAIL. Street-Railway Company Has , , Lost Money on Contract. Wagons will soon carry the malls from the Postoffice to the suburban substa tions. The closing of the Morrison-street bridge has brought to a head the protest of the City & Suburban against the low rate paid by the Government for mail carrying by electric cars. Malls have been delivered to the City & Suburban Railway Company at Third and Yamhill streets, but during the time that the Morrison-street bridge is closed it became necessary to make delivery at Grand avenue and East Burnside street. The railway company wanted the Post master to do this, but the Postmaster referred to his contract with the screen wagon service which calls for delivery at Third and Tamhlll streets, and stated that he had no authority to make any change. The result is that the railway company is paying about 30 per ceijt more for having the mails hauled across Burn-s!de-streetbridge than the total amount It is receiving for carrying it to the suburbs, which is naturally not a very satisfactory condition of -affairs. The manager of the railway company gave the following statement to an Ore gonlan reporter: "The present situation merely empha sizes the fact that the rate allowed elec trirc railways for carrying the malls is absurdly out of proportion to the service rendered- We carry two dally -malls each .to Woodstock, Sunnyside, Mount Tabor, Central and Montavllla, and for this we receive a total of $47.91 per month a trifle over JL50 per day while we now jpay for merely carrying this man irom Sixth and Ankeny streets across the Burnslde-street bridge to Grand avenue 12 per day, and I believe that this is no mora than a fair compensation for the wagon service; at all events, it was the best wc could do. 1 "In April, 1902. two and one-half years ago, we called the attention of the Post office Department to the fact - that the compensation allowed us was entirely in adequate, and that unless he allowed us a greatly Increased rate, we wished the contract canceled. He replied that under the regulations he could make no In crease, and that if we- insisted upon can celling the contract, he would, of course, do so. but that this would result In a more infrequent and Irregular mall serv ice and thus inconvenience the people living along our lines. In view of this; and for this reason alone, we decided to continue the contract, particularly as a committee of the American Street Rail way Association had been appointed to take up the question of increased com pensation to all electric railways. This committee reported at the last meeting of the association that they had received short shrift from the Postoffice Depart ment, and while they asked for more time, seemed to be of the opinion that the department had no wish to make any change or secure authority for an In creased rate, evidently believing that the railways would continue to carry the mails for about one-third the actual value of the service upon the plea that their patrons in the country would be In convenienced if they did not, "There is certainly neither reason nor Justice in this attitude. "The company is under no more obli gation to carry the mail for less than a fair rate than they are to carry mer chandise and packages upon the same basis, and. I think, as a matter of fact, the carrying of such packages would be of more importance to the suburban resi dents than the mails. "The department gives fat contracts to the railroads and to many steamboat and star routes, but they evidently have no intention of making any change in the rate to electric railways, so long as they will continue to carry the mails on the present basis, but we have notified them finally and definitely that they must make other arrangements and cancel our contracts as soon as possible without undue Inconvenience. "Many electric railways throughout the country are doing the same, and are looking to, the people to sustain them and force the Postoffice- Department to make a fair adjustment." DEFENDED THE LAWYEES. In His Sermon Dr. House Ssys the Profession Is a Noble One. Lawyers who attended the First Con gregational Church last night and heard Rev. EL L. House preach a sermon on "The Legal Profession," must have said in their own minds: "What good fellows we are." The sermon was Just In its criticism and aoounaea in mgn laeais. "When Dean Swift" called the law a bot tomless pit, a cormorant, a harpy that devours everything, he was more witty than wise," began Dr. House "A sharp featured woman once made her way to the office of a Western lawyer, and present ing her boy Jim, said: Tou needn't think that Jim is too young to study law; Why, he was born for a lawyer. When he was only seven years old he struck work. When he was eight he got '"sassy. And now that he Is 10 years old, he Just freezes on to everything he can lay his hands on.' To such a class of people a lawyer Is the man whose trade it is to get people out of scrape?. No cause so infamous, no Job so dirty but can command his service. provided his scruple, If he has any .are overcome by the halt of a sufficient fee, To such, the conception is unknown of a clean, conscientious man who passes In and out ot the temple of justice with rev erent tread, whose palms have never touched unhallowed gold, who would soon er lose his right hand than prostitute his talents by espousing an unjust cause; and yet there are thousands of lawyers who answer to the 'above description. "The greatest definition of law ever given was by Richard Hooker, who said: 'Of law there can be no less acknowledge ment than that her seat Is the bosom of God, her voice the harmony of the world. All things in heaven and in earth do her homage, the very least as feeling her care, and the very greatest not exempt from her power. All of them admire her as the mother of their peace and joy. The practice of law to-day brings before the lawyer two ideals one that Is high and noble and In harmony with the traditions of the past, and second, what Is a fearful comment on the legal profession and the times in which we live. There are lawyers to-day who state that: "It Is right to de feat the ends of justice by any possible trick in the courts. Causing, prisoners to escape from the bhenff, running off wit nesses, suborning witnesses, embarrassing them from testifying to the truth, and putting off cases till the witnesses die or get .out of the reach of the court. " The musical service was an impressive one. The. quartet sang Roberts' "Seek Ye the Lord." the tenor solo being effectively sung by William H. Boyer. The principal work was the rendition of Mendelssohn's "Hear My Prayer," which was finely, ren dered by Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer, soprano, and the chorus choir. The shading and tone quality were admirable. Miss Leo nora Fisher supplied the organ accompa nlmenta. Next Sunday night Dr. House will lecture on "The Newspaper Man." ' Clara Harry aera he loves me 3 ack that be could die tor "me. Aunt Jaae Harry would rto anytntnc to eeeajpe work. Boetoa .Transcript. AT THb THEATERS "The Gay Parisian." Joseph Pinglet .William Bernard Angellque .Mary Banksbn Pa I Hard Edgar Banme Marcelle Cathrlne Countlss Mathieu......'. G torse B. Berrell Hyacinth Edna. Hopa Violet r.. Marian Barhyte Daisy Roy Bernard Rose Fay Reade Mazlme ...George Blooxnquest Boulot Donald Bowles Bastlen ..Frederick Estnelton. Ernest ...". Charles York 4 Botticelli R. Long Brocbard Scott Seaton Vlctorlne Louise Brandt Expressman C Wilson Mrs. 7 Lou Power It's a scream from the drop of the hat. The real forte of the Columbia Company Is light comedy. Perhaps it were best to say farce-comedy, for that popular or ganization "has never given us anything more completely pleasing than "The Gay Parisians." which Is the vehicle for the exploitation of the talents of those ex cellent actors, severally and collectively. Anyone attempting to discover a plot In tnls nonsensical piece should be held up to public ridicule, and anyone attempting to find a moral should be stood up against a wall and shot. It's Just an occasion for laughter, without a moment more serious than a titter. "The Gay Parisians." of course, has a French trend, but It Is harm less and not rieque enough to offend any but the prudish. The story is not Impor tant enough to trouble about. Its very funny, it affords most of the players" "fat" parts and the company is most happy in it. That's all that is necessary to say about it. For the rest go andsee the show. William Bernard for the first time this season Is cast in a comedy role and by the same tokbn It Is hie best opportunity to shine. He Is the most Important per son to be reckoned with this week. He Is Pinglet, a dray-horse sort of husband, who gets out of the paddock for a night with the colts; He takes Cathrlne Coun tlss, for the time, being Marcelle, an equally eminently proper wife with him. They meet up with Edgar Baume in the role of Palllard, Mary Bankson, who Is the shrewish wife, Louise Brandt, who is a giddy young person named Vlctorlne, George Berrell, the counterfeit present ment of a troublesome old papa, with a bevy of silly daughters. George Bloom quest, who does a bloodless young book worm beautifully, Donald Bowles, an im possibly funny waiter, ..with a highly ri diculous make-up. another equally Im possible waiting person enacted by Fred erick Estnelton. and Scott Seaton in the person of a police captain. They meet, sev erally and collectively a number of others but they are incidental. The result is ex crutiating. If you feel a doslce to laugh for two hours and a half you must see "The Gay Parisians." Tou can do so any night this week A. A. G. NOSES ABE NOT CHIMNEYS. Dr. Brougher Tells This Fact at Anti Cigarette Mass Meeting.' The mass meeting held in the White Temple yesterday afternoon by the Anti-Cigarette League, which Rev. Wallace Struble has organized the past week, was well attended, about half of thb congregation being children of the various schools in tho city. The little folks all seemed to be enthusiastic over the crusade against tobacco in this form, and listened attentively to the various speakers. Dr. J. W. Brough er seemed to be able to hold their at tention most successfully, and when he told them that God did not make their noses for chimneys they thought It was a capital point. Professor T. T. Davis, principal of the High School, responded to an ur gent invitation by Dr. Brougher and spoke a few minutes. He expressed himself as entirely in sympathy with the movement Inaugurated by Rev. W. R. Struble against the cigarette evil, and said he felt authorized to say that all of the school authorities In Portland "were In favor of such work. Dr. E. L. House, of the First Congregational Church, was another speaker, who un derstands how to interest children. He spoke to them about the tendency of everything and everybody In this world to drift, especially the wrong way, and told his childhood experience of try .lng to smoke a cigar. Dr. Brougher told a like experience, and the youthful fighters against the tobacco evil had a good laugh. Rev. M. M. Bledsoe, of Immaunel Church, also spoke, and P. B. Wrlllls. of the Young Men s Christian Association read the Srlptural lesson and extended cordial Invitations to all the boys pres ent to attend the meetings held at the association and to enjoy the benefits of the gymnasium and swimming pool. Rev. Mr. Struble made the principal ad dress of the afternoon, explaining anew the points he has brought out in his various talks at the different public schools, and adding many new argu ments why young folks should strenu ously avoid the use of tobacco in any form. The fact that no boy who uses tobacco evct stood at the head of his class seemed to make an Impression on the young students, and they were also much concerned In the fact that football players were never allowed to remain In a team If they used' It. Mr. Struble said he felt much encouraged at the large attendance pf the meeting, and expects before the final mass meet ing Is held to have so many girls and boys belonging to the league that one church will not hold them. There are now about a thousand members in it. ATTORNEY MACKINTOSH HERE Seattle Official-Elect Has Little to Say Concerning Gambling. Kenneth Mackintosh, the prosecuting attorney-elect of Seattle, has been visit ing In Portland for a couple of days with business acquaintances and college friends. Seattle, as Is commonly known. Is a town which In the past has gambled a lit tie. drank to a limited extent and been naughty generally, so the personality of the man who is to curb the lawless ele ment of that place Js of Interest. The new official Is a young man, smooth of face and pleasant In manner. He was opposed on the ground that he was too young for the trying duties of the office, but had 7,500 votes to spare when the totals were taken, which in the minds of his friends disproved the argument that his youth was too great. "They gamble a little up In Seattle, do they not?" was asked. It was admitted that there might be a few games in the vicinity of the city now and then. "I suppose you will close the gardes?' "I haven't thought much about It. That Is I haven't made, up my mind." WHEJ1ET0 DDO. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant, fine, private apart- aaents for parties. 386 wastu. aeer kb. GRAXUUATKD XTEL1D. Murine Eye Remedy euro this aae Uwr K.70 tretiBies. maxm week eyas streeg. M at HI erjnre. SoU fcr Vmc y germ. "Hasisaa's Ball." Connor Casey.... Edward F. Gallagher Willie Sells Lester L. Pike Weary Walker. Elvla Mack Felix Ansted Policeman Denny...' Ben Bernard WIddle Garity Fred WUson Mrs. Bedella Casey Marine Taylor Percy ...". Walter Ward Kittle Casey Fannie Txumhull Stella D&sMngton Louis Frost May Ketchem Nellie. Montrose Daisy. Footllght Mae Barrell T Maggie Mooney Bertie Dunbar Daley Bell i Florence Hulse Annie Rooney May Pike Mary Green Rose Burden Sadie Shaw Jessie Varies Mary Brown Josephine Leslie Timothy Flnblgan J. J. Barrett An old friend came tn tnirn rrtt trr1n v for a little Old nnntml flnl nr.H la ot Cordray's to say howdy to the partisans ol rouga-ana-tumoie Irish farce comedy. "FInniran' Rail" 1q -hii hai and hearty in solte of aril. Sattir nf th Jokes are a trifle stiff in the Joints, but most or tne songs are new, tho girls dance with all' familiar situations are still funny enouRh to keeo the audi The "Ball" is old enough to know bet ter, but It Is still vigorous enough to do manual labor and t It still gets the money, so Its owners are not to be blamed for sending It out with each re curring .season. '" This must be Its steenth trip to the Coast, but It might nave oeen its nrst it the cordial re ceDtlon triven It bv CnrA yesterday means anything. jmere was never the slightest at tempt to tell a story In the piece, and this year there's less nlot th bother over. It's just a string of spe cialties, songs, dances, gags and oc casional spurts of dialogue about noth ing in particular, but it affords a very satisfactory entertainment if one Is not 4ft - U A . I Gallacrher nnr? "Rnrroff hsv v. ni. Murray and Mack roles and they make me two nvai ansnmen just as tunny as their predecessors. Gallacrher has a fine slnari Barrett is a comedian with original Ideas of thn nnrf 'Vnlthor nf tva tin men Imitate Mnrmv nnrf "M.v Thi. conceptions are different and I consider mem an improvement on the originals. Mavme Taylor, whn hnn frAntiAntlir been seen here; Is this year's Mrs. Casey, and her singing of operatic se lections and "Mandolay," which she did as an encore, were among the best fea tures of tho show. Fannie Trumbull. nn nf fhA -btaII- known Trumbull sisters, has. the sou brette nnrt nnri rinnrA' crm.Afttliv Elvln Mack Is the tramp and succeeds in maintaining tne importance of the Dart. Fred Wilson nlnvs tti wldnv capitally and Lester Pike, the Willie oeiia, possesses a gooa oass voico. una chorus Is small, but good-looking and graceful. The "BJg Indian Chief" song-, by Gallagher and the ensemble is an attractive number and the finale of the second act In which Russia and Japan do the reconciliation act was tre mendously applauded. "Finnlgan's Ball" runs all week. A. A. G. MUSEUM FOE 0EEG0N. Use for One of the Buildings After the Fair. LONDON, Oct. 29. (To the Editor.) Has not the establishment of a museum for Oregon re ceived leas attention than. It deserves? I do not wish to depreciate the effort jnade to col lect a few Interesting objects In the City Hall, but we ought to have something on a much grander scale. One of the Lewis and Clark buildings might well be kept for this, special purpose, when the Exposition has run its course. There are three departments at least In which a beginning could e made Oregon birds, In dian relics and remains of extinct animals. 1. Oregon birds. I have spent several morn ings In the great Natural History Museum, at Kensington. There the British birds are ex hibited, with their nests, in their natural sur roundings. This last point calls for notice. Where certain birds, such as swallows and martins, build under the eaves of a house, a section is taken from the roof, displaying the nests and eggs In situ. Other birds make their nests in hollow trees. A section of the tree Is exhibited, with a sufficient piece cut out of the side. The aquatic fowls are in the midst of reeds and pebbles. It would not be difficult to make up specimens of this kind, within an easy distance of Portland. Of course, the ob jects are In glass cases. 2. Indian relics. It may be expected that many of these will be shown in the Lewis and Clark Exposition, and It Is probable that a good number would be given If a permanent collection were formed. 3. Remains ot extinct animal, if the state were toorganlze a Summer expedition" to the John Day Valley, I believe that valuable re mains could be brought In by the wagon-load Such an expedition should be well supplied with horses, wsjrons and emntv Imxm nf iirl. cua stzes. This work might well be carried cn by the State University, which, however. could not furnish the funds. Duplicate speci mens!, of which there would be many, should go to Eugene. Both the state and the unl verslty would be enriched. I mention the John Day Valley without meaning to exclude other places, which are well known to Professor Condon and bis associates. The museumsot art and natural history at South Kensington are full of suggestion as to arrangeoKnt and detail. The combination of industry and ingenuity la amazing, and I wish I had the technical knowledge necessary to describe It adequately. Let us make a be ginning In the same direction, learning all we can from what others hare done. , RICHARD H. THORNTON. Weuld Loan Exhibits. PORTLAND. Nov. 10. (To the Editor.) An editorial In a recent issue of The Oregonlan. headed "Bear In Mind," was timely and to the point, as the utility of such a movement as Intimated would be of the greatest Importance. A museum equipped with the means for In struction would be of the greatest value, and our museum should not only be a cabinet of curiosities, but more a museum of arts and science, as modern museums do not deal with fictions, but of that which Is most true and certain, all of which tends "to Increase and dlOnse knowledge among men." All lovers of science. literature and the- One arts residing in our city and state would avail thesBselves of the museum to advance their studies, which would lead to the most useful practical result, for there can be no doubt that a museum containing collections of all the products of Nature and Illustrating every branch of physical sclenoe would attract to gether men of learning and students from throaghout the whole Northwest, and would "open new avesaee of Intelligence throughout the whole of Its vast extent. " The fortunate occurrence ot the great Ex position to be held here during the coming Summer offers a very favorable occasion to build up a museum equal to any In the coun try. Consequently, It is necessary that some measure should be taken at once to provide a permanent home for our various private col lections in' some fireproof building, where the increasing and valuable collections on hand could be displayed and examined by the many scientific Inquirers who will visit our city dur ing the Lewis and Clark Fair. The local fair of old has grown Into the great Intersatloaal exposition, but are only tetBperary, while a maseasa Is permanent and always aeeesslble. besides being" continually increastesT its acsABsitieas, and after our great ExpcslttoB ha passed lato watery, we , would still have our -jnttfrearri with all Its valuable collectloas, the most powerful and useful aux iliary ot all systems or teaching ty object lessons. Oar colleges aad other great educa tional kMtitvtisea are oaly for thsee of our yofe whose pareate cam aHerd the expense of a eoHege esetse, aaa they oly teach of the xsriwec a4 Usei isUus pC othets; la tact. get t-lr lahnsaaUsa at sesssrf-haso' fresa ookt, "watte at tfee ansfi. wMcfc im a! war om ts all classes. ee ccsass hi Mreet ctact I with the objects themselves. -Haxley detees a museum as "a coeeBltatloa literary of objeets." The fosndiac c saeh a ueam in oik- cKy Is a work wness teeertaaee cannot be over-estimated. In the werk of museum orgaalsatles. our city has sot ke$t pace with some of our ' older Eastern cities, although we have ample natural resources to draw upon, and owing to the entcuslaace lasers of Mr. L. L. Hawkins we have mada, quite a start toward a. museum In the display at the City Hall, where there Is quite a collection of bric-a-brac, which should be reconstructed and transformed from a cab inet of curiosities Into a museum of living thought, and be gives' a permanent home. The British museum received Its greatest benefits from Its great exposition held la Lon don in 1S31. which marked a great epoch In the Intellectual progress of all English-speaking people. Our own Centennial Exposition In 1S76 was a "great revelation to the people of the United States, and aided in establish Lis several museums In the Eastern States, which have done as much for the higher education as the colleges. The great museum ot South Kensington. England, was partly built up from donations by the exhibitors at the Expos!- tlon of 1551, as were also the museums of Philadelphia and other Eastern cities from material received at the Centennial of 1876. i The Columbia Museum, of Chicago, got Its . greatest aid. from the Columbian Exposition of 1883. We can and should do as well for our museum, for when we once have a well ar- ranged museum, teachers and scientists would take their pupils and. give them object lessons -In the different branches of scientific research, and all classes would avail themselves of the advantages offered at such a collection. I will renew an offer made some years ago that, when such an Institution Is established, I will loan my collection, consisting of several thousand specimens of minerals, fossils and petrifications gathered from all parts of the world, all properly labeled and classified. In addition. I would also loan a library of about 100 volumes on mineralogy, geology, metalurgy. chemistry and kindred subjects, as a nucleus, providing they would be properly displayed and Insured against, theft or injury. It seems hardly Just to expect our liberal-minded peo ple, who always respond stf readily to every call, to build a home for a museum, but why not utilize the old Pavilion block, on Third street? It belongs to the city, and Is tree of Incumbrance, and could not be put to better use. Then why not issue bonds to build a good, substantial fireproof bulldfng upon it or a permanent borne for all. of our collec tions consoiiaaiea into one organization as a free public museum? A. v. MILLER. IN THE RACE TO WIN. Charles Sweeny, of Spokane Aspires to Be Senator. j Charles Sweeny, the millionaire, ot Spokane, who is supposed to be about to stand sponsor for a new hotel in the ( city, reached Portland yesterday morn- Ing. accompanied by Mrs. Sweeny, and j will remain here for a short time looking over business matters. Mr. Sweeny reached the eltv nvr -th O. R. & X. n the morning; and while he did not hide or place himself in seclusiou; ne vanished from the public gaze until after dinner 'time. He was at last dis-' covered talking- to O. F. Eaxton In the lobby of the Portland. "It was explained that the people of Portland had been waiting for some time to know just when he was going to commence to build the hotel supposed to be .planned by him. They had been waiting for his arrival for a week, being sure that when he came their doubts would be laid at rest and the hotel assured. "Now," admitted Mr. Sweeny, "I have learned most of my hotel plans from the papers. Most of my information on the subject has come from them. "To tell the truth," continued the Bpeaker, "I have not as yet given the matter definite attention." Mr. Sweeny, -was told It was common rumor that he had come down from Spokane to decide one way or the other in regard to the construction of another hotel. "I have not considered the matter to day," he confided, and then, seeing an unsatisfied look In the eyes of his lis teners, he added, "but I may take the question up tomqrrow." Seeing that the hotel topic was becom ing barren, anothed tack -was tried. "I understand," the reporter said, "that you are going into politics, Mr. Sweeny." The gentleman carefully inserted his thumbs In the armholes of his vest and gazed earnestly at the questioner. "Yes," he admitted, "I am in the race to win. If that is possible. I" have the unanimous indorsement of my county and I am out for the offlce if I .can get it." It was argued that since Mr. Sweeny was a Republican, and since Spokane was a good town and deserved something, it would follow as a natural sequence that the candidate of that city and coun ty would have an easy time. Mr. Sweeny shook Ills head. "There are four other men in the race," he said, "and I do not know how they will act in the western part of the state. That remains to be seen. I may know more about what will happen to me later in the season," he added, and. smiled slowly. "I am sorry," said the newspaper man truthfully, "that you have not made up your mind to build the hoteL" "Oh. I may build It tomorrow before I go home." replied the magnate, casting great light ot definite information on the subject. It Is understood that Mr. Sweeny will hold & conference today with those who are Interested In the construction of a new hotel, at which meeting a definite arrangement will be made. It is also said that there is but little doubt but what the decision will be to build, pro vided a few minor details can be arranged. PERSONAL MENTION. Charles B. Hopkins, United States Mar shal of Spokane, Is at the Portland for a. short business visit In the city. William D. Chamberlain, Representative-elect from Umatilla County, is In the city visiting friends for a few days. J. S. McQuade, advance representative of "Candida," George Bernard Shaw'a famous play, is In Portland. Mr. Mc Qtfade was formerly a well-known Seat tle newspaper man. N. Poston, of Seattle, is at the Portland. Mr. Poston Is tbe representative of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company for the North coast, and Is here on business con nected with the company. NEW YORK. Nov. 13. (Special.) Northwestern people registered at New York hotels today as follows: From Portland Mrs. F. B. Porter, at the Grand Union; C S. Archer and-wife, G. M. Rice, at the Imperial. From Seattle Mrs. F. B. Whiting, J. D. Thomas, at the Holland; C J. Burns, H. F. Norton, and wife, at the Herald Square. From Everett Miss M. J. Clark, Mrs. I. Clark, at the Kensington. From Salem Mies. Rogers, J. H. Rogers and wife, at the Gilsey; E. It. Barnes, at the Metropole. CASTORIA Dm KM Yh Hut Ahrqs Bears tko fltgoatare of VULCAN COAL CO.'S RAVEN LUMP COAX.. 0 &M delivered. It's & good, cheap keaat ee&L ROCK SPRINGS LUMP COAX,. K.M delivered, it s we eM&aest es ts hmt t. . , Scroenod eo&l aad fall wtigbt gwna teed. FImm Mate KK . Office, Hm. 329 Buriishfe Street Four Grand Prizes at St. Louis Fair THE "GRAM PRIZE" IS THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD HIGHER THAN THE GOLD MEDAL v The Yfctor Safe- & Lock Co., of Cfodnttati, received the Gratn Prize for its exhibit of Sell ItufaMM Sttl Soak Safes ever all competitors for Medcrn Improvements, Censtruction, Work manship and Finish :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: On its display of XeUXk Fflta; De-ricef, Fvnl tn xml Fixtare, Stwl ReJJtr Batik SielTM, Steel Dec u n it Tilt, StMl Cewrtan & Da, The Art Metal Construction Co., of St. Leuis, Mo., and Jamestown, K. Y., received the Grand Prize The Grand Prize for Adding Machines was' awarded the Staaiaci JiMiig MViWm ever all competitors. The verdict of the jury, which made , an exhaustive Investigation was endorsed by both department and superior juries :: :: ::" Tho Fisher BiHif Xaohise aa Book Tyfewritor received the Grand Prize on its superiority for billing purposes, time and labor saving features 7. & E. Seetfeaal Fili Caoiaets were installed ' in offices of Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Saint Louis, after a careful inspection of all other makes Glass & Prudhomme Co Norihwesicrx Agents :: 123-125 First Street :: Portland, Oregon HIGH CLASS TIME SAVING OFFICE DEVICES AND SUPPLIES AT THE TOP OF THE LIST FOR MERIT OAKWOOD MALT THE CANADIAN MOST OFTEN IMITATED ROTHCHILD BROS. TXClTiC COAST JLOflMTS CAUTION Christmas shoppers anxious to secure the latest, handsomest and best Opera Glasses for less money than inferior articles are sold elsewhere, are cautioned, for their own interests, to await the arrival of our magnificent, specially manufactured line now on the way from Paris, France. WALTER REED THE OPTICIAN 133 SIXTH STREET OREGONIAN BUILDING ZSCCAtZONAL. riXK ASJ3 WASHINGTON 8TXEET3 POSTXAXD, OR$GOX Established la 136C - Opem all. the year. Print er e&M Instruction. Thoasaads of gradaatec la p&itiona' opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to attend cur school. Catalogue, specimens, etc.. free. A. I. AJSfSTKOXG. PRINCIPAL. FredPreM.D.S DENTIST 4G5 Dekvn BIdg. list tut at Imtt Btfee. Sch wah Printing Co. IIST ffOXX. JLZASONABLZ P3.ICZS STAXX STXIXT 44 ABSOLUTE ecmrqf'' taity to compere the DwcW-H&mpdea sMc by jMe? pme "Jhfwmy" side with other watches. eSilff 0Ttf ffaf OfC MjcTAuaMU W?tiyM HKC Catom eMse daC . eiewi r 4Lmr sKKaKXHNksKin WftfW VSaHMy VaV wmi km 900txrr "lkbt mm the. watchman" , MALT WHISKEY IK BOTTXSS V?tvt fei Bdt. frUl ,tUe 3S ceata Utaa alM .... 86 oeata Xart e m $1.08 One Scuttle of good coal gives more satisfaction than a dozen Inferior. Everyone should try our coals The Pacific Coast -Co. CHAS. H. GLEIM, AGENT 249 WASHINGTON ST. TELEPHONE 22&-23T. X s 3 x TEETH Boston Painless Dentists Known the world over, are the emly deatists in Portland having the late botanical DIS COVERY to apply to the grim for ETRACT ING, Fit. LINO and CROWNING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN, and smaraateed far TEN YEARS. Exasslaatiea ............. Freo, gn-rer FlIllatTa ,.. Me" Gold FIUlsss SlQ Fall eet Teetli that St from. 9.M Gold Crswas 9.M f.M Bridge Work S.f to SS.W OUR SUCCESS la das to our PAINL.SSS METHODS. LOW PRICES AND GOOD WORK DONE BY SPECIALISTS la each department. NO STUDENTS Is, the office. All worlc done PAINLESSLY by SPECIAL ZSTS of long; years" experience. Give ua a call, and you will and we do Just aa we ad. vertlse. Boston Dental Parlors Fifth aad Merrbea Streets, Xateaaee 3014 v TEETH For modern dental worlc World-renowned Specialists. Lowest prices consistent with first -alaae work. Go to the NEW YOKK DENTISTS FOURTH AND MORXISOX STg. "Talk him into buy ing something else" is the advice frequently given to aaleamea when it customer asks for a and it isn't in stock. Naturally tbe dealer doesn't like to see kie customer going to another store, .so the argu-aent is all in fcvor of tdbe wa tehee be bappea to have in, stock. Tbe watch that is most profitable to the dealer is boc always the moet profitable for you to have. Maehe the dealer give you a Mr chance to get the fcet you can for yowr inc-aey. Aad the only