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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1904)
14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1904. CAUSES H STIR Hall's Choice Sets Poli ticians. Agog. BIDTHE SENATORS AGREE? Gossips Wonder but Solons Make Vigorous Denial. THEY 'NEVER .INDORSED HIM Senator Mitchell ays He Loyally Ad vanced the Claims of J. C. More land Fulton Recommended No One to President. Reappointment of John H. Hall for United States District Attorney has set gossips to "wondering whether the Ore gon delegation In Congress did not pri vately recommend Mr. Hall over the other aspirants and tacitly acquiesce to his se lection, but both Senator Mitchell and Senator Fulton declare that nothing of the kind was done. The Senators say em phatically that to their knowledge no member of the delegation recommended any person for the place or discussed Mr. Hall's candidacy with the President pr any official of the Department of Justice. Reports have been circulated to the ef fect that Mr. Hall's appointment was made on recommendations long on file in Washington: that the Department was as sured last Spring that the Senators would consent to his selection, but that the choice should not be announced until after the Oregon election last June, and then the Presidential election; that the Sena tors wished to give the place to G. C Brownell, but decided that It was inad visable to try? that before Congress ad journed the Attorney-General had in formed the Senators he desired Hall's re tention and that they fcad consented to It, and that the entire delegation had in dorsed Hall before its famous meeting in the Portland Hotel after returning from Washington. Delegaton Recommended. No One. All these details are denounced by both Senators as false. "The delegation recommended nobody to the President jot the Attorney-General," said Senator Pulton last night, "for the simple reason that It had not agreed on a man. Last Winter we decided in Wash ington thai Mr. Hall ought to be- retained until after the land fraud cases were tried. At that time we did not know the trials would be so long deferred. Last .lummcr when It looked as if the cases would not come to trial for some time we endeavored to agree on a recommenda tion. At our meeting- in the Portland Hotel we took as many as a dozen ballots, in which the vote stood 3 to 1. I cast my vote for several men, including Percy Kelly, of Albany: B. L. Eddy, of Tilla mook, and Mr. Hall, and the three other members voted steadily for Judge More land. Mr. BYownell. whom T once sup ported for the place, withdrew a year ago. "At no time did I ever discuss the ap pointment of any person with the Presi dent or Attorney-General or any officer of the Department of Justice, except once last Winter in a casual way with the Attorney-General when It was remarked be tween us that Mr. Hall should be retained until the land-fraud cases were tried.' Senator Mitchell Indignant. Senator Mitchell was indignant when the stories of the gossips were recited to him. Jumping up from his seat he de clared, sternly: ! "I made no recommendations, nor did I place any on file for Mr. Hall or anyone else. If there were any on file I know nothing of them. X can say with all can dor and truthfulness tha Z- never had one word with any official of the Department of Justice or with the President relating to the reappointment of Mr. Hall or the selection of anyone else. "Though I favored Judge Moreland. of course "it was not proper for me to place any recommendation on file for him or anybody else so long as we had not agreed." "Did you ever ask that the appoint ment be deferred until after the June election?" was asked. "I never asked any such thing directly or Indirectly, either of the President or of any official of the Department of Jus tice." Senator Mitchell continued: Loyal to Judge Moreland. "Prom first to last I was In hopes that the delegation would recommend Judge Moreland. But as the delegation had been unable to agree. I certainly would say nothing on the subject to the President or to any official of the Department of Justice, nor did I ever do so. I never had any hostility to Mr. Hall and was aware that he had made a good officer. .yet I had given my pledge to another and I believed it my duty to stand by him so long as there was any hope of an agreement. I had not given up that hope when the re appointment of Mr. Hall, was anonunced." Brownell Withdrew From Race. As to the report that the delegation had convinced Itself It would be Impossible to "land" Brownell. Senator Mitchell 6aid: "That is not true, nor is It fair to Mr. Brownell. For one, I never reached any such conclusion nor do I believe my col league did. On the contrary, Mr. Brow nell withdrew his application for. the place more than a year ago. Again, he did not expect my support for he was aware of my promise to Judge Moreland." The story that the delegation had agreed to the reappointment of Hall, after ad journment of Congress Senator Mitchell denied as follows: Never Indorsed Hall. "I never consented to Mr. Hall's reap pointment either at the meeting held at Portland or at any other place, and It is not true that he was indorsed by the del egation. "Mr. Hall and I have been personal and political friends many years. Nobody un derstood better than he that I was giv ing my earnest and undivided support to Judge Moreland. While I know Mr. Hall has been an efficient officer, I also know Judge Moreland to be an able lawyer and In all respects worthy of the place. He has been a faithful and Influential worker for the party and he was indorsed for the place by many of -the foremost men In Oregon." lumped Head Against Street-Car. Frits Arbuster will not try to ride his' wheel across tracks Just before the street car comes along until he recovers from a .cut he received yesterday on the forehead. At Union and Tillamook avenues young Arbuster. aged 11. living at 400 Tillamook .avenue, tried to run down car No. 30 go ing to Vernon, and he came out very well. All he received was a cut of an inch and a half and the knowledge that cars are -made of hard material. Tesa Jr. Kadley la -very attentive to you. 1 ufpo coBsratuIsllons will soon fee In order. Jew They're in order now. Tess In&eedT Jese Te: I rejected him Ust VlBt. Philadelphia Pre The Meier (& Frank Store's i Great Thanksgiving Sale of Cloaks, Suits, Furs, Waists Cravenettes, Costumes, Skirts, Etc. $30 and $32 Suits $22.65 200 "Women's Suits in fancy Tweeds, Cheviots, Coverts and man nish mixtures, Tourist styles, tight-fitting and box effects; black, navy, tan, blues and mixtures; all this season's very best Suits, selling regularly at $30 and $32 ; your ft S W choice during the Thanksgiving Sale J for low price of tt T $6.00 Walking Skirts $3.28 500 "Women's "Walking Skirts in mannish mixtures, browns and grays, panel front, side gores, self -strapped and button trimmed, kilt effect; the seasoars best styles, selling rf fjb regularly at $5.50 and $6 each; your choice. !r J ttfm during the 'Thanksgiving Sale at ....... Mail Orders Will; Be Filled Great Fur Bargains .Women's Near-Seal Pur Jackets, 22 inches long, splendidlyiaadt and perfect fitting; a beautiful $25 garment; in c v AX, fact, exclusive fur" stores would quickly ask $35. .Jp I "tO Sable For Scarfs -with two large tails, & big, hand- &. 5K some Scarf, regular $8.00 value Brown Opossum Cluster Scarf, six handsome tails! c jt best $6.50 values, ;or $H.Q& Send in your mail orders promptly. Write today. $14.00 Tourist Goats $9.45 Each 200 Women's Tourist Coats in -length, belted back with plaits, mannish mixtures and Kerseys in black, blue, olive, brown, light and dark Tweeds; all "are this season's very best styles, sell? ing reguiariy at iz.ou ana $i.uu; . your choice .auringthe Thanksgiving Sale for '. ... Mail Orders Wfl! Be Filled r ueac styles, sen- $9.45 High-Class Waists Reduced 2000 Women's high-class Waists in Flannel, Alpaca, Albatross, French Botany, Voile, Nun's Veiling and Batiste, with -tucks and embroidery trimming; tailored effects in fancy checks,-Bo-man stripes, plaids and plain colors; all this season's very best' styles, at special prices $4.50 Waists........ $3.32 $5.50 Waists $3.9B $6.50, $r.00 W&ists $4.45 $8.00, $8.50 Waists $5.45 $9.00 Waists $5.98 Second Floor Women's Short Flannel Skirts in white, blue and pink stripes, silk crocheted edge 50c-60c values, 38. 90c values 62 Evening Nets 39c Yard 2000 yards of 45-inch Evening Nets, in white and colors; values up to $1.25 ; are now on sale at the XQr low price of yard J7y Embroideries, Insertions and Laces i 5 Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries and Insertions, 2 to 9 inches wide ; dainty patterns ; values up to f 40c yard; on sale for yard ' a C Swiss and Cambric Embroidery, 2 to 5 inches q wide; values tip to 30c yard, for yard .v Net Top Iiaees, white, cream and ecru ; values f tT up to $1.75 yard, for yard 1 . . We call special attention to our showing of Real -Laces, All overs, Berthas, Edges in Duchess, Applique, Princess, English Thread and Vals. a magnificent display. $18 Cravenettes Only $14.45 Each Women's Cravenette Blouse Rag lans, fitted backs, fancy button trimmed and collarless; tans, olives and Oxfords all sizes; the best $18.00 values,, for. .$14.45. Women's Cravenette Raincoats, Tourist and fitted back styles; belt all around, notched collar; tans, Oxfords and olives; all sizes all are If 1 i A Pf ft8:8!"!5.. 14.45 $22.50 Craveft'tes Only $17.65 Each Women's Cravenette Blouse Rain coats, plaited back, collarless and button trimmed, leg-o '-mutton sleevef; the handsomest $22.50 " styles for $17.65' Women's Cravenettes, box-plaited with belt;, tans, Oxfords and olives, a grand variety to select from; t 1 Jfm gr all sizes; the very best $22.50 values, JH I J on sale for . . . ., mW . $2.50 Kimonas $1.79 Each 300. Women's. Dressing Sacques and Short Kimonas, in Lands-do-vvne and Velvet Flannels; Persian designs in pink, blue, light and dark colors ; alTsizes; $2.25 and $2.50 9'k values, on the low price of .t y-I V Evening Costumes, Wraps At 2595 Discount the phenomenal success of aeeBaesP . la view of IMF opr dkcowrt sale of Evening Cot mi. Wraps, we vnXl for one aore give yog unrestricted from oar entire magnificent ofrfjae imported and domestic ad wraps at a reduction of cent from the regular seUfay The showing is by far tha fee fonnd m any cky west Chicago and Sncfodas beautiful models 1 in silk, velvet, broadcloth, etamates. high-grade cotton teriais, etc., the hest ef forts of leading New York, Park atkd Lon don artists Theater and Carriage Wraps in rich styles Costwnea for elderly ladies Aa opportunity to secure high-class ap parel jnst in time for the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's fanctions Prices range from $27.50 to $500 Second Floor French Undermuslins Every garment shown is our own importation and com prises Skirts, Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers and Che mise Magnificent hand-sewed and hand-embroidered pieces Fine lace and embroidery-trimmed underwear that every woman will take deHght in possessing The lig re ductions we have made shonld create active baying this week Don't miss this opportunity French Hand-Made Gowns S 6.00 Values $ 4.89$ 7.50 Values $ 5.47$ 6.50 Values ? 4.98 $10.00 Gowns . $ 6.98 $11.00 Gowns $ 7.87 $12.00 Gowns . f 7.98 $12.50 Gowns . ? 9.38 $140 Gowns flO.98 $15.00 Gowns $11.88 $14.00 Gowns $ 9.98 $16.00 Gowns $12.38 $25.00 Gowns $19.9 .French Hand-Made Chemise $10.00 Chemise ?3.98 $8.T)0 Chemise $5.98 $7.00 Chemise $5.37 $ 6.00 Chemise S5.18 $6.50 Chemise $5.28 $7.50 Chemise $5.47 $ 5.00 Chemise ?3.47 $4.50 Chemise $3.27 $8.00 Chemise $5.98 French Hand-Made Drawers $ 1.75 Drawers $1.87$ 2.50 Drawers $ 1.98$ 3.00 Drawers I 2.47 $ 4.00 Drawers '$3.09 $ 5.00 Drawers $ 3.68$ 6.00 Drawers ? 4.78 $ 6.50 Drawers $5.28$ 7.00 Drawers $ '5.37 $10.00 Drawers $ 6.98 $12.50 Drawers f9.79-7-$14.50 Drawers $10.98 $ 5.00 Drawers $.3.68 700 Ft ich Corset Covers and Gowns at very low prices. Corse Covers $2.50- to $16 Gowns $5.50 -to $30. Great Silk Specials $1.1 5, was $1.35 500 yards 36-inch Black Taf feta, extra soft finish; $1.35 value $1.16 $1.29, was $1.50 500 yards 36-inch Black Taf feta1; best ' $1.50 quality for $1.29 Taffetas 58c Yd. 5000 yards of colored Taffetas, all the leading shades; best values in town at? yd 5S Our entire stock of fancy silks for Shirtwaist Suits and Waists all - of them this sea son Js best styles and color-combinations on sale at reduced prices. .All $ .85 Novelty Silks... 57 All $1.00 Novelty Silks: . .77t All $1.25 Novelty Silks. . .95 All $1.50 Novelty Silks. $1.15 Dress Goods Mixed goods at special prices. Entire stock of plain and colored goods 'at special prices. November Shoe Sale The grandest values our big shoe store has ever presented 150 pairs Women's Shoes, odds and" -ends of J. &;T. Cousins ' fine Shoes, all good styles and most desirable leathers, sizes 3 to 5 only $3.50 to $5 Valnes for pr. $2.18 500 pairs of Women's patent colt lace or Blucher Shoes, heavy or light sole, vici kid lace or Blucher, all new de sirable styles, all sizes equal to any $3.50 Shoes on. the market a 1 O pair ; . . . I O 500 pairs IJen's $3.50 and $4 Shoes, Goodyear welt, pat ent Corona and box calf, lace and Blucher styles, QR all sizes and widths, on sale for pair, &JQs Thanksgiving Footwear for Misses, Boys and Children. The best styles ;all sizes;, lowest prices. Thanksgiving Necessities At special low prices Our basement salesroom is ffl&d to overflowing, with rare money-saving opportunities $1.00 No. 8 Granite Teakettles for 60 Wire Toasters for, each. . .11 Asbestos GriddlesJ ea.....27- Asbestos Prypans, each . .7 10x14 in. "Boyal" Boasters for each 82 11x16 in. "Royal" Boasters for 90 Royal Boasters for -each .$1.00' - 'A VRfBaHattaS? each . . 12x17 in. 31.25 set of Mrs. Pott's S&d Irons.8t 18-inch Turker Platters.. ...99c S0-pIeee semt-vitreous Dinner Set; neen floral decoration.... . .?J8 100-ptece set, same as above 60-plece- German. China Dinner Set, decerated in pinlcand g-olcL.CT&e lot-piece set, same as above 60-piece semi-vitreous Dinner Set. pink floral asd gold decorated, for .I,..." v 100-piece set, same as above... 99.99 60-piece white for v 100-piece white for ; semi-vitreous set. tff.lW semi-vitreous set . . . . ... . . $6sV Wash Goods For Economical Bayers All our 75c and $1.00 medium and heavy-weight Colored Waitings; very best designs and color- a r ings; wonderful val., yd WC 40c Fancy Colored Organdies, Su premes and Dolly Varden effects; handsome materials for party cos tumes, great special value for o this saJe t yajW OC SOc Fancy Colored Silk Organdies!. Taseuh Silks. French Organdy; swell styles for evening and- party cos tumes; great value at 77 yard.. .. 33v Sale or Sheets and Pillow Cases con tinues. Drapery, Dept. Ruffled Swiss Bed Sets, with bolster .cover to. lit full-sized bed, dots and small figuifec H0 values, on sale at set S2.95 35.50 values, on sale at set J3.S3 Oriental Pijtow Covers, ready to put the plltowtn, Inches square, tassel on each corner each 25c 35c Embroidered Denim Table Covers, one yard square, blue and green only ech. .19c "Custom Shade and Drapery Work our specialty. Best saaterfaU and workmanship. Ixwest prtee guaran teed. Let us estimate en your next work. Thanksgiving Linen Sale Contiitnas.lhe jnost important of Thagksgiviwg store events The highest-grade Table Linens Our entire stock of John S. Brown &. Sons, Wm. SSddeM and other world- iarooas Laens can be bonght at greatly rednced prices 72-inch Silver Bleached SatinPDamask, yard 89 All Bleached Satin Damask Napkins, 22x22 inches, dozen. .$1.22. All our high-grade' Satin Damask Table Napkins at greatly reduced prices $7.50 values, $5.90 doz-; $8.50 values, $6.60 doz.; $10 values, $7.90 doz.; $12.50 values, $9.05 doz. 72-incb satin damask Table Linens, all the beat patterns; regular XX. grade, at, yard 99c 72-inch satin damask. -Table Linens, handsome designs; regular grade, at the low price of, per yard 94e 72-Inch satin damask Table Lineae, all the regular $1.50 values, fer. yard v. flJf 72-lnch satin damask Table Li seas, the $2.25 grades, for this sale at the low price of, yard ... f l.T Hemstitched damask Tray Cletfes. 17x2 S inches, values extraordi nary at the low price, each Zle Hemstitched damask Te Cloths, all the best sixes aa patterns Grear bargains, ?CM grades.. 8Se each? $1.S5 grafec ftjk eaefe; $2 grades, 'SJtt ecehr airt. Tray uioios lor, eacii, Hemstitched damask Tray Cloths', 20 x23 Inches, marvelous - values at, each 38c Hemstitched satin Damask Table Cloths, beautiful styles, all the best grades at Thanksgiving Sale prices $4.30 Clotha...ftS!J7.00 Cloths.. .9SJS9 96.99 Cloths. ..$-UJ9.00 Cloths..7Je 6.M Cloths .LMill0.OO Cioths..9&M Hand embroidered Afternoon Tea Cloths and Center Plwes. beautiful de signs and Qualities, great bargains at the following prjees: $2.25 Pieces... flTiJi-50 Pieces. ..$RS $2.56 Pieces... S.iIS.OO Pieces. ..4J U, $.M Pieces... S.92S.G0 Piece. ..$8 kM&U urasrs zor jt aoie Jjinena wui oe JBld.'t the sale prices write for sam pto. ' Meier Is. Freak. Cowp tiy Jam l-x Meier & Fraatk CoaefMUiy Meier & Frank Ccjaajiaay Meier at Frewk Come ray Meier Ac Freak Cwiptny 11 1 i