Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 14, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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pany of Minneapolis at a. cost of nearly
J36.000. Of this amount 515,000 -was. con
tributed by the State of Idaho, the re
mainder contributed by the citizens of
"YVelser and residents living on -the Ore
gon side opposite this city. The roadway
la IS feet wide and Is about 20 feet above
EJolsnrO I ! D-rtfflpf of Hie ir. the water. It Is expected that it will
maWJ-uuuo i i ri bg cntlrely completed in about two weeks.
rest for Murders.
BARK ON HER BEAM ENDS. Contet, Centers on Choice of Chief
Crew of General Faldherbe Have Ex
citing Time at Sea.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nor. 13. Eight men
of the crew of the French bark General
Faldherbe, which arrived today, are suf
fering from scurvy. Captain Christen
himself is worn, out and ill after the long
Description Fits That cf ManWho passage from Swansea, and was taken
His first difficulty on the trip
of Police Twa Prominent Can
didates for the Place.
Recently Robbed Bank at Auburn
and Made His Escape in
' a Buggy.
AUBURN. CaL, Nov. 13. Adolph "Weber
has been placed under arrest charged
with the murder of his parents, sister
and young "brother last Thursday night
and with having set the family residence
on fire afterward to conceal- the crime.
"Weber took his arrest coolly, but was
sIIva to what he considered to be his
lesral rights.
The arrest took place immediately after
he left the witness stand and alter ne
had rather reluctantly answered the ques
tions -oroDOunded to him by Coroner bhep-
ard, the District 'Attorney and several
of the jurymen. A warrent for his ar
rest had been sworn out and after its
service Weber asked to be allowed to read
the document.
"I see it has been signed by a Justice
of the peace," ho coolly remarked, "and
SALEM. Or., Nov. 13. (Special.)
Short, but exceedingly brisk, will be the
fight in the Republican municipal primary
campaign, ending In a direct primary
election next Tuesday1. The flgbt will
be for the control of the police depart
ment, and a glance at the line-up shows
that the contest Involves some of the
time-honored differences of the Republi
can party in this and other cities. "While
no word is uttered that distinctly declares
that the fight Is between the two factions
of the Republican party that have been
warring for years, the manner In which
one faction refers to the other shows
that It Is only by an effort that the names
of those two old factional leaders are
kept out of this city campaign.
The leading candidates for the Repub
lican nomination for Chief of Police are
STOCKTON. CaL. Nov. 13. Miss Anna Alonro Gesner and Tom Cornelius, me
Buddlck, of this city, met Instant death I former Is an ex-member of the Legisla
ture ana oi weu-Known amiiiauous iu
taking no part. For a number of years
the electric light company was an im
portant factor in city politics., but the
present management is showing its good
sense by making electricity and improv
ing, the street-car service and letting
politics alone.
So far as the Democrats are concerned,
there Is no talk of candidates other than
tor Chff of Police. It is probable that
. I. Sklpton will be nominated.
Municipal Election Will Be Warm.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Nov. 13.-SpeclaU
"With the reported calling of a Republi
can city convention for Wednesday even
ing, the preliminary steps having been
contest off the River Plata with a fierce
pampero that for eight days strove to
wreck the bark. She was thrown on her
beam end. remaining in that position for
many hours, with the Tall under water
and heavy seas falling- aboard. The cargo
was shifted to port and many sails were
Gown Catches in Automobile Chain
and Head Hits Pole.
as the result of an automobile accident
today. With another young lady and
several other companions she was return'
Ing from a dance. She and a male com
panion were sitting on the back of a
three-seated vehicle, their feet hanging
over the rear, when her dress was caught
in the chain and she was tnrown on ana
dragged a considerable distance along the
Before the manchlne could re stoppea
a Justice of the peace has no authority her head struck an iron pole and she was
in law to issue a warrant to arrest me." i instantly killed, fane was aoout a years
Sheriff Kecnan said he was himself per
fectly satisfied with the legality ot tne
warrant and advised Weber to accom
pany him to the Jail without making any
unnecessary trouble or causing- a scene.
Weber, after carefully buttoning nis coat.
announced that he was ready and with
little loss of time the Sheriff brought
him to the jail. The prison doors had
scarcely clanged behind him before he
asked to "be allowed to consult with an
The latest theory In the Weber mur
der case is that the murderer shot the
father first, then, as the sister appeared
in the hall, he shot her and then the
mother, seeing what had been done.
screamed and started from him, when
he shot her. She continued, on across the
room and, raising the left hand, took down
the telephone receiver to call for help, at
which time she received the second shot.
which penetrated the body just under
the left arm. Jhe child being the only
-one left, the murderer struck him over
the head and felled him.
The operator at the Central Telephone
office says that the line that the Weber
residence is on showed "busy" at about a
half hour after the Are was discovered
by Charles Henley.
Adolph Weber was seen in jail this
morning. He had nothing to say beyond
that he had a good night's rest. He ate
a good breakfast and called for .some
milk, which the jailer did not have. No
effort has been made as yet to get the
young man out on a writ Tjy his attorneys.
Weber's description is said to tally with
the robber "who recently robbed the bank
here. It will be recalled that after the
daring robbery in the middle of the day,
the robber drove rapidly down the road
leading to Newcastle for about a half
mile and then left the rig and took to the
At this time T. S. Palmer went to his
home tmi, being an expert rifle shot, took
his rifle with him and went after the
robber. Upon reaching the spot where
the buggy was abandoned, he noticed a
man climbing the hill on the opposite
side of the road from that which the
robber was supposed to have taken.
TTnnn nvertaklnsr the man he found him
to be Adolph Weber. Julius Weber
missed one of his home-made money
bags about this time, which tallied very
closely with the one used by the man
who held up the hanic
Tonne Weber asked for the dally pa
pers 'this afternoon and wanted to see
them alL He read the various accounts
very critically, criticising every discrep
ancy and threatening libel suits. But
even with It all he talked more about the
reported death of Kurokl, the Japanese
General, than anything else. He was
very much interested and talked quite
freely on the war, but he had nothing to
say about his own case.
Weber looked much better than he did
when on the stand last night, was not
nervous and said he had had a very good
sleep. He says he has no fear of con
viction and believes he will be turned
loose at the preliminary trial.
No new evidence has developed today
except the finding of the pistol ball that
penetrated Mr. Webers body. The doc
tor's at the autopsy found the wound
and last night Undertaker Walsh found
the l)Ullet. - It was of the same caliber
as that of the two found in the bodies
of Mrs. Weber and Miss Weber.
Nothing has as yet been found In the
bodies that would materially aid in un
raveling the mystery. The search will be
continued tomorrow. The Inquest will
not be resumed until Tuesday.
of age.
factional strife. Cornelius is a former
second warden at the Oregon Penitenti
ary, and has never been prominent In
factlnal politics, but Is now the candi
date of men who have been factional
leaders opposed to Gesner.
Among Gesher"s strong supporters are
such men as Ed Croisan. E. M. Lafore,
Claud Gatch. G. G. Bingham. W. C. Hub
bard, Frank Hughes. J. J. Murphy, W.
S. Low. W. J. Culver, W. H. Byars and
Frank Davey. Leaders In the support of
Cornelius are Dr. J. N. Smith, F. T.
Wrlghtman, George Waters, II. P. MInto,
Addison Dllley. John Staoleton. R. A.
Crossan and Russell Catlln.
By common consent the old appellations
of factions of the Republican party have
been dropped In Marion County In the last
Display From Indian School.
CHEMAWA, Or., Nov. 13. (Special.)
J. H. Settlemeyer, of Woodburn, was at
Chemawn. veaterdav to hold a conference
n-lfVi tio TnrHnn mnhftrtl fUlthnrlUf" In ref
erence to the Marion County exhibit at two years, but when a line of political
the Lewis and Clark Exposition. The battle is drawn with kJ Croisan on one
school has a fine variety of fruit and
vegetables raised by the Indian pupils
and In a day cr two many boxes of fine
apples and potatoes that will average
three pounds will be shipped to the Blue
Mountain Cold Storage Company at Port
land to be put. In cold storage and held
for the Marlon County exhibit.
Later other vegetables will be sent and
it Is the purpose of the Indian school au
thorities to be fully represented In the
Marion County exhibit, in addition to
their display as part of the Government
Aberdeen Candidates for Mayor.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Nov. 13. (Special.)
Now that the contest for the county
election is over, the voters of the city are
turning their attention to the campaign
for city officials. There are several an
nounced candidates for the office of
Mayor, the most prominently so far men
tioned being John Lindstrom, the ship
Mr. Lindstrom served several terms in
the Council.
Eugene France, a capitalist. Is also
candidate, and Representative Benn is
said to be desirous of the place. There
doesn't seem to be any. scramble for the
other positions except as to the Council,
which will be largely composed of a new
side and Dr. J. N. Smith on the other.
it Is easy to determine. In general, the
constituency of the two sides engaged
in the contest. The Smith people say.
"We can't afford to let those fellows get
control of the city," and the Croisan
workers declare that "that crowd must
not be given the upper hand in the city
affairs' and to this extent the exist
ence of the old line of demarkation Is
S. A Hughes, president of the Work-
lngmen's Republican Club, Is the third
candidate In the primary election, and has
no factional affiliations that will Identify
him in any way with the old Republican
While there is a contest between S. A
McFadden and Wylle A. Moores for the
nomination for City Recorder, and be
tween Frank Meredith and Fred Haas
for City Treasurer, these contests will be
mild as compared with the fight over the
office ot Chief of Police. The city cam
paign will differ from the warm fights
of several years ago In two respects,
that the saloons are lined up on neither
side, and the electric light company is
kindly to this new style of putting up fish
.and offered battle.
He had built up a good trade even In
Europe for salted salmon. He got $10 a
barrel for his product. It took 15 salmon
to make a barrel, and he had to furnish
the barrel. Fifteen salmon made five
cases of the canned product worth at that t
time $4 a case, double the value of the ',
salted fish. It was the old tale of the (
Peter Scott's Garden and What He SUIT?V o the Jlttese and Mr. Scott hung ;
uu uu uc naa uauuupk
Raises on' Rich Soil Near
the Sea.
MARSHFIELD, Or., Nov. 10. (Special
taken In what promises to be the most Correspondence.) Strawberries, in No-
warmly-contested municipal election ever vember. That Is a showing few countries
held In this city. That there will be two can. make. Strawberries In the Marsh-
and possibly three candidates for Mayor I field dally market reports are now quoted
In the field Is already a certainty. The at 23 cents per box. Peter Scott, in South
matter of granting the Southern Pacific
Company franchise will be the Issue In
the election If the litigation that was re
cently Instituted In this relation In the
Circuit Court Is not disposed of in the
J. U. Campbell will undoubtedly be
nominated for Mayor by the Republi
cans. William Shchan from the Second
Ward. W. J. Wilson In the First Ward
and Sam Frances, Third. Ward, for Coun-
cllmen on the anti-franchise platform.
The Citizens will probably name Dr. E.
A Sommer for Mayor on a reform anti-
franchise platform. A third candidate
may appear.
Marshfield, says he will have strawber
ries up till nearly Christmas. The writer
the other day visited his garden and
picked from the vines as fine strawber
ries as one would find In July.
Just how he produces strawberries at
But he will telL you himself that it is
hard to keep a Scotchman down, and '
while still a young man Captain Scott set 1
to work to develop the garden industry.
He is. a fine example of what can be ac- ,
complished In Oregon where the man has i
energy and staying qualities. .Eight years j
ago Captain Scott bought the five-acre '
place where he now lives. In South Marsh- 1
field, for $250an acre. He says that J1000 '
an acre today would not tempt him to sell. ;
He baa only about half of his five acres
under cultivation in garden, and the rest
he uses as a pasture for his dairy stock.
But when he bought his ptace it was j
overflowed with water at high tide and
was boggy and filled In with old logs. He
this season of the year Mr. Scott doesn t patentiy took up the top soil, filled In
Large Salmon Supply Denied.
BELLINGHAM, Wash.. Nov. 13. (Spe
cial.) That there is enough salmon packed
and storedln the warehouses of the various
canning firms to supply the world for the
next three years, as has been repeatedly
reported In packing circles recently, is
emphatically denied by Charles Corby,
selling agent for the Pacific Packing &
Navigation Company.
"I do not remember when the outlook
for salmon sales was better than it is to-
fiay." he said yesterday. "The fish that
tell. He says that is one of the secrets
of the trade, and that. If he told, every
body might be wanting to go Into the
strawberry business. But to the tyro
there seemed to be nothing different from
the ordinary strawberry patch. There
were the low hills about a foot anart,
with the clusters and single ripe red ber
ries peeping out from among the green
leaves. All over the patch was the fra
grant white strawberry bloom, and ber
ries in all stages of development. Mr,
Scott, estimated that there were as many
green berries on the vines as there bad
been at any time during the height of
the season, and It was then almost the
1st of November.
The grower explained that he took no
the trench. In places four feet deep, with i
dirt from the hillside, and put soil back .
over the top. It Is hard work that has !
made the Scott garden a success, and no '
wonder that sometimes Mrs. Scott thinks
she would like to sell out and return to i
California.' ;
Twenty-one years ago the 10th of next
February, the handsome young captain :
won in marriage the daughter of Major
McDahlels, of Benicla, Cal., Miss Emma
McDanielsL To their home have come
two sons. Joseph Colvin Scott and James
William Matthew Scott. The elder boy,
Joseph, grew up with his father's love of
the sea. When the Chen alls, loaded with
lumber for Adelaide, Australia, set sail !
last September, Captain Edgar Simpson,
carp of the vines at this season of the j h a 'Ballor bofQre tho m&aU a' I
year, and made no attempt to protect th. -at.her v,,n mor. ihan -a Tears f
The voyage over was made In 66 days
and was uneventful. Then came 20 days
them from the frost. Ho said the flavor
of the berry had been somewhat Impaired
by the recent frost. They might not
were left over from last year and all that have another frost until away In Decern- . -u... . i. 1
enough to supply the demands until the
first of July. The Japanese have options
on large quantities, and they probably
will be wanting a great deal more oeroro
the Winter is over. I do not expect any
decllne in prices, and three or four months
more will better the conditions."
Close Vote on Prohibition.
M'MINNVILLE, Or.. Nov. 13. (Spe
cial.) The official count for Yamhill
County has just been completed. The
vote by electors Is: Republican Dimmick
and Fee 2004. Hart 1933, Huff 1937; Demo
cratCrawford 647, Dillard 612, Hamilton
603, Jeffery 613; Socialist Baird 211. Har
rington 209, Holt 214. Hill 214: Prohibition
ist Ames 2S2, Elmore 279. McDanlel 27S,
Barzee 214; People's McMahon 22, Phelps
21. Butler 18. Schmltlein 19.
The vote on prohibition is even closer
than was at first thought. It stands:
For prohibition 14S3. against prohibition
1473; carrying by the very small margin
of 12.
Salem Bartenders Enjoy a Rest.
SALEM. Or., Nov. 13. (Special.)
Though there is now no law In effect
which prohibits the selling of liquor In
Salem on Sunday, not a saloon was open
here today. By common understanding
all were closed, and tho bartenders en
Joyed a day of rest and recreation, which
they fully appreciated.
3 Tales of the Street and Town
Passengers Agents Entertain.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash.. Nov. 13.
(Special.) Tho district and general pas
senger agents of the Northern Pacific
were entertained here today by the Com
mercial Club. Tho first stop in the Yak
ima Valley was made at Toppenlsh.
From there the party was taken to Zll-
lah, four miles away, and given a break
fast by Walter N. Granger, general man
ager of the Washington Irrigation Com
pany. Lunch was served the party here
and in the evening a smoker was given.
A drive was made around the country
for several miles.
Drowned in City Reservoir.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., Nov. 13.
(Special.) Taylor Piles, a well-known
colored character of this city, fell In the
city reservoir some time last night and
was drowned. His body was found by
two men today passing along the edgo of
the reservoir. It is supposed that Piles
was out hunting a chicken roost and
slipped into the water.
The water company shut off water im
mediately after finding the body.
Franchise Case Up on Demurrer.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Nov. 13. (Special.)
The demurrer to the complaint In the
injunction suit that was brought by citi
zens against the Oregon City Council to
restrain the passage of an ordinance
granting the Southern Pacific Company a
perpetual franchise to certain street
rights in this city, will be argued before
Judge McBride in the Circuit Court to
Spokane Man Is Suffocated as He
SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. IS. Elmer
Sleeper, aged 21, night clerk at the Co
lumbia Hotel, this city, was asphyxiated
while asleep In his room last night by
gas which had been turned on suddenly
through an uncapped pipe. The responsi
bility" for the affair has not been settled.
Sleeper's father lives In Albion, Mich. His
father's name is .Elgin H. Sleeper.
Soldier Robbed of Large Sum.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 13. Gottlieb
Hopp, formerly a Sergeant in Company
K, of the Coast Artillery, made complaint
to the police today that he had been
robbed of $2250 on Saturday night. Hopp
was in such a condition of intoxication
that he remained unconscious for 17 hours
at the Central Emergency Hospital, and
he Is unable to give the detectives any
clue to tho thief.
Theory Advanced in Case of Mrs.
Peter Brown.
OREGON CITY, Nov. 13. (Special.)
Coroner Hoi man today received a letter
from J. H. Groshong, of Marquam, stat
ing that the neighbors of Mrs. Peter
Brown, whose badly "decomposed remains
Emperor's' Sausage-Maker.
Stray Stories.
Feeding the German Emperor la
light task. Desplto all that Is said about
the Kaiser's Spartan habits, there are
few monarchs who keep more elaborate
He has no less than four chefs
Schelldenstucker, a German; Harding, an
Englishman; an Italian and a French
manso that he can have his meals for
the day served In the style of whatever
nation he may happen to fancy.
Each of these chefs has his staff of as
sistants; while, In addition, there la an In
dividual who may safely be described as
"sausage-maker to the Kaiser."
His Majesty is very fond of the huge
white Frankfurter sausage, and has
were -found at her home near Marquam
Thursday evening under mysterious dr- supply of them made fresh every day In
cumstancea, have become convinced that I his own kitchen. When engaged In ma-
Mrs. Brown's death was due to other
causes than murder, as was at first sus
pected. Mr. Groshong writes that the
Brown neighbors have found where Mrs.
Brown had been fighting fire near her
home, and In doing so had used wet
cloths. This has caused the neighbors to
conclude that Mrs. Brown waa either
burned to death or was overcome by the
This theory is not generally accepted by
the officials who conducted tne inquest.
who will not be satisfied that a Acrime
has not been committed unless soma ex
planation is made for the presence of a
blood-stained knife that was found beside
the woman's body, and for the further
fact that the door to the house was
locked, with the key on the outside.
Connects- Oregon and Washington at
Town of Weiser.
WEISER, Idaho. Nov. 13. (Special.)
The steel work on the big bridge across
the Snake Biver at this place was com
pleted yesterday afternoon and work is
now under way upon tne approaches.
The bridge proper consists of five im
mense' steel spans each 140 feet in length.
The Approaches will add about S90 feet
store to the length. bulkisc tfie onage
about See fet in length. The bridge con
nect tfce states of Oregon aad I4ako. It
.was built ky to AsMrieeA BrMge Craa-
neuvering his army on a big field these
frankfurters and bread washed down with
lager beer invariably form the Kaiser's
How Cold Are Coatractod aad Proper
An accute catarrh, that Is a cold. Is al
ways the result of undue exposure to low
temperatures. no rapid cooling m the
surface, when not balanced by proper re
action, produces congestion aad inflam
mation or tne nasal ana Droncniai mem
branes. Obviously such an aliment is not
communicable, in the ordinary sense, from
one individual to another. As the slightest
"cold" predisposes the individual to at
tacks of the most severe and dangerous
catarrhal affections, the necessity for its
aulck cure neea not te enforced. These
facts emphasize the necessity for extra
ordinary precautionary measures against
the ordinary cold. Everyone cannot
change his climate at will, but may make
the most 01 wnat ne nas at nome. viz.,
tnkn Chamberlain's Cough Remedv as
soon as the first indication of the cold
appears. It cot only cures a cola quietly
but counteracts any tendency of the cold
to result in pneumonia. This fact has
been fully proven "during the epidemics
of colds and ktId of the past few years.
No case of either ot these diseases having
resulted in pneumonia, wnen tms remeay
was need has ever been reported to the
manufacturers, and thousands of bottles
We are workin by tho day,
Jimmy Hogue;
Two bucks per is what you cay,
Jimmy Hoguo;
And a free ride all the way
In that fine, old County Shay
Oh! we are so fine and gay!
Jimmy Hogue!
THE buiN snone genuy a own upon
the county rockplle. Birds twitted
through the yellow Autumn leaves.
geese honked high and everything was
lovely. Even tho cracked voice of tho
Blnger had some note of jollity as ne
swung his hammer.
It caught the ear of
a very guileless-looking
young man, who
aras passing along
the county road. He
paused and ap
proached tho gang
of workmen. A dep
uty overheard the
Jollowing dialogue:
"Looks like you
fellers had a pretty
5asy Job," he began.
"Pretty fair," said
the man who had
been singing. "Pret
ty fair. We take It
''Pleaee, can you oout as easy as we
give me a Job?" ukc; fve git two
bucks a day, free board an' ledgln and a
free ride to and from our boardin'-house."
"Wa-all, now, that's what I call a pret
ty good job." commented the young fel
low, evidently much interested. "S'pose
it's stiddyr
"Oh! sure. When we quit here, we can
come back any time we want to, by Just
seem.' the boss." t
"What's his name?"
"Jimmy Hogue."
"Oh, that's the man you were Bingin'
about. Say, I've been Hvin' up Clackamas
way. There aln t much in farm-workln ;
an' I want to git married, so I quit to
come down to Portland. D'you s'pose'
that Mr. Hogue 'ud give me a Job here?"
"Well. I dunno. (Don t laugh at the
boy, fellows. He looks honest an Indus
trious.) Hold on a mlnlt. Hoguo's pretty
careful who he puts to work here, an
we re a pretty exclusive bunch, xou
couldn't tell us from the swellest society
people, when we got our workin' clothes
off. I ll tell you, friend, I've took a man'
to you, "and I don't mind glvln you my
place here. You Just go down to Second
and Oak streets an' see Hogue. You tell
him that Cha)wed-Ear' Kelly's wlllln' to
resign an have you take his "place."
The dally grist at the Trouble Mill had
been- ground out, and Judge Hogue had
Just gathered Up his hat and a few pa
pers, preparatory to leaving. At that mo
ment an awkward, inexperienced-looking
young man slowly entered and slowly re
moved his hat.
"Are you Mr. Jimmy Hogue, sir?"
"Please kin you give me a Job out thar
to your rock quarry? 'Chawed-Ear Kelly
said he'd resign If .you'd give me his-
The Judge says he had some trouble
convincing the youth that the job wasn't
worth while:
ERE'S one they are telling on Jake
Bloch. It happened some weeks ago
The Marquam management had been hav
ing a good deal of trouble about gallery
tickets. The scheme worked on them was
as follows:
You bought a gallery or a rear-row-bal
cony seat, and at the end of the first act
you came out. getting the usual return
check at the door. When you re-entered,
you didn't go back
upstairs but select
ed the best -meant 52
seat you could find.
Jake Is said to have
worked the game
successfully a num
ber of times.
Helllg & Pangle
finally determined to
put an end to the
b u s I n ess, and so
formed the habit of
zaklng a good look at
all who came in with
return checks.
On this particular
occasion Jake had
found a good seat.
utcs, will you, and change seats with me?
I want to play a little joke on a fresh
Tho man agreed., and the exchange was
made, none too soon, for a moment later
an usher came down and tapped Jake on
the shoulder.
"'Is this your seat?" he asked.
"Well. I guess I paid for It."
"Have you got a seat check?"
"I guess I have."
"Let me see it, please." (There was a
note of triumph in tho usher's voice.)
"What do you want to see It for? No
body's asking for this seat is there?"
"No; but you'll have to show me your
Jake slowly searched in one pocket, and
then another, finally producing the check.
"There it Is," he said, haughtily.
The usher was nonplussed, and, of
course, was forced to excuse himself.
"Well," commented Jake, with a fine
air of Indignant resignation. "IV s a
mighty strange thing that I can never
come here without being Insulted!"
I but having his wits t?
nf it are sold even' day. which shows about him. he
conclusively that it Is not only the best I guessed that he had been spotted. Lean
and quickest core Tor colds, but a cer- I lnc over to a man fitting next him, he
I Kill ure-uuva Ul uwb mbuiu I ii J -
" i -o "1- ,.. n A I niuaiiciw.
crop. It would be an easy matter to pro
tect the vines from the first light early
frosts, but Mr. Scott said It would not
pay, that his customers wanted Winter
strawberries at the same price of Sum
mer berries, three boxes for 25 cents, and
that he was not warranted in going to
the expense of fixing up a Winter crop.
This Illustrates In part the embryonic
condition of affairs here. The commis
sion men publish statements that any
one making a specialty of gardening on
Coos Bay would do well, that the market
is never fully supplied with home prod
uce. It is true that the Bay imports
from California something In nearly
every line of garden truck to help out
tho home supply. On the other hand, the
gardeners say that their customers will
pay no more for fresh home-grown Win
ter vegetables than they have to pay for
the stale Imported articles. But all these
things will straighten themselves out in
time, as population increases and society
and business become better organized.
The commission men will tell you Just
now there Is a good demand at 13 and 20
cents a box for all the strawberries- that
can be had. But the gardener will tell
you there Is no market for strawberries
at this time of year; and If there is, peo
ple want them three boxes for 25 cents.
It would seem that here Is a case where
all that was needed was simply to get
However, this has nothing to do with
the quality and size of the berries.
Twelve strawberries to the box Is no un
common thing. Mrs. Scott, in describing
them, said some of the berries were as
large as apples. The yield is prolific Mr.
Scott last year' picked 4000 boxes from 13
rows across a small lot. He is planning
to double the size of his patch next year.
and is looking forward to shipping ber
ries to the San Francisco market.
At the Scott home, on the Bteep hillside
of the canyon, is a beautiful clump of
white cedar trees., This waa fitted up as
a sort of picnic ground, an arbor where
people could repair In the heat of the day
or the cool of the evening (the temper
ature here Is about the same night and
day) to eat strawberries and cream and
other delicacies. Prices were made to
conform to the size of the patron and the
length of his pocketbook. You could get
a fine sample for 5 cents, or a generous
fill of strawberries and the celebrated
Coos Bay dairy cream for 20-cents,
It was supposed this resort would
castlo to take on a cargo of coal for
Honolulu. It required 55 days to reach
the Hawaiian Islands. This was the time !
when so many vessels were meeting with
disaster In that stormy period on the
Pacific and the Cheballs was bound for
the mouth of the Columbia. The storm
carried her far north, and for 42 days It
was an anxious time on board and a still
more watchful one for the mother at
home. The boy was not alarmed, even
when the gale carried away every ves
tige of the sails. It was the loving one
at home who suffered. It would seem
that the Joy of a mother In her offspring
was meant tobe tempered by fear for
his safety.
But when the Chehalis sailed a few days
ago for the Philippines with another cargo
of Coos Bay lumber, young Scott was not
aboard. Captain Slmpsoif, himself not yet
21, had offered to make Scott, a boy of
19, second mate. Mrs. Scott Interposed
and her wishes were respected. The fam
ily Is now all united at the home In
South Marshfield, where they are -get
ting ready to build a new house In keep
ing with their renewed prosperity.
Wonderful Gain In Time Made
Modern Inventions.
Day Allen Wllley in Booklovers Magazine
The West Is a country of big things.
and railroad-building by machinery Is
one of them. Even the roadbed on which
the track rests Is made up by the steam
and horse graves, great holes filled up
to the track level automatically, and the
ballast to hold the ties and rails in place
distributed in the same manner. In fact.
such has been the development of me
chanical aids it is not an idle boast that
with them two dozen men could span
the continent with a band ot steel. A
few statistics may give a clearer Idea of
the quickness of It all. To put down
GO feet of track means, of course, to
set In position 120 feet of rails. The av
erage rail Is 30 feet In length, so that
four rails are required to cover the 60
feet. The tracklaylng machine has laid
11S0 such rails In ten hours. This mean3
the laying of no less than 1770 feet of
track every hour, or nearly one-third
Miss May Brlggs, of 7 Alma
Place, Rochester, N.Y., says :
"My stomach was In terrible
shape. I could eat only a llttla
dry toast. I was very pale and
had no strength. Could hard
ly drag myself about the
houss. Suffered great sore
ness and fearful cramps.
Could not sleep. Was wasting
away. Had four doctors for a
yearand get no relief.
Pink Pills
Pale People
of a mile. Yet to accomplish the feat
temnt the younc men to bring their girls all the ties must be placed on their beds.
out and treat them. There were plenty of and the rails not only laid upon them
;D WRIGHT tells a story on a conduc-
tor of the Pleasant Valley branch of
the O. R. & N.
"He Is a pretty good sort of fellow, and
No. 1 pokerplayer, but he's a little
crusty and cranky at times. He hates a
racket or a bolster-
nice young ladies, explained Mrs. Scott,
but the gallants had no incomes that
would-justify indulgence In such luxuries.
and this year the stand went Into desue
tude and the benches and tables are cov
ered with growing vines. It will take the
future to appreciate such an institution.
Strawberries are not the only things
grown In the Scott gardens. Diversified
gardening Is the rule. Berries and vege
tables all find a place on the one piece
of ground. And this pays, for all the mar
ket Is depressed by California competition.
Mr. Scott kept track of-his income from
but fastened to the wood and made ready
for service.
The marvel of it all is tho amount of
manual labor that Is saved by the genius
of the inventor. First come the scrapers,
doing all the work of the- hand 3hovel,
yet two men only are needed for each
machine one to guide, the horses, and
the other to adjust the blade and chute.
With the steam shovel are an engineer
and his assistant, for the shovel fills
and empties its scoop Into the cars with
out the touch of a hand. Compressed
air unloads the cars, but the dirt train
,io a, half acre one year and it was WOO. He usuallv has half a dozen men aboard
uenes any one eisu m mia bccuuu iu f0r emergencies, Desmes tne engineer and
'speak out.'
"He was sitting in
the office of the Wi
nona Hotel the oth
er day, trying to
read a newspaper.
A bunch of three or
four yokels of fhe
vicinity started up
a game of draw at
a table close to him.
and they made more
noise with their penny-ante
and 5-cent-limit
than the rall-
marl man frttiM on.
Cleaned them eat." ure
" 'You fellows must be .having a sky-
llmlt game, from the racket you're mak
ing,' he said.
Thus addressed, the crowd stopped and
stared at him.
Maybe you'd like to butt into this
yourself and Arid out what limit we're
playln'?' said one .old fellow, with his
whiskers full of tobacco juice.
" 'AH right: I will, if you don't mind.'
said the conductor; and he moved up to
the table.
"In 'just 20 minutes by the clock, he had
cleaned them out. There wasn't enough
money left with the others to buy a stick
of candy.
" 'Now,' he said, as he went back to his
paper, 'perhaps you lobsters will let me
have a little peace.' "
It is agreed that the most profitable
crop Is celery. Celery can be harvested
here almost every month In the year. It
bleaches nicely, and In this moist climate
Is always crisp and tender- The whl$e
plume, which Is the Summer celery, suc
cumbs with the- first heavy frosts In De
cjember, but the pink plume stands Jn the
field till long after the first of the year.
"and is always Teady for the table. A
stalk of celery weighing three pounds
brings 10 cents. It Is estimated that a:
acre of celery would bring about in
a season. Mr. Scott is also preparing to
grow celery for the Eureka and San
Francisco markets, where the Coos Bay
plants are prized very highly.
The logan berry is one of Mr. scotts
specialties. This berry was produced arti
ficially by Judge lxgan, of Santa cruz,
Cal., about 16 years ago, as a cross be
tween the rasbperry and the blackberry.
But It was not until It came to Oregon
that It found Its true home. This berry
has a rich red color. Is an inch and
half long and two Inches In circumfer
ence. It ha3 small seeds, a solid heart
and the blended flavors of the two ber
ries. It Is a fine table berry and makes
oeucious jams ana jemes. .1 -itt 1 Jl i.n
The vines have a long, Blended growth uicic vv-c haikxij uj use
without suckers and must De uea up on
trellis work. Each Fall these old vines
must be cut away rrom tne trems ana me J ,,, i.-li 1.
new briars reclaimed from their way- die wuuu iu oj uwi. it wui us
fireman. On the tracklaylng train two
men load au tne ties on tne tie car.
and one man moves it to and fro. For
bolting? the rails and handling them on
the rollway six men are enough. About
twice as many arrange the ties on the
roadbed and fasten the rails. Add the
locomotive crew, and you have the actual
worklnV. force. In putting the finishing
touches to the track perhaps 20 men may
be needed after the ballast train hasJ
passed over it.
A Distinction. N
New Orleans Times-Democrat.
The head of Cholly, like the flowers.
Never tolls throughout the hours;
But waen on liquors he begins.
Unlike the flowers. It sometimes spins!
We don't put Scotfs Emul
sion, in the class of advertised
cure-alls; it doesn't belong
the word "cure" at all, but-we
JA.CK SMITH Is a newspaper man. Like
most others In his profession, he sel
dom keeps his pockets full of money. He
found it extremely hard to "save up,"
chiefly because he couldn't help being a
mark for habitual "touchers."
A month ago he resolved to begin sav
ing. He would harden his heart, he -fond
ly thought, and would turn the cold shoul
der and .the glassy eye upon all requests
for "a couple of plunks until Saturday.'
Ho, decided that the best plan would be to j coma, or North Coos River. From this
start a bank account, so he deposited bis
next salary check entire at a local bank.
and received a handsome checkbook from
the .deposit clerk.
That checkbook was his undoing. .He
was proud of It. It gave him such a cap
italistic feeling that he could, not resist
mkSeandsh used for great many troubles
with great satisfaction. Its
special function is to repair
the waste of. the body when
the ordinary food does not
nourish, and. this mean6 that
it is useful in- many cases
which are indicated by wasting.
these new vines was
the astonishing growth of 20 feet In six
months. In the Scott garden Is 1100 feet
of trellis work, and in the season of last
July 600 gallons of logan berries brought
50 cents a gallon. Next year Mr. Scott
will have- double the number of feet ot
trellis, and double the yield of berries.
It was 11 years ago that Mr. Scott
bought three logan berry "briars from a
California nurseryman at 51 .each and
planted them In his garden on. the M111I-
WeH scad 70a a sample free.
SCOTT & SOWN X, 40Q Street. Hew Yk.
parent stock, at 20. cents a briar, nearly
every dairy farm In the county has a few
losran berries.
Peter Colvin Scott, son of Colvin Buglo
Scott, was born In. the north of Scotland
50 years ago. When a lad of but 11 years
he found himself a sailor before the mast.
any occasion to pull it ouf of his pocket I This wandering life brought him to San
and sayr I iTancisco m years ago, woere ne uroppea
I haven't an? change, but I can draw the Colvin and was plain .Peter- be-
you a check. How much do you want?" I came first mate on the brlgArago, tMfc first I TTi DOI I
request would seem too . trifling, would soon after he established his lumbeit and
shipyards at rortn ena m jjms. f or
three years Captain Scott was on the
Coos Bay-San Francisco run, and it was
thus he formed his liking for this country
and determined to make it fete home.
He left the Arago'and. settled down oa
Coos Bay as a nsherst&B. He was reb-
say: "on, maice it js; or say iu.
Smith, being rather absent-minded, gave
little thought to the number of checks he
Issued, until toward the end ot the week,
when his landlady rather indignantly
handed him back one for 900 marked "no
At the ofice that morning be found a ably the first in this part of the eeuntry
not from the banx, saying: to put up sane a,m wa vwrx
"You have overdrawn year account ISO. successful and fcsfl eeiaJrttalinuiits both
l-i ease call and stake e posit." on the Umpqua and Ceee Bay. Tl
'nv ouh on tlwt a'tv he swims rame ob of the reroItttioM t)Mt scienee
out of tMs scrape, he will rent, a safe-de- brlafje about, Bd Mr. Bcott lout bi fori
peeit box or mrtimt bask to which be will tune. They dlcoTfd ut prececal oc
have no Jwar. Ij. P, I cannior tavpc- Mr. ieott did netrtak
eee oaly feriaa eat the doagereas
eaXetee, bet a bell (fall is Bttautesj
fcrfci t Mm C "-
- tare's hmkHkM ginln M malte
m Q the little keek. "The Kod te WeU
, yVM." la wtcfc yk.
"Madam," said th
grocer, "let me Intro
duce Golden Gate the
highest grade coffee
on the market."
Wotfebii does wkk COLDER GAT?.
COFFEE bet satiafactiea. No
priies bo coapoaa so crockery
1 aad B lb. aromatiftkt iiaa4
Never old la balk.
J, A. Folger Co.
Kstabiisbed ball a Caatiiir'
San Fr&ncisco
Dr. W. Norton Davis
vva treat iuwoaiuiij e iii..c
..Timntf. rfiaoaxM of rats also blood, tomacn.
heart, liver, kidney" and throat troubles.. We-
car BTrm'-' vwiusout jwremjj u "-j
curea icruver, -m -
STRICTURE; without ooeratloa or pala la
IS cay a.
TV atoo drains; th result of self-abuse. Im
mediately. "W'o can restoro the sexual vigor ot
any rnn under CO, by means or local ireatisaas
peculiar to ourselves.
Its doctors of this Institute are all molar
graduates, have had many years' experience,
hare been kaod la Portland, for 16 years, bav
& reputation to maintain, and. will undertaia
bo case unless certain curs can be effected.
"We guarantee a cur la vry casa wo uadr
tVn or cbarge no fee, consultation free. I6t.
ters -confidential. Instructive BOOK 308
MEN mailed free In plain wrapper.
If yea cannot call at office, write for questiea
blaalc Home treatment successful.
Office hours, 9 to R and T to &. Sundays aa
bolloays. 10 to 12.
Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co.
Office in Van-Noy Hotel. B2 Hard St.. cor.
Pine. Portland. Or.
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