THE MORNING ORE GONIAL, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1904. HOLD THEIR FIRE Japanese Anticipate a Great Battle. LITTLE CHANCE AT MUKDEN Artillery Is Quite Active, but Little Damage Is Done. WEATHER IS STILL PLEASANT Soldiers of Opposing Outposts In Close Proximity Engage in the Ex- change of Cigarettes and Other Luxuries. tjrrrtmvK. Xov. 10. via Tientsin, Nov. iiA.r, ni-HHerv Are from both sides Is continued at Intervals. It Is heavier on the Russian right wing, where, all day on November 9 and also during that night, the Russians shelled the Japanese posi tions with their heavy guns. Neither side on that date gained any advantage. Dur ing the bombardment last night the Rus Blans threw 60 largo Melinite shells Into the Japanese camp opposite Mansion HllL The Japanese, who, during the previous cannonading, seemed to have successfully used a searchlight directed against the Russian positions for the purpose of cov ering their operations at night in the ex tension of their field works in the region of the railway, did not reply last night when the Russians attacked them further to the east. ... The Japanese are notably economical in the use of ammunition, as though antici pating an early battle when great quanti ties will become necessary. It Is known that the Japanese have placed guns of large caliber in the vicin ity of the Shakho railway station, bring ing Schlatum, the next station to the north, within the range of their fire. As a result of the heavy bombardment by the Russians the Japanese have with drawn some of their batteries from the advanced positions. It Is believed that not being ready to attack they are falling back to the hills. The Russians have a great advantage in Lone Tree HllL This hill commands a large part of the plain over which the Japanese must advance. The operations are about the same each day. There is artillery firing most of the time and frequent clashes of Infan try at night. As has been the case In most wars, but entirely unexpected In this one, the soldiers of the opposing out posts in close proximity engage In the exchange of cigarettes and other luxuries. The great precautions taken by the Rus sians, their continued vigilance, and the disposition of their forces would seem to guarantee their army against any repeti tion bf disasters of enormous magnitude. The. Russian army is celebrating the distribution of presents of food, clothing and confectionery sent by the Empress to the officers and men. i.Hmcn'1 ha-rtds are Tlavinjr from camp to camp along the line, and the army, which is now In better spirits, ap pears to be much more formidable and homogeneous The soldiers are active in collecting and storing all the crops left toy the Chinese In the fields, which they are conserving for use both as food and fuel. The demolition of the Chinese houses appears to continue only along the firing line, where their destruction Is reported necessary for strategical purposes. Owing to the mildness of the weather and the prevalence of sunshine the sol diers are bathing in the open. Reports of the grave condition of the besieged at Port Arthur have reached Mukden, and as a consequence the Rus sians will not be surprised to learn of the capitulation of the fortress. The course taken by the government of Great Britain In the North Sea incident Is now generally known here, and ap pears to be'vregarded as highly magnani mous. The prevailing conviction is that the re inforcements received by the Japanese have been much larger than reported and consequently It is expected that they -will attack. Russian Scouts Very Daring. MUKDEN, Nov. 1L The Russian scouts are daring In secretly reconnolterlng along the Japanese lines, some even creeping- up to the Japanese trenches and lying concealed there all day and return tnr a ntfht-. The Jananese have con- etructed In many places double and even triple and quadruple, lines oi trencnes, wire entanglements, mines -and pits. A Cossack patrol on November 10 pene irnitA as far as Sandlaou. where they in flicted a blow against a large force of Japanese and then returned rapiaiy to tne PTicMnn main lino without loss. A patrol also" got in the rear of two Japanese companies moving to attack a Russian rvidHnn. Th Cossacks' defeated the Jap anese and returned safely to the Russian lines. RESERVISTS MAKE MANY RIOTS Russian Call to Arm Causes a Reign of Terror. LONDON, Nov. 12. The difficulty Russia found in bringing the reservists to the colors, according to -reports re cently published, was much greater by far than these reports indicated. The Morning Post learns from its Moscow correspondent that the calling of the reservists to the colors was accom panied by riots, the description of which In the reports published hith erto was hut a feeble picture compared to the Teality. From official statements it appears to the Post's correspondent that 19 districts were the scene or. Dis orders. The soldiers kept the localities in question in a state of terror for three days, and the police were 'power less to cope with the situation. The outrages perpetrated by the troops were of the most barbarous character. In adltlon the local authorities evinced a strange disinclination to send the reserve troops. FORT HAS NOT YET FALLEN. Confirmation of Sensational Reports About Arthur Is Lacking. LONDON. Nov. 1L No confirmation has reached Xondon of the rumors current on. November 10 of the capitulation of Port Arthur; that General Stoessel was asking for an armistice, etc According to the Dally Telegraph's Che foo correspondent, Japan has consented to open the port of An tun 5 to steamers char tered by silk merchants when the latter obtain special permits. This action is due to China's protest that exclusion of neu tral shipping would ruin the silk trade. Every Prtctlfl Assured Squadron SUEZ. Egypt, Nov. ll-Confirminc -tins .prcvlou sjftBouaoeoMnt ttom. Fort 8sM shortly atter the arrival of the Russian Consul there. It Is said today that owing to prevalent rumors that attempts may he made "to wrecK vessels of the .Russian squadron -while passing through the canal. the Chief of Police is taking stringent precautions against blockading, and a strict surveillance on both sides of the canal will be exercised during the transit of the Russian squadron. Insurance Men Figure on Place. XONDON, Nov. 1Z The insurance cor respondent of the London Times this morning says: "The feeling In regard to the cessation of the Russo-Japanese hostilities is slight ly more hopeful. It Is due to the various rumors of Intervention, and has made it self felt In raising the ratio' of policies providing .against the end of the war by March 1 next. The rise In the policy rate Is between 15 and 20 guineas per cent." French Assurance Satisfies Japan. PARIS, Nov. 1L The Japanese Minis ter, Dr. Motono. had a long conference with Foreign Minister Delcasse today rel ative to the observance of neutrality, par ticularly in regard to the recoallng of the Russian second Pacific squadron at Mad agascar and other French possessions. It Is understood that a satisfactory under standing was reached. All Still Quiet at Mukden. ST, " PETERSBURG, Nov. 11. A dis patch received here today from General Sakharoff announces that last night passed quietly. , He also renorts that there were a couple of unimportant outpost affairs the previous day. Rumor Is Denied. TILNA, Russia, Nov. U. The rumor that General Grippenberg, commander of the second army, has been stricken with apoplexy is false. His health Is good. He leaves for the Far East November 17. PRESS CRITICISES WAR LOAN It Regards the Rate of Interest on New Loan Excessive. TOKIO, Nov. 1L A majority of the newspapers of Toklo sharply criti cise the terms under which the new Jap anese loan has been placed in London and New York. They pronounce the rate as belnir too hleh. eonslderirur that Via amount of the loan Is a comparatively Small nap. Thft An'h KVllmVmn nTTirnoonn the opinion that it was unwise to place me loan Deiore tne ran or fort Arthur. CThe new Japanese' loan Is for the amount of $60,000,000, half of which will be offered In London and half in New York. The price Is to bo &0J, with in terest at 6 per cent The loan will be secured by a second charge on Japanese customs duties. A dispatch from London November 8 said that dealings in the loan had already commenced there at 14 premium. It was definitely stated in New Xork Wednesday last that Kuhn. Loeb & Co., of that city, had organized a syn dicate to finance one-half the loan. The first Japanese loan, which was a first mortgage on Japanese customs, was placed at 93, but is now selling in the New York market at 90. The new loan, which is a second mortgage on the same securities is onered at svJt-j FRANCE WILL NOT BROACH IT Mediation Would Be Distasteful to Russia, and Impair Alliance. PARIS, Nov. 1L The officials here pro fess to bo unaware of the reported joint mediation movement in Great Britain, France and the United States. It is point ed out that the mam features of the sit uatlon are these: Japan Is evidently weary of the war and desirous of re-establishing peace. Japan naturally looks to Great Britain and the United Slates .to assist toward a cessation of hostilities. France, as the ally of Russia, has no influence with Ja pan, but has Influence at St. Petersburg, whereas Great Britain and the United States do not exert strong Influence at St Petersburg. Therefore, France's only activity in such a joint effort would be at St Petersburg. But this involves important considera tions relating, to Russia's relations with European powers. France does not desire to exert influence on Russia, which would be distasteful to her or tend to weaken the alliance. In fact, some of the re ports of France's intention to influence Russia are attributed to certain European political sources which are aiming to break the Franco-Russian alliance in or der to profit thereby to France's detri ment. Therefore, France will use the ut most circumspection concerning any joint movement wherein her role would be sole ly to Influence Russia in a manner where in her role would be solely to influence Russia in a manner which Russia does not regard as contrary to her interests. Several newspapers print categorical denials of the statement of Sir Thomas Barclay (who has been prominently iden tified with the movement which led to the Anglo-French arbitration treaty), that M. Cambon, the French Ambassador to London, after conferring with Lord Xevs downe, came to Paris to discuss the An glo-Franco mediation. The officials also say that Sir Thomas' statement is purely speculative. One who talked lengthily with M. Cambon while he was at the For eign office, says he discussed a number of current questions, but did not mention mediation. TWO THINGS IN WAY OF PEACE Russian Prestige Is at Stake, and the Czar's Advisers Want War. LONDON, Nov. 1L The dispatch of the Associated iricss irom wasnmgton, con. firming the statement made in these dls patches that Japan had indicated her willingness to entertain peace- sugges tions from President Roosevelt or King Edward, created much Interest here. Baron Hayashl, the Japanese Minister, said today: "After the fall of Port Arthur, Japan would. I believe, be ready to treat for peace on no higher essential basis than that Russia snouia evacuate iiancnuria. Japan also agreeing to a similar evacua tlon. The two great difficulties in the way of any suggestion of peace are "First the auoarent opposition of Em peror Nicholas present advisers to a settlement of any kind; second, the pres ervation of Russian prestige. When a nation's prestige, if not gone, is severely impaired. It Is a difficult matter, even with the best of Intentions, to preserve It" The Associated Press learns that Queen Alexandra has been In constant commu nlcatlon with the Dowager Empress of Russia and Emperor Nicholas himself during the last few days. This Is Inter preted here as a good sign and as possibly likely to lead, though not in the imme diate future, to the establishment of some modus vlvendl where steps looking to arbitration might be initiated without offense to Russia. The reiteration of the American State Department's determination not to Inter vene except on request irom Totn of the belligerents tallies with the official attl tude of the British Government, but it Is thought that before long some method may privately be devised whereby this diplomatic barrier to action may be overcome. Baron Hayashl this morning had no news from Port Arthur, and discredited the rumors of its capitulation. Russian Press Ignores Suggestion. ht "PEOT3RSBURG- Nov. 1L It la con rfiiiri lrniflcant that the Russian news papers Ignore Lord Lansdowne's sugges tion regarding the iumo-j apanese arm Referring to Lord Xansdowne's arbitra tion suggestion, a prominent omciai or the KVimlvn Dfflr eTnmssed an ODialon to the iTiiin elated Pracn that .such an offer even coating from Japan could not possibly be "Buck s, eoatrdversy,' wmki, "outsat Delineator for D ecember De cember Butterick Patterns are now on sale at the Pattern Counter Fashion sheets for the asking. $7.50 d Waists $5.80 Told you about this splendid waist bargain yesterday told you that they were absolutely unmatchable Some women "looked around" anyway and came here and bought; sufficient evidence of the "bargaining"' quality of the waists, isn't it? These "Waists are made of fine plaid silks in a large variety of handsome patterns have full pouch and fancy sleeves, shirred yokes, fancy stock collars and French backj regular selling price is $7.50 choose today at 5.80 Three Neckwear Specials 13c for 20c Venise fjQtFor Collars that always sell at 75c choice of many pretty styles. 31 27 Embroidered china silk, beaded taffeta, faggoting and lace trimmed, stole end stock collars; all of them best 75c valuesrfor 49. Q Or For collars that sell at $1.25 and $L35. Handsomest, newest styles shown this, season. Choice of collars of faggoting, mousse line de soie trimmed with steel beads; taffeta silk trimmed with silk ap plique: all of them $L25 and $1.35 values, for 98. Millinery Bargains Galore $7 Hats for $2.95 Fine Trimmed Hats Toques, Tur bans, small, medium and large dress shapes all colors. Sold heretofore at $5.00 to $7.00 choice while they CJ O AC last for 4$&.&D $1.75 Cambric Skirts $1.25 Women's White Cambric Skirts, Point de Paris and Cluny lace trimmed, one, two and three rows of insertion. Hemstitched tucks, dust ruffle, $1.75 value for $1.25. $1 Cambric Gowns 79c "Women's Cambric Gowns, high circular and square necks; button front and slip-over styles; trimmed with lace embroidery and hem stitching and ribbon. be arbitrated. The Idea la not worth con sidering. The only possibility of peace now, in my opinion, would be on the basis of a proposition submitted to Russia by Japan, offering: to accept less than she demanded before hostilities opened. As it is Inconceivable that Japan at this junc ture is prepared to offer such terms, I see no chance of ending: the war." Paris dispatches published here say that the French Government expressly ex cluded the intenUoa of intervening: when it proposed its good offices for the setUe ment of the North Sea incident. STRAUS HOPES FOR PEACE. , He Believes Russia Will Come to Un derstanding With Britain. NEW YORK. Nov. " 11. Ex-Mlnistor to Turkey Oscar S. Straus, a member of The Hague Tribunal, expresses the be lief that a suden termination of hostili ties in the Far East is possible In the near future. "I have long had the impression," he said, "that we will wake up some morning and find that through the good offices of Great Britain, with the tacit consent of the signatory powers to the treaty of Berlin, an arrange ment has been agreed upon by which the Far Eastern questions have been settled by one stroke. "That is to say, Russia will have come to an agreement with Great Britain, and, secondarily, with the sig natory powers, for having free access- to the sea through the Dardanelles, in return fpr which a permanent adjust ment of the Afghan boundary and -Great Britain's domination of the Per sian Gulf wiU be granted, and that In the Far East Japan's sphere of influ ence wiU be recognized in Corea, while Manchuria, with certain right3 to Japan secured, wiU revert to China. This done, the peace of the world will be Insured certainly for our genera tion, and by the end of that time the nations will have become so accus tomed to availing themselves of The Hague Tribunal that wars will be largely eliminated." Official Adviser to North Sea Board. ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 1L Baron Taubo who is connected with the For eign Office has been designated as Rus sian judicial adviser to the International commission which Is to inquire Into the North Sea incident. Will Offer Bonds at New York. NEW YORK. Nov. 11. Half of the new $60,000,000 Japanese loan to be offered in this market by Kuhn, Loeb & Co. will be payable, interest and principal here at the fixed rate of exchange J4.87 per pound sterling. Assurances have been given the syndicate managers that the Japanese government will permit the proceeds of the loan to remain on deposit In New York banks, until subject to the requirements of the Japanese govern ment. Tillamook to Have New Courthouse. TILLAMOOK. Or., Nov. 1L Special. In conformity with the wish of the citi zens of Tillamook County, expressed at a recent mass meeting, the Board of County Commissioners h&a directed the County Clerk to advertise for bids for. a stone, brick or concrete Courthouse to cost' from U8.O00 to $30,000 Gam Were t Be Brought t Uk. TILLAMOOK. Or.. Nov. 1L Spelxi; We Do the Only Artistic Lipman, Lace Top Collars "Women who have need for an extra hat for "Winter wearwjllfind this store the m&slr economical store for the supplying of their need. Prices are very low now because it's clearance time. $3 Hats for $1.19 Balance of our Ready-to-Wear Street Hats that sold at up to $3.00 all of them this season's goods every wanted shape and combination of trimmings Tur bans, Sailors, Bound Hats-r-me-dium and large dress effects. Sold at up to $3.00 while P "Q - they last pX.A27 $7 Shapes for $2.69 The balance of our $5.00, $6.00 -and $7.00 untrimmed velvet, taffeta, chenille, plush and fancy braid shapes the entire fashionable color range represented. At the sale price these beautiful shapes will sell fast. Remember, $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 JQ shapes for fU27 Child's $1.75 Hats 89c Children's Hats that sold up to $1.75, on sale today at....89 Children's Sailors, with small and large bell crowns, fancy brims, of scratch felt, some with silk streamers; choice jRQr1 now 4 $2 Cambric Skirts' $1.49 "Women's Skirts, fine cambric, lace and embroidery trimmed, tucks in cluster, dust ruffle, blind and open embroidery and Cluny and Point de Paris laces are used as trimming. Court Monday, and will preside in both departments. The docket Is somewhat longer than usual with criminal cases. It is the Intention to have a grand jury at this term of court to inquire into the gambling that has been going on in Til lamook City, and It is rumored that a number of arrests will be made on that account. TROOPS FOR ST. LOUIS FAIR Will Prevent Destruction of Property at Close of Exposition. WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. President Francis, of the Louisiana Purchase Ex position, recently made application to the War Department for the sending of troops to tho Exposition grounds for the protection of Government property and the property of foreign nations contained in the exhibits and also of the exhibits of the Philippine Govern ment. This request was based on the ground that it had been the experience in all great expositions as they have drawn toward a close, that the destruc tive tendency on the part of the visi tors and others has resulted in great losses to Government, foreign and do mestic exhibits. Accordingly the Secretary of War directed that headquarters and eight companies of the Sixteenth Infantry be sent from Fort McPherson, near At lanta, Ga., to St. Louis, there to remain vfor 45 days to assist in the protection of property in the Exposition. Fine Art Collection to' Be Sold. NEW YORK, Nov. 11. One of the largest art sales In recent years wiU be held in this city late in January or early in February, when the Wagga man collection wiU be auctioned off. The sale has been ordered by trustees In bankruptcy, who are in possession of the property, which is part of the estate of Thomas E. Waggaman, of All Humors Are impura matters-which the skin, lirer, kidneys and other organs can aot take care ct -rrithsut help, there u sach an accumulation of them. They litter the whole system. Pimples, boils, eczema and other eruptions, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, bilious turns, fits of indiges tion, dull headaches and many other trouble are due to them. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills BemoTS all humors, orercomd all their effects, strengthen, tooe asd invigorate the whole system. "I hd salt rfcegaa or ay hantU go that 7 eesW sot work. I toot Heed's Scraarjlls and R draTe oat tfce bmr. I eaailBBcd I4b o till the sores dinpysttrta." 2m. IuO.Imw, KuioJor Fatta, M. Hm' SarsapftriN prsmif m tm BT ftfWl Iwgc tt jAwitw and Reliable Picture Framing Wolfe & Company Handkerchiefs "Women's all pure linen hem stitched Squares and Handker chiefs, offered at very low prices. Hemstitched Squares All pure linen hemstitched Squares nine-inch choice of inch and 4-inch hems: Reg. 25c Squares, special at..X8 Reg. 35c Squares, special at. .24 Reg. 50c Squares, special at.. 33 AT 7 worth 12e "Women's pure linen hemstitched Handker chiefs 4-inch hem, all perfect; great value at .;....7 AT 10 worth 15c "Women's pure linen, 1600 count, hem stitched Handkerchiefs, y8 and -inch hem; very special at 10$ AT 14 worth 20c "Women's pure linen, 1800 count, hem stitched Handkerchiefs, and 4-inch hems; excellent value at 14 AT 18 worth 25c Women's pure linen, 2100 count, hem stitched Handkerchiefs, and -inch hem; very special at 18 AT 24 worth 35c "Women's pure linen, 2200 count, hem stitched Handkerchiefs, ys and -inch hem; very special at 24 AT 33 worth 50c "Women's pure linen, 2300 count, hem stitched Handkerchiefs, and 4-inch hem, extraordinary value at 33 AT 49 worth 75c "Women's pure linen, 2400 count, hem stitched Handkerchiefs, and 34-inch hem, very special.. 49 Ribbons ry Sn INSTEAD OF 35-Em-broidered Polka Dot Taffe ta Ribbons, navy blue, light blue and pink embroidered with white, white embroidered with navy, pink, light blue, black or redj 3V& inches wide, all pure silk, 35c values for eiJ 1 Cn INSTEAD OF 20 -All J silk Plain Colored Taffeta Ribbon, in white, black, cream, red, navy blue, mais, tan, old rose, lavender, 3 inches wide 1 20c value for AJ V Stationery Best Game Counters, each. . . .1 "Wire Card Racks, each .8 Fancy Crepe Paper, roll 10 Silk Candle Shades, each 25 Large Sheet Blotters, each 2$ Programme Pencils, all colors, each 1 Eye Shades, each S Sheets Ready-to-use Sheets, torn and hemmed, soft finish, good weight, 72x9 0-inch; extraordinary value for 44 "Washington, until recently treasurer of the Catholic University at Wash ington. Tnere are more than 3000 articles in the coUection, including some' hun dreds of paintings and "specimens- of ceramic art from modern to early times. It cost Mr. Waggaman about 3500,000 and required 30 years to make the collection which is now valued at $1,000,000. Take of Eggs at Kalama Hatchery. PALAMA, "Wash., Nov. 1L Special.) A SHORT HISTORY OF O R EG ON Compiled by SIDONA V. JOHNSON Early Discoveries, the Lewis and Clark Explorations, Set tlements, Government, Indian "Wars, Progress. It is essentially a practical work, with the information in a compact and useful form." "The author has not only made an excellent choice of the facts,, but in their grouping and set tling he has shown excellent historical taste." Journal of Education. "With seventeen illustrations and a new map. 16mo, 320 pages, indexed, $1.00 net. FOR SALE AT ALL BOOK STORES "THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY, -1 ;,- -'" lr; .. J- ii - ........... - ... - - w in the City of Portland Men's Furnishings Less 50c Suspenders 29c Men's Suspenders, made of extra quality of Ksle elastic webbing; cantab ends, leather tips and castoffs. These are a gen- OQ nine 50c value, for &t2j $1.50Underwear$1.19 Men's Camelshair Undershirts and Drawers; shirts have self-front and ribbed skirts; drawers self-bands; 'double gnsset suspender tape and-pearl buttons. Handkerchief Special 11 For 20c all pure Irish linen hem i2 stitched Handkerchiefs, 34 and 36 inch hems. 3 TOR 50r0f thQ regular 25c pure Irish linen emDrpiaerea initial nemsutched Handkerchiefs. Three Glove Specials Per pair for Gloves worth f ully $1.25. Fifty dozen "Women's one clasp half rjiaue mocha Gloves, -with Pjiria nMnt omWi' Choice of brown, slate and brown. SI Per pair for Gloves that alwa5rs sold at $1.75. Two hundred YAeUi and fifty pairs women's one-pearl clasp "London" pique Gloves, fancy fourchettes (the strips between the fingers) ; two-tone"d em broidery; oxblood with black or white, white with black, brown with onion, green with blue and bine with green. $1 4Q Per Pair for Gloves worth broidery with welts to match; white, Children's Apparel 75 FOR CHILDREN'S $1.00 APRONS Made of fine white lawns, Mother Hubbard, waist and strap syles, daintily trimmed with embroidery and laces; real $1.00 values for 73$' $1.50 FOR CHILDREN'S ?2.00 AND ?2.25 DRESSES Made of colored cashmeres in cardinal, navy, brown and lisht blue, short and loner waists 2, 3 and 4 year $2.00 and $2.25 values for .' :..1.5Q I V&p jfc-OR ClULDSBIf'S ?1.25 coiorea siuc caps and bonnets, ail newest styles, French close fitting caps cardinal, navy and brown; best $L25 and $1.35 values for 98 8 Packages Gold Dust 25c We offer for tod-y 10,000- packages Fairbanks' Gold Dust, the regular 5e size, and will sell same 8 Packages for 25 No 'phone orders taken. Rogers 1847' Plated Ware The sale of Rogers "1847" Plated Ware closed last night. The prices quoted yesterday (see below) will remain the -permanent prices of this celebrated ware at this store. Fruit Knives, 6 in box, special per Berry spoons, special Teaspoons, set of 6, special Dessert-Spoons, set of 6, special Tablespoons, set of 6, special Dessert Forks, set of 6, special Table Forks, set of 6, special Knives and Forks, plain or satin The latter part of the season proved bet ter than was expected at the Kalama hathcery, and 3,000,000 eggs were secured this season. They were moved up to the hatchery proper last week, where they can be handled with less expense. Kaiser Will Present Them to America BERLIN, Nov. 12. Emperor William intends that many of the valuable ob jects, now Included in the, exhibit of Germany at the St. Louis Exposition shall be presented to the American people. SEE SUNDAY'S OREGON $50 00 for an dea Customers who experience delay in receiving goods ordered to be delivered will greatly oblige ra by notifying ns of such delay. I ! $2.00. Two hundred pair women's mode, brown, lavender, pink and sky. and ?1.35 HE ADWE AR Children 's . c set. .$1.15"$ 75 r 80 ) ; 1.45 1.65 1 1.43 1 . , 1.645 1 finish,. set of 6 3.50 , Schilling's Best, so far as it goes, means comfort and ease and economy. Moneyback; at your grocer's. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these N little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsk, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SmaX PtH. Small Dot. Small Price. IAN FOR PARTICULARS'