Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 11, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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I Lr - gallon can is five times -more liable io for a long- time, it was impossible to set fornla. Nevada rand Utah, in addition to PARKER AND "TRDST" MONEY.' A XEXT-CESTDRT THEATER. NOTE AND COMMENT.
iff If IWlilVlllttJtit seizure than a one-gallon, and its lame members to consider IL The universal territory lying farther south and east. !r7r!e0 .j -yTTj. Su , '
MHlf- WiWUiml covers an area that widens in geometric statement was that the policy of help- When, however, they are granted rates Waiur CMco Keeori-Hl. From the olne ot iSlS M. O'Brien. The Twisted Moral.
. ratio With its dimensions. ing fairs must be stopped, and the only which enable them to cross California, There are tWQ Democratic funds. One. Jr.. comes to the Sun an extract from e rt wnt lor
f tre4 at the Fostoffice at Portland. Or.. . No wonder, then, that the appetite way to stop was-to stop. But Presi- Nevada and Utah and work up into abjvQ & fa m charge ot the will of May Irwin, the actress. Miss vt" hf went to sl
; second-class matter. outside the lighted windows at East dent Roosevelt was Induced to interest Southern Idaho on even terms with Peaboay. The other, secret, confldea- 7 D .raeM deceased. bu Id the "tortoise "won with hb creep, creep.
revised subscription rates. pjne fitreet and avenue w&s so hlmself ta the Oregon project, and this Portland, which has only the haul S0US, te the control of ! iin! aiLpr0Vtel0n f ' W-
"STuls Weren't the stars twinlcl ing in a tf2S ZTlt Belmont. Thorns ift OoToe invested The moral of this is plain aa pie.
ESl?:tofitptS? p?ry;ir.. 7.50 chilly sky. and wasn't stratagem neces- crucial test was in getting a report fPP tte h" J5! Ryan and William F. Sheehan. Ihe first in United States bonds until it be- And yet it Is sometimes. read awry. . .
Daily, -with. Sunday, per year 8.00 sary to spirit away bo big a quantity from the committee on rules which is lnatlon which was uniair to Tne joDDers fund ls handled at the Democratic head- comes J5.000.000; a process that at 24 For it Isn't the moral that one should creep.
gfr yeaT " To of delight from 'the creaking shoes of the "party machine" In the House, to whom the geographical location gave quarters, and is checked out by Mr. Pea- per cent net will occupy only 147 years But rather that one shouldn't'fall asleep.
?h -wtrki v' r'monthi" ' iri-I"-I - -50 the sentry' If mow had been oh the With a single exception, every Demo- the field. body. Nothing to conceal about it. A per- or so. Somewhere after the middle of ti ' . 7 . i
H XHlly. per week, .delivered. Sunday in- ows, the Ice cream would nave tastea tng tne committee on ruies to report , Z , , J 77 T ",a'a the size of it. the names ot the contribu- devoted to erecting "The Theater of "-Deeas-not Word's," cry tne gammers.
, " - more appropriately good. But fingers the Oregon bill, eral years will be .c-llowed b a decided tora to it and the uses made ot It will Dramatic Art" In the Borough of Man- . . 4U
POSTAGE RATES. digging down Into that five-gallon can If "Oregon and the Lewis and Clark revival , of trade with a rich territory, never be known to the general public, hattan and the other half to endowing Wonder if a caterpillar ever gets, that
"United States. Canada and Mexico ached just as rapturously. Fair were recognized because of the in- Now that the railroads have decided it Is from this second or secret fund that it. Here the trustees ot the fund are to creepy feeling.
10 to 14-page paper' lc The rUle haa Deen eatabllshed that, if telligence in Congress," where was the to admit Portland into Southern Idaho J30O.0OO was sent to Tom Taggart to be produce such examples of dramatic art
-iS t0 wr 5" festivals aro to mi1ov Icp cream, thev Democratic share or portion of that on terms in keeping wun our position " "u,r;cta "".Tt ,n tne ngnsn language as snau m oome pris are so moaun uai erea mw
wasrewas: -. SStetu,f'reSuS ssssiiui .nri.ut.ibrto;;i ssrsfiSttyKSstsa &"srsa.,,ajsrs -"
XASTEKX BUSDJES6 OFTICE. .porch and away from open windows Lewis and Clark Fair bill at the crlt- be but brief delay until the completion whlch ied Chairman Cortelyou to make a American literature. Next time we hear of the Baltic fleet
The S. C, BecleWtth Special Aeency) and DUt lt n .lsin szht untii eaten, leal point the sticking point became of the railroad from Rlparla to i,ewls- hurried trip to Chicago a week ago with hereby nrovide " savs Miss Irwin, it nv v ntin
e- Trk; room 43-o. Tribune buiidinc FeWlSntries are argus-eyed or possess a party measure, ahd could have been ton will give us better access to the $75,003, which he turned over to Harry S. hat no work or play shall be pro-
: Chicago: Rooms 510-51? Tribune bnlldlns. seven-league boots and fewer can com- carried through in .no other way. But rich and rapidly growing territory in New, and which is now in the hands of duced ,n saId building unless lt be "What is that sound." the Admiral cried.
w Tr..ntirrttt ent to lt I ir pn9m vn on n. dark nleht at a I ent vear. lt would have had no cnance i I I . ." . . I ..... . .
' without solicitation. No stamps should be 1 festival. ' at alL Just wait and see whether the It is reported that a number of heavy I From this secret Democratic fund money theater unless said actor or actress
inclosed for this. purpose. policy of making Blmilar appropriations flour shippers from this port, piqued at in "satisfactory" suantltles has been sup- BhaU naVQ been oorn witnln th& ter- It's funny to speak of the blacks as the
KEPT ON SALE. - will be considered by Congress. the continued refusal of Mr. Schwerln plied to tne worKers in tms state, in xxew ritory of the United States, that three "white man's burden." since he is always
Chicago Auditorium Annex; Postofflce PARKER'S ITXAI. SQUEAL. . to give a steamship service at all Jersey, Delaware and Connecticut, in yfg ot eacn year anall De devoted to trying to sit down on them.-
Xews Co.. 173 Dearborn street. Judge. Parker forfeits whatever sym- adequate to the demands of the port. every 5tete Tfneru .2 fSSo! the production of the plays ot William
Deaver-ullus Black, Hamilton & Kend- h h med for the mis- BRYAN ON THE ISSUE. are now routing ail of their flour by arera htf thonBn5 they had a chance- Shakespeare. and one week be devoted Man wants but little hers DeloW.
gi. seventeenth- at. J dieaf the most over- Mr. Bryan contemplates the defeat of nT rt8 Sis of n'Z&u ?rd.!":,0Il5J'1-1 .TJ.HJ '
ros., oua ;oui bu ' . . , , , . ,. .Tnr!cr PnrVpr wltr. admirable fortitude. , , -. . , i ' ; , wntiaa wuain u period Known u.8 w near mm growi n ne can't get
KaiUas City, Mo-Rlcksecker Cigar Co.. whelming in our annals by reiteration J.l,;: course, enables Mr. Schwerln to main- to supply the needful. To my knowledge the Elizabethan period of English lit- That Uttlo for a song.
NtauTlnd Walnut, - of his charge that President Roosevelt The leadership of the fugitive and tflin hIa p03lUon that there are sum- the sponsors for this sum are now wor- erature. And further I provide that ,
Ls Asteie B. F.. Gardner. 250 South is ia league with the trusts; and he as- broken forces of Democracy now re- clent gteamers to take care of the busi- leat lt, b t0 e.le.ct DeocratI,c the price of admission to this American Now that the Christmas numbers are be-
Bprlng. and Barry DrapkW Berts that Roosevelt owes his election to verts to him. The just and fearful (hat Is offerln? DUt lt lg Dad i0T Governors in e oose es napora- Theater of Dramatic Art shall be as ginning to appear on the bookstalls, the
0id4 CaL-W. H. Johwtoa, t4th and The lgadera o the Bepubllcan wrath of an offended leader ought to pre3tige of the port. During the Slf ?5 wtVirXls! of lo. af POble. considering the cost sooner Christmas comes-and gets done
' 21SSU-M..J. Kavanaugh. 60- South party." he says,"know too nvell the uses be visited on his wandering followers month be floUr Se io toe ISs of Parker. &tfrtol? SSSd' uonS wlth-the better-
" aSS . iSsbuVg 217 First arenue to which the moneys of the trusts can but lt won't be. Mr. Bryan is not tj territory shipped to the Orient What in thunder do we care about Dem- on"
siouth. be put in political campaigns." angry. He is not revengeful. He Is b of Pug8t p0rts than wUl ocxaUc Governors In New Jersey. West v m irwin'a will also exnresses the "Salem's police officers are good and
New Xerk Ctty-L. Jonea & Co., Astor It was an unpardonable insult when simply sorrowful. And he. takes this out from Portland direct, and large yiS Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, wIah that whoever iTpresIdent of the vigilant," says the Statesman's "Bits for
E t, , - -Har Juoe Parker, a few days before the opportunity to congratulate all bellev- bookings (rom Portland have already JJMIfe indltJo1!! United statea when Bhe dleB "w111 name Breakfast" man. Why depress his read-
O-F. R. Godara and Myers i Har- the tVustrf h&d ers ln te fajth on. their narrow n c for the DecemDer Reamers vefIt ifparke? elector! we chairman of the board of trustees ers at the beginning of their day?-
Osafca Barkalow Bros, 1C12 Farnam; united to buy the Presidency for Theo- escape j from the plutocrats, and tacl- from puget Sound. It is unfortunate ant, and it looks as though the boys had wenJ f tV; Oxford will have tThuek n HPr ar
jatnuuionery Co.. isos Famam. dore Roosevelt; that the Republican deataUy to point out a few errors that & ,d tween Mr. Schwerln been working us" f"" otT 'SSmitf i,tat BJ??rrS the ilUSn inJLJL
Wt Ike-salt Lake. New, Co.. 77 West Committee, under Roosevelt's direction. have been avoided, and to in- Jmd lhe Commerclal company ... f ; GoveJo New Tork the LjSi rSST
Second south street. . - was taklns their -money In enormous dlcate Plaln Path to be followed Rhotlia be nermltted to Interfere with en Judge Parker asserted last night l.vor ? Vnrv thTt3o t? romping away with the freshmen hurdles.
St. lal "World's Fair News Co, Geo. L. J d hereafter by a united and triumphant SL-fl but at n Sme sS that he hadrequested his managers to ac- ggJS SeSS J fronf4e staTeYre to broad Jump and mile. There Is no.wlth-
Ackerman. newsboy. Eighth--and Olive sts, surris lor campaign purposes, unaer D Portland i s trade, out at no. ume since aubscrlpUons from the trusts he r"s te n"2" TJ ?at3Jf-J-"Jf standing the American athlete.
; and Excelsior News Company. ' promise express or implied of benefits to ,. .... . ., . the withdrawal of the China Commer- knew of the existence of this second or name the other four trustees for life,
6a FraBcteccJ. K. Cooper Co.. 740 Mar- come to them through the Administra- " is clear that Mr. Bryan, in his ad- clal steamers has the service been at all secret fundi He knew It had been raised K,' f?cesaors Jf. bo !n ld as In the current AtlanUc Monthly Arthur
ket. near Palace Hotel;. Foster & Orear tIon; that Congress had deUberately Hfess, looks upon the overwhelming ,n keepinff with the demands of the by August Belmont and Thomas F. Ryan. iuS Symons asks, "Was Sir Walter Scott a
n yerry New. stand: " created the Bureau of Commerce and BemocraUc defeat as a personal vlndl- L The Schwerlri policy Is not the He knew the foundation of it ras laid two "einl$ poet?" and he proceeds to answer his own
IZV FU w 108 Mafkeu FraTk Labor and had put it.s control in the ton of himself and the principles for Harriman policy, as expressed by the S'SSS Sato! 'ed l ZltZorti S tt. e23Srrt question in the negative. Scott may not
Scott. ' SO Ellis: N. Whcatley. S3 Stevenson; hands of the President that he might wnico ne nas zougnt tor tne past aec- head of tte systenlf and lt mteht be
! note for J2SO.O0O which was banked with tne. may appoint ln the first place I have been a poet, but he wrote some
. Hotel St. Francis News stand. get power over great corporations and e.ret. ua iu duiw weU &r son3e of our commercial bodies aorton Trust Company, of which Mr. ana we tru?tees tnemselves therearter. pretty good poetry.
il . . n H nLvii. TT v-w- I . . . . . . 'I Wtlftt TflA lf1Ullf nllM Tint t AH T1 Ann III ..... . . . 1 - I ... ' . ... I ' I
iswm. v. ,. xtuuin. auuno use in em ior me purposes ot nis eiec- i ; , -- i to see mnt tne matter is propeny pre- nyan la president. Tne two names wnicn .
tion, and' that confirmation of all this 13 obvious to him that neither antl-lm- nted at headquarters. made this note good were those of Ryan Lack of Laborers in the South.- Among the items of European news com-
was found ln the transfer of Cortelyou Perialiam, nor administrative extrava- and Belmont, heads of two ot the biggest Omaha Bee pUed by Ncvr York E11111 Sun, this
N-P, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1L1B04 frQm fc head of bureau to the anpe. nor silver, nor the tariff, nor Roosevelt's majority In Oregon Is ex- Jn th country-one of the surface m Some of the states of the South have appears:
. . -Rinnb!,--,. National Com- the Philippines, nor militarism, served fr,oM.narv Tt la du nartlv to his own Unc,In Manhattan, and the other of been seeking to attract white laborers, An Irteh dairyman, accused or adding water
. -tt, KepuDiican ivauonai uom- . , . '. traordinary. It is cue partly to nis own the combined elevated and subway rail- but with little success. Although many &ls milk, vehemently denied the charge, it
NOE GIVKE- , ""tee, ln charge of Roosevelt's cam, Jo alarm the people or in any meuore remarkable personality, partly to the roads. Those of us who simply watch the Cf the hnmigran Tto the , iStted SuTes turned out that he had spoken the truth. He
the negro has been disfran- palgn. 10 " ' posiuon 01 tne xtepuDiican f act that the Democrats of Oregon game as professional observers naturally Come from Southern countries and the always put the water in first, and added the
l the Southern States there cer- It was an infamous attack, which was Tlie only issue that might have dldn-t Uke Parker many refusing to dislike humbug, no matter which side may south ought to attract them, yet the aUt 10 1116 water-
an be no danger of negro doml- answered instantly by Roosevelt in his f?unt e attention of the public was TQte f bim-and partly to the means be guilty of and the pretense that the better class of them desire educational The flood o professedly comic Kunchau
That nightmare should no memorable letter to the American peo- h that was not pressed token to t QUt the RepubUcan vote. Rloney rrorf trSss the WggeSt l"3 rr r'T ch"5enIHand sen stories about animals Is aZtt as
xlst Why. then, should not the pie. The letter was a most scathing J f?1?? Though the vote of the state Is light. 0 Uv?orgeXg oTdcom"- eat as the flood of serious-minded ani
n white people think of other document. How completely lt crushed D- """v In the aggregate, no candidate at any their secret and effective fund, for it Is a ing citizens, conditions that do not exist mal studies and stories that prevailed a
than "the everlasting negro"? Parker was seen in the returns of the f yT' a.ny p, . , tIme evej: received so many votes as fact that the regular fund, which Mr. Pea- m the South to the degree they do ln year ago. Every humorist, with some no
sgonian asked this question the election, three days later. fru" runos to win the election, and presldentRoosevelt. Great Industry wa3 body controls, has been used only for the the North and West. It Is not to be humorists Is taking time by the forelock
ay, and the Montgomery Ala.) It was contemptible ln a candidate Is Perfectly clear that he means the manifested by the Republican State Paei"fnM!f' doubted that the treatment of the negroes turning out a volume of stories on
3er responds: thus to attack an opponent, through a nPJ- 1 Committee under direction of Frank C. g "buslS' end sLa"d "lH "Jag. the Scootaway Sheep," and kindred
uth is practically united because of monstrous accusation, ln support otJJ Baker, chairman. In working up the Lf the combination. 5 m I etertSS totatostrial Jette to characters. '
erou .tendency o pooseveltiam. It ,which not a word of proof 'was submit- Republican goats by describing the Lpaj getOng out the vote. No Moreover, subscriptions to this secret t section
dreads him. not because it haa any ted Judge Parker shouid have allowed Q-Uestion as the 'most acute phase foH . letters were fund have been solicited and procured from J , Melville E. Stone announces that the
uS pl threTrapor; bis indiscretion to be forgotten. But he fulnt.?st betwen democracy and seQt mglns Republlcans to action, aSroSWS Excitement Over a New Baby. Associated Press has made arrangements
use his course is a direct menace virtually repeats it In a letter in which Pi " te Mr Br and club lists were prepared In every SnS toSelorsoniel of the Fed- Washington Times. 1 the editor of the Port Arthur Novoe
oclal syetem. and to the peace and he whines over his defeat. "e T. )f e Hie r; ?! Jt county for use In the committee-rooms eral Government and is the trust most 'When I was a student at the University K1 for be story of the siege from wlth
Z ,ou,rr Pple J a T??nt epeef,h Though the electoral contest has TO" attempt to maKe it. xne Demo- &n& m the preclncts where meetings likely to feel the heavy hand of the law of Virginia," said Surgeon-General Rlxey, in. Richmond Smith, who sent out the
S fhitPa-? Passed into hlstorj'. it is justifiable, as cr&tlc party was sold out to the pluto- ere appolnted. The work was more during the second Administration of Pros- of the Navy, "there used to be an old man first story from the besieging 'army ,at
e tataataSh? Broth beSi a retort to Judge Parker's post-election ats at St. Louis, and itsslns have dlfflcult perfaaps. from the fact that Went Roosevelt: from the sugar trust, named Tom Crabbe who cleaned my boots Port Arthur, will cover the fair of the
l a man by his Qualities of heart statement, to remind the country what vlslted upon Its own head. That Democrats were making Tittle oppo- rTffi SoSd r&n my CEra?dS- . . fortreS3 trom Japanese side, so that
n. which ro to make up real man- group of piaIn .people" Judge Parker the reason thr sole reason, for the w chairman Baker's efforts were vl;1gidXan8wrSo?teusrta inTnXd vJ m7 rm readera "wlU have
iTZt hurkin."lt was associated with, and who his prin- "nnPalelf dIsaer that overcame It dev)ted , x tQ ttn the Repub. f teed a Wrtau onwKj inan cUed n d gay m ood . atory at thft eQd o
Zc.tJt cloal were. Take 11113 lls r upon pltc!racy ar upon mw- 1,Can VOtC Ut' and they succeeded re- Philander C. Knox and the Supreme Court Ue A fine cMd. Trolvs pounds to Jullu3 chbers" been attributing
ot a man's ekln-in the South-that whfch Is compiled from the New York war upon plutocracy, war upon prop- markably well. It cannot but be re"gard- had not Intervened. weight.' Ju Uua Cbaf be", na been attribuung
trusted down here. Tribune; viz: erty. must hereafter be the slogan of unfortunate the Democratic vote I , t ' air(, " -When was It born?' said I. Rojestvensky's action to the Influence of .
1 ,r-o,. f v,0.hf oir.Pi in .... the true Democracy. Silver, Income f Belmont, Ryan, Sheehan and. McCarren I Thi mnrainir ninwod Tnm I a story by Kipling, who told how a. young
Jrf ?taSf,SiiS ta tax. the wrongs of the downtrodden dIdn 1 COme OUt t0- have sought aid from every trust In town Th? S? officer had adopted a ruse to torpedo a
aern .States this statement is. I America .or thi Bothsehllds, the richest 1 ' . I I Thnv tsLPkled the Standard Oil oeoDle and .. . K . . ... I ... . , . . li -
mlntelliglble or strangely Inade- banker, fn the world, whl, holdthe govern- Moro, and all the long category of h u he wlu en. They tackled wbaeu Sg " VDo you know sir,' he said, 'I forgot I battleship It would be border U. find
We have great reepect lor our t. la the hollow of the hand, and the grievances which an insolent Govern- secure an approprlatlon from SSnagerTof that concern did not think the Jtement to And out wither. jj.greatBr rot than thisThe-Idof aP
MUzens of the South-hut lt does head of the BVe"t rTsB6 monoi?ly la meat has Imposed upon the Nation and ConCTess for -purchase of Oregon City there was enough probability of Parker's was a grandfather or a. grandmother! preaching a hostile ship in-disguise Is as
i ds that on this subject they the worW' the NeW Y?rk .tr tnmElt ,ya Its "flependencles," are only Incidental SSfS tht NtlonarGovernment The election to make lt wise for them to cast .. ' . . w old as the ark. probably, and It la not
cSodtT admTt "Znry G. DaV, the coa.-and ralad.mag- ma-lfejiatlooj o the Irresistible con- ISrJfl anc? " ton Record' iT8' f Tl' 2 -"STo:
:ong was done to the South and aate Zbeneflclary of-that toaf wMch lItrinT n ISS the clU3lVe 'ator rht ,Clilmd by SbS55fff fhe S Wbeduse when Bisho? Potferked the other wit tF?
vhole countrj- by endowing with the Uemocrata have so vjeorousiy denounced. Nots. This is the doctrine which Bryan tfa Portland General Electric Company he "hates Roosevelt," The two Rockefel- day what he thought of woman suffrage ? . , , It..
xt of -suffrage a vast negro popu- h v,ecatI8 . ,L de! ,, T 1,iS,fir3tJ:arapalS, and based on net earnings of the water- lers contributed to the Republican treas- he madftte diplomatic 8hIla a1?& T Ehter &
xot flt to eLrclse It. jS ou'of JiJSSS ar" fnndth?Sconl 'S unfur?f StattS Way' 18 leM T' 1116 ST' ? irSuTSSob BcUS 25S h '-f t DUmbr
1 We cannot blame the South- 0t now high enough! "SS o the DmcSacV 1o Wate V8 Wnl ,lectrl? C ilmaknuy m A paper with plenty of local 6oIor Is the
ites for taking such action as Patrick H. McCarrfn. the notorious race- "l".' t! lLui AeaJn it pany has "presented as Increasing the flnanclal worId. They did so as Individ- Thunder Mountain News, edited by Clar
n to protect themselves-though track gambler and corporation lobbyist, for arms, or a tira assault. .11 valuft to $lt2oo.000, are being lnvestl- uate, and because they are Republicans. . . . - . . WilIlam enca B. Eddy, the prospector-poet, of
hlnk they haveone too far. Tet tftEe0Trf" BfaaeJe?h": ? " ,1,,. o- by tne eP"tot of Justice. If If Mr. Cortelyou wero to deny that he had vartewhen Sked by ??ady JhS S Idaho, and pubUshed at Soosevelt. The
s to us that the Southern States. SSSSJTSi mrMU8 SerXtS JSS? ad Si tte NaUonal Government has the right P ggew mend their an wLhTbesthjuddge News' has th'e only printing office within
disfranchised the negro, are ArtDBr P. oornVan. the aent of the ecmts It wIUmw re Jive the to aPP6 land and water f"! hiSa xfet to. S says onlythat he of woman. He repUed. 120 miles north, south, eastor west of
sly sensitive about "the. social trusts m the transformaUon of the Wilson "c"1 !" 11 " ' WJT' locks without paying damages, 56M.000 riven no pledges, direct or Implied, to Not only the best judge, madam, but Roosevelt, and, as have remarked. Is
," of which we take no cognl- tariff bill into the. act of "perfidy and die- "" 2i, 2, ls an ample prlce; indeed- Government any one, and that Is true. If the Demo- the best executioner." luirof local colon Tom Jonea 9ober
n the North, either through law hoor:''&M ?i9t Clv' c&lled JV, read OUt or tDe 'UemOCr p&r y" engineers ln 1899 estimated ?42l,000 as Crats were to say they also had taken ' last Saturday,'' says one item, only to be
tics. Our social system is en- Lrde;r' ' hiS sufficient. money wherever they could get It. and In the Subway. . f0ltewed by a bulletin saying. -As we
mtslde this domain, and the two SVtoCenTe SSt tlo traoe TKADE r0R POKTIAND. . wltt Wga but thout giving ' gr York Globe. tQ learn ve report
have no practlcal-at least no cessions to th. Philippine, recommended by Portland Jobbers are to he congratu- If there was ever a time when the Pledges to retarntor that also would A lutte girl wlte JJ" "J is untrue." A piece of advice- to mule-l-rejation
toward 4each other, the President and Secretary Taft for which lated on the reduction in freight rates victors should hasten to gather the Where thg hug doeg come in lg the atrangely mtogledsat Tin her moth- owners is to keep their pets at home and
Northern States we let "the so- J"dtfe Parker pretends such heartfelt con- which will enable them to win back spoils, it ls in the case of Warden Dry- aoIemrj and virtuous assertion of Mr. Par- ers lap and kept her face turned inter- prevent them from living on other people's
stem" lake care of Itself. ceIn- y V1 , , their lost trade in the Southern Idaho den. of the Walla Walla Penitentiary, jjer that he ordered his people to "take no eatlngly toward the window. After the I hay. although this would seem to, be an
;ms to us that the common sense Kru' wmblnaUoa wWch holds some The topography of the country Though appointed by a RepubUcan money from the trusts" when he must I train had rushed through several stations economical way of supporting tba animals.
South will yet adopt this prin- iTS. ciuta ehufa vC- and the natural advantages which a lo- Governor. Dryden openly worked for have known rmhgtan8e tn!d "ult dough can and get a home
Exclusion of the negro from like grip, obtains franchise, by Questionable cation at tidewater-give Portland are the election of Turner, a Democrat, and gnd wrung J"? to her mother and said. says th& afl Qt thQ
il influence leaves nothing In the methods and furnishes the "plain pec such strong points ln favor of this city was so successful in coercing his force ponai inflUence or suggestion of the mamma?"- Hotel, while a saloon advertises "Best
t it 'but a prejudice founded on Inadequate accommodations In order to pay nothing but a discriminating policy of employes that the normal Republican poasibllitles of the future. , Old Bug Juice and Juice of Giant Powder."
t customs that must eventually LZl'' ,,., against th'e port can shut our Jobbers majority of Walla Walla was elhnl- Q Murphy's "Bryan." "Hay ls about $200 a ton," says another
,ay. The South, by refusal to obSdTe SStSSS out of the field. The keen rivalry of aated. As the entire Republican state Men who care HtUe jbout . parties but sJtA.sZl Itemf "but Queeney a Curtis, the Roose
;r any subject of interest to the county of their lawfully chosen represent- interior cities for an extension of their ticket was elected In Washington, and who detest cant The spleadId concepUon involved ln the velt liverymen, are still In the ring."
y at large, either as to domestic tlve. according to the Judgment of the Court respective fields of operation not Infre- Mead, the successful candidate ior Js 60mewhat lessened by these cartoon of Bryan in The Oregonian of "Diamond Dick" tells an expectant public
Ign policy, and focalizing every- Appeals, the promote whose for- quently results ln local pressure being Governor, wlU be backed up by a Leg- three thlngs: Wednesday, by Harry Murphy, deserves that hi whisky is never less than 9;
on racial antipathy, subjects it- tunes A1,f f Pirkr' wh,,e on th." b,?nh' brought to bear on the" railroads to such islature which Is Republican In the First His wicked charges that Presl- special mention. As an exact portrayal proof, and an enterprising fellow on John
the most serious l!mltatlons.and li SrJSfl LM-h S an extent that natural advantages are ratio of twenty-eight to one. there "be dent Roosevelt and Chairman Cortelyou 0f what the "Peerless Leader" feels ln son creek announces that he sells "hay,
the whole country. The twelve X eSL foan aiuct overldoked in a desire to temporize for troublous times" ahead tor the political bad been iS" any l30 X t S, mSJiS and sbelter' mcal3' laglnS' 1IqUr3
rn States that voted solidly for contract on a bid ?54.oo0 above the lowest the purpose of silencing local clamor or guerrillas who knifed the Republican nnW mat SrulSS and ciars" as wel1 33 soods coa-
contain nearly twenty millions offer. forestalling possible hostile action, ticket C g aelfneS But the paragraph thai
pie, and are a highly Important Thomas Tapgart. the wealthy gambler and These occasional reversals of or de- I Third His pretense to virtue on his own . ,. brings Roosevelt's pioneer life before us
1 of our country. Can they af- I !'f!,P,'rL.ti ?Cfhilnpn 1"nl.fl I partures from natural conditions can I Oolonel E. Hofer, of Salem, can art because of the cleanliness of the The Point of View. In aU Its naturalness ls this;
3 keep all their thought concen? Iaha0,ah" haTbeggea never be regarded as permanent, and choose felther 550 ln gold or a 550 medal regular Democratic fund, though he was WOBm -ot Ho0ifeveit wtw persist in
on the oegro..and to go on basing .Knlth?? SmSS sooner or later the laws of commerclal for his prize ( essay. If the Colonel is J "if1 fl1 (m the Cornhlll Hne Mr,. Alfred sidg. -g -
SStSJTS These were the people who nominated ToL beyond al, doubt -fSt 21 " I LW Both the Re- T? ZSSTtZ XS"
ot pursue this course forever. Judge Parker and directed his cam- that anything like permanent prosper- not meant to Intimate that tne -uoionei Thus we get at the facts. Both tte Re- thonrti we submit-that the Question Is one
akes sectionalism in political and Lalgn. They did not fool the masses of Ity for a railroad is dependent to a is Uke other editors. . SdT.toffiS
lal life. It leads to Immense po- the people not even the Democratic large extent, ln fact almost wholly, on urc-lnsurancc companies J't look at the quarterly bills . inside or ouf" musfbe debated
Injustice; since It prevents dls- masses, who hitherto had voted for the prosperity of the field which It Governor Peabody-haa teen defeated bislness men generally. Neither has From .butcher, and bakers and mantua makers Home Journal before a
n ln the Southern States of every William J. Bryan, but deserted this serves. For this reason -mercenary mo- In Colorado and Aa Adams 1 has been riVen any pledges. Promises are not neces- And vend f lindine mte is made,
t of real Interest in our NaUonal gang. by tens of , thousands. Judge Par- tives alone are sufficient to warrant elected Governor. Which will be taken The Republlcans have done no lying HAwte!!fSt,SS - ng WEX. J.
nd.. through suppression of debate ker would have done well to drop Into fair treatment from the roads when the as notice to allrtoters anarchists and about their Oh. whTam I fated to and myself mated .
Lal, matters, ls hurtful In every oblivion, without this last utterance. demonstration is sufficiently lucid to dyrmmlters in Cloirado that they are to Mr. Co fP. ,.D
to the welfare of the country. . . ' appeal to them. Salt Lake, Boise and be at liberty to "enforce their prlncl- "SSJSutS. wort? a Now GrUel x neftr, M ttLrlDg OUT OF THE LINGER JAR.
the disfranchisement of the negro San Francisco will probably object to pies. . nirjcel In the hold-up line, even lf Mr. Cor- as Dolly is Just the reverse: - . - "
1b nothing but an imaginative or GOVERNMENT AtD IDR FAIRS. -this reduction .in rates in favor of , TTTTT"-TT,, telyou were a hold-up man. which he ls Bhe's thrifty and prudent, a diligent student Do witt-That . idruggiat ys If you toy wi
lental Idea or notion to support IL On Monday last The Oregonian stated Portland. The objection cannot be sus- Nera!a, KoneS not The -SS'-JS? W M ' fS'heXhudeker' say Sellmi
had evthlng talned by legitimate, argument. In tli . MefexeTuSvl wSnS L ISgSt&ESSS " '
hecan' deported The whites to do with the success of Oregon's case of Salt Lake and Boise, their lo- "e "ed ln 'Portland and Seattle to his desperation finally took up. were No uadan can beat her, no milliner cheat He-Suppose r were to attempt to steal aklsi
emoved the danger of negro dom- xwls and Clark Fair bill ln Congress; cation beyond the reach of water com- aml rf v0ttWiuT Nebraska was wholly false and maUclous. The only hum- her " -would you be very angry? She-Indeed Y
a, or even of interference of the that ln fact Congress did lt cnlefly for petition around the Horn or across the ben tne Ba-iuraaip rj"r t buggery about the whole business has oh. what would 1 give to be Hans: would-it-if- He-if what? she-u it got fie
In public affairs. Why can't the encouragement of the Republicans of Pacific leaves them solely at the mercy launched. Come again. Governor. pretease of virtue on Judge Par- . further than an attempt-Philadelphia. In
people of the South think of Oregon, for a big majority in June. or the railroads. Their Jobbing trade T . a, that nftnn a11 ""f..0,?1! mS KarajSuea compels me to state; ,,ff- MT5er are to b.
hlng else than the negro? They t? is statement was made In reply to calls for the distribution of large quan- may be ranked Jer -J gattte 'Jf JSJ HS ! ab" J dine at a tabu S?' Mrs? aSS&3i
ot compelled to Intermarry with the Eugene Journal, which had .said: titles of imported goods, and of goods the Southern States of Maryland and treasury .e something That glitter, with plenty of plate, Trit be flggerin' on me wearin' mm.
es, or to ihe them to their .-Eastern Democrats fight shy of Oregon brought across IJe con Mls.ourt wenot ? blyraged g" B, mu.lelu. x -lomeravor
s- because they know there ls nothing in On most of this merchandise, espe- DV y18 T , 4 xc-v,if- TZnvZ ' T walmx dishes of fl-h fowl and fishes. -Harper-o fri . .
- it for them, and Republlcans show It no dally heavy goods, the rate by sea is ublfcan PrSfdeS "ak Qu,t a Wrnot. 1 ZZXS'? &!g
HT ICE CREAM TAKES WIJGS. favors because they know they have lt ) much lower than the rate by rail across wxta a 1 . Town Topics. chamber distress me- ly do The man who gets maslo-out of a yloUt
fen an East Side festival came to anyhow. Portland and Oregon are lg- the continent, and to admit the Inland v&it carried every county In Crawford-Did the coming of the stork THiear,agy bUck m&Uea ma Bllfn-' piay: the fellow who gets notee out & th.
e-cream-and-cake stage the other nored on this account." cities to the Jobbing trade of Southern oVever0Unty In Washington, rn:cil S"aJ?ei toe firl that burn, ruddy and bright in my a nddle woriu-Yonker, Statesman,
fhe celestial food seemed to have But, says a Democratic paper of East-. Idaho lt would be necessary to quote a rtgon' J. , " ,n. Tn Vfn Crabshaw Tea. His wife changed her Nordy-Married life has .a, recompense .for lti
tVe. tcket ern Oregon: "St Louis is the chief city rail rate Uy low to nullify the gj SSSS fSASm feltfS iZ WlSTlS
IL But aezt day a policeman dls- of a Democratic state and the greatest advantage which Portland has by rea- "extook the dark corners. I crato b?Siy aS Sing -pier your wife will generally make u
id that the gaysome stuff, had sum ever appropriated or loaned by the son ot her superior location at tide- Jean-Francol MIHet. . And Icar for a sight of the Turkish delight hot enough for you.-Hoaeton Chronicle.
i under the Jackets of certain Government to any private purpose was water, where she can be reached by the x am bound only by a promise made openly o, . r,. , tho Atlantic. Of my own moat particular rug. Blnks-How long a vacaUoadld you take thii
tory animals, commonly called granted the St. Louis Fair. Oregon and fleets of the world. This, It Is quite to the American people that every man shall Tt t t tair Foatnebieau. . to h. DtclIy d- year? fTl -TI 7fS
1 boys." Conclusive evidence of the Lewis and Clark Fair were recog- plain, would be unfair, and In maintain- ? memory-hauntcd hamlet lies. 1 KvSte?SSi; SSSe. to plaV aSof & wm
'act. 4as the recovery of the can nized because, of the Intelligence in ing the rates which have permitted nt Rvelt to hto reply to vhose tender spell makes caUre. and LTwouse. I KX'.ttet Ai KuSL
urea, but void of it toothsome Congress.". the Salt Lake and Boise Jobbers to cut And the American people believe It- ? erUMd in your paper laat week for
nts. . SL Louis had the entire Mississippi mto territory naturally tributary to 1 S 'too 4 A eeaee of laeffaile . . . J J.,. girl; good, wage, to the right party
tvl Prosecuting Attorney indict? Valley and the Solid South hehlnd her. Portland the railroads have been guilty Champ Clark once said Senator Cock- Their too usea 10 loop. pau Her frocks may be branded 4 and t dW3.t et t 8lnsIe xepiy,.. coia.
rMSiyba Semol There was no such force to "pull" for U rank discrimination. rell Is a great man and ought to be ?h!ch a narrow t pllee- Sceof chlTol lace. TiZVr S
Pledged both to atamp out gam- Oregon. Besides, the fact that SL Louis Equally flagrant but of a different Preside Tet Hleeourl mlr him. V S3 eWrt efaima - fTr!u
and let It thrive, but he was evl- had been assisted to so great extent, nature, ls the discrimination which has A prophet etc MlUet dwelt here, companion of their woe. .n'tly oaliur Hi'PnUadelphia Pre,,
v one of those predatory animals and at the very moment was asking admitted San Francisco into that field. 7 . Ah. Barblion! "With thorai. sot lKte. jaw y Ilk. a dream. Mn. Van Newport-I saw yes is-eirt thi,
'if in time nasL Congress for a further heavy loan As a distributive center for certain ter- Colorado Mas beaten Peoy. who crowned. -bomb eretlt is yir. I Bd myself jJhing morning. Xrs. Dakota Tea; I am tryieg ti
rVnrk ave so lonir aifo that the which could not be denied because the ritory. San Francisco possesses all of was tfaem&ln factor In waking Coiorado He looked thy sorrows ia the face. a QfM,t clthlB(ied mlme. 8Ue Xom. for brwwh oi promtee, Urn. Va
,J man runneth not 'to 'the Government was already committed the advantages that are enjoyed by safe and eane.. So mck the for tfteJ JJ laactf Zrl.
Ivy, it was an unwritten law In and had invited the whole wdrld to the Portland, ln the way of both ocean and Colorado. t hUden aweetn at .t rt IH g!L 0 white tfp? Vdu. twSl;
S realms that Ice cream.and cake fair-was the chief reason why it was rail facilities. Having the advan- Klnl 7rifJT m "M feny. w
Uval was confiscate-not 00 much so difficult to get. any assistance or rec- her Jobr. cn lUmtely con- elouWfi.1 bosaXwitk Xatare, aad t chm wHa Otil I -riV&t cr- 1 wait a jw.-Oko Xew ,
hoyever a ice craai.' A Ave- ogaiticm from Crt. Xt fir ani trol tketrde a ig ortiwi of Cil- i tU. i At boo wna 2ur. aa o- w I