Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 11, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Governor of Colorado' Con
cedes His Defeat by Adams,
43oth Sides Are Claiming the Legisla
ture, and the. .Result Will Be In
Doubt Until! Official Count
-Is .Made.
DENVJBR, Nov- lo'-t. B. Falrley, Re
publican state chairman, today abandoned
hlB claim that Governor J. H. Peabody
had, been "re-elected,, a!nd the Governor
jhlmself conceded hla-def eat. Adams: ma
jority over J.eabody in the City and Coun
ty of Denver Is 5070, and in the entire
jst&ie about 5500,
Republicans still claim a majority for
Peabody in tho state outside of Denver,
but this claim is not borne out by the re
turns, which are still incomplete.
""'On tho face of the returns Adams Is
elected." said Falrley, "but the official
count or a contest may change it to Pea
body." Peabody was beaten by 750 plurality m
Ills home county (Fremont), although Jt
,tras carried by Roosevelt by 200.
John F- Shafroth, Dem., Is apparently
elected Congressman-at-large by a. plu
rality of 207. Robert V,'. Boynge, Repub
lican, has about 800 plurality in the First
District, and H. M. Hog?, Republican, ha
5000 plurality in the Second District.
Both sides are claiming the Legislature,
and the result will be in doubt until the
official count is made In Denver and Pueb
lo. After conceding the election of Ad
ems today. Governor Peabody said:
"The campaign Just closed has been one
of principle, not candidates. I have tried
to maintain peace and quiet, and law
and order in this state, and In no case did
I exceed the law as interpreted by the
Supreme Court of the state.
"If the people of the state, by their
votes, failed to approve that policy, I am
etlll satisfied. The people know what they
want, and they always have the ballot
twlth which to get it."
'Officials Are Said to Have Put Out
Lights and Substituted Ballots.
DENVER, Nov. 10. Four men were
brought before the Supreme Court today
on citations charging violation of the
court's mandate concerning frauds at tho
election Tuesday. They are Thomas Doug
las, Thomas Shepardson, Frank Atkins
and Michael Doud, who served as election
officials. Their arrest was based on affi
davits of special watchers appointed by
the Supremo Court, who sworo that the
men caused the lights to be extinguished
at the polling place where they were serv
ing long enough to substitute Democratic
ballots for Republican ballots properly
cast; and which at the time were spread
out on a table preparatory to being count
ed. The men were released in bonds of
$1000 each, and their hearing set for Mon
day next.
Adams' Parents Overjoyed.
sPASADENA. CaL, Nov. 10. Alva Ad
ams, Democratic candidate for Governor
of Golorado, has wired his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Adams, of this city, that
there is little doubt he has defeated Gov
ernor Peabody, and Is Governor-elect of
the Centennial State. He estimated his
plurality over Peabody at 5000 to 8000. His
parents were overjoyed at the news and
wired their congratulations.
Roosevelt Has 10,000 Notes, but All
Will Be Answered.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. Ten thousand
congratulatory messages have been re
ceived By President Roosevelt. Every
mall today brought large numbers of con
gratulatory letters. Notwithstanding the
immense number, the President has de
cided that each one is to be answered,
and this work will require perhaps sev
eral weeks.
President Roosevelt received today an
undiminished number of callers. Attorney-General
Moody, wh has Just re
turned from Massachusetts, was one of
the first visitors. He was accompanied
by James R. Garfield, Commissioner of
Corporations, who arrived today from his
Ohio home. Later they will take up with
the President the work of Mr. Garfield's
bureau, concerning which the President
will have some recommendations to make
to Congress in his annual message.
The investigation of the beef trust in
stituted by the Bureau of Corporations
at the instance of Congress practically
has been completed. The report will be
presented to the President, and it Is quite
probable that it will be submitted to Con
gress shortly after the opening of its ses
sion in December, although the law con
fers discretionary power upon the Presi
dent as to the publication of the opera
tions of the bureau. No intimation is
given as to the nature of the report or
of what recommendations, if any, Mr.
Garfield may submit. It can be said au
thoritatively that any suggestions that
legal action may be taken by the Gov
ernment against the beef trust or against
any aggregation of capital, as a result
of the investigations made by the Bu
reau of Corporations, at least, are prema
ture. No decision has yet been reached.
and none will be reached until the re
port has been considered thoroughly by
the President and his advisers.
Among others who called to pay their
respects were Senator McComas, of Mary
land, and Frank P. Sargent, Commls
sloner-General of Immigration. The Pres
ident and Senator McComas exchanged
congratulations on the result in Mary
To several callers today the President
expressed his gratification that the Re
publicans had been successful in Mis
souri, where a. Republican victory had
not been anticipated. Commenting on the
fact that the election of a Republican
Legislature In Missouri probably meant
the retirement of Senator Cockrell. Sen
ator McComas spoke of Senator Cockrell
and his services to. his. country and to
his state in the highest praise. He re
ferred to Mr. Cockrell's usefulness In the
state and to his great and valuable knowl
edge of nubile affairs; to -his stainless
character and unswerving patriotism in
all crises.
Republicans Elect Twenty Out of
Twenty-One Congressmen.
COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 10. Nearly com
plete returns tonight show close to 250,
000 plurality for Roosevelt and Fairbanks
electors. Only IS out of the SS counties In
the state have been carried for Parker
and only one Democratic Congressman
has been elected out of ZL State Chairman
Harvey Garber. the Democratic candidate
in the Fourth District, has 1G00 plurality
in a district normally 6000 Democratic
A conference of Republican leaders was
held here today and It was rumored that
a plan had been agreed on to secure the
elimination of all factional lines and con-
certed action for the support of Governor
Herri ck, who Is being opposed by tho
Anti-Saloon, L&gue.for renomlnatlon and
re-eioctton. CMtnn&xv ukk. aenieo. tuat
Xhc conference had any such significance.
And declared the discussion related only
to campaign finances.
Fairbanks Warmly Congratulated.
INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. 10. Vice-Presi
dent-elect Fairbanks has received numer
ous telegrams of congratulations here.
Among .the many hundreds of messages
received today were one from Secretary
of State Hay, Senator Foraker. of Ohio;
General John J. McCook, of New York;
John Dover, Washington; Senator Scott,
West Virginia; Senator Piatt. New York;
Senator Hopkins, of Illinois; Thomas Tag
il art, chairman of the National Demo
cratic Committee, and George B. Cortel-
you, chairman of the National Republican
Minnesota Democrats Get Governor.
ST. PAUL, Nov. 10. Incomplete re
turns from all counties in Minnesota
show that Johnson. Democrat, was
.elected Governor by a majority of 13,-
756. Returns received here show that
the next Minnesota House of Represent
atives will have, 107 Republicans and 12
Vote in Indiana.
INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 10. Secretary
Sims, of the Republican State Commit
tee, said today that from -unofficial re
ports from SO of the 92 counties the Re
publican National -ticket had received a
plurality of 74,000 In Indiana.
Panama Celebrates His Victory.
PANAMA, Nov. 10. In celebration of
the election of Roosevelt to the- Presi
dency, a large number of Panamans sere
naded Joseph W. J. Lee, the American
Charge d'Affalres here.
Democrat 700 Ahead in Arizona.
PHOENIX, Ariz., Nov. 10.-AIark Smith,
Democratic candidate for Delegate in Con
gress, will have a plurality exceeding 700.
Hungarian Leader Will Bring
Roosevelt's Proposal.
BUDAPEST, Nov. 10. Count Albert Ap-
poni, ex-president of the lower house
of the Hungarian Diet, notified Premier
Tlsza today that he will interpellate the
Government at Saturday's session of the
house President's Roosevelt's prop
osition to call another session of The
Hague peace conference.
Count Apponl was especially asked by
the President at the time of the St. Louis
peace congress to uso his influence with
the Hungarian Government in this direc
tion. The 'President's election has de
termined Count Apponl to press the mat
It is said that a similar Interpellation
will be introduced at the approaching
session of the Reichsrath at Vienna.
French Deputy Says Roosevelt's Elec
tion Is Auspicious Augury.
PARIS, Nov. 10. The Chamber of Dep
uties today resumed the debate on the
Anglo-French Newfoundland treaty. M.
DepressenEe, Socialist, said he strongly
approved of the treaty and hoped France,
Great Britain and tho United States
would soon find means of Joining in in
tervening in order to stop the lamentable
slaughter in the Far East. He declared
the election of Roosevelt was an auspi
cious augury at such a movement.
The debate went over until Saturday.
Before the Chamber rose. Premier
Combes announced that ho brought, In the
rame of the President of the republic,
a bill for the separation of church and
King Encourages Newfoundland.
ST. JOHNS,' N. F., Nov. 10-Governor
Ir William McGregor, at the King's
Irthday banquet here last night, con
veyed a personal message from King Ed
ward to the people assuring them that it
would be his earnest endeavor to promote
a settlement of tho French shore ques
tion and relieve them of the differences
arising from French occupation of the
.Vest Coast
France Will Favor It.
PARIS, Nov. 10. Ambassador Porter
presented to Foreign Minister Delcasse
today the American proposition for re
assembling The Hague Peace Conference.
No definite response was made, as M.
Delcasse will go over the matter care
fully with the other Ministers. The ten
dency in Governmental circles is appar
ently favorable to the new proposition.
Russia Not Likely to Respond.
ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 10. Russia is
not expected to make an official response
to the American request for Russia's
views on holding a second peace confer
ence at The Hague until the return of
Emperor Nicholas to St. Petersburg.
Gillespie Again Recommends Rapid-
Fir e Guns Be Installed.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. The annual ro-
.port of the Board of Ordnance and Fort
ifications, headed by Major-Gencral Gil
lesple, shows that only seven 12-inch guns
out of the total of 100 guns contracted for
in 1891 remain to be completed, and the
last of these will be made by August of
next year.
The board renews its recommendation
of last year for the immediate procure
ment of medium-caliber rapid-fire guns
for coast defense to the extent of 200
semi-automatic .high-velocity six-pound
guns on pedestal mounts; 200 semi-automatic
guns of a caliber large enough to
fire shrapnel, mounted on field carriages.
and 200 automatic guns of .30-callber. Tho
board also wants a reserve supply of
ammunition of at least 100 rounds for the
large guns and mortars and 25 rounds for
rapid-fire guns, as. without a sufficient
supply of ammunition, the coast-defense
armament is useless.
An abundant supply of ammunition for
target practice Is also requested, and other
measures recommended looking to the In
stallment of rangeflnders, searchlights.
telephone lines and other necessities of a
modern coast-defense system. The" board
submits an estimate of 550.000 to carry on
its work next year, which is only one-
half the present allowance.
Receives Charges Against Britain.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. Secretary of
State Hay today gave a hearing to a
delegation who filed with him a. long state
ment purporting to give the condition of
the opium trade in China, the charges
being directed against Great Britain. The
papers were received by tho Secretary.
who promised to lay the matter before the
President. The delegation desired that
China shall be released from what Is
termed her "enforced opium traffic,'' and
for which It is claimed Great Britain. Is
San Francisco Leaves Port Said.
PORT SAID, Nov. 10. The United States
cruiser San Francisco, which arrived here
yesterday, homeward bound from the Asl
atic station, proceeded today to Algiers.
Convention of Maccabee Ladles.
ALBANY, Or., Nov. 10. (Special.) A
district convention of the Ladles of the
Maccabees will be held In this city to
morrow. All the L. O. T. 1L lodges in
Marlon, Linn and Benton Counties will
send delegations. Mrs. NelUe, 1L Lamb-
son, of Portland, and Mrs. Rebecca -Smith,
of Salem, state commander and deputy
state commander, respectively, of the L.
. O. T. iL. will steo be la &ttenne.
Only District Judges Are Lost
in Silver Bow County.
Majority in the Two Houses Will Not
Be-Less Than Ten-Return of
Carter to .the Senate Is
BUTTE. Nov. 10. The returns from
Tuesday's election thus far received seem
to give the Republicans the best of it in
the next Legislature. Tho House, it is
figured on actual returns, will be Repub
licans, 37; Democrats, 31; doubtful, -L The
Senate, from present Indications, will be
15 Republicans, 10 Democrats and 1 doubt
ful A Republican Legislature Insures
the return of ex-Senator Thomas H.
Carter to the United States.
Complete returns from SO out of 64
precincts In this county (Silver Bow) in
dicate that the "Fuslonlsts" commonly
known as the Helnze, party have carried
everything on the county ticket, with the
exception of the District Judge.
The Democrats and Republicans fused
on one candidate for Judge. Democratic
National and state tickets have carried
from top to bottom with large majorities,
which will materially affect some of the
Republican majorities from other sections
of Montana.
Chairman Mantle, of the Republican
State Central Committee, says Roosevelt's
plurality In Montana Is 10.000. and that
Dixon for Congress has a plurality of
Sweeping Victories for Roosevelt and
BOISEL Idaho. Nov. 10.-r(SpeclaL) Re
turns from the Idaho election have come
in more slowly than any previous time in
the history of the state. Those engaged
in gathering figures complained that
things went with such a sweep that judges
and clerks thought there was no further
Interest in it and sealed up returns with
out taking copies or giving anyone else
opportunity to do so.
So far 54.099 votes on the Republican and
Democratic candidates for President have
been heard from and 53,151 on Governor.
Of the Presidential vote. Roosevelt has
38,782 and Parker 15,317, Roosevelt's ma
jority is 23,475 and his percentage of vote
is 72. Gooding has 34,744 votes and Heit-J
feld 18,437. Gooding's majority Is 16,307,
and his percentage 63.
The vote this year has fallen far below
the registration. The latter was about
80,000. Two years ago tho Republican and
Democratic vote on Governor was 57,835.
So nearly as can be estimated there is
an increase of 12 per cent on Democratic
and Republican Presidential votes. This
would indicate a total of 64,609 for Roose
velt and Parker In the state. If Roose
velt's percentage of 72 be carried through
ho will have a lead over Parker of 2S.500,
while Goodlng'a lead over Heltfeld would
be IS, 000.
The Democrats elect four members of
the Legislature a Senator from Custer, a
Senator and Representative from Elmore,
and a. Representative In Lemhi. An esti
mate by counties appears to' bo as fol
lows: ...
Couatr-t- . . Roosevelt. Goodlnr. Heltfeld.
Ado. S.050 1.097 ....
Bannock 2,000 .... .
Blaine .... 210 .... 300
Bear Lake 724 1.210 ....
Bingham 2,000 2,000 ....
Bo ... 225. 150
Canyon 2.140 1,200
Casela G50 650 ....
Custer ...... ...... -40 116
Elmore 169 .... 127
Fremont 2.700 -2.000 ....
Idaho n 1,400' 100 ....
Kootenai 2.500 1.600 ....
Latah 2,200 1.000 . .
Lemhi 100 60 ....
Lincoln -400 305 ....
Xez Perces 2.500 242 ....
Oneida 2,000 2.000 ....
Owyhee 300 150 ....
Shoshone 2,500 1,000 ....
Washington 1.000 200 ....
Totals 28.847 18.744 43
Net plurality, Ooodlnff. 18.201.
Republicans Have Majority of Eighty
Six in Legislature.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 10. The few
additional unofficial returns received to
day 'from various points in California do
not affect the results already announced.
The official count will be required to de
termine the exact figures, but It Is evi
dent that Roosevelt's plurality In the
state will approximate 115,000. The Leg
lslature, which elects a United States
Senator, will have 103 Republican mem
bers to 17 Democrats and Labor Unionists.
Roosevelt 27,000 Ahead in Utah.
SALT LAKE CITY, Nov. 10. Additional
returns from Tuesday's election, cover
ing every county In the state, have In
creased the majority for Roosevelt so
tremendously that it Is probable It will
not run short of 27.000. Parker had a
plurality in only one county. In Salt Lake
County, cut of a- total of about 3L000 votes.
Roosevelt received 20,100,, and Parker H00,
Nevada Republicans Get Congressman
RENO, New, Nv. 10. There are still
about 70 precincts to hear from In this
state. A conservative estimate places
Roosevelt's plurality at between 2500 and
3000. Yerington, Rep., Is elected over
van Duser, Dem., by about 100. Nixon,
Rep., for Senator, will control the Legis
lature by about three votes.
Crime Committed by Marc, in South
ern California.
LOS ANGELES, CaL. Nov. 10. The
bodies of Robert McCann and wife were
found In their home four miles south of
Ocean Park today. They had been dead
several days, and from the position of
the bodies, McCann evidently had shot
his wife and then killed himself.
Alfalfa Will Be Grown in Linn.
ALBANY, Or., Nov. 10. (Special.) A
number of Linn County farmers living
in the vicinity of Shedd are preparing to
try the ..experiment of raising alfalfa next
year. Should the experiment prove suc
cessful, alfalfa will come Into general use
as a food for stock In this county.
State Dairy and Food Commissioner J.
"V". Bailey is now at Shedd Instructing the
farmers how to prepare their land for the
crop. Next Spring, when the seed is sown.
Mf. Bailey will again go to Shedd for
further instructions.
Lauth Hearing Is Set.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Nov. 10. Special.)
George W. Lauth, charged with the mur
der of Mrs. Leonora B. Jones, in this city.
in September, was arraigned In the Cir
cuit Court today and was given until
Monday to enter a plea. The court ap
pointed G. B. Dlmlck and G. C. Brownell
to defend him.
In Linn Circuit Court.
ALBANY. Or., Nov. 10. (Special.) In an
adjourned term of Department No. 1. Cir
cuit Court, held In Albany yesterday.
Judge George H. Burnett overruled a mo
tion or defendant for a new trial In th
Mrs. Henry Story, of No.
532 Mustin gdum Atc'2jlqcs
ville, Ohio, say "My husband
suffered from rheumatism so
that he could h&rdly stand His
hack hurt and he had such
pain in his left arm that he
.could not rest night oe day.
The doctor did him no good
and it was not until he tried
Dr. Williams Fmfc Filk that
he was helped. Six boxes cured
hhn completely and he has not
had an ache or a pain since.
We think the pills are the fcest
medicine in the world."
Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills'
for Pale People
cure rheumatism because they
make new Hood. Itwovldbe
folly not to try a remedy with
such a convincing record of
Six of th-c housekeeping
questions are settled:
eta baUwg poaUr iftem
oefft Savariacj otnik MS
and settled for good.
Schilling's Best atyoui
grocer's; moneyback.
damage suit of Mrs. Sarah Cleland. of
Portland, vs. the Corvallls & Eastern
Railroad, disposed of the well-known case
of Kump vs. Williams, and rendered Judg
ment In tho matter of the objections to
the cost bill In the case of Brady vs.
Bids for State Fuel Supply.
SALEM, Or., Nov. 10. Special.) Tho
Governor, Secretary of State and State
Treasurer opened bids today for supply
ing wood to the stato Institutions located
at Salem. The Quantity offered was suf
ficient for all institutions, except the
penitentiary. Prices ranged from $3.33 to
?i a cord for first growth fir and $2.50
to fZ-Sa for second growth-. Awards will
be mado tomorrow.
Linn Grangers Will Entertain.
ALBANY, Or.. Nov. 10,-SpecIal.) Mem
bers of the Grange In Linn- County are
planning a reception fcr the members of
the National convention of the Grange
when their excursion from Portland up
the valley reaches Albany. Local Grang
era are also preparing to send some Linn
County fruit to Portland for exhibition
at the convention.
Marriage Licenses.
Jr&ac A Johncon, 30, "Wheeler County: Mauds
Flaugher. 22.
J. Palmer. 27; Beecle EIoli Paxtcn, 19.
Andrew Johnson, 29; Nina. Peterson. 22.
Arthur C. Robinson. 25; Dora, Maria Echade.
Nov prober 0, to the wife of J. B. EIrch.
C83H Hood, a hoy.
November 3. to the -wife of "William P. Smith.
705 East Davis, a girl.
Building Permits.
"W. S. Armstrong, Sellwood. betrreen Alblna
avenue and Borthwlck, barn; $00.
G. I". Brice, East Morrison, between East
Twenty-eighth and East Twenty-ninth, cottage;
Mrs. B. Loeb. Fifth, between Stark and Oak,
twojtory- brick; S 14.000.
"V. "W. Keene,. "Williams avenue, between
Beech and Fremont, addition: J10OO.
T. M. "WolfenbarEer, Ellsworth, between Eai
Sixth and East Seventh, two-story dwelling;
Real Estate Transfers.
I. Thompson to F. Opltz. lots 1. 2,
block 108. University Park S
Btate to Emma Benz, 7S acres, be
ginning at northeast corner Wa
Painter D. L. C
TV. 1L Ladd et aL to O. B. Trotter,
lot 8. Bodieys Addition
Alliance. Trust Co. to H. W. Fries,
lots 2, 4, block 28, Multnomah....
Charles Jacobs and wife to L. K. Sire-
gle. lot 43 block 29, Alblna
EUza J. Harer to Title Guarantee &
Trust Co.. parcel land In section 8.
T 1 It. 1 E
Sheriff to I. O. 6.F." Hall AsnI"oi
Alblna, lots 0, 10, block 3, Railroad
Shops Addition
E. Thomas to L. Shambrook, lot 4,
S. 20 ft. lot 3. block 50. HolladaVs
Addition B.500
savings &: .ixan society to i nomas
Etatter. lots 5. 8. block 182. Couch
Addition 4,500
jonn xiiDerg to a. .Nicnoiis, se.
U. 8E. X. section 14, T. 2 N..
n. 2 w.
Charles LafoUett to C. B. Lafollett.
20 acres In NW. section 34. T.
1 N.. R. 2 E. ,
Portland Trust Co. to 21. A. Young
ferdorf. lot 22. block 13. Williams
Avenue AddlUon
John Klosterman and wife to Charles
Crozler, N. H. "W. EE. K section
20. T. 1 B.. R. 5 E. ."
Aloys Harold to J. D. Kennedy, lots
15. 16. block 14. Kennedy's Addition
Sheriff to J. D. Kennedy, lota 1 to 4
Inclusive, block 4. Kennedy Second
W. H. Copeland and wife to C A.
Bottom. N. 30 feet lot. 3. block 13.
"Williams-Avenue Addition ,
T. J. Hammer and wife to J. Trust.
43xl30 feet, beginning east line
- block 3. Bernhardt Park
Alice Chard and husband to E. E.
Burdlck. lot 2. block 3. Howltt....
Nadir Land Co, to H, M. Carlson,
lots C. 7, block 0, Seventh-Etrest
Terraces- ...
Moses F. Tufts to E. C. Hurlburt,
interest lot 5. block 3, Adama. Addi
tion to St. Johns
Lena M. Robinson to J. L. Robinson,
lots 1. 2. block 3; lots 1, 2. block 4;
lots 0. 12. block 5; lots 8. 7. 8, 9,
12. block 6. Henry's AddlUon
Emily V. Marshall and husband to K.
Bushong, lots 3. 4. block 12. Solan's
Jacob J. Hahn and' wife to J. B.
Bridges. Jr., lot 3, block 4. Rosedale
Alexander Strong -to R. -J. Slbler. 25x
38 feet, beginning point In north
line lot G, block 220, East Portland
John Glebelhans to John Ross. TV. H
lot 8. block 15. Alblna Homestead
Sheriff to A. Harold, lots in Burneld.
Boston AddlUon. "West Portland and
West Portland Park
Henry Knlppll and wife to II.
Schwarts. lot 13, block 2. Uacota
Park -
Hub Land Co. to Abbs. Eagelc. lot
15. block 3, "Willamette Boulevard
Acres ...
Portland Lone Fir Cemetery Co.- to
Henry Helster. lot HI. MmIc 9C,
Lose Fir Cvuetery
Dim Sfltrtoti to Penitentiary,
XUGXNK, Or., Now 1. Scil. I
UR CLOTHING for boys is made in the same
superior way as the clothing of men. Every fabric
is all wool and every garment is made to fit. If you
will compare our qualities and prices with those of
other stores you will find in every instance a sav
ing of at least a couple of dollars. We have
all the usual styles as well
are not usual.
Russian Blouse, Eton,
Norfolk and Double-breasted
Suits in all the newest
fabrics, in navy blue, brown,
Scotch mixtures and blue
serges extra well tailored;
ages 3 to 16; $2.50 to $7.45.
Air Gun, Boxing Gloves, Footballs and Catcher's Mitt or Mask
free with Suit or Overcoat.
Vi rin.n( rvmr- tndnv TTarrv Glen and
George BaUer wero each sentenced to five
years in the Penitentiary, naving oeen
convicted of assaulting and robbing an
old man namea ueorge iiorxon on me
Btreets of Eugene about a month ago.
The trial of Charles Alley, who is ac
tiwi nf thn mnrtlpr of J. N. Howard, in
a logging camp on Fall Creek, Is now on,
ana testimony is oeing laxeo. j.uo ue-
xense is based jon tne grouna ot juiey
using a knife in self-defense, whon tho
men were in a fight and the otner man
had him down.
Barmaids of Babylon.
Chicago Journal.
A recent translation of King Hamu
rabi's code, written about 2250 years
before Cbrlst, gives an insight into the
life of tho great city of Babylon at that
remote time, and the way in which the
excise question was bandied by its
legislators. Nearly all the dealers of
wines and liquors at that time were
women, as many of the laws translated
from the code speak only of women as
sellers of drinks. Severe measures wore
taken against those who adulterated
the wines or mixed them with water,
so as to safeguard the purity of the ar
ticle for the use of the public The bar
maid was held responsible for disor
derly scenes or drunkenness In her
premises, and death was the penalty
for those who did not denounce all
cases of drunkenness to the police.
Those women who were employed in
the temple were forbidden to enter
public hostelries under penalty of
death, and even drinking In private was
forbidden to them.
Miss Sanches Will Recover.
It was reported at the Good Samaritan
hospital at 3 o'clock this morning that
Marie Sanches, who was shot by her
jealous lover, George Boyer, Wednesday
evening, was doing nicely and the chances
were favorable lor her ultimate recovery.
Physicians in attendance express the ut
most hope.
Trades Union Official Elopes.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. Nov. 10. (Spe
cial.) A warrant has been placed in the
hands of the Sheriff for the arrest of A.
L. Hector, who is alleged to have em
bezzled funds of the Trades Council and
Barbers Union. He is In default about
$400. Rector Is believed to be in Canada.
Granulated Eyelids and other Eye troubles
cured by Murine Eye Remedy, it don't
smart. Sold by all druggists.
inasTiKO IMA wJsB
fon bepicked out at aSV
sm glance. They lack style.
Us The average custom tailor
m does his best bat his means are S
limited. That is 6 hc reason why 9
I Stein-Bloch I
ft Smart Clothes M
M are gaiaing friends by the M
s tliomands among men who M
B demand the style of to-day M
fom in the clothes of to-day. Ia
7 B Asktbe&tMa-aiochdMterteyMr mjj
town to aho-ic yoa these clOt- ST
JUH d loefc far the label pHoted Slil
ikTS above. SAari&'w," a bok lf
Oil Wlwlwii TaJUrs lit
Jf ISW-a PMtkAT.tNrfrTrk. I.
U f Wltrfttft, Jtchtr, WiY. !
as many attractive designs
Girls' and Boys'
Overcoats and Reefers
In Russian and Peter
Thompson styles; also mil
itary coats, red flannel lined;
ages 3 to 10 years; $3 to. $9.
for an 10 dea
however, by the use of Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this"
great liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and
preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother's Friend overcomes all the
danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through
this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blessing.
Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the
use of this wonderful
remedy. Sold by all
druggists at $i.oo per
bottle. Our little
book, telling all about
this liniment, will be sent free.
Tin MiMt RiphiK ft., Atkxti, It
I tic smauesr, ine nosz that idea. If he tries to, find another dealer.
Hfet-Our "400 ountf
jot tocmen mmwn, m
Wffen ffia: M2-33 GjH MMc Sea Frete. Cat.
Doctors of the St. Louis IC, Dispensary,
et PartlaM, hm eare
EBCB. odf,
after ects. Our charges will be as low as possible for conscientious,
sklllfal and successful service. Consult ns before consenting; to aay
sttrgtoal procedure upon Important blood vessels ' and organs..
SFBCIaXj H9MB nuEATaOENT. If you cannot call write us. Always in-1
eloee ten S-cent stamp for reply..
emCK Mf7Ri78 A. M. to 8 7. SC.; SUNDAYS NLY.
St. Louis sttSi"- Dispensary
Ofr. Sco4 a4 Yaaihlfl StrHbx, frtiart , Ofv
.'i .1
Every "woman covets a
ahapelr pretty, figurand.
many of themtdeplore the-
loss of their.girhsh forms
after marriage. The bearing
of children is often destructive
to the mother's shapeliness
All of this can be avoided.
F rieneJ
Your Own Good
willidedde in favor of the
if you are given the opportunity to compare
it sfde by side with other makes. It is your
right to be afforded that opportunity. How
else can you know whether you are getting
all the watch-value to which you are entitled?
Never mind how large a stock of other
watches your dealer shows he isn't giving,
you a fair chance to get the best for your
money unlea he also shows D u e b cr-Hampd en
mtriiM. And don't If! lJm tallf vnn rmf of
and all diseases and weaknesses of men, due to iitr
heritance, habits, excesses, or the result of specific
Svery man who Is afflicted owes it to himself and
his posterity to get cured safely and positively, with
out leaving: any blight or weakness In his system.,
We make no misleadingr statements or unbusiness
like propositions to the afflicted in order to secure
thelr patronage- The many years of our successful
practice In Portland prove that our methods of treat
ment are safe and certain.
Call at our offices or write, and If we Hn& that yoti
cannot be cured we will NOT accept your: money
UJCDKR ANY CONDITIONS t and if we And you are
curable we will guarantee a SAFK AND POSITIV1
ctjrk in the shortest nossible time, without injurious