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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1904)
2 THE MORNING OKEGONIA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1904. - THE "DIFFER ENT STORE" TXOT A GROGEBY STORE Wham, set craremint to com to the tiers, gWp "by 'phone. All orders filled try expert shoppers. OsllExchAnfel" XiEADPyg MAIL-ORDER HOUSE ON COAST FIFTH, SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS. AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS STANDARD PATTERNS, NOW REDUCED TO 10 AND 166 EACH NONE HIGHER. THE "DESIGNER," A MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF REAL USE TO WOM ENDECEMBER NUMBER NOW READY, 10c A COPY AT PATTERN COUNTER Annex (Fifth Street) First Floor OR 80c A YEAR POSTPAID TO ANY ADDRESS. Enhscriptiona received- 1 ,1 If 1 V THERE S A WORLD 0 PLENTY fN THE SPLENDID BARGAINS OF AMERICAN WEEK! AND Today Brings Hosts of Reinforcements In the Store's Eightieth Grand Friday "Economy Sale." Rousing offerings these Add them to those of the entire week, and an array of values confront you such as NO Western store has ever offered on any one day in the history of merchandising! Vote for Canal Model The High School leads, with St. Mary's Academy a good .second. -and Harrison School pressing: hard. Park School and others follow as printed below. The composition contest for the $25.00 In sold closes one week from tomorrow Saturday night. Com positions are coming in fast. All are a credit to their young writers. More mention of these next week. The voting at 5 P. M. yesterday stood: High School 116,286 St. Mary's Academy 108,522 Harrison School j 95,500 Park School 73,365 Portland Academy . ... 57,075 Atkinson School . 36,55t Williams-Avenue School '. 27,132 Falling School , 23,981 Holladay School 19 977 Sunnyside School is706 Total, votes . 682.087 EXPLODING A THEORY At the begtaalag- of the 10th century the Freach Acad emy of Sciences offered a prize to the ftrst person who solved the following; problem t If yon take a vase fall of water and pnt n stone or any similar body In it, the water will flow over. If, however, you put Into It a fish, the volume of which Is equal to that of the stone, It will not flow over. Explain this phenomenon. Unfortunately, however, one savant, more skeptical than the rest, discovered that the fish-filled vase over flowed as well. So another theory was exploded. Deserving a similar fate Is the theory that n cash store can undersell a credit one nsinir the word "credit" in the "monthly settlement" sense. Sce-me about It. THE "CREDIT MAN," Third Floor. SECOND FLOOR SALONS OF MILLINERY. A Stupen dous farewell Sale in the Old Millinery Store Every Hat iacladed none reserved or laid aside. Priced from SSc up to the magnificent $50 creations All go in at exactly half the regular prices. On Saturday at closing time we put on a force of movers and forward march to the New Millinery Salens, where wo open iMonday In the Sixth-Street Annex. In the Spring of 1892 we opened the business in present quarters In a department 26x50 feet. Present quarters cover over 4000 square feet and the busi ness has outgrown it. The Increase of business alone in this section this year has already reached nearly $40,000. Doesn't this speak In no uncertain tone of superlative merit? We're proud, indeed, of this millinery business and give it better sur roundings next week In the new West Annex. Meanwhile, for the closing days of the week, today and tomorrow, we'll give the old department the grandest crowding in its history by offering Every Hat in the Stocks at HALE PRICE A MONSTER TWO-DAY SALE THAT WILL SMASH EVERY RECORD EVER MADE BY THE STORE IN MILLINERY SELLING. HATS TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED. FRENCH PATTERN HATS, CONNELLY TURBANS, BEHDELL HATS, GAGE HATS, O., W. &-K. HATS. 8Sc to $30 Note Reserved All Ilalf-Prlce! Two Great Values in the Apparel Salon SEOND FLOOR. THE FASHION CENTER OF THE WESTERN GARMENT WORLD, in r ftiljBifi1 air-Price sale of women's evening, carriage and theater gowns, wraps and costumes on all this week. In our peerless outer-apparel storss. we add the two following extra specials for Friday selling: $2.50 to $4 Tailored Waists at $ 1 .95 TODAY ONLY. Another Inducement for your attendance here to day. A splendid lot of pretty tailored waists, in flannels, alpacas and new granite cloths. In reds, tans navys, blacks, grays, blues and browns all nicely tailored, exquisite workmanship and finish, plaited and tucked. The values included embrace waists at 12.50 to $4 regularly. JL. f All In new and wanted styles. t I .HQ Special, today only 1 w A Word to Out-of-Town Folk IF YOU'RE- A PORTLAND WOMAN AND HA VENT BEEN HERE YET THIS WEEK, YOU'RE INTERESTED, TOO. SECOND FLOOR. The great Salons have been just Jammed all week with buyers eager to avail themselves of the privilege of buying women's Theater and Evening Wraps Evening Gowns and Party Costumes Calling and Carriage Gowns at One-Half The lowest prices ever put upon equal qualities any where In the West. It seems as though all Portland has been served; if, however, there are yet some remaining who would provide them selves with these magnificent creations we shall be glad to serve them. But for the bal ance of the week we want to urge the Importance of at tendance upon OUT - OF TOWN FOLK. It will pay to plan a special trip to Port land to attend this sale. Think of saving $50 on a $100 evening gown, wrap or cos tume, or $100 on a $200 value of the same; that's just what you do when you buy these same here this week and our regular prices, at all times, are lower than else where in all the West for the same qualities to say naught of the exclusive styles ob tainable only at this store. The latest and most authori tative expression of Fashion's later ideas In theater and evening wraps, $50 to $250. now one-half price $25 to 8125; calling and carriage gowns. $75 to $250. now one half price $37.50 to $125 1 costumes and evening gowns. $85 to $500, now one-half price. $42J50 to $350. The greatest sale of high-art creations In dress for fastid ious women ever attempted or conducted in all the West. DRESS SKIRTS ONE-HALF YOUR ABSOLUTE CHOICE TODAY, AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFERI TAKE ANY DRESS SKIRT IN THE HOUSE AT EXACTLY HALE PRICE Immensity and variety preclude extended description; as well try to tell or the glories of every flower In a vast hothouso as to word-palnt these very swell dress skirts. Every woman patron knows the Olds. Wortman & King stocks all that's newest and best. Broadcloths, Etamines, Cheviots, Canvas Cloths, Voiles, eta, in all wanted colors, including browns, blues and grays; -also, of course, plain Slacks. In kilted effects, tucks and silk trimmed. Regular values start at $5, running easily to $100. win toaay an are ojve-malk price. Choose as you Generous Value-Giving in the Knit Underwear and Hosiery Aisle FOR FRIDAY ECONOMISTS. WOMEN'S $3.00 UNION SUITS FOR 2.19. Women's very fine ribbed cashmere Union Suits, non-shrlnkable, in white and silver gray, excellent Winter weight garment; regular $2.00 value. Special Friday Econo my and American 0 in Sale Price, suit f $1.15 FOR WOMEN'S BLACK WOOL TIGHTS WORTH L5. Women's black wool tights, open, ankle length, very excellent $L50 value. Special Economy and American Sale Price J- t i r each ......n' I ( O ONLY SSc FOR WOMEN'S COTTON HOSE WORTH Wc Women s black cotton hoee. our own Importation, embroidered boots, a big -assortment; regular 50c value. Special -j-t-Economy Sale Price, pair OOL Misses white cotton union suits. Jersey ribbed, fleece-lined. Wln- ui, oc ovc ana ooc toe suit. ter we Special ipnomy Sale Price, all sixes, -at, the suit. 59C Mr. Man! ; Don't forget your appointment today with ECONOMY" In the . MEN'S J5HOP FIRST FLOOR. . Exceptional Values in Men's Winter Underwear Lewis pure wool ribbed underwear, full fashioned, sweater neck; regular price the garment is $4.60; '"moving sale" price Is Just one half, or ; 923S Lewis silk and linen underwear, regular $4.50 value; special "mov ing sale" price . 925 A number of the Staley underwear which is not being made any more, regular prico $4.50; special "moving sale" price Is Just one half, or KLX Small sizes only In natural gray worsted underwear, full fashioned, regular $2.75 value, for special "moving sale" price is one-half, or , $1.33 Full regular made worsted underwear, regular $2.25 value; "mov ing sale" price Is 91.13 Camelshair underwear, regular price $1.50; special "moving sale" price at, garment 85c Natural gray wool underwear, regular $1.00 value; special "moving sale" price is, garment.... 65c Undershirts, in natural gray, regular 75c value; "moving sale" price, each - S9c Fleece-lined underwear, value 75c garment; "moving" sale" price is, garment : 30c Brown Merino underwear, regular $1.00 value; special "moving sale" price, garment - 65c Extra special Shirts a line of unlaundered shirts, not all sizes; value to 75c; "moving sale" price, each ........... 36c Men's Sox ONLY 10c FOR MEN'S SOX WORTH 30c There's no reason why you should have "cold feet" when you. can get natural gray merino sox of medium weight and seamless, worth 20c, for only 19c the pair. For Friday Economy Sale oaly. Noteworthy Economy Specials in Domestic Aisle FIRST FLOOR. ONLY SSc FOR CASHMERES WORTH 40c. Cashmeres, in all the wanted shades, light, medium and dark, 35 inencs wiae, and exceptionally gooa vaiue at 40c Special Economy and American 25C ale Price, the yard... Sl.SS INSTEAD OF $25 FOR BEDSPREADS. Full size Marseilles Bedspreads, the very best $2.25 'value. Special Economy and American Sale Price at, I 63 A Grand Farewell Sale of America's Best Made Shoes FIRST FLOOR. AT THIS STORE TOfcAY AND TOMORROW. Prices caustically cut before moving to the new annex. Sixth street store, where you'll find the Greater Olds, Wortiaaa & Klag Shoe Store os Moaday. v OSc FOR WOMEN'S HOUSE JULIETTE S WORTH 81-56. Women's red and black- fur-trimmed house Juliettes. with hand turned soles and flat heels; regular price is $1.50. OXr Friday Economy and American Sale Price Is, pair. ..i WV. WOMEN'S HOSPITAL SHOES WORTH 92.66 FOR fLftS. Women's hospital or nurses shoos, with hand-turned soles and rubber heels, patent tips; value, $2.00. Friday Scono- i rtjr my and American Sale Price, pair 1 vlt ONLY 686 FOR WOMEN'S 93JC6 SHOES. Women's shoes, with turn or welt soles, matt tops, military heels, full round toe, comfort lasts; fine $3.50 value. Friday jrr Economy and American ala. Price, pair BOYS' SHOES. Made of box calf or viol kid, with double soles, extra heavy, full round toe lasts, built for service Sizes 11 to 13; value. $1.75 Economy Sale Price.......'. 91.33 Sizes 13 1-2 to 2; value, $2.04 Economy Sale Price 91.48 Sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1-2; value, $2.66 Economy Sale Price 91.73 Uncle Sam's Man Works for Us I To those who cannot get to the store or 'phone we urge the im portance of using our 1fATTf ORDER DEPARTMENT. Now the leading and beet eqaipped of any -west of Chieafo. We employ expert shoppers to fill all mail requests and guarantee both promptness and satisfac tion. Kail Order Department now permanently located oa 5tk floor 'west annex. Pretty Garnitures for Winter Gowns CHANCES TO SAVE IN THE BUYING. NECKWEAR. RIB30NS, LACES, VEILINGS ALL REPRESENTED IN FRIDAY'S "ECONOMY SALE." ATTRACTIVE NECKWEAR AT ECONOMY PRICES FIRST FLOOR. 13c for Taneren vrorth aec and 36c Smart little Venlse Lace Turnovers, in white and cream, worth. 20c and 25c Special Friday Economy Sale Price Is, each lc ONLY 25c FOR LACE STOCKS WORTH 35c. 45c and 56c. Dainty stocks made of fine lace, some with one front tab, some with two tabs, very stylish: regular prices of the stocks are 35c. 45c: and SOc Special Friday Economy Sale Price Is, eacti,,3So ROLLS OP RESPLENDENT RIBBONS FIRST FLOOR. 12V&C FOR RIBBONS WORTH 36c. All silk, satin and gros-graln ribbons, 2 inches wide, all pure silk. In all colors and black and white; regular 25c value. Special Fri day Economy Sale Price at, the yard J 121-2c AT THE VEILING COUNTER FIRST FLOOR. 4Sc FOR SHIRRED SILKS WORTH SL5. Shirred Liberty silk, in black and white, and silk puffling. In black and whito; worth 51.50 the yard. Special Economy baie i-nce at, the yard .48c SPECIAL SALE OF FINE LACES FIRST FLOOR. Today and tomorrow we put on sale a splendid assortment of beautiful laces. All. our Torchon. Venise, St. Gall, Chantilly, all over, net top, Escurlal, Point Gauze and Nottingham laces will be on sale at special prices. Many fine new patterns. An excellent chance for lovers of handsome laces. For Friday Economy Sale and also for Saturday they will be sold as follows: Regular Prices 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, ?1.00. $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, 53.00, 5 4.00. 55.00 the yard. Special Prices 19c, 2Tc, 3Sc, SSc, 7Cc. 84c, SI .13, f US9, SX25,, 83.75 the yard. . A Bevy of Special Friday Values in the .Silk and Dress Goods Stores Annex First Ploer. Add this list to those advertised yesterday for three days' selling, and you have an aggregation of the most stirring bargains of fered this year. Black Yard Wide All Silk Taffeta Our regular $1.60 quality for Friday Special .SLS3' Our regular 5L50 quality for Friday Special 81.19 Our Tegular 51.75 quality, chiffon finish, for Friday Special., .SL4e These are the very best makes of black pure dyeel all silk taffetas, made In America, and are specially made for drop skirts and suits. COLORED DRESS GOODS At a great saving for Friday's special selling. Regular 75c and SOc suitings, over 60 pieces to select from, in mannish tweeds, heather mixtures, neat checks and flaked effects, splendid values at the regular prices, and for children's wear are exceptionally good. Special for today only 36c per yard Helps to Bedding Buying for Today Price Helps FOURTH FLOOR. Why shiver with cold these nights when economies like these offer In splendid wool blankets and warm comforters? Perhaps you need a pair of the former or one of the latter for the guest cham ber. Thanksgiving's near, you know. Economy Prices on Blankets and Comforters FOURTH FLOOR NEW SIXTH-STREET ANNEX. S&3 INSTEAD OF 98.96 FOR WOOL BLANKETS. Fine, warm all-wool blankets, scarlet In color; regular 55.00 value. Special Economy and American Sale Price, at, XI the pair O.OO ONLY SU3 FOR SILKOLINE COMFORTERS WORTH SLM. Comforters filled with good white cotton, covered with fancy figured sllkollne and yarn tied, extra good $1.50 value. Special Economy and American Sale Price Is $ I I 2 Today's Bargain Triplets IN ANNEX AND ART SHOP. SECOND FLOOR. Ladies' heavy domet flannel nlgtit gowns, round yoke, trimmed with 3 rows white finishing braid, colors of materials, plain pink or blue; regular price, $1.5 0. Special 07 C The "P&less" diaper, buttons about the baby's waist and Is drawn by tape around the legs; it Is safe, comfort able and sanitary, and 'obviates the hm e-f piss; made of two qualities of blrdseye naterlals; regular prices, 35c SLfft. ....I9c and 33c Center piece of ecru grass linen, fins hemstitched border, stamped and tint ed In conventional designs for short asd loag stitch and Jewel work; regu- sf.-J.1:?!-. ; 79c Dr. Depew's Warning Heeded! PURSUIT OF WEALTH ABANDONED! Senator Depew of New YoTk recently warned young men not to pursue wealth, but "higher and nobler ideals": which evoked the retort that "man would look well going to do his family marketing with a bunch of high and noble ideals as collateral? ' Look well he might, but how he would feel we can only conjecture. In making the absolutely matchless offerings printed in this announcement, we are certainly not pursuing wealth, and possibly some of those "higher and nobler ideals" are the ends in view. Be that as it may, it calls for mighty little collateral to obtain these values in sev eral cases about half the or dinary quantity. The Doom i . - a' Thanksgiv ing Turkey Comes Nearer Every Hour The wanderers will soon be coming home to the merry Thanksgiving re unions. We've a lot of lit tle helps to aid you in pre- Jarlng for the homecom ngs purse helps, too. SEASONABLE THANKSGIVING SPECIALS AT- ECONOMY PRICES THIRD FLOOR. Nearly every household article needed for Thanksgiving use Is In cluded In this sale. We are Portland Ageats for the f&xaoas LIbbey Cat Glass, Quick-Meal Steel Ranges, Homer LaagMla's American C&laa, and Oaei&a Silverware (garaateed for 35 years.) GRANITE IRON KETTLES. 2- quart Kettles, with covers, value, 30c, special at nc 3- quart Kettles, with covers, value, 33c. special at 22e 4- quart Kettles, with covers, value, 40c, special at 27c 5- quart Kettles, with covers, value, 45c, special at 32c 6- quart Kettles, with covers, value. 60c, special at 37C A" Graae Iroavrare at SPECIAL SALE PRICES. ROYAL ROAD STERS, a moat satisfactory article Size, 10x14, value. $1.00, special at 74c Sire. 11x16, value, 51.10, special at IIIlI!83c MARYLAND ROASTERS Sjze, 8 1-2x13 1-2. value, 45c, special at 29c .Size, 11x16, value, 60c, special at 39c Six styles of Roasters, all Iacladed la Saedal Sale. ' BISSELLS CARPET-SWEEPER Makes sweeping easy and does not raise the dust as a broom does. A great special at $2.19 Special Sale Prices oa "1847" Rogers Bros.- Silverware, SterUag Silverware, Table Glassware, Carvlag Sets aad Table Catlerr. Graalte Iroa aad Tlaware. Ripe Bargain Plums That Strew the Small Wares Aisles on First floor JEWELRY DEPARTMENT ECONOMY SPECIALS i 15c FOR WATCH GUARDS WORTH 36c Ladies' black silk watch guards, with silver slides: value. 25c" Special Economy Sale Price, each ize BSC FOR MANICURE SCISSORS WORTH 75c. Sterling silver handle Manicure Scissors; value, 75c. Special Econ omy Sale Price, pair... 5Se 10c FOR- BEAUTY PINS. Special Economy Price, lc ONLY 18c FOR FANCY BELT BUCKLES WORTH 2&c Fancy oxide and gilt belt buckles, new styles and shapes: value 25c. Special Economy Price, each Specials from the Stationery, Drug and Notion Counters LIGHTLY PRICED FOR FRIDAY ECONOMY SALE. ENVELOPES WORTH 14c FOR 8c High-grade tinted yellum Envelopes, value, 14c. Special Economy Price, package sc 18c FOR FANCY WRITING PAPER. Box writing paper, all colors, pink, blue and cream, with envelopes to match. Special Economy Price, box i9c 13e INSTEAD OF 2Sc FOR MIRRORS. Easel back stand mirrors, nickel edge, large size, value, 25c. Spe cial Economy Price, each ........15c Me FOR FACE SPONGES WORTH 15c Toilet and face sponges, medium sire, value, 15c Special Economy Price, each .................................................... .iee 3ec FOR WIRE HAIR BRUSHES WORTH 35c. Gold Beauty Pins, one dozen on card, card Fine wlrd hair brushes, black backs, value, 35c Price, each Special Economy 13c INSTEAD OF 2e FOR WHISK' BROOMS. Whisk brooms, best quality, value, 20c each ' Special Economy Price, 13e ONLY le FOR TOILET SOAP. Toilet soap, lathers freely In hard water. Special for Friday Economy Sale only, cake lc 9L75 FOR HANDBAGS WORTH Haadb&ga, In black, brown or tan, with braided handles. Inside coin purse and cardcase; value, $2.50. Special Economy Sale Price, each ....91.75 O&ly 2e for Dacafa; Ctte, in black, brown, tan and gray, 3e ape'l 4Be FOR NEEDLE CASES WORTH Se. Large 8 1a needle cases, Imitation alligator cover, filled with best Engilab needles; value, jS5c Special Economy Price, e&eh.....46e 7e F8R SAFETY-PIN BOOKS WORTH le. Safety-pin books, containing two doxen assorted black and white safety-pins; value, 10c Special Economy Price,, each..... 7e 7e FOR SKIRT BINDINGS WORTBt 13c. Btaek velvet ea and braid skirt binding, tailor finish; valve, lie yard. Xocaaiy ale Pries, yard ...r 1