Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 11, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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The Meier. 2b Frank Store
The Meier Frank Store
River and Harbor Work on
"-' Columbia Next Year.
Senators FromOregon Will Ask for
Large Appropriations, Which Are
Necessary Unless Work Al
ready. Done Is to Be Lost.
For river and harbor work on the Co
lumbia, the Oregon delegation in Con
gress. -will endeavor to secure a large ap
propriation this Winter- Senator Mitchell
and Senator Fulton say that tney wa
bend every effort to obtain -adequate
money, first, for the mouth of the Colum
bia, and next for Celllo canal and the
channel dcIow Portland.
MaJor "W. C. Lansfltt. United States
Engineers, last July reported to the Sec
retary of War that for the -work of the
ensalnar two rears the following sums
were needed:
Columbia River bar (completion of
south jetty),, ?L 320,000; Willamette and
Coiumttla iuvers Deiow jroruana,
Celllo canal. 5750.000.
These are the largest sums that will be
asked for and the two Senators have good
hopes of success. The appropriations
cannot, however, be obtained easily, they
both admit. Money is needed for other
improvements, too, but the sums required
for Oregon' exclusively are relatively
small, such as for the Willamette above
Portland. $67,800; CoquIHe River, $55,000;
Tillamook Bay. $16,000.
River, $55,000; Tillamook Bay, $16,000.
For improvements at Cascade Locks,
$100,000 will be asked, and for Upper Co
lumbia and Snake Rivers, $15,000. The sum
of $60,000 will be needed for dredging the
Columbia below Vancouver. Appropria
tions for the Columbia River will not
benefit Oregon alone, but Washington and
Idaho quite as much; therefore the mem
bers of Congress from this state will be
aided by members from the others, as
was -done when the last river and harbor
bill passed.
"There will "be a great demand for
money at the coming session of Con
gress," said Senator Mitchell yesterday,
"but the needs' of the Columbia bar are
the most urgent in the Northwest. Until
a sufficient depth of water is obtained
there, improvements up stream will not
bring the commercial benefits intended."
About $275,000 remains of appropriations
made hitherto for the Columbia bar Jetty
and $1,220,000 additional Is needed to finish
it.- Without an appropriation for the
Jetty in the next river and harbor bill
extension of the Jetty could not continue
and the Government would lose heavily
from deterioration of the breakwater.
In order to begin permanent improve
ments in the river below Portland, Major
Langfltt needs $625,000. The last appro
priation was sufficient only for temporary
dredging and the dykes of the extensive
project of the Government engineers could
not be constructed. The balance on hand
for the channel below Portland Is about
$50,000. This sum would not enable Major
Langfltt to continue working the Port of
Portland dredge Columbia during the
coming year.
ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 10. (Special.) Sen
ator Fulton is confident that Congress
will appropriate the sum required to com
plete the south jetty. He says that the
Government cannot afford to. allow the
Improvement to lapse at a time such ac
tion would entail such great loss to the
project.. The Senator says he will
do all In his cower to secure the sum re
quired for starting permanent improve
ments in the channel between Portland
and Astoria.
Militiaman Fails to Regain His
Health Irj Arizona.
A message was received last night from
Phoenix, Ariz., by members of the Second
Oregon Regiment, stating that George J.
Lautenechlaeger, of this city, had Jest died
there from tuberculosis. Lautenschlaetrer
was about S2 years old, was for three
years Quartermaster Sergeant of Company
A, First Oregon Regiment, and was after.
ward First Sergeant of Company G, Sec
ond Oregon, when that regiment sailed for
the Philippines. During the various bat
tles In the Philippines Lautenechlaeger
performed his part well, but was after
ward Invalided by an attack of sunstroke,
and was sent home on a hospital ship.
He again took up his residence in this
city and worked at his trade, but illness
overtook him and he left a little over two
months ago for Arizona, hoping to regain
his health. He leaves a widow and two
children. It is expected that his body will
reach this city about the earjy part of
next week, and that the burial place will
be the Second Oregon's lot at Riverview
The Meier & Frank Store
Great Millinery Clearance
We're cleaning h oar emtir stock of MjHjaery at exception-
aBy Sow prices, y sparing to con
deiise the apartment prior to
sg part of the space for dis
playing Holiday merchandise
The War of 1 847
Mr. and Mrs. D. C Mlnto of Salem, are
stopping at the Imperial.
C A. Barrett, a prominent Republican
politician of Pendleton, is stopping at the
. W. H. Fowler, one of the fast-dlminieh
ing original band of Umatilla County
Democrats, Is -at tne imperial.
Charles Bartel, a well-known pioneer
"East Side resident, is confined to h(s home
at 10 East Sixth street, with heart trou
ble. He has been ailing for some time.
Major W. C. Langfltt and David B. Og-
den. of the Corps of United States Engl
neers, plan to visit Rlparia next week to
examine the now Government dredge Yt&l
Mrs. G. W. Harris, wife of Conductor
G. TT. Harris, of the O. R. & N., was
operated on at St. Vincent's Hospital -on
Tuesday for appendicitis ana is getting
along nicely.
The Hotel Scott has changed hands and
Is now under a new management, A. J.
Deitz, a hotel .man of Seattle, having
taken the management of the house, in
place of M. E. Foley, who has been run
ning It heretofore.
:Mark Sullivan, staff correspondent of
the Boston Transcript, arrived in the city
yesterday for the purpose of gathering"
material for an article on tne Exposition.
Mr. Sullivan spent the forenoon at the
Exposition grounds, of which he was not
sparing of his praise. He will be In the
city several days.
E. Moerke, traveling freight agent ol
the "Wisconsin Central at Oshkosh. "Wis.
was a visitor on Railroad Row yesterday
Mr. Moerke talks entertainingly of the
crop conditions of his state and prom
lses that a large number of people will
visit the Lewis and Clark Fair from the
section In which he lives. The visitor
left In the evening for a trip to other
points in the Northwest in the Interest
of his line.
NEW TORK. Nov. 10. (Special.)
Northwestern people registered at New
"York hotels today follows:
- "-From Portland F. G. "Wheeler, at the
Murray Hill; F. "West, at the Grand
. From Spokane R. Sourben. at the Her
ald Square.
From Seattle Mrs. M. G. Brumburg,
at the Park Avenue; F. T. Hunter, at the
From Salem, Or. A. Jerman, at the
Trimmed Hats V3 Off
Choose from all our handsome Street
and Evening Hats at one-third oft
the regular prices all this sea
son's handsomest models newest
shapes and trimmings not a Hat
in reserve everything included
Misses and Children s C"f
"Dolly Varden" Hats for
blisses, handsomely trimmed
with ribbon velvet, $2.95 val-
ues, for $1.25
Children's Felt and Mohair
Hats, velvet primmed, mar
velous values at each..75
Great Clearance Sale of our
entire stock of Millinery.
Trimmed Headgear at.'
Entire stock of fine Tailored
Hats, big assortment, values
up to $10.00, for S4.00
See bier window display of
"Women's Eeady-to-Wear Hats
all this season's nattiest
styles; values up- to $4.00;
your choice $1.25
Included, are "Cavaliers,"
French Sailors, Turbans, "Walk
ing- shapes; 200 styles to select
Thanksgiving Linen Sale
Offers choice from our entire stock of Table Damasks, Napkins,
bets, Doilies, Cloths, etc., at the usual November Sale prices. In
eluded will be found John S. Brown & Sons famous "Shamrock"
Table Linens, which took the "grand prize" at the St. Louis Fair.
Women's Neckwear Specials
Oar women's neck-
:wer section is the
--most popular de
partment m oar
store because it
supplies all the new
pretty pieces of
want at nnusnallv
low prices These
valaes today and tomorrow
Bandano and Polka Dot "Wind
sor Ties in all the desirable
colorings; best 65c AdQr
values, on sale for. vd. T7C
White accordion-plaited Chiffon Turnovers, embroidered
and fagoted effects great special values each & C
Embroidered Silk Stocks in all colors and a large
variety of designs; regular 35c values for v I C
Leather Collar and Cuff Sets, also new line of Turn- e .
overs. 75c values . .' . J 1 C
New Net Lace Ties, new Jabots, new Ostrich Feather Boas, all
$ 1 .50 Black Suede Gloves $ 1 .08 Pr
"Women's $1.50 Suede Mousquetaire Gloves. 6-buttdn length, all
sizes; every pair guaranteed to give satisfactory wear; regular
$1.50 values, on sale today and tomorrow .at l fkQ
this low nrice pair , M
Continnc to rage with unabated
vigor Yoc'll find ct re4y for
the next attack with greatly re
mforced stocks, and as always,
the lowest pricesThe Meier &.
Frank Store's great outlet en
ables it to hy all its nCerchandise
right It has nothing to fear from
competition, or battle of prices,
rather enjoys it, knowing that it wiH come orft of the fray a
winner The Thanksgiving Sale of Kogers "1847" Plated
Ware is growing in interest every day The quotations op
to6P.M. yesterday were as follows Today's prices may
be still lower
Sale of Rogers "184?" Plated Ware
Frnit Knives 6 in box, special per set $1.15
Berry Spoons, special Z5
Teaspoons, set of 6, special .60
Dessert-Spoons, set of 6, special 1 .45
Tablespoons, set of 6, special 1.65
Dessert Forks, set of 6, special 1 .45
Table Forks, set of 6, special , 1.65
Knives and Forks, plain or satin finish, set of 6 3.50
Great special values in "Forbes" Silver-Plated" "Ware-vTea
Sets, Nut Crackers, Trays; all styles of Eogers "1847" Beef Forks.
Tomato Servers, Orange Spoons, Baking Dishes, Bon-Bon Dishes,
etc., etc. jsasement.
Interesting Shoe Pricing
Rare bargains Women's Footwear today Standard Amer
ican-made shoes of snperior duality at rock-bottom prices
Every woman is interested in to
day's offerings
$3.50 Shoes $2.75pr.
1000 pairs Women 's patent leather vici 1
kid patent tip and box calf Shoes,
light or heavy soles, all new,-desirable
lasts ; all sizes and widths am r
regular $3.50 value pr. . 3
Women's Jisliettes 88c
"Women's Felt Juliettes hand-turned
soles and flat heels, Ted or blaek
fur-trimmed; all the best colors;
the exact same Slipper other stores
call $1.50 value ; our regu
lar $1.25 value; today....
Women's Hospital and Nurses Shoes with hand-turned A,
soles, leather or rubber heels, all sizes, $2 values pr V
Women's $5 Slippers $2.85, $3.85
"Women's Kid and Patent Leather Colonial Slippers, splendid styles
and about all sizes; $5.00 values for pair $2.85
"Women's $5.00 Patent Leather Slippers beaded Corinne style, at
the very low price of pair . ...3.85
Patent Leather, Velvet Kid, fine evening and dress Slippers, $6.00
patent kid, high-cut Corinne Slippers for pair $4.45
$5.00 Vici Kid high-cut Corinne Slippers, -for pair 3.85
$5.00 Patent Leather, beaded Coronation Slippers pair $3.85
Drug Sundries
At "the Very Lowest Prices
Mennen's Talcum Powder, can .13c
Camelllne, 39c values, Tor 37e
"Purity" Bay Ram, 25c value 14c
Rublfoam, 25c value, bottle 14c
Ccticnra Soap at 15c a Cake
Limit 3 cakes to a customer.
Pumice Stone, 10c value 8c
50c Shaving' Brushes for, each 83c
8c Chamois Skins, each 5c
15c Chamois Skins, each......... ....10c
Or. Parker Fray's Kail Enamel 18c
Dr. Parker Fray's Rosaline 18c
Dr. Parker P ray's Emery Boards. ...16c
25c, 35c, 50c Dressing: Combs, 15c, 25c. 38c
Lyons' Tooth Pgwder, can...... 14c
Eapey's Cream, ISc value ..14c
Frostilla, -20c value 10
35c Tooth Brushes for I .21c
25c Tooth Brushes for.............. 16c
$1.00 Hair Brushes for 83c
50c Hair Brushes for 35c
69c Genuine Italian Castile Soap.... 59c
2-lb. bar Castile Soap, 25c value 17c
Kirk's Juvenile Soap, 17c value.... 0c
4711 White Rose Soap, cake lie
25c Toilet Soaps, 3 cakes in box, box.l7c
Fairy Soap, dozen cakes............. 85c
3 cakes Witch Hazel Soap 10c
3 cakes Violet Toilet Soap.... 38c
25c "Batbasweet" for, can ,.17c
10c package Rosemary Toilet Paper. 8c
Sseclal values In Toilet Papers at 3c,
4c and 8o
Balsam Sanltissue Toilet paper, an
antiseptic Toilet Paper. 3000 sheets
in a package, package . .35c
45c RIBBONS 25c YD.
Fancy Polka Dot and Plaid
Silk Ribbons, 4V inches wide,
splendid colorings, big vari
ety to select from regular
45c values, on sale today and
tomorrow at 5vp
yard - - - J1'
"Women's 2-Clasp Glace Kid
Gloves, black, white, oxblood,
gray and modes; all ,sizes;
best $1.00 values; on sale to
day and tomorrow Qv
at pair, x
50c RIBBONS 37c YD.
Soft Liberty Silk Ribbons, 4
inches wide, in Roman stripes
and pastel shades, 50c
value yard C
4-inch Linen Ribbons for
cushions, etc., Roman stripes
and Persian patterns, ?f
50c values yd C
50 BELTS FOR 25c
"Women's Black Tailor-made
Belts, all new, desirable
styles;,-the best 35c and 50c
values we have in stock; on
sale today and to- C
morrow at each C
25c MAUNE BOWS 1 7c
25 Maline Net Bows, all plain
colors, dotted and shaded ef
fects; big assortment; regular
25c values ; on sale
for each
Boys' heavy ribbed Cotton
Hose, "Ironclad" brand, 6 to
10 sizes, fast color, guaran
teed to outwear any 25c Hos
iery on the market Q
pair. ,
"Home-Made" Untiermuslins
The finest American-made UndermnsKns are
being offered at low prices this week Beau
tiful pieces, Gowns, Chemise, Drawers and
Skirts, daintiest trimmings, large variety
fkvnmK are nainsooks and cambrics, fine em
broidery and lace-trimmed, insertions, headings
and ribbons, long and snort aieeyes; Deauuxui
(styles; all sizes
wnrss tM
$6.60 Chemise H33
Rn rriTniiA kjr
55.00 Drawers 83.83
28-EO Drawers S2JSd
hitrh-errade white Petticoats, havinsr
;1p fioTinces. elaborately trimmed witn dainty
lflfip.K. insertions, beadmers and-nb-
bons; separate dust-ruffles; values no woman
wantc t.n TP1RS
f a MM II CIA vnlttAe h BKJ3T
$7.50 values, each!I!!4AS J13.50 values ........ S7.ST
58.00 values u
33-S3.50 Gowns 81.85
J4 Gowns 8XS7
Sfi Rovm are aaa
,7 Gowns 9S
S8.50 Gowns
Notion Sale
Binding Hlbbon, all colors. plece'.Rc
Stockinet Shields, best grade, pr.lTe
Basting- Cotton, black and col-
ors, 6 spools for oe
Ventilating Shields,' all sizes, pr.lSe
Hooks and Eyes, -on ta-pe, yard...Se
Luster -sllk-flnlshed Machine
Twist, 300-yard spools. Sc
Lily Haircloth Flounce, each. .fl.QO
"Omo" Removable . Shield, pair. .48c
Stockinet .Shields, palr.. Sc
Bali and Socket Fasteners, 2
dozen for - 15c
Belt Pins, black and white, card. .8c
Black Pins on card card ..Sc
Assortment Safety Pins, card.. ..So
C B. Darning. Cotton, .2 cards Se
Hand Ironing Wax, 3 for.. Sc
20th Century Needle Book 5e
Darning -Needles, card c
Hose Supporters to clasp on
corset, all colors, pair 13c
Lisle Elastic, all colors. 10c
value for, yard ..........e
Picture Sale
Great doings in the Picture
Store The best valaes of
the season ki force daring
the Great 'November Sale
Large variety of framed Pictures.
Catalogue subjects and. novelties
each ...35e
Large framed Pictures, up-to-date
subjects. All new pictures, ea 5e
See window display.
10xl2-ln. double opening pass spar
tout pictures, red and gray. mats.
Regular 49c values ........ .3Sc
12xl2-in. passepartout Pictures. 65c
values for SSe
75c triple opening Picture Frames.
Wonderful values ..S8c
50c double opening Picture Frames,
for 19e
Peninsular Stoves,
Today's Great 784th Friday Surprise Sole
1 000 Women's Dressing Sacques 58c
Women's handsome serviceable flannelette Dressing Sacqnes and
liCimonas at half their value comprises the attractive offering for
joday's 784th Friday Surprise Sale Sizes range from 33-to 46,
assuring the correct size for everyone wishing to take advantage
of the splendid bargain A great special purchase from a reliable
manufacturer at a low price makes this nnnsnally desirable lot of
neat Dressing Garments worth coming for early this morning
Exactly 1O0O of them Dressing Sacques and short Kimonas m
navy blue and white flannelette. Mack-and white flannelette, grays
sand Persian designs Some with large round collars and Q
braid trimming -Window display tells the best story
Mens $20.00 Overcoats $ 1 4.351ch
200 Hundred of Them, Ail This Season,
Very Best Styles and Materials
Today's great seasonable bargain in men's Overcoats should make
two hundred new friends for our second floor clothing store Two
great lots purchased from a prominent New York City manufacturer
at a price below actual manufacturing cost Represented are this
season's very best styles and materials, including $20.00 long belt
Overcoats In all wool, fancy cheviots and fancy tweeds; grays,
olives, black and brown mixtures Stripes and invisible plaids, Coats
50 inches long Also 44-inch regular cut Overcoats, black thibets
and oxford grays Every garment -splendidly tailored and perfect
fitting Italian serge lining Overcoats the exclusive clothing stores
Ranges, Heaters at
Special Prices
"Peninsular" Steel Range, elegant
nickel trimming, planished steel
body. boiler-head "rivets, - burns
wood or coaL 50 per cent more beat
ing and cooking capacity than any
other make; ten years' guarantee;
special for this $32.50
'Teninsular" Cook Stove with steel
over-shell, solid steel base, full nickel
trimmed, a perfect baker. lT-lnch
square OYen, fully, guaranteed for ten
years; great values this c f O 77
week at ...M...v..-...'...91
A. beautiful little Coal or Wood Heater.
castlron. fixe pot, swing top ash pant &
aanay not-Diast neater aC
and great value at
The largest and best lino of Heating
and Cooking Stoves in the city. Oil
Heaters, 15 models. Easy payments for
parties oi gcoa creait.
Knit Underwear
"Women's Wool Jersey Ribbed Vests.
The handsomest styles In 11.50 and.
1.75 values are on sale at, 0
each 1 .ID
Women's "Harvard Mills" Merino Vesta
and Pants, silk finished, periect-nt
ling, au sizes regular 70
SI. 00 values, each ...t?C
Children's Union Suits-, all this sea
son's best styles, ages 2 to 16 years,
greatest values, ever offered
65c Suits ...... 8c 70c Suits Bge
75c Suits ..... ..09e 80c Suits .......
85c Suits 7&c 90c Suits TSe
S5c -Suits 86c 11.0 Suits 85c
Torn and hemmed Sheets of superior
quality at special prices
Size 72x90 in., for, each. .44c
Size Six 83 In., for, each., ......... .4c
42x36 to. Pillow Cases,, each. Se
45x2 in. Pillow Cases, ech. l
45x36 is. fceiastltctted Slips, each. le
45-iack Peqat Pillow Caslag, yar. .lie
ask you $25.00 for Our regular $20.00 values
today only, your choice at this low price
See Fifth St. Window Display
A Year's Sub
scription to the
"American Boy"
Given Absolutely Free with every
purchase of Suit or Overcoat in
our Boys Clothing Department The
"American Boy" is the best boys'
paper published No objectionable
advertising or reading ma.tter.of any description.
Principal Portland Agents -for Butterick Patterns and Publications Mail Orders Fi
Custom Shade and Drapery Work Our Specialty Best Materials and Workmanship
Cake-Baking Demonstration m the Basement Is of Intense Interest to Every Housewife
Thanksgiving Sale of Groceries
The 1904 Thanksgiving Sale of Groceries is starting out to beat all former records
Phone orders by the hundreds, mail orders and the counters Ened with customers is the-
appreciation of our efforts to sell good Groceries at reasonable prices Phone private ex. 4
Canada Cream Chease, 2 for, ....2Gc
3 packages Saratoga Chips 35c
Edam Holland Cheese 919
1904 all aillcher Herring, keg. .flJ.9
2-lb. can String Beansi XSc
Nabisco Wafers, box....i IXc
5-lb. can bar Sugar....... 5c
2 1-lb. pkg. Graham Crackers.. 35c
Fig Prune or Postum Cereal,... 3c
2 packages Grape Nuts . 3&c
3 packages Mince Meat. 3Bc
3 cana van Camp's Soups...... .2Sc
1 can Queen of West Corn....18c
3 1-lb. pkgs; Seeded Raisins.... 36c
Bnider's Catsup, 2 bottles 35c
Snlders Oyster Cocktail Catsup.'3c
Cooper Salad Oil, quart fl.8
C. & B. Lucca OH, Quart c
Meier & Shrank- famewi Mocha
ui Java; Ceffee, fwrni. 34c
5-lb. package Domino Sugar SSe
"Victor" Flour, none better, sk.916
1-lb package New Currants- 18c
ILoose Muscatel Raisins, 4 lbs...3Sc
10-lb. sack yellow or -white
Cornmeai - -c
1- lb. can Lightship Salmoa; 2 torJXc
Baker's Unsweetened Chocolate. 36e
1 can K- C. Baking Powder 3c
2 cans Duchess Peaches......... 38c
2 cans Alamo- Tomatoes.- 15c
2 cans "All-Gold" Tomatoes 3Bc
1 can Amazon Peaches...-. 15c
1 can "All-Gold" Peaches 35c
Durkee's Salad Dressing, bot,
10c 25c .4Sc
2- lb. 'can Blue Point Oysters. 3 forJtX
Poppy Oysters, 1-lb. cans, 3. for. .3Se
1-lb" can Blue Point Oysters; 2 f orJXc
3 frames of Honey for 59c
1- lb can Van Camp's Plum Pud
ding 35c
2- lb can "Van Camp's Plum Pud
ding 4c
1 box No. 1 Macaroni for...i-i....4e
6 packages of Chip Matches-"... . .36c
6 packages Searchlight Matches ,35c
6 packages Press Matches ..35c
1 can Eagle Milk for...; 15c
3 cans IPi&neer Cream, i., 25c
14-oz. bottle Olives for .33c
100-lb. -sack Western dry
Granulated Sugar for S5.9d
16 lbs. Granulated Sugar for... 81.99
100-lb. sack of Fruit Sugar... 9899
Pint bottle of Ammonia.., 5c
Pint of Liquid Blueing 5c
3 packages of Jell-o for.... 36c
-3 -lb. package Soda Crackers.... 39c
Log Cabin Maple Syrup, - gallon. tas
-XiOgCablnMaple Syrup, gal... 98c
Log Cabin Maple Syrup, quart. . . .36c
Log" Cabin Maple Syrup, pint 33e
New- Paper Shell Almonds, 2
lbs for : 38c
10-lb.. aack Pastry Flour .'39c
10-ltr sack Farlfla for.. .35c
2 -pkgar. -Self-Raising Buckwheat3Bc
3 cans Babbitt's Lye for 3Kc
1 can Ground Crocolatc ....... .35c
10-lb. sack Cream Boiled Oats.. 49c
,10-lb. sk. Mayflower Boiled OatsJKc
10-lb. sack. Steel Cut Oatmeal.. B9e
10 lbs. pure Buckwheat......... 4Se
ao lbs. Graham Flour.. 38c
New California Walnuts, Jb 15e
Fresh Boasted Peanuts, lb . . . : . .19
2-lb. cari Sliced Pineapple 15c
3 1-lb. cans Van Camp's Pork
and Beans ..,..i.,35e
Z 2-lb cans Van Camp's Pork
and Beans 35
2 2-lb. cans Heinz Pork and "
4 lbs. faney Italian Prunes. .3Be".
Broken Japan Bice, pound. 5e
2 cans Albert Roche's Sardines.. 35 ,;
Smoked Sardines, can ..10;
Yacht Club Boneless Sardines.. 3B J
1- lb. basket Washed Flgsa.v ';
2- lb, basket Washed Figs.,.....49e
3 -.1-lb. packages FlgSi,..r-....3tc!j,
California. Loose White. Flgs-4
pounds . . 36V
California Loose Black Figs, 4
1-lb package New Dates .liti
Knox Gelatine, 2 packages. .T.v-.39e,
32-oz. Jars Chow Chow. ........ 39e
32-oz. jars of Pickles.. .....35c
New Brazil Nuts. 2 lbs..... w... SSe
New Pecans, for lb .15e
1- lb can Shrimps .....19c
2- 1h. can Shrlmos ..- 30e
New Lemon Peel, pound" ....15ej
New Orange feel, pouna. . . .ie;
New Citron Peel, pound". .....e.. 39
Royal Salad Dressing J6e.4Sc
Rice Popcorn, pound Se
10 lbs. . Rye Flour 39e
McLaren's Imperial Cheese, -2
Jars for 38c
1-lb.- earn SefeUHas's Baktaev.
Fewer. fer 4e
Trunks, Traveling Bags
The largest Trunk jok! Bag Store on the Pacific
Coast is on our third floor. Every good 'style and
size in Trunk, Bag and Telescope all grades
most complete showing in town.
15 models, ranging in price from $15.0Q up to s
fcJo.w.v i?eiy one luiiy guaranteed ior xen years.
Easy payments; if desired. 5.00 down, f 1.00
weekly. Second floor.