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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1904)
THE MORNING OREGONIAK, . FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1304. I? SORN AND POTATOES immense Yields Sfyown by Department Returns. FAR ABOVE THE AVERAGE Quality Also Shows Great Advance Immense Wheat Crop in Russia Another 32-Cent Hop Deal Local Produce Prices. "WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. Preliminary re turns to the chief of the bureau of statistics of the Department of Agricultural on the pro duction of corn in 1904 indicate a total yield of about 2,453,000.000 bushel, or an average of 26.7 bushels per acre as compared -with an average yield of 25.5 bushels per acre as Anally estimated in 1003; 26.8 bushels in 1002, and a 10 year average of 24.2 bushels. The general average as to quality, is 86.2 per cent aa compared with 83.1 last year; S0.7 In 1902 and 73.7 in 1901. It Is estimated that about 4.46 per cent of the corn crop of 1903 Tras still in the hands of farmers on November 1, 1904. The estimate of the average yield per acre of potatoes Is 110.4 bushels against an average yield of 4.7 in 1903; 96.0 bushels In 1902 and a 10 year average of 81 bushels. The aver age as to quality is 03.4 per cent as compared' with 86.4 per cent one year age, 90.4 In 1902 and 78.4 In 1901. The preliminary estimate of the average yield per acre of rye is - 32.1 bushels against an average yield, of 32.7 bushels in 1902 and 27.3 bushels in 1901. The report also Includes fruits and various minor crops -which trill be published in de tail in the Crop Reporter. Russia's Immense Crops. lNEW YORK, Nov. 10. Reports from Russian correspondents are to the effect, says a Times 'dispatch from London, that there have been extraordinary accumulations of grain on the railroads in Russia. The 'block is estimated at 91,186 vans and trucks, containing about 1,000, 000 tons of grain. The grain blocks are bound to assume even greater proportions during the next few -weeks, and It is doubtful whether the last of the sidings will be cleared without the assistance of the -waterways at the opening of next year's navigation. Buys Hops at 32 Cents. There -was considerable trading in the local hop market yesterday, nearly all of It between dealers, and at the prices that have lately pre vailed. The roost Important transaction was the purchase by George Meucke, the well- known Aurora hopman, of 134 bales at 32c. It is understod that Mr. Meucke bought these hops on his own account, which shows that he has plenty of faith in the future of the mar ket. Crndo Oil Higher. PITTSBURG, Nov. 10. The sfendard Oil Company today advanced the pride of crude oil 4c. TOLEDO, O.. Nov. 10. There was an ad- vance lc crude oil today of 2c PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Flour, Feed. Etc Wheat prices remain steady, but the busi ness under way is of small proportions. A good demand is reported for oats and barley ot firm quotations. WHEAT Export basis: Walla Walla, 82c; bluestem. S5c: Valley, 86S87c: Eastern basis: Walla Walla, 85c; bluestem. 87c BARLEY Feed. $22 per ton; rolled. $23,500 24.50. OATS No. 1 -white. $L30L32V4; gray. $1.35 6-1.40 per cental. FLOUR Patents. $4.654.85 per barrel; straights, t30-i.45; clears. $3,853-1: Valley. J4.10S4.25: Dakota hard wheat, $6.5007.60; Graham, $3.6034; whole wheat, $44.2S; rye flour, local, $4.50: Eastern.' $585.10. MILLSTUFFS Bran. $19 per ton; middlings, $23.60; shorts, $21; chops, U. S. Mills. $18; linseed dairy food. $18; Unseed ollmeal. lVic per pound. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 90 pound sacks, $6.75; lower grades, ?5.75(3I6.25; oatmeal, steel cut. 60-pound sacks, $8 per bar rel: 10-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale; oatmeal (ground), 50-pound sacks, $7.50 per barrel; 10 poun dsacks, $4.25 per bale; epllt peas, $4.50 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes, $1.25: pearl barley, $4 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry Sour. 10-pound sacks, $2.60 per bale. HAT Timothy. $1416 per ton: clover. $11 612; grain, $U12; cheat, $12313. Vegetables, fruit. Etc. Trade was very quiet In these lines. Re ceipts Included two cars of sweets. Two cars of bananas and one of oranges are due today. Prices, on the whole, were unchanged. VEGETABLES Turnips, $1 per sack; car rots, $1; beets, $1.25; parsnips. $1.25; cab bage. iylfec; lettuce, head. 15c per dozen: parsley, 20o dozen; tomatoes, 30O0c per box; cauliflower. $1 per dozen; egg plant, $1 per crate; celery, 5070c per dozen: cucumbers, 10 16c per dozen; peas. 435c per pound; beans, green. 45c; wax. 45c; pumpkins. lliio per pound; peppers. 5c per pound. vmvt isew, 5i.ooepj.eo, Buyers- prices. HONEY $383.25 per case. POTATOES New Oregon. 75360c, buyers' .price. Merced sweets. lS401?ic. k, RAISINS Loose Muscatels. 4 -crown. 7ie: oayer Muscatel raisins, 7 Vic; unbleached seed less auuanas, e-Jic ixjndon layers, 3 -crown, whi boxes of 20' pounds. $1.85: 2 -crown. $1 75. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated, GSTSHc per pound: sundrled, sacks or boxes, none; apricots, lG&llc: peaches. SglOVic; pears, none; prunes. Italians. 46c; French. 2Vif?3c; figs, California blacks, c: do white, none; Smyrna, 20c; Fard dates, $1.50; plums, pit ted. 6c DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, fancy, $1Q 175; clean. 75cgf$l; wormy, 60G0c per box; figs, 85cS$2.50 per box; grapes, California Tokay. $1.40; California Verdel. $1.25: Califor nia Muscat. $1.25; pears. Winter Nellls. $1.25 3-1.50: quinces. $1; cranberries, $9.5011 per barrel. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy, $3,259 4; choice, $3 per box: oranges, new navels, J4.2534.60; Valencia. $4.6035 per box; grape fruit, $4 per box; bananas, 6QoV4c per pound: pomegranates, $1.5032.50 per box. Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc Poultry receipts were again very heavy yes terday and sales could only be made at the sacrifice of prices. Eggs and butter were quiet. BUTTER City creameries; Extra creamery. 30c per pound; fancy creamery, 25327 Vic State creameries: Fancy creamery. 25330c; store Abutter, 12314c Eastern: Extra creamery, l27Hc; fancy creamery. 23325c. EGGS Oregon rancn. -itr-itic; Eastern, 20 ?25c POULTRY-Tancy hens, 10c: old hens. S3 10c. mixed chickens, 8Vi9Vic; old roosters, TiifrSc: do young. 9310c; Springs, 1H and 2 pound, 10c: broilers. 1 and lV4-pound, 11c; dressed chickens. llVS12c: turkeys, live. Spring. 14916c; do- dressed. 16317c; do choice. ISSl&c; geese, live, 8c; do dressed. SJtlOc;" ducks, old. $636.50: do young, as to size. $768: pigeons, $161.25. GAME Wild geese, $494.50; Mallard ducks, $3.60: Widgeon. $2,503-3; Teal. $202.50. CHEESE Full cream twins. 11311c; Toons Americas. 12615c Groceries, Nuts. Etc COFFEE Mocha. 26323c; Java, ordinary, 16 20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 18920c; good. I6&IS0; ordinary. 10gl2c per pound; Columbia roast, cases. 100s. $13; 60s. $13.25: Arbuckle. $14.75; Lion. $14.76. RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. $5.37Vi: No. 2 Creole, $4.25; Carolina. 6c: broken-head. 4c SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails. $L63 per -dozen: 2-pound tails, $2.40; fanej lK-Pound flats. $1.80; H-pound flats, $L10; Alaska pink, 1-pound talis. STVic; red. 1-pound tails. $1.20; sockeyea, 1-pound talis, $1.75; 1 pound flats, $1.65. SUGAR Sack basis. 100 pounds: Cube, $6.50; ywdered, (6.25; dry granulated. $6.15; extra C tC66; golden C, $5.55; fruit sugar, $6.23; advance over sack basis as follows: Barrels, sair-narreis. -yc; oozes, ouc per 100 peunas. rerms: un remittance witnin 15 bvs. deduct Vic per pound: if later than 15 says and -within SO days, deduct 4c per pound; bo discount after 30 days.) Beet sugar granu lated. $6.05 per 100 pounds; maple sugar. 15 r!8c per pound. SALT California. ?B.50 per ton. $1.30 per bale: Liverpool. 60s. $16.50; lOOs, $16; 200s, S15.S0: half-ground. 100. $5.25: 60s. $5.75. NUTT5 "WjOauts. l5Jic per pound by sack, lo extra tor mm than mlck: sraxu maim, 10c; m fcru, lie; yoanr, Jumbos, lfio; sctrs. lirgs. 14c; almonds. X. X. L.. ISHSIGc; ne plus -ultras, 15c; nonpareils, 13c: chestnuts. Italians. 15c; Ohio, $4.50 per 25-pound drum; peanuts. raw, sc per pouna; roastea, tf'tfioc; pinenuts, 1012ttc; hickory nuts, 7c; cocoanuta. &5OTc per dozen. BEANS Small white, 3ic; large -white. 3Hc; pink, 4 lie; bayou, 3Hc; Lima. -t&c Hops. Wool, Hides. Etc HOPS Fancy shippers. 22c: choice. 31c: prime. 30c; medium, 2Se per pound. wouir-vaney, iwauc per pouna; iunem Oregon, 1017c; mohair, 25326s per pound for choice. HIDES Drr hides. No. L 16 Bounds -and UP. 1515c per pound: dry kip. No. L 5 to 16 pounds, 12c; cry calf, No. 1. under 5 pounds, 16c; dry. called bulls and stags, one-third less than dry flint: salted hides, steers, sound. 60 pounds and over, 8Sc; 50 to 60 pounds. 79 8c; under 50 pounds and cows, 69c: stags and bulls, sound, 434&c; kip. sound. 15 to 20 pounds, 7c; under 10 pounds. 8c; green (un salted), lc per pound less; culls,- 1c per pound: horse hides, salted, S1.30S2 each; dry. Sl 1.50 each; colts hides, 25o0c each: goatskins, common. 10615a each; Angora, with wool on. Z3cXL TALLOW Prime, per pouna, sfoc; i0. i and grease, 2Vi33c Meats and Provisions. BEEF Dressed, 4 (5-4 Vic per pound. MUTTON Dressed. SbiSSc per pound; lambs. 566c per pound. VEAL Dressed, 100 to J. ivnw per pouna; 125 to 200. 55Uc; 200 and up. 3HS4c PORK Dressed. 100 to 150, 6c per pound; 150 and up, 6c HAMS Ten to 14 pounds, 14c per pound; 14 to 16 pounds, 14c; 18 to SO pounds, 14c; Cali fornia (picnic), lie; cottage hams, none; shoulders, none; boiled ham. 21c: boiled picnic ham, boneless, 14c. BACON Fancy breakfast. 16c per pound: standard breakfast. 17c; choice, 15c: English breakfast. 11 to 14 pounds. 14c. SAUSAGE Portland ham. 13c per pound; minced nam. lC&c; Summer, choice dry, IVAz; bologna, long, 6c; welnerwurot, 8c; liver. 5Hc; pork, 10c: blood, 5&c; headcheese. 5Hc; bologna sausage, link, CVic DRY SALTED MEATS Regular short clears. loy.c salt, 11 smoked; clear backs. 10c salt, 11c smoked; Oregon export. 20 to 23 pounds, average. 10&c salt. HHc smoked; Union butts. 10 to 18 pounds, average. &c sail, tfc smotea. PICKLED GOODS Pickled pigs' feet. H-bar-rels. $5; -barrels, $2.75; 15-pound kit. S1.25; pickled tripe, -barrela. $5; -barrels. 52.75; 15-pound kit. $1.25: pickled pigs tongues, H barrels. $5: -barrels. S2.7G: 15-pound kit. $1.25: pickled lambs tongues. -barrels. SS.25; -barreis, $4.75; ii-pouna Kits, x2.zo. LARD Kettle-rendered: Tierces. 10Hc; tubs, 10Hc: 60s. 10c; 20s. 10c: 10s. 10c: 6s. 11c Standard Dure: Tierces. 93c: tubs. &"4c: 60s. Hc; 20s, 9lc; 10s. lOHc; 6s, lOUc Compound-: Tierces. tc; tuns. 6c; we. oc; it. 7c; 6s, 75c. Oils. GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases, 24 Vic; Iron barrels. 18c; 86 degrees gasoline, casoe, 82c; iron barrels or drums, 26c. COAL OIL Cases, 21Vic; iron barrels. 16c; wood barrels, none: 63 degrees, cases, 22c; barrels, lSVic Washington State test burning oils, except headlight. Vic per gallon higher. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels. 54c; cases, 59c Boiled: Barrels, 60c; cases. 61c One cent less in 250-gallon lots. TURPENTINE Cases. S5c; barrels. Sic "WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7V4c; 600-poun, 7c; less than 500-pound lots, 8c LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices at Portland Union Stockyards Yesterday. Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards yesterday were 176 sheep. The following prices were quoted at the yards: CATTLE Best steers, $3.25; medium, $2.75; cows. $22.50. HOGS Beet large, fat hogs. $5.5035.65; light hogs. $4.254.75. SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley, $2.50; lambs, $3.25. EASTERN LIVESTO CK. PricM Current at Chicago, Omaha and Kansas City. KANSAS CITY. Nov. lO.-Cattle Receipts. 6000; steady; native steers, $3.7506.40; native cows and heifers, $L505; stockers and feed ers. $2.254.15; bulls, $1.7533.50: calves. $2.25 tju; western steers, ss-t.-iu; tvesiern cows. $1.503.50. TI T5- irnM. .41., $4.8535.10; heavy, $5.0535.20: packers, $4,903 6.12U: rigs and light, S4.5035.O5. Sheep Receipts, 40o0; market strong; mut tons, $3.6034.50; lambs. $35.75; wethers, $4 07-4.70; ewes, swsji.uo. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 10. Cattle Receipts ow; znaxKBi. sicau) n&uo blicir. imu.xxj , cows and heifers, $2.2534; Western steers, $2& 6; Texas steers, $2,7633.75; range cows and neuers. rzztf3,w. canners. i..ojji: saoca ers and feeders, $2.5034; calves, $335.50; bulls, stags, etc. $1.7533.85. Hogs Receipts. 6800: market, steady: heavy. $4.4535; mixed. $4.05e4.97fc; Jlght, $4.K 4.97Vi; pigs. $434.75; bulk of sales, $4.95 4.i)7Vi. Sheep Receipts. 1500; market, slow to steady; westerns. $4r4.40: wethers. $3.rwu: ewes. $3.6034.10: common and stockers, $2,5044.15; lambB, $636.75. CHICAGO. Nov. 10. Cattle Receipts. 12.000. including 1000 Westerns; steady to strong; good to prime steers, $S.lDSf7; poor to medium, $3.8036: stockers and feeders. $2.1004.10: cows. $1.7534.50; heifers. $1.7535.25; canners, $1.25 32.40; bulls. $234.35; calves, $3.5037; Western steers, s3.H336.30. steady; mixed and butcners, $4.9035.20; good 'to choice heavy, $5.0535.20; rough heavy, $4.75 04.90; light, $4.8535.12Vi; bulk ot sales. $4,953 Sheep Receipts. 18.000: sheen, steady: lambs. strong; good to choice Western. $4.4034.75; zair to cnoic mixea, $133.10; western lam do. ll&a.DU. Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 10. Official lng quotations for mining stocks today as follows: clos- were Andes . . . $ Justice $ .04 Belcher 18 Mexican Ophlr ... .i.. . 1.10 Best & Belcher. 1.05 Caledonia 35 Challenge Con.. .14 Chollar 15 , 2.20 .11 . .10 . .24 Overman Potosl Savage Seg. Belcher -. Confidence SO , .05 Con. Cal. & Va.. 1.65! Sierra Nevada . .24 . .51 Crown Point . . Exchequer Gould & Curry. Hale & Norcross 14iSlIver Hill .45Unlon Con. ... .11 Utah Con. .C7Yellow Jacket . .46 .08 .16 NEW TORK. Nov. Adams Con. ..$ .4 Alice ( Breece l.l Brunswick Con.. . Comstock Tun... .( Con. Cal. & Va.. 1.' Horn Silver .... l.J Iron Silver 2.( Lcadvllle Con. , .( Little Chief .05 Ontario 3.50 Ophlr 2.30 Phoenix 14 Potosl 09 Savage .. ...... .23 Sierra Nevada .. .24 Small Hopes ... .28 Standard 1.95 BOSTON, Nov. 10. Closing quotations: Adventure Allouez .. . Amal gam n ted. Atlantic $ 7.63 . 16.75 Mohawk $ 59.00 Mont, a & a. 4.63 73.88 18.88 Old Dominion. Osceola Parrot Qulncy 27 92.50 2.50 110.00 8.50 Bingham 34.63 Cal. & Hecla . 640.00, Centennial 30.75 Shannon Tamarack ... Trinity Copper Rangoc Daly West . - . Dominion -Coal Franklin .... Grancy Isle Royal e .. Mass Mining. Michigan .... 66.63! 11.50 60.00! 13.50 135.00 16.00 u. H. Mining . U. S. Oil Utah Victoria Winona Wolverine ... 23.75 10. 3.SS! 43.00 84.25 6.88 9.76 C.8S 11.50 103.00 Metal Markets. NEW YORK, Nov. 10. The London tin mar ket underwent a partial reaction, closing at 131 17s 6d for spot and 131 10s for fu tures. Locally, the market continued quiet -with outside prices a shade lower In sympathy with the foreign decline, the range being from 2S74c to 29.50c Copper was quiet in London, closing at 64 5s for spot and 64 15s for futures. Locally, the demand Is said to be excellent and with supplies sot abundant, apparently the market showing a very firm tone. Some of the larg est producers are quoting Lake at from HQ 14.12 Vic. and general quotations range from 14314.25c Electrolytic is held at 14314.12Vtc casting at from 13.75314c Lead was firm at 13 in the London market. Here, the market showed firmness, but quota. tlons still range from 4.2034.50c Spelter closed at 24 2s 6d or a little higher in the London market. Locally, the quota tlons remain firm at from 6.4035.45c; Iron closed at Sis, 8d in Glasgow and at 45s Od in Middles bo ro. Locally, Iron -was firmer: No. 1 foundry Nothern and No. 1 foundry Southern and No. 1 foundry Southern soft are Quoted at $15.75316.25; No. 2 foundry Northern at $16.25315.75. Coffee aad Sugar. NEW TORE, Nov. 10. The market for coffee futures closed firm on small receipts at Brazilian ports estimated for tomorrow at a set advance of C points on the two near months and of 10Q15 points In later poii tlons. Sales 67,760 bags, Including December 6.9537.05c; January, T.lOc; March. 7.3087.35c May, 7.457.60c; July, 7.65jJ7.73c; August, 7.65o; -September, 7.803x90c; October. 7.80c spot Rio steady. No. 7 Invoice 8c; mild steady. Sugar, raw firm; fair refining, 3. 15-1 6c Centrifugal S6 test 4 7-lCc; molasses sugar. 3 ll-16c; refined, firm. Seagal Jtate at Dig com t Kslssd. CALCUTTA, Nor. 1ft. The rate of dis count by the Bank; of Bengal was today xaiMd Xrsm 5 to pr cst 'RESSU RETO SELL STOCKS GAINS IN EARLY PART OF DAY ARE .WIPED' OUT. Volume of Transactions Is Large, but Falls Beldw That of the Pre vious Day. NEW YORK. Nov. 10. There were further very large dealings in stocks today and a very broad market, with much absorptive power. But the volume of transactions fell off largely from the extraordinary business done yesterday. and amounted to less than 2,000,000 shares. Also, the selling rather overbore the buying and caused as extensive array of losses by the end of the day, besides largely reducing or wiping out the gains which were the strong features of the day. The eagerness to sell was especially manifest In the United States Steel stocks, the Pacifies, Efie, Reading and Rock Island. In the tremendous dealings of yester day, amounting to more than 2,300,000 shares of all Issues, these few stocks contributed much more than the aggregate today. The sharp rise In prices which resulted yesterday from this great buying evidently offered profits which were sufficiently attractive to Induce selling enough to overbear the new demand. which was also large The new demand was pedally effective In Southern Pacific and Rock Island, lifting the former stock at one time a point over last night. The day's news showed no change In its gen. eral tenor from that of yesterday, but sews was little regarded. Dealings in such a mar ket are largely Influenced by a reliance upon the Impetus of a price movement to extend itself. News from the iron and steel Industry offered nothing to refute yesterday's cheerful reports, copper was further advanced, sugar was marked up and more favorable railroad reports came to hand. Possibly the reading of the arguments In the hearing of the Northern Securities InjucUos appeal served to revive an unpleasant impression of the situation of the properties Involved, which has received very little consideration in Wall street for a long time past. Estimates of gold move ments to Cuba to reach $10,000,000 proved Jar ring to sentiment. While the retention of the 3 per cent rate by the Bank of England and a further marking down of the price of gold In London were factors against further gold with drawals from- here for Europe, there -was a rather suggestive hardening in the sterling ex change rate here and a weakening at Paris and Berlin, which serves to Increase the threat upon our gold supply. There was a firmer tone in our money market, but changes in quota tions were barely appreciable. Call loons, however, were made at 3 per cent in the last hour of the stock market. Bondswere Irregular. Total sales, par value. $12,685,000. United States bonds -were un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. Hlga. Low. bid. Atchison 27.500 8oi 85H 80 do preferred 3,wo liw 102 11C 95 oH 95 951b 123 12a Baltimore & Ohio.... 29,900 97 do preferred 100 95 Canadian Pacific .... 700 129 Central of N. J.. 1,300 187Vs 14,400 46Vs 500 33 700 85 25,300 24ft 186 451, Chesapeake & Ohio. Chicago & Alton.. do preferred Chi, Great Western. Chi. & Northwestern 700 1US Chi., Mil. & St, Paul 16,200 173V& do preferred Chi, Term. & Trans.. 300 900 800 3,000 300 1.500" do preferred. C. C, & St, Louis.. Colorado southern .. do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred.....' Delaware & Hudson. Del.. Lack. & West.. Denver Rio Grande 9,600 1S7S 200 334 400 .... 400 84 78.700 4li 4.600 73V4 6,200 54 $t 3i6o "saji 3.100 14514 do preferred Erie do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred..... Hocking Valley do preferred Illinois Central ..... Iowa Central do preferred Kan. City Southern.. do preferred Louisville &. Nash v.. 83 Vi 144 300 2JVb 800 61 y 500 204 40 29i 1.000 524 51V4 3,100 135 133ft 2.100 163Vi 1C2& Manhattan L. - Metrop. Securities.... I.OW Bli iVi .Metropolitan St. ity. 13.UW 123 121 122-4 M., St, P. & S. S. M. 200 911 91 co preferred - 300 14S 14R 67.000 lOOVa 103 147U Missouri Pacific .... Mo.. Kan. & Texas... 105 24.200 35H 34 35tf 2 40 do preterrea zu.300 04 60 40 42 1354 75 87i 35 70 67 National of Mex. pfd. 600 41 New York Central 3,300 136 14.000 74 Norfolk & Western do preferred ..... Ontario. & Western Pennsylvania P.. C C. 4 St. L Reading do 1st preferred.. do 2d preferred... Rock Island Co do preferred 00 48 13C 74 76 87 80 36 76 67 24 61 4.600 434 49.400 1304 47.000 1.300 113000 21.200 76i 88 "36 79 69 25 51 S. L. & S. F. 2d pfd. St, L. Southwestern.. 5,300 4.800 6.700 23 50 61 s do preferred Southern Pacific . .109.200 654 64 Southern Railway ...139.300 36 35V ... 1.000 95 94 .95 do preferred .... Texas & Paclflo 23,300 XiU. Toledo. St, L. & W.. 200 30 49 111 23 44 19 22 45 29 do preferred ow oo Union Pacific 64.400 113 4 112i 95 23V4 N 13 Vi 22 do nreferred Wabash 10.300 23 45 194 20 do preferred 11.000 Wheeling & L. Erie. 300 Wisconsin Central .. 1,300 do preferred Mexican Central .... Southern Pacific pfd. Express companies- L100 4,800 IB 500 116 116 116 Adams 240 210 115 238 American .... United States 300 118 118 Wells-Fargo . Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper 71.200 74 Amer. Car & Foundry 3,800 23 do preferred 900 86 Amer. Cotton OH.... 1.200 31 Vi 73 29 30 do preferred vz American Ice 400 8 7 8 do preferred 1.200 37 36 36 Amer. Linseed Oil., 14 do preferred 32 Amer. Locomotive... 3,800 21 30 30 do preferred 1.000 99 99 99 Amer. Em. & Refining 10.800 76 75 75 do preferred 300 112 112 112 Amer. Sugar Refining 25.200 146 145 146 Brooklyn R, Transit. 10,300 Colorado Fuel & Iron 22,200 PMAblKfi T Tvoncfr 1A Vi ACS! At A7t 68 66 44 42 116 217 20 19 43 Consolidated Gas ... 4,800 Corn Products 4,400 do preferred 1.200 Distillers Securities. 2.400 General Electric .... 900 International Paper.. 2.700 do preferred International Pump.. 600 do preferred National Lead 300 North American ..... 100 217 70 78 73 364. 5 S3 iTT4 19 20 "38 24 Pacific Mail 15.600 46 People's Gas 14.900 111' Pressed Steel Car.... 13.000 34' S3 do preferred 700 Pullman Palace Car Republic Steel 0.100 do preferred 2,100 Hubber Goods 700 do preferred S3 Tenn. Coal & Iron... 41,300 U. S. Leather 6,400 do preferred ...... 1.000 U. B. Realty 7,600 U. S. Rubber 1.200 do preferred ....... 500 U. S. Steel 139,400 tio preierrea SH.200 WesUnghouse Elec... 00 western union 400 Total sales for the day, 1,644,600 shares. BONDS. NEW TORK. Nov. 10. Closing quotations: U. S. ref 2s reg.104 do coupon ...104 V. S. 3s reg. ...104 do coupon ...104! U. S. new 4s reg.130 do coupon ...130 U. 8. old 4s reg.106 do coupon ...106 Atchison AdJ 4s. 93 C, .& N. W. C 78.127 D. & R. Q. 4s.. 101 N. "Y. Cent. Ists..l00 Nor. Padflc 3s.. 75 do 4s 105 So. Pacific 4s... 95 Union Pacific 4s.l06 Wis. Central 4s. 92 Stocks at Xosctoa. 4 LONDON, Nov. 10. Consols ior aioney, 88 8-16: consols tor account, S3 5-1C Anaconda ..... 5 Atchison 90 do preferred .105 BalU & Ohio .. 98 Can. Pacific ...133 Chen. & Ohio .. 47 C Gt, Western.. 25 C. M. & St- P.. 178 DeBeers 18 D. St R. G. 33 Nor. & Western. 75 do preferred .. 93 Onr, & Western. Pennsylvania ... 71 Rand Mines .... 11 Reading 38 ao ist pret ... 46 do 2d pref So. Railway do preferred 41 ,. 37 97 .. 67 ..110 do preferred 85 ISO. Pacific .- Erie 42 lUnlon Pacific do 1st pref ..75 do preferred .. US do 2d pre . .. 55 Illinois Ontral.149 L. & N. 139 M., K, & T. 35 X. T. Central .139 U. S. Steel 27 do preferred .. 89 Wabash 24 do preferred ..47 Spanish 4s 87 Mosey. Exc&aagr, Xtc 4 SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 10. Silver bars. CSc; drafts, sight 7c; ilexican dollars, 46946c; drafts, telegraph. 10c Sterling on London, 80 days, 24.84; sight. 24-87. NEW "YORK, Nov. 10. Prima mercantila pa per, 4 4 per cest. eterllnc exshtag arm, wits. unU kilusj 187 45 33 85 85 23V4 197 1U7U 11 10 10V4 22H 214 -IVi 87 86Vi 87 23 23 2Sli 5Gi 66ft 66fe 35 Vi So 35!,i 184 1874 325 323 Vi 31 83 83W 40Va 40 72 73W 54 641, SO SOU 1444 2SV4 49H r$ 51 134& 162r 801 19 78 38 37 .... 79 24 24 96 66 VI 42 46 109 110 14 34 34 2 S2 82 223 16 16 16 63 62 63 23 22 23 13 13 13 02 92 92-3 72 68 71 29 29 29 84 84 84 27 26 4i6 83 84 65 174 173 172 01 91 91 in bankers' bills at 4.&e504.SSr5 for demand and at ?4-265S4.S375 for- 60-day bills; posted -rates, 24.84 and 4.87: commercial bills, S4.S3. Bar silver, 5Sc. Mexican dsilars. 46c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds Irregular. Mosey on call, firm and higher; 263 per cent, closing bid and offered, 3; time loans, slightly firmer; 60 days and 90 days, 3 per cent; six months. 3?3 per cent. LONDON, Nov. 30. Bar sliver, steady, 26d per ounce; money, 282 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2Q3 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for three months bills Is 22 15-16 per cent. Dally Treasury Etatesnest. WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. Today's statement of the Treasury balances in the general funds,' shows: Available cash balance $144,423,806 Gold 85.700.594 Bask Clearings. Clearings. . Jl.0S4.7li3 1.073,150 642,859 703.217 Balances. 1154,775 177.207 42.503 106,332 Portland .. Seattle .... Tacoma ... Spokane .. BREAK IN CORN PRICES Causes Wheat at Chicago to Lose Much of Its Strength. CHICAGO, Nov. 10. The -wheat market was comparatively steady at the opening, the effect of rain or snow in many parts of the South west being offset by a much smaller movement In the Northwest and bj'jlier prices In for eign grain markets. Initial quotations in De cember were unchanged at $1.12. May was unchanged to c lower, at 2L12&1.12. For a time the market was rather quiet. Toward the middle of the session, the market became strong is sympathy with bullish conditions in the Northwest, and May sold up to 21.13. During the last hour of trading the market lost much of Its strength as a result of selling due to a break In corn prices. Tbo close, however, was firm, final quotations on Decem ber being gc up, at 21.13. May closed at 21.13. Active covering by shorts caused a strong tone' in the corn market early In tha day. The market closed weak at about the lowest point of the day, December c down, at B0C Oats were Influenced by the action of other grains. December closed t?c lower, at 2$0 2Sc Lower prices of bogs and a slump In corn had a depressing influence on the provision market. At the close January pork was down. 20c Lard and ribs were each off 7c. The Wading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. December 21.13 21.14 21.13 Close. 21.13 May 1.12 1.13 1.12 July .98 .95 .98 CORN. .51 .52 .47 .47 .46 .47 OATS. December May July ....... .50 .46 .46 58 .4U No'ember 29 December 29 .29 .2S .28 May 31 .31 .31 -31 MESS PORK. January 12.75 12.80 12.62 12.62 May 12.75 12.75 12.62 12.65 LARD. January 7.20 7.22 7.15 7.15 May 7.30. 7.32 7.25 7.25 SHORT RIBS. January 6.60 6.62 6.65 6.55 May 6.72 6.75 6.67 6.67 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Easy. Wheat No. 2 Spring. 21 J01.15: No. 3. 21.D4 01.12; No. 2 red. 21.161.18. Corn No. 2. 50g57c; No. 2 yellow, 60c Oats No. 2, 31c; No. 3 white. 3031c. Rye No. 2. 80c Barley Good feeding, 3S3Sc; fair to cholee malting. 41052c. , Flaxseed No. 1, 21.10; No. 1 Northwestern, 21.17.. Timothy seed Prime, 22.65. Mesa pork Per barrel, 211.10911.15. Lard Per 100 pounds, 27.07Q7.10. Short ribs sides Loose. 2037S-7.12. Short clear sides Boxed. 277.12. Clover Contract grade, JJ12. Receipt. Shipments. Flrrar. barrels S8.500 24.200 Wheat, bushels 32.000 22,600 Corn, bushels ....144,100 49.800 Oats, bushels 129,100 156,300 Kye, nusneis 5.000 i.soo Barley, bushels 50,500 38,100 Grain and Produce at Now York. NEW YORK. Nov. 10. Flour Receipts 38. 300 barrels; exports 9000 barrels; sales 10.500 packages. Market firm -with fair trade. Wheat Receipts none; sales 4.800,000 bushels futures; spot irrrgular; No. 2 red. 21.22 f. o, b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. 21.20 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, ?1.07 f. o. b, afloat. Most of the day, wheat was firm on reports of frost and crop damage in Argentina, supplemented by decreasing Western receipts. but in the afternoon reacted with corn and closed no more than steady, at a -partial c net advance. Sales, included No. 3 red May, closed at 21.14; July closed at 21.12; De cember, 21.14c. Hops and hides Finn. Wool Steady. Grain at Saa Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 10. Wheat and barley, steady. Spot quotations: WHEAT Shipping. 21.4581.47; milling. 21.521.62. BARLEY Feea, 21.0S6L12; brewing, 21.1561.17. OATS Red. Sl.22f31.50; white, 21.40 1.66; black, 21.2501.65. Call board eales: WHEAT-December. 21.46; May, 21.47 BARLEY December. 41.09: May, 2L09. CORN Large yellow. 21.S761.42. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Nov. 10. Wheat cargoes on pas. sage firm; but not active. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 10. Wheat firm; De cember. 7s 2d; March. 7s 3d; May, 4d. Wheat in Paris steady. Flour in Paris steady. French country markets firm. Weath er In England overcast. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. Nov. 10. Wheat c higher; blue- stem, 90c; club, 86c l8AN FRANCISCO MARKETS. Bed Oats la Demand Against Departure of Transport. 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 10. SpecUl.) Wheat options sold higher at the opening, but soon had a sharp decline. Spot prices re mained steady. Barley was firmer for futures end epot. receipts being lighter, but the mar ket was Inactive. Bed oata were in more de mand against the departure of the next Govern ment transport. Bran was steady. Choice hay was firmer. New-crop oranges were in ample supply and a shade lower. Today's steamer for Australia took 10 carloads of savels bought in the cous. try. New tangerines were more plentiful. Fancy lemons Are still scarce. Oregon apples are selling readily at 2101.50. Selected grapes ('are in light supply and firm. The potato market was overloaded, quiet and weak. Sweets were lower under the arrival of five carloads. Fancy onions were strong, -with hlcher srloes predicted. Dairy products -weer unchanged. Receipts, C5.000 pounds butter, 86,000 pounds cheese, 16.000 dozen eggs. VEGETABLES Cucumbers, 40065c; garlic, 44c; string beans, 205c; tomatoes, 2575c; okra. 50075c; egg plant, 30g50c POULTRY Turkey gobblers, 15017c; turkey hens. 16018c; roosters, old, 2404.50; do young. 2505.50; broilers, small, 2202.50; do large, 230X50; fryers, 1404.50; hens, 24.5006; ducks. old, 24.5005; do young. S506. BUTTER Fancy creamery. 22c; creamery seconds, 18c; fancy dairy. 18c; dairy seconds. 15c CHEESE Young America. ll12c; East- em, 12014c EGGS Store, nominal; fancy rases, 50c WOOL Lambs'. 16lSc HOPS 1904, 2S031c MTLLFEED Bras. 21S019; mlddUsgs, 2248 27. HAT Wheat. 210011.60; wheat and oats. S1013.50; barley. f9012; alfalfa. 990U.5O clover. SSSO; stock. G7: straw. 45886c FRUIT Apples, choice, 21.50; -do common. aoc: bananas. 73e3; Mexican Uaies, 2494.50 California leases, ckelce, JS; 4o rtrMnv, 21; orascas. navels. 22-501.25: ptneacpMSr fz4 POTAT0U8-Blrer 3ttrbMk, 4tT0c; 3Uvr Downing, Hopkins & Co, Established. 1883 WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor reds. 65075c; Salinas Burbasks. 9OC0S1.3O; sweets. 30g 75c RECEIPTS Flour. 6518 quarter sacks; wheat. 399 centals: barley, 257 centals; oats, 5614 centals; beans, 8341 sacks; com. 2600 centals; potatoes, 8S00 sacks; middlings, 960 sacks; hay, 353 tons; wool, 290 bales; hides, 2291. Will KevUe Prices of StceL PITTSBURG. Nov. 10. All the associations controlling the nrices of steel are to meet Is New York sext Tuesday and continue In session until tho whole list of prices has been revised to suit the conditions which have arisen In the Iron and steel market. The prospects are that the scale of prices determined upon next week will be those that will rule until well Into the first quarter of the coming year, and It Is fairly certain that prices will be advanced In roost ot the lines. Prices of billets. It Is thought, will be In creased to 221. The present price Is 219.50 is Pittsburg. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Nov. 10. Evaporated apples were in quiet demand and showed very little Improvement and the undertone was weak for both spot and future. Common 404c; prime. 4c; choice, 505c; fancy. 606c Prunes show. Increased firmness. They range from 2c to 6c. according to grade. Apricots continue scarce and firm, -with choice, 910e; extra choice, lO011c; fancy, 11015c Peaches quiet, common. 909c; extra, choice, 901Oc; fancy. 10Sllc New- York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 10. Cotton futures closed steady with prices net 1 point lower to 1 point higher; November, 9.60c; December, 9.77c; January, 9.87c; February, 9.74c; March, 9.97c; April, 10.03c; May, 10.08c; June. 10.06c; July. 10.12c. Spot closed dull; middling uplands; 10.15c; middling gulf. 10.40c; sales. 1118 bales. To Trade In PIg-Iron Warrants. NEW YORK, Nov. 10. a!I arrangements have been completed by members of the New York Produce Exchange to Inaugurate trad ing in pig-iron warrants." Tho. business will begin Novembor 14, and It -was an nounced that certificates may be bought and sold through any member of the Exchange, The unit ot trading will be 100 tons. Dairy Produce In the East. CHICAGO, Nov. 10. On the Produce Ex change, today, the butter market, steady; creamery, 16024c; dairy, 14021c Eggs, firm at market cases Included. 1720;- firsts, 22c; prime firsts, 24c; extras, 26c Cheese, steady, 10llc NEW YORK. Nov. 10. Butter, firm; cheese. unchanged: eggs. firm. Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 10. Wool, steady: territory and. Western medium, 22025c; fine" medium. 19021c; fine, 15018c FUNDS FOE MISSIONARY W0EK. Methodist Convention Votes $1,220, 000 for Coming Year. BOSTON, Xov. 10. The missionary committee of the Methodist Episcopal Convention today voted unanimously to appropriate 21.220,000 for missionary -work during the coming year, and that this sum is to be divided so as to give $703,500 for -working the foreign field and $516,000 for domestic work. The question of the apportionment of the money for foreign missions among the various countries was deferred until tomorrow. The total appropriation for home mis sion work today aggregated 2123,000. The parts, of the countries which we're given special consideration were the mining districts of Michigan, the prairie strips of the Trans-3IississlppI States and the mining camps of the Rockies. The long est discussion given to any one question was that to the appropriation for Arizona, some members doubting the expediency of continuing so large an appropriation as 57000 for this territory because of the seeming lack of frultfulness of the work carried on there. AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. W Howe. Carlton J R Pollock, Fernle D H Wells. Boston E B Lyon. Unpls C W Baxter, Boston W II West, Seattle H F Clough; do E B TuII. do L Pither, Victoria BC Mrs Pither, do Miss Pither. do F L Kraus and -wife. Sacramento, cal M Mayer, San Fran A natter. do W A Howe, Carlton H Hamburger, Fhlla W B Day. Rochester G F Glaser. Denver N Rlgand. New York D G Hoses, New Yrk A G Bernard. San Frl A E Lee, San Fran II S Hagan, San Fran H Kelso, St Louis Miss Li iionaghan. Santa. Clara .Mrs J A Johnson, "Fossil . R E Parr. Chicago B Baum, San Fran B W Reed. Rainier C A Maydwell. San F J J McCatferty asd wife. Seattle Mrs Sloan. do S Besslnger. San Frn J Piscus. New Yorl W Marshall. New Y J Jacoby, Chicago Mrs T C Elliott. Walla Walla J o on. New xorK Mrs A Hold. Spokast E O Anderson. Rochst I J .Bruce asd wife, Mrs S Elmore. Astoi South Bend Miss M E Elmore, do F W Churchouse. S 1 F L Wllkins. SeattlolA E Larned. Detroit T O Mill. San Fraa T O Hllbourn. Chlcag W W O'Boyle and wf.JH N Lloyd. San Fran reiton. Pa S A Post-and wife, L E Throne, Chlcagol Belllngham. THE PERKINS W F Edmunson. SistrjA J Rhule, HUIsboro J L Stockton, Salem Mrs Rhule. do Mrs Stocxton. do Dr E H Smith. Nome J B Smith, city H C Lang. MIsluch. C W McLvman. Pendl J H Bobbins. Amltv T W Riches. Silverton u a Ranch. do W E Marshall, Busslv F H Shoemaker, Psdl C H Stewart, Albany C E Hill. Sas Frascla MaaUr Hill. do C A Barrett, Athena Wm. Vas Vatos. Glsd J C'Weatherby. Josph F A Morris, Newberg james wnson, J x E A Griffls. Durur " jy aiuiKey. Ashlasd W E Walther, T Dlls H A Robinson, Seattle w a revw, Tacoma Mrs Nevln. do J A Smith, do F S Smith, do W" H Mixer, do E B Taylor. Hamlike Mrs Jos Nevln, Madlsn x j Hart, New York Fred Warnock, Heppn Mrs a Jict'nerzon, Wasco D E Campbell, Seattl A Lewis. do lMlss" McPherson. Wsc W H Benrmas. do A is noblnson. indepd G L Campbell, Pomer w w i'ercivai, do Carl Perclval, do Mrs H A Young. OakP F L Johns, Cascade L E Manke, wife and 2 daughtrs. Oskosh E H Boyle, Spokane S B Barker, Condon MOW Perkins. Myr ; tie Point J M Keeney, Shanlko A C Herman. SeattleU T Carpenter. Centrr J G Helmrlch, T DllstW L Robertson. G Pas J H Roland, Catsbrg C W Cr&lk, Wallowa Mrs Cralk, do E S HIghley. Seattle Mrs Roland. do Guy Roland, do Shirley Roland, do John Heimlich, Beatl Rose Helmrlch, do Mrs Alice Dank, Castl Rock Mrs HIghley, do 11 E Snarpe, do Frank Martin, do E P Tesdraw. Puyallp !J F Mossman. St Pl Hugh O'DonnelL St Ls Mrs E A Bragg, C R P B Kerth, Tacoma Mrs J H Martin. Mpls 11 w ParKer, Nez Perc Mrs Parker; do Sam Jones, Oihkosh H C Roe. Payville R White, city Mrs White, do Meldrla Martin, do J L Clark. Springfield A a Walker. Eugene It 11 Halt, Nome THE IMPERIAL. Geo Kaboth, Astoria! Mrs E A Houghton, Seattle c H Marsn. city L H Dunnlgan, Chgo Oscar HartlgeL Seat! A J Jones, Ontario E Revburn. city Mrs L Curtis, San Fra Mrs N Nuttman. do - Alfred Wright, Heppa a. j union, .Butler E H Davis. Corvallls D Blanchard. Rainier James Flslayson, Ast! E A Fraser, Ontario : W H Fowler, Pendlei Gilbert Hunt. Wall&W W P Ely, Kelso e x Price. Albany Mrs A J Cowder, Sas Bernardino Mrs P Lyons, do Miss Lvoss. do J F Reddy. Spokane! F A Crann & irt, H R Mrs McCoIlinso n. do Miss J Day. Resbrg Geo W Barker, Asto D C MIsto asd -wife, Sal est F M Brown, Salem F A Fraser. Rlchlaad J B Martin & wf. Yreks, Cal P C Gebbardt. S F C W Younggrew, Slvr C F Skidmore and wf Silverton I R L Henderson. BoUei J V Crelghton, city jueo C Dufur. Kalam L G Ellis, wife and J E Ferguson, Astoria' son. Washington THE ST. CHARLSe. Wm Edwards. AatolK Sheckt!. Weatoa V U Wallace, Kelso 3r C JUtferR, SeoUarl Chamber of Commerce J S W 8teele. San FrlW J Davidson. T Dlls Robt Scott, Aberdeen! Mrs S B Linn. do J C Wlngfleld. do E Spires, Hocklnson Mrs Wm Loucks. do ! Mrs spires, do E W Glnmuer. T Dlls Jas Gray, Glencoe xi Watklns. Spokane John Simpson. Boring Mrs watKlss. do w ii seward. city L O Strain, ButtevllleiC M Shaffer, McConsk Geo Howlett,- T Dlls E XT A J B Yeos, Rainier S M Brant, Castle Rk Ed Black. Goble Nell Broftrn. Arlington Mrs S B Wlest, Stella Mrs urown. ao D W Cummins Mrs Cummins Mrs m j scott, Kalam W Perry A w Nelson, Ilwaco B A Stafford. Ashland u L Drain. Drain N C Morris, Newbrg S H Foster, Arlington B T Bergersen John Johnson, Kalam a l McLeod J Larsen. Astoria Fred Bachman. city L R Garrett P Barclav Victor J Miller. Stella J D Gardner, Bavertn T B Morrison, AstorlajW C Simpson, Rainier R Henich. do H W Taylor W Wells. Hood River C L Hunter, Gresham D Crelghton. T Dalles G M Wells. do C Mosler, Albany C Wright, Washougal J Graves, Sheridan W H Hess. Newberg a L couins. KaJama E B Powell. La. Centr E Powell. do L Johnson, city H M Smith, Tacoma jonn uetnman, tlty ueo carr L Scoborg. city C P Devereaux. Eugen Mrs Smith. do Hurh Smith. Hood RW G Wilson. Alameda THE ESMOND. F Lteberman, Germny O C Tether, Glendale G F Oyster. Kelso L Cunningham. John uay L Fluhrer, Mayger C Downing. Stella- L Chandler, Lebanon N H Wilson. Merced iC D Wren. Roy. Wash Cole Harris. Pendleton D W Bush. Mt Coffin li biaugnter, do R Henry. Eddyvllle C W Canzler. Fisher A P Anderson, Ocosta W Russell. do Mrs S Smith, Spokane C D Wilcox, Goldendl F Lunderman. do C Olmstead, Cathlam S Lamont, Carson J Roach, Butte H Snears. Kelso J E Butler, N Yaklmaj G L Mandrake, Lewst Mrs Mandrake, do Miss Mandrake, do J Murray, Salinas Mrs Murray, do Mrs B Murray, do A Tanzler. Gervals G N Tucker. Or City A Levlnz, Skamokawa Anna Tanzler. do i E A Wesner, Aioany A E Moore, Newburg; T J Harris. For Grv A p Macey. Dayton G Eleo. Astoria ! E Anderson, bieua Mrs Anderson, do C L Ireland. Moro Mrs W Fluhrer. Mayg W A Fisher. Seattle 1 V V Clemens. Newbrg E Williams, corvauu M H Kelly, Kelso Mrs Kelly. do I J Mooney. do J Dixon, San Fran THE SCOTT. W T May. St Paul 1 Joe F Rooney C E Gaylord. Tacoma ti tx xiiDoen Miss Nan Davis J C Cribb and wife, Los Angeles C J Hostetter, Sacrm H Lee. Los Angeles Miss Runa Murdock Miss Ester Johnson C H Duncan and wife. W C Mllner. St Paul Baker City Robt Burns Joe Healey . John Doe A Blevlns. Tangent A L Caffey. Pendleton G B Hegarth B Van Dusen. Astoria D G SDrachlin. Preset D M Taylor. Waterloo H W Barson, San Frn W C Hayden, St Paul Thos McAlIen D M Mott, Seattle Mrs J Mott, do H Townsend. Omaha M E Morris, Seattle M De Racke S Beauregard G C Burke G W Ellison and fam ily. Edgewood, Cal Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma. American plan. Bates. J3 and up. Hotel Doaaelly, Tacoma. Flrst-clac3 restaurant In connection. E 0MM1SSI0N GRAIN and STOCK BROKERS Wc Charge No Interest for Carrying; Long Stock General Office S buuShno MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. JS. K. AJden, CorrespoBdeat. Boom 2", Ground Floor, Chamber ot Commerce. XRAVELEKa GUIDlt "Plllar'd around by everlasting hills. Robed In the drapery of descend ing floods." IN1AOARA FALLS One of the natural wonders of the world. A charming place at any season of the year, reached from every direction by the NEW YORK CENTRAL ' LINES A visit to the Falls Is an ob ject lesson In geography; an ex hibition of landscapes that no painter can equal, and a glimpsa of the latest developments of the industrial world. W. C Seachrest. North Pacific Coast Agent, 132 Third at., Port land. W. B. Jerome, Gen'i Agent, 134 Monroe at, Chicago. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY -WUTv PflRTI ANH tn THF DAI I Regulator Line Sfcamcrs IILT (EXCEfT SBMBAT) 7 L M. Direct law for Moftett's, St. Martin's asd CellBi liDi eprmss. wuooecung ai ujic. Wash- with Columbia, River fc Northern. Ry. Co.. for Goldeadali and Klickitat Valley sel&ts. Laaoiss; foot o Alder street, JPhoaa Uln 91i. S. M' DONALD, Agent. For South -Eastern Alaska LEAVES SBATTTfR t A r TACOMA. 6 P. M., day prel TrfX vlous, steamships CITr OF rjAstiAi-xis. jsor. i, in, 23, cau. iing ai j&.eicnucan, Douglas, Juneau ana sxagway: mum BOLDT, Nov. U. 24, via Vic toria: UUITAOS CITT. JiOV. 7. tl. via Vancouver, Sitka aad KilUsaoo: ROMONA for Vancouver, xosday. Wedses, day aad FriUy, ltf 1-J- . Rtun cocaeet at San Tfraadsco with, ccm- panVs steataers for ports ta California, Mex ico aa4 Hussboidt ay. ror runner isiorma- Uoa obtain folaer. Right is reserved to change 'earners or salllag date- City of Seattle does not call at TTraagell or British Columbia ports. TK3CKT OFZTCXS. HmrilaAi 28 Wasklaitss at. aKK.. 113 Javaes aC as4 Dock Saa jrMCiseo 10 Jtarket SU C D. DUXANN. Gert. FM. Act. - 10 -Market at. 9m rwfise XXAVXLXBS GUIDK. Shorj Line Am Union Pacific 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Throurh. Pullman standard and tourlsr. Kleeos in -cars dally to Omaha, Chicago, Spoitaas tourist sleeping-car dally to Ksnwui Cltyj through Pullman tourist sleeping-car tperson ally conducted weekly to Chicago. Recusing caair-cars wan tree to the East dally. m UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 8:15 A. M. 5:33 P. M. SPECIAL for tha bait Dally. Dally, via Huntington. tiOKANK FLYiiH. tf:15 P. M. 3:00 A. 1L. for Katern V&baing- pally. Dally, uo, Ua tVaUa, i:v Iston, Cueur a'Aiene and Great Noruers points. . . ATLANTIC EXPRESS i:l5 P. M. 7:15 A. M. tor tha East via Uuni- Daily. Dally, tngton. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDPLE. FOR SAN FRANCISCO S:UU P. M. 5:C0 P. iU & b. ueo. W. EiCer From ftov. 'A xi. Auuwurth S. S. Columbia Dock. Nov. 7. 17. 27. ' 1'Utt ASTORIA anu S:UO P. M. 3:00 P. M. way polnu. connecting ualiy., Dally. vlia Kteamer for llwu- exceot except co ana ortn Jjeucn Siunaiy. Sunday, steamer Husalo, Ash- Saidrdaty, street dock twater par., io:CO P. M. FOR DAYTON, Ore- iMi A. M. V.iU gos City and vamnhi Daily. DUy. River points steamert except except Modoc and Ruth. Auh- bunoay. Sunday. street dock (water per.j FOR LEWISTON. l:-t0-A. M. About Idaho, asd way polnu Dally. ' o:CO P. It from KipAria. wuh., except except sieamera bpokaaa nc Saiurday. Friday. Lswlston. ! TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washington. Telephone Main 712. PORTLAND it ASIATIC 8. S. COMPANY. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers' for Manila, Port Ar thur and Vladivostok; S. S. Nlcoiaedla. Nov. 21; S. S. Numantla, Dec. & For freight asd further particulars apply to JAMES H. DJSWSON. Agest, Telephone Mais StSS. Upper Alaska Dock. r EAST via SOUTH UNION' DEPOT. Arrivna. OVKnLAiSD OX, PRESd TRAINS 8-20 p. at lor balem. Rose. 7:23 A. M. burg. Ashland. Uae ramencu, Ogdes. tUa f-rascuco. J&oiave. lxs Ansel t. m Paso, New Orieana ana ise lAur, Mors 8-20 A. M. lng train connrcu at Woodbum idlly except aunday) wiu train tor Mount 7:io p. at Ansel. silverton. Brownsville, ODrins. Dtld. Weadllnr and Natron. N.-00 P. if. : Albany passenger connects at Wood- ioao a, it turn with Mt, Angel ana suvertos local. 1:Z0 A. JL lli-JSO P. M. corvawa passenger. 3:20 P. M. 11825 A. M. snenoan passenger. Dally. II Dally, except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWKGO SUBURBAN STSRVICa AND T AM HILL DIVISION. Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:80 A, M.. 12:60. 2:0S. ZCO, 6-20. oaa, 10il0 P M. Daily, except Sunday. 6:30 BOO, KX 10:23 A. M.. HUUi P. M. Sunday, oaijr. 9A.M. Ke turning from Oswego arrive Portland dalU 80 A. M.. 1:53. 3.-OS. -t:33. 0:15. 7:3. 9:33, 11:10 P. 13, Daily except Sunday, 023. 72U, D 50. 10:2U. 11:13 A. M. Kxcept Mosday, 12:23 A. M. Sunday only. 10:00 A. M. Leave irom game depot for Dallas asd Inter, medlats points daily except bun day, 4 P. M. Arrive Portland. 10:20 A. M. The Zndepndence-Mosmouth motor lis oper ates dally to Monmouth and -Air lie, cosssctisg with S. P. Co. tralsa at Dallas, aad Isdspcaa esce. ' First-class fare from Portland to Eacramsnta asd San Frasclaco. ?20; berth. 3. Secosd class fare, ?15; lecond-ciato berth. 32.50. . Tickets to Dasters points and Europe, aim Japan. Chlr. Honolulu asd Australia. CITT TICKET OFFICE, corner Third aad Vfashlsgtos streets. Psoas Mb In 712. TIME CARD OQRAINS F0R1LAND Puzet Sound. Limited for TlSmaT sektue. uiympla. South Bend and Gray Harbor polnu ------ 8:30 am fi-Qpsr North Coast Limited for Tacoma, Seattle. Spottane. Butte, sit, Paul, New Xork, jioaton ana all polnu East asd soutseaat .. . .. . n a;wsa aj(j Twin City Exprrsn. for Tacoma, Seattle, Spokase. ; Helena, bu Paul, Minae- polls. Chicago. New rtork, ' Boston asd all points East ana eeunwuk ,.n.,..uiw;a txmrm Pugt Bound-Kansas City- . gu Lcula Special, for Tacoma. Seattle, Spokane, Butte, BUlngs. Denver. Omaha. Kp""f City, St. Louis and all points Sasc and Southeast .. 8:30 am 7eea All trains dally, except on South Bead braacav A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pas senger Agent, 233 Morrlsoa ec, corner Tklrd. Portland. Or. Astoria & Columbia 'River. Railroad Co. Leaves. UNION dApOT. Arrives. Dally. 8:00 A. It For Maygars, Italslor, Clatskasle, Westport, Clifton, JVstorla, War reston. Flavel, Ham mond. Fort Stevens. Oearhart Park; Sea side. Astoria aad Sea shore. Dally. . ii:i a. at Express Dally. Astoria Express, Dally. 7X P. atj C. A. ETEWART. J. C. MAlO, Coraaa'l Act., 243 Alder st. G. ?. i ?. A. Phone Mais SOS. CKy TSeket OOee. I2Z rM at. fm . 2 0YE8XAjRD XRADfS DALLY O The flyer asd ike Fast XaM. SPLENDID HXKVICS UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT COUXTKOCS BHPLOZM0 Tmt Tlekete, Sates, I'alitm aae la iatmrniUm. call ea me ssshn H. DICKSON, City Passeaceg aad Tlakeft AgU U2 Tkir vtreet, recilaad, Or. JAPAfS-AMERICAN LilNE &. S. IYO MAKU rc )aa,Ctoiaj slnni gts, Ni ff SUeTCT ft