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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1904)
10 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11 19HL HURRY UP COUNTIES Space for Exhibits Is Soon to Be Allotted. f RIVALRY; is GROWING KEEN Clackamas and Marion Hope to Be Banner Counties at the Exposi tion Linn and Polk Enter the Contest. Oregon has no time to lose In preparing for the state exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Uke manufacturers, producers and those making individual ex hibits at the Exposition, the state is on a competitive basis in securing exhibit space and must submit an estimate in applica tion form, the same as other states or in dividual exhibitors.. Realizing that there is no time for delay, the State Commission is sending- out com munications to the different counties urg ing that they act promptly In asking for a definite allowance of space. With each county application must be submitted a description of he intended exhibit and a statement showing: its scope. The matter will be considered at the meeting of the State Commission tomor row afternoon. As other states arc be ginning to send their applications to Di rector of Exhibits Henry E.' Dosch, awards must be toade at this timet and without any partiality being shown. As with the manufacturers, it is a case of first come first served, and since no favoritism can be shown. Oregon must stand on its own merits. As the Exposition means more, perhaps, to Oregon than to any other state, the necessity of the best possible ex hibits in all departments is obvious. Many of the counties, have already ap plied for liberal quantities of space and have exhibited commensurate enterprise in arranging for active participation. No table among these counties are Marlon and Clackamas, which have asked for more space than they may be able to get. Each of these two counties have an nounced that they Trill lead Oregon at the Exposition. Linn and Polk Counties have equal en terprise and declare they will give both Clackamas and Marlon a merry contest for supremacy. They applied yesterday for the same allotment of space made Marion 40 by 80 feet- County Judge C. H. Stewart, of Albany, appeared in person as Linn County's representative yesterday morning, and filed with Secretary E. C. Giltner an application for space. "linn County is alive, and is going to show tho world feat it has the greatest resources and is the best county to be found in the Oregon Country." said Judge Stewart. Polk County also considers itself as among the "top-notchers," as the follow ing communication received by Mr. Gilt ner yesterday morning from County Judge E. F. Coad Indicates: "I see in The Oregonian that several counties have applied for space. I desire to say for Polk County that we want as much space as Marlon", Clackamas, Yam hill or Linn Counties. Our County Court Is the committee appointed to secure space and we will visit you in the near future for that purpose. Will you please advise me when you will allot space to the vari ous counties and the largest area to "be allotted to any county." Of the 32 counties of the state, 22 have signified an Intention to participate in the Fair, and it is believed the delinquents will relent when the effect of failure to participate is felt. There are but eight definite applications on hand at this time, however, and that has brought on the alarm at delay which caused the forward ing of communications from State Com mission headquarters. Immediate replies to the communications are requested, and It is hoped all of the 22 counties will have their applications submitted for action at tomorrow's meeting. It is Intended, by the State Commission to make one application to Colonel Dosch for exhibit space for Oregon, and apportion this space among the counties according to the applications and estimates submitted by the counties direct to the commission. The applications on hand up to last evening were as follows: Tamhlli County 24x48 feet Wasco County ,....30x40 feet Polk County 40x80 feet Oackarn&s County 25x50 feet Marlon County 40x80 feet Linn County 40xS0 feet Benton County 20x30 feet Lane County 40x40 feet The counties which have not yet com municated with headquarters or announced a determination to participate are Mal heur, Tillamook, Douglas, Curry and Jo sephine. LAST BUILDING TO BE ERECTED Bids Will Be Called for Construction of Oregon State Cluhhouse. The last of the buildings to be construct ed at the Exposition by the state will be provided for at tomorrow's meeting of the State Commission. This is the Oreg'on State building, which is a comparatively small structure, and can be constructed in six weeks or two months. A call for construction bids Is to be issued by the Commission tomorrow, returnable in about a week. The building site for the structure was laid out yesterday by Assistant Engineer W. B. Scott and is ready for the con tractors to begin work as soon as the contract award is made. The site is lo cated on the high plot of ground in front of the Foreign Exhibits palace and is one of the most desirable locations on the grounds. The building will cost not to exceed $10,000, and will be used as a head quarters for Oregonlans in entertaining their friends. The tipper floor will be given over entirely to the use of women and will be the headquarters of women's clubs. At Work on Bridge of Nations. The piling for the Bridge of Nations connecting the maia Exposition grounds with the Government peninsula in Guild's Lake has been completed and work Is now being carried forward on the super structure. When completed this bridge will have the appearance of solid masonry. It will serve as an extension of the Trail. and like the Trail, will be given over to the use of concessionaires, with the- ex ception of a narrow reservation for sen era! traffic The Sunken Gardens. Rapid progress is being made in the construction of the Sunken Gardens, which He between the Liberal Arts and Agricultural palaces. The excavating and plotting for lawns and flower beds has been completed and the artistic fountains and big -flower urns are being arranged in place. When completed, these gardens wili be one of the most attractive spots of the Exposition. To Organize Improvement Club. A meeting will be held this evening at 7:50 In the Sunday school room of the Patton M. B. Church for the purpose of organizing a local Improvement club for the North Alblna District- Speeches -will be made by Councilman A. F. Flegel and Edward C. Barnes, of North Alblna, and others. A great deal ol local interest is manifested in the proposed organization. BUSINESS If Baby Is Cvtttec Teetfe. Be sure and see that old aad well-tried remedy. Xrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It soothes the child, sclteae the sums, allays all yam, cure wted coVe aaa dlatrfeeM. You Want Styfe You Want Quality You Want Price Ts Bussorah Axminster answers every need. It is a. new fabric, having a long, heavy pile, firm back and all- the luster and rich- ness of the finest Axminsters. These carpets will lend distinction to any home We sell them, sewed, laid, for per yard -IT WOULD BE THE HEIGHT. OF FOLLY TO BUY WITHOUT SEEING THEM Exclu sive Carpet House J. Q. MACK & CO. 86-88 Third Street SrWXi METSCHAN, Pres. KTHTH MI VUf IStIK 8TKETS, rsITUSB. MEM1 European Plan THE PORTLAND PORTlMfD. OH. Americas Plan also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. $3 PER DAY and upward. Xew Building, elegantly Tnrnlshed, Centrally .Located. cost oxx jmuox dollars. HOTEL SCOTT SEVENTH AND ANKENY ST8. Foetoffice Block. EUROPEAN PLAN BOOMS 75c TO $2.00 FEK DAT. FREE BUS A. J.-DD3TZ, Manager. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. portiaxd. Nov. 10. Maximum tempera ture. CO deg.; minimum. 00. River reading at ii a m a feet: chance in wwt 24 hours, rise 0.4 foot. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.. none; total since September i. ik, Inches; norma!. 7.66; deficiency. 3.83. Total sunshine November 9. 1804, 0 hours and 42 min ute.? TWMKlhlr- I hours and 42 minutes. Barom eter (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M-, 30.01. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. Wind. 2 j? p : o g o a fa 2. . 3 f f . i STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck Boise Eureka Helena KamloopK. B. C... North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City.... San Francisco ... Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island ... Walla Walla OOjO.001 8SE Clear Clear 68 0.00 '(W coin m w Ft. cloudy Cloudy Clear 44 oloo! ejsw 4S O.UU U Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear 70JO.OOI 14'NW iSE .E iSE iNW ,W ;nw 6K 60 0.00 720.W 5SJ0.00 Pt. cloudy Pt- cloudy Clear Clear uln no 700.00 Pt- cloudy Clear Foggy 560.00 501O.00 w 54:0.00 12!E Cloudy 54lo.oo ;w Clear Light. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Cloudiness has Increased during the last 12 hours along the Immediate coast, while else where In the North Paclnc States the weather continues fair. The temperatures in the Pa cific States are slightly above normal. The indications are for fair weather In thia district Friday, except along the coast, where showers are probable. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight. November 11: Portland and vicinity Increasing cloudiness, followed by rain during the late afternoon or night; cooler; southeasterly winds. Western Oregon Increasing cloudlnesF. with rain near the coast; cooler north portion; south easterly winds. Western Washington Cloudy, with rain. near the coast; southeasterly winds. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Generally fair. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. Pears' "Just soap," is good 'enougli for some, but most women insist on laving Pears'. Ask some girl witn a good complexion why? Sold by the cake and In boxss. NEW TODAY. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 3IS Worcester Block General practice. IavesUgaUnwi. Estato work. Special aad periodical UBlts. ' Phone Went 11. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portlaad real stata at lowest rate. Titles lsu rr-&. Abstracts ffenttsfced. Title Guarantee & Tmst Co., In Choosing a Carpet lined and $1.75 We are by Perfect Work- manship C. W. XNOWXES, Mgr. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day EE1D03MTEI1 foiTOousrsm COMKICUl TBWIEH Special rata Elude to families sad tingle gentle men. The rnan sgexneat vrtll be pleased at all times to show rooms aad give prices. A modera Turkish bath es tablish meat la tho hotel. 1L C BOWERS, Manager. Flrst-CIass Restaurant In Connection, Steam Heat. Electric rights. PORTLAND, OREGON AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's auction-house, corner Alder and Park. Sale at 2 P. M. Geo. Baker & Co.. auctioneers. At Gllman's auction-rooms. 413 Washington street, at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gllman. auctioneer. 3y J. T. Wilson at Fulton. South Portland, cor. Nebraska and Macadam sta., at 10 A. II. J. T. Wilson auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. WEBFOOT CAMP NO. 65, W. O. W. meets tonight In Woodmen's Hall, 10th and Washing ton sts. All mem bers requested to be present. Special invitation extend ed to all members of the ordei. U. A. ELIOTT, C. C A. L. BARBUR, Clerk. THE ORDER OF PENDO will give a dance in Willamette Hall, 170 Second street, Sat urday evening, November 12, the proceeds of which will go toward defraying the ex penses of an operation performed on one of their members, who Is now seriously ill at the hospital and without means. .Members are earnestly requested, and friends are in vited to attend and contribute toward this cause. MYRTLE CHAPTER, NO. 13. O. E. S. Regular ."communication this (Friday) evening in Masonic Tem ple, at 8 o'clock. lC-cent social. By order W. M. JENNIE H..GALLOWAT. Sec MT. TABOR LODGE. NO. -12, A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Friday) evening, 7:30, Ma sonic Hall, E. Burnside and Grand ave. M. M. degree. All M. M in vited. By order W. M. " 4 GEO P. LENT, Secretary. HASSALO LODGE. NO. 15. I. O. O. F Regular meeting this Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock Third-degree. Visiters welcome. HENRY BROWN. Sec. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, MULTNOMAH CAMP NO. 77 Meet Frlflnv nlrht. In forest. East Sixth and East Al- meet with us. J. M. WOODWORTH. Clerk. . HASSALO LODGE NO. 15. I. O. O. F. Special meeting Friday, November 11, at 2 o'clock P. M. to attend the funeral of our de ceased brother. Everett Bllyou. from FInley's chapel. Interment, Rlverview Cemetery. Odd. fellows Invited. II. BROWN, Sec DIED. DRENNEN In this city, on' November 10, 1804. at ISO Porter at, William -Thomas Drennen. aged 47 years. S months, 6 days. Announcement of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. BELCHER The funeral of Mrs. W. A. Belcher will take place at the residence of Mrs. John H. Hall at 1:30 P. Ml, today. Friends of the family Invited. Services at River view Cemetery, private. BELYEU At Silverton. Or.. Nor. S 1P04. Everett Belyeu. aged 38 years. 4 months and IS days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the fu . neral services, which will be held at Fin ley's chapel, at 2 P. M. , today. Interment Blvervlew. M'GAUGHEY In this city, on November 0, 1904, James A. McGaughey. aged 44 years Funeral today (Friday), November 11. 1004. at 10 A. M.. from Holman's ChapeL corner Third and Salmon ts. Relatives and Friends respectfully invited to attend. In terment Lone Fir Cemetery. DUNNING. XcENTEE G TLB AUG H. successors to DuBEiag Campioa. under takers aad erahalmerm. modern la every de tail, 7th asd Ptee. Phase Mala 414. xdj EDWARD HOLXAN CO.. Undertakers and eabahsters. have moved to their aetr belli). jBf, Th4ri aad SaJasea. Lady aatltfaat Teleheae Na. 3. P. FIXLXY SON. Fael Director. M ami Madfea. Mee of Cewty Cor- -. Lady Msssft. Trtenhsae Xa. . F. S. DUXNIXJ, TJidsctaksT. 414 BaC CLASSIFIED AD. KATES. "Roams." "Rooms aad Heard," "Ssw keeping Keesu." TSttaatteas Wasted." 1 werds or less, IS cents; 16 to 26 -wards. 24 ceats; XI to St ward. 28 eeata. eta. No dtseevat for addition 1 lasertfeas. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New: Today." M eeata for IS word sr less: 16 to 28 -word. 49 easts: 21 to SB words, 5 eeata, etc rt lasertloa. Eca additloral lasertjea, e as-halt; as further discount na iler obs month. IMPORTANT The lent seeead-ttke rata ob saTerttrinr that rasi either Is the chiisl fled celaauts. er nsder head "New Today," will be glvea sly wan adTsrUslac la la- serted gb eeasecative days. Daily asd Saaday Issues. Asvertislac that la scheduled to appear at Intervals of oae er mere days apart will be charred fez at fall oae-tlmo rate each teserties. "NEW TODAY- feaexe weassre acte). 15 eeata per Use, first lasertloa: 1 seats per Use for each additional Inset tlua. r ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed eare The Orexoalan. and left at this office, should always bo laclesed la sealed en velopes. No tam la required ea sack let ters. Tho Oregealaa win set be respomdfaie for errors la adrerttsemeau takea through tat telephoae. AMUSEMENTS. 4- OREGONIAN COUPON No. 21 Coupon-No. 21 STAR THEATER a., Friday Matinee. Nov. 11, 19M. This coupon and Sc entitles holder to one admission when presented at box office. . Marquam Grand Theater Phone Main SGS. V. T. fJKQlE Rtiliwl Kisirjr Special Fries MATINEE Tonsrrow Tonigbt and Toairrov "THE TENDERFOOT" Xlght n The bis musical comedy sacess. The lilt of the Season, the Keal Thing. Evening prices $1.50, $1. 75c. 50c Special matinee prices $1, 75c, 50c, 35c, MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. P ANGLE, Resident Manager. Monday evening, November 14, 1004, at 8:30 o'clock, MARINO Violin soloist, and his own orchestra, in grand concert, accompanied by Miss Pauline Sherwood, lyric soprano. Prices Lower floor.-$1.50. Balcony, $1, 75c, 50c. Entire gallery, 50c Boxes and loges, $10. SEATS NOW SELLING. CORD HAY'S THEATER CORDRAY & RUSSELL. Managers. Portland's Most Popular Playhouse. GREATEST HIT OF THE SEASON. Tonight and Every Night This Week, With Matinee Saturday. Broadhurst and Currle Present MASON AND MASON, "FRITZ AND SNITZ.'' One Week Commencing Sunday Matinee, November 13, OLLIE MACK AND JOE W. SPEARS Present THE BIG F,N CROWD. GALLAGHER & BARRETT. IN THE EVER GREEN SUCCESS, "FINNIGAN'S BALL." Some Singing! Some Dancing! Some Nonsense! 25 PEOPLE 25. MOSTLY GIRLS. NICE FOLKS LIKE IT! Prices 10c. 20c 30c; special reserved seats, 50c Matinee. 25c to any part of house; chil dren (special seats), 10c. BAKER THEATER, KuATING & FLOOD, Managers. Third and Yamhill. LARGEST CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE HOUSE IN THE WORLD. EVERY SEAT 10c One performance afternoon; two every evening. THE ARCADE THEATER The Original Family Vaudeville House. This Week. THE THREE KELLEYS. LECLAIK AND WEST. IRENE KOBKK. THE MORRISES. KATE COYLE. AMERICAN BIOSCOPE. Shows 2:30 to 4:30 P. M., 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. Admission, 10c to any seat. LYR8C THEATER (Corner Alder and Seventh.) HIOH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30; 7:30 to 10:30; Sunday. 2 to 10 P. M. This ad. and 10c will admit two people any matinee, except Sundays and holiday. TEN CENTS NO HIGHER. BIJOU THEATER SIXTH ST.. OFP. OREGONIAN. PROGRAMME FOR THIS WEEK ROBERTS & CO. THE BAMSEYS. TRAINED BULL .TERRIERS. THE BAXTERS. MABEL MAITLAND. PEARL GREYSONV THE TRAIN ROBBERY" ON THE VITAS COTE. ALL FOB 10 CENTS. Afternoons from 2 to 4:30; evenings from 7 to 10:30. Continuous on Sundays. NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD. JEWELR1 MADE OVER OR exchanged: diamonds, precious stones, loose and mounted; watches. Jewelry repaired; close prlcea; good work, ymgry, tna jeweler, N. E. cor. 3d and Washington. Breeden bldg.. upEtalrsL FOR SALE CHEAP 4 HOUSES ON FIFTH and Flanders. Apply iovey Bros. Glass Co., Sixtn ana jjavis. WANT A HOME? We have Houses and Lots in all parts of the city. Let us lend you money to build. You can Day us in installments. Ste the owner. . PORTUKD TRUST COMPANY OF OREGQK 100 Third Street. SU00 Eadl LVsesWood part cash. a: 'infill 3n lts. with good 5-room cottage. $1200 Fout""room cottage, new. $1300 SIx"room rrso3eri1 house, lot 00x100. Cinnn 5-room cottage, fruit trees. lot 50x loo. BILLINGS & FORD, 500 McKay bldg. Third and Stark. MEW OF fVlt. .Hood, St. Helens AJSO the CASCADE RANGE from the Improved acre tracts located on car line with 19 mlnute service, lust outside city limits. 51500. Residences in all parts of city and Improved farms for sale, nre insurance -written. 0. H. BALL 636 Chamber of Commerce. JHUAHETTE HEIGHTS JOftKCE Owner teavteff town ad xHl sell ftrst c!m T-room hos. wMek xm bMilt toe a hams. Telf ho t Wt. ML NEW TODAY. A GOOD RULE IS TO BEING UP A CHILD To be saving, prudent and economical. The best way to do so is to set him an ex ample yourself. Now we want you to know THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON" Issues Interest-bearing certificates of deposit that -pay from 3 to 4 per cent interest, and can be drawn at any time by giving x. cer tain nnmber of days notice. Full particulars are contained in our book of "ILLUSTRATION," Which we shall be glad to send you. PORTLAND TRUST C6MPANY OF ME6QH 109 Third street. BEN J. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK.. Vice-president B. LEE PAGET . Secretary O. GOLTRA. ..... ...Assistant Secretary FOR SALE: Worthinton Compound Duplex Pump, second - hand, Al condition. Size 10xl8Kxl4xlO. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute. Check valve, lub ricator, etc., complete. Iaqnlre A. W. Cochran, OregenlaB BaUdlaf. Eggs, 2 doz 45c CREAMERY BUTTER .-.50c GOOD CREAMERY BUTTER . 45c BEST CREAMERY BUTTER 55c and 00c RANCH EGGS 30c BEST SUGAR CURED HAMS 13c PICNIC AND COTTAGE HAMS -11c BREAKFAST BACON..... 14 and 15c 5 LBS. PURE LARD 50c JAVA & MOCHA COFFEE SOc 50c TEA -. SOc 2 LBS. ARBUCKLE COFFEE...". 25c SATURDAY IS CHICKEN DAY. CHICK ENS AT YOUR OWN PRICE. LA GRANDE CREAMERY, 26 YAMHILL. 4 WOODSTOCK Portland's Beautiful Ssrbarb. Homes oa Xonthly iBstaUmeats. See the Owner. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 109 Third St. Wanted: Agency for Sawmill Agency wanted for lumber mill oa Colom bia River, with capacity of 50,069 or 75,060 feet per day. with wharf facilities aad 15 feet of water, low tide. All bills discounted and advances made oa cargoes. NORTH COAST COMMERCIAL CO. 06 Crocker Bldg., San Francisco. MortgageLo&ns 5and Upward? Keal Estate City and farm Insurance in All Lines A. H. BIBBELL, 802-3 McKay Building, Third and Stark. INVESTMENT BONDS Warrants and stocks bought and sold. J. W. Cruthers & Co.. Chamber of Commerce. DESK ROOM FOR RENT 718 Oregonian Building FOR SALE REAL- ESTATE. $6000 WILL BUY A FINE HOME ON WEST biae; aesirame iocauon. $C000 10 rooms and full lot. walking dis tance of Chamber of Commerce, West Side. $6000-i-block. West Side; location will $6000 Six acres. East Slde.i convenient to car. ?4 500 7 rooms and half-acre, one block irom car, city water, eewer. . JC5CO Flno residence lot. West Side. $16008 acres, all cleared, fair house. DAVIDSON, WARD & CO.. 403 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE-sWE HAVE A VERY SIGHTLY nrbs. half block of ground, on good car line; strictly modern new home: very cheap at 320O0; easy terms. Portland Trust Company oi Oregon, toa 3d st. FOR SALE FINE CORNER 100x101 FEET. wiin --i ana o rooms leaeni modern nouses. AH streets fully Improved; close in. J. L. ueiia jo.. ih crana ave. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. p. electric line. O. R. Addition. Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car. 5c $4000 NEW MODERN, S-BOOM HOUSE. sua st.; notning nice it tor the money; move right In. W. H. Grlndstaff, 246 Starlc FOR SALE MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, prettiest little home In Alblna, cheap. 328 t san Karaei at., cor, ltoaney ave. FOR SALE 600 ACRES STUMP LAND. 16 miles from Portland. Inquire 267 E. Mor rison st. c k. Fuel co. $800 QUARTER BLOCK, FOOT GROVER st.. South Portland. vorth double the money, am AOingion Diag. FOR SALE A 7-ROOM HOUSE WITH bath and gas'; lot OSHxlOO. Inquire at 628 Williams ave. $1000 CORNER LOT, S. E. COR. HOOD AND G rover sts., 100 fee on Hood st. See owner. 211 Glbbs st. FOR SALE A BARGAIN; A NEW. NEAT. 4-room cottage, hard finish. T 80, Ore gonian. TEN ACRES, IMPROVED. ON CAR LINE; house, barn, fruit. Owner, room 445, 83"V4 3d st. DESCHUTES IRRIGATION & POWER CO.'S lands for sale; easy terms. 418 Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE 8-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, full lot; bargain. 388 Grand ave. N. HOME CORNER LOT. 9 ROOMS. $675 CASH. Berry & Alexander, 4 N. 6th. LAND SCKIT. FORXST RESERVE SCRIP. ApproVtd. unrestricted, ready for Immediate ase. KXOWBBT PRICES. EL F. F. B. HUey. 60s Chamber Commerce. ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRU GENERAL' land practice; our forest reserve scrip for son-timbered lands Is sow ready. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. FOREST RESERVE, SANTA FE AND OTH er guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate. Maglnnla & Son. 227' Falling bldg. FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER scrips: general land practice. Collins Land Co., Concord. Bldg. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP NOW ready. H. B. Compson. 618 Marquam bldg. TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE SEATTLS PROPERTY for lodglng-bous er aay eastnesa la Ore gon; what hav 70a- got? Box 9, Hub bard. Or. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE AN AUTO mobile In good running order. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngtoa bldg. WANTED TO EXCHANGE CARPENTER work for most anything. J 80, Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. SMALL FARM. GOOD JSOIL; STATE LOCA tlon and price. No agents. Address Buyer. 431 Main st. FOR RENT FARMS. YAMHILL. FARM. 23 ACRES. READY FOR seeding; cash oalr, fcwc cheap. Csek. 3k 1 Alder st. T ZZASK. LARGE WARKXOUSS. WITH" TRACKAO. ceatraL ,Ayiy Walt R, TrU C xS afca. FOX SALE FARMS. 1C0-ACRE FARM. 35 CLEAR. BALANCE ' ujcr wtcrpc some siumps. au-acre oak grove; crop mostly In; place lays near ly level, on the hank of the Tualatin River; river fences two-sided of the place: about 6 acres of beaver dam; a family orchard: a-good new (5-room house: good water -on, back porch with force-pump; large wood hocse: good frulthouae, milkhouse and hen house: a gcod barn, full of hay; 1 acre of carrots. Place fenced and cross fenced; a good team of mares, harness, wagon and hack nearly new; 4 good cowa; 8 hogs; 3 dozen chickens; all the fanning Implements; on a good county road: 1 miles from Port land; 2- miles from R. R. Price $4600. $2000 can stand at 6 per cent. W W. Espey. room 1. Hamilton bldg. $37.50 PER ACRE, S0-ACRE FARM NEAR uluw .iB...iu., juiiiy ; nrst- class soli, 2-3 in cultivation, good house, barns, outbuildings, orchard; fenced and cross-fenced; living water. 318 Ablngtbn tjldgi FINE FARM. 55 ACRES. NICELY 1M- provea, a miles east; eiectnc car. fine roads; 6 acres Winter apples just bearing: fine soil, excellent water. 227 Front. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS FINE LEVEL miming lanas. aounaance or good water making up party to start In few days. No. 4 N. 6th. opposite Postoffica. FOR SALE A SECTION OP LAND. WEST- era tan lo., suitaoie xor dairying and stockraistng. Cascara nearly pays pries. W 100, Oregonian. 10-ACRE HOME. BEAUTIFULLY LO. cated on puouc roao. one mile from P. p.; fruft and berries. G. B. Riggs. Proebstel. Wash. 40 ACRES. 7 MULES FROM PORTLAND, near car-line; nouny service soon; $iuuu cash, balance time. Box 73. Beaverton, Or. SNAP 160' ACRES, NEAR GRANTS PASS. 3 miles from railroad; on account of sick ness. Owner, J 77. Oregonian. DESCHUTES IRRIGATED LANDS FOR sale. A C Palmer, local agent. 418 Ore- goal an bldg. RARE BARGAINS $1600 BUYS 255 ACRES near Brownsville. P. Q. Box 275. Oregon City. Or. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harsesa. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ONE TEAM young- mares, 1200 pounds. $100; also two good delivery horses. J. S. Klrkley, where Mt. Scott car crosses Section Line road. WOLFSTE1N buys and set's horses, wagons. asraus. Buggies, tarrn implement. irroni. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AN 2D-HAND . vehicles oa Coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. A FINE CUSHION-TIRE RUNABOUT, AL most new. cheap. 114 3d st. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices Singer. V. S.. Domestic. Wheeler & Wilson and White; dropheads in cak and box tops. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic offlces. S. S. Slgel, agent. 335 Morrison st. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with Elaterite; It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterite Roodng Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; .we rent tables; with privilege of buying. Mod ern bsr fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments: we rent tables, with privilege of buying. Mod ern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswlok-Balke-Collender. 48 3d st. A BEAUTIFUL SUNBURST. CONTAINING 7 genuine . diamonds. Original cost $70.00. only $47.00. Uncle Myers, 143 Third St., near Alder. SECOND-HAND ORGAN. GOOD CONDITION; piano attachment, chapel style, at Graves & Co.. 328 Washington. VALUABLE BOSTON TERRIER PUP Prize winner. 34 mo. old. for sale; bargain. 127 Lownsdale. Moving picture film, ong slides, magic lan terns. T. P. Andrews. 100 Mont.. S. F.. CaL IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FOOT LIVE FIR. oak and ash wood, go to Hoover & Conway. Bargains In typewriters, supplies, office goods, rubber stamps, sates. Coast Co., 231 Stark. FOR SALE CASH HEGISTER $40. 3 SLOT machines. 2 card, 1 Chicago. 24 Hancock. BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF Amerlcans now $25. 7th and Morrison. FOR SALE CHEAP FIFTEEN THOUSAND old brick. S. E. cor. Front and Oak sts , , DENSMORE TYPEWRITERS We sell. rent, repair all' machines. J. E. Huxley. 82 4th. FOR SALE SNARE DRUM AND TROM bone, "both new. Mott, 132 1st et. FOR SALE TWO POKER TABLES AND chairs. Mott. 132 1st st. FOR SALE; ACETYLENE GAS MACHINE. 285 Stanton st. FOR SALE SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. Mott. 132 1st st. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED BOY 10 OR 18' YEARS OF AGE for office; position affords practice In book keeping, and stenography. After becoming proficient will be given charge of office. One studying these lines at night school preferred; write, stating age and address; no previous experience necessary. E 80, Oregonian. THE ORIGINAL JOHN A. MOLER HAS opened ine of his famous barber colleges at 644 Clay st., San Francisco. Special induce ments this month; positions guaranteed: tuition earned while learning. Write cor- rect number. C44 Clay st., San Francisco. LOGGERS. MILL AND YARDMEN. LAB- ortrs. city ana cvuairy; iucu sou inua farmhands and milkers, restaurant and meM-house help; work of all kinds. Ca nadian Employment Co., 249 Burnslds and 226 Morrison. Phons Main 3074: POSITIONS $1000 TO $3000 PER YEAR for managers, bookkeepers, salesmen, etc. Offices In eight cities. Plan and booklet on application. Call and see us. Suite- 45, Con cord blk. Pacific Commercial Bureau; Inc. WANTED ANT PERSON DESIRING TO make money safely, surely, quickly, right here at heme on an Investment of $25 to $150, will answer this "ad." for personal In terview right away. S 67, Oregonian. I : LEARN BARBER TRADE AT HAIGHTS; he teaches you free In shops; only practical method; wages while learning; don't mix us with fake barber colleges. 647 Com mercial St., San Francisco. WANTED WE HAVE OPENINGS FOR clerks, bookkeepers, office men. managers, salesmen; If wanting high-class positions, call or write National Commercial Bureau, room 24). AInsworth bldg. t WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN. OLD established line proprietary medicines; must give email bond ana references; liberal contract with good man. Address Q 78, OregoBlan. HEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE IN S -weeks and secure profitable positions. Spdal inducements this month. Catalogue mailed free. Moles system uol. san Francisco. CaL WANTED AMATEUR SINGERS, ACTORS, musicians, for vaudeville circuit and Fort- land World's Fair. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, tne itaieign, etn and Washington. r WANTED SHIPPING CLERK WITH knowledge of sash and door " business: must De gooa man; state experience and salary wanted. G 71. Oregonian. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS COMMIS- sloni newspapera, periodicals, magazines, trade Journals. 418 Chamber of Commerce, Clyde s Advertising Agency. WANTED YOUNG MAN WITH BUSINESS education to .work in wholesale cigar store; mast have good references. Inquire 226 Burnside st. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers: St. Louis Agency, 230fc YamhilL .Phone Black 2881. FIRST-CLASS MEATCUTTER; ONE THAT can take charge of bout iront ana oacKroom; references required. Appiy Ji ein eu WANTRO YOjPNG MAN TO STUDY LAW. Excellent chance to aare time and money. 'WANTED COATMAKER; MUST BE ftrst-ciass; nose other need apply. C O. .MewniiaiESr w. ROT ATTENDING 1 SCHOOL WANTS TO week, fsr MM, Mewses, jsasiaees -oue, 1. M. C A. !. WAXTSD w- FIRST-CLASS BOOXKRRTER awl storfer. A4rM A 71, Vo wjtjdLP WANTED MALE. ST SVtfcinw, hOUSe knows lus? nnr tkaH. can employ a few more, men on our 'new map of the U. S. and World; large scale; clearljr engraved beautifully colored; fre quently sells at. slghti .new plan of Trork or great help in getting ordera; many of our salenStn averaging- from $18 to $40 per week: no experience necessary; permanent employ menu. Write for full information. Rand. t McNally & Co.. Chicago. HL Men wanted to leara barber trade. Barber College. Til Howard au San Francisco. DR. WAUCER. 1SI 1ST., CURES ALL PRl vate diseases of-men. COBBLER WANTED AT-FAIR DEAL. 62 N. 3d. ' -HELP WANTED FEMALE. PUPILS AND DRAMATIC CLUBS CAN make public appearance in dramas, come dies, etc., in two weeks under Instruction of our able stage director. Dramatic, vaudeville and stage dancing school: tes sons. 50c Positions secureu. Newman s i Jineatricai circuit, the Raleigh, 0th and j Washington. DOMESTIC HELP OFALL KINDS CHAM bermalds, cooks, waitresses; nurse tin, second girls, housekeepers, housework. $:5 to $30. Canadian Psrlom. 22V Morrison. Phone Main 1323. WANTED AMATEUR SINGERS. ACTORS, musicians, for vaudeville circuit and Port land World's Fair. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, the Raleigh. 6th and Washington. WANTED YOUNG LADY FOR RECEP-tlon-room; must be experienced in vhoto t tCJTi7.. x.,j ' """"" --?- "cu. aiiij. oul t : . I LADIES EARN $20 PER 100 WRITING short . letters. Send' stamped envelope for particulars.- Ideal Mfg. Co., CassopoUs, I Alien. v I mvpt-wv TOt tsrw -r-r-.- 1 vl Z.XJzrtZ. J.ii... good wages. Apply 168 Fifth street, 11 A M. BRIGHT. UP-TO-DATE WOMAN TO EN gage permanently. Portland nrm: lady phy sician or nursa preferred. S 60, Oregonian. WANTED-t-GOOD "WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework. One small child no objection. Call fiom 10 to 12 o'clock. 163 10th st. WANTED EXPERIENCED REFERENCED family cook and second girl; good wages. : -Mi xamnilL Phone Black 2S81. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR CARE sick girl, small wages and home. Call at Antlers. 10th and Washington. WANTED NEAT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework In family of three; only good cook need apply. 123 N. 23d. GIRL ATTENDING SCHOOL WANT8 TO work for board. Holmes Business College. Y. M. C. A bldg. WANTED GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED woman to asslt In general housework. In - quire 512 Clay. WANTED TWO LADIES TO CANVASS, good wages; must be experienced. S01 De kum bldg WANTED STRONG GIRL AS NURSE FOR I three children; no other work. Apply 235 ! King st. I WANTED G IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Apply mornings. 446 Burnside. near 11th. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework; family of 4. Apply 5S5 Marshal!. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 306 North 24th st, near -Pettygrove. GIRL- WANTED FOR LIGHT WORK IN tallor shop. 349 Morrison st. . 1 WANTED GIRL TO WORK IN BOARDING house. 104-106 North 7th st, GIRL FOR GENER4 .HOUSEWORK;' good cook. 400 Morrison st. WANTED; PANTRY GIRL AT THE ZINS ley Restaurant. 230 1st st. GLRL TO ASSIST IN CARE OF BABY. AP ply 533 Johnson st. 3IRL FOR GENERAL. HOUSEWORK. tsOtf Everett st. SKIRT HELP WANTED 314 THE DEKUM. HELP WANTED MALE OS FEMALE. TAILORESS; COOK. 30; FAMILIES, $15. 23; sneetmetai worKers iDiowpipei. h. urase. 205 Washington. . SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers aad Clerks. YOUNG MAN SEEKS SITUATION AS salesman in loan office; well practiced In jewelry and clock repairing and a good ticket writer (brush or peni. Y 75 Ore gonian. YOUNG MAN, EXPERIENCED BOOK- Keeper and typewriter, desires position. Al references. B 80, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION AS traveling salesman; references. C S0K Ore gonian. Miscellaneous. NATIONAL & CONTINENTAL DIST. CO.. 270 Wash. bldg.. room 30. Phine Main 1778. Distributors of all kinds of advertising mat tr and samples; guarantee advertiser against all oss; mail or telephone orders. A YOUNG" JAPANESE BOY WANTS Po sition at housework in any place. Speak good English. Address Nishl, 121 15th st. MAN AND. WIFE DESIRE POSITION Man first-class baker, wife .as helper or saleslady In store. 127 Lownsdale st. YOUNG MAN. STRANGER IN TOWN, seeks work In city; will do anything Intelli gently and quick. D. 73, Oregonlarc JAPANESE ASSOCIATION CAN FURNISH domestic servants, farmer and. all kinds of help. 268 Everett. Black 992; A FIRST-CLASS COACHMAN WISHES TO secure & position In private family. L 80, Oregonian. . SITUATION WANTE D FEMALE. Bookkeepers aad Stenographer!. EXPERIENCED LADY CLERK. DESIRES position in oakery, grocery or aoafection ery store ;clty references. P 7S, Oregonian. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG LADY stenographer; moderate salary: good refer ences. R 64. Oregonian. YOUNG LADY DESIRES PfcsiTION AS stenographer; has knowledge of bookkeeping. M 66, Oregonian. Dressmakers. SHIRTWAISTS IN THE LATEST FASH; Ions, 50c up! also plain sewing. 270 Market st.. "bet. 3d and 4th. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING: SHIRT waists from 75c up. 16 W. Park st. Phone 4294. . DRESSMAKING. STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE; latest designs. 483 Clay st. RELIABLE GIRL WISHES WORK, COO Kl ine preferred, also on East side, central, state wages. F 73, Oregonian. YOUNG STRONG GIRL WANTS A PLACET to do general housework' aad help in cook ing. A 74, Oregonian. WANTED A POSITION BY GIRL TO As sist In housework: Inquire 222. N. 12th st. t SITUATIONS WANTED REFINED MID-dle-aged woman housekeeper widower, family cook, second girls, German, young girls to assist plain boardlag-house, house work, chambermaids. 239H YamhilL Phone Black 2881. POSITION BY CAPABLE. RB6FECTABLE lady as housekeeper er 1 aad lady. V 89. Oregonian. - SITUATION WANTED AS HOUSEKEEPER by widow; refernce exchanged: T 71, Ore gonian. REFINED EDUCATED WOMAN WANTS position as lady's commas lea -qr.lady at tendant In office. V , OreceaUta. LESSONS IN CROSSE'S ECLECTIC 'SHORT haad. Anyone teachlag this system please phone Main 4271. GERMAN MAN AND WOT? WISH TO OW .work a milk ranch or fara. W 78, Or$9- "niaa. A FDX8T-CLA 04.ICITO WAXTSD; refarsfKes rvstMd. Address C TV Or-