2 THE MORNING OBEGONIAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1904. Fifth, Sixth and Washington Streets Leading Mail-Order House on the Coast TPHKX NOT COmrXXEBNT TO COME TO THE STORE. SHOP BT FHOKE. Ali ORDERS UX.lir.rt Bt EXFEKT SHOfPERS. CA1X "ESCHA'OK 12." ''Ife fete felfe te.fe fete fete tefe Mvte fei te, Ife'l&fefeWfe li fefe Ifei FS IF3S..lrSs JS lrS JS. p f eS FSB ?S3 !S3fe SR ISSSS IS lrS5 Ss STORE" NoBetter Example of the Weakness of Words Was ever given than in the inadequate and superficial de scription of the vastness and intensely interesting from eco nomical and elucational standpoints features embodied in the GRAND EXPOSITION AND EXPLOITATION OF AMERICAN PRODUCTIONS as being demonstrated this week by Olds. Wortman & King. Like a vast network of railroads, the exhibition covers every section of America, and embraces its products. We congratulate our good con freres upon their continuance of co-operation in the splendid work mapped out by this modern giant among American stores, and their conduct of it along strictly original (?) lines. Stores, like individuals, cannot become imbued "with too much of -the American spirit. It elevates and broadens, and lifts one out of sordid ruts onto higher planes, where man's humanity to man is best exemplified. American cus toms call for shorter hours of labor, which same means a .higher price for the laborer's product, which must mean a higher wage for the workingman as supply and demand regulate price. Less goods produced in eight hours than in 12 goods demand, better price the artisan gets it. Time enough in ten hours of a day to sell American products. Let's all get the American habit "BULLY"! Fingers muscular and dexterous, with values for Monday and all week beckon you today. The World Drives to America's Shops to Be Shod The great shoe manufacturing centers of America supply the denizens of every known land with footwear. Land at an English, South American, Australian, or any other for eign port, and the first sight Hke to greet the eye is numerous shoe-cases bearing the imprint of a well-known Lynn, Brock Ion, Haverhill, Wakefield, Marlboro, Worcester, Mass., or Detroit) ,Mich., maker of good shoes. We know thousands of smart dressers adhere to a certain shoe price because the shoes at that price never fail to wear well and conform to the shape of the foot, as well as to Fashion's requirements. Oftentimes that price is $5 or $6. We buy every pair of shoes that comes to this store with a view to its being worn by some particular woman. So one may see of necessity it must fulfill every requirement of, the $5 or $6 shoe. The CONVINCING SHOE VALUES ree 3 t -1 i unerea ueiuw represent, TJlUAKt4 4 fV.ll WAnnM vP of trio. JJ&' comfort, wear and satis faction found in the lat ter class, but the prices are our own. The Pingree Gloria for men and women S3. 50 "0. W. & K" Shoes for men, not $5, but $3.50 Plagree American Made Shots The ever-popular "Gloria" Shoes for women come la box calf or velour calf, Blucher cut, double soles, full round or new Pota toes, military, Cuban or opera heels. 25 choice styles All ir zf one price the palp cavJ.ov O. TV. fc K. Shoes for ihcb In 10 cholco styles; made of heavy box or storm calf, with double extension soles, full round' toes for wet weather Built to withstand the iT rri rain and mud All one price only, pair $JvJJ MONDAY AND "AMERICAN WEEK" SPECIALS. Boys' Winter Shoes Made of box calf with good broad toes and extra heavy soles Slsea 11 to 13 Price only $1.30 Slzea 13 to 2 Price only $1.75 Sized ZVt to 5 Price oaly 92.00 $1.78 for Hesse Juliette, worth 20 House Jullettes In fine, soft kid, patent tip, flexible hand-turned soles and opera heels. Regular price Is $2.50. Special I vv American Sale price V w $3.66 Instead of $5.00 and 9C0O for Wsmra'i Shoes "Women's Shoes, made of patent kid with matt or all kid tops, neat dressy toes, Louis heels, hand-turned soles Fine dress Shoes and regular $5.00 and $6.00 values. Special r oft for today at, pair , hand made, welt or turn soles, full round toe lasts, military $2J07 for Women' Shoes, worth $4.00 Street Shoes for women heels. Regular $-4.00 value. Special for f-o (-r today only at, pair $.J 82.6S for "EaprtM" Shoe, worth S&30 Famous "Empress" Shoes for women with hand-turned or hand-welt soles, full round toes, military heels. Regular $3.50 -o 5X value. Special price for today only, pair x,jkj Children's sad Misses Shoes These Shoes came in box calf or vicl kid, have double soles with extension edge, full round toes Spring or safety heels Slzen 6 to 8, value 81.23; special at, pair.... 89c Size 8 to 11, value 81-50; specinl at, pair $1.09 Sizes 11 to 2, value $2.60 J special at, pair. . . . SL48 -r AW A "Moving Bargains" in Men's Shop First Floor. v Here today, but gone next week, to the new Sixth-street Annex Building, where we'll have the best "Toggery Shop" for men in all the town. We've a lot of underwear, lots we want to close before moving. Some are broken in sizes, but your size is surelv here in some of these unmatched UNDERWEAR BARGAINS. Lewis Pure Wool Ribbed Underwear Full Fashioned, sweater neck; regular price the garment is $4.50; 'Moving Sale price is just one-half or, garment ,.$2.25 Lewis Silk and Linen Underwear Regular $4.5Q value p Special "Moving Sale" price, garment .$2.25 A Number of the Staley Underwear Which is not being made any more; regular price $4.50; Special ' 'Moving Sale" price is just one-half or, garment $2.25 Small Sizes Only in Natural Gray Worsted Underwear Full fashioned; regular $2.75 value; for Special "Moving Sale" price is one-half or, garment - $1.38 Full Regular-Made Worsted Underwear. Regular $2.25 value; "Moving Sale-" price is, garment $1.13 Gamelshair Underwear Regular price $1.50; Special "Mov ing Sale" price at, garment 85 ITatural Gray Wool Underwear Regular $1.00 value; Spe cial 4 'Moving Sale" price is, garment 65 Undershirts In natural gray; regular 75c value; "Moving Sale" price, each ,39 Fleeced Lined Underwear Yalue 75c garment; "Moving Sale" price is, garment 39 Brown Merino Underwear Regular $1.00 value; Special "Moving Sale" price, garment 65 Extra Special Shirts A line of unlaundered Shirts, not all sizes; yalue to 75c; "Moving Sale" price, each... 39 A Mighty "Comparison Sale" Starts Today A Commending Feature of "American Week" Every Theater Wrap and Costume, Every Evening Gown of Every Sort for one week at Half Price SUPERB CREATIONS, Handsome Silks, Rare Laces, Magnificent Velvets, Rich Broadcloths unmatchable productions of the world's most noted designers. Port land women know full well the incomparable style, standing and quality mark of the Olds, Wortman & King creations. Paris, Berlin, Vienna, London and New York have selected, with critical eye, their choicest gems from garment-makers, famous among royalty itself. This house is conceded, from the fashion-molders of New York to the style-wearers of the Pacific Slope, to be far away and alone ahead of all others west of Chicago in exploitation of authoritative styles. We buy and sell more high-class theater, carriage, auto and evening Wraps and Gowns twice over than ALL other Portland stores combined. So now, starting today, we're going to open the flood gatesfor one week upon the greatest sale of these high-class garments ever hold in all the West. 'Twill be might' costly to us NOW but once and for all, in this matchless, unprecendented feast of rare values, by this unparalleled "COMPARISON SALE," we'll prove to the most skeptical mind the premier leadership, now and always, both in style, showings from authoritative sources, and value-giving, 'of this Port land's best and foremost store. THEATER WRAPS range from $50 to $250 CALLING AND CARRIAGE GOWNS $75 to $250 COSTUMES AND EVENING GOWNS $S5 to $500 Among them are many of the famous Mile. Schroeder's latest and newest creations, just in from this celebrated New York modiste's showrooms. Mile. Schroeder. is accepted authority on all that pertains to fashion in dress among New York's "Smart Set" and swellest dressers. Early choosing is wise. A SEXTET OF VALUES TO CREATE LIVELY SELLING In Hosiery and Knitwear Aisles First Floor. $1.35 instead of $1.75 for Wo men's Union Suits Women's Munsing Union Suits, gray wool plated, half open front; splendid $1.75 valde; ior today, Tuesday and "Wednes- . day only, suit A .$1.35 - 57c for Women's Cotton JJnder. wear worth 75c Women's' L?r T "I T - 3 a ' wniie, jersey noDea. ubbi : combed cotton fleecea linei Vests and Pants. Verv sort. and warm: good 75c value: special for three dayss onlyi each 57. $1.85 instead of J$1.75 for Wood Underwear Women's white and silver gray, Jersey ribbed, wool Vests and Tights, the famous "Merode" hand-finished and silk crocheted trim ming; regular $1.75 value; special for three days only at, suit .$1.35 Only 69c for Women's Supporters worth $1.00 Women's velvet grip Supporters, all satin belt, silk side elastic, all colors and sizes; regular $L00 value; special for three days only at, pair 69 37c for Women's Cotton Hose worth 50c Women's fine black Cotton Hose, with gray cashmere sole; regular 50c value; special for three days selling at, pair 37 Children's Fine Black Cotton Hose With double knee, sole and toe, sizes 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, one of the best makes of hose in the city; regular prices, 25c, 80c and 35c; spe cial, all sizes, for three days only at, pair 19 In Baby-to-Miss Annex Second Floor. Children's ail-wool Sweaters, in plain and fancy stitching, metal or pearl buttons, trimmed some with belts, colors red, navy and white, or combination of navy and red or white; ages from 2 to 16 years; prices, $L25 to $3.50 Another shipment just received of Children's Wool Dresses, in plain and fancy materials, in yoke, revere, regulation "Peter Thompson," sailor, "Buster Brow'-find Russian blouse styles, sizes from 2 to 16 years. Considering the cost of these new dresses, we should outfit every ,child.in town. Ordinary workmanship is not good enough for us; even button-holes are handmade in these attractive garments. TABLE4 ILHSK The Flax-Growing Countries All send their best repre sentatives to secure the trade of American women in linens for Thanksgiving tables. Ireland, Austria, Belgium, Germany and France, all vie for her favor and the land of Erin wins. From ' ' Tara 's Halls "to America's lofti est peaks and peaceful valleys the fame of Rich ardson's Irish linens ex tends. Some there are who, for sake of tempo rary gain, seek to exploit other linens that pay more profit, but ymerican women are wise, and insist on Richardsons. Right; Refnse the."just as good." We continue this week, Tyithd.et.Y&luas, ie Abuttal Thanksgiving Sale of Table Linens.' All Table Lin' ebs, Reduced for "American Week." Specials for the Week. Domestic Aisle, First Floor. 7Sc instead of 90c for Bleached Damask Bleached Table Damask, 72 inches wide, all linen; regular price 90c; spe cial Thanksgiving Sale Price, yard 73 Dinner Napkins to match; regular $2.75 value; special Thanksgiving Sale Price, dozen 2.35 Table Damask Bleached, 72 inches wide; special Thanks giving Sale Price, yard $1.05 Dinner. Napkins to match; special price, dozen 3.45 $1.23 instead of $1.50 for Table Damask Bleached Damask, 72 inches wide, and extra good value at $1.50 a yard; special Thanksgiving Sale Price, the yard 1.23 Napkins to match, dinner size; special at, dozen.... 3.83 Splendid assortment of Damasks.by the yard, 56- to 90 inches wide, all linen, at prices ranging from 45c to $2.70 the yard. All at Special Thanksgiving Sale Prices. Damask Sets Beautiful Sets, consisting of cloth and one dozen napkins, plain, iemstitched or fringed, many rich and handsome designs, in all sizes; special Thanksgiving Sale Prices, the set, $6.75, $7.40, $8.10 and 9.00. Tea Cloths Size 36x36 inches, plain linen, hand hemstitched; eitra special Thanksgiving Sale Price, each. .i. .1.10 Tray Cloths Size 19x27 inches, plain linen, hand hem stitched; extra special Thanksgiving Sale Price at, each 50 Tea Cloths Hand embroidered and hemstitched; extra spe cial Thanksgiving Sale Prices at, each, $1.48, $L80, $2.00, $2.25 -up to : 4.05 Tray Oloths, Tea Cloths, Lunch Cloths, Sideboard Scarfs, Doilies All at Special Thanksgiving Sale Prices. Now tor Silk Petticoat Selling Extraordinary $IO and $12.50 Silk Petticoats for Starting at 5 o'clock this morning A FIRST SHIPMENT OF A MONSTER PURCHASE FROM A LEADING NEW YORK MANUFACTURER A purchase that illustrates the buying and selling capacity of this great store. The largest purchase of strictly first-'class Silk Petticoats ever made by any house west of Chicago 1000 in number 300 came Saturday, ' close upon the heels of our garment-buyer, who arrived home on Wednesday from her second trip of the season to.New York. They're going into a MONSTER "COMPARISON. SALT),." today and going in early 8 o'clock so that buyers from other stores may be spotted and invited to keep "hands off," for these bargains are for our regular patrons. Mail orders T Yes if they get here on time but don't expect it- TheyH go like wildfire. "Materials are taffetas and chiffon taffetas, in graduated accordion plaited ruffles, tucked flounces and accordion plaited flounces with ruchings. They are in both walking and dress lengths, in black, white and all wanted colors, including light blue, navy, pink, red, brown, tan, helio, green and all the popular changeable effects the best $10 and $12 Silk Petticoats ever shown in Port land, not yet in the store two days and today only or while they last the "Comparison Sale" price is ..... 5.75. "Bargain Monday" Gentle reminders of today's Special Values told of yes terday: WOMEN'S $12.50 AND $15 TOURIST GOATS New arriv als of Netf York's smartest American tailored styles to day only 8.95 Second Floor Grand Salons. Special "American Week" Sale of Textiles, Silks and Dress Goods First Floor, Fifth-street Annex. Special Thanksgiving Sales, of Carving Sets, Dinner Sets and Rogers Bros. Silverware Third Floors. Special "American Week" Sale of Torchon Laces at, yd. 5 Special "American Week" Sale of Allover Laces at greatly reduced prices. Richardson Linen, 12c Kerchiefs &g Regular 20c Linen Handkerchiefs 14 Regular 25c Linen Handkerchiefs .!9 Special Sale of pretty Ribbons for use by fancy needle workers, in widths from inch to 3 inches : 6c Ribbons, 3 yard; 9c Ribbons, 5 yard 14c Ribbons', 8 yard; 23c Ribbons, 12 yard; 32c Ribbons, 19 yard; 40c Ribbons, 25 yard; and several in-between widths and qualities at prices pruned likewise. 48 for 75c Silk. Belts. All First-Floor Aisles. On Fourth Floor. A SENSATIONAL SPECIAL SALE OF LACE CURTAINS. $3.00 Lace Curtains for 1.97 $35.00 Lace Curtains for 23.25 $90.00 Lace Curtains for 55.00 And 12 in-between qualities at proportionate prices. REMARKABLE SALE OF SMYRNA RUGS. $L00 Rugs 67 $2.00 Rugs for 1.38r $2.50 Rugs 1.69 $3.25 Rugs 2.45 Special Sale good American Blankets, .extra large, white wool, silk bound; $6 values, pair .. .;. 4.95 EVERY BABY GO-CART IN THE HOUSE AT SWEEPING SALE REDUCTIONS. $11.00 Go-carts for 7.75 $20.00 Go-carts for 1250 $25.00 Go-carts for 16.50 $36.00 Go-carts for 23.50 With nearly a dozen between grades' proportionately re duced. . EVENING WAISTS AT HALF PRICE. $5.00 to $15 values at $2.50 to 7.50 Grand Salons, Second Floor. Note the Surpassing Sale of Silk Petticoats and GREAT HALF-PRICE "COMPARISON SALE" of Women's Superb Theater Wraps, Costumes and Evening Gowns, for one week, on same floor, told of elsewhere in this announcement. "AH-American" Penny Pick-Ups From 2?lrstffloor Shops. - - for S&eypLiijfBaffs, vrertk JJ1.&8 Black sllSc Opera, or 8R?p- ?ln? Bags, with fancy oxide or silt tops; Value - l cf 1.91; special at. each W 2c for Kaaer Measted Shell Back Cemfes, TCp vrortk VA- 21c Inatead ef 38c for faacr Hat Flag '"Fancy Hat Pins, with fancy top In pearl turquoise, cut crystal and O I r head designs. Value 35c. Special price, each - 20e tor Bar P1h, trorth 30c Fancy sliver Bar Pins, set with white Rhinestones. Value 30c Special OClr price, each v. 5c Instead of 35c fer laser Stick Flax X good assortment. 96c fer Scissors, wort a 50c Ladies' nickel-plated Scissors, S and 6 -Inch size. Value 50c Special "tfr at, pair ,.w JKJl- 36c for IskstsBds, Trcrth 50c Inkstands with black or cherry base, with 'fancy glass ink well. Value 50c "tSr Special, each xJJ 95c for ShopjiHf: Bags worta U25 Boston shopping- Bags, 11 Inch frames, leather handles. Value $1.25. ficr Special at,, each Vlvlv. 13c for Writing- Paper, worth 18c Standard tints Writing Pa per, pink, nlle and array 24 sheets of paper and I o j-i 24 envelopes. Value 18c Special at, box A- 15c for Writlas; Paper, Trerta 35c High-grade "Writing Paper, ruled, in white. In 1-pound packages. i cr Value 25c- Special at, package 35c for Waik Cloths la Habile r Cases, vrorth 35c "Wash Cloths In rubber cases, sateen covered. Value 0r 35c Special at, each MiJK, 46c the Bottle for Toilet Waters, tvorth 75c Crown, imported Toilet Waters in crabapple, vollet, heliotrope JLClc and other odors. Value 75c Special at, bottle 36c fer Toetk Powder, worth 50c Calders' Saponaceous Den tine Tooth Powder, extra large size bottles. "tflr Value 50c 'Special at, bottle 7c Instead ef 10c fer best French -Tooth Brashes. 48c for Castile Soap, worth 75c 1-pound bar purest quality im ported Italian. Castile Soap, white or green: JLCiC Value 75c Special at, bar ttJV. 7c fer Cellar Faaxdatlems, wortli 16c White silk Collar Foun dations, pointed effects all sizes. Value 10c -7 Special at, each - 15c Instead of 35c fer Iron Heaters Carllns; Iron I Ci Heaters, large size Value 25c Special at, each 1 4c Instead of 8c for Toilet Pins Large cube, jet headed Toilet Pins, 100 pins to cube, assorted sizes. Value 8c f. Special at, cube "iK. 3c fer White Sastlnjr Cotton White Basting Cotton, fr 200 yards to spooL Nos. 40 and 50. Special at, spool The "Elite' Best American-Made Petticoats Smoothest fitting, fastens without tie or drawstring, never V bunches 'round waist, no opening at back, fits perfectly over the straight-front corsets, and is splendidly adapted to stout figures; in Mercerized and silk moreens, Italian cloth, alpaca, and satins; prices range wide $1.50 to. ...$7.5Q "American week" Attractions In Art Shop and "Royal Worcester" Salons 2d floor Cushion Tops of burlap linen, stamped and tinted in old Dutch designs; special at, each 13 Separate Backs for. Cushion Tops, of green art materials; special, each , 5 New Batfenberg and Point Lace Silk Braids in plain white, cream, ecru and black, or pretty combinations of colors. Also a full line of Lace Patterns. At our Royal Worcester Corset counter we are showing a full line of sizes of the famous Scott perfect form-fitting, in visible Bustle. JUSTING IN CHUSCH. Are Ours More Decors u Than Eng lish Yaung Peepte? Chicago Chronicle. . Coquetting anil love-making in church have been carried to such a. pitch fa Xioodon ttat the 4en of Norwich, de voted his sermon a week ago to a pro test against the prevailing habit of young people using the cathedral during holy Service as a place to carry on flirtations. To make the dean's words more effec tive, 70 stewards and one detective have been enrolled for the purpose of pre venting flirting In the nave. Any young person who has a frivolous air Is com pelled to so. into, a front seat where the eyea of the congregation are oa Wa. If tk flirting Is not the stopped the young person Is taken In hand and marched out of the' building. The necessity for such detective service In church was thought to have disap peared long ago. Car tag the first two centuries of settle ws-nt In Kew Eaglaad the churches were on the lookout for mis creants, and tithing nea were appointed to keep watch ef the young people. These detectives walked up and down the siMe ui -to and fro flottriecfavg a leeg atfoki OxxMfooally one would cry out In a se- pulchral tone In the midst of the sermon: '1 perceive there Is whispering In the gallery' and all eyes were turned In the direction of the eSesder. Lov6-saaktag was rigidly loeked after and all other nonsense of a similar k!uL For the last W years the tithing man has disappeared, even fresa the aaost re zaste rural districts of New Eaglasd. It was thought that a growing -sstf-respect and the toStwnoe of rsBtthBcss sentiment In the way of self -raUaaos had done away , with the necessity for a constant watch ing, during church service. Of late no cemplalats have been made of conspicuous love-malrfag in churches oa this side of the water. Perhaps ear young people know how to carry them selves with man decorwai than thsfc English cotwies. Ferhass they have plenty of opportunity elsewhere withsnt trespassing- ea the priTttge aKoededchy 'ctmrcb-irrtng. 'Perhaps they bars strer ways of ooadaettHr IwsfaMss. . ' At an eveats, it does not take 70 stewards- and oae detective to look out for flirtatious couplss In American churches. As t Lorif Hsads. JUmdon Dally MalL There was a good deal about long heads in the form of loasr words, la the Xwxlsjr meaterial leeture delivered last' nia-fat Wots the aathreaolsgteal Iasti tale y Dr. J.-Deal her, of Pari. The following are soae of the term used: Eyperdollchocsphalic (very la Be headed.) Dolichocephalic (long headed.) $ub-dolichlcephallc (moderately Ions; headed. Mesocephallc (medium headed.) Sub-brachyoephalie. (moderately short headed.) , . , Brachycephaltc (s&ert headed.) HypsrbrashyesaasJic (very short hoadsd.)