THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1905. ISTQURAFHOST The Leading MajS . Order House ON THE COAST Fifth, Sixth and Washington Sfs. "WHek hot ooimnman? to come to the STOSK PEONS YOTJJt WANTS. EXPERIENCED SHOPPERS WILL FILL THEM THE SATISFAC TORY WAY PROMPTLY, TOO. Parker - Unable to En thuse Voters. DOING BUSINESS ON THREE FLOORS OP THE NEW SIXTH-STREET ANNEX KITCHEN FURNISHINGS AND STOVES IN WEST ANNEX STORE, THIRD FLOOR. BEDS, BEDDING, CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES, WEST ANNEX, FOURTH FLOOR. LEADING- MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT AND CARPET WORKROOMS, WEST ANNEX; FIFTH FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR WEST ANNEX OPEN NEXT WEEK. THE MONSTER NEW ELEVATORS LARGEST ON THE COAST START TO RUN MONDAY NEXT. FIRST FLOOR WEST ANNEX OPEN SOON, THEN FORMAL "OPENINGS." MANAGERS ARE DOWNCAST STORE CLOSES AT 6 p-etcn.eusfedDev AMERICAN WEEK! 2 THE "DIKFERICTT STORE." Only Two Connecticut Towns at All Demonstrative. STAMFORD IS VERY CHILLY Jadge Is Ready to Make a Speech, but No One Appears Republicans Are Confident as Ever of Car rying New York. OBEGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Nov. L The Star prints the fol lowing dispatch from ita staff correspond ent -who accompanied Judge Parker on his recent trip: "Judge Parker's dash Into Connecticut was a half-Lnd-half affair. It promised to he a decided frost from the first two meetings, hut warmed up In the evening at Meriden and Hartford. The net result was disappointing to the Democratic man agers. They could not truthfully claim that Judge Parker set the prairie afire in Connecticut. He did not do It In New Jer sey, either. Thus at the close of the week, which opened auspiciously for the Seme crate, the Parker propaganda has made no material headway outside of New "York. The political pendulum did not rwing very far, after all, to the Demo cratic side. J "At Stamford the Judge was ready to ' make a speech, but no one appeared and "he told the conductor of the train to move on. At South Norwalk a handful of curi ous persona stood around. At Bridgeport, which is a large town, the Democratic candidate received a decided frost. This is the great Industrial center which gave , Speaker Cannon an enthusiastic welcome laat week. At New Haven the reception was chilly. The Judge drove from the station to the hall without a cheer being uttered. Many men were attracted to the meeting by curiosity to see the Judge. When Bryan came to New Haven in his campaign the mills shut down, business houses closed and the whole town turned out. There was no excitement in New Haven yesterday. "At Meridcn and Hartford the Judge re ceived genuine ovations. Large crowds listened to him and his remarks created enthusiasm." The close of the week finds the Republi can managers still confident of carrying New Tork for Roosevelt. The estimate most generally given Is 60,000 plurality for Roosevelt No reports from any section indicate the probability of Roosevelt los ing the state. VICTIM OF HIS ENVIRONMENT. barker Has Forgotten He Wanted Campaign Free of Abuse. NEW TORK, Nov 4. (Special.) The Tribune today says: , On August 17 Judge Parker wrote to George F. Parker, chief of the Democratic literary bureau, admonishing him that noth ing must sppear In the Democratic text-book which would In any wny reflect upon the honor and integrity of President Roosevelt. Now Parker is himself reiterating from the stump charges of a personal and offensive character attacking the honor of the Pres ident and the honesty of Chairman Cortelyou and repeating calumnies as baseless as they are beneath the dignity of a public man, to eay nothing of one who aspires to the Presi dency. Parker gives no dates, no amounts, no facta, Every Intelligent observer of the campaign Is forced to the conclusion that Parker, the victim of his environment, surrounded by politicians of the type of Hill, McCarren, Sheehan. et al., and goaded to desperation, has cast his better judgment and hit finer Instincts to the wind and thrown himself Into the unworthy part outlined by his political mentors. In playing this part he Is Im pressing the American public with his mental and moral unfitness for the great oface to which ha aspires. "HISTORY" BY A DEMOCRAT. He Declares Morgan Made Cortelyou Secretary of Commerce. NEW TORK, Nov. 4. (Special.) The Post prints the following: Charles Edwards, secretary of the Demo cratic Congressional committee, today gars out the following statement: In order to corroborate the statements made by Judge Parker on the stump con cerning the Bbamelcssness of the Republi can Administration in making Cortelyou chairman of the Republican National Com mittee In order to hold up the trusts by withholding Information possessed by m, I will give a. little history of how Cortelyou became Secretary of Commerce and Labor. I know It to be a fact that J. Plerpont Morgan wanted and demanded his friend as the head of this new department. When the bill for the creation of the new Cab inet position was before Congress J. Pler pont Morgan Insisted, upon a, promise from the President that he would appoint Cor telyou to the new place. Re knew Cortel you and knew he could depend upon his si lence with regard o knowledge of corpora tions which would he acquired by him in his new position. After "promises were made his lobby used every known Influence they could command to seccre the- passage of tho bill. If the promise had not been given the bill would never have seen daylight In Congrers. These I know to be facts. Taft May Succeed Justice Fuller. NEW TORK, Nov. 4. (Special.) The Herald today says: Chief Justice Fuller, of the Supreme Court, Is expected to retire on March 6. and In all probability If Roosevelt Is elected. Secretary of War Taft will be appointed to the va cancy. Fuller was appointed April SO, 1SS& Re is a Democrat. TO CUKE COLD IN ONE DAT, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All crurrlst refund the money If it fall to cure. S. w. u rove's signature is on eacn box. sac It Us Bo longer necessary to take blue pill "to rouse the liver to action. Car ter's Little Liver Pills are much better. Don't forget this. TWO SALES Saturday Sales IX THE APPAREL SALONS. Secoxa Fleer, New lines of very handsome Winter Suits. Over 200 in the splendid choosing-. Materials are Cheviots, and the smart mannish mixtures so popular in tailorings. Blacks, navys, browns and the Scotch and English novelty mixed goods. Some are In the Jaunty new Norfolk Jacket effects. In 27-lnch lengths, others In the swell 30 and 40 lnch Tourist Coat Suits and blouse styles. Some In tight-fitting jacket ef fects. All are smartly tailored by the best men tailors In New York, trimmed tastefully in braids, velvets, novelty button and strap effects. Some coats have velvet collars, some are full satin and taffeta lined, others lined to -waist line. The handsomest lot of the great est values ever yet offered In a suit sale by any Portland bouse Is what comprises the offerings in today's great bargain event in the Suit Salons. Best $25 and $28.50 Suits ever offered by any house, to our knowledge and we make It our business to keep post ed today only i I X. G choose at P Get the best 128.50 values by cornlng early in the day. The Tale of the 'Kerchief First Floor Shoo. V. Thousands and hundreds of v thousands of tlalnty 'Ker C chiefs for American folk In this great sale don t you need a few? Buy today and buy for Christmas. i Handkerchiefs of every good sort from the little wee ones for the children to the most elaborate and expensive tones for the ladv of fashion. 'Handkerchiefs or plain white children at, each 5 , Children's pure linen hand kerchiefs, with colored bor ders and initials, 8 In box. 35c. S6 and 75 the box. For the woman of plain tastes we have the Richardson pure linen Initial Handker chiefs 3 In a box at, per box. 75 and 91.00 Same, put up. 6 in a box, at, the box, -91.25, 82.00 and 92.50 Richardson's pure linen Handkerchiefs, with narrow hemstitched border either heavy or sheer at, each, 10, 12"r4, 15, 20, IS, 35 and 40 Also a line of semi-laundered initial hand kerchiefs in linen cambric at, each, 12 1-2, or 6 for 60 Sheer linen initial Handkerchiefs, semi-laundered, at, each 18c, or 6 for 75e TJnlaundered initial Handkerchiefs, with a spray of hand embroidery around the ini tial lx handkerchiefs In box at, the box 99 Dainty fancy Handkerchiefs, of pure linen, with either hemstitched or scalloped bor ders, at. each. 15, SO, 2S, 35, SO, 75 to $5.00 Same in boxes six In box at $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50 to $7.00 Beautiful Irish linen Handkerchiefs hand embroidered by Irish peasants either scal loped or hemstitched edges each 50, 75, $1.00 and $1.25 Handkerchiefs of exquisite beauty, which were made In the Canary Islands. The embroidery Is so fine and Is done on such fine material the linen being handa pun that the natives are obliged to use magni fying glasses while making these Hand kerchiefs to obtain the best results They are put up each one In a dainty box very suitable for a gift and easily sent by mall. Prices, each. $1.2$, $1.65, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 up to $17.50 Dainty lace trimmed Handkerchiefs. Prices, each. 25, 35, 50, 75, $1.00 and , $1.25 And In the real duchess lace, priced at, each, $1.50, $2.60, $3.75, $4.50 up to $25.e Wo show a full line of large colored Hand kerchiefs suitable for making klmonas, sofa cushion covers, aproae, etc., at, each Women's AMERICA RULES THE WORLD OP INDUSTRY 1 THERE'S TREMENDOUS INTEREST IN AMERICAN WEEK! Flood of commendatory letters artent the great exposition, of American productions we've been exploiting the past week, some from people very prominent in their several walks of life. We may ask the f a7or, later on, from the writers, to allow publication of same. We are pleased indeed at the interest manifested. Tourists from the great Eastern business centers have passed through the busy aisles this week and expressed amazement at the immensity and variety, the fine quality and top-notch mark of style of American products &3 displayed here. Good 'tis our mission to please and our public is indeed large. Such displays as are gathered here in these stores would be impossible elsewhere in all the West, for the simple reason that nowhere else is gathered, under one great tripod roof, such immense stocks, so carefully chosen, of splendidly made American goods. We print below a series of reminders of the savings made possible today, to our patrons, by the spe cial exploitation this "AMERICAN WEEK" of GOOD "HOME-MADE" PRODUCTS. LOOKERS AND BUYERS, TOURISTS AND HOMEFOLK, all look alike here. You're "at home" al ways at the "Old Homestead" "Daylight Store" but COME BEFORE 6 P. M. This "TODAY STORE" is closed after that. "Saturdays?" why, sure why not? 'Tis the better way. The Sweeping Slaughter of Millinery Stocks Continues Second Floor. Every Hat la the 'Hesse Mercilessly Re !taced! Neae Reserved, None Laid Aside! The Department to be cleared at eace of Ev ery Vestige of Stock! Reductions trend from one-fourth to one-third and one-half. No need to tell you of the great crowds that come seek ing these Dargams to jt -. nf ttA enthusiasm displayed over the values offered and the superb, handsome, stylish hats being so ruthlealy sacrificed. The fame .of the sale has gone into every home within shopping distance. Crowds come because theyve heard "the news of the bargains 01aa, Wortmasi King Heidi a Clear lag Sale et their Millinery Stocks." The choicest, amartest Hat ever breaght to gether la Portland, at year mercy at bar gala prices. The sale lasts all TrecJc We offer our entire millinery stock of all the newest creations :none reserved every hat in tho house goes at a uni form reduction of one-fourth off all regu lar prices.. To make the pace hotter still we will reduce special lots Oae-Thlrd and One Half off former low prices. Scattering' mentions 200 of the newest styles in Street and Ready-to-Wear Hats, Sailors, Tur bans and dress shapes in all new col ors, none less than $1.50 in value, others $S.00 qualities; ClXr special at 200 Ready-to-Wear and Tailored Street i Hats, in a big variety of shapes - very Btyllsh, feather, pompon., breast, wing, etc., trimmings; values i n to $4.00; special at i.- 200 Trimmed and Tailored Hats Tur bans and dress shapes, blacks, browns, navys, reds and greens; val ues to $5.00; 0 Q special, at Special Bargains at 3v $4.93 Look for tne Red prices they mark a carnage of price-slashing. Saeclal Extra Feather Turbans , in black, white and gray: great bar gains at $5.00; special this 0 QQ week for 3.0 Children's Day of American Week Attractions Added in Millinery Salons Sec end Floor fer Today. New Caps andTams for Young Americans More than a dozen of the newest Win ter styles and novelties, including the "Pike," "St Louis Expo" and "Buster Brown" Tam O'Sbanters; also our own Lewis and Clark Cap for boys and girls; navys, royals, cardinals, white, tans, brown and black form the color line. To add interest we add to the great Clear ing sale an offer of the entire balance of our Roosevelt or Parker Campaign Caps, 35c values, on I Or Saturday at 1 SATURDAY ENDS THIS STOVE SALE QUICK MEAL. Third Floor Housefitting Shops. GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF RANGES AND WOOD HEATERS, POR SATURDAY ONLY. Third Floor. r'Ouick Meal" Steel Hange, with higbj closet: value d.v u, special ior oatur-i day ?30.9 Ifl7.80 POR 00OKSTOVES WORTH (Quick Baker Steel Cook Stoves, with 16-incbj oven; regular SZ5.00 value, special J each ?17.80H PWOOD HEATERS $55. fK) POR HEAT ERS WORTH ?8.50, Good-size Wood Heaters, castiron top aadl front door, heavy steel lining; value $8.50 special for Saturday only, each $5.90 WE HAVE RECEIVED A $2.50 to $4 Tailored Waists at $ 1 .95 Today Only Another Inducement for your attendance here today. A splendid lot of pret ty tailored waists In flannels, alpacas and new granite cloths In reds, tans, navys, blacks, grays, blues and browns all nicely tailored, exquisite work Saturday a Busy Buying Day in Knit wear Aisles First Floor. WOMEN-, MISSES AND CHILDREN ENJOY THE CAN WEEK." W OMEN'S $1.25 WOOL UNDERWEAR FOR 98c Women's Medium Weight Jersey Ribbed underwear, 75 per cent wolo. In white and gray, vests hand-finished, extra silk trimmed. lortST sleeves; pants and tights with French band, ankle length this, is the famous Tierode Underwear the nest underwear made In America, regular 51.25 value spe cial American Sale price, each , ..08c 95c FOR WOMEN'S COTTON UNION SUITS, WORTH $1.25 Women's "Merode" Medium Weight Cotton Union Suits, in white, long or short sleeves, ankle length, -hand finished, extra silk trimmed, good value at $1.25 special American Sale price, suit.. 95o WOMEN'S 40c HOSE FOR 29c Women's Cashmere" Hose, American made, seamle&s, fine ribbed; many stores sell hose that are not aa good for 50c Our regular price for them Is 40c. Special American Sale price is only, pair - , sea CHILDREN'S AMERICAN-MADE HOSE Children's black Cashmere Hose, fine ribbed, seamless; sizes 5 to 7 ri ; value 26c American Sale price, pair... 16c Sizes 8 to 8; value 30c American Sale price, pair-lDc Sizes 9, 9ft and 10; value 35c American Sale price, pair 21c MISSES' AMERICAN MADE UNDERWEAR Misses' high grade, natural wool Vests and Pants a very fine, soft garment the very best of its kind for the money. Sizes 1 2 3 4 5 ,6 7 8 Regular price ....75c 80c 85c 90c 95c $1.00 $1.05 $1.10 Amer. Sale price.. 55c 60c 65c 70c 75c SOc 85c SOe 98c FOR WOMEN'S WOOL UNDERWEAR, WORTH $L50 We are selling, at extra special price, some odds and ends In Woiaen s Swiss and Richelieu Ribbed Wool ! Vests, in pink and gray; also Swiss Ribbed White Wool Pants all of them $1.50 values. American Sale price, the garment 9-Sc Saturday Specials First 55c FOB INFANTS LEGGINS, WORTH 75c Infants' white, black or red Crocheted Wool Drawer Leggins; excellent 75c value; Bpcclal for American Sale only, pair 55c BOYS' CASHMERE HATS FOR 30c Boys' Cashmere Hats, in plain and fancy check effects; a good assort- t Dainty Embroidery Firs Fleer. Come trooping in from Switzerland to visit their American, cousins during American week. They'll never go back unless to accompany American wearers. "Reason why?" Half price and lees dur ing this sale Shopers will choose 'em for their own. Compare regular and sale prices i Regular prices 25c and 30c, 35c 40c, 60c and 60c, 75c American Sale. Price 12Hc, 15c, 30c, 36c, S7J4c Regular prices. 90c and $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 American Sale Prices.. 4Se SSe 75e AMERICAN HERCULES BRAID XV THE SALE. Herculea Braids In all colors and widths Just the proper thing with whioh to trim the rough, dresses and coats. Regular pricea,7c lOo 15c 18c 20c 25o SOc America sale-Se 7c 9c 13c 14c 15e 19e 20 Cents for Pret ty Ribbons That sell everywhere among American store at 39e asd 35c a yard. The Ribbon Aisle, First Floor. Ribbons worth. 80c and 36c for 39?, About yards of all-silk Taffeta Ribbons, bought by u-s at a remarkably low figure. Ribbon 4 and 5 inches wis, ia all colors bloe, cream, ?lnk, turquo!e, old roee, lavesder. cardinal, scarlet, nlle, also black aad white; especially adapted for. neckwear. balrifebe-iw and fancy work; worth Bc and e the yard. Special American Sl Price only. yard........ , manship and finish, plaited and tucked. The values Included embrace waists at 12.50 to 34, regular, all in new and wanted styles special i l QX today only, at SPECIAL VALUES OF "AMBRI- for the Chiidren Floor. ment, all sizes; regular 60e and 7Eo values: special American Sale Price, each ...ate CHILDREN'S LISLE HOSE FOR 19c. Children's fine ribbed black Lisle Hose, with finished foot, linen spliced knee and double sole; sizes 5 to 9H; reg ular prices, 25c, 30c, S5c pair; for American Sale Price, pair 18e SH0ES...T0DAY First Floor. The world afoot. America's product Is the world's foundation. All civilized mankind Is shod with American footwear. "Why?" Cause it's Just like this store best The "O. W. K." Shoe for men, at $8.60, is a hobby'of ours good reason for it 'tis the best $5 Shoe in town for men's wear but 'tis $3.50 Instead. Beat product of a "best" Brockton, Mass., shoemaker. They coma in 25 choice styles, made of velour calf, box calf, vld kid, patent colt or storm calf; Blucher or ball styles, narrow, medium or wide toes; extra heavy double soles. The best stock and workmanship are put Into these Shoes, and they are aa good as any $5.00 Shoe made. Price, ca the pair Women's S3.50 and $4.00 Shoes for $2.54 Women's Street Shoes, in new Fall styles in patent colt, patent kid, box calf and vlci kid, seat reusa toes and military heels, newest lasts heavy soles; with full exten sion edges; regular $8.50 and $4.00 values. Special American Sale Price, j-O jr pair. Jps?. Boys' Shoes Soys' Winter Shoes, with good, heavy double sole and full round toe made of box calf, built to wear well SKaes 11 to 13, -American Sale Price... l.i Sixes 13H to 2, American Sale Price, .$1.7 Siaee 2'7i to American Sale Price. .$. Misses' Shoes Wlater Sfece fer Biases coma in box calf or vlei kid. with heavy ols, neat round toes aad safety or spriag heels Slxe 9n to 11, American Bale Price, pair 91.8S Afees 11$ to 2, AB&erieaa Sale Price, pair Stews 2 to f& Amrieaa Sal Trice. ' pair .7. ...- . ,sc P. M. THE "DAYLIGHT STORE" Thanksgiving Table Napery ' Annual Sale The World's Best Linens Serve America's Great Fes tal Season, Thanksgiving TABLJ& ILHEK' .The LIbcb Store First Fleer. SPECIAL SALE ALL TABLE LINEN SHARPLY REDUCED. How may we apply this product of Ire land. Germany, Scotland and Franco to an "American Sale?" one might ask; 'TIs true that climatic conditions preclude the possibility of manufacturing linens in competition with the great flax-growing countries. But Americans demand the best linens In the world the most durable and flnest so we, as one of America's largest linen buyers, go to the first source of supply the famous Irish Richardson family of Belfast, .and use our best American Judgment, ac quired m over a quarter century of care- ful linen buying, and select linens for this big store's great shopping family. Special values today. DAMASK WORTH 81.59 FOR 91.23. Bleached Damask, 72 Inches wide and extra good value at $1.50 the yard. Spe cial Thanksgiving and American Sale price at yard Sl.23 NAPKINS to match, dinner size. Special Thanksgiving and American Sale price at, the dozen &SS BLEACHED DAMASK WORTH $1.25 FOR $1.05. Bleached Damask, 72 inches wide"; regu lar $1.25 value. Special Thanksgiving and American Sale price, the yard. $1.85 NAPKINS to match, dinner size. Special Thanksgiving and American Sale price, the dozen $3.43 LUNCH NAPKINS, regular $3.00 value. Extra Special for Thanksgiving and American Sale, the dozen ........ $2.48 LINEN SETS. Table Cloths, size 2x2. yards, with 1 dozen Dlnnr Napkins to match. Special Thanksgiving and American Sale price, set 95S5 Table Cloth, size 2x2 yards, with 1 dozen Dinner Napkins to match. Special Thanksgiving and American Sale price, set $.75 Table Cloth, size 2x3 yards, with 1 dozen Dinner Napkins to match. Special Thanksgiving and American Sale price, et 97.49 Separate Cloth, size 2x2 yards. Special Thanksgiving and American Sale price, each 92.70 Separate Cloth, size 2x2 yards. Spe cial Thanksgiving and American Sale price, each 9&35 Separate Cloth, size 2x3 yards. Special Thanksgiving and American Sale price, each 94.96 TRAY CLOTHS, TEA CLOTHS, LUNCH CLOTHS, SIDEBOARD SCARFS, DOI LIES, ALL AT SPECIAL THANKS GIVING AND AMERICAN SALS PRICES. 13e FOR COTTON SUITINGS WORTH 15c Dark Mixed Cotton 'Suitings; regular 15c value. Special American Sale price, yard ..12c 10c FOR 13e FLANNELETTES. A large assortment of American-made Flannelettes; regular 12 c value. Spe cial American Sale price, yard 19e WOOL WAISTINGS. All the latest designs in fancy Wool Suit ings, American made. Special Amer ican Sale price, yard . -Mc, 75c and SSe HALF-WOOL FABRICS . Voile Crepe and Superfine Voile, 36 inches wide, have the touch, finish, luster and draping qualities of costly fabrics at popular prices; also Danish and Poplar Cloth, 38 Inches wide. We have a splendid assortment of colors In both these lines. Special American. Sale price, the yard 36c School Vote for Award of Panama Canal Model An eminently American educational feature. Have" you Master and diss sent in your composition yet? There's Xmas money in it. Tie Vote at S F, M. Yesterday Stei High School 95.215 St, Mary's Academy ......... 87,023 Harrison School 82,050 Portland Academy 65,116. Park School 61,226 Atkinson School . 35,835 Williams-Avenue School .... 26,34: Failing School r 23,389 Sunnyside School, 1S,'60- Holladay School 18,459 Total votes , 607.W7 4wf r I m 1 fi n