Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 05, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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"American Week"
lEe Meier & Frank Store
"American Week"
Local Option Law Is a
Prohibition Scheme.
Cunningly Designed to Secure
Dry Counties.
Provision for Preclnfct Option Was Put
In to Catch Votes Promise Never
Made, He Says, Not to Aim at
County Prohibition.
The local-option law "was first con
ceived by us Prohibitionists, the bill
was drafted by our attorney to promote
the cause of prohibition, his fee came
out of our pockets, and we shall make
the fullest possible use of the law for
obtaining county prohibition throughout
the state. The law la shaped to pro
mote, not precinct option, primarily,
but county prohibition, and precinct op
tion was put In the bill as a minor pre
vision In order to gain the support of
those persons who wished to exercise
the precinct privilege. The Anti-Saloon
League, the Citizens' Committee of
Portland and other bodies took up the
causa after we started It. "5Venever
promised them we would refrain from
.invoicing the law for county prohibition.
Statement of I. H. Amos, chairman of
the Prohibition -Party of Oregon.
Chairman L H. Amos makes clear that
members of the Prohibition party did not
emphasize the precinct option part of the
bill In the election last June. Other prom
inent. Prohls have said the same, among
them being: E. O. Miller, secretary of the
State Prohibition Committee, and B. Lee
Paget All of them aver that the advo
cates of the bill -who denied it was a
prohibition measure and asserted it to
have "been designed for precinct option,
instead of for county prohibition, were
The father of the bill are stalwart Pro
hls, such as Mr. Amos, Mr. Paget, F. Mc
Xercher and H. W. Stone. B. C. Bron
augh is the attorney who embodied the
ideas of the four others in the bill as it
went before the voters. Mr. Bronaugh
says that he followed faithfully the pur
poses of those who engaged his services.
that he regrets several parts of the law
but that on the whole the measure is of
high merit. He would have preferred to
allow electors to vote their own precinct
"wet" and others "dry" in other words
to make precinct option paramount in the
bill, instead of county option but that
was not acceptable to the four other men.
Birth of Local Option Idea.
"What was afterward called the "local-
option" idea was brought ,forth one day
last Spring at luncheon, when the quar
tet above named rubbed their knees to
gether under the table and by attrition of
their Intellects conceived the notion of
trying for prohibition under the initiative
clause of the constitution. They agreed
then and there to have a bill drafted and
to pay the cost thereof out of their own
pockets, share and share alike. Mr.
Bronaugh took the work In hand, and in
five days after receiving the commission
the bill was complete.
"A remarkable bill it is, too," said Mr.
Amos yesterday, "to have been framed
so quickly and now to withstand the test
ot the courts so stanchly."
Mr. Amos and his compatriots insist
that It is inconsistent, illogical and inde
fensible for a man to want a saloon out
of his own precinct and yet to wish it
retained in another precinct. Therefore
his party cannot put up with precinct op
tion and will labor Incessantly for county
prohibition. The local option law con
forms to their ideas in every respect, for
it was made to fit them in the first place.
"If a man can expel a saloon from his
own precinct," said Mr. Amos, "should
he not be delighted if county prohibition
comes to him as a free gift? When
man works to earn $100 and $1000 falls to
his portion, is he not pleased?"
The chief of the cold-water forces in
Oregon laughed triumphantly and then
Prohibition Not Precinct Option.
"Precinct option was never our object.
"We knew we had to work for something
higher. TVe had before us the example
of many other states, 'and indeed that of
our very own, which has been trying
many years to get out of precinct option,
County prohibition, to our mind, needs no
defense. If the majority of the residents
of a county desire suppression of the
liquor traffic within its boundaries they
are certainly entitled to it"
"Then, in a county election," was asked,
"you planned the law so that an elector
could not vote his own precinct 'dry" and
the rest of the county 'wet'?"
Law Not an Accident.
"Yes, we did just that. The provision
in the law covering that point is not there
hy accident. Furthermore, we foresaw
that in some counties the vote would be
close, and we thought that those pre
cincts whloh voted for prohibition should
get It even if the county as a whole re
jected it.
"It's a marvel we have succeeded so
well; yes. sir. a marvel. Only a fortuit
ous chain of circumstances has brought
the prohibition cause Its present good for
tune. We've got the liquor forces in this
state on the run. Nowhere in the United
States are they traveling so rocky a
To show that the course of the Prohibi
tion party has been consistent and open
all through the recent contest, Mr. Amos
cited that his forces at no time denied
the law was to be an Instrument for ef
fecting prohibition. In the last campaign
the liquor people Issued a pamphlet di
gest of the bill on which was printed the
assertion: "The local option law would
mean absolute prohibition in Oregon."
Instead of challenging that assertion.
Prohibitionists adopted It for advancing
their own cause. The pamphlet they cir
culated, themselves as campaign literature
and spread it, together with the foregoing
statement, broadcast over the state.
"Played No Sly Tricks."
"We have not played any sly tricks,"
said Mr. Amos. "We have taken no ad
vantage of the law and shall not. Wo
shall pursue the same open course through
to the end."
The Denver & IUo Grande will ran a
eerie of special personally conducted ex
cursions to St. loule during the World's
I" air. No chance of cars Portland to St.
ljuls. Call at U4 Third street for nartle-
. Women's Neckwear Specials
Saturday bargain news front Portland's largest uA bet
women's Neckwear storeNew, pretty neck pieces at stav
prkmsty low prices
Silk-embroidered StontrR in lio-Trr.
tab effects, great spe- -iO
cial values at each
Narrow Taffeta Ties in all the
newest colorings, the
best 35c values at ea mSrrG
f Long Tab Silk Stocks, hemstitched
Neckwear, today at. .
Heavy Butcher Linen Turnovers, em
broidered ui light blue and white
A-?rsr J witn ouixonnoie siois, j
ralSS1 50c values for OOC
w(ir&ili $ Embroidery Collars in washable ma-
7 terials, assorted designs : l 1
4rUZ VttlUCO. ................
7Jk S-
"Stage," the New Card Ge, 5Qc Third Floor
Principal Agents for Batterick Patterns ami PaMtcotioBS
Great Sale of Women's $5.00 Shoes at $3,45 Pair Today
Knit Underwear
Women's Hosiery
"Harvard Mills" Knit Underwear for wo
men, fleece-lined vests, high neck; long
sleeves, handsomely made and finished,
white and cream only, all sizes, AQr
75c values rzfC
Open Tights to match the above, pr..47c
women's heavy fleece-lined Vests and
Pants, the best.eOc values, for
Heavy cotton-fleeced Union Suits, the best
styles, well made and finished, dl.
great value at . DOC
Women's "Wool Hose. 1 and 1 or plain
with ribbed top, merino heel and q
toe, all sizes, great value, pair.... IfC
Women's Wool Hose, 35c quality, 1 and 1
ribbed or plain with rib top, me
rino heel and toe, 35c values for..?
Women's fine ribbed Wool Hose, -i.
regular 50c values, this sale. pr...3'
Picture Framing, Second Floor
Fancy Ornaments, paper weights, ink
wells, etc., elk; and deer. 2Bc-c A
values 14C
Whisk Broom Holders, with poet
pictures on front, 35c values, for. 14C
Fancy Flowered. Picture Frames, -25c
values, each OC
Hand-Painted Photo Frames, different
sizes, oval, round and square, college
60c values 29c75c values .38c
$L00, $1.25. $1.50, .$2.00 Framed Pictures,
great variety of subjects, rQ
remarkable value J?C
GxlS" Etchings. In' -2-inch fancy aQ
frames, $25 values 7OC
Great Millinery Bargains
Novenriter clearance sale in the milfeery department
Trimmed Hats, Tailored Hats, Untrimraed, Hats, the best
bargains November has ever of
feredSecond Floor
Handsome ready-to-wear Hats in at
tractive, shapes and trimmings ; over
300 in this lot, values up Cf
to $3.50, on sale today eav vv
Silk and Velvet ready-to-trim Hats,
new shapes, values up to $2.50; on
sale today at this QA
low price OC
"Women's $5.00and $6.00 Beaver Hats,
best colors and shapes,
great values . .' P3 3J
Children's and Misses' Trimmed Hats
entire stock at special low prices.
Inf ants ' Bonnets at special prices. Second floor..
Portland's Leading Cloak Store
With its immense assortments of women's and children's ready-to-wear apparel is the
favorite garment store for the shopping public of the Northwest The cloak chief now in
Eastern fashion centers has been sending thousands of new
Raincoats, Tourist coats, Velvet suits, Silk suits, Tan cov
erts and new dress suits The stock is at high tide and repre
sents everything that's new and desirable We call particn
lar attention to the
"Cravenettes" $16.50, $18
Two great lots of "Women's Raincoats at popular prices
Lot 1 Women's Cravenette Raglans, fitted- back, belt all around,
double-cape and collarless effect; Oxfords and i L tf
olives; the grandest values in town at V w JVI
Lot 2 "Women's Cravenette Raglans in tan, trimmed with red or
green Broadcloth and brass buttons, also tailored effects with
tourist back and belt, tans, olives and Oxfords ; 1 o AA
wonderful values at V
Handsome English Raincoats at $22.50, $24 up to 50.
Tourist Coats at $16.50
Full -length Tourist Coats in tan covert with belt, O 1
collarless, the best value in town at the low price of .H OsJv
Tourist Coats in tan Covert Cloth, loose back with belt, notched col
lar, lined throughout; an immense assortment of -new styles at
prices ranging from $18.00 up to $48.00.
Our Children's Department
is the largest and best in the city Every thing in children's ready-to-wear
apparel, new styles, new materials, and in every instance
we guarantee the lowest prices These specials today
Children's Cashmere School Dresses, red, blue and brown, Hussian style
piping and button trimming, ages 6 to 14 years; the regular
$3.00 values are on sale today at .'ipVs "
Children's Dresses of plain Cashmere and fancy plaid material, assorted
colors, ages 4 to 12 years; the regular $2.50 values tf J AQ
on sale today at t
Children's Cravenette Raincoats, 6 to 14 years, cape collars, full box back
with belt; best styles and colors; prices range from $7.50 to $14.
Children's Long Coats, box back with belt, with or without cape collar,
newest material, $5.00 to $18.00.
Complete line of Children's Dresses, Russian style, "Sister Brown" styles,
plain materials, shepherd plaids, $1.25 to $20.00.
"PETER THOMPSON" and "Buster Brown Sisters" Coats and Dresses,
all the newest and most serviceable styles and materials; largest show
ing in the city. Second floor.
Our Men's Clothing Store
Wants the opportunity of demonstrating to economical men what really good clothing
can be purchased here at prices fully 25 below what equal grades cost yon as the exclnsive
clothing store Every good American make, such well-known clothing as Stein-BIochs,
$2 French Kid Gloves $ 1 .29
"Valuers" 2-button P. K. Suede Gloves
In mode, tan and some "white, beau
tiful quality, sizes B?i to 6; the best
$2 values, for this sale, per ri on
pair P
"Perrins" P. K. Suede in tiro and
three-clasp, modes and tans only,
sizes 5 to 7; Perrins' finest c )
quality, best J2 values, pair. 3
Handsome Street Gloves, in mocha, 2
clasp P. K.. in colors black, gray,
tan: broken lots, about all c 1 OQ
sizes, regular 52 values, pr.. 1
Saturday Ribbon Specials
Four-Inch all-slllc Taffeta Ribbons, In
a variety of 20 leading shades. In
cluding black and -white, 25c i e
values, yard UC
Four-inch satin Taffeta Ribbons, fine
quality, 12 shades. 25c value, jn
yard f c
Pure Bilk Mousselain Ribbon, 4 inches
wide, all colors, superior qual- q
Ity, best 25c values, yard OC
Sale Sheets and Pillow Cases
72x90 Sheets, hemmed and torn, AA
great value'. ,...;
81x90 Sheets, hemmed and torn, tq
mt value... yC
42x36 Pillow Cases, hemmed and o
torn, each J1
All the above are unusual values.
45x56 Pillow .Cases, hemmed and
torn, eacn : w
(5x36 Hemstitched Pillow Cases,
$1.25 Rugs at 83c
For today we offer 300 Axminster
Rugs, 18x36 inch, Oriental and
floral design, regular 05
$1.25 values '....03C
Another great lot of All-Wool In
grain Samples, new patterns and
colors; great special
value piece .C
500 Matting Samples,. 1 yard by
14-yard pieces, suitable for rugs
take your pick C
"Women's -unlaundered hand-embroidered
Initial Handkerchiefs,
best 25c values, for, each. .15
Women's Swiss hemstitched and
scalloped, embroidered Handker
chiefs; immense variety of pat
terns; 35c-40c values at. ..25$
Adler Bros. &. Co., Hart, Schafmer &. Marx, Kirschbaum & Co.,W&sh
ington Co. and others These splendid values on sale today 2d floor
Men's Suits at $12.15 Each
The styles and materials the exclusive clothier asks you $18.00 for; our regu
lar $15.00 values; Cheviots and Fancy Tweeds; strictly all , j e
wool best styles and patterns each P J
Men's Suits at $15.85 Each
The grade of garment the exclusive clothier asks you $25.00 for; our regu
lar $20.00 styles; finest quality Fancy Cheviots; single or double-breasted
sack styles; very best patterns; big variety to choose from; e ff
great values at 7.'. J.O J
Men's Belt Overcoats $15.10
ilen's $20.00 Belt Overcoats in the latest cut, newest and best patterns- and
materials; this season's very best styles, selling regularly at. . C f
$20.00 a Coat 3 v
Men's $22.50, $25.00 Overcoats $18,65
Men's $22.50 and $2o.00 iong Overcoats, made of. All-Wool Fancy Covert
' Cloths, splendid styles, selling regularly at $22.50 and $25.00; , re
your choice. ...... . P
Men's Ail-Wool Oregon Cassimere Trousers pair ;. . S1.95
Men's $6.00 -Fancy Worsted Trousers for pair $4.95
Men's Furnishing Goods Specials
Saturday's grand array of men's furnishing goods bargains.
Seasonable and staple apparel of all kinds at rock bottom
prices Shrewd men will take qmck advantage of these
money saving chances
Men '.8 fancy lisle thread Soxall the new stripes and fig
ures, open-work and embroidered, 50c and 65c values
Men's handsome Silk Ascot Ties, desirable patterns
and colors; 50c values
Choose from our entire stock of 50c Suspenders today at
the low price of
All our $1.00 Golf and Bosom Shirts, in Oxfords, Madras
and Cheviots, splendid patterns .arid colorings, all sizes,
Men's Natural Wool Underwear, Shirts and Drawers,
Winter weight, regular $L25 values, for..;i....
Men's silver gray ribbed Wool Underwear, Shirts and
Drawers, best $1.00 values, on sale at
Boys'-All-Wool $1.50 Sweaters,best styles, today each ... $1.27
Men's Gray Suede Gloves; $1.00,and $1.25 values, today pair 89
'Perrins" genuine French Kid Gloves for Men Suede and Glace, tans and grays, all' sizes,
very pair guaranteed to give satisfactory wear today only at pair
"Home-Made" Uiidermuslins
High-class Undermcslins at kiterestiag
prices The finest Gowns, Petticoats,
Chemise and Drawers Special pur
chases at wonderfully little cost Take
Gowns are nainsooks and cabrics, fine embroider
and lace-trimmed, Insertions, headings and . ribbons,
longr and short-sleeves; beautiful styles; all Blre3 Sec
ond Floor
t&.CQ, tS.ed Go-sens Jl.PS
16.00 Gowns are S3.&8
Je.Sd Gowns are 38.87
CnemJse 34.36
96.00 Irawers J2.G3
Jt.00 Gowns J3.S7
J7.00 Gowns- 54.98
JM and 511 Gowns 53.37
33.50 Chemise ...32.33
53.50 Drawers 33.3S
' Handsome high-grade White Petticoats, having wide
flounces, elaborately trimmed with dainty embroider
ies, laces, insertions, headings and ribbons; separate
dust-raffles; values no woman wants to -miss
$5100 and 3650 V2.luee.SL9S $7.50 values 14.98
33.09 values - 3J.P8 $10.09 values 35.S7
$13.50 values , ..$7.97
Book Department
100 "Ways of Cooking Eggs.
100 "Ways of Cooking Fish.
100 Becipes for Desserts.
Episcopal Prayer Book, q
and Hymnal combined. . .
"Confessions of a "Wife," by
Mary Adams, $1.5.0
edition, on sale for. .JvC
"Henty" Books for boys, " 1 Q
25 titles, greatrvaliie. . .
"Black Friday," Isham.
"Zelda Dameron," Nicholson.
"The Happy Average," "Whitlock.
All three of the above books are
enjoying a phenomenal run; pub
lishers' price $1.50; our price is
$1.08 copy.
Famons "Royal" Roasters
They will roast the turkeys right
worth their weight in gold.
10zl4-lnch, special, each..". S2o
UxlG-lnch, special, each. 90c
12xl"-lnch. spedal. each $1.09
40c Family Roasters, 9xl-ln 28c
50c Family Roasters. 10xl5-in 35c
60c Family Roasters. 12x17-In 42c
P-12-lnch Brlp Pans .T. 11c
10-12-lnch Drip Pans...... 12c
Uxl7-inch Drip .Pans 16c
51.00 Granite Tea Kettles 65c
15c Wire Toasters, each 11c
Asbestos Griddles, each 27c
Asbestos Fry Pans, each 7c
Metal Salt and Pepper Shakers, pr-.15c
EOc Bread Knives, each 23c
S-plece Beef Carvers, 53.75 values,
for, set. 53.13
Cake-Baking Demonstration
In the basement, 10 to 12 A. M. and 2
to 5 P. 1L Professor Chapman, the
expert, gives dally lessons free -of
charge. Crowds are' attending come.
Great Thanksgiving salo ot Fancy
China and Cutlery.
A Great Thanksgiving Linen Sole
Hemstitched Satin Damask Table Cloths, beautiful styles, all the
best grades at Thanksgiving Sale prices:
$4,50 Cloths for.. $3.80 $7.00 Cloths for. .$5.80
$5.00 Cloths for. .$4.20 $9.00 Cloths for. .$7.30
$6.00 Cloths for. .$4.90 $10 Cloths for. . . .$8.20
Hand-embroidered Afternoon Tea Cloths" and Center Pieces, beau
tiful designs and qualities; great bargains at the following prices:
$2.25 Pieces, $1.87 each $4.50 Pieces, $3.85 each
$2.50 Pieces, $2.10 each $5.00- Pieces, $4.35 each
$3.00 Pieces,. $2.60 each $6.00 Pieces, $5.20 each
Our entire stock of Dinner Napkins, all grades, feeet patterns. Im
mense variety, all at Thanksgiving Sale prices. The grandest Nap
kin bargains ever offered:
$2.00 Napkins $1.72 doz
$2.50 Napkins $2.05 doz
$3.25 Napkins $2.68 doz
$400 Napkins $3.25"1ioz
All Napkins up to $12.50 dosen at resaeed .prices..
72-inch Satin Damask Table Dlnens, all the
best patterns; regular. $1.00 grade, at.gQQ
72-lnch Satin Damask. Table 'Linens, handsome
designs, -regular $1.36 grade.-at the low rA -price
of, yard zftG
72-lnch Satin Damask Table Llneas, all the
. regular $1.59 values, for,, the j
72-lach Satis Damask Table Linens, the $2.36
grades, for this sale at the low price
of. yard, i.0
Hemstitched Damask Tray Cloths; 17x28
inches; values. extraordinary at the lew i
price, each.... j iC
HesFistltehe4 Dasaask Tray Cloth. 39x38
laches, marvelous values, at, each OJ
Hesastlfchsd Damask' Tea Cloths, ail the best
sizes and patterns; great bargains. All $3.66
Tray Cloths fer $2.S each; 2.e grades, $l."5e
each; VIM. grades, $1.21 each;
grades, each OJC
See the ser TrecK Table Llneas befog offeree
afrTbsnhwgfrvfoy Bale Prices.
Boys' arid Yogiig Men's Clothing
Little" Boys Overcoats in dark blue and Ox
fords, donble-hreasted with brass buttons,
velvet collar -and belted back, sizes 2y2 to
8 years, regular $4.50 values,
on sale for.. , sOr
Boys' School Suits in brown, green and gray
mixtures, checks and plaids, ages 8 to 16
years, regular $3.95 values, fQ
on sale at! .7W
Boys' Overcoats in dark Oxfords, full
length, velvet collar, belted back, ages 7
to 14 years ; regular $5:00 q c
values,, for the low price of. . . .2JJ'
"Buster Brown" and Russian Blouse Suits,
in reds, royals and gray .mixtures, ages
24 to 5-yrs., handoie styles, ,? C Q pr
regular $7 and $750 vals., for. J4r
Young jVfea's Suits in new brown and gray
mixtures; ages 16 to 20 yrs., t 1 i Qj
all new fyl, xeg. $18 vals. OKJ
Touiif Men's Overeeftts, new "brown plaid ages 16 to 20 jK i " m
ymr: & tak ;esoa? Vast gftnacnts. ... .".... w
Irjj I