3 10 THE MORNING OlUHUUriiAK, SATUKDAX, NOVEMBER 5, 1904. INDIANS AT THE FAIR They Will. Display Both Wild and Civilized West GANQES ON GUILD'S LAKE Expectations of Eastern People to Be Gratified by Sight, of Red Men, Both Before and After Con tact With White Men. Indiana are to be one of the features of the Lewis and Clark amusement attrac tions. It is-recognlzed at Lwis and Clark headquarters that the Easterner never loses Interest In Indians, cowboys and other features of the West in the early days. It is intended that the most exact ing Easterners will have every 1 opportu nity afforded to see Indians, both in their savage state and in their present condition-Much attention is now being giv& to the Indian features. It has been decided ihat a Wild "West show Is an essential, and, while this show will most probably come under the head of concessions, the Indian schools and exhibits tending .to show the progress of the Indian will be under the direct supervision of the Expoi sltion management. The management will siss .secure the services of Indian canoe men on Guild's Lake. These redskins will represent every tribe that was in any way associated with Lewis and Clark on their famous journey across the Western Con tinent. They will be dressed exactly as were their ancestors a hundred years ago, and their canoes will be the rude bark-and-skln craft in "use at that distant period. Skilled in paddling these vessels, the tribesmen will furnish a striking pic ture as they ply the waters of Guild's Lake. For the Wild "West feature the advisa bility is being considered of setting aside several acres of land for an Indian camp to be constructed and maintained by the Indians themselves in essentially Indian fashion. The sham attacks on emigrant trains and skirmishes with cowboys and pioneers could be held on one of the pa rade grounds. . Several offers to bring Indians here are already on file. One of the most favor able was received yesterday from Captain Nolan, a noted Indian scout, who makes his headquarters In Spokane. He states that he has 200 Indians on contract who could be brought here. They are all the finest types of the tribes of the North west, he states, and have plenty of the eouioment. necessary to a Wild West tournament. Captain Nolan says the In dlans have expressed a willingness to come here, always being anxious to en gage in realistic sham maneuvers, since actual warfare Is aenied them. In connection -with the Wild West fea tures will also be broncho-riding contests. shooting tournaments, both mounted and dismounted, roping contests and other Western feats of physical endurance and prowess, such as arouse the admiration of the tenderfoot, who will undoubtedly be represented In numbers. "It is these essentially Western attrac tions that the Easterner Is going to look for." said an experienced Exposition at tache, "and they will be disappointed If they do not see the Wild West of the past on a more elaborate scale than ever before presented." PLACARDS TO CATCH EYE. Will Be So Prepared That Visitors May Read as They Pass. The important matter of arranging suit able placards for the different parts of the state's exhibit is under consideration by the Lewis am Clark State Commis sion, which has charge of the entire Ore eon exhibit. Many suggestions have been considered, but the system o be adopted is one in which economy of attention is the prin cipal factor. The placards are to be large and displayed in such manner thz the visitor may read while passing the ex hlblt as the average person will hardly stop at every exhibit, and advantage must be taken of his haste. In large letters the name or the ex hibit will Je placarded, together with terse and comprehensive inscription set ting forth a few of its principal charac teristics. For example, the walnut ex hibit will be announced somewhat as fol lows: "Walnuts. "Flourish in Oregon. Supply scarce, Demand large. Price high." Under this announcement will be more detailed information and the fullest de tails of the industry can be obtained by any one becoming interested. The details of the placarding system are now being worked out by Secretary E. C. Giltner. KIND WORDS FROM ST. LOUIS Globe-Democrat Recommends Liberal Support of OregorfXountry Fair. In its editorial columns the St Louis Globe-Democrat, one of the leading pa pery of the Middle West, devotes more than a column of space to the Lewis and Clark Exposition, in an Issue of several days ago. The Globe-Democrat advises general participation In .the Portland Fair next year and states tnauthe project is most worthy and Is hound to bring In estimable good to America. The editorial concludes as follows: The country would be profited by giving liberal support to the. Lewis and Clark Expo- Ition. It Is situated very far from tne center of the country, to be sure, and thug will be at a disadvantage as compared with Chicago In 1693 and St. Louis in 1904. But the Oregon metropolis la a very progressive and Interest ing city. The Pacific Coast Is a very Im portant part of the National domain, and every American ought to take especial pains to visit It some time or other In his life. The chance for crossing the Continental Divide and enter ing the vast empire on the country's sunset verge ought to appeal to the great body of Americans living to the east of the mountains. Portland's Fair will deserve and should receive a liberal patronage from the people of the whole United States. WALNUTS GROWN IN OREGON Supply Does Not Approach demand and Price Is High. Several sacks of walnuts to form the nucleus of a walnut exhibit were pre rented to the State Commission yesterday by Thomas trince, of .Dundee. The wal nuts are fine specimens and show what nutbearing trees can Jo in the North west. ' "This is a branch of the farming Indus try that Is wrongly neglected, said Mr. Prince. "Not only do walnuts grow well In Oregon, but the supply is entirely in adequate to the demand. I can sell every walnut I raise in my orchard and get big rates for them. The farmer who does not include a number of walnut trees in his orchard is overlooking a good bid." TO PREVENT EXTORTION. Fair Management Arranging for Uhi form Charges by Draymen. .Negotiations were commenced yesterday between the Lewis and Clark manage ment and local truckmen and transfer companies looking to the establishment of a uniform rate of charge- for transferring' exhibits and Ahe equipment of concession aires. The Draymen's Association had a committee on hand to carry on nerotla 'tiosSj and after looking over th ExpotI tion grounds the commlttee'agreed to sub mit a schedule within a day or two. The Idea of the Exposition management Is to prevent exorbitant transfer charges to participants in the Fair, and, unless an agreement is reached with local haul ers, the management may arrange an In dependent transfer system. AT THE THEATERS What the Press Agents Say. MATINEE AT MARQUAM. Last Performance of "The County Chairrrian" This Afternoon. This afternoon at 2:15 o'clock the 'last performance of the greatest of all comedy-dramas, "The County Chairman," will be given at the Marquam Grand The ater. Never in the history of theatricals have the newspapers' of this city urged the people to witness a play as they have this clever comedy. Now, don't be late and say "I -wish I had gone." This is. as all the papers have said, one of the best plays most capably acted that Port land ever had. No performance tonight. Last Chance Tonight. In Mlzzoura" Is admittedly one of the funniest of American comedies, and that Portland can appreciate a good thing Is demonstrated by the big business done at the Columbia Theater all through this week. This afternoon it will be presented In matinee, and the final performance of the bill will take place tonight. Ever since the big old Missouri ox team appeared on the streets with the famous saying, "Pike County or bust," printed on the wagon, the theater-goers who remem bered the first Ralph Stuart production and Miss Countlss' great portrayal of the girl, Llzbeth, began talking of the play and advising friends to be sure and see it. Nearly every one who saw it at that time went again to the Columbia this week. and it is safe to assume that not one was disappointed in the excellent rendition given by Portland's present favorites. To night is positively the last chance to see "In MIzzoura" for a long time to come. It should not be missed 1y any lover of character study and genuine fun and comedy. . 4 "Heart of Chicago" Today. But two more performances of the greatest spectacular melodrama of the age, "The Heart of Chicago," Lincoln J. Carter's masterpiece, will be given at Cordray's the schoolchlldren's matinee this afternoon and the final performance this evening. Lincoln J. Carter is so well known that the American people need no Introduction to him or his work, and it was long ago decided that "The Heart of Chicago" is the best of his many melo dramatic spectacles; It Is 11 years old and Is just as powerful and Ihrilling now as it was in 1S33, when it was first pro duced. You should, not miss it today. COMING ATTRACTIONS. Promise a Fine Performance. There is every promise that In "The Girl I Left Behind Me" the Columbia Theater Stock Company will do some of the very 'best work in its history- Rehear sals have indicated that the play will be done with a thoroughness, spirit and dash that must, in Itself, appeal strongly to theater-goers. Mr. Baume will play Lieu tenant Hawkesworth, a part which he has given thorough study on more than one occasion, and every requirement of which he understands. Miss Countlss also has Kate Kennlon, the Army officer's daugh ter, and Portlandera will remember with pleasure her excellent impersonation, es pecially her strong emotional work In the third-act. when the stockade Is about to be captured by the Indians and her father is on the verge of killing her, to save her from a worse fate. Mr. Bernard will play his old role of the coward, in which re scored a great hit at the Baker two seasons agsj. Fred Esmelton will play the Indian chief, Scarbrow, and Dot Bernard will be seen as Fawn, the Indian girl. Scats are now on sale. Mason and Mason Next Week. The last week of the management of Cordray & Russell, of the famous Cord- ray's Theater, will be a notable one, for it will present America s foremost Dutch comedians, Mason and Mason, in their blKcest musical comedy success, "Fritz and Snltz." The supporting company con .slsts of 50 people, largely beautiful girls. and the lines and music are among the best which have been woven Into a mu slcal attraction in this generation. The engagement opens Sunday afternoon. Re member that on Tuesday night election re turns will be received from all parts of the country by special wire to the Cord- ray stage, from the time the perform ance begins until morning. Jeffries' Sale Today. This morning at 10 o'clock the advance sale of seats will open for Champion James J. Jeffries, who comes to the Mar quam Grand Theater next Tuesday night (election day), November 8, in the stirring Western drama, "Davy Crockett." A three-round scientific boxing contest will be given immediately after the perform ance between Joseph Kennedy and Cham pion Jeffries. The election returns will be read from the stage. "The Tenderfoot" Coming. "The Tenderfoot," one of the biggest and most tuneful musical comedies that ever came to the Coast, will be the atr traction at the Marquam'Grand Theater next Thursday, Friday, Saturday nights. Nbvomber 10, 11, 12, with a special-price matinee Saturday. The advance sale of seats will open next Tuesday. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS Matinees at the Star. The two matinees at the Star Theater today offer especial attractions to school children. The bill is full of special fea tures, humorous and entertaining, not the least of which is- Kitty Rockwell's daz zling name-clothed dance. 4The Great Bank Robbery" is one of the most inter esting moving picture films ever presented in Portland. As a star feature for next week's bill the management has yielded to popular request and announces the re turn engagement of Sylvester, Jones and Prlngle, the famous minstrels. They will open the hew hill Monday afternoon and their return will be hailed -with delight by the thousands who enjoyed these great entertainers on their previous visit. Bigney at the Baker. Among the epoch-marking attractions at the Baker this week is Bigney, the world's greatest bridge-jumper and high diver. He has won his title by bona fide achievements, of which his latest is a fair example. Yesterdy morning he dived headlong from the top of the Burnslde street bridge into the Willamette, a dis tance of 14 feet. He was picked up un injured by P. G. MacLean, the well-known sketch "comedian, who is now appearing at the Baker In company with MIss Mack In their clever comedy sketch. Mr Mac Lean himself Is one of the most cele brated swimmers and athletes In the country. Among Bigney's other feats was a headlong dive from Brooklyn bridge, he being the only man who has ever made a successful attempt except Steve Brodle. There are a dozen reasons why you should go to the Baker. Go and see. That's all. Matinet at the Arcade. Todayi and tomorrow are the last days of the Arcade's great bllL The young folks will more than enjoy the interesting moving pictures of the Cossacks charging into battle against the Japanese Infan try. These pictures haye great, edoca tlOQi And. historical lrajgorUnct tfid tvra worthy of being seen by" every school pu pil of the city. George Evans, a black face' comedian. Is a fountain of. mirth. wmie xne unpxr oanja ana guitar playing of the two Alvlnos is a noveily act of the highest class. Two matlneea this after noon. The Lyric Today. Another day of the wonderful Lyric vaudeville festival is here, and happy ln- aeed are those who are destined to attend one of. the perfdrmances. The greatest hlll.in the history of the theater is on and will give way tomorrow night for something even more pretentious. If you miss seeing Joe Allmon, the unbleached American, and all the other great stars who have kept their audiences in a de lightful frame of mind all week, you will nave to nurry up. It will be too late af ter tomorrow night. See the Lyric show today and you will be satisfied that all the claims made by the management are true. Thousands of the praises of Keatinir &. Flood for tHv- lng them such a splendid offering of hlh-class vaudeville for such a. trlflim? admission fee. Wise up. . Go today. Bijou's Last Chances. Today and tomorrow are the last chances to see Roscoe, the hypnotist, who nas maae-thc BIJou public marvel this week. He goes back to Seattle for a re turn engagement. Kellsey Moore has been watched this week by several men espe cially interested in Slack-wire nerffirme Praise from such men means something. After Serious lllnpas TTnnA'm CTo-o-.nt.-m-. imparts the needed. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL BErORT. PORTLAND, Nov. 4. Maximum tempera ture, 54 deg.; minimum, 41. River reading at 11 A. M., 1.3 feet; change in past 24 hours, rlsi 0.5 foot. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.. 0.07 Inch: total frfne Pent ember 1. 1904, 90 Inches; normal.. 6.40: deficiency. 3.59. Total sunshine November 3. 1904. 1 hour and 12 minutes; possible, 10 hours. Barometer (re duced to sea level) ,at 5 P. M-, 30.07. - PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. I Baker City 580.00 SW 72:0.00! S ICloudy Bltmarck .......... Boise .... Eureka Helena Katnloops. B. C... North Head ........ -Pocatello Portland ....... Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City San Francisco ..... Spokane Seattle , "Walla V.'alla , uiear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy PL cloudy Clear 66;o.00 ";SE. 50 0.00 GSW GOiO.OOM'B 5S0.02!lti,S 04 0.00; B 54(0.07 S co;i.oo 5S.6.06 iSW Icioudy SW SE iv: 8'.V 8JSW 12 S 88 rt. cloudy 62K).O0 Cloudy 600.00 uiear Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy 50 T 64,0.00 5S T Light. T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The disturbance yesterday evening off the Oregon coast moved rapidly northeastward. It caused a maximum wind velocity of CO miles from the southeast' at North Head and pros trated the telegraph line to Tatoosh Island, so the velocity at that station Is not known. Light ralna occurred In Western Oregon and "Western Washington, and the weather Is nbw cloudy and threatening lnthc eastern portions of these states, but aa yet no rain has fallen. It is cooler in the Sound country and slight ly warmer In Southern Idaho, while elsewhere In the North Pacific States no Important temperature changes have occurred. The Indications are for light rain in this dis trict Saturday, and cooler weather east of the Cascades. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecast made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight, November 5: Portland and vicinity Cloudy and threaten ing, with light rain. Southerly winds. Western Oregon and Western "Washington Cloudy and threatening, with light rain. South erly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern "Washington and Northern Idabo-tRaln and cooler. Southern Idaho Cloudy and threatening, with rain west portion; cooler. EDWARD A. BEALS, District Forecaster. MEETING NOTICES. v- ALB IK A LODGE. NO. 101. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Saturday) evening at S o'clock. F. C. degree. All F. C. cordially Invit ed. By order W. M. A. J. HANDLAN, Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 55. A. F. & A. M. Special communication -this tbaturoayi evening. 7:30 o'clock. "Work in F. C. Degree. All F. C' are Invited. By order W. M. I. W. PRATT. Secretary. DIED. ALBEE In ttiis city. Nov. 4. 1904. Edwin W. Albee", aged 20 years. Notice of funeral here after. MORGAN In this city, Nov. 4, 1904, John "D. Morcran. of Scariooose. Or., ared 40 vears. Remains will be shipped to his former home for interment today ny J. r. Finiey Sz son. 1 FUNERAL NOTICES. WHITEHEAD Friends and acquaintances de siring to view the remains of the late Edward K. "Whitehead may do -eo from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. today, at Finleys Chapel. Interment Boonton, N. J. ( GANZEMILLER Friends and acquaintances are respectfully mviiea to attend the funeral eervices of John F. Ganxemlller, which will De neia at miey s cnapei at 3:1S p. il.. sun day. Interment In Lone Fir Cemetery. Cin cinnati papers please copy. GAY In this city, on1 November 4. 1904, Emma Wolf Gay, aged 31 years. Funeral Sunday. November 0, 1904. at 1:30 P. M.. from Holman's Chapel, corner Third and Salmon sts. Relatives and friends "respect fully Invited to attend. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. JENNINGS In this city. November 2. 1904, Mrs. Elizabeth Jennings, aged 46 years. The funeral" will take place Saturday. No vember 5, from the residence of her broth er-in-law. K. J. Jennings. g4 Park sC, at uisu. cervices ai oi Jiary s uainearai. 15th and Davis sts., at 10 A. M. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Red Bluff, CaL, pa pers please copy. Friends Invited. DUNNING, McENTEE A GILBAUGH, successor to Downing & Campion, under takers aad eaabalmerB, modern in eTcry de tail, 7th asd l'lae. Phone Main 430. Lady anlitaat. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Undertakers end embalm ers, have Biored to their new bolld lng, Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. J.. P. FTNLEY A BON, Funeral Directors, cor. 8a asd Madlaes. Office of County Cor oner. Lady aselftaBt. Telephone No. 9. I : T. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. UNCA1LED-F0E ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS. . AND MAT BE HAD Bl PRE SENTING TODR CHECKS AT THE ORE- G ONI AN OFFICE: A 61, 65. B 29, 47, 54, 55, 62, 63; . C 28. D 61, 66. E 57. . F 57. 60. 65. ' G 30. 39, 57. 66. H 29. 40, 58. 59. . J 57. " , " K 39. 57, 63. L 29. 61. 63. 65. 66. M 37, 39, 52, 62, 89. N 28, 40, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61. O 39. 41, 42; 52. 56, 58, 66. -r SO. 34L 66, 65. Q 27, 44). 42. 54U 65, S00. K , 48, 62, ?. S 17. 26, 5, 59, 61. 1 T 28. 38. 56, 66, 62. V -26. 96, 68, 84. W 13. 42, 5. T 36, 54). 69, 62, 65. . XEW TODAY. 8? FLANDERS STREET SS. SI600 S3? BRWnX IMfT AXBi SZD. t SPWyW 4OT1R HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Kees3. $1.66 to $3.66 Per Day. AccsirdlBs to Locatloa J. F. DAVIES. Prt. St. Charles Hotel ( CO. (INCORPORATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS - PORTLAND, OREGON Europeaa Plaa Rooms 50c to $1.50 "First-Class Restaurant In Connection CLASSIFIED AD. SATES. "Room "Rooms and Board." "Hons- aeeplsc Rooms." "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less, 15 cents: 16 to 20 word, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc. No discount for additional Insertloas. " UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents lor 15 words or less; 10 to 20 irards, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 54 cents, etc. flrst Insertion. Each additional Insertion, cue-bait: no further discount un der one month. IMPORTANT The Ictt second-time rats on advertising that runs either In the classi fied column, or under bead "New Today," will be rfrea only when sdTertlslnz Is In serted on co incentive days. Dally and Sunday Issues. Advertising that Is scheduled to appear at Intervals of one or more days apart will be. charred for at fall ose-timo rate each Insertion. "NEW TODAY" (canst measere acute). 15 'cents per line, first insertion: 10'cests per line for each additional tasertloB. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Orexonlaa, and left at this efflre. should alwars ba lndoel la aealed en velope. No stamp is required oa such let-N term. t The Oreeonlan will sot be responsible for errors In advertisement taken thrones ths telephone. NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD. JEWELRY MADE OVER OR exchanged: diamonds, precious stones, loose and mounted: watches, jewelry repaired; close prices; good work. Tingry, tha Jeweler. N. E. cor. 3d and "Washington. Breeden bldg., ups tains. FOR SALE CHEAP 4 HOUSES ON FIFTH and Flanders. Apply- Povey Bros. Ql&sa Co:, Sixth and Davis. SUNNYSIDE Your choice of some of the bf lots In Sunnyslde, $350 to $400 a lot, part cash, balance on time." Improved streets, city water, sewers. Our branch office, corner E. 37th and Belmont sts. Title Guarantees Trust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Ground floor. Fourth-st. side. FOR SALE: Worthington Compound Duplex Pump, second hand, Al condition. Size 10xl87Xl4xlO. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute. Check valve, lub ricator, etc., complete. Inquire A. W. Cochran, Or'egonlan Building. PTIIOAT T nnPCJ have several VHiAl liUlS bunches of lota for sale cheap to clcse out'for Eastern owners. Title, perfect. A few dollars Invested now will show a handsome profit next year. The Title Guarantee ' & Trust 'Co., "0 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Wooflstock Lots in this most attractive subuYb are 100x100 feet. We sell fhsm at $25(1. We will hnilH on them for you.' You may pay in installments: For particulars and term's, call on the owner PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 THIRD STREET $5.00 DOWN $5.00 A MONTH CHOICE LOTS AT " ST. JOHNS On the high ground, within a fe,w raln .utes' walk of, the big sawmills and the fac tories. Hydrant water, perfect drainage. fine new schoolhouse, three new churches and several stores. Title Guarantee&Trust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce GroBBd Floor, . ... Fourth-st. "side. (Brascb Office at St. aohas.) WE OFFER Oso of the finest quarter-blocks) on. Portland Heights Ose Mock frees the can. Location perfect. PtftTUXB TKUST XMftflY 9F mm 100 Thir Stmt. PERKINS . PORTLAND,. OREGON Ffrst-Clas Check Restaurant. Connected With Hotel. C. O. DAVIS, Sec. urd Xreas. THB ESMOND HOTEL OSCAR AKQEBS8N, Hmitf Front and Morrison Streets v PORTLAND - OREO ON FREE 'BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. Rates European plan, 50c. 75c $1.00. jLSO, (2.00 per day. Sample rooms in connection. AMESE31EXTS. THE STAR -THEATER Cor. Park and Washington. The Best and Most Fashion able Vaudeville Theater MR. AND MRS. JACK BURC1I. EFF AND MILLER. , " KATE ROCKWELL. JUMPING DE ONZO. j IIAKRV BOYD. WILL C. HOYT. THE PROJECTOSCOPE Showing the great marine picture, "The Great Bank Robbery." Shows 2:30 to 4:30 P. M.. 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. General admission, 10c; reserved box seats, 25c. CoIumbiaTheatcr'f Fourteenth and Washington Streets. Matinee Today, Last Time Tonight Portland's favorite company presenting IN MIZZOURA All next week, starting matinee tomorrow, Belasco and Fyles (Treat military play. The Girl I Left Behind Me Information rcsrardlns; prices and bow to se cure beats. Prices Evening. 15c. 25c 35c 50c: nai lery. 15c Matinee. 10c, 15c, and 23c:- gal lery. 10c. AH day down town Ticket office ODen at Row & Martin's drugstore. Sixth and Wash ington, irom iu a. a. to tp. ji. aiain no. After 7 P. 11.. at the theater. 14th and Washington. 7 to 10 P. M. Phone 311. iMarqoam. Grand Theater W. T. Pangle Res. Mtrr. Phone Main. 668- fsri.'and's I Last Performance. I Re leiilag I This Afternoon I Ptrfanunes TbMlir I at 2:15 o'clock. I TeeliM The greatest rural comedy .ever witnessed In America. Portland Evening Journal. KtsrrW. Stntf GEDftSc hM Cffirt j ABE'S Cmhit Bran THE COUNTY CHAIRMAN Special matinee prices, 25c to $1. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLE. Resident Manager. - a. Phone Main 8G3. One Night TJnly. Tuesday. November 8, 1904, The Champion of the World, JAMES J. JEFFRIES, In "DAVY CROCKET." A three-round boxing contest will be given between JosepH Kennedy and Champion Jeffries Immediately 'alter the performance. Prices Lower floor, $1; balcony. 73c, 50c; entire gallery, 50c. Seats -jiro now selling-; CORDRAY' S THEATER Cordray &RusseII. Managers. Portland's most popular play house. Two more performances. Thl9 after noon and evening, Lincoln J. Carter's great spectacular production. "THE HEART OF CHICAGO." Another big success. Wonderful mechanical devices. A vivid nicture or tne great fire. See the marvelous approaching train. A powerful company, introducing cpeclai line of high-class specialties. Week commencing Sunday matinee. Nov 6. matinee Saturday, special engagement of MASON AND MASON.ln Mark Ew Swan's latest successful musical comedy, "FRITZ AND SNITZ." Direction of MessTti. Broad hurst and' Currle. -to Fun promoters 10. The grand singing chorus. New. bright mu sical numbers. New scenery, costumes and' properties. Nothing but laughs from rise to tail ot curtain. Prices. 10c 20c. 30c: troeclal reserved seats. 50c Matinee. 25c to any part of the, bouse: children ftneelal jmhV in- BAKER, THEATER. KEATTNG & FLOOD, Managers. Third and Yamhill. LARGEST 'CONTINUOUS "VAUDEVILLE . UQUSE IN THE WORLD. - EVERY SEAT 10c One performance afternoon; two every eyenln- THE ARCADE THEATER The Original Family Vauderille House. This Week. THE ALYINOS . GEORGE EVANa. CLIFFORD AND SMITH SULLY AND PHELPS KATE COYLE. THE BIOSCOPE. . Shows 2:30 to 4:30 P. M.. 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. Admission, 10c. to any seat. LYRIC THEATER l Corner Alder and Seventh.) HIGH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30; 7:30 to 10:30; Sunday. 2 to 10 P. M. This ad. and 10c will admit two people any matinee, except Sundays and holidays. TEN CENTS NO HIGHER. BIJOU THEATER SIXTH ST.. OPP. O REG ONI AN. This week's programme. ROSCOE. HYPNOTIST MISS ETHEL FOSDICK JEROME & LAMONT KELSEY MOORE HARRY NEWMAN MISS PEARL GREYS ON NEW MOVING PICTURES. (All for 10 Cents. Afternoon, from 2:30 to 4:30; evenings. from 7:30 to iu:ao. NEW TODAY. $200 a Lot and Upwards Beautiful lots in Piedmont and West Piedmont; 50x100 feet, more street now being opened and Improved and more and bigger watef mains to be laid at osce.- Take the "V" car and itlt Piedmont and West Piedmont. Our branch 'office Is opposite he new big. car barn. R. B. Cary in charge. Title Guarantee s Trust Co. INVESTMENT BONDS Wrurt sad stocJi VmcM' a ao. V. CtwUmcs C&. Chabst: c .Qswmsi i NEW TODAY. Sacrifice Sale ' Lots for $35.00 On the Peninsula: are selling at this price to ciwe out an estate; must be sold before the 15th of this month; get some before they are all gone. Brown. 351 Start st.. opposite ui- btary. 1 1 (NOTICE! Having disposed of my Dental Office in Labbe bids. I have re moved my business permanently to my residence. Mo. 472 Wil liams ave.. corner Kugcne st. Take U can DR. ALDEN. JbOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. acres, 10 acres cultivated; some line, targe bearing, fruit trees, house of 4 rooms, large barn. I mile to bchoal: good water, good road to Ore gon City. 7 miles; $20 per acre. J. L. Wells Co., M Grand ave. FOR SALE CONTRACTS. ICO ACRES each, of the Columbia Southern Irrigation Company. Deschutes, CrooU County, Ore gon. Will trade or sell in amounts to suit. W. H. Grlndstaq. 210 Stark st. NASHVILLE HOMES COMPLETE FOR $400; modern homes for $730 to $1500; nice building lots. $80 to $150; easy terms, $3 down and $3 per month. See owner, Joe Nash, at Nashville Station, on the Mt. Scott car. FOR SALE ONE OR MORE LOTS, cleared and fenced, ready to build on. for the same price that agents are asking for unimproved lots. F. E. -Carson, Tremont, Mount Scott "car. 2 MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGES. PRETTI- est little homes in upper Alblna, 15 min utes walk to Steel bridge; will sell one or both. 3.23 San Rafael St., cor. Rodney ave. $00 LOTS 5 AND 6, BLOCK ALB IN A Addition to rortiana; nicely improved; also SO acres saw timber in Lane Co., Oregon. Apply Byers, Box 13, Grangerville, Idaho. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargain on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addition. Lents, Or. Take Mt Scott car. Sc. $4600 NEW MODERN. 8-ROOM HOUSE, Z3d St.; noimng ute it lor me .money: move right in. W- H. Grindstaff. 246 Stark. NOTICE IF YOU WOULD BUY A NEW SIX- room house at iwo-iniras if vaiue xrom tne owner, address W 65. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 500 ACRES STUMP LAND. lt miles Irom roruaao. inquire zai xi. Mor rison st. C R. Davis Fuel Co. $1000-CORNER LOT, S. E. COR. HOOD AND urover eia.. iuu ieet oa xauou sl see owner, 211 Glbbs st. SALE OR RENT HOUSE 5 LARGE rooms, cheap. See owner. Telephone Scott 101. FOR SALE 9-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, full lot; bargain, aaa urana ave. ti. HOME CORNER LOT. 0 ROOMS. 5675 CASH. Berry & Alexander, N. 6th. FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT AT 249 N. 16th. Inquire of owner. FOR SALE FARMS.. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 125 acresi of which 75 or 80 acres is under plow, and rich Lewis River bottom land that doesn't overflow, balance good hill land; a good 7-room house, two large barns, granary. fruithouse, woodshed, chicken-house, ctcr good bearing orcnara; lences in good condi tion; 15 cows, cream separator, mower, hay rake, plow and other farming Implements; on level county road and Lewis River, li miles from Kerns and 2 miles from Woodland. Must aell at once. Price. $4500, with $1200 down. Imu3 & Willoughby. Kalama. Wash. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 57 ACRES. lying near urejuu jjnuiiiiy cieareo, well watered: no rocks; with dairy and route. Chas. E. Reynolds. Oregon City. R. F.' D. No. 3. 1 FINE FARM, 35 ACRES, NICELY Ill proved. 8 miles east; electric car, fine roads; 6 acres Winter apples Just bearing; fine soli, excellent water. 227 Front. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS FINE LEVEL farming lands, abundance of good water; making up -party to stsjrt in few days. No. 4 N. 8th, opposite Postofflca. RARE BARGAINS $1600 BUYS 255 ACRES near Brownsville. -P. O. Box 275, Oregon City. Or. 76 ACRES NEAR NEWBERG. gonlan. K. 63. ORE- FOR BENT FARMS. YAMHILL FARM. 220 ACRES. READY FOR seeding; cash only, but cheap. Cook, 251 Alder st. TIMBER LANDS FOS SALS. PERSONS WANTING TO BE LOCATED on homestead or timber claims apply to SOS Commercial bldg., Portland. Or. LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready for lramcdlats use. LOWEST PRICES. EL F. & F. B. Riley, 603 Chamber Commerce. ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRIP, GENERAL land practice; our forest reserve scrip for non-timbered lands Is now ready. Collins Land Co., Concord bldg. FOREST .RESERVE, SANTA FE AND OTH er guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate. Maglnnls & Son. 227 Falling bldg. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP NOW ready. H. B. Compson, 618 Marquam bldg. WANTED TIMBER LAND. Wanted 'we will .Fay. cash for good Umber lands well located: must be bargains for quick deal; send full Informa tion or iio attention paid: from claims to 2000-acre tracts handled. Address B 29. care Oregonlan. XO EXCHANGE. FOR' EXCHANGE SEATTLE PROPERTY for lodging-house or any business in Ore gon: wnat have you got? Box 9, Hub bard. Or. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE AN AUTO mobile in good running order. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED LOT WITH FOUR OR FIVE room cottage, on or near car .line, close in, for $1000 cash. O'oS, Oregonlan. TO LEASE. LARGE' WAREHOUSE. WITH TRACKAGE. centraL Apply Wakefield. Fries Co., 223 Stark. FOR SALE. Korses, Vehicles aad Harness. FOR SALE TEAM LARGE GRADE AN gora goats; Jet black and pure white; to gether with yokes; also carload, high-grade Ahgora stock, goats and pure-bred billies. Edward L. Naylor, Forest Groye, Or. BARGAINS $123 BUYS FAIR OF HORSES 9 years old; weights 2400 lbs., are sound and good workers. Harness nearly new. Call Red Front Stables. 15th and Burnslde sts.; ask for iSr. Turner. WOLFSTEIN boys and seluT horses, wagons. heraeeE buggies, farm Implements. 227 Front- LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AN 2D-HAND veWctat on Coast for sale cr hire. 211 Wash- FOit SALE SMALL PONT: " WILL WORST. aM rlCe; cheap. Anderson Bros.. 254 3d st. 2Usee1huMtM. DXKM ORK TYPEWRITERS -Wt sell, rent, rwnair in machines. J. E. Huxiey, 83 41b. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair If wlU Elateme; It rolls, easy to lay: needs no painting or coating; good over tla iion. tin or tiulcxles. best ror new roots Elaterlte Roofing Co room 2. Hamilton bldg FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND-bllllaid and pcol tables; easy payments; wa rent tables; with privilege of buying. Mod ern, bar nxiurtfj. cnep prices. Urunswtok-Ualke-Collender. 40 3d su FOR SALE ONE Sxlo CAMERA. COMfLElE with accessories for gal.cry wu.k; very cneap for coan. Aiiurcss N. Leex. Wsv, or. FOR SALE TWO SAFES. QNE ALMOST new; will sell cheap if taken at once. Eilers Piano House? FOR SALE LARGE AIR-TIGHT KEATING stove. In good condition, ttta Terrace roaJ. Main 3011. ' Moving picture film. .-ong slides, magic lan terns. T. p. Andrews, R9 Moat.. S. K. CaL IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FOOT LIVE Flit, oak and ash wood., go to Hoover & Conway. Bargains In typewriters, supplies, office goodd, luDber stamps, tuiiii. Coast Co., 2il Stark. FOR SALE TWO FRESH COWS; GOOD milkers. Call at or address. 910 E. Yamnili. BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF Amoricana now $23. 7th and Morrison. A STEWART RANJO FOR J6.50. AT-UNCLE Myrs, 143 3d st.. near Alder. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED TEA AND COFFEE AGENT; A hustling, capable man of large acquaintance, to work up a wagon route? In city or coun try, for established firm; largest retailers In the United States; splendid' Inducements of fered to the trade; no graft; good pay to right party. Address, stating experience and ref- . erence. Grand Union Tea Co.. Seattle. Wash. WE PREPARE YOU QUICKLY AS ILLU3 trator. cartoonist. lawyer. pharmacist. stenographer, bookkeeper, journalist, ad writer, correspondence man, banker. Write for free book, "Profits of Knowing How" tells everything. National Correspondence Schools. 82 When.. Indianapolis, U. S. A. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLEBODIED, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35. citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information, apply to Recruiting Officer. 3d' and Oak sts.. Portland, Or. THE ORIGINAL JOHN A. HOLER HAS opened one of bis famous barber colleges) at 644 Clay sc. San Francisco. Special Induce ments this month; positions guaranteed; tu ition earned while learning. Write correct ' number. 644 Clay St., San Francisco. LOGGERS. MILL AND. YARDMEN. LAB orers, city and country: men and teams, farmhands and, milkers, restaurant and mess-house help; work, of all kinda. Ca nadian Employment Co., 249 Burnsld and 220H Morrison, Phone Main 3074. POSITIONS $1000 TO $3000 PER YEAR for managers, bookkeepers, salesmen, etc Offices In eight cities. Plan and booklet on application. Call and see us. Suite 45, Con cord blk. Pacific Commercial Bureau. Inc. 1 WANTED ANY PERSON DESIRING TO make money safely, surely, quickly, right here at home on an investment of $25' to $150, will answer this "ad." for personal in terview right away. S 67, Oregonlan. I 1 WANTED WE HAVE OPENINGS FOR clerks, bookkeepers, office men. managers, salesmen; If wanting high-class positions, call or writs National Commercial Bureau, room 20, Aliuworth bldg. LEARN BARBER TRADE AT HAIGHTS; he teaches you free' In shops; only practical method; wages -while learning; don't mix us with fake barber colleges. 047 Com mercial su, San Francisco. MEN TO' LEARN BARBER TRADE EC 8 weeks and secure profitable positions. Special Inducements thl3 month. Catalogue mailed free. Moler System Col.. San Francisco. CaL WANTED 100 AMATEUR SINGERS. ACT ors. musicians, for vaudeville circuit and road shows. Newman'B Vaudeville Circuit, the Raleigh, 6th and Washington. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS COMMISSION: newspapers, .periodicals, magazines, trade journals. 418 Chamber of Commerce. Clyde's Advertising Agency. HUPtTT-FRs. ttttitttr smr, SALARY OR commission; can make $10 day. Call or write U. S. A., 344 Sherlock bldg., Portland. Or. INDUSTRIOUS AND AMBITIOUS YOUNG man. who has good acquaintance in Port land!. Room 307 Ablngton bldg. WANTED AGENTS. SALARY OR COMM1S sioa: $3 to $6 per day. W. R, Taylor & Co., 23 Labbe bldg., Portland, Or. YOUNG MEN GREATEST BARBER SCHOOL system In U. S.: tuition, $17.50. Charles Halstead. Agent. Portland. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO JOIN PRIVATE class in mechanical drawing and engineering. Address E. C, Oregonlan. WANTED SEVERAL EXPERIENCED quartz miners to run long cross-cut tun nell. G 60, Oregonlan. Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber College. 741 Howard St., San Francisco. i DR. WALKER, 181 1ST., CURES ALL PR vate diseases of men. - 'ANTED I WANTED A LADY HAVING $500 TO $1000f who would like a safe, sure, giltedge Invest ment here In Portland, that will bring- qulcJc returns at a highly satisfactory per cent. For personal Interview address, without de lay, P 67, Oregonlan. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS CHAM bermalds, cooks, waitresses, nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, housework, $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors, 228H Morrison. Phone Main 1323. WANTED 100 AMATEUR SINGER3. ACT ors, musicians, for vaudeville circuit and road shows. Newman's. Vaudeville Circuit, the. Raleigh. 6th and Washington. WANTED FAMILY COOK, $35: ALSO SEC ond girl; $25; must be experienced, with references; Swedish preferred. 230 Yam hill. Phone Black 2881. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN family of 3; good wages, good home. Take "S" car. get off at-Abernethy, go 2 blocks west to 104 Abernethy. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work: also nurse giri lor enna; iwo aauits. one child In family; Apply Box 64, Cascade Locks, Or. WANTED RESPECTABLE GERMAN woman, under 35. housekeeper, widower, with children. 230 YamhilL Phone Black 2S81. LADIES EARN $20 PER 100 WRITING short letters. Send stamped envelope for particulars. Ideal Mfg. po... Caasopolls, Mien. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers." St. Louis Agency, 230 YamhilL Phone Black 2381. POSITION AS CASHIER BY LADY. WITH several years' -experience; restaurant pre ferred; references. Phone Main 4570. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR DTN-Ing-room and general housework; city refer ences required. 341 Uth. mornings. HOUSEKEEPER FOR WIDOWER: AU burn hair preferred: a good home. Pioneer .Employment, -ii jhoitisqu. YOUKG LADY,' WITH TASTE FOR ART. TO learn book and magazine illustrating Ad dress E. C. Oregonlan. GOOD TEMPORARY .COOK WANTED. Call today, not before 10:30 A. M., 712 Main st., near King. WANTED JAPANESE GIRL TO DO COOK Ing and housework. Apply to 473. corner 14th and Alder. ' WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 12S. 14th. between Washington and Aider. WANTED APPRENTICES AT THE PORT- land Dresscnttlng Schcoh 428 Alder st. WANTED A CQOJEC AND WAITRESS, $50 per month. Alpine tffflcc 1j2 First st. GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED FOR GENERAL housework. 400" Tillamook st. r GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: GOOD cook. 400 Morrison. IIE.r WANT A) MALE OX FKMAI3C WANTED EXPERIENCED CANVASSER, either sex. for good paying proposition. 380. Washington. Phone Main 87. MTCATSOJfS WAXTK MALE. JAPANESE' BOX, "WANTS POSITION AT clean! or Ik lore'or office. H T, Oregoniaou,