THE MORNING OREGON! AN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 190, NEITHER CAN WIN Portland and San Francisco Play Eleven Innings. DARKNESS ENDS THE GAME Trailers and Cellar Brigade Make Three Runs Apiece Danny Shea Is Ordered From the Field by Umpire. SAN FRANCISCO, Nor. S.-SpeclaL) The trailers ind cellar brigade -went 11 rounds today and ."when darkness settled down the umpire had to withhold decision for the score was three-all and the signs on center-field fence were invisible. "Ham "I berg kept each and every Seal away from the first base for five innings. Whalen, in the meantime, found the home plate a bard Bjrcst to discern, and in the second inning the Brownies came together and Bhoved three over the pan. Gorton ushered In the sixth for .the Seals with a drive to left. Spencer bot tled Gochnauers grounder and Gorton went to third. James Whalen swung through to right. Gorton arrived and Gochnauer went to third. Hildebrand had a long fly and that put the Seals' short stop in with the second. All was easy till the last spasm, when Hildebrand hit to Spencer and again the lad booted. Meany popped up a high fly, but neither Iberg nor Kellackey cared about taking it. Irwin bunted both men along. "Van Buren produced a drive to center. Drennan's good angel happened to be hovering some place near the fence, for Drennan put up one mitt and tho ball stayed there. Hildebrand came in on the throw, creating the deadlock, which could "Sj6t be broken. Kellackey led off with a rouble to center for the Brownies in the tenth, but Iberg forced him. After the inning was 'over the men from Portland tried to stall, and in the midst of the mix-up Danny Shea, who had Just joined the team, was requested by the umpire to take to the dressing-room. The score: SAN FRANCISCO. AB. R. H. P.O. A. E. Hildebrand. If. . . 4 1 0 2 0 0 Meany. rf. S 0 I 1 1 0 Irwin. 3b 3 0 0 3 0 0 Van Buren. lb .... 4 0 0 11 0 1 Waldron. cf. 4 0 0 3 0 0 Anderson. 2b 4 0 0 5 3 0 Gorton, c ..... 4 114 10 Gochnauer, es. 4 1 O 3 S 0 Whalen. p. 4 0 115 1 Total! 34 3 3 S3 15 2 PORTLAND. -.Drenncn, cf.. 6 0 2 S 0 0 Shea, ss 4 0 0 2 L 0 Nadeau, If. 5 0 0 4 0 0 Beck, lb 4 0 0 2" 1 0 Kruger, rf. 5 0 O 5 0 0 Runkle. Sb 4 10 15 0 Spencer. 2b 5 1 2 4 2 2 Kellackey, c 2 0 1 0 0 0 Iberg. p. 4 1 1 0 3 0 Totals 38 3 7 33 12 2 RUNS AND HITS BY INNINGS. Portland 0 300000 000 03 Hits 0 21 "1 100010 17 Ean Francisco ..0 000020010 0-3 Hits 0 000020010 0-3 SUMMART. Stolen bases Drennen, Gorton. "Whalen, Shea, Spencer. Beck. Iberg. Two-bane hit Kellackey: Sacrifice hits Iberg, Kellackey, Irwin. First base on errors San Francisco. 2. Flrit baee on called balls OK Whalen.- 6; off Lett on bases San Francisco, 2; Portland, 11. Struck out By Whalen. 3. Hit by pitcher Shay. Hildebrand. Double plays Anderson to Gochnauer to Van Buren, Beck to Spencer. Paesed ball Gorton. Time of frame One hour and 50 minutes. Umpire Brown. TACOMA GOES TO PIECES. Fitzgerald Has an Off Day, and Los Angeles Wins Easily. IiOS ANGELES, CaL, Nov. 3. Los An geles gave Tacoma a bad beating today, principally because Fitzgerald had an off day. He pitched steady enough for three innings, and then the locals fell upon him and batted the ball almost at will. His team went to pieces at critical stages, which made matters worse. Lynch re lieved Fitzgerald in the seventh inning. Egan was hit on the elbow by a pitched ball and had to give -way to Doyle at short. Gray pitched splendid ball for the Angels. Today's game put Los Angeles within one point of Tacoma in the per centage table. Score: R.H.E. Los Angeles 0 0041420 11 11 1 Tacoma 1000001002 62 Batteries Gray and Chance; Lynch, Fitzgerald and Graham. Umpire, Perrine. Oakland Defeats Seattle. . OAKLAND. Cal., Nov. 3. Seattle lost today's game through critical errors. Hogg only allowed three hits, but he passed ten batsmen and was poorly sup ported. Oakland stole three bases. Score: REE. Seattle ..0 0 2 0 0 1 0 3 8 4 Oakland 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 4 3 2 Batteries Hogg and McKuhn; Jones and Stark. Umpire. McDonald. PORTLAND BOYS AT STANFORD Some Will Face California In the Big Event on the Gridiron. STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Nov. 13. (Special.) "With the 13th annual football contest with California but ten days away the personnel of the team which will represent Stanford is now the much discussed topic The team is already practically picked and Oregon and Wash ington are well represented this year. Alex Chalmers, the old Portland Acad emy fullback for three years, who played on the "varsity last year, has had a cinch on his position at. right half from the start. Chalmers Is fast on his feef and a fierce line bucker. He stars In open field work, and Is declated by many to be tho best man in Interference work ever seen on the Stanford gridiron. At quarterback, Plowden Stott. who also played on Portland Academy and Mult nomah, will be first substitute. Stott has had unusually hard luck this year getting into form. Nevertheless, he gave Bausbach. 'varsity quarter for four years, and Jast year's captain, a hard fight for his position, and will undoubtedly make good next year. Stott, too, excels in open field work. A! Trowbridge, an old Portland High School player and captain of next year's baseball team, will be first substitute for right half. Trowbridge made his fresh man team, but has since been unable to come out because of lack of time.' Trow bridge is a strong defensive back and is good at running the ends. ' . As substitute to big Jim Weller for fullback will be Louis Bogle from the Seattle High School. This is Bogle's first year 'out, and he has played a good, con sistent game. Perhaps .the prettiest fight Xor a position has been at end. Both of last year's 'varsity ends are back, but Smith, left end, has been pressed hare by several good men. The two most likely candidates for this position hall lrem Washington, Jimmy Stanford from Olyasla, and Raymond, familiarly known, as "Brick," West, from Seattle. Stan ford ta well known In Portland, having live feere for several years." West was trmrtt- of the Seattle High School track i m ists, ana piayea on tne xresnman I, last year. He also holds th UOmv collegiate record for the broad jump. Both' men will probably be given an op portunity, to get into the game. - Races at Aqueduct. NEW YORK, Nov. 3. Aqueduct summary: First race, six and a half furlongs Old England won, Atwood second. Thistle Heather third; time. 1:21 2-5. Second race, one mile Orthodox won, Sidney C Love second, Damon third; time, 1.38. Third race, five furlongs Zeala won. Trapper second. Escutcheon third; time, 1:00 2-5. Fourth race. Aqueduct Handicap, one mile and a sixteenth Israelite won, Dol ly Spanker second, Agile third; time, 1:45 2-5. Fifth race, one mile and a furloag Lord Badge won. The Southerner second, Glisten third; time. 1:531-5. Sixth race, six furlongs Druid won. Suf ferance second. Flinders third; time, 1:14. Officials for the Big Game. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CaL. Nor. S. The officials for the inter-collegtate football game between Stanford and Cali fornia have been chosen. They will be as follows: Umpire, Dick Smith, coach University of Oregon; referee, Ben Dibble, Ban Fran cisco; head linesman, Percy Hall, Ban Francisco; linesmen. J. R. Nourse. San. Francisco, and R. Roos, San Francisco; timekeepers, D. Brown, Oakland, and L J. Muma, Berkeley. The projected game between Stanford and Wisconsin has been called off owing to a conflict in dates. Washington May Play Willamette. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Salem, Or., Nov. 3. (Special.) The Willamette University football squad Is Jubilant over the prospect of a game next week with the University of Washington team. So many games had been called off that the football practice had almost ceased and the squad had dwindled from 35 men to about 15. There will be no game next Sat urday, but Manager Miller Is endeavoring to get some team for the. week following, and all the other dates for the season are filled. Football Player Loses Two Senses. NEW YORK, Nov. 3. Captain Robert Stangland, of the Columbia University football team is Teported to be suffering greatly from an Injury received in the game last Saturday with Yale. Stangland has been hurt In nearly every game this season, and in the Yale con test was hurt about the head. He re joined the team at once, but soon -afterward complained of severe pains In the head, and has since lost his- senses of smell and taste. Matinee Races Are Postponed. MEMPHIS, Tenn., Nov. 3. The matinee trotting events and exhibition trials of Lou Dillon and Dan Patch have again been postponed on account of rain and slow track until tomorrow. Secretary How, however, believes the track will not be la condition for fast time until Mon day, and another postponement is looked for tomorrow. Fall of Higgan Horse Fatal. LEXINGTON, Ky., Nov. 3. While being led to his stall today J. B. HIggan's Bathampton, by Hampton out of The Bat, fell on the concrete floor of a barn at Elmdorf and was fatally injured, dy ing from concussion of the brain. Sayres Defeats Lowry. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 3. Maurice Sayres, of Milwaukee, won the decision tonight in a 15-round bout with Jack Lowry, of New York. The contest was close. St. Louis Eleven Victorious.. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 3. The St, Louis Uni versity eleven today defeated the Univer sity of Carbondale, Illinois, by a score of 57 to 0. WILL SUCCEED mAHTTrTATiT. Bancroft Will Temporarily Serve as Manager of the Southern Pacific. OMAHA. Nov. 3. It Is stated at Union Pacific headquarters that W. H. Bancroft, vice-president of the Oregon Short Line, lias been appointed general manager of the Southern Pacific, to succeed C H. Markham. who recently resigned. The appointment, it is understood, is only tem porary, as Hr. Bancroft's duties as head of the Oregon Short Line require his en tire attention. Railroads Elect Officers. NEW YORK. Nov. 3. Directors of the Rock island Company, tho Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Company, the Keokuk & Des Moines, tho Peoria & Bureau "Valley and the Frisco Company held meetings here today. Robert Mather, who was elected president of the Rock Island board last month, resigned as first vice-president of the railway company and was succeeded by R. A. Jackson, heretofore the general attorney. The other officers were re-elected. D. G. Reld succeeded L. F. Loree as a director of the Keokuk & Des Moines, of which Robert Mather was elected president and D. G. Reld vice-president, the other ofllcers being re-elected. Robert Mather was elected vice-president of the Peoria & Bureau Valley in place of L. F. Loree, all other officers being re-elected. C H Gary was chosen second vjce-presldent of the Frisco system, succeeding R. H. Ham mond, who was recently given charge of traffic on the Chicago & Eastern Illinois. Erie Is Negotiating for Roads, NEW YORK. Nov. 3. Banking Inter ests closely Identified with the Erlo Rail way Company said today it is true that negotiations between that road and the Cincinnati. Hamilton & Dayton road are pending. It could not be learned whether the Erie proposes buying 1 control of the Cincinnati. Hamilton & Dayton, or whether It is only intended to lease that property. Negotiations are likely to bo completed within the next few days. Let Republicans Rally. PORTLAND. Nor. 3. (To the Editor.) What is the matter with Oregon Republi cans, that It should be necessary xor a state chairman to be sending SO.OOO letters to citizens, begging them to put la their appearance at the polls next Tuesday? Hare we forgotten the black pall that hung over the country In the early '90s. when Republi can policies were In abeyance lor four years of a Democratic Presidents term? Are we all ingratcs, to turn our backs on the politi cal party which brought about conditions that have enabled us to achieve an abound ing prosperity? The country 1 calm and placid. Politicians are unable to stir up partisan strife. Never but once before In the history of the .United States was there such a quiet period! That was the "era of good feeling." In the earlier days of the Republic. No prophet had dared to predict that such a period would come again. But now we hare It and during a Presidential campaign, too. Bverybody Is content. Colonel Bryan, even, seems to be eatlsned. So does Judge Parker. Brother Swallow is not greatly worried about the demon Rum. Tom Watson is using very few red-bordered adjectives. Not even Eu gene Debs is frothing at the mouth. The highly gratifying condition of tho country makes It Impossible for them to shake off their apathy. All of them hare tho settled conviction that President Roosevelt is to be overwhelmingly elected and that all will be welL With labor employed, business good, "and farm products commanding high prices under & stable money standard, every sensi ble cltlren wants to let well enough alone. There could be no greater tribute to Re publican principles and President Roose velt's Administration than the present easy state of the public mind. Peace and good will reign. The thing for us to do, then, 14 to voto next Tuesday, because we want con tinuance CC the youcl that hare brought proiXerity and contentment. & DUXIWAX. READY FOR THE ELECTION BALLOTS AND BOXES BEING DE LIVERED BY SHERIFE. List ef Polling Places In Multnomah County for Presidential and Pro hibition Election. The ballots for -the Presidential" and prohibition election to be held next Tuesday were delivered to County Clerk Fields vesterdav hv oinsa x- Prudhomme, the printers, and with the election supplies will be turned over to the Sheriff for distribution among the various pollinc- daces. Th Rhrirr also has to distribute the ballot-boxes and sea that the booths aro in place. polling- places in Multnomah County will be as follows: ITrsi Ward. Precinct. 1 800 Thunnan street. 2 391 North Eighteenth street. 3 004 Eavler street. Second Ward. 4 327 Flanders street. B 103 North Fourteenth street. C 160 North Fourteenth street. 7 173 Twenty-first street. North. 5 2S5 North Nineteenth street. Third Ward. 0 60 Sixth street. North. 10 333 Ankeny street. 11 S07 Stark street. x 12 J68 Burnslde street. 13 33 North Nineteenth street. Fourth Ward. 14 330 Alder street. 15 120 Washington street. 16 286 Yamhill street. 17 347 Yamhill street. IS Tent, southeast corner Fourth ' and Salmon streets. 19 270 Sixteenth street. 20 West end Exposition building. 21 Tent, northwest corner Third and Madi son streets. 22 273 Eleventh street. Fifth Ward. 23 224 Columbia street. 24 3S5 Second street. 25 Tent, northwest eemr Rvnrh nrt Main streets. 26 Tent, southwest corner Eleventh and Columbia streets. 27 518 Jefferson street. 28 103 Third street. 29 135 Sixth street. 30 Hose house. Phnnmnn Trim and Spring streets. si 304 Fourth street. Sixth Ward. 32 083 First street. 33 7C2 First street. 34 First street, near Glbbs. 83 845 Corbett street. 36 1453 Macadam street. Seventh Ward. 37 Fireman's Hall, Sellwood. 38 379 Powell street. 39 292 Grand avenue. 40 373. East Eleventh street. 41 Comer Twenty-sixth and Powell streets. Eighth Ward. 42 122 Grand avenue. . 43 Tent, northnsr Mrni- T"o T!1ri(iuTiili and East Morrison streets. 44 996 Belmont street. 45 71 Union avenue. 40 383 East Burnslde street. 47 Tent .northeast comer East Eighteenth and East Ash streets. Ninth Ward. 48 375 Holladay avenue. 49 341 Williams avenue. 60 528 Mississippi avenue. 31 154 Russell street. , 52 288 Russell street. 53 416 Union avenue. North. Tenth Ward. 54 Hose house, 859 Mississippi avenue. -65 831 Williams avenue. 56 Comer Elchth and TJeknm e.venun Woodlawn. 57 Peninsular Hall, Peninsular Station. 5S Reynolds store, Portsmouth Station. Oatolde Portland. 59 (St. Johns), schoolhouse. CO (Columbia), schoolhouse. 01 "(Mount Tabor?; W. O. W. Hal, West avenue and Base Line road.. 02 (South Mount Tabor), schoolhouse. C3 (Woodstock), band halt. . 64 (Lents). C5 (Kilgaver). 00 (Montavllla). Oddfellows' Hall. G7 (RussellvlHe), PostoOce building. 68 (Rockwood), public halL 09 (Falrvlew). public halL 70 (Troutdale), Labor Union HalL 71 (Gresham). Regners Hall. 72 (Powell's Valley). Hamlin's workshop. 73 (Hurlburt). Hurlburt's HalL 74 (Bridal Tell). Bridal Veil Schoolhouse. 75 (Reeder8), schoolhouse. 76 (Willamette Slough), schpolhopse.. 77 (Holbrook), schoolhouse. 78 (Llnnton). HUderflnch Hall. 79 (Sylvan). Prince's store. SO (Mount Zlon). Mount Zlon Schoolhouse. 81 (Bertha), schoolhouse. S2 (Rlverdale). 83 (West Portland), schoolhouse. AT THE THEATERS What the Press Agents Say. Play Is True to Life. "Kate Vernon, you are not going- out of this house tonight. If you want to see Mr. Travers, have him come to your home as any honest girl should." This declaration was made to Kato Ver non by her mother as she started to leavo the house to see a man her folks did not approve of. How often girls mis understand the entreaties of their par ents when they are advising them for their own good. When Augustus Thomas wrote "In Mlz zoura," which has crowded tho Colum bia Theater to the doors every night this week, be endeavored to get a play that was true to life. That he succeeded there is absolutely no question, as Nat C. Good win made over ?50,000 the first" season, and was equally successful the sec ond season. It has. since been played by all the best stock companies throughout the United States. The characters in "In Mlzzoura?' aro true to life la the vicinity of Pike County, where the ac tion of the play takes place. Edgar Baume plays Jim Bad burn, the Sheriff of Pike County. Missouri, and he plays the part until there Is but little left upon which to Improve. Ho looks and acts like a big-hearted country officer, and his good nature bubbles up repeatedly. Fred erick Esmelton Is a typical country blacksmith, good natured and big-hearted In fact the kind of man that makes a community good, and the Colonel Bol lenger of William Dills Is often met 'la country villages, particularly when he is giving advice to a client who is having trouble with some big corporation or railroad. The comedy element of "In Mlzzoura" has been particularly well taken care of. When George Bloomquest as Dave, who is working for Joe Vernon for his board and clothes, and who is in love with Joe's lazy daughter, Lizbeth, says, "I know I could get a stiddy Job. but I can't get no time oft to look for one." it Is almost a minute before the players can continue with their lines because of the uproarious laughter that this line brings forth. The work of Cath- rine Countiss as Xiizbcth is something of which this clever young actress can well be proud. It was in Lisbeth that Miss Countiss first attracted the atten tion of the theater-goers during her first visit to Portland. Louise Brandt has sur prised her most ardent admirers by her clever Interpretation of Kato Vernon, the high-strung seminary girl. Mary Bank- son, a new acquisition of the excellent Columbia Stock Company, has a beaut! ful conception of Mrs. Vernon. Messrs. Bowles, Bernard, Sea ton. Bcrrell and York and Miss Barhyte are all suitably cast and, taking it all in all. It is one of tho best performances that this In comparable organization has yet essayed There are three more performances, and. the sale of seats Indicate crowded houses "The County Chairman." Tonight and tomorrow afternoon the last two performances of the greatest of all comedy dramas, "The County Chair man." will be "riven at the Mar-cuani Grand Theater. This excellent drama .of NOW COME THE SCHOOLS Foremost Institutions of Learn Ing Adopting the Metro style Pianola. Durinsr the past year the educational world has been deeply stirred by a real ization oi me importance or tne ianoia In Inculcating an appreciation of music as distinguished from the old-fashioned Idea that a musical education consisted solely In trying to learn to perform upon ine piano. Progressive schools and colleges which aim to have the latest and best appliances for the use of pupils have added or are about to add a Pianola to the Department of Music The following Is but a partial list of such institutions in which either a Pianola or an Aeolian is at present be ing used: Weston Normal School of Oregon, Oregon State Normal School of Oregon, Harvard University, Columbia University, v Amherst College, Vaasar College, Radcllrfe pollege, Tuft College, Teachers' College, University of Michigan, Oberlfn College, Belolt College, Brooklyn- Institute of Arts and Sciences, Framlngham (Mass.) Normal School, Columbia Conservatory of Music (Chicago) Crane Normal Institute of Music v (Potsdam, N. Y.) Hill School (Pottstown, Pa.) y Brlarcllff Manor School, v Morton-Street Public School, (Newark, N. J.) Miss May Wlnsor's School (Boston) 6t. Mary's Academy (Burlington, Vt.) The Pianola has In the MetrostvlA an improvement of the utmost Importance which Is not even approximated in any other piano player. Eilers Piano House, sole Northwest agent, 351 Washington street, comer Park. political life is especially suited to the present Presidential campaign, and, in terpreted, as it is, by a company of clever actors, should bo witnessed by everyone in and out of politics. "The Girl I Left Behind Me." "The Girl I Ireft Behind Me" will be the next play produced by the Columbia Theater stock company: It is a drama of military life, the greater part of the action being located in the midst of war With the Indians, It contains as much life and thrilling episodes as the average melodrama, but it is not "strained."" The situations are natural, engaging and beau tifully constructed from a dramatic stand point. It will be found even more enter taining than "Under Two Flags," which was such a favorite with the Columbia's many patrons. This play also Is admira bly suited to the various members of the organization. Edgar Baume never looks better than when in dashing young sol dier's uniform, and it Is difficult to im agine Miss Countiss in a better part than the soldier's sweetheart. Miss Dot Ber nard will again be seen with the com pany In her favorite role, that of Fawn, the Indian girl. Fred Esmelton will play the solemn Indian chief. Scar-Brow. Mason & Mason Coming. The last attraction that will appear at Cordray's under the management of Cor dray & Russell -will be tho famous co stars of musical comedy, Mason & Mason, In their latest musical "farce-comedy suc cess, "Fritz and Snltz,"- which opens a week's engagement next Sunday after noon. Tho two eminent comedians, known as the emperors of German comedy, have been appearing eyerywhero at tho highest priced theaters at double or treble the price of admission which will be charged for the Cordray engagement, at which the regular Cordray prices will prevail. The company consists of 50 people, largely pretty girls, with a number of funny com edians to supply the fun. There are many beautiful musical numbers and the lines are- the wittiest which have been written for any of the recent musical comedies. Jeffries' Advance Sale. Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock the ad vance sale of seats will open for Cham pion James J. Jeffries, who comes to the Marquam Grand Theater next Tuesday night (election day) In the famous West ern drama, "Davy Crockett." A three round boxing "contest will be given Imme diately after the performance between Joseph Kennedy and Champion James. The election returns will be read from the stage. RETURNS AT CORDRAY'S. News of the Election to Be Received by Special Wire. Manager John F. Cordray has arranged for a special Western Union wire into Cordray's Theater next Tuesday night, and an operator will receive the news of the election on the stage during the per formance of "Fritz and Snltz." The re sults will be read between acts, and after the . performance the returns will be re ceived and read as long as those in the audience desire to remain, if that he all night. Thl3 will be a good opportunity to see the performance of Mason and Mason's latest musical comedy and hear how the Nation Is going politically at the same time. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS Coupon Matinee at Star. ' Today is the ' coupon matinee for which a coupon is printed on pa ere 10. A modern bank Is robbed in full view of the audience at the Star Theater. The most wonderful moving: pictures Aim ever made shows the cracksmen at work, the' rifling of the safe, the es cape of the robbers, and their thrilling chase and capture by the police. "The Great Train Robbery" will be long" re membered as an exciting movinjr dIc- turo sensation; those who see the bank robbery say that the former" is more than equaled. A beautiful spectacle is the flame bathed dance of fvlttv- tininn-aM clothed1 in yard after yard of snowy suk. au tne art ot stagecraft is em ployed to produce an illusion that pleases the most critical eye. while the dance Is more than gracefuL The other acts are full of merry comedy. Famous Team Coming Back. Owing to the popular demand for the fun and melody created- by Sylvester. Jones and Pringle, on their recent -visit to Portland, the Star Theater has engaged the famous minstrels for another weekv They will open with the new bill next Monday afternoon. This announcement will be a glad sur prise to the thousands that laughed and applauded this great team when they played at the star a few weeks ago, Nothing like Sylvester. Jones and Pringle was ever heard before. There's nothing Uae tnem on carxn. , Bijou Watch Tenlght. At tho Bijou this evening, at 9 o'clock. will be given away the gold, watch drawn by the matinee watch coupons. Somebody will get It. Everybody will see a re freshing, sparkling show, with Hoscoe, the hypnotist, as a novelty. The World's Fair trio have eccentric music, and Kelt sey Moore soes a thrilling slack-wire act. Amateurs at the Arcaoc. If you want to see how the Coseacks sweep Into action on their wiry ponies ana are met by the -Japanese, aro to the Arcade Theater. The 'bioscope presents ft e latest war scene from the Orient. Speaking of Comfort, havyou ever sat for. few moments in a full leather Turkish Eocker? Delirious ly comfortable and restful isn't it? Think of years of such rest and com fort! We have it for you. hmcsm$ IS GOOD and they are picturesque and exciting. Tonight is amateur night, one of the merriest nights of tho week. Amateurs of ability and eccentric genius are to be on the boards tonight in addition to the regular all-star bilL CITY STATISTICS. Marriage Licenses. John Fatras, 40, Walla "Walla; Maria Martin, 2. Gerald Bagnall. 43: Vesta L.. Henton. 22. Edward C Ashbaugh. 37; Blanche Burnett. 34. Timothy Wood, 22; Harriet H. Word. 22. November 1. John Dulcehart. 07 years. 634 Tamhlll; cerebral Hemorrhage. November J, Frederick V. Andrews, 03 years. 149 Abernethy; cerebral Eoftenlnz. Don F. Wilson. 23; Mabel Lester. 27. Charles U Smith. 28; Cecil Heltzel, 23. Deaths. KoTember 1, JTelll J. Drlscoll. 43 years', Bt. Vincent's Hospital; cancer of bowels. Births. October 3, to the wife of John Strayer, 721 Corbett, a glrL October SO, to the wife of Charles Johnson, 650 East Seventeenth, a boy. October 29. to tho wife of H. B. Davis, 849 First, a boy. October 31, to the wife of Edward Harold, 445 Twenty-third North, a boy. October 13, to tho wife of Joseph F. Keller, 274 College, a girl. October 14. to tho -wife of A. W. Mo-wry, Ocklcy Green, a girl. October 6, to the wife of John O. C Peter eon. 906 Minnesota avenue, a boy. October 19. to the wife of Charles F. Wdolfer, 781 Mississippi avenue, a glrL. October 2S. to the wife of Alfred Burlchardt, 751 GMsan, a girl. October 21, to the wife of Edward Zimmer man. Nebraska street, a boy. October 31, to the wife of Fred J. Follvka, 714 Water, a boy. Building Permits. O. F. Burrows, Commercial, between Shaver and Falling, dwelling; $1000. Rock Springs Coal Company, East Morrlion between East Water and river, offlee; $100. Real Estate Transfers. G. W. Gordon and wife to E. H. Marsh, S. H of lot 5. block 82. Caruthers' Ad. dltlon $ 2.000 A. B. Manley, administrator, to K B Bohle, lots 9, 10. block 14, Sunnyslde Addition , 675 Sheriff to B. Scott, 50x100 feet, begin ning at point of Intersection ot Lowns dalo and Market 1,372 Borne to K. Bennett, lot 19, block 14. Capltan Addition to Eaot Portland.... 12 M. A. Fleming to F. Harrison, one acre In S. B. of Clinton Kelly D. L. C... BOO J. Homing and wtfa to R. F. Hall, lot 8. block 119, Couch Addition 1 Sheriff to A. Harold, lots In Glenhaven Park 7 A. C Hansen and husband to A. Meyer, parcel land In section 8, T. 1 3., R. 1 E. 1.200 W. J. Peddicord and wife to A. B. Wooley. N. W. of lot 2. block 41, James Johns Addition to- St. Johns.... 800 M. T. O'Brien and husband to J. C Far rell. E. 3 ot lots 1. 2, block. 194, East Portland ...... ....................... 1 A. Lantto and husband to M. S. Curtis and wife, lot 6, block 1, Wynkoop Villa , 2.000 S. a Stansbery and wife to H. W. Not tlngham. part ot block 1, Columbia Heights 223 H. M. Hamilton to George Noakes, 5 acres in S. W. of section 20, T. 1 S., H. 1 E .,. ...... 300 Ijl A. Glloin" and 'husband to W " "e" Bralaard. let 15. block ,8. Villa Hill.. 100 J. H. Nash and wifa to A. A. Muck. lots 16. 17. 18, block 3. Tremont Place.... 780 Title Guarantee & Trust Company to W. - Soohr. loU S. 6. block 9, North Irving- ton see C I McKenna end wife to N. A. Hud son, lota 10. 11. 12. block 105. TJaiver- slty Park 1 A. E. Prultt and husband to M. K. Cum- mlsgs, lot 11. block 22. Portsmouth... SCO Fred S. Morris and East Side Mill 8c Lumber Company, parcel land In. "blocks A and B. Sellwood. 6.78 acres. In sec tion 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E 12.757 Treatment for Brutal Husbands. PORTLAND. Nov. 3. To the Editor.) Tot editorial In Monday's Orefoalan eeeriag a brute vrho fails to support his family tbeagc competent to dp so, reveals a teo-cocasoa. condition in a large number of ccaseboios. It should awaken the ladigaatloa of courts and people. Here Is a la&n who has a wife and two children, and Tiaee to smport tXm. so that he can gratify kte Vratal pacsfoss and appetite, while "h trife mm eMMea suffer for the necessities of life. H should be forced to work and to avppart theta un til the children are of age. Xe ts tse gted to get rid of them and In Vmraet ot fre- gratify his tests untrasameled. Tf ts Imc too jewefc of this freedom, granted to fereta! hurts aits The courts free such a brat to -rap sat ala -aurita! acts, white tk wK is fttt with hlsf chttdrex In poverty to gat aMpf sis tbey guw x uc uu(Mi. mo ywi hob an, and Amat that tbay .shall stspport Um family. YEARS OF COMFORT IN A ROCKER LIKE THIS STERLING LEATHER TURKISH ROCKERS $40.00 TO $160.00 WOMEN'S EXCHANGE OPEN GIVES TEA AND SELLS THINGS, USEFUL AND ARTISTIC. Portland Ladles Find a Market for Work of Those Who Must Earn Living at Home. The tea given by the Women's Exchansa yesterday afternoon tvas a social and financial success, and many of Portland's' society people learned for the first time of the many advantages of that institu tion. The rooms at 133 Tenth street were tastefully decorated in cosmos and ferns. and the magnificent display of fancy em broideries and other varieties of needle work added greatly to the decorative ef fect. The exchange committee, consisting of Mrs. Henry L. Pittock, Mrs. Ellis G. Hughes, Mrs. H. C. Echenberger, Mrs. E. Ehrman, Mrs. Leon HIrsch, Mrs. S. A. Brown, Mrs. I. Llpman,- Mrs. M. H. Steers,-Miss Eleanor Glle and Miss A. I. Atwood, received the guests, and Mrs. Pittock and Mrs. Hughes poured tea. The display of fancy work was particu larly fine, and everything, from practical garments to dainty conceits for Christmas gifts, was on sale. The articles are made by women who find it necessary to earn their own living and are compelled to work at home. The Exchange is a me dium by which they dispose of their needle-work, and none Is accepted for sale until Inspected by a committee and found, up to the required standard.. Mending is done for either ladies or gentlemen; lin ens are embroidered or initialed to order; orders are taken for burnt woods, hand woven baskets, dollies and table-covers of every description; any article required by babies can be purchased; in fact, there is nothing in the line of needle-work which the consignors to the Exchange do not make. Mrs. William Alvord and Mrs. H. Tannhauser were in charge of this department. Homemade candles were sold by Mrs. Ieon HIrsch and Mrs. H. C Echenberger; fruits and jellies were In charge of Mrs. S. A. Brown and Mrs. E. H. Ehrman. Cakes of every variety, all , homemade, were sold by Miss Mary Berdan, superin tendent of the Exchange, and Miss At wood. The Exchange is prepared to take orders for English plum pudding', fruit cake, wedding cakes, mince meats, salads of all kinds, or any article of cookery needed by the private home or by entertainers. The orders thy have recently been filling have given greatest satisfaction, and the lunch eon cards and favors furnished are artis tically executed. A luncheon is served by the Exchange daily, which business men and women are asked to patronize. The decorations were superintended by Miss Clara Teal. Miss Martha Hoyt and Miss Eleanor Glle. FORESTS OF NORTHWEST. Greatest Timber Resources on the Earth Are In Oregon. Chicago Record-Herald. Imagination cannot picture nor can fancy conjure anything In the realm of sylvan nature more grand In beauty and Inspiration than the trackless forests of the Pacific Northwest. In the presence of the great monarchs of the forest, many of which have, no doubt, defied the war ring elements for centuries, and still stand with their huge trunks pointing heaven ward 200 and even 300 feet before a branch is Hiet. tmconquered kings of incompar able majesty, a great pity and sadness fills the heart. Civilization in the form of the ax and the saw Is rapidly accomplishing what Father Time and the elements have failed to achieve, the downfall of these gTSat wmarchs of the Northwest. If one loves jtfature in her superlative dress, a feeling ox intense regret, xoiiowa a visit to any one of the lumber camps in the Oregon Country. It does sot seem right that this mighty forest, stretching as jt does from the Straits of Fuca to Humboldt Bay lit CaKtwmla, the greatest, and. In fact, the only greet timber belt on the' Continent. stMisIn be put to the. uses of znan. tbm fall cf a great forest giant Is a ei neer to he forgotten. Stricken to tfea heart,- ii 3biv?rs and trembles through- We have 25 new pat terns in all-leather Turkish Sockers. Each piece fully guar anteed as to leather and construction. Platform base or Har rington spring base just as you like. Come in and try one of them that's all we ask. MAKBYOTJR 10WN TERMS out its towering height as though de termined to resist and shake off the un known force gnawing at It3 vitals. Un able to do so, It sighs' as it sways to and fro in the wind to Anally come crashing and thundering down, cruelly scarring Its fellows as It fall3 to the earth with an expiring groan that echoes and re-echoes for miles down the mountain sides. To the lumbering interests of the North west. ' however, the great forests have no poetry, no beauty, no souL All this 13 lost In the commercialism of the times. To those who regret this fact there is comfort In the knowledge that the Gov ernment has reserved areas aggregating 7271 square miles, nearly all lying In the cascade Kange, and wnicn contain luiiy 55,000,000,000 feet of lumber, which never can be sold for so much per foot. The rest Is doomed to comparatively speedy destruction, for the markets of the world are seeking the resources of this, the last of the mighty forests. For generations to come the greatest Industry of the Pa cific Northwest is bound to be in lumber. The resources of the Oregon country ara almost beyond conception. Great cor porations and combinations of capital capable of developing these resources eco nomically and rapidly are fast acquiring title to the forest lands of the Paclfio Coast States and of Idaho and Montana. Combinations of railroad Interests have been effected which make it possible for the lines serving the forest regions ot the Northwest to make througn rates to an the markets of the East. These two new conditions are accomplishing wonders in developing the lumber Industry of Wash ington, Oregon. Upper California and Western Idaho.. A few figures will give some idea of the vastness of the opportunity. Government forest experts have estimated that the state of Oregon alone has 335,000.000.000 feet of standing timber, which If sawed into boards an inch thick would make a walk half a mile wide and extending around the earth. By the close of tho present century the Oregon Country for ests will, it is estimated, have contrib uted fully $12,000,000,000 to the wealth of the United States. During 1903 the lumber and shingle pro duction of the Pacific Coast States vps between -4.000,000,000 apd 5,000.000,000 feet. Washington, greatest thus. far among the lumber-producing states, came first, with approximately 2,300,000,000 feet; Oregon second, with about 1,200,000,000 feet, and California third, with about 1.000,000,000 feet The cut from the Columbia River Basin alone amounted to approximately 600,000,000 feet, and Portland still retained her prestige as the greatest lumber-producing city on the Coast, with a record of 351.000.000 feet. It is interesting to know that the foreign shipments of lum ber from the Northwest increased that year over 12.500,000 feet, and the domestid consumption over 24.S00.000 feet. Northwest Rural Carriers Named. O REG ONI AN NEWS BUREAU. WasKi ington Nov. 3. Rural carriers were ap- pointed today as follows: Oregon Clackamas, Tegular F. W. Knoll, substitute 1. Knoll; Hood River, A. Shelley, substitute Percy T. Shelley; Oregon City, regular Alvin S. Klelnsmlth, substitute Joseph Studeman. Washington Spokane, regular Dee Lin coln, substitute Wilber D. Lincoln. WHAT IS THERE. IN IT? Scott's Emulsion is a care' ful blend of the purest-cod liver oil, hypophosphites -pi lime and soda, glycerine and a dash of flavoring. The com bination of these valuable ingredients emulsified as'ih Scott's Emulsion represents. the greatest remedy yet dis covered for weak lungs, poor blood, low vitality, child. weakness and all wasting-j- j WV 11 mmi yam uiah, km SCOTT BOWNE, f sarf Ssa, JCaw York