T THE MORNING OREGOmAff, FBIDAY, 'NOVEMBER 4, 1901. Baldwin's Arrow Lands in Cornfield.4 FLOATS FOR 1 6 MILES Vessel Is Unharmed Save Two Small Rents in Gas Bag. jS HAULED BACK TO ST. LOUIS California Inventor Expects to Have , the Craft In Readiness for An other Flight by Tomorrow Afternoon. ST. LOUTS, Nov. 2. The airship of Cap tain T. 8. Baldwin, of Ban Francisco, which suddenly slipped away last night as it was belne towed In from the coun try to the aeronautic concourse, was found today IB miles west of St. Louis. It was unharmed by its wild night flight, save Sot two small rents. In the gas bag, which Captain Baldwin stated could be repaired In half an hour. When the Arrow escaped, there was Just enough gas to lift the craft well off the CTOund. Inventor Baldwin expressed his belief at the time that the cold night air would condense the as rapidly, and cause- the airship to come down In the vicinity of St. Louis. After floating in the wind for 16 miles, the airship came down to within a short distance of the ground, and her anchor rope became en tangled in the dead limb of a tree. This served as an anchor, and the airship was found so moored in a cornfield by farmers. Word reached Baldwin late In the day that his airship had been found. He and Aeronaut Knabenshue hurried to the scene In an automobile, and were repolced to find the aerial craft uninjured, with the exceDtion of two slight rents in the bal loon. The balloon was deflated, and after negotiations had been completed with a farmer, the collapsed airship was loaded en to a haywagon and brought back to the Exposition aerodrome. Captain Bald win stated tonight that he expected to have the airship in readiness for a flight by Saturday afternoon. COUNT MOKEY FOE PRIZE. New York Tellers Engage Jn an Ex citing Contest. NEW. YORK, Nov. 3. A money-counting and, adding contesUhas been held at the-' First National Bank under the auspices of the American Institute of Bank Clerks. Twelve packages of mixed bank bills of 5, 110 and $20 denominations and aggre gating $6000 each were carried into a cage Tinder the guard of 12 policemen. Twelve representatives from as many Chicago banks sorted the money, "proved it," counted it into $500 packages, strapped It up, and initialed it under tho critical gaze of 500 of thel? fellow clerks. The first prize of $25 was won by Le rooyne S. Hatch, of the First National Bank, in 21 minutes 6 4-5 seconds. Neat ness, accuracy and speed were the essen- . tlal points. Two contestants were placed in each cage under the guard of two Judges and two timekeepers. The contestants were principally tellers. Hatch finished one minute ahead of Frank E. Loomls, of the Merchants Loan & Trust Bank, whose time was 22 minutes 1 1-5 seconds. Mun roe R. Venables, of the Corn Exchange National Bank, was third, with 25 minutes 10 seconds flat. The second and third prizes were $10 and $5. Before the counting contest men from the different banks added up 500 checks on the machines. The first prize of $25 was won by Fred Robyn, of the First National, In the time of 11 minutes, 29 4-5 seconds. The second prize of $10 was taken by Charles Novak, of the Corn Exchange, in 12:15 2-5. and the third of $5 by Edwin D. McCullough, of the National Bank of North America, now Jnerged In the Continental in 12:15 8-5. The checks ran from 90 cents to $250,000 snd aggregated $1,500,003. ' Mine Operators Break the Strike. CHICAGO, Nov. 3. Forty-live hundred tnlneworkers have returned to work in the soft-coal mines at MInonk, Rutland and Marquette, engineers having been se cured to take the places of the hoisting engineers on strike at those points. Three thousand men at Spring Valley also are reported to have been given em ployment. The engineers are said to have -been recruited from the ranks of the United Mineworkera. At Springfield today the state executive board of the United Mineworkera of America, together with district and sub district presidents of unions, met to devise means, if possible, to settle the strike. Indicted for Wrong Use of Mails. BOSTON, Nov. 3. Three officers of the Preferred Mercantile Company, of Boston, the business of which was to issue con tracts for diamonds on periodical Install ments and mature them in numerical order, were indicted by the Federal Grand Jury today on the charge of de positing in tho mails letters concerning a lottery. Those indicted include George E. Stllllngs, the president of the company. G. C. Stllllngs, the secretary and treas urer, and John F. Knisely, the Massachu setts agent. Partially Approved by France. PARIS, Nov. 3. The suggestion that an American Admiral be requested to be a member of the Anglo-Russian interna tional arbitration commission is partially approved In French official quarters. Al though no definite information nas been received, the officials here are Inclined to believe that the commission will hold its sessions In Paris, but the Russian authori ties expect the meetings will take place at The Hague. Fined for Bringing In Consumptive SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. s.-&vrta r Victor H. Metcalf. of the Department of Commerce and Labor, today Imposed a fine of $100 upon the Pacific Coast Steam ship Company for bringing to this port, on September 2S, as a passenger on the steamer umauua, rrom victoria, B. C a consumptive. V Fairbanks Has a Busy Day. TERRE HAUTE. Ind.. Nov. 3. Nearly 20 speeches were made today by Senator Fairbanks- in "Western Indiana, beginning at. Blooaaington in the morning-and con cluding with & large meeting at TacraJ Haute in the evening. ' College demon strations were notable-feature -of the "day's tour, students turning out in large numbers at Bloomlngton, Greencastle and Crawfordsville. CASSmi XAY BE TXA2TSZEESED Ambassador Likely to Go to London, and Later to Paris. "WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. State Depart ment officials consider it quite probable that Count Casslnl, the Russian Ambas sador, will be transferred first to London and later to Paris before the war with Japan ends. This opinion prevails, despite the denials of information reaching Lon don from St. Petersburg that Count Cas slni will be made Ambassador to Great Britain within two months. Count Cas slnl's great ambition is to conclude his diplomatic career at Paris, the best post In the Russian service. He has long sought this place, and might accept the British mission with the promise of Paris in the near future. There is believed to be some truth in the St. Petersburg ad vices. INTERVENTION MOTION LOST. Lower House of Hungarian Diet Re fuses to Support Their Move. BUDAPEST, Nov. -3. The lower house of the Hungarian Diet has declined, to approve the resolution of Francis Kos suth, president of the Independent party, calling on the Premier to "urge the Austro-Hungarlan Foreign Minister to support any diplomatic attempt on the part of the United States, tending to put on end to the bloodshed In the Far East. Supporting his motion, Kos suth today declared that Russia, de spite her defeats, had brilliantly main tained the reputation for gallantry of her army, so hat she can accept inter vention without feeling that her honor is affected. Premier Tlszonla, however, -while de claring he fully appreciated Kossuth's noble intentions, pointed out that ac tion by a neutral power could only be effective if the belligerents desired. At the Premier's request, the motion was rejected. EVIDENCE FOR BRITAIN. German Sailors Declare the Russians Fired on Their Own Ships. . BERLIN, Nov. 4. Despite a semi-official denial from St. Petersburg, it appears to be the almost universal impression that, during the bombardment of the English fishing fleet off the Dogger bank, and per haps also during other stages of the extraordinary voyage, the Russians shelled their own ships. The belief Is manifestly cherished in all sincerity in St. Petersburg and Moscow that there were actually Japanese torpedo-boats lying in wait for the Baltic fleet In the North Sea. The evidence of the crew of the German trawler Sonntag makes It appear that shortly after leaving the Skaggerak, the Russians actually began to make the fatal mistake of firing-upon their own ships. No Agreement With Spain. BERLIN, Nov. 3. The Foreign Office here authorizes the Associated Press to say that Germany has no agreement with Spain whatever respecting Joint protec tion of their interests in Santo Domingo. Ladies' Outfitters If you1 want to tiny dependable furs you should come to a fur store. Our reputation as head quarters for furs of a superior quality has long been established by the durability of our gar ments, everyone of which we make in our own factory. A fur purchase comes once in a lifetime to most folks, and that very fact makes quality the chief factor in buying therefore, we emphasize quality in all our furs. We are headquarters for gen uine Alaska Sealskins, of which we have the largest selection in the "West to choose from. Remodeling and repairing at the lowest prices. $18.00 Fur Boas $12.50 Friday and Saturday we offer a very choice assortment of Fox Boas of all shades Sable, Isa bella and blue; regular $18.00 values for, special $12.50. - Visit Our Suit Salon If you are contemplating the purchase of a smart Suit, Skirt, Coat, Waist, Petticoat, Norfolk Blouse, Fur Ooat or Scarf, and are seeking clothes of excellence and fashion clothes of serviceability clothes that merit your fullest confidence clothes of an exclusive style and priced very economical it's to your decided benefit to visit our Suit Salon. Who's Your Corsetiere American women, like their French sisters, have come to realize that the corset is the foundation of good dressing and good carriage. Our corsetiere can fit you so you may assume absolute freedom in every pose and be in perfect harmony with" Fashion's latest decrees. Our corsetiere is an experienced fitter. Our prices range from $1.00 to $15.00. Special Friday $5.00 Children's Coats $3.1511 'Kerchiefs, three for 25$ $6.00 Children's Coats $3.65 j $1.25 Umbrellas 85 $ $7.50 Children's Coats 4.85 j40c Hosiery 25$ $8.50 Children's Coats $o.9o 25c Neckwear v.19 WEDDING INVITATIONS and Neither has Germany protested against the arbitration decision in the case of the claims of the Santo Iomingo Improve ment Company, of New York, nor does the Foreign Office know anything regard ing the action taken by the Spanish Con sul at Santo Domingo in behalf of Ger man. Outbreaks in Albania. "VIENNA, Nov. 4. Reports have been received here of renewed outbreaks on-the pant of the Comltadjls in Albania. In one instance the Greek village of Gulrtxlchta, near Gevheli, was surrounded and large quantities of petroleum were poured on the roofs of the houses and In the streets. Four Greek houses were fired in this man ner and seven of their occupants burned to death. Three others were killed In the scrimmage that followed. American Refuses to Fire Salute. CHEFOO, Nov. 3. The Japanese Consul here, on the Mikado's birthday, requested Rear-Admiral Folger, commanding the cruiser division of tho "American Asiatic fleet, and the Captain of a Chinese cruiser to Are a salute. Rear-Admiral Folger de clined to accede to the request on the ground that he was not In Japanese waters. -The Chinese Captain, however, complied. The incident has aroused much comment. Italians and Germans in Fight. INNESBRUCK. Austria, Nov. 3. The opening of the Italian faculty at the uni versity uere today led to a terrible affray between German and Italian students. Italian students flred upon the others with revolvers, and six were wounded, one of them fatally. Russian Ships Cleared for Action. GIBRALTAR, Nov. (.It Is stated here that, when the commanders of the Rus sian ships of the Baltic squadron per ceived that they were followed by a Bri tish cruiser, they had their vessels cleared for action. No shots, however, were flred. CHINESE EEFOEMEE IS SLAIN New York Policemen, With Great Dif ficulty, Arrest the Murderer. NEW YORK, Nov. 3. A shooting af fray with many features resembling the highbinder outrages of the San Francisco Chinese quarter, which occurred in China town today, may result In the death of Mock Duck, one of tho most prominent members of the reform element In the local Chinese colony. Mock was -waylaid as he was passing through Pell street, and one of two bullets fired at him lodged in his abdomen, making an extremely dangerous wound. When his assailant, who was captured as he was running away, was being taken to the patrol-box by a policeman, the couple were surrounded by three other Chinamen, with drawn revolvers, de manding the" release of the prisoner. The situation was becoming serious, when a dozen reserves arrived. The reserves found the policeman and his prisoner backed up in a doorway, the officer hold ing back three armed Chinamen. The would-be rescuers fled when the rein forcements arrived. The man under ar rest is Lee Sing, a laundryman. Mock Duck was tried for the murder of a fellow Chinaman about two years ago, but was acquitted. Immediately after his release from prison he became ac tive in reform circles In tho Chinese quar- Fourth and Morrison and Saturday S7.50 Walking Skirts. ..S5.85 Millinery One-Fourth off. ANNOUNCEMENTS WASHINGTON BUILDINQ. " TOnBTg, A Via ViSWIMftTOK KCS. BLE Advance December Butterick Patterns Are In $7.50 Hat Shapes at $2.69 See Women's Raincoats $12.50 Twenty-odd women bought one of these Coats yesterday and there wasn't a cloud on the sky. That was wise forehanded ness, for it's more than likely that the Coats will be put to good use before we're 30 days older. These coats are made of a Cravenetted Herringbone-weave cloth in castor, olive, Oxford and gray; full back -with side plaits, fancy scalloped plaits, belted, collar! ess, full puff slejves. All in all, a gar ment no other store in the city can offer for less than $16.50 our price today is . Then -we've lots of other raincoats, in dozens and dozens of other styles, ranging in price from $15.00 to $50.00. 36-in. Silkoline 81c Yard wide plain colored Silko lines the proper quality for covering quilts and comforters. Special today at 8$ 36-in. Satines 20c Wonderful variety of Furniture Satines Newest designs and colorings. Greens, pinks, blues, reds. Special at 20$ 50c Lace Stockings 33c This is emphatically Portland's best Stocking Store. That is, if ALWAYS giving BEST values has any merit in determining leadership. 50c Imported Lace Lisle Stockings. Fast black, double soles and heels New all-over lace and lace boot patternsf 20c Children's School Stockings, ixi ribbed Sani tary black, extra spliced heels and toes, double knee. Sizes 6 togj. 35c Ribbon 18c Satin Taffeta and Taffeta Kibbons, all silk, four inches wide, in white, cream, black, pink, Nile, red, maize, tan and brown; 25c and 35c values for 1.3$ Handkerchiefs A,f Instead of 35c and 40c -A'EV' Women's all pure linen, hand embroidered Handkerchiefs, plain, scalloped and lace trimmed edges. AfQift Instead of 65c to 85c Women's all pure .linen, hand embroidered Handkerchiefs, plain, scalloped and lace trimmed edges. ter. In co-operation with the Parkhurst Society. By his work Mock had gained the en mity o many of his fellow-countrymen against whom the work of tho society was directed and he had frequently been threatened with death. HOUSEFLY HAS 'TROUBLES. Pestiferous Insect Is Fed Upon by Parasite. SALEM, Or.. Nov. 3. (Special.) If the bald-headed man feels any resentment toward the pestiferous fly, which Is pro verbially his chief source of annoyance, he might get some satisfaction by exam ining a few of those insects through th lens of a strong magnifying glass. Pro fessor Boyer, of the chair of science, of Willamette University, has recently been conducting some Investigation for the benefit of his class In zoology, and finds that the ordinary housefly has troubles of its own. In the form of a parasite so small as to be Invisible to the naked eye. What the parasite lacks in size It makes up In "numbers and ferocity, and the fly which has been so unfortunate as to be come Infested with them has life made miserable for him. Little wonder, then. If In tho exasperation of despair the fly proceeds to make life miserable for ani mals much larger than himself. The parasite discovered by Professor Boyer belongs to the family of pedicull, or. In common parlance, lice. Though smaller than a speck of fine dust, the In sect Is perfect In form, according to the characteristics of his species, and Is pro vided with all the necessary appliances for making his way In the world. Seen under the microscope, this minute insect appears to have immense claws which en able blm to cling firmly to the body of his victim, while he plunges a sharp, tubular beak deep Into tho veins and sucks the life-blood, which constitutes his nourishment. The fly feels tho drain upon his system and shows it In his appearance. Instead of being plump. active and healthy, the fly infested with vermin Is small, sickly and stupid. He Is unable to rid himself of his voracious enemies, and In the end must die that they may live. Professor Boyer did not conduct the In vestigation far enough to learn whether the louse that lives upon the back, of the fly has a still smaller parasite that feeds In turn upon him. Cruiser Buffalo AfalA at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. X The United States' cruiser SuXalo arrived here today -after a trt'te HoaolBlu and Midway Lipman, Wolfe 6c Co. Untrimmed Millinery is the therrle of the bargain story today. Velvet shapes, taffeta silk shapes, crushed velvet shapes, plush shapes, chenille and braid Hats in an immense variety. All of the most de sirable colors represented in the line. Val ues are up to $7.50 Alt marked at one grand clearance price of $2.69 display in Third-Street window. $12.50 Dress Goods for Little Your own best interests demand that you visit this Dress Goods Store if you've unsatisfied Dress Goods wants. Never were we so well prepared to meet your every want Never were prices so much in your favor. $1.19 Instead of $1.50 A splendid collection of this season's best weaves 50 to 56-inch plain cloths and mixtures, checks, stripes and plaids, zibelines, coverts, etc; best $1.50 quality for $1.19 Lace Stockings 33c School Hose 15c Embroidered end Four-in-Hand Ties 25$ Embroidered end Windsor Ties :.5o$ New Rhumchnuda Ties. $1.00 Fancy Silk Neckwear 25$ 75c Lace End Stock, beaded collar, embroidered silk stocks. All at 49$ Embroidered Irish Linen sets, collar and cuffs $1.50; $2, $2.50 and $3 per set. COUETS FOE NATIONS. Time Coming When Fighters Will Be Arrested. MARSHFIELD.Or.. Oct. SI. (To the Editor.) In The Ore gon Ian of October 23 you give acme conclusions In regard to war, and de cide that It Is one of the necessary adjuncts which follow la the natural course of National affairs, and that nations will continue to ar bitrate their differences with sword and run till perhaps the end of time. Of course. It Is simply a matter of opinion, and that is all any of us can have so .tar as the future Is concerned. That Xlnd of arbitra tion Is based upon the premises that "might makes right." Should Japan whip Russia out of Manchuria, and establish all her claims, the world would look upon Japan as being In the right; but, on the other hand, should Russia drive Japan back, and so far as the nation of Jacan is concerned, drive, her Into the sea, then Russia would stand out boldly and proclaim to the world that she wae In the right. Let two men have some difficulty and start In to settle It according to their physical, strength, and It Is the law of our land that other par ties standing1 near must interfere to stop the fight. Why a rule that Is claimed to be the correct thing between individuals should not have & similar interpretation am one nations is something- X cannot understand. If we stand with our outlook backwards to ward the past wo naturally would come to the conclusion that matters In regard to warfare would always continue as they are now and have been In the past; but, are we Justified in those conclusions T Had our forefathers .been looking backwards Instead of forward toward f. new and Inde pendent nation there never would have been a nation known as the "United States of America. Thcrs are many people now who are looking ahead toward the time when the same law that now applies between Individuals will be made to apply between nations; and we be lieve the time .will come when It will be looked upon, as Just the same fcr a nation, on account of her superior strength, to overrun and crcsh down & smaller and weaker nation as It Is for a large and powerful man. on ac count of his strength, to hammer Into subjec tion 3inal!er and weaker men. It would come After Dinner To assist digestion, relieve ffl straw after e&tlag o- '-Inking teo heartily, to pre vest eons j.-.tioa, take Hood's Pill Wise Economy for Men $1.50 Camelshair Don't think for a moment that because Winter is late in coming that Winter won't come at all. A late Winter is very apt to be a severe, one. Chances to procure underwear of the kind you'll need then at much below regular prices. The shirts have ribbed skirts, silk fronts and pearl but tonsthe drawers have silk bands, suspender tapes, double gussets and pear buttons; actual $L50 value for $1.19. 25c Worsted Socks for 19c Pair Having the feet warm goes a good ways toward being comfortable all over. These socks are of the correct Winter weight; come in Hack, natural and clerical gray. Never sold at less than 25c; chance today forl9t. ' 79c Instead of $1.00 At less than regular values today. Priestley's mohair, crispine, mo hair, granite, armures, cheviots, serges, wool granite 44 to 50 inches wide $L00 value for 79$ Underwear for Little Women's Underwear Instead of 50c Wo men's n on-shrinking, plated, wool Vests and Drawers, all sizes, white and natural gray. gQn Instead of $1.00 Wo men's Norfolk, and New Brunswick, ribbed, part 'wool Vests and Drawers, white and natural gray. , 7Q-i Instead of $1.00 Wo L w men's "Oneita" ribbed, wool plated Union Suits. Three Glove Specials Instead of $1.25 One clasp pique Kid Gloves, Paris Point embroidery, tan, mode, brown, beaver and ox blood. Instead of $1.00 For the famous "Rigo," overseam, fillet embroidery, all colors; positively as good as any $1.25 sold in other stores. nstea( f $1-50 Two clasp pique kid Gloves, -Paris Point embroidery, tan, brown, beaver, oxblood, navy. Just as near establishing the matter of right and wrong between the men as It does between nations. There is no one who attempts to say that General Sherman's Interpretation of war Is perfectly correct: and why nations need be supposed always to continue In the expression of that feature of human manifestation, while the Individual Is expected to step to a plane above It, la" a problem a little hard to solve. And where nations are allowed and expected to manufacture "hell" by the wholesale, how can the individual climb much above the seething: pot that his nation heats up for him? I look forward to the time, and believe it will come, when The Hague, or some other point, will be the courthouse of the world, where national differences can be settled as individual differences are now settled by the courts of our land. "Why one course should be expected of the man, and another from an aggregation of men known as a nation, Is not right clear; but I suppose you will argue that all thereia to It Is that a nation Is expected to fight, while the Individual can be made to keep the peace. There Is no right or wrong to be considered in the case; it Is only what Is liable to occur that we have to figure from. "When Individuals differ so that they get into the courts the right and wrong of the trouble Is supposed to be- considered and the decision rendered accordingly, so why need nations object to having theelr differences adjusted In the same manner? I know you will say they feel oo big they simply will not do It and that Is all there la to it. But that does not answer the question as to what the fu ture may bring forth. I know If we reason from the past, and Tutfs Pills Cure AM Liver Ills Arrest' - disease by the timely use c Tutt's Liver Pills, an old anc favorite remedy of increasing, popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, scur stomach, malaria, indiges tion, torpid liver, coostipatsoc and al bilious diseases. TUTTS Liver PILLS Subscriptions Taken for the Delineator, $1 Year Men who participate in the many bargain events which are "pulled off" in our Men's Store, never have cause for regret. No matter how little the price may be, you can always depend on the quality being the "right sort." $1.50 Gloves $1 Men "who procured some of these gloves during our last sale will surely come here today and secure another pair or two. They are an ouiscam cape glove and come in various tan and brown shades. Actual value of these gloves is $1.50 on sale today at 91.00 per pair. ,Display in Washington-street window. Underw'r $1.19 Spachtel Scarfs 50c Special sale today of Swiss Spatchel Scarfs, 18x54 inches Ten different designs Very unusual value at 50$ Linen Sale We again call the attention of house, hotel and boarding house keepers to the many wonderful values offered in the Linen Store. Children's Underwear OQa Instead of 50c to 75c "Oneita" fleeced cotton Union Suits, ecru, all sizes. Q Instead of $1.15 to $1.50 SWV- children's "Oneita" wof61;pTati5d Union Suits, natural gray, all sizes. 2 Instead of 35c to 50c children's fleeced, cot ton ribbed Vests, Drawers and Pantalets, ecru and natural. much from the present, the conclusion is that nations will always fight; but do they always need to fight? That Is the question. It Is one that a great many people are asking In their hearts, and they feel the answer throbbing to ward the side of peace; and I believe It will continue to grow until in due time It will bear fruit. THOMAS BUCKMAN. Russian Ships Sail From Tangier. TANGIER, Nov. 3. The Russian battle ships SIssoi Veliki,. Oslabya, Admiral Nak hlmoff and Dmitri Donskoi, commanded by Admiral Voelmersam, have sailed for Suda Bay. Rosenthal's 149 THIRD STREET SOLE AGENTS For Portland i