THE MORNING OREGON! AN, TKCKSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1904. 5 TODAY MAYSEE FALL Russians Expect Great Battle at Port Arthur. IS THE MIKADO'S BIRTHDAY Authorities Continue to Profess Con fidence In Stoessel's Ability to Hold Out, but the General Public Is Without Hope. ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 3. (2:40 A. M.) There is much'anxlety here over the military situation. Little news has been received from Mukden, General Sakha- roff's telegram o November 1 merely ln- dicating that matters -were at a. deadlock around Shakhe. The Japanese have made some tentative moves on both flanks, which were checked, but there are no signs yet of a general advance by their army. General Sakharofl! telegraphs that Tues day night was quiet, the Japanese, how ever, showing marked signs of recommenc ing the offensive againstthe Russian left wing. They have also reoccupled the vil lage of Sandlapu, near the Hun River, in front'of the Russian right flank. ' Foreign reports from Port Arthur are decidedly gloomy. While the authorities continue to profess confidence in General Stoessel's ability to hold out, the popular feeling Is that the heroic garrison, which already has made a historic defense, must now be near the limit of human endur ance. The official reports from Tokio describing the desperate asaults on the fortress, be ginning October 26, have created visible depression at the "War Office. The sus tained character of the bombardment with siege guns and the breaching of the walls by underground mines, but above all the fact that the Japanese govern ment, after weeks of silence regarding the operations of the besiegers, has given out these reports before actual success has crowned their efforts, convinces the mili tary authorities that after long prepara tions General Nogl is not only making a supreme effort to carry the fortress but feels so confident of success that the re sult of the preliminary operations has been made public They believe the -assault was timed for the announcement of the fall of the -fortress to be made upon the birthday of the Mikado tomorrow, which by a strange coincidence Is the 10th anniversary of the accession of Emperor Nicholas, and a great Russian holiday. Tomorrow, there fore, is expected to be marked by fate for a day of immense rejoicing either for Japan or Russia, according as the present assault succeeds or fails. In the face of the gloomy reports direct from Tokio, the Invalid Russ, the army organ, today announces that the storm ing operations ended with a repulse of the Japanese on Monday, but the paper falls to give its authority for this Important statement. No .official report warranting It has been received by the War Office. JAPANESE TAKE TWO POSITIONS- Russians Turn Water on Them but They Hold Bast. CHEFOO, Nov. 3 (Noon.) Japanese ar riving from Dalny today report that the Japanese have captured Rlhlung Moun tain" and Sungshu Mountain, which lies between the railroad and Rlhlung Moun tain. 'They also report that the Japan ese have captured East Keekwan Moun tain. Conservative Japanese, realising the in tense desire of the Japanese for good news on the Emperor's birthday, receive the foregoing reports with reserve. Re garding the capture of Rlhlung and Sung shu Mountains, the report is not consid ered Improbable, but Japanese eay ltls not Intended to occupy East Keekwan Mountain. In August the Japanese suc ceeded in entering East Keekwan fort, as was related in these dispatches at that time, but under the concentrated fire qf me omer ions iney were compelled to re tire. Japanese officers here say it is Im possible to hold East Keekwan. and there fore an attack on that position is pre sumably only a feint. When the Japanese occupied the Russian trenches on Rlhlung Mountain It is said the Russians turned a current of water into the trenches, but that the Japanese held fast. Previous to this Japanese shells exploded two land mines on Rlhlung Mountain. Japanese Successes Reported. TOKIO, Nov. 2. Manchurlan headquar ters, in a report dated November 1, says: "On the afternoon of October 30. in front of the left detachment of the left army, a force of the enemy, consisting of a regiment of infantry, three regi ments of cavalry and two batteries of artillery, advanced from Ldtewentun, Hansantai and the northward. Our de tachment, after the fight, succeeded in repulsing the enemy. "Our detachment sustained only a slight loss, while the enemy's cavalry lost heavily. Fifty of the Russians lost their horses. The Russian cavalry re treated In all directions and in disorder, leaving 13 dead. "The left column of the left army, on tho night of October 30; seized and burned a village about 400 yards north west of Chengllenpao. ' Big Guns of Russians Silent. GENERAL KURORTS HEADQUAR TERS, Nov. 1, via FuBan. Nov. 2. After -weeks of constant artillery fire, varied with frequent infantry skirmishes. Gen eral Kuroki s army has enjoyed a day of perfect quiet. For the first time since the battle of the-Shakhe River, no big suns from tne Russian side have been fired. There is. however, constant rifle shooting between the Japanese and Rus sian trenches, -which are quite near each other at many places along the front. Casualties From Sniping Large. GENERAL. KURORTS HEADQUAR TERS IN THE FIELD. vlaTusan. Nov. 2. Whenever a Russian or a Japanese exposes his head, he draws the fire of an opponent. A constant exchange of shots between the outposts continues daily. The Russian casualties from snip ing are large. The Chinese are busy carting in grain along and between the lines of both armies, and are almost In different to the shooting. Russians Explode Mines. CHEFOO, Nov. 3. A censored dispatch fromthe Associated Press correspondent with the Japanese Army does not give any particulars of a general engagement going on at Port Arthur, but It Is certain that it occurred and that some forts -were captured. Terrific explosions beard" here indicate that the Russians have exploded mines and destroyed other property. Ziiinsky Slated for Chief of Staff. ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 2. It is re ported that General Ziiinsky, Vlcepy AlexlefTs chief of staff, will become chief of the general staff, succeeding General Sakharoff, the present Minister of War. who was chief of staff under General Ku ropatkin. and whose place has been only provisionally filled by General Proloff since SakharofTs promotion. Russia Will Ignore Protest of Japan. ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 2. Russia will probably decide to ignore the Japanese protest regarding Russian troops wearing Chinese clothes, as Japan did in the case of the Russian protest in regard to the Russian torpedo-boat destroyer Ryeshltel nl, cut out of Chefoo harbor by the Jap ponese. Stoessel Submits Names of Heroes. ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 2. A belated dispatch from . Lieutenant-General Stoes--sel. commander of the Russian troops at Port Arthur, submits the names of 40 officers for St. George's crosses. FEW .CONSUMPTIVE PATIENTS. County Hospital Cares for These In an Isolated Ward. about outdoor treatment for tubercular patients at the county hospital, Dudley Evans, County Health Officer, says the cuuniy nas never at one time naa over eight such patients at Its hospital, and a great tent with a wooden floor and open windows for proper ventilation .is and has been the "ward" for these cases. This Is located 500 feet from the other buildings. It was first introduced by ex-County Phj siclan Dr. Harry F. McKay, and has been continued by his successor, Dr. Geary. Referring to a pavilion for consumptives. Mr. Evans says: Thle matter is one that has been given considerable study by the County Judge and Commissioners and the advice ot County Physician Geary, State Health Of ficer Woods Hutchinson and other sanitarians has been sought as regards the feasibility ot such an Institution in connection with the hos pital as it now stands. The enterprise would entail a much larger outlay of money than Is generally figured 'on by persona unacquainted with the situation. To begin with, the neces sity of a proper sewer outlet has been the malii drawback, bb until the advent of the "septic tank" the- sewerage has been sunk la the ground In "cesspools" and hn found Its way Into the creek running- along1 the Canyon Road, to the great discomfort of persons trav eling thereon, not to speak of the onier con siderations from a sanitary point of view. The subject of a tubercular part 11 on was the foun dation for a special article in the yearly re port of the County Board of Health handed in last January. The County Board. In company with B. P. Geary. County Physician, and Woods Hutchinson, State Health Officer, made a special trip to the farm and hospital sev eral months back to review the situation there with the "tubercular" cubject as a prominent feature. He commends the condition of the Coun ty Hospital as'a whole, and also has the following remarks to make UDon the sub ject: If there is any one place more than ail others that the County Judge and Commissioners are inclined to favor In the matter of a judicious expenditure of a little money, the County Hos pital has been the one nearest their hearts. .For the Immediate future and until other plans are more fully decided on the building formerly used as a carriage house Is talked of being fitted up for the consumptives, thus Isolating them- entirely fromother patients. Of course the approval of the rcss and pub lic is expected and desired in the promotion of all work of this character, and the fact that such approval will be given, will without s doubt hasten the work of recontnructlon now In progress. At some time In the near future a more modern building may take the place of the old wooden buildings now In use. The ob ject of those In charge at present has been all aiong io mast sucn additions oa regards sewers, water eupply, etc.. as to be of per manent value. BALL PLAYERS MAY BE HOOTED NATIONAL. League committees have evolved sets of rules governing the playing of a game of baseball, but it seems that they have neglected to com pile a chapter bearing upon the rules of etiquette to be followed by players In their associations with the public Ob serving this shortcoming. Municipal Judge Hogue has produced a suit able set of regulations for the guidance of players. Some of them are, in effect, as follows: If you are hboted by the public, smile. If you are called a lobster,- smile, and if so inclined, bow in acknowledgment of the compliment. If called a lubber, a piker, a quitter, a dub or any other of the choice names that fly thick and fast at every well regulated ball game smile. If thev public tries to lynch you or to use tar and feathers, place your hands to your mouth to serve as a sort of meg aphone, take a deep breath and shout for the police. They will do their best to protect you. , But 'don't try to take the law Into your own hands unless you have got more money than ybu know what to do with. Judge Hogue took the initiative in mak ing up these rules as the result of the ill-timed attacks, made by Catcher Heine Spies, of the Los Angeles team, upon Or ton, a bystander, at last Saturday's game. Spies, being In San Francisco, was rep resented by Attorney Wolfe in the Po lice Court. .The charge was assault and battery, of which he was promptly found guilty and fined $23. Judge Hogue, In pass ing sentence, said a ballplayer must Viot lose his head because he Is hooted at. as it Is the public's prerogative to hoot If deemed necessary. Only in event profan ity were used or he was assaulted would the player have the right to protest, and then only through the medium of tho Police Department, the same as other In dividuals, so His Honor held. Northwest People In New York. " NEW YORK, Nov. 2. (SpecJaL) Northwestern people registered at New York hotels today as follows: From Portland T. A. Stewart, at the Imperial; J. Annand and wife, at the Netherlands. From Spokane R. L. Rutter, at the Astor. Baker City. Or. R. M. Wilson, at the Victoria. From Seattle F. T. Hunter and wife, at the Imperial; M. J. Henry, at the Hol land; Mrs. S. Glllespy, at the Continental. Ex-Legislator Convicted of Bribery. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 2. John A. Sheridan, an ex-member of the House of Dele gates, who was ipdlcted on a bribery charge, convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary for Ave years, is dead at the Jefferson Hospital, from 'tuberculosis. Sheridan was not taken to tho peniten tiary, as his case was appealed to tho Supreme Court- Another indictment, however, was pending against him, and his case has been set for trial on Novem ber 10. Eleven weeks ago he was taken to the hospital. Held Up by Two Masked Men. J. Thornton, cook at the Quelle Cafe was held up and robbed of $6 at 2:30 this morning at the corner of Sixth and Flanders-streets. He told Officer J. B. Fones, whom he met shortly afterward, that two masked men attacked him, but he could not describe them further. Plea for McLoughlln's House. OREGON CITr. Or.. Nov. 2. (To the Edi tor.) I wish to enter a protest In your paper against the mutilation of the McLouchlln residence in Oregon City, at thlsjtlrne. when thousands of people will come from the East to Portland to visit the Lewis and Clark Fair., ana will be Interested In visiting the old residence of the founder of Vancouver and Oregon City. The lumber for the house was all dressed by hand, and the door? and windows were ateo made by hand, and the lumber sawed by an old upright sash saw. The house Is too valuable a relic to be al lowed to be destroyed, and Oregon City should be ashamed sot to be more consid erate of the memory of the founder of the city, and I hope that at this late day Its citizens will bestir themselves and save . the house which sheltered the big-hearted Mc Lpughlln and his family so many years. , GEORGE Tr KING. FLOODED IN INSTANT City Suffers Great by Breaking of Reservoir. NINE PERSONS ARE-DROWNED Disaster Occurs at an Early Morning Hour and 800,000 Gallons of Water Are Let Out Several People Are Injured. CHARLOTTE, N. C, Nov. 2. A res ervoir ofj the Municipal Water Works, located near the center of Winston Salem, N. C., broke at 5 o'clock this morning, ca'ulng the loss of nine lives and the injury of four or five persons. The dead arc: , i MISS OCTAVIA BAILEY, aged 20. LUCILLE MALON'B. colored. CAROLINE MARTIN, colored, MRS. MARTIN PEOPLES. MRS. VOGLER. v " MRS. JOHN POB and 12-year-old daughter. MRS. SOUTHERN. JOHN SOUTHERN. The injured Martin V. Peoples, both legs broken; Walter Peoples, Injury to back; Glliey Jordan, slightly bruised. These are at the hospital. D. L. Payne, a traveling man of Greensboro, was badly hurt, but may recover, though his condition prevented his removal to the hospital now. The north side of the reservoir, which is 30 feet high, tumbled over, falling upon the home and barn of Martin Peoples. There wero about SOO.000 gallons of water in the reservoir, and the stream rushed to Belos Pond, a distance of half a mile. Four tene ment houses were washed several hun dred yards. The reservoir was built in 1881 by 50 citizens. Ten years ago it and the en tire water plant were sold to the city. Soon thereafter ten feet was added to the height of the reservoir. The city had just had a large stand pipe completed. It is full of water and the town is prepared to supply every demand. The thousands f gal lons of water that flowed from the reservoir formed a pond in the vlcinty, and it was thought that several people might have been drowned in this. Tho City Council met and decided to drain the pond in order to recover the bodies Tho reservoir was situated about five blocks from the center of the business district of the city and was surrounded by a number of residences andT small stores. It Is understood the structure had been condemned, but the city au thorities had failed to remove it TON OF DYNAMITE EXPLODES. Earth Is Shaken for Five Miles, One Person Killed and 40 Injured. MOUNT VERNON, N. Y.. Nov. 2. Tho explosion of over a ton of dynamite unaer tne .Bond-street hrlrlin. nt i o'clock today shook tho city and the I surrounding country within a radius of five miles, probably killed at least on person and injured nearly 40 others iwo oi wnom may die. The man sup posed to have been killed was an Ital ian in 'charge of the dynamite. He was seen at his post of duty just before the explosion and nt trace of him has since been found. There were 2300" sounds of flvnnmfto stored at the side of tho deep rock cut running rrom tne western limits of the City to the New York. Nrw YTnirpr. JC- Hartford Railroad Station, which was used for blasting a path for additional tracks. The explosion tore -a hole In the 'ground 80 feet deei that is nnw full of water from a hidden spring, wrecked me .Dona-sireec Driage over the rail way tracks, and broke all the windows within a quarter of a mile. The force of the explosion, as is usual, was down ward, but tho upheaval along the sides of the cut hurled large stones for blocks. Many houses wero shifted from their foundations, walls were stripped of plaster and furniture was splintered. A heavy train, bound for New York, was Just pulling out of the Mount Ver non Station when the explosion oc curred and the engineer stopped until the track was cleared. In another min ute this train would have reached tho bridge. Most of the persons Injured were caught by falling ceilings and walls In the houses gjear by. Stoves In stores and dwellings were overturned, and many fires were started, but in each case the flames were quickly extin guished. The whole police force and the Fire Department were called out Chief of Police Foley at once arrested William E. Ryan, foreman of the gang of workmen employed on the blasting operations, and many witnesses are now held while an investigation Is being made Into tho cause of tho explosion. The dynamite was owned by the Egly-Bunty Construction 'Company, which Js doing blasting' for the railroad company preparatory to the establish ment of the four-track system. Those supposed to be fatally Injured are: Mrs. George A. Harlow, Mrs. Nlch olson; child, four months old. MINERS ARE DASHED TO DEATH Carriage Carrying Them to Work Gets Beyond Control of Engineer. WILKESBARRE. Nov. 2. Ten men were killed and three seriously injured by an acclde'nt at No. 1 Auchlnclose shaft at Nantlcokeearly today. The men were mostly all upon the mine car riage to be lowered to workings below. The signal was given -to the engineer who began lowering the men. The car riage had gone but a few feet when the engineer lost control of his engines, owing to the reverse levers falling to work, and the carriage, with Its load of human souls, ten in all, was dashed beyond the Ross vein, landing nearly 1100 feet below the surface and from there they were precipitated SCO feet further into a sump. Those who may not have been killed outright were without doubt drowned in the sump, which is fully 50 feet deep with .water. Up to 8 o'clock tonight no human aid .could reach them. The victlms, who were miners and laborers, resided In Nanticoke and most of them leave families. They were Poles and Slavs with the exception of one, John Kemper. It may require two or three days be foro any of the dead can be recovered. Bodies of Victims of Explosion Found TERCIO, Colo.. Nov;. 2. Two bodies of victims ot the mine explosion last Friday .wore recovered today, and identified as John and Joseph Barago, brothers. They were natives of Austria, and their only relatives In this country ordered that they be burled In Trinidad. Coroner Slpe im paneled a Jury upon learning of the find ing of the bodies today, but no testimony will be taken until all the dead have been recovered from the mine. Tho work of clearing the mine is pro gressing as rapidly as possible, but it Is only about one-third completed. Countryof. Strenuous Life. PARIS, Nov. 2 (7 P. M.) The Abbe Klein, ,a prominent clerical writer whose work on "Americanism," and "Life of Dr. Hccker," created an agitation, has just Issued a volume entitled, "In the Country cf Strenuous Life." It is dedicated to Preslderfv, Roosevelt and describes men. Institutions and affairs In the United States. A chapter is devoted to the abbe's visit to the White House and his interview with President Rooocvelt, Owing to the impending reorganization of the French Church system, the book's exposi tion of the American church system is at tracting widespread attention, ETJTJEED IN A TRATTT WHECK. Peddler Thrown Off Logging-Car Sues for $4105 Damages. James Harvey, a peddler, yesterday commenced suit against the Deep River Logging Company. In the the State Circuit Court, to .recover $4105 damages, on ac count of personal Injuries sustained by be ing thrown off a car on a logging railroad on September 1, 1901, In Wahkiakum Coun ty, Washington. Harvey says he desired to be conveyed from the river terminus of the railroad to its logging camp and boarded a tram for that purpose. The train collided with another train and Har vey was thrown off. He alleges that sev eral of his ribs were broken, his right knee was .dislocated and his back and head injured. He demands $1000 damages and also $105 expended for medical treat ment. Gammons & Malarkey appear as his attorneys. GRAND JURY MAY BE CALLED. Judge George Has Not Decided, but Will Probably Issue Summons. ..Judge George yesterday, speaking about a grand jury to sit during the November term of court, said he had not yet decided jf he- will call a 'grand Jury, but thought he would. If a grand jury Is con vened It will Investigate all public Institu tions, such as- the poor farm, county hos pital, Baby Home, etc., and can also take up gambling cases if there are any on hand. Urges New Trial for Walton. The motion for a new .trial In tho Charles W. Walton cases because ho was not required to enter a plea of not guilty were argued before Judge Cle land yesterday and taken under advise ment. Henry St. Rayner, counsel for Walton, contended that a plea of not guilty is imperatively essential to an issue, and without such a plea there is not an issue for trial by a jury; that a trial without a plea being made and entered raises no issue, and is a nullity. Mr. St. Rayner argued that his contention is supported by text-writers Wharton, Bishop, Roscoe. Blackstone and Cope. He also submitted authorities upon the point. District Attorney Manning and. his assistant. Mr. Moser, argued that a plea of not guilty- is Immaterial, and that authorities show that where a person does not object to going to trial where r. plea has not been made, he waives his right. He Objects to Usury. Suit to have a mortgage on a house and lot In Central Alblna canceled and de clared usurious was filed In the State Cir cuit Court yesterday by I. G. Darr against Guaranty Savings & Loan Association and Arnold Guesmer. On March 1, 1895, Darr borrowed $900 from the association on a building and loan contract. He says he has paid it with legal Interest and that the Interest which the company tseeks to collect amounts to 13 per cent, payable monthly, and Is usurious. BOYS' GENTLE PETITION. Wanted Boxing Gloves, So Threw Books at Superintendent. A "rough house," which took place In the boys' readlng-rtjom at Twenty-second and Reed streets last Thursday night was .the occasion of a visit to the reading-room last evening by Right Reverend B. WIetar Morris, the donor, and Special Officer Caswell. The boys, for an unexplained reason, took offence at the superintendent of the place last week, and on the evening men tioned rose In a body and threw at him everything In sight, checkers, magazines and books. The superintendent was com pletely submerged. When Bishop Morris camo into the room last night, and. taking off his shawl, spoke kindly to the boys, asking 'them what was wrong and what he could do for them, they hadn't a word to say. His revejeuu mien caimra lucm. wnen ne con cluded by Introducing Officer CaswelK there was a stiffening of backs throughout the room, for Officer Caswell Is not be loved In certain portions of North Port land. But the officer spoke soothingly -to the boys, showed them hla pretty star and honeyed over his threats of arrest with such sweetness that they came to him In droves and explained: "We want boxing gloves." Officer Caswell retailed the request to the bishop, who said they might have a punchlng-bag instead. SHE LIKED SHAWLS. Attendant of Saloon Sleeps in Jail ' but Keeps Garment. "Bob" Patterson's joint, on the corner of Fourth and Couch streets, run by his henchman". Moore, was the scene of one of its old-time tricks last night. N. Kahn, a licensed peddler, a Turk, was trying to sell shawls there last night when Gertrude Williams, a lady-ln-waltlng. grabbed the richest one, and. being seized, passed it over to Fred Fergonia, the bar tender, who hid It beneath his - apron. Kahn. his partner and another Turk. whom Patterson tried to buy off, started toward the Police Station, but met Ser geant Hogeboom on the way. The Ser geant started back with them, picked up Officers Burke and Baty, and going back to the dive, arrested the barkeeper and the woman. Both remained In Jail over night. Sergeant" Hogeboom warned Pat terson that such rough work would not be tolerated, but "Bob" said he knew nothing of the proceeding. AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. A E "Warfleld. San FrlB Van Horn J Russell, Tacoma 1G J Sharlack. N T Mrs J Borthwell. SeatG W Lichtenburger C Hussey. Spokane and wife. Los Ant-1 A P Keene, Seattle "W G Keene. do L A Deuker. do lA McKean, San Fran H'M Abraros, San FrG "Thatcher. do M Herzog, do Miss it-Thatcher, do J Maclean, Spokane C B Lalre and wife, Nome Mrs E Moale, Seattle M ts Holbrook. wife! and 3 children, city J H Bryant and wlfe. Chicago ' F t. Carter. Cinclnnt F E Fisher. Loulsvlll J Li Baker. Chicago X J Newman. Detroit J Jerkowskt. X Y H Ollenbery, do C R Hadley and son. Los Angeles Miss K MCUJonaid. -acr F Smlthe. . do T Roberts. do G H Clarke. Lincoln M Levin, New . York W Lamp, do H B Warren. do W G Burt, Chicago T F Mulligan, N Y H S Wlnans. Denver A A Stewart, Chicago H I Colter, San Fran F D Fuller. Sumpter G E Monroe, do B G Rosenstein, San F N J Gumblner. N Y L Shauae. Philadelph A V F Vilberr, N Y G E Vllbert, Boston iJ A Savage. Denver C R Stewart, San Frnj Mrs E L Gandelle. J Gorman, do BelllncKam G HEberhard. do C Zelnner. do (Mrs TlfTany,"do iJl a. Kichardson. S D M Griath. ClnclnatS Somenskr. do J S Kauffman, MarshilX W Tallant and wf, B H Cooper. ChgoJ Astoria W Preston, NY JA Fenger, San Fran P A Rice. Chicago IF Johnson. Peoria , THE PERKINS. C A Pavne. ChinooklDr II Reamer. Eaadn J E Ebuer. Seattle IA C Keyes. Dallas J B Benson, AberdeeniGeo Bassels. So Bend J B Morrison. MorolMrs Thoa Coppln. TCe! F II Taber. Tacoma jJ A Byerly. CastJ Rk' Mrs Taber, do (Geo E Rhodes. Centrl Miss Taber, do T F .Sheples, Hood B H Munay, N GlascojMrs Sheples, do Mrs Munay. do J E Douty. Seattle I S Kaufman, Marshf jMrs Douty. do M Taylor. Hosulam W S Smith, Cascades L Ostrand. Bridal V1W S Brancbflower, W B Kurt. T Dalles! Salem. Or J Peterson. do jJesse Hawks. Klaznth O A Taylor, Kelso S Teoham, Lorella JEWISH WOMEN'S WORK THEIR. COUNCIL FAVORS MOVE MENTS FOR GENERAL GOOD. Domestic Guild Is Pledged Support Relics fif Queen of Sheba Found In Abyssinia. A number of Important, measures were presented at the regular meeting of the Council of Jewish Women yesterday af ternoon, the majority of which are in directly connected with it3 general phil anthropic work. The proposition of Mrs. Mary Osborn Douthlt that the council secure a franchise from tho city to or ganize an exclusive employment agency wa3 rejected, but moral support was not withheld. Mrs. W. J. Honeymair "sub mitted the prospectus of the proposed do mestic guild which the Y. W. C. A. has under consideration; it was well received and the members of the council will un doubtedly become active patrons. Mrs. M. Baruh, who presided, presented the work of the Women's Exchange and asked for new members. The council was asked to attend "the tea to be given by the ex change today. Mrs. Ben Selling, chair man of the committee on religion, called attention to the first meeting of the class for the study of Apocrypha which will be held November 16 under the direction of Dr. S. S. Wise. Mrs. Gustav Simon, who was In charge of the meeting, read a most Interesting paper from Mrs. S. M. Blumauer, presi dent of the council, w'ho Is attending the conference of presidents of the National Council at St. Louis, and under the head of "Gathered by the Way" told much of the work being accomplished by Jewish women hi other sections of the country. A feature of all meetings this year will be "Current Events." which was well handled by Mrs. E. May yesterday.. She referred to the gallant work being done by the Jewish doctors and surgeons at the scat of war, and to the bravery of the Jewish soldiers In the field, news of which was sent from Mukden. Of spe cial interest was the following contribu tion to the history of King. Solomon: "The Paris Academy of Science is getting news from Abyssinia, where Hughues Le Roux has discovered a manuscript telling of the Queen of Sheba. The story Is engraved on tablets of clay and not, a single sentence Is mlssing.N It Is being translated and will make a sensation. Other great treas ures have been unearthed." The music was by Miss Nancy Beals. daughter of E. A. Beals. "of the Weather Bureau, a miss of 15, -whose sweet voice is pure of tone and rich in quality. Her rendition of Lassen's 'Last Night I Was Dreaming" would have done credit to an experienced vocalist, and she will no doubt one day be one of Portland's lead ing sopranos. Mrs. Beals accompanied her daughter. V A Hunt, Tremont Mrs Branchflower. Sim S B Huston. HillsbrlSylvester Peterson, Mrs Huston. do ) Crookston, Minn Mrs C L Richard, do JRay S Smith. Eugene Mrs T Meserve. do W S Cone. Bay City P A Fisher. SomervlllC F Stocker. Billings Mrs Fisher, do 1V H Trescott, N Y E P Weir, Arlington JMrs Trescott. do J w Ellison, do IJ Savage. Vancouver W E Cole. Hood Rvr Frank Davis, San Frn Mrs A Nelson.'lndpdniMrs Davis. do Mrs W H Walker, do Elizabeth Davis, do W A Finn, Seattle h M Freeman. Chgo Mrs H H Brooks, A B Smith. Qulncy Holbrook THE IMPERIAL. C H Marsh, city iChas Hudson, M AngI Geo H Beck, HaralltiA Oppenhelmer. San F D A Akin. Spokane R J Woicke. Hood R C J SImeral. Salem Mrs C A Doty, Doty w c Parsons. Arizona Jir m a. JJOty, do J A Whitman, MedfdlFred Wortman,, McMn Mrs Whitman. do' .airs woriman, do C A Edott and wife, Tacoma C L Frltchard. Indepd Geo L Clayton, Seattl C A Coolldge, Astoria Mrs Geo Stearns, Oakl Mrs M F Green. W W Miss Orville Green, do Mrs S La Forest, Albn Mrs M Barnes, do C E Lytle and family, city N E Winnard and wf, Heppner Mrs E Hofer,, do 1 II Peyram, Chicago W T Johnson and wf, Chicago Miss A Mehuikcy, Cgo ilrs Olive Donohue, Minneapolis, Miss Ada Donohue, Minneapolis Miss Gertrude Dono hue, Minneapolis J W Donohoue. wife and children. Mnpls H W Cowan. Spokane u faommer. do Mrs C S White and children. Gervals A K Bentley, wife and child dtv iFrank Scott, Seattle Miss A Harding, dol THE ST. CHARLES. E J Taylor, Arthur Mrs A Rose & fam, W T Bauer, Aurora E D Cass G F Via, city Mr3 Via. do Wm Dunn, Mrs Dunn. N Merrill. Clatskan' J Jones, city B S Qulnn. ButtevllI IMrs Qulnn. do a n cropp, index R H Cornelius, Juno C Johnson. Seaside H A Shields. Troutdal Blon Turner. Chicago' S L Mercer. Buttevil D A Hart, Gresham Mrs Hart, do Edw Waller. USA E S Ward, city J W Reed. Estacada R D Crandall A W Gostlng, T Dlls Mrs Costing. do John Meyer, Aurora jonn cuiton C, Junker. Falls City Geo Charley R E Bullis E B Crosby E O Scrlpps, city W Turner W E Jones. Inglis W W Lewis, McMlnn W J Field. Helena P H Peterson, Cleone Lena Croisant Hattie Croisant Kelsey Vance. Scapp J L Morgan, Winlock E W Laws, Oregon Frank Craig, city E W Mosher, Nahcot Ida Phillips T J Phillips M E Ingles. For Grov A Larsen. city C E McKlnney. Kelso Henry Teatz, Astoria A J Anderson, Rainier Wm Pool. Corvallis James Emmons O Leghorn. "Houston W G Wright, Grant P Mrs Wright. do N H McKay. Sauvles Thos Maple E B Newherse, Newb J as XJ Aioore, iveiso Mrs Moore, do Tacoma Hotel. Tacoma. American plan. Rates,. $3 and up. Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma. First-clacs restaurant In connection. THIRTY YEARS WAR Peace Declared When Right Was Adopted. Food . The right food will make a man's body over completely and cure the old alls. A Danville man went through an experience showing how true this is. "For 30 years I had been troubled with my stomach so bad at times It made, me desperately sick. I had to take pills and medicine all the time, which made my stomach very weak, and headaches and other miseries made life almost unendur able. Three years ago I had an attack of pain over my heart so bad my wife kept hot poultices there" for two nights. Took a lot more medicine and finally got so bad I could eat nothing, at least I k could eat It but would throw it up again in a few minutes. I tried several doctors but got worse all the time and hadto be taken home from the store at different times. I was so sick and dizzy I could not walk a step. "I tell you I know what It is to have a weak stomach, and the strong medicines simply made matters worse. "I kept on getting weak and poor all the time, living much of the time on a little toast and warm milk until I wasted away so that all- the- clerks in my store expected me to die. I tried everything In the way of diet without any success until two years ago when I decided to give Grape-Nuts ten days' trial. "So I started with two teaspoonfuls of Grape-Nuts and cream three times a day, increasing to three teaspoonfuls. then to four, and from the very first day I com menced to Improve, gaining in weight all the time, as well as strength. From that time it was nothing.but progress with me for all the old troubles disappeared; I got entirely well and now weigh 190 pounds and feel as young as I did 30 years ago. "TheT change. In my nerves and brain & wonderful, because my memory was very bad before, and I was so nervous they had to -keep the children still all the time, but when brain, and nerves as well as stomach got exactly the nourishment they needed from Graie-Nuts. thev built up strong and health1. All of my family- eat Grape-Nuts now and the children are well and remarkably sturdy 4n It, We eat six boxes of It every week." Name given byFostum Co., Battle Creek Mich. Look In each pkg. for the famous little book, "The Road to Wellvilte," QUEEN QF. ACTRESSES PRAISES PE-! MISS JULIA MARL OWE, Heartily Approves of Perma for the Nerves. t ' 4 -Na recent letter to The Peruna Med- iclne Co.. Miss Julia Marlowe, of New York City, writes the following: "I am glad to write my Indorse ment ot the trreat remedy, Pe- rcna, n.n a nerve tonic. I do so most heartily." -Julia 3Iarlovre. Nervousness Is very common among women. This condition is due to ane mic nerve centers- The nerve centers are the reservoirs of nervous vitality. These centers become bloodless for want of proper nutrition. This Is especially true la the Spring season. Every Spring a host of in valids are produced as the direct result of weak nerves: ' This can be easily obviated by using Peruna. Peruna strikes at the roofof the difficulty by correcting the diges tion. THE QUEEN Abollinans Naturally effervescent and mildly alkaline it greatly benefits the entire digestive traet On receipt of 25 cents, the United Agency Go., 503-5th Ave., New York, will mail an Apollinaris Bottlo Stopper. This excellent money-saving stopper will keeD Auollinaris fresh and sparkling after the bottle is opened. Hc Safest Underwear For Travelers Lowest Temp craiures from Records of U. S. Weather Bureau Boston IJbelow 0 New York 6 " 0 Washinston 15 0 Chicajo 23 " 0 Cincinnati 17 " 0 St. Louis 22 " 0 WRIGHT'S Its wonderful loop-fleece construction a feature possessed by no other make insures perfect ventilation and perfect absorption of perspiration as long as the garment lasts. And Wright's costs no more than, the ordinary kinds. Write for our valuable illustrated book "Dretting for Health' It's free. WRIGHT'S HEALTH UNDERWEAR CO.. 75 Franklin St. New Yk. The Kaster Specialist of Portland, who cures men onljv who Dees patlentn personally. SatabUshed 1870. we can cure you permanently. Our consultation is free and our charge for a perfect cure wllr"be reasonable and not more than you will be willing to pay. CERTAINTY OF CURE - Is what you want. "We give you a Jegal guarantee to cure you or refund -your money. What we have done for;., others we can do for you. Qvp personal visit is; preferred, but if It Is Impossible for you to call, write us a description, of your caSa as you understand It. stating your symptoms, your occupation; etc., and you will receive in plain 'envelope a scientific and honest opinion of your case free, of charge. ' , Our home treatment is .successful and strictly private- St. Louis ffind Dispensary, Cwwr Scd and Yamhill Streets, PertiHl, Ore RU-NA Digestion furnishes nutrition for tho nerve centers. Properly digested "food furnishes these reservoirs of life with vitality which leads to strong, steady nerves, and thus nourishes, life. Peruaa is in"fereat favor among wom en, especially those who have vocations that are trying; to the nerves. Peruna furnishes the lasting vigor for the-nerves that such people need. Thousands of testimonials from women in all parts of the United States are being received every year. Such -unsolicited evidence surely proves that Peruna is without an equal as a nerve tonic and a vital invigorator. Buy a bottle of Bernaa today. If yon do sot receive all the ben efits from Peruna that yon ex pected, write to Dr. S. B. Hart man, Columbus, Ohio. - "OF TABLE WATERS " is the underwear that affords bestpro , tectioa against sudden changes in temperature that will keep the body warm and the skin healthy at all times. Cotton won'tabsorbperspiration.Tight woven wool is unhealthy because it prevents the pores from throwing off waste matter. Theoiyuriderwearbuilt upon correct hygienic principles is Health Underwear tUlALU CURED Varicocele, Hydrocele Gonorrhoea Gleet and Stricture NO PAIN "We want every man afflicted with Varicocele. Stricture,. Con tagious Blood Poison, Nervous Debility, Hydrocele, or allied trouble to come to our office, where we will explain to him our method of curing these diseases. We invite In partlcu-. lar all men who have become dissatisfied with treatment else where. "We will demonstrate to your entire satisfaction why