THE MOR2ttSO OEEGOKIAK, TEURSUAY, 0rE&EEI 3, IStiZ. 10 HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN Semis. $1.60 to $3.66 Per Day, .According to Location. 3. F. DAYTES, Pres. St. Charles Hotel CO. CENCORPO RATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON . . Esropean Plaa Rooms 50c to $1.50 First-Class Restavraat In Conaectloa DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Nov. 2. Maximum tempera ture, 59 deg.: minimum, 50. River reading at 11 A. M-, 0.6 foot; change In past 24 hours, O.4. Total precipitation, 5 P. SL to 5 P. M-. 0.10 Inch; total since September 1. 1904, 2.83 Inches; normal. 6.15; deficiency. 3.32. Total sunshine November 1, 1004, none; possible, 10 hours and 6 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M., 30.16. PACIFIC .COAST WEATHER. 5S! 3 'Wind. 2 p gs STATIONS. tip g g . . o o o . C3 3 u . - 0 Baker City 50j0.00i Bismarck 740.00 Bolae 1600.00 Eureka .. 158 0.00 NW S NW Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Helena 60;0.001 SW Kamloor-a. B. C.....C0;O.O0 01, North Head 54!0.1248(SB Rain Pooatcllo i&sjo.w -v Clear Portland u-' 1 ;i Cloudy Red Bluff .. 640.w KW Clear Roaeburg 62j.UOj 'jKW Sacramento O4,0.O0ll2NW Pt. cloudy Clear Salt Lake City 62 0.O0j -w San Francisco 62 O.00 8. W Spokane (560.00 6.SB Seattle ,156 1 T iSB Tatoosh Island 541.14t32,S'W Walla Walla 16210.00'. ,N Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Rain Pt. cloudy Light. T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Although the weather continues cloudy In the North Pacific States, no rain o consequence has occurred during the last 12 hours, except along the Washington coast, where. It has been moderately heavy. The winds also on the Washington coast have been strong, and the following maximum velocities are reported since morning: North Head, 56 miles, south east, and Tatoosh Island. 52 miles, south. It Is slightly cooler In Southern Idaho, and correspondingly warmer In Northern California and Western Oregon. The Indications are for occasional rains In Western Oregon and Western Washington Thursday, with a continuation of brisk to high southerly winds along the coast. Generally fair weather Will prevail east of the Cascade Mountains. WEATHER FORECASTS.' Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight, November 3: Portland and vicinity Occasional rain; south erly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Occasional rain; brisk to high southerly winds along the coast. Eastern Oregon Fair and warmer. Southern Idaho Fair. Eastern Washington and' Northern Idaho- Cloudy, with rain north portion. EDWARD A. BEALS, District Forecaster. Bradlsy Martin Weds Miss Phlpps. LONDON. Nov. 2. Helen Phlpps, daugh ter of Henry Phlpps, of Pittsburg and New York, and Bradley- Martin, Jr.. were married today at Klltarllty Parish cnurcn. invernesshire. Scotland, by the Arch deacon of London. Dr. Slnclalre. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At nilmnn's auction-rooms. 413 Washing ton street at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gil- man, auctioneer . At Baker's auction-house, corner Alder and Park sts. Sale at 10 A. M. ueo. .waiter a Co.. auctioneers. MEETING NOTICES. FOR RENT The Knights of Pythias Hall, Marquam blag., rriaay nignts; reasonaoie. Apply S. Raphael, secretary. 262 Alder st. OREGON COMMANDERY, NO. 1. K. T. SneclaK conclave this evening at S P. M. Order of the temple, visiting sir knights courteously invneu. - o. mi.uji, .vi- PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 35, A. F. & A. M. The funeral of our late brother. John Dukehart. will be conducted by Oregon Commandery. Kn. 1. K. T from his late resi dence. Yamhill ana cnapman sjs.. at imu M are requested 10 attenu as inenus. xy - - Tt' TIJ ATT order W. M. 1. W. PRATT, Secretary. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114. A. F. F. & A. M. Stated communication thts (Thursday) evening, 7:30 o'clock. Work in F. C Degree. B. S. P AGUE, Secretary A. O H.. DIVISION. NO. 1 Members are re miexted to meet at 750 Williams ave, Friday morning at 8:30. to attend the funeral of, our late Brother Charles suuivan. ah omer mnu bers respectfully invited. tt. vtutuni- DIED. DEMPSEY In this city, November 2, 1004 fit Vincent's Hosnltal. Thomas Demnsey aced 5S years: remains at Zeller-Byrnea Company's parlors. Funeral announcement later. FUNERAL NOTICES. KtTLLlVAN At his late residence. 7S9 WH Hams ave., Tuesay, November 1, 1804, Charles A. Sullivan, aged 50 years. Fu neral will take place Friday. November 4, 1904. from St. Mary's Church. Alblna, at 10 a. M. Friends invited. iiease omu flowers. ivnREWS-At 149 Abernethy street. November 1. 1904. Frederick VIgne An drews. aged 58 years, 3 months, 23 days. Fimnnl Thursday. November 3. 1904. at 2 P M-. from Holman's Chapel, corner 3d arid Salmon sts. Interment Rlvervlew Ceme tery. Services at tne grave private. ni'CT3WART-In this city. Nov. 1. 1904. John Dukehart. aged 57 years 10 months and 2S days. Funeral will take place this day. Thursday. Nov. 3. from the family residence. 554 Yamhill st.. at 1:30 P. M.. under the auspices or Oregon commanaery. no. i, Knights Templar. Interment Rlvetjslew Cenv etery. Baltimore. .Ma., papers piease copy. DUNNING. McENTEE . & GILBAUGH. successors to Dunning & Campion, under takers aad emb aimers, modern la every de tail. 7th aad Pise. Phono Mala 450. Lady asaistaat. EDWARD HOLM AN CO, Uadertakers aad esabalfiaers, have moved to their aeir bslld lac. Third sad Salmon. Lady aaslstaat. Telephone No. 507. J. P. ITNLEY SON, Faaeral Directors. cor. Sd aad Madison. Office of Caaty Cor oner. Xsdy aaslstaat. Telebeae No. 8. F. B. SCXXZKG, Uadertaker, 414 XjuH AMer. Xa4r rwlBnat. Tlheac Xaat kS, PORTLAND, OREGON PLAN First-Class Check Kcstraraat. Connected With Hotel. C O. DAVIS, Sec. sad Tre. :THE: ESMOND HOTEL OSCAR U0E2S0H, Master Front and Morrison Streets PORTLAND - OREQON FREE 'BUB TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. Rates European plan. 50c, 75c. $1.00. $L50. (2.00 per day. Sample rooms in connection. AMUSEMENTS. THE STAR THEATER Cor. Park sad Washington. The Best and Most Fashion able Vaudeville Theater MR. AND MRS. JACK BURCH. NEFF AND MILLER. KATE ROCKWELL. JUMPING DE ONZO. HARRY BOYD. WILL C. HOYT. THE PROJECTOSCOPE Showing the great moving picture, "The Great Bank Robbery." Shows 2:30 to 4:30 P. M.. 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. General admission. 10c: reserved box seats, 23c CORDRAY'S THEATER Cord ray & Russell, managers, foruanas most popular piay house. Three nights, starting tonight, Nov 3,- matinee Saturday, Lincoln J. Carter's great spectacular production, "THE HEART OF CHICAGO." Another big success. Elegant special scenery. onderful mechanical de vices. Mysterious electrical effects. A vivid picture of the great Are. See the marvelous approaching train. A powerful company, in- iroaucing a special line 01 mgn-ctass special net. Week commencing Sunday matinee. Nov. 6. matinee Saturday, special engagement of MASON AND MASON. In Mark El Swan's latest successful musical comedy, "FRITZ AND SNITZ." Direction of Messrs. Broad hurst and Currle. 40 Fun promoters 40. me gran a singing chorus. New. bright rou slcal numbers. New scenery, costumes and properties. Nothing but laughs from rise to fall of curtain. Prices, 10c. 20c. 30c; special reserved seats. 00c. Matinee, zsc to any part of the house; cniiaren (special seats), 10c. Marquam Grand Theater "W. T. Pangle lies. Mgr. Fbai ! TONIGHT I Ltt: Tlaw Hiln IS8 I FRIDAY NIGHT 1 Slttrtll Kit, "Wins by -a Large Majority." 0en.7W.Smc1 I GEOECE Quint ttlirt I ADE'S CcBiffDnmi THE COUNTY CHAIRMAN Night prices 50 cents to $L50. Matinee prices 25 cents to $1.00. BAKER THEATER KZATING & FLOOD, Managers. Third and YamhllL LARGEST CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE HOUSE IN THE WORLD. EVERY SEAT 10c One performance afternoon; two every evening. THE ARCADE THEATER The Original Family Vaudevlllo House. This Week. THE AL VINOS GEORGE EVANS. CLIFFORD AND SMITH SULLY AND PnELPS KATE COYLE. THE BIOSCOPE. Shows 2:30 to 4:30 P. M.. 7:50 to 10:30 P. M. Admission, 10c, to any seat. LYRIC THEATER (Corner Alder and Seventh.) HIQH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30; 7:30 to 10:30; Sunday. 2 to 10 P. M. This ad. and 10c will admit two people any matinee, except Sundays and holidays. TEN CENTS NO HIGHER. BIJOU THEATER SIXTH ST.. OPP. OREGONIAN. ' This week's programme. ROSCOE. HYPNOTIST MISS ETHEL FOSDICKt -JEROME & LAMONT KELSEY MOORE HARRY NEWMAN MISS PEARL GREYSON NEW MOVING PICTURES. All for 10 Cents. Afternoon, from 2:30 to 4:30; evenings. from 7:30 to 10:30. ROSE EYTINGE Pupils prepared for stage, pulpit, platform or parlor. Either private lessons or class 'work. For time and terms, apply at 261 Thirteenth Street PHONE MAIN 1203. NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD, JEWELRY MADE OVER OR exchanged; diamonds, precious stones, loose and mounted; watches. Jewelry repaired; close prices; good work. Tmgry. the Jeweler. N. prices; gooa worst, xrogr'. ue jewcier. ?r r-3,1 and wsalflston- Breden E. cor. upstairs. NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, ALL kinds of fruit, lot 50x100. 916 Haight are.. $2700. NOTICE! Having disposed of my Dental Office In Labbe bldg. I have re moved my business permanently to my residence. No. . 472 Wil liams, ave., corner Eugene st. Take U car. DR. AX.DEN. A Cozy Home Fine modern cottage on East Ankeny st, lot 50 feet front, fruit trees, nice lawn, ex cellent -car service. A -GOOD PLACE TO BUY. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 Third Strert ABSTBACTS OF TITLE Oar records are complete and up to daUk W furnish abstracts promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS On lssproved Portland 'Real Estate: SECURITY ABSTRACT TRUST CO. 214-Z1S Chamber ot Commerce. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT .313 Worcester Block . Geaeral Practice. Investicatieaa. Estate tnck, Seecssvl tmi pertotMoai with Wee II, NEW TODAY. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. Ivy st., near Williams ave.. lot 50x 105 and cottage 5 rooms and bath, street Improved and sew ered. (A. 298.) Fine lot on -E. 18th st.. near Mor rison. Will loan purchaser money to build. (E. P. 20C.) $1750 $1250 ClCrt Sunnyslde New 5-room cottage. vlOOU bath, full cement basement. E. Yamhill and E. 35th sts., one block from car line. (S. 207.) gtcsn Sunnyslde House s rooms ana 101 9IDOU 50x100 feet; terms half cash, bal ance on installments. uo.j 100x100 feet and house 7 rooms, at E. Yamhill and K. 44th sts; terms $300 cash, balance easy monthly payments. (S. 202.) E. Yamhill, near 41st st., lot 50x 100 feet and new cottage 5 rooms; rents for $12 a month. (S. 198.) $1400 $1300 COOflA Sunnyslde House and lot on Bel Biont st.. 6 rooms, bath, full base ment, nice lawn. (S. 206.) COO fin Sunnyslae ii. lamuii ana x. 3UU 35th sts.t iot C3xl00 feet and house 5 rooms. lull cement case ment, nice lawn, one block to car. (S. 208.) Two houses and lot on Crosby St., McMlllen's Add., few minutes walk from Steel bridge, good In vestment. (II. 177.)- $6500 CQOnn Six beautiful lots in irvington, 90 UU terms half cash. (H. 174.) CiKflft Holladay Addition, cor. 10th and vtuuu :Broadwav 50x100 feet and new house 8 rooms, easy terms. (H. 178.) - ci rftfi Fine quarter 100x100 feet, 2 feet OlOUU above grade, streets Improved and sewered. (II. 179.) New modern house, 7 rooms, bath, basement, lot 50x100 feet. Mallory ave. near Going st. (A. 292.) New cottage. 6 rooms, bath, sta tionary washtubs, full basement, electric light, street and sewer as sessment paid. Mallory avenue, near Falling st. (A. 296.) 100x100 feet and house 6 rooms, street Improved and sewered. Ma son street and Mississippi avenue. 3 blocks from Thompson school. (A. 297.) Falling st. near E. Sth, lot and new house, 7 rooms, bath, gas, basement, terms $200 cash, bal ance easy monthly payments. (A. 295.) North Irvington. lot 90x100 feet and new cottage o rooms, small barn; terms half cash, balance on time. - (A. 293.) 10 lots In a bunch, few minutes' walk from Peninsula Station, lev el, sightly and cheap. (A. 291.) $1550 1600 52500 $1700 $1000 $ 500 $nn- 100x100 feet In Woodstock, two blocks from car line. (E. P. 231.) CQ-nfl 100x100 feet, cor. E. 19th and E. ."POUU stark t. tE. P. 236.) $3000 E. Taylor, near 23d St.. lot 50x100 feet and house 7 rooms, all con veniences, piped for gas. (E. P. 234.) Til.,c Fine lots at Point view, on 01. uuuua the high ground overlooking the town of St. Johns (Portland's" great manufacturing district); $5 down, $5 month. Piedmont and "West Piedmont Lots from $200 ea-;h; 1-5 down, balance on easy terms. UnnnrmMa Elegant building lots, im- uuuujoiuc proved streets, sewers, side walks, $350 each and upwards; easy terms. TITLES INSURED. f. ABSTRACTS FURNISHED. THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 6 AND 7, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. PORTLAND HOMEBUILDING COMPANY The nest distribution of funds in Series No. 1 will take place on the first Saturday in November. Each share holder in good standing will partici pate to the extent of one ticket for each $5 paid by him. There are now seven happy home-owners who got their homes through this series, and whose payments amount to no more than half rent for such property. Be- member that the last to enter has the same opportunity to get a home, in proportion to the number-of payments made, as the first to enter, It will pay you to investigate this. PBANOIS I. M'KENNA Agent, Boom 606 Commercial Block. WOODSTOCK We are selling lots in this most attractive suburb, $250 each. 1ECTRIC CARS LEGANT LOCATION ,ASY PAYMENTS For particulars and terms, call on the owner, Portland-Trust Company of Oregon No. 109 Third Street. EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL. University Park lies central to that great manufacturing district .extend ing along the water front from the Portland Flouring Mill to St. Johns. Two thousand hands will soon have employment within easy walking dis tance from University Park. The bet ter class engaged in this district are striving to have their homes at Uni versity Park because it is the desire of every good man to have his home in respectable surroundings. PBANOIS I. M'KENNA, -!-l i. r tt: tji. t i oaic Agcttb XU1 -vliiVCiDll.jr X CU.&. tubs, Boom 606, Commercial Block. FOR SALE: Vonhington Compound Duplex Pump, second hand, A 1 condition. Size 10x18x14x10. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute.. Check valve, lub ricator, etc., complete. Iaqalre A. "W. Cochraa, OregestaB BhII4Ib. BULL RUN WATER. University Park now has the far famed" Bull Run water, has more fine residences under construction than any other suburb, has employment for more men than any other suburb, has better educational faculties than any other part of Portland, lias a larger payroll than any other suburb, has the highest degree of morality in Port land. It offers the best opportunity on earth to investors or homes eekers. Prices of lots are advancing. Call and see us about University Park. PBANOIS I. M'KENNA, Xoool SOSj. CoflURercial Block, NEW TODAY. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Columbia University is tfcs only school of University grade in Port land. It-las plenty of capital tack of it to insure a great future. It 'will not only be a pride of this gret city but frill extend its influence all over the whole Northwest. Such institu tions always attract a large cultured population to their immediate sur roundings, when located near a large city. University Park, the seat of Columbia University, is having a re markable growth in new homes and business. Now is the time to get a few lots while they are cheap and keep them for your future home. FEANCIS L M'KENNA, Boom 606, Commercial Block. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland real cstat at lowest rates. Titles tnsur.d. Abstracts furoliasd. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 7 CbunMr or Comsiirn. INVESTMENT BONDS Warrants and stocks bought and sola. J. W. Cruthers Co., Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. J. W. OGILBEE, ROOM 11, 1455s 1ST ST. cultivation; good 6-roomed house, barn, granary, chicken-house, etc.; small orchard; good well water, and Is In fine shape to make a good livelihood on; situated In sub urbs of Oregon City. Would take a house and lot In Portland jof as good value. FOR SALE 6 CONTRACTS, 160 ACRES each, of the Columbia Southern Irrigation Company. Deschutes, Crook County, Ore gon. Will trade or sell In amounts to suit. W. H. Grlndstaq. 240 Stark st. NASHVILLE HOMES COMPLETE FOR $400; modern homes for $730 to $1500; nice building lots. SS0 to $150; easy terms, $5 down and $5 per month. See owner. Joe Nash, at Nashville Station, on the Mt. Scott car. SUBURBAN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN. toilet and bath: range, carpets and window shades; lot 50x100: lawn and choice flowers: a bargain If sold this week. 711 Grove st. 3 bocks north Montavilla car line. 2 MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGES. PRETTI- est little homes in Upper Alblna, 15 min utes' walk to Steel bridge; will sell one or both. 328 San Rafael St., cor. Rodney ave. MODERN 10-P.OOM HOUSE. WITH HOT water heating plant, within easy walking distance and near two car lines. Apply at premises. 304 Ross st. FOR SALE VERY BEAUTIFUL AND sightly Portland residence lot. close in. S700; terms on part. Address P. O. Box 1111, Spokane, Wash. EXCEPTIONALLY BEAUTIFUL SIX-ROOM house. Grand ave., full lot, fruit trees, nice home; $1500; some cash, balance same as n T XV Pllt.nnu- Mnrrlann 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. w. I, electric line. O. R. Addition. Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car. 5c $4600 NEW MODERN, S-ROOM HOUSE. zza st.: nomine iiKe it tor tne money: move right in. W. H. Grindstaff. 246 Stark. FOR SALE COO ACRES STUMP LAND. 18 miles from Portland. Inquire 2S7 E. Mor rison st. C R. Davis Fuel Co. $1000 CORNER LOT, S. E. COR. HOOD AND U rover sis., aw icci uu xiuuu u s unnc:, 211 Glbbs st. NEW, MODERN, S-ROOM home, Willamette Heights, easy payments. Phone East 675. FOR SALE 0-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, full lot; bargain. 383 Grand ave N. HOME CORNER LOT. 9 ROOMS. $675 CASH. Berry & Alexanaer, i. Bin. 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE: EASY TERMS. Owner. Phone East oo. FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT -AT 249 "N. 10th. Inquire of owner. FOR SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 125 acres, of which 75 or 80 acres Is under plow, and rich Lewis River bottom land that doesn't overnow, Daiance gooa mil iana; a gcod 7-rootn house, two large barns, granary, trultbouse, woousnea. cnicxen-nouse, etc good bearing orchard; fences In good condl tlon: 15 cows, cream separator, mower, hay' rake, plow and other farming Implements; on level county road and Lewis River. V& miles from Kerns and -k miles from Woodland. Must sell at once. Price. $4500. with $1200 down. Imua &. Willoughby. Kaiama, Wash FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 57 ACRES, lying near Oregon City, partially cleared, well watered: no rocks; with dairy and route.- Chas. E. Reynolds, Oregon City. R. F. D. No. 3. FINE FARM. 53 ACRES, NICELY IM- sroved. S miles east; electric car, fine roads; 6 acres Winter apples Just bearing fine soli, excellent water. 227 Front. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS FINE LEVEL farming lands, aounaance ot gooa water; making up party to start In few days. No. 4 N. 6th. ODDOSlte Postotficc 4 FOR SALE A SECTION OF LAND. WEST- ern Lane Co., suitable for dairying and stockraislng. cascara nearly pays price. W 100, Oreg&Jvn. RARE BARGAINS SlwA BUT3 255 ACRES near Brownsville. P. O. Box 275. Oregon City. Or. 78 ACRES NEAR NEWBERG. gonlan. K 63. ORE- WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED A LARGE TRACT OF GOOD land near railroad to divide up and sell to a colony wanting small farms; must be good land and cheap, is . uregonian. WANTED FOR CASK, A MODERN HOUSE and lot on West Elde; state particulars and lowest price. G 64, care uregonian. WANTED SMALL FARMS, CLOSE TO city; have buyers with cash. Call Western Land Co., StarK st. FARM STOCKED TO RUN ON SHARES. Y 65, Oregonlan. FOR BENT FARMS. TAMHILL FARM220 ACRES. READY FOR seeding: cash oaly, but cheap. Cook, 251 Alder st. LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved." unrestricted, ready for Immediate ere. iMwziai. i-ts. E. F. & F. B. Riley. 608 Chamber Commerce. -i ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRIP. GENERAL land nractlce: our zorest reserve scrip xor non-timbered lanos is now reaay. couint Land Co,. Concord bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH ruaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate. Jiaginnu & son, i waning Diag. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP NOW ready. H. B. Compson.- 618 Marquam bldg. TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE SEATTLE PROPERTY for lodging-house or any business In Ore gon; what have you got; Box 9. Hub bard. Or. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE AN AUTO mobile In good running order. The .Ames Mercantile Agency, Aqington Diag. PATENTABLE NOVELTY TO EXCHANGE. or want party with cash to secure patent - for an interest, a eo. uregonian. TO LEASE. LARGE WAREHOUSE. WITH TRACKAGE. central. Apply Wakefield, Fries & Co.. 229 Stark. UMBER LANDS FOR SALX. PERSONS WANTINa TO BE LOCATED on homestead or timber claims apply to 304 Commercial bldg.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE. Hemes, Vehicles asd Haraem. SNAP TEAM WEIGHS 206 LBS.. ARK good age; and sound; also heavy- teaming harness; one ged e Livery horse, fi. call 4W 4V. PU FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicles aad Harae SNAP IN ALL. KINDS OF FARM. TSAMING ana single driving narneas; farm harness, with breeching collars, complete, $28. Call Red Front Stables. 15th, Just off Washing- ion. TWO SELLS GEAR WAGONS. ONE NEW illlorn farm wagon, cost $S&50, If sola now. $50. Aaaress y. o. Bo 634. FOR, SALE TWO GOOD WORK HORSES: weight 1300 and 1I0Q. Anderson Bros". Sta bles. 254 3d st. FAMILY DRIVING HORSE. TOP-BUGGY ana harness for sale. Inquire 5i ii. OaK. WOLFSTEIN buys and sells horses, wagons. harness, buggies, farm implements. 2LT Front. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AN ID-HAND vehicles on Coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. FEW TOP WAGONS AND cheap, 49 it. 4th. near Davis. MiscellaaeoHS. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices Singer. V. S.. Domestic Wheeler & Wilson and White; dropheads In oak and box tops. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic offices. S. S. Sigel. agent, 335 Morrison st. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? . Repair It with ciaterite; it roiu. easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; best for new roots. Elaterlte Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE TEAM LARGE GRADE) AN- gqra goats: jet Diacx ana pure wnue; to gether with yokes; also carload high-grade Angora stock goats and pure-bred billies. Edward L. Naylor, Forest Grove, Or. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying. Mod em bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick - Balke-Collender. 4B 3d st. j LADY'S GOLD-FILLED WATCH WITH Elgin and Waltham works; cases are war ranted for 20 years; only ?10. Uncle. Myers. 143 Third, near Alder. FOR SALE TWO SAFES, ONE ALMOST new: will sell cheap If taken at once. Ellers Piano House. PEDIGREED JERSEY MALE CALF FOR salei 6 weeks old. H. Springer, 183 Green ave.. Portland. BOSTON 3-STAR SILVER-PLATED COR North net. fine condition; price ?30. 27 First. Moving picture film, song slides, magic, lan- terns, t. P. Andrews, loa jaonu. a. r.. cai. IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FOOT LIVE FIR. oak ana asn wooa. go to Hoover & uonway. Bargains In typewriters, supplies, office goods. boer stamps, saxes, uoast lo., zji stark. BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF- Americans now . 7th and Morrison. DENSMORE TYPEWRITERS We sell, rent. repair all machines. J. E. Huxley. 82 4th. FOR SALE 500 YARDS OF DIRT AT 7TH and Market sts. Phone Union 1632. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLEBODIED, unmarried men. between ages of 21 and 35. citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information, apply to Recruiting Officer. 3d and Oak sts.. Portland. Or. THE ORIGINAL JOHN A. MOLER HA8 oDened one of his famous barber colleges at 644 Clay ot.. San Francisco. Special Induce ments this month: positions guaranteed; tu ition earned while learning. Write correct number, 644 Clay st., San Francisco. LOGGERS. MILL AND YARDMEN. LAB- orers. dtv and eountrr: men ana teams. farmhands and milkers, restaurant and Eieu-houan heln work efalt kinds. Ca nadlan Employment Co.. 249 Bumslde and 228Vi Morrison, Phone Main 9074. MANUFACTURING CONCERN "DESIRES A person living In city, town or village for a special work; $15 per week for one that Is active, reliable and honest: a good, steady position; give age. Ideal Fire Extinguisher Company. Philadelphia. Pa. POSITIONS $1000 TO 3000 PER YEAR lor managers, bookkeepers, salesmen, etc Offices In eight cities. Plan and booklet on application. Call and see us. Suite 45, Con cord blk. Pacific commercial .Bureau, inc. 1 SEE D. E. BUDD, 110 1ST ST.. GENERAL employment ana contract agent la labor ers, 6 good first-class underground min ers. 1 competent millwright who Is familiar with mining machinery. WANTED WE HAVE OPENINGS FOR clerks, bookkeepers, office men. managers, salesmen: If wanting high-class positions. can or write rauonai commercial bureau. room 29, Alnsworth bldg. TRAVELING SALESMAN ONE GOOD MAN for each state: experience unnecessary. Just hustlers: permanent: good pay; liberal run nlng expense account. E. M. Arthur Co.. Detroit, Mich. WANTED FOR POSITION OF OFFICE boy In railroad office young man 10 to 10 years; must have had at least two years work In High School or its equivalent. Ad dress P 64, Oregonlan. WANTED IMMEDIATELY SINGERS ACT- ors. musicians, for vaudeville circuit and road shows, etc. -Newman's vauaevme Jir cult, the Raleigh, 6th and Washington. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE IN 8 weeks and secure profitable positions, special Inducements this month. Catalogue mailed free. Moier system col., san irrancuco, cai. ADVRTISING SOLICITORS COMMISSION newspapers, periodicals, magazines, trade Journals. 418 Chamber of Commerce. Clyde's Advertising Agency. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. INSIDE; EX prlenced, clothing, dry goods or cloak ana suit man. ine j. u. Acneson co. 5th and Alder st. FIRST-CLASS SOLICITOR. IMMEDIATE lv: 30 per cent commission. Reliable Steam Cleaning and Dye Works." 309 1st. HUSTLERS. EITHER SEX. SALARY OR commission; can make io cay. can or write U. S. A., 344 Sherlock bldg.. Portland, Or. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN STEN- ography during spare time; good salary wncn competent. Address e. c. care uregonian. BIG MONEY VALUABLE ADVERTISING sheet, $15 weekly, . complete, payable monthly In advance. D 05, oregonlan. BUSHELMAN WANTED BY THE MEIER & Frank store: good man ror tneir men' clothing alteration department. WANTED AGENTS. SALAR1 OR CdM'MlS sion: $3 to 58 per aay. w. it. xayior & Co, 23 Labbe bldg., wniard, or. PALMER HENDRICKSON WE MISS YOU do please come home or write to your anxious mother. THREE NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM: light housekeeping; bath and phone. 323 Sixth st. WANTED APPRENTICE trade; terms reasonable. . rlson st. FOR BARBER Apply -203 Mor WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MEAT-CUT ter today. Oregon Meat Market, 151 4th Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barbe College. 741 Howard St.. San Francisco. WANTED SEVERAL WAGONS, 3H OR 3 axle. Address iiox e 64, Oregonlan. , OFFICE BOY WANTED. V 63, Oregonlan. Trrrm WASTED FEMALE. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS CHAM bermalds. cooks, waitresses, nurse girls. second girls, housekeepers, housework. $15 to 330. cananian rariors, zzaft .Morrison. Phone Main 1323. WANTED IMMEDIATELY SINGERS ACT- ors. musicians, for vaudeville circuit and road shows, etc Newman a vaudeville Or cult, the Raleigh, Oth and Washington. WANTED WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework for a family of three; must be a good plain cook. Apply Overton street. bet. 24th and 23 tn. soutn side. WANTED A DRESSMAKER TO COME TO the house, one who understands cutting and ntting. can at iuj otn sr., ?rom 10 to 12 A. M. WANTED 'HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general ""workers. St. Louis Agency. -230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SSL l WANTED RESPECTABLE GERMAN woman, under 30. housekeeper, widower. with children. 230 YamhllL Phone Black 2SS1. LADIES EARN $20 PER IN WRITING short letters. Send stamped eavetope fer particulars. ideal Jug. Co.. caseopoHa. Mich. GIRL. TO WASH DISHES feWMWork. S7 N. 2M K. and Aseurr HELP WANTED FEMALE. GOOD SEWER ON MEN'S GARMENTS wanted bv the Meier & Frank store for their clothing alteration department. TAILORESSES AND FINISHERS FOR OUR iaciory; also a machine, operator. The J. M. Acheson Co.. 5th and Alder sts. OMEN COOKS. CITY. $30: EAST. ORE- gon, $35 (also waitress); housework: wait ress, uuke. 205 Washington. BUSINESS WOMAN OF MATURE YEARS to take permanent nosltion with Northwest Vlavl Co., room 23, Lewis bldg. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO aesist with kitchen work; must be capable. Apply at once 270 6th st. WANTED STRONG WOMAN FOR GEN- eral housework. Swede or Norwegian pre ferred. St. Helen's Hall. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Family of three adults. Apply morn ings. 789 Lovejoy. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH COOKING AND general housework; must speak German. 653 Flanders. WANTED A GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keeplng; middle-aged woman preferred. 510 Clay st. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH LIGHT housework. Apply 413 Tillamook, or phone scott 1203. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL .HOUSE- work. four In family. Mornings. 88 N. 22a. WANTED CTRL FOR HOUSEWORK IN small flat. Apply 228 Harrison, forenoon. WANTED A TAILORESS. CALL AT PAL- lay, Bros.. 170 Second st.. upstairs. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND cooking; small family. 5f,0 Hoyt SI- -GIRL. ?15 WEEK. CALL IN FORENOON. 20U First St., room o. WANT A GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. 183 7th st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED INDUSTRIOUS MAN OR woman, each district to manage business of weU-establlshed company; salary $20. paid weekly and expenses; expense money advanced; position permanent; no Invest ment; previous experience not essential. Manager Como bldg.. Chicago. WANTED FIRST-CLASS -PHOTOGRAPH printer, lady or gent; also two retoucnere. 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED TWO WELL-DRESSED YOUNG men or ladles at 168 W. Park. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. SITUATION BY GOOD GRADUATED Ex perienced bookkeeper; nne recommenaa tlons. Address J. E. Parsons, 541 Broad way, city. EXPERIENCED FIRE INSURANCE CLERK wishes employment. A. w, uregonian. Miscellaneous. NATIONAL & CONTir ENTAL. DIST. CO., 270 Washington Diag., room 3U. Alain 1178. Distributors of all kinds of advertising mat ter and samples, guarantee advertiser against ail loss; mall or telephone orders solicited. NATIONAL & CONTINENTAL DIST. CO.. 270 Wash, bldg., room 30. -none Main 1778. Distributors of alt kinds of advertising mat tr and samples; guarantee advertiser against all loss; mall or telephone orders. 1 YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION IN A wholesale or commission-house, where he can work up; can furnish references; has two years experience In office. Address E 65. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING SCHOOL wants place to work for board and room.. Call or phone Main 504. Portland Business College. , OUTSIDE POSITION Bl YOUNG MAN. experience, seven years in ofilce; two years traveling salesman. T 28. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY MAN AND WIFE as cook in sawmill or logging camp, ex perienced, no children. R 65, Oregonlan. A GENTLEMAN OF GOOD ADDRESS wishes a position with mercantile house; best reference. O 65, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION ANY- thlng: experienced as clerk or bookkeeper; good references. K 65, Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A POSITION TO help m Kitcnen; small wages. Clay 854. Eastman. WANTED POSITION IN GROCERY BY experienced cleric James Cook.- 28 7th St., North. A STEADY, RELIABLE MAN WANTS Po sition as night watchman. L. 04. Oregonlan. JAPANESE YOUNG BOY, WANTS ANT housework. C 65, Oregonlan. MEN'S CUSTOM CUTTER WISHES Posi tion, -v 04. oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG LADY EXPERIENCED IN STEN- ography and general office work desires no sltloni references. Address 31 N. 18th st. Main 2437. EXPERIENCED LADY STENOGRAPHER desires position; has knowledge of book keeping; references, s 83, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG LADY stenographer; moderate salary; good refer ences, li 64. oregonlan. Domestics. WANTED PLACE BY YOUNG LADY TO do chamber or second work; several years' experience. Call 166 N. 18th, bet. 9 and 2. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY DESIRES position general housework i no washing: no children; wages $25. Q 64, Oregonlan. GIRL 15 DESIRES TO ASSIST KITCHEN work In plain boarding-house. 230 Yam hill: Phone Black 2881. RELIABLE JAPANESE GIRL WANTS SIT- uatlon as cook and do housework. Q 63, Oregonlan. JAPANESE GIRL WANTS SITUATION TO cook and do housework.. L 63, care Ore gonlan. , GIRL WANTS PLACE TO DO GENERAL housework, good plain cook. M 66, Oregonlan Dressmakers. TWO NEAT NORWEGIAN GIRLS DESIRE to assist. In dressmaking parlors. 230 'lanraiu. rnone JsiacK 2sbi. DRESSMAKING. PLAIN SEWING. CHIL- dren's clothes. Phone Main 1756. Room 27, The Alexander. 131 10th st. DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAISTS. 75c AND up; suits. $3.60; skirts. $2.50. 326 Park st. PLAIN SEWING. SHIRTWAISTS, 270 Market, bet. 3d and 4th. Housekeepers. SITUATIONS WANTED RESPECTABLE women housekeepers with references for widowers' families; young widow, boy 4, mlddteased woman; also young widow un Incumbered. 230 YamhllL Phone Black 2881. Nurses. PRACTICAL NURSE DESIRES POSITION can furnish reference. Mrs. M. X. -Smith. phone Main 120a. Miscellaneous. YOUNG WOMAN OF UNQUESTIONABLE character and Integrity wants position to manage rooming-house: "none but reliable parties need answer. J 64; 'Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED REFINED LADY. good character, desires position to care for rooming-house or notei; seven Tearsr experlence. M 84, qregoman. MAN AND WIFE (COLORED) TO CARE FOR private or furnished rooming-house. . John Vincent, 104 11th st. between Washington and stark. SITUATION WANTED VERY CAPABLE r. children's nurse, or second work, family. 230 Yamhill. Phon9 Black 2S8L v TTXPERTRNCED SECOND GIRL, GERMAN rack. 3 ceneral. 2 chambermaids: waitress from the East. Phone Main 4404. 201 3d. A LADY WANTS WORK LOGGING CAMP as waitress. Mrs. Hattle Smith, Marquam Roomlng-House. 145 etn st. LACE" CURTAINS LAUNDERED -AT HOME Srst-ciara work, rasae union is. FIRST-CLASS COOK WISHES PLACE IN private family. P 65, Oregonlan. WOMAN WANTS WORK. BY THE DAY. nKM -Mala Wi. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. ! : Miscellaneous. WORK. WANTED BY DAY. 392 PETTY grove st. WANTUD AGENTS. LADY AGENTS WANTED, THE SATIN and Silk Picture Co.. 331 Oak street. WANTED PICTURE AGENTS; NEW OF fer; big money. 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS WHO WANT houses. If you have a houtse to reat. uee us or .sena cesenpuon. we make no charge for renting. H. E. Edwards. 187 Is: st- WANTED THREE OR FOUR' UNFUR nlshed rooms, with water, central, for man and wire, before the 10th of November F 63, . Oregonlan. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD. EAST SIDE-, south of Hawthorne; near Sellwod car-line, references exchanged. L 63, "Uregonian. WANTED 3 ROOMS. SUITABLE FOK housekeeping: not over 53.50 per week. V 64. Oregonlan. CAJN RENT YOUR PROPERTY HAVE calls dally. Call Western Land Co.. 248 Stark st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF 'CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at thj "jrair -Deal." 62 X. 3d. Phone Hood 317. WANTED GENTLEMAN'S BICYCLE;' must be In good condition. G 63, Ore- gonian. WANTED SECOND-HAND ROLL-TOP desk and office furniture. B 65, Oregonlan. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 50c at HOOLA- haugn's, zoi Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. WANTE.D 2D-HAND LINOLEUM. 1 PIECE I 12X14, i piece 12X24. sua e. surnside. COWS WANTED ADDRESS W. M. HUTJ ter, care Frank Bush. Oregon City. WANTED GOOD FARM WAGON; MUSI be cneap jor cash. J 65, oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CATi tie of all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR KENT. Booms. THE AUDITORIUM. 208 3D ST.. Taylor and salmon, one block south or Bai ker Theater, new brick building, elegantl furnished, steam .heat, hot and cold wate In room.' porcelain bath, rooms with private baths, elevator; reasonable rates. THE ELM. 121 13TH. COR. WASHINGTON very desirable rooms is. beautiful residence; all modem conveniences; reasonable prices; special rates to tourists; cars direct from depot. 4 THE LINCOLN." 408 Morrison, cor. 11th New Brick, elegant, furnished, sunny rooms; all modern conveniences; tourists and travel ing men solicited. Mrs. Tt D. Hughes. Prop. 251 ALDER. NEAR 3D ST. NICELY furnished, pleasant rooms, new brick build ing, new, good furnishings; $2 to $4 a. week; transients 50c to $1. Red 3146. LARGE ELEGANT FRONT PARLOR, FUR- nisned or uniurnisnea. saitaDie zor two gentlemen; all conveniences: T reasonable. 549 0th bet. Jackson and Lincoln. THE NEWCASTLE. 3D AND HARRISON Elegant up-to-date furnished and unfurnish ed housekeeping and other rooms; heat. bath, light free; reasonable prices. .671 E. MORRISON ST. PLEASANT FRONT room, nicely furnished; bath, gas, .phone, heat; suitable for one or two gentlemen; en car line. PLEASANT ROOM IN NEW FLAT. NEWLY furnished throughout: central; modern con veniences. 272 Park, near Jefferson st. 125 14TH JUST OFF WASHINGTON Elegant furnished rooms, new, modern house; all conveniences; reasonable. 11TH ST., 258 NICELY FURNISHED front alcove room, private family: mod ern, suitable one or two gentlemen. PLEASANT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. everything new. four blocks from Hotel Portland, home comforts. 250 6th. HANDSOME ROOM, ALSO SMALLER ONE. strictly moder, suitable for gentleman. 284 Park. Main 3202. fcrenoons NEWLY RENOVATED AND NICELY FUR- nlshed front roomB, steam heat bath, etc; reasonable, close in. 387 Yamhill. 292 10TH WALKING DISTANCE. PRI- vate house, all conveniences; large rooms, newly furnished; $7 up month. 121 13TH. COR. WASHINGTON LAKGET front alcove, beautifully lurnisnea; auc smaller rooms; gas, bath, phone. 16S 11TH ST. NICE. CLEAN, WELL-FUR- nlshed rooms, good location: furnace neat, electric lights:- reasonable rents. LARGE. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman, private lamiiy. iignt. neat, bath. 551 -Taylor. Main '2396. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH private family, near Multnomah Club. Phone jiain 41-iil. is DJ, JreguniHn. , WANTED TWO OR THREE THOUSAND dollars on country property, ciosa to city. Address B 55. Oregonlan. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS in private family, oi s. ann, near Wash ington. Phone Main 4503. LARGE ROOM NICELY FURNISHED. ALL modern conveniences; oreaitiast u aesirea. 349 Harrison st., near 7th. 755 IRVING. COR. 23D FURNISHED rooms: furnace neat, gas, porcelain oatn; 3 blocks from hospital. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BATH AND phone. reasonaDie. at izv uu sc., oes Washington and Alder. . A LARGE. PLEASANT JUT ROOM. modern conveniences, suitaoie lor two. isi 13th St., cor. Taylor. 1 LARGE PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, WITH alcove, nicely furnished; an conveniences, close In. S31 14th st. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE for gentleman: private lamuy. inquire laa 16th -6tr near Taylor. 394 TAYLOR PLEASANT SUNNY ROOM FOR gentleman, 2 blocks iiotei .Portland; oath, phone; no children. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS BY WEEK or month. 123 14th st-, cor. Washington: call morning only. GENTLEMAN WILL FIND NEATLY FUR- nlshcd room, suitable for one or two; ref erences. 244. 7th. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. MOD ern. walking distance; desirable location. 194 13th st- , 309 MADISON, JUST BELOW 6TH Sunny front room, suitable for one $6; also other rooms. 327 W. PARK NICELY FURNISHED ' rooms, clean and light, furnace heat, bath and phone. CHOICE OF TWO ROOMS IN NEW FLAT, modern- 274 Park. cor. Jefferson. Phone Main 3335. 129 13TH ST. CICELY FURNISHED $8 room; also front rooms, bet. Washington and Alder. " . $8 PER MONTH FOR ONE VERY DESIR able furnished room. Apply forenoons, 233 Cth st. 1 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH , stove. $10: also small front room. $6. 250 12th. LARGE. SUNNY FRONT ROOM IN FAM lly. 3S9 E. Yamhill, bet. Union and Grand aves. "THE APFLETON." 71 N. OTH SUNNY furnished rooms. $2 up; housekeeping rooms. CLOSE IN Furnished. $1 week; board Housekeeping 2 rooms. $12 month. 86 lOth. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS". MODERN conveniences, reasonable rates. 41 Ella. 736 TRYING NICELY FURNISHED FRONT . room, suitable for two gentlemen. NEW FURNISHED ROOMS. EN SUITE ,or single. Call 223 W. Park. KeosH With Board. NICE LARGE ROOMS' FOR TWO: ALSO single, with first-class hoard. 265 flth and Madison. i PLEASANT ROOM AND BEST OF BOARD In private family. 487 E. Ankeny, near 9th. 515 Morrison Desirable rocs tor 2.. gentlemen preferred; good table. Mrs. Mulford'; Main 431 1 380 ALDER ST. WELL-FURNISHED zoom aad. board,