irmtw VOL. XLTyV-NO. 13,697. PORTLAND, OBEGONWBDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1904. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ALLY ST SALEM Senator Mitchell the Chief Speaker. STIRS HIS AUDITORS Presents Record of Re publican Party. ARGUMENT FULL OF FORCE Is Frequently Interrupted by Hearty Applause. KUYKENDALL MAKES A HIT Ap't Illustration Puts His Audience In Very Good Humor Hundreds Cheer Republican Clubs In Parade Before Meeting.. SALEM. Or., Nov. L (Special.) The moat elaborate and enthusiastic political demonstration ever witnessed In Salem took place tonight, -when the Opera-House was crowded to the doors with citizens who gathered to listen to an address by United States Senator John H. Mitchell. If there is apathy among Republicans in Marion County there was no evidence of it tonight, for 90t members of the local .Republican clubs were in line in, the pa rade and hundreds more crowded the side walks cheering: the procession as It passed along: the streets. In the firing of "bombs, .the hashing, of torches, the music of bands and ' the shouts of the multitude, the Republicans jfve exprBeelon of their loyalty to their, party's prir.j'jnrtttid their rsrxxt desire for the election of its candidates. Not even in the stirring campaigns of 18DC and 100 did either political party hold a rally -which equaled In enthusiasm that held tonight fay alem Republicans. Speakers Heartily Cheered. The demonstration, which began when the procession formed at the "Willamette Hotel, continued until the. meeting at the Opera-House closed, the people manifest ing by repeated outbursts of cheers and epplahse their iearty approval of the sen timents voiced fay the speakers. "When the stalwart quartet, the Luckey quartet and Professor Z. M. Parvln sang songs which aptly presented the features of this campaign as viewed from a Republican standpoint the enthusiasm of the crowd wa shown- fay renewed shouts and pro. longed applause. All the leading Republicans of Salem and many prominent workers from other parts of the-Talley were present, and all joined most heartily In the demonstration. -The Salem Military Band, the Monmouth Band &nd the Reform School Band furnished the music for the occasion. The weather this evening was very unfavorable, but notwithstanding a heavy rain, which had been falling, nearly all afternoon, the Opera-House was crowded before the ap- pointed hour for -the meeting. Never Such Unanimity. State Chairman Prank C Baker having decided not to participate Jin this, a purely local meeting, btate Jjommitteeman H. D. Patton presided, and in a few well-chosen words Introduced State Senator "W. Kuy- ken flail, of Xane County,..whom he praised as a man who has rendered efficient sen' ice tor the Republican .party. -Senator Kuykendall eaid that there never "before has been such unanimity of sentiment In this -beloved state of- ours as exists at present, and this unanimity seems to have extended to the point where we shall be almost unanimous in favor of the election of Theodore Roosevelt as president of the "United States. .Along the same line Senator Kuykendall rcwarked the loyalty of tho people of Oro ya to' the lewis and Clark Fair, a spirit waieh. he warmly commended. He strong lyjarged all Republicans toralIy at the hallo t-faox in support of ijtheepublican ticket , and Republican policies, in order that prosperity may continue and the hard times incident to Democratic policies be avoided. " ' - Story That Mak.cs a Hit. Senator Kuykendali made a good hit and won generous applause by hl3 rnanner of indicating the probable result of attempt log to destroy trusts by placing the Demo cr&uc parry in power, xne point was jasde in the story of a farmer who turned b. herd of goats Into a wheat field in .order to kill the thistles. The thistles were de stroyed, but so was the crop of wheat senator jnucneu s aaaress was a care fully prepared argument upon the Issues of this capalgn, the speaker making no ef iert at rhetorical display -or to substitute i fcuraor for reason. The tarifl&tjtecord ("the Roosevelt ad mln Is trattcTu1aWje- ufetion of trusts, and thV Jaajsican aeucy wjwara me jrnuippuMsrrecerrea . tk greater part of Senator Mitchell's at tention. That the audience appreciated the Jifce of the speaker's argument and the correctness of his conclusion was proven kfr-the frequent Interruptions by" applause tiow the audience, senator Mitchell said 1- '--" ' 1 .MNATOR MITCHELL'S SPEECH Made In Marlon County Was forty-Four Years Ao. Citizens: Fcrty-four years ago this I wit )R..AfK peUUesi ayaicfe la. this city and state. That was the campaign in which the candidate of the Republican party was the greatest American that haa ever lived in -this country since the days or. "Washington the great Liberator.. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois. That campaign TEsult- ed in his election, and for four years that great man conducted the ship or state through" the rough storms or the emi war. which tested the strength and durability of every plank o the grand old ship. "While I never had the pleasure or a per sonal acquaintance with Abraham. Uncoln. X had the honor o sitting In the Senate for a period of five years beside that grand old statesman who was his running mate. Eon. Hannibal Hamlin, o! Maine, and I shall never cease to be grateful for the many kindnesses shown me by htm during the first years of my service in the Senate. "When first took nfy seat in the Senate X was given a seat in what was then called the 'Amen Corner" of the chamber. It was on the extreme Ictt ot the presiding officer. the seat now occupied by my friend. Senator Nelson, of Minnesota. But, be fore a year had expired. by reason of the death of Senator Buckingham, of Connecticut; I was transferred to a scat on the main isle directly in front of the pre siding officer, the seat now occnpled by Senator Frye when he is not presiding. Sen ator Hannibal Hamlin sat immediately to my right, and Senator Conkllng immediately behind me. "When I went over to take my seat. Senator Hamlin took me cordially by the hand and said, "Mitchell, I am glad for two reasons that -you are coming over here to this seat." I thanked him and told him I would be glad to know the reasons he had .for wishing me over there. "Well," he said, "In the first place, I think I will like you for a neighbor, and in the second, place. you must from this time on do Conkllng spelling for him." I did not know what he meant, and on inquiry he said: "Why, (Jonic- Ung can't spell two words right; I have been doing his spelling for the last number of years; I understand you are a good speller and you must do it from this on, as you are a young man." . I was very much astonished and puzzled over this statement, but I think It is safe to say that In the five years I occupied that seat.. Senator Conkllng asked me to spell not less than COO words. Senator Conkllng was a man who wrote a. great deal at his desk when not engaged in debate. One day ho leaned over and Inquired of me how to spell "wagon"; I told him I should spell It w-a-g-o-n." He then said, "I shall Imme diately proceed to" strike out one "g." On another occasion he asked me how to spell "Czar." I inquired It he meant the Czar of Russia, and he said "Scs." "Well," I said, "generally It is spelled Czar,' and sometimes Tsar." He then said, "I shall at once proceed to prefix a C " II a 'had spelled It "Z-a-r." Now, ladles and gentlemen, Z must not be understood as contending that because Sen ator Conkllng was not a good speller that It is any reason why Mr. Parker should not be elected President, or even a reason why our candidate should be. I only thought. before proceeding to the task before me, it might be interesting for some of you to know that it so happens sometimes that some of our greatest statesmen are defi cient in some of the simplest and most ele mentary principles of an education. It has been frequently said during this Campaign that there are so issues. I admit that, with one or two exceptions; the De mocracy have wholly failed to make & pos itive and direct declaration of principles. But the .Democracy must be given credit for having taken direct issue with -the -Republicans on one subject, and one which I regard as by no means the least Important: -one how befdps the American, people, and that is the suojecfox the tana, and to this issue 1 pro pose to direct most of my remarks this evening. The Protective Tariff k the XHo Blood ef the Republic, the Yltallxcr of our Industries. Protection of American, labor and Ameri can industries Is one of the great cardinal principles of the Republican party. And the Republican party asserts that this policy Is Just and right, and in the interest of the Government and of the people. Our Demo cratic friends deny this, and insist. In season and out -of season, that tariff protection is species of robbery, and insist vehemently that tariff for revenue only is tho correct doctrine, and that Is simply free trade. I propose at this time to discuss this question. The Republican party in its platform at Chi cago reaffirms the protective policy in part In these words: "Protection which guards and develops our industries is a cardinal policy of the Repub-. 11 can party. The measure of protection should always at least equal the difference in the cost of production at home and abroad." To this proposition our Democratic friends in their platform adopted recently at St. Iiouls respond In these words: "We denounce protection as robbery of the many to enrich the few." Now, let us see how this Is. The only proper way to reach a correct conclusion la. first, to Inquire as to the condition of our country under different administrations in which these different policies have been enforced, and. Second, by inquiring as to the effect the protective tariff has had in affect ing, either for good or for evil, the general and Individual welfare. And In this con nection I assert without any fear of suc cessful contradiction, as averred In our Na tional Republican platform, that a Demo cratic tariff has always been followed by business adversity, and a Republican tariff by business prosperity. During the history of the country we have had B7 years of low tariff or tariff for rev enue only, or in other words, a tariff bor dering on free trade; and SS years of pro tective tariffs. Of 'the C7 years of low tariffs. In 22, or nearly one-half, there was an excess in expenditures over the receipts by the Gov ernment, or. in other words, a deficit. While of the f& years of protective tariff. 44 showed on excess of receipts over expenditures. Of the 14 years under protection In which the expenditures exceeded the receipts, nine were war periods, while only two years of the deficits under the low tariff were war years. The Protective System Recognized by Wash ington, and by First Tariff Act Passed by Congress. "While the protective system was recog nized and urged by "Washington, and while the principle was also recognized In the very first tariff act ever. passed by Congress, the first real protectIveariff was passed July 1, IS 12, and went Into effect the same day. The preamble to the first tariff, to which I have referred, the act of 1789, recognized the protective principle as follows: "Whereas, It Is necessary for the support of the Government, for the discharge of the debts of the United States, and the encour agement and protection of manufactures, that duties be levied on goods, wares and merchandise, imported into the United States," etc This act imposed duties upon about 75 arti cles, and the rates of duty averaged about 7J4 per cent on those, articles on which an ad valorem duty was Imposed, although on mere than one-half of the articles the rates of dutr were specific. The dutiable list was increased in 1782, and again In 1794. the average rates on dutiable articles in that year reaching 15 per cent. But In July, 1812, as I have stated, was the really first protective tariff act. The duties by that act were doubled, making an average of 32.' per cent; and it Is a- matter of history that under the operation of that tariff, stimulated. of course, by the war with Great Britain, our manufactures in this country received, their firet footholds In 1816. hoirever. the Democracy, under tho leadership of "Walker and John C Calhoun, re duced the customs duties to an average rate of 2Q oer cent, and the result was the man ufacturing industries of this country received" & setback, and the country was flooded by importations from England which were sent In at prices at less than cost, with the dis tinct and. indeed, the openly avowed purpose iCtuIaMs fax fU. t TRYTO RDB BANK Bandits Make Bold Day light Raid at Cody. BRAVE CASHIER IS KILLED Fellow Officers Aid Him - Beating Off Outlaws- in THEIR NUMBER IS ONLY TWO Retreat .Without Coin Is "Necessary "Buffalo Bill" Is En Route From Omaha to Take the Trail. CODY. Wyo., Nov. 1. One of the posses led by Sheriff Jeff Champion, overtook the outlaws at dusk 20 miles southwest of. Cody, and a battle eneued. In which Cham pion had a horse shot under him, but was unlnlured. The bandits obtained fresh horses at a ranch near by and escaped. CODY, Wyo., Nov. 1. A. bold daylight raid by bandita from tho mountain re gions was made this afternoon upon the First National Bank at this place this afternoon. Cashier I. O. Middaugh was Instantly killed. The outlaws fled with out securing anything, and under a rain of bullets from the aroused citizens, who were attracted to the scene by the shoot ing of Cashier Middaugh, and the ex change of shots between the robbers and the bank officials. ' Two cowboys who had been seen loaf' ing about Cody for several days, without masks or disguises of any characte: rode up to the bank and six-shooters in each hand, ordered everyone within to throw up their hands. Instead of com plying with the demands of the outlaws. the bank officials grabbed weapons front beneath the counters and opened a fusl lade upon the intruders, who beat a hasty retreat Into the street, followed by Cashier Middaugh, who- emptied his gun 'athem at short range. When Middaugh "had ceased firing the smaller or tne two robbers wheeled, said taking- deliberate - aim at. the bank official, acql buHot through, his breast- Mlddaugh fell dead In his tracks. Many Guns Tralnedi Upon Bandits. Citizens, aroused by the firing, seized every weapon in reach, and guns were trained upon the fleeing bandits from every point. The outlaws swept the streets with their six-shooters, at tho same time digging their spurs frantically into the sides of their horses. Deputy Sheriff Jefferson Chapman, at the head of about 20 armed cowboys, quickly left Cody, making a. detour in an effort to head off the flight of the two desperadoes who apparently were mak tag for the mountains on the Montana line. A number of shots were heard shortly after the posse had cut through a field, and as the officers cannot be far behind the fugitives, It Is considered very probable that the two outlaws will soon be taken. Excitemnt Is at fever heat tonight, and a lynching is threatened if the fugitives are apprehended. A reward has been offered for the bandits, dead or alive. The First National Bank was organ ized four months ago, and was supposed to have had considerable money on de posit. Advices from Bed Lodge. MonL. tonight say a proposed nua or some Dame, either In Montana or "Wyoming, had been tipped off to Sheriff Potter, of that place, who had warned ,a number of banks of their danger. The band Is said to have consisted of Ave members, and was organized four months ago near Thermopolis, "Wyo. In anticipation of a raid on the Bed Lodge banks Bhotguns and Winchester rifles had been placed at convenient points throughout the city and the banks converted into veritable arsenals. BUFFALO BILL TO TAKE TRAIL He Is En Route From Omaha With Indian Scouts and English Friends. OMAHA, Nov. L Col. William F. Co dy's private car, filled with Cody's English friends and Indian scouts, as well as by Colonel Cody himself, went West tonight on the Burlington flyer. Excitement was at fever heat over the manhunt which the party will have at Cody instead, of the bear hunts expected. Colonel Cody will take the .trail himself as soon as he reaches the scene of the hold-up. "1 wired White Beaver, my manager, at Cody, to offer a large reward for the capture of the outlaws." said "Colonel Cody, "and to double the reward in case an outlaw is killed. We want to kill them, not capture them. "Within ten minutes after we reach Cody we will be in the sadle ready for the trail. My best horses will be in read iness at the depot and I have with me my old scout, the Sioux chief; Iron TalL The old fellow Is now cleaning up his guns and is overjoyed at the chance of getting into a scrimmage. "The Government had several hundred thousand dollars on deposit in that bank, and it was a narrow escape for the funds. The Government Is putting In a $3jO00,O90 Irrigating system in the Big Horn and had the cash there with which to pay off the workmen. The outlaws evidently knew this and were after that Government money, but the resistance of Cashier Mid daugh prevented it being stolen." Colonel Cody's train will be hitas special from Toluca to Cody, and he ex pects to reach there by noon Thursday. Fair Plane for Great Flower Stow, ST. ZJQXnm, Nov. 3- The tmcaUT co mlrCof "the I clatJlHPaday World's Fair Flower Asso consldered plana for, the flower show, to be held from to 12, Inclusive. Prizes ag value $7000 will bfe, given by -together wlth-psedals and o exposition management of the Missovl Botan- ows Fallacy of" the Idea Address-1 Carafe. LASgll i'E." 'led.. Ifov. "i-- early 20 peeCB jsrere made today by Senator the Sennter's i addresses o the citise,iifC his own and bis speeches were repeatedly-punctuated with appiause. Dur ing tlito-de.'he dwelt rfainlyupon the prevdBJjfeof prosperity throughout the couJIEJaSserting this. wfaSue to Be pubilcafrf administration of The Govern ment, andtfhat Its continuance was de pendent upon Republican success next week. At several points he referred to por tions of Judge Parker's -speech, in New York last, night, with special reference to the opening or iojeign.-jnarKets to AmerlcanTOnufactuisng prodtifcjs. During moH or te 'day the henator was .accompanied orr J. iTamc Niamey. tita Reb-bllcan candidate 'lor Governor of Indiana. yCCHUma, JfixE.iMt adents of Howe "Military Academy were -present to greet the Vice-Presidential candidate. To them he. -said: "Someof our political opponents have had much tcu-say about militarism and Lthe -s spirit of militarism. There is no spirit of militarism which is a menace to our country. The soldiers or the Ke- Tubllc have always been Its friends and not its enemies. The young men studying military tactics here are learning the les sons of patriotism and learning to be good citizens. They are not laying foun dations which will be a menace to our National welfare, but to give strength to our institutions. Here, onthe one hand. are the cadets, and on the other-the school children bearing the flag of the utepubllc. You young men are learning how better to protect it against Its enemies the world about. There arc no enemies of tho American flag at home. Tho 0,000,000 of citizens. I care not to which party they belong, whether they are Bepufillcans or Democrats, are all friends of the Amer ican flag". The little army of the united States is necessary. It will continue to be the protector and guardian of our Na tional interests. The strength of. the Re public, however, la not in the army, splen did as it is, nor Is it In the great battle ships which have brought us such nown: the strength ot the Republic abides in the patriotic hearts of our country men." The largest crowds of the day were at Goshen, Elkhart and South Bend. Tho last-speech of the evening was at-Ham mond, and the Senators special train was sidetracked at Michigan City during tho night. NEWSPAPERMAN ENDS LIFE. Colonel Flagg, Realizing Health 13 GonejLeaps Into River. DUICTH, Mlnn Nor. L Colonel A. M. Flagg, who until a few weeks ago was eojtor ot tne uuiutn ewa-xriDune, com mitted suicide late- this, afternoon by drowning. Colonel Flagg, who had been in ill-health for some months, recently took a vacation and went to his old home in Rockford, Hi. He returned shortly. but was unable to resume his work. C0UTEKTS OP TODAY'S PAPER . Anslo-Bussiaa War Scare. ' Sailing of TiUBslan squadron from VI 50 leads British public to believe. Urns Is at .hand ror war. Page 1. Foreign Office explains Russia was only to detain officers having knowledge of trawler Incident. Page 1. Great activity prevails in naval circles at Gibraltar, but Britain will not explain its meaning. Page 5. British press Is disappointed at the turn In affairs. Page C. Russia fears Britain may. yet stop the Baltlo fquadron. Page 5. Ruseo-Japasese war. . Kuropatkln may retreat If-Japanese force Is found superior. Page 3. Japanese are displaying the greater activity at Mukden, but show disposition to go into Winter quarters. Page 3. Japanese fire at Port Arthur is proving ef fective. Pago 11. Political. Cortelyou refuses" to take' "contributions of trusts who desire favors. Page 1. Democrats realize only a landslide can save Parker. Pace 1. Parker meeting at Newark, N. J., Is cap tured bf the Republicans for a short time. rage xi. Domestic Bandits hold up Cody, Wyo., bank and kill the cashier. "Buffalo 2111" will take the trail. Page 1. California' airship' again makes a successful flight at St. Louis. Page 2. . Sports. Gans will meet Britt for 515,000 in Baltimore at 134 pounds. Page 11. University of Oregon team returns from California. Page 11. Northwest Politics. Senator Mitchell addresses enthusiastic Re- . publican rally at .Salem.- Page 1. Pierce County. spurred to action by combina tion headed by Northwestern Washington counties. Page 4. Pacific Coast. Six-year-old boy kills girl playmate at Ham ilton, Mont. Page 4. George Cross. Spanish-American veteran. killed while stealing a rids on the South em Pacific. Page 4. Jallbreak and murder of jailer prevented at Oregon City. Page 4. Commercial and Martee. Improvement In" livestock outlook. Page 13. California grain stocks decreased. Page 15. Wheat advances at Chicago on war rumors. Page 15. Fluctuations in stock prices at New York. Page 15. Two more deep-water .ships added to fleet In port. Page 14. Pertiaad aad "Vicinity. B 11. Harriman acquires ownership of Co lumbia Southern. Pare 10. Sheriff Word raids Warwick poolroomwlth out a warrant Page 18. Street Improvement bonds sell at a premium. Page 14. Republicans plan ,blg rally for Saturday night. Page 14. John S. Seed -falls to make defense In $10, 000 damage suit. Page 10. Estimates for city's expenses in 1903 nearly all prepared. Page 8. Woman .frost- Vaacouver, Wash,, thinks-she was "tricked with mock marriage. Pace 10. Police arrest vaw who -is evidently sales .agent,, for Iwrgtars. Page 12. Ordinance to revoke telcpho&e compacts .franchise will fee. la trod seed la City Council. Page 19, Xorthern Itoc yomewgeg agrafe eassiag te view- ylr atte. Tae 1-8. Cerdrays Thatr will b turned iVo vsw6- - J ;rfU-lMaM.?s K NovKs 4 I gregkln ther-Hctlo dip!cJD&: LD IS SCORNED Cortelyou Frowns on the Truster SEVERAL HUGH ANGERED Roosevelt's Representatives Have Made Pledges to None. VICTORY APPEARS CERTAIN Naturally, Industries Which Barely Escaped Ruin .Under Democratic Rule Aid Republicans, but Campaign Fund Is Small. NEW YORK, Nov. 1. A Washington dispatch to the Tribune says: "The total campaign funds at the dis posal of the National Republican Com mittee this year is considerably less than one-half what It amounted to four years ago, and less than one-third of the total of eight years ago, yet the assurances of a great Republican victory reach Wash- ington from every part of -the country. That success will be achieved under the most Kratlfying circumstances is shown by the fact that not a single pledge of any sort has been given . by. Chairman Cortelyou or any one authorized to repre sent him to any individual, corporation or interest. "Naturally, the great industrial enter prises, some of which barely escaped ruin in the last Democratic administration, and others, which see that tho -administration ot National affairs by a party which firmly declares that protection is robbery. would force them into bankruptcy, havo contributed to the Republican campaign, fund. So have certain labor organizations, whose members have vivid recollections of having been thrown out of work in Cleveland's . administration. Some corpor ations havo contributed to both campaign funds and still others have contributed- exclusively to the Democratic fund.- 'A. man who knows all that occurred at Mr. Cortelyou'a last .call on the. President said today: ' "While Mr. Cortelyou was at the White House he told the President of an attempt made by big corporations to se cure promises of favoritism; after-lection. The man who approached him offered his check with the remark: "We, of course, will expect kind treatment at the hands of the Administration this Winter." ' "Cortelyou told the man to keep his contribution, as the National Republican Committee was not receiving jsuch in ex change for guarantees for future favors. Another great corporation, angered at Its inability to Influence the President in a direction contrary to his conception, of duty,, has made "no contribution to the Republican 'campaign fund. It may be said in Cortelyou'a defense, if he needs any, that he has not received a cent from, any source with the understanding that the contributor was to be favored by legisla tion or otherwise for money advanced. Not a single promise has been made to any Individual, no corporation influence has, in the slightest manner, pledged the President or Administration to any form of action after election.' " LANDSLIDE HIS ONLY HOPE. Democrats Hardly Dare to Believe Parker Tide Will Set In. WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. A New York dispatch to the Star says: "The Democratic managers are in ec stasy of hope over the prospect for the state and electoral tickets In New York. They have net a shadow ot doubt that Parker and Herrick will carry the state. They are looking forward with feverish anxiety to the developments of the next few days, hoping, yet hardly daring to believe, that the favorable conditions ex isting In 'Manhattan may extend like a prairie fire, to the -neighboring States of New Jersey and Connecticut. They are holding their breath to see if tho land slide, which only could elect Parker, has really set in. "The outburst of Democratic enthusi asm In this state is reported in all doubt ful states, with the expectation the cheer ing news will arouse the faithful in other states to renewed efforts. "Word has gono forth from Democratic National headquarters to Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland and West Virgin ia and-the doubtful Western. States, 'We will get New York.' Up to last Saturday politicians at the Democratic headquarters felt that Parker could only be elected by a landslide. It was their only hope, for lorn. as it 'appeared. They are not cer tain yet that it is In prospect, but they are wonderfully encouraged. "The present ebulitlon of Democratic hope has not shaken tbe Republican man-. agers, though it is within the boander of truth to state that at Republican "Ketid quarters some surprise Is felt at the seeming increase in Democratic seat! merit in this city. There Is not tbe slight est diminution of conQdeace anions "the Republican managers. They" do hot 'wa ver oyer Roosevelt's elee&os. They do" not concede New York to Parker, bat simply scale down their estimates of Roosevelt's prospective plurality ta St the apparent growth, of Tmocratic santimont in Mas hatt&n. When thus sealed down, it still shows In their 'eeUsoatie 4 sufficient gin to roile victory- "Odds on Roosevelt in. the bettiag or the curb fell off today. The e4set of fore- easts by local papers, which were awn- XecaHj: ,o net sere noes iraraMe to t ker than had been expected, shortened the odds on Roosevelt from 6 to 1 to less than 4 to X" ' Deems Pell Encouraging to Parker. NEW YORK, Nov. 1. Editorially, the Times today says: "A canvass of the New Tory City vote made by the Brooklyn Eagle, showing an indicated Parker plurality of 1S2.022. means not only that this state is going Demo-. cratic by a great plurality, but the Parker tide has risen to a stage which, in all probability, will sweep the country." FRANC 0 -AMESIC AIT TREATY. Provides for Settlement of Any Dis pute by Arbitration. WASHINGTON. Nov. 1. Secretary. Hay and Ambassador Jusserand today signed treaty providing for the settlement by arbitration of any possible disputes be tween the United States and France. It Is drawn on the lines of the Anglo-French arbitration treaty. Out of deference to the United States Senate, to which this treaty will be sub mitted when it assembles In December, the State Department is not able to make public its text. However, it is very, much like the treaty which was negotiated Oc tober K, 1303, by Lord Lansdowne for England, and. Ambassador Cambon for France. It is the opinion ot the officials here that tMs convention does not in any way threaten the predominance in this hemis phere of the Monroe doctrine. The treaty is to be followed very soon by .one between America and Italy, and there is reason to believe that some progress already has been made In that direction. A similar treaty with Switzer land will come next, according to the present .plans, and it is. probable that a whole set of arbitration treaties will, be negotiated, as mentioned by Secretary Hay in his New York speech. FRANCE IS MUCH PLEASED. Treaty Is Regarded as Notable Exten sion of Delcasse's Peace Policy. PARIS, Nov. 3. The news of the sign- ins of the arbitration treaty between J'anrce and the United States in Wash ington today is received here with the warmest expressions of approval, partic ularly in Governmental circles. The treaty Is regarded hot' only as a strong bond between the two Republics, but also an- -an Important extension of Foreign Minister Delcasse's series of peace treat ies. The Initiative was taken over 1 year ago, when Baron DE3tourneUes de Constant, the leader of the French arbi tration movement, wrote to President Roosevelt, expressing the hope that the Anglo-French entente might have as sequel a Franco-American entente. Pres ident Roosevelt expressed his hearty ap proval, saying Secretary Hay would take up the question. In the meantime For eign Minister Delcasse and Ambassador Porter went over the subject here, and Secretary Hay and Ambassador Jusserand opened preliminary negotiations.' The "French officials .were favorable through out, -and regretted postponement, owing to ' the Question, over Spanish ratifica tion. When Jfjjbassador Jusserand was here recently M. Delcasse asraln con ferred with him on the subject. -Since the Ambassadors return to Washington .re ports indicated that former difficulties had been removed, and the news of the sign Ing of the treaty brings the realization of what the officials .bad long. desired. " AmDas3aaor sorter tonight manifested tho heartiest satisfaction at the "success ful conclusion ot the negotiations. He said- the relations between the United States and France were fortunately so cordial that it was hoped that the terms of the treaty might never be invoked. However, he added, the document' will be highly beneficial in giving definite treaty iorm ior the long-existing friendship of tne two governments' and peoples. Tne public and press strongly approve ot the treaty, mainly because of the friendly attitude of France toward the United States, and also as another nota ble achievement of 31. Delcasse, whose recent pacific Influences in the Anglo- Russlan crisis have emphasized the ben efit resulting from the various ententes he has succeeded in establishing. Tt CAUSE OF 1905 FAIR. Northern Pacific Agents WJII Make Tour to Obtain Facts. DENVER, Colo., Nov. 1. Official an nouncement of the"appomtment of Frank A. Wadlelgh to be assistant general pas senger agent of the Denver & Rio Grande Railway waa sent out today. He wul en ter upon his duties November 35. Mr. Wadlelgh resigned as manager ot the Immigrant Clearing House of the Western Passenger Association in New York to come back to Denver in the place made vacant by the retirement of Thomas E. Swann. ' Passenger and immigration representa tives of the Northern Pacific- stations sit uated fa the important centers from Maine to California will gather in St. Paul this week and will leave Thursday morning In private cars attached to the regular westbound through train on a comprehensive tour of the territory served by the Northern Pacific The trip Is to be made for the purpose of giving the representatives ot the system personal knowledge of the West, Its cities, its growth and development. Many of the district passenger agents and immigration representatives of the system from the other sections of the United States have never had an opportu nity for careful study of the territory from SL Paul to tidewater. .On this trip they wilt cover the system by daylight, visiting all the Important points and ob taining first-class Information of the Lewis and Clark country. Passenger rep resentatives will make the tour with the coming Lewis and Clark Exposition at Portland especially in mind, and. will ob tain facts and knowledge which will be useful in handling, the expected heavy travel of next year. 3QKISTES GABTS STRENGTH. . Mr. Takahlra Passes the Best Day Since the Operation. NEW "YORK, Nov. I. At 5' o'clock it was announced from the sick chamber "tkat Minister Takahira. --had -passed the naost 6omfortah-le day .since the operation was performed. He has taken little or no nourishment as yet. but has slept well,, and this, h,is strengthened him. Early is the afternoon a large bunch of white and. yellow chrysanthemums was received at the 'hotel, the gift of President and Mrs. Jtodeevelt, with an earnest expression of their hope for the Minister's recovery. At 11:30 tonight It was said that Minister Takahtra, had had a- slight sinking spell Between 9 aad. 3 o'clock, bat that he re uponded almost immediately to stisiulasts aad recovered fei former strength, la a few BatavtM- It was stated that the slnk inr spell did not isean that tbe patient was any worse. Juet Before mMnigttt Mb condition was si& to be better than, it - & W IXtora nooa. NEW WAR SCARE Britain Excited at Russia's Action; FLEET LEAVES VIGO Public Believes is Broken, Faith WILD REPORTS CURRENT Baltic Fleet is Expected to Be Sunk Promptly. OFFICIALDOM IS SURPRISED Foreign Office Points Out That Only Officers Concerned In Tawler Incident Were to Leay the Squadron. Xondon has passed through a day ot sensational rumors, for -which there seems to have been no basis, in fact. The Russian Ambassador -waa received In audience by King" Edward, who ex pressed his satisfaction for the course events have taken and confidence that the outcome would be satisfactory to both Great Britain and Russia. Admiral Kaxanakoff, ot tbo Admiralty Council, will be one ot the two rep resentatives of Russia on tfio Interna tional commission. "The namo ot his colleague has not been announced. The four officers detached from Ro jestvensky's squadron to tell tha Bory of the Dosrsr Bank affair-Hare expected tojeada SU Feteraburg by Friday. LONDON, Nov. 3. Negotiations be tween Great Britain and Russia looking- to a settlement of the North Sea affair are progressing favorably, and there Is not the slightest danger of. friction arising be tween the two governments. The constitu tion of the International commission un der The Hague convention is on the verge of settlement. In spite of these pacific conditions, Great Britain today experienced a war panic that can only be compared" "to the panic created on October 23, when the news of the sinking of the trawlers in the North Sea was received. Not for years have so many alarmist reports and flaming extras flooded London The most extraordinary feature ot this scare, which was serious enougn wnue it lasiea, ia that there was not one single . circum stance to Justify it. The excitement started early in the day, when the newspapers announced the de parture of the Russian Baltic squadron from Vigo. The public was not in pos session of the information cabled by the Associated Press to the United States that only the officers concerned In the firing on the British trawlers would be detached, and jumped at the conclusion that Russia had broken faith by not detaining the vessels Involved in the affair. On top of this came wild reports of tremendous, ac tivity at "Gibraltar. Climax Is Reached. Hour by hour the news from Gibraltar became more serious, until at last the cli max wrs reached with the announcement that the British fleet had. cleared for ac tion. Some even said the fleet had sailed to meet Jtejestyenokys squadron. In huge type the 'papers made the parallel state ments, "the Russian fleet has sailed," "the British has cleared for action." No newspapers and no person seemed able, to explain these events. The reas suring Information from the United States that the sailing" of the Baltic squadron from Vigo was with the knowledge of and agreeable to the British government was not even hinted at by the papers here. The news from Gibraltar became mora and more- alarming, and finally the For eign Office was overrun by reporters, soma of wnom brought the rumor that Admiral Beresford had already sunk the remnant of Admiral Rojegtyeaskys fleet. Ambassador Benkendorff at that moment was quietly discussing with Foreign Min ister Lansdowne the personnel of the in ternational commission, but it was popu larly rumored that he was receiving an ultimatum. Premier Balfour, Admiral Sir John Fisher, Commander-in-Chief at Portsmouth, Lord Selboume,First Lord of the Admiralty, and Prince Louis of Bat tenburg. Director of Naval Intelligencer, were all-in conference, and it was openly hinted that they were planning the first stroke ot war. As a matter of fact they like Lord Lansdowne, were engaged, in considering nssaea that had been sug gested for the international commfeeioc. Public Excitement Allayed. When all London was in this state ot mind, and while anybody who might be supposed to know anything was constantly- being asked, "Has war been declared?" the Foreign 0&ee deeided to adopt - s, course aeore onwusl for IV sad. in order to allay the public eaceHueaout gave out to the press the fottowiag statement? aefore th Kbm&ui fttot Mi Tig, iattrue. ticro were given to th.Hwli ASasim. ydth jtCocadd. ea P