i THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1904. STAND ABD PATTSENS First FloorAnnex. All Standard Pat terns are novr jLO and lo none higher. Sole Oregon agentS'for the werld famons Bonnet Silks. Open zn account here at Portland's best and largest store. Pay monthly. See me about it. "The Credit Man," third floor. HOW TO ORDER THE OLD STORE THE HOME OF QUALITY AND WORTH If you can't get to the store, order by mail or phone Private Exchange 12. Leading, mail-order house on the Coast. The NOVEMBER DESIGNER now ready at the counter only 1Q, or special subscription price, postpaid to any address, 80 a year. "THE DIFFERENT STORE Startling Price Cutting on New and Dependable Mer chandise, Bearing Fashion's Approval Mark, Signalizes the 75th Occurrence of Portland's Greatest Weekly BARGAIN EVENT THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING FRIDAY ECONOMY SALE U1M i A 14 A DWFSLT HOMP AF TUP INHI ICTDI A I WADI H Our splendid preparation for this event makes it the buyer's opportunity. naKV LJ I nui It- J I rlL llilUo I KiHL W UKLlJ. Every item mentioned here is a distinct and positive value, and Friday's "ECONOMY SALE" patrons will select from the largest and newest assortments west of Chicago. Bargains positively impossible with any other Portland house are here. Our ability to create such has made this PORTLAND'S LARGE3T AND BEST STORE. Grand Salons of Dress. Second Floor. A Price Cota-. clysm in Pretty New Shirtwaist Suits $1 1.95 for the fetching;, trim and trig Shirtwaist Suits that represent the best i 1 5.50 and $20.00 Values in Town Cataclswm a breaking or rending asunder. A precise definition of -what lias happened to the prices on these stylish, jaunty Suits, that are so deservedly popular with women .of taste. It really takes a conscious effort, a gritting of the teeth, to sever ft third to almost a half in price from these ultra stylish new Suits that are so well worth their rull valuation. But our Suit buyer, now in the New York market, obtained nearly as much concession from the makers, on condition sho would take 200 Suits. "We ought to sell every one to day at the reduced price and no doubt wIlL They are in the popular unfinished serges, in blacks, navys and browns, and In fancy cheviots and mannish suiting effects in black and white, brown and white, blue and white, tan and white and green and white. They have the full Bishop Sleeves, in Dolly Varden effects, plaited back and shoulder straps of materials. The Skirts are plaited in the neat, quiet; modesty unobtrusive, dressy patterns so pleasing to the conservative Portland woman: $18.50 and $20.00 values. I I OS today only, at 1 Skirts in the new and popular round, instep lengths. Silks, Velvets, Dress If - uooas Fifth-Street Annex first floor. FOUR FRIDAY EXTRA SPECIALS One should see the splendid stocks of Dress Fabrics In the Annex .Store, for they- are the criterion of taste and Judgment in the selecting 'of genteel and stylish costuming. Every popular fabric and fashionable weave is here, making an indeed varied display, at tractively low priced. For Friday selling, to numerous special i&lues to which your attention is called by Special Sale tickets, we add the following a quartette of worthy bargains: 26-inch Black Pe.au de Sole regular $2.25 value extra heavy and highly finished all pure silk I 5T7 and fast dye. Special for today..... l.W Suitable for Coats, Skirts, Suits and Waists nothing better made for hard service. S5-lnch All-Pure Silk Black Taffeta the best and purest Taffeta shown our regular $1.50 j o i quality. Special for today only New Costume Velvets in metallic dots and figures splendid wearing and fast colors good for Suits and Waists; regular S5c and $1.00 quality. rr Special for today only Ol Colored Dress Goods Regular 50c values Mannish Tweeds, Zibellnes and Heather Suitings what some stores call "65c val ues" our regular EOc grade; all strict colors In the assortment. Special for today "rnf only, yard JJ v. In the Two Great 3d Floor Stores a01& Homestead Store" and Nevr SIxth-St. Annex. FOUR MONSTER BARGAIN SALES FOR TODAY Special sale of cook stoves; prices sharply redaced. Special sale of enameled ware at great reductions. Special sale of dinner sets at bargain prices. As advertised through the week. In addition to all theBe economy attractions, we append for Friday "Economy Sale" patrons A GRAND SPE CIAL "EXPANSION' SALE" f Refers Bros. 1847 gllvenrnre at Matchless Bargain Prices Rogers Bros. Plated Ware Tea spoons, set of six, special at 8c Dessert spoons, set of six, special at fl.89 Table spoons, set of six, special at $1.82 Dessert forks, set of six, special at $1.80 Table forks, set of sir, special at $1.82 Berry spodns, fancy designs, special at, each... 88c Oyster forks, fancy .designs, set of six, special at $L42 Cream ladles, fancy designs, special at, each.... 52c Gravy ladles, fancy designs, special at, each Sc Children's sets, fancy, set 950 Children's food-pushers, fancy, special at, each,34c The above are all Rogers Bros, seeds Wallace Bros. Plated Ware Tea spoons, fancy patterns, set of six, special at, set Sc Dessert spoons, fancy patterns, set of six, spe cial at, set sec Table spoons, fancy patterns, set of six. spe cial at, set , n....c Sugar spoons, fancy patterns, special at, each. .18c Butter Icnlves, fancy patterns, special at, each..2Se Berry spoons, fancy patterns, special at, each...48e -Child's sets, fancy patterns, three pieces, spe cial iit. Jet 40c The Great Expansion Sales Reach Out All Over Two Big 4th Floor Stores Mala "Old Homestead Store" and her newest efif sprlng, the Just Opened 6th Street Annex Store AH Day Today Unmatched Low Prices in the Special Sale of Portieres, Surpassing Bar gains in the Special Sale of Lace Curtains, Remarkable Values in the Special Sale of Blankets, Exceptional Sav ings in the Special Sale of Smyrna, Rugs, Rare Values In the Special Sale of Oriental Rugs. To -which we add, for bargains: today only, two worthy 11c FOR FIGURED SILKO LINES, WORTH 15c For the housekeeper who intends to mceke her own comforters, this is a fine opportunity to buy sllkolines. These silkollnes ar of the very best grade, and come in fancy Oriental and floral designs; regular 15c value; special Economy Sale price, only, fir the yard K, CUKTAUf MADRAS AT 25c. White curtain madras, 54 Inches wide, used so much for bedroom and sash curtains; regular 40o value; special for Friday ocr Economy Sale at, yard JOK. Rest values and largest stock of aewest carpets In the city. The lightest, roomiest, most con veniently arranged carpet salesroom on the Coast. TIMELY SAVINGS FOR FRIDAY ECONOMISTS BARGAINS OF EXTRAORDINARY VALUE AT THE KNIT UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY COUNTERS. First Floor. Women's $1.25 Underwear for 59c. Women's Silk and Cotton Vests and Pants the famous "MERODE" Underwear Winter weight Vests with high neck and long sleeves, hand finished, silk trimmed; Pants ankle length; regular $1.25 XQr value. Special Economy Sale Price Is, each... KJOK. Only $2.79 for Women's $4.00 Union Suits Women's HIgh-Orade Union Suits full finished, regu lar made, fine ribbed, in white and gray, long sleeves, ankle length; actual $4.00 value. For Friday Economy Sale only, spe- 40 7C cial at, suit X.y 35c for Women's 50c Hose Women's Black Cashmere Hose fine ribbed with fin ished, foot; regular 50c value. Special for TCf Friday Economy Sale only, pair OOK. 33c for Boys' Shirts and Draw ers worth 50c. Boys' Heavy-Weight Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers; big 60c value. Special for Friday "Xr1 Economy Sale only, at vUL A HAPPY BARGAIN TRIO The Good Fairy "Economy" has bees at work la The Domestic Aisle First Floor. He FOR CREPE FLANELLE AND CASHMERE FLANNELETTE, WORTH 17c. We have 6000 yards of crepe flanelle and cashmere flannelettes, in figures, checks and stripes; light, medium and dark colors; well worth 17c the yard; special for Friday Economy I C Sale only, at, yard 1 v- Wlth ThaalcsKivlBR oaly a few -weeks ahead, tbu cast afford to miss this! 85c FOR BLEACHED DAMASK, WORTH $1.35. Richardson's bleached damask, 72 inches wide, splendid assortment of designs Shamrock, Hose, Poppy. Pansy. Buttercup, etc; extra good value at $1.25; special for Friday Econ- Qf omy Sale only at, tho yard -JOK. $&20 FOR DINNER NAPKINS, WORTH S4w Dinner napkins to match table linen; regular $4 value: special ic omy Sale at, the value: special for Friday Econ- Of aozon svr.v The Little, but Important Acces sories to Dress are Lightly Priced for Friday Buyers la Garniture's Realm First Floor. The Great Annual Sale of Em broideries Continues An Immense aggregation of the handsomest and newest Embroideries ever offered at a Special Sale In this city. All the wanted-now sort of up-to-the-hour dainty, stylish Embroideries . DIVIDED FOR RAPID-FIRE SELLING INTO EIGHT LOTS TICKETED TO GO THROUGH THIS WAY All fair 25c and 30c values at, yard.. 134 All fair 35c values at, yard is All fair 40c values at, yard 20 All fair 50c and 60c values at, yard 25$ All fair 75c and S5c values at, yard 374 All fair 90c and $1.00 values at, yard 48 All fair $1.25 values at, yard 62 All fair $1.50 values at, yard 76 Added to this unrivaled attraction in the-busy Main Floor Aisles are the following EXTRA SPECIAL FRIDAY ECONOMIES: Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Collar, Cuff and Belt Sets, Gloves Dainty Accessions for Fastidious Woman kind at Friday Econ omy Prices 33c' AND 40c RIBBONS FOR. 15c. Fancy striped shaded Ribbons pretty Dresden Rib bons with striped borders and flowered Ribbons all worth 25c and 40c the yard. To close them out quickly you may buy them today at the I Economy Sale Price of, the yard. I OK. LACES Lace Edges, Lace Bands, Venlse Bands, and Gal loons, Net Bands, Oriental Net Top Laces, Venise Laces in fancy designs all very desirable. For Friday Economy Sale all go at the Si one price, the yard "" Beautiful Embroideries 3e AND See EMBROIDERIES FOR 12c. A lot of Cambric Insertions and Edges some as wide as 10 Inches others narrower very suitable for skirt rufQlngs and undergarments they are the kind that will wash nicely, as they have the buttonhole edge; extra values at 25c and 30c the yard. For Friday Economy Sale, special at, I olr the yard 1 -2- t9o FOR COLLAR, CUFF AND BELT SETS, WORTH BSC Sets consisting of collar, cuffs and belt, with buckle made on linen and fancy stitched very pretty and fashionable; regular 50c value. Special f Qr for Friday Economy Sale at. set IZtK. A LOT OF KID GLOVES, Ranging in price from $1.35 to $2.00. Special for Friday Economy Sale at, Q5r the pair. JQK. A REMARKABLE TWO-DAY SAXE STARTS TO DAY IN ANNEX AND ART SHOP. Seeemd Flear la Fifth-Street Aasex. Women's $L75 Gowns at $1.19 Children's Three-Fourths Length Jackets One-Half Price j la Art Shop Thoroughfare Aisle. Pretty Art Pieces for 39c the 65c Sort READ THE PARTICULARS! TODAY AND TOMORROW ONLY. Ladies' extra-full gowns, of very fine muslin, V shaped neck, yoke trimmed with two rows wide embroidery Insertion between four clusters of seven fine tucks each; embroidery edging at neck and sleeves; regular price $1.75; & i in special I c Children's Jackets and three-fourths lengths, In a large assortment of materials and colors; prices $1.40 to $10; at one-half of regular prices today and tomorrow only; ages from 2 to 6 years. German applique, 32-lnch squares, and 20x64 scarfs, in an endless variety of patterns to select from; regular price 65c; -in,, special at Ocli. EIGHTEEN POWERFUL LITTLE MAGNETS That Will Draw Folk to the Small Wares Aisles Today First Floor "Economy" la the password In the Notion Aisles on Friday. Little articles at Saving Prices. 3c FOR WIRE HAIRPINS, WORTH Be Box of Assorted Wire Hair Pins mixed, plain and crimped; value 5c Special at, box Sc 3c FOR ENGLISH PINS, 400 TO THE PAPER, VALUE 5c Be FOR IRONING WAX, WORTH 16c Chinese Ironing Wax gives luster to linen and makes Ironing easy 3 sticks to box; value 10c Special at, box 6 10c FOR SHELL-COLOR STRAY-LOCK HAIR COMBS, WORTH 15c 9c FOR PEARL BUTTONS, WORTH 15c White Pearl Buttons 2 dozen on card all sizes 2 holes; value 15c Special at, card 9 Toilet Sundries - 35c FOR PERFUMES WORTH 56c. Imported English Perfumes In violet, rose, hello trope, carnation and red clover; value 50c ox. Special at, ounce 35c 8c FOR BAND OLIN, FOR THE HAIR, WORTH 15c THE BOTTLE. 10c FOR SWANSDOWN FACE POWDER, IN FLESH AND WHITE. 17c FOR FRENCH TODLET SOAP, WORTH 35c French Toilet Soap in violet, rose, heliotrope and mignonette 3 cakes in box with metal soap dish; value 25c Special at, box 17 4c FOR TOILET PAPER, FINEST QUALITY TIS SUE, 8-OZ. ROLLS, VALUE Tc Ladies' Combination Pocketbooks and Card Cases In seal and sea Hon leathers In black, brown or tan; value $1.00. Special at, each 85 SL59 FOR KODAK ALBUMS, WORTH $2.1. Flne3t quality Heavy Leather-Covered Kodak Albums, for unmounted pictures; size 7x10 brown and buff colors; value $2.19. Special at, each $1.50 9e FOR BROWNIE PHOTO ALBUMS, WORTH 14c Small slxe Brownie or Stamp Photo Albums burnt leather covers all colors leather; value 14c Special at, each 9 SHELF PAPER, Extra heavy quality, in white, pink or blue lace edge 10 yards In piece. Special at, piece 7 Shining Gems of Economy at the Jewelry Counter 17c FOR SILVER HAT PINS, WORTH 36c Sterling Silver Top Hat Pins fancy designs; value 26c Special at, each 17 19c FOR BROOCH PINS, WORTH 35c New fancy Enamel Imported Brooch Pins; value 25c Special at, each 19 fL35 FOR LORGNETTE CHAINS, WORTH 92. Ladles' Sterling Silver Lorgnette Watch Chains; value $2.00. Special at, each $1.35 8c FOR SHIRTWAIST SETS, WORTH 15c White Pearl Shirt Waist Sets 3 pins to set; value 15c Special at, set 4 THE SCHOOL VOTE FOR PANAMA CANAL MODEL $25 in Gold Given to Four Portland School Pupils THE RESULT OF THE VOTE AT 5 P M YES TERDAY. You've read the particulars. The model and the money will both be presented by this store at the close of the contest, which ends Wednesday, No vember 23, at 6 P. M. Scholars, send along your compositions on the canal and win money for Christmas. St. Mary's Academy 71,839 Harrison School .. 71,115 High School : 70,811 Portland Academy 59,047 Park School 46,423 Atkinson School 32,442 Williams-Avenue School J4.232 Falling School 19,006 Sunnyside School 15,441 Holladay School 15,857 Total votes ...519,193 This Store's Autumn The Beauty Salon Second Floor. Over and over again we've heard the comment this season: "I've never seen such beautiful hats VmiiiliLH In such quiet, conserva tive styles!" 'Tls exactly what we've worked hard to bring about; 'tis what have worked for us to ff day on show in the great Wlrf Millinery Salons. V, Jm f We like to prove that It 0E2& I Is possible to get orig- IJfv inality, spirit, enthusiasm fElF 1 ana unusuaiaess wiuiuut letting hats become bi zarre or unpractical. Per hans this is most stronirlv demonstrated in tne grana snowing 01 me always stylish and practical BLACK HATS we are making. From these we have selected today's extra special values. Every lady wants at least one black hat among her millinery favorites, and at these prices 'tis easy to fill the want. We place on sale today only 100 Silk Shirred Turbans, with velvet crowns, trimmed with breasts very dressy Black Hats. Qjr Special at m,,jo 100 Silk Shirred Dress Shapes, with velvet crowns, trimmed with ostrich plumes and handsome rib bonsIn all black very dressy. CO Q7 Special at .,JO 150 large Silk Velvet Dress Hats, in a generous variety of smart, new shapes, trimmed with feathers, rib bons, novelty ornaments, etc. Every Hat In this grand choosing Is either a real $6, $7 or $8 value. Special for today at a fc choice for .- pOKJJ ADD TO YESTERDAY'S ADVERTISED BARGAINS FOR ALL WEEK THESE Friday Ecouomy Specials in Footwear And It makes Just a score of extra specials for to day la the Shoe SectioB First Floor. $1.48 FOR PARTY SLIPPERS, WORTH $2J50. Party Sllppera for Women patent or plain leather Loula or Military heels; regular $2.50 value. Special Friday Economy Sale price, only, fc I XX the pair... WOMEN'S $30 AND $4 SHOES FOR 92.71. Women's Street Shoe3, with turn or welt soles, patent or plain toes, military or Cuban heels stylish, down-to-date Shoes; regular $3.50 and $4.00 values. Fri day Economy Sale, Special Price, LO "7 I only, the pair a l SSc FOR HOUSE COMFORTS WORTH $1.59. Fur Trimmed Felt Jullettes "House Comforts" with turn soles and flat heels; regular $1.50 QKr value. Special Economy Sale Price at. pair....-'w- WOMEN'S $5 SHOES FOR $3.42. Women's stylish Dress Shoes 8 choice styles turn or welt soles, patent kid or vici kid stock the best makes; regular $5.00 value. Special Frl- o day Economy Sale Price, pair Open Season for Men Bargain-Hunters THE BEST GAME PRESERVES OUR MAN'S SHOP First Floor. Now don't misunder stand us, ladles, and overrun this popular preserve today. What we wanted to say was, we've a num ber of the best bargains for men that man or wo man ever saw- but not any bargains ta men. Those men of ours are rare bargains, but we don't want to sell 'em at any price. We wish you really would drop "round, however, and have a look at these spe cialsthey're wondersl Honest! MEN'S 91.36 AND 71.59 GOLF SHIRTS FOR S7c A good line of men's golf shirts, in Oxford cheviots all this season's goods and the best we can find to sell at $1.25 and $1.50; special for the rest of the week at, . XTTr1 each KJJK. MEN'S 35c CASHMERE SOX FOR 18c. Men's seamless cashmere hose, In black, natural and Oxford: extra good value at 35c; special all jSSrTf.S 19c 456 FOR MEN'S UNDERWEAR, WORTH 75c. A lino of men's fqrmflttlng derby ribbed underwear, with covered seams, French neck. In blue and white stripe a splendid 75c' garment; special for all the week at, S each K)C MEN'S 3ec LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS AT TWO FOR 3Sc Men's pure linen handkerchiefs, with Initials, sold regularly at 20c each; special for Onf all week at two for dl. SPECIAL TODAY ONLY MEN'S 75e FLANNELETTE NIGHT ROBES FOR 55c A line of men's flannelette night robes, la neat patterns, extra well made and finished, sateen faced neck; 54 inches long; a bargain at 75c; for Friday Economy Sale only at, Sr" each "vL ONLY 75c THE SUIT FOR MEN'S UNDERWSAR. A line of men's flat fleeced lined shirts and draw ers, in blue and gray mixed, extra quality and finish; the best 50c fleece-lined garment in town; special ior raaay economy sale only at, the suit OK. x i i jmj l in hi m MM ml w ml