THE MORNING OEEGONIAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1904.. TURNER A TRAITOR Populists Called On to' Drive Him to Oblivion. FALSE IS HIS EVERY PLEDGE National Committeeman W. A. Dun ning Says Political Treason Must . Be Made Odious or It Will Be in Fashion. BEATTXiB, 'Wash.. Oct. 26. (Special.) "XV. A. Dunning, of "Washington, D. C, member of the People's Party National Committee, spent a few days In this state last week In the interests of his party. He is well known to tho Populists of this state as editor of the National Economist and National "Watchman. After looking over the situation In the State of "Wash ington, Mr. Dunning wrote out the fol lowing address to the Populist and free silver voters of this state: To the Popullsta and Silver Democrats of the State of TVashlngton: The time has -come -when your political honor demands a plain statement of facts, and your political Integrity and future progress demand prompt arid vigorous action. In the ordinary events of life It Is both proper and right to forgive Injuries, forget Improper conduct and overlook personal de fects. Not bo In politics. There every man must be held strictly accountable for every act. The old doctrine of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" Is the only means by which politics can be kept pure and poli ticians compelled to keep their pledges and do their duty. It to the dread of a political 1 graveyard that alone will keep up the stand ard of political Integrity. -When the people learn to reward the faithful without limit, and punleh the trickster and traitor without mercy, then will their sovereign wishes as expressed at the polls be held sacred and their sovereign power in the affair of government be fully recognized. The plain facts are that the people of the State of Washington have permitted a trick ster, trimmer and traitor to ask their votes lor a second time, and the plain duty of any Populist and Silver Democrat Is to see to it that he is croshlngly defeated and driven Into political oblivion. That Individual is ex-Senator George Tur ner. He was sent to tho United States Sen- M populist, first registered In the di rectory && a Populist, and where is he now? He stands today a political prostitute, false to every pledge he made you, a traitor to every principle he proressed In order to gain your support, and has taken his eeat beside Grover Cleveland in the midst of that Demo cratic souphouse contingent of infamous mem ory. Ex-Senator Turner now has the effrontery to ask you to support him again. He cannot be elected without your votes. "What are you going to do? If you vote for him, you con done bis past offences, and In so doing de clare that treachery and political corrupUon ehould be rewarded. If you give him your votes again, you show to the world that you are content to be tricked. Insulted and be trayed, and lack the courage to take political vengeance on those who have so wantonly mistreated you. I cannot believe, as ex-Senator Turner evi dently does, that you have fallen so low or that the manhood and political Independence you once possessed has been eliminated and a spirit of cringing sycophancy has taken Its place. I call upon the Populists of "Washing ton, by the memories of those hard-earned victories of the past; by the memory of the toll and hardships which made our party a power for good, to crush forever the man or et of men who were Instrumental In our po litical destruction. Where are -our newspapers, our literature and our dearly-earned organization? All gone. All destroyed, and that, too, through the actions of Judge Turner and his corrupt fellow-traitors. We must moke treason odi ous or It will become even more fashionable than it is. We must make these political traitors feel the. heavy weight of our con demnation if we ever hope to build up again our political party. Make such an -example of Judge Turner that la the future his fate will stand out as a dark warning to all other traitors who may think of following hlo treacherous course. Let every Populist do his duty, and every Silver Democrat remember the disgraceful situation In which Judge Turner has placed him, and all vote for the Republican candidate for Gov ernor, in order to, punish treason and destroy one of the chief factors In all our troubles and distress. tlons of J. D. Alsop, the engineering ex pert, who superintended the construction of the Say dam at Tolo. The promoters who nave this gigantic Irrigating project In. charge have for weeks past had a force of men at work sinking holes in the bed of Bear Creek to ascertain the depth necessary to go to bedrock on which the foundations of the immense dam will rest, and bedrock has been found at an aver age depth of ten feet from the surface. The purpose of Mr. Alsop's visit was to acquaint himself with the result of these investigations and to carry with him data to New York. He leaves for the East this week, and will there lay the, plan before capitalists, and it la believed by the promoters here'tbatThe can show a proposition which will enlist their eupport M'GOVERN IS ON THE WAY. Allied With Eastern Syndicate In the Salmon Deal. BELL.INGHAM, "Wash.. Oct. 26. (Spe cial.) T. J. McGovern, one of the receiv ers of the Pacific Packing & Navigation Company, and formerly president of the concern. Is now on his way to this city from New York. He comes In connection with the eale of the company's property in this city at public auction November 12. His visit to the Coast at this time comes as a cpmplete surprise to the offi cials of the company in this city. Sir. McGovern is said to be closely allied with the syndicate of Eastern capitalists who are solng to try and bid "the com pany's property in and thus keep it from going out of the control of its former own ers. It Is expected that there will bo a lively fight between this combine and the other cannery company for control of the salmon industry of the world. Because next year Is the year for the big ealmon run, it Is expected that there will be a number of combinations framed up to get the property of the Pacific Packing & Navigation Company. But If the run of fish Is as great as it 1b expected" there will bo enough 'taken In this vicinity and Alaska to more, than pay ,'all the debts the company owes. By reorganizing and reducing the capi tal utock the directors believe they, could do away with the receiver's fees and other enormous expenses. LUMBER FOR PANAMA CANAL Big Bellingnam Copcern Gets a Large Government Contract. BBLUNGHAM. "Wash.. Oct 2S. (Spe cial.) The awarding of the contract by the Government for the lumber to be used in the, Panama Canal zone to the Bellinir- ham Bay Improvement Company, of this city, is considered by the lumbermen of the Pacific Coast as a great triumph. The contract calls tor 2.O2S.0O0 feet of jumber. Tho Bellingnam firm competed with all the large firms of the country. The 'great est victory Is that over the Southern nine firms, who thought they were eure of getting the contract. According to the statements of Suner. intendent Fowle, the company Is prepared to furnish almost any amount of lumber the Government may require. It Is the intention of the firm to bid on all lumber contracts the Government announces. The plant here is one of the largest on the Coast, andls able to cut about 200,000 feet In a day of ten hours. By running day and night, as it frequently does, the ca pacity could bo doubled. Its expected the first shipm6nt of lum ber on the present contract will leave Bel Ilngham In about 15 days. It will be car ried on one of the Kosmos liners to An con; the port in the canal zone. Tho en tire contract will be filled In 45 days. MAY BUILD BIG DAM. Surveyors Have Been at Work on Bear Creek in Southern Oregon. ASHLAND, Or., Oct. 26. Public interest in -the big artificial lake enterprise just north of Ashland was, again awakened this week by tho visit to the scene of opera- MINERS CHEER GOODING. Republican Candidate for Governor Will Sign an Eight-Hour Law. BOISE. Idaho. Oct- 26. (Special.) Frank H. Gooding, Republican candidate for Governor, delivered an address at Delmar this evening. He made the statement that he was convinced Senator DuBois had dragged the Mormon question into this campaign solely for the purpose of creat ing an Issue on which he might secure a re-election to the Senate two years hence He called attention to the fact that DuBois had opposed the insertion of a clause on adultery In the Mormon plank of the Democratic state platform. This was because he Reared the , enactment of legislation against adultery would destroy the issue. Mr. Gooding favors such legislation. and claims it will remedy the defects of the Idaho ' statute as to that class of offenses. Proof of adultery can be se cured, while proof of bigamy in the case of polygamists Is very difficult to obtain. Mr. Gooding, in his speech this evening, declared he would sign an eight-hour law for miners if one were sent him. This was received with enthusiastic cheers by the audience, a large portion of which were miners. BIG FIR FROM CLATSOP. Perfect Specimen Will Be Exhibited at the Lewis and Clark Fair. ASTORIA. Or.. Oct. 26. (Special.) One of Clatsop County's exhibits at the Lewis and Clark Fair will be a fir log that is perfect as well as immense. It is stand ing on the property owned by S. B, Harris, on Young's River above the falls, that Is now being logged by the Bremner Logging Company. The tree stands perfectly plumb and without a blemish. Ten feet from tho ground it measures 13& feet in diameter and 200 feet above, where the first limb is, it is 8 feet in diameter. The cost -of the exhibition of tho log will be borne by the different Interests that will furnish the necessary tools and appliances to take it from the forest and place it in tide water. The equal of this tree Is rarely seen and Its like has never been exhibited anywhere. Federation of Churches. SUNNYSIDE, Wash., Oct. 36. (Special.) Another federation of churches was in corporated here today. Rev. B. J. Hoad ley, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Rev. R. E. Blackman, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, are the mm isters In charge of the work. J. A "Wal lace, C. Schmal, Herman Soheyer, IL Goemmel and R. A Scott are the lncor porators. The church will be erected at Liberty, a school district eight miles west of Sunnyalde. These people have watched the success ot the federation at Sunnyslde, which era braces the Baptist, Brethren, Christian, Congregational. Methodist and Presbyter ian Churches, and are so well pleased with it that they have decided to organize their Christian work on the same plan. Centralia's Big Aerie. CENTRALIA, Wash., Oct. 35. (Special.) The Centralla Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles, celebrated Its first anniversary of organization in Centralla today by a street parade. Over 200 Eagles, headed ty the Centralla band, paraded the streets dur ing the afternoon. Tonight the visitors and members of the lodgo are being entertained at the Edison Theater and at a dance. The Centralla Aerie ls one of the largest In tho state and has made the most phenomenal In crease in membership. Monday evening 21 members were installed. The lodge now has $100 in the treasury. Belt Line Road Is Assured. LA GRANDE, Or., Oct. 26. (Special.) The surveys for tho electric belt railroad In Union County by the Eastern Oregon Development Company, backed by East ern capitalists, has been completed and the road Is now assured. The people of the Cove have donated a site for the erection of a depot and all other com munlties in the count- are doing their share to hasten the completion .of the road, which it Is expected will be early next Fall. All towns In the county will be connected. Arrested on Telegraphic Warrant. -Deputy Sheriff arrested GcorKC Ellis. alias James Llnder, this evening upon a telegraphic warrant from North Yakl ma. Wash., where Under, as he Is known. there, Is wanted for forgery. The partlc ulars of the alleged crime are not known. The arrested man has been known In Boise as Ellis, but he is said to fit the description of the man wanted in Wash ington perfectly. He denies having com mitted tho crime of forgery or any other crime. McBride Will Head Law Firm. OLYMPIA Wash., Oct. 26. (Special.) It Is announced that after the close of their terms of office. Governor Henry McBride, Attorney-General W B. Strat ton and Assistant Attorney-General C. 3, Dalton will form a law partnership and open an office In Seattle. The firm will be known as McBride. Stratton & Dalton. Cut Throat With a Hand Saw. PHTLTPSBURG. Mont.. Oct 26. "China Joe," a resident of this place for the past 20 years, committed sulcido last evening ay cutting his throat with a handsaw. The Chinaman had been sick for some time, and imagined he was going to die. An Inquest will be held tomorrow. Woman Awarded Damages. ALBANY. Or.. Oct. 26. (Special) The damage suit of Mrs. Sarah Cleland against the corvallls & Eastern Railroad was de cided in favor of the plaintiff this evening. The Jury awarded 1500 to tho plaintiff. The case will be appealed. The plaintiff asked $10,000. NORTHWEST DEAD. Andrew Russel Logan. MM1NNVDLLE, Or.. Oct 26. (Special.) Andrew Russel Logan, a. pioneer of 1S52, died at the home of his son in this city yesterday afternoon of . hemorrhage of the brain. Horace Lindsay. SALEM, Or., Oct 26. (Special.) Horace Lindsay, an Oregon pioneer of 1850 and for many years a merchant at Monmouth, died here today, aged 87 years He left a wife but no children. The funeral will be conducted at 8 o'clock to morrow morning and burial will be had at Monmouth. White Rock Gets Two Grand Prizes, ST. LOUIS. Oct 26. (Special to The Oregonlan.) Unprecedented honor for the White Rock Mineral Spring Company, of Waukesha, Wis. This company was today given highest awards on their famous White Rock Effervescent and Still Waters, for purity, quality and health fulness MARION AT THE FAIR Display Will Do Credit tb Rich Valley County. NINE BUREAUS ARE CREATED Hops, Fruit, Minerals, Manufactures and Timber, Education, Grain, Grasses, Wool and Flax, and Dairying Represented. SALEM, Or., Oct 20. (Special.) The Marlon County Lewis and Clark Exhibit Committee has begun work promptly and earnestly with a determination to have this county well represented at the Fair next year. The members of the commit tee, nine in number, organized by elect' lng Judge J. H. Scott chairman and H. B. Thlelsen secretary. Nine bureaus were created with each member as the head of one bureau. Each bureau will be charged with the task of preparing an exhibit for one par tlcular class of products, the head of the bureau having power to name his assist' ants among the other members of the committee or from among citizens of the county generally. As a measuro of economy the committed adopted a resolution declaring that no member shall receive any of the exhibit funds except for the actual and neces sary expenses of collecting and prepar ing exhibits, nothing whatever being al lowed for tho services of the members No expenses will bo incurred without con sultation with the County Court The bureaus and their heads are as follows: Hops, Walter L. Tooze; fruit J. H. Set- tlemier; minerals, William Mlley; manu factures and timber, F. N. Derby; edu cation. J. H. Scott; grain. W. A Tay lor; grasses. J. C. Neeoham; wool, mo hair and flax. H. B. Thlelsen; dairying, D. H. Looney. A committee of four, consisting of Messrs. Scott Tooze, Derby and Looney, was appointed to secure space at the Lewis and Clark Fair, and this commit tee was directed to use Its Influence to secure the adoption of a rule by tho Lewis and Clark Commission providing that In the county exhibits no article shall be placed on display unless it Is an actual product of the county making tho ex hiblt Great enthusiasm was shown and It was the expressed determination of the committee to demonstrat In Portland next Summer that Marlon is the best county In Oregon. UNITARIANS IN CONFERENCE. Delegates at Salem From the 'North Pacific Coast. SALEM, Or.. Oct 26. (Special.) The North Pacific Unitarian Conference met in annual session in this city last even nlng and the deliberations continued to day. About 12 delegates are In attend ance. Tho exercises opened last evening with an address by Rev. Earl Morse Wil bur, dean of the Unitarian Divinity School at Oakland, Cal., whose subject was "The Place and tho Work of the Church in Modern Life." At the session tliis morning the annual reports of churches and church societies and of the corresponding secretary were read and an address on "The Young Peo pie's Religious Union" was read by Miss Ellen S'. Eliot of Portland. At noon re freshments were served in Channlng Hall by the ladies of the Unitarian Church in Salem. In the afternoon Dr. George u Cressey, of Portland, and Dean Wilbur gave a symposium on "The Importance of Thorough Instruction in the History and Fundamental Principles of Our Faith." This evening Dean Wilbur deliv ered an address upon the subject "Where Shall We Get Our Ministers and Where Train Them?" and Rev. George W. Stone, field secretary for the Pacific department preached a sermon on "The Religion of the Bible." Tomorrow morning there will be a dla cussion of the theory and needs of insti tutions for the dependent and defective and In the evening addresses will be de Hvered by Rev. George C. Cressey and Rev. George W. Stone. In the afternoon the delegates will visit the state institu tions and the Chemawa Indian School. Stole Cutlery and Cigars. TOLEDO, Or., Oct 26. (Special.) The store of D. S. Farrell was burglarized last night Entrance, was gained -through a window In the rear of the building. The robbers secured no money, but carried off a, quantity of cutlery and some fine cigars ATTACKS THE ADMENISTEATION Gorman Terms the Republican Or ganization a One-Man Party. LAUREL. Md.. Oct 26. Senator Gorman made what will possibly bo his only speech during tho present campaign at a large mass meeting in this, his home town, tonight and devoted tho greater portion of his address to an attack on the present Administration, militarism and of ficial extravagance. He said: "I have great admiration for an honest Republican. In this election, however. you are not dealing with the Republican party a party composed of free American citizens. You are dealing with a one-man party in Theodore Roosevelt He com pletely dominates his party, and has led it from the paths of rectitude and honest dealing. How he obtained this great power over his party I am unable to say, but that he has It now no one will deny. "Since he began his campaign for elec tion to tho Presidency, you cannot find a Government official who has not been or dered out to make speeches for tho can dldate. Even our foreign Ministers have been called home from their posts, with the single exception of our Envoy to England, and he has been made to write a letter in which he declares Roosevelt to bo an honest and law-abiding Presl dent "Roosevelt promised by McKinley's bier to follow in his footsteps, and he has followed in the opposite direction. He has built up an Army and a Navy too large for the country, and he has bullied South American republics and taken from one. Colombia, its most valuable asset "In doing all these things the money of the American people has been spent like water and corruption has crept into the public service." HELD UNJUST TO NEGRO. Democrats Count Representation but Deny Colored Men a Vote. NEW YORK, Oct 26. Lieutenant Governor Hlsgins spoke here tonight at a mass meeting held in Cooper Union under the auspices of the Republican Colored CUib. of New York City. The large auditorium was filled with an au dience composed almost entirely of colored people, a large proportion of them being women. Mr. HIggins said In part: "The Democratic party counts the negro representation but denies him the right to participate in the choice of his representatives. White suffrage la be lng- established throughout tho solid South, so that the whites now exercise greater political power than In clavery days., when only three-fifths of the masters' chattels were counted for rep resentation. This Is unjust not only to the negro who loses his- vote In the South, . but also to the voter in the North wiose vote Is relatively reduced in weight" FAIRBANKS IN NEW FIELD. Tour of Illinois Concluded, He Turns to Missouri. HANND3AL. Mo.. Oct 26. Senator Fair banks" tonight concluded a hard day's work of campaigning with a speech to en thusiastic thousands In HannibaL During tne day his special train traversed the entire State of Illinois, the first speech being made in Decatur and the last one in Griggsville. At nightfall, the train crossed the Mississippi River and entered Mis souri. The largest and most inspiring meeting of the day was in Springfield, where the Senator referred eloquently to the mem ory of Abraham Lincoln. He also re viewed the events of the past year in con nection -with the Panama Canal. Taft Replies to Democratic Charges. ITHACA N. Y.. Oct 26. Secretary of War Taft discussed the Issues of the cam paign at a large Republican mas3 meeting at the Lyceum Theater here tonight Sec retary Taft' speoch was devoted to a re ply to Democratic charges against the Philippine group. "No man," he said, but an antl-lmperiallst and completely blinded by Intense prejudice could make the report of the conditions In the Philip pine Islands which Judge Parker was suf ficiently deceived into accepting and giv ing the widest publicity." Swallow In Des Moines. DES MOINES. Oct 36. Dr. Silas Swal low, Prohibitionist candidate for Presi dent addressed a large audience tonight Ltr. swallow took occasion to refer in strong language to Bishop Potter's "model saloon." BEIT ATN" WILL WELL BE HEADY North Sea Incident Causes Great Ac tivity at Various Offices. NEW YORK. Oct 27. Clerks at the Foreign Office and the Admiralty were very busy working at high pressure un til jate in the night cables tho Herald's London correspondent The First Lord of the Admiralty gave the officials spe cial Instructions to send with all haste to tho various heads of departments lm mediately upon receipt of certain tele grams from the Continent. About a dozen of the chief experts at the Foreign Office remained in attendance until a late hour, ready to Inform the other Departments of State Immediately upon receipt of definite news. The Admiralty was In communication with Portsmouth, Chatham and Devon port during Wednesday evening, and spe cial instructions were given to the resi dent clerk to -remain on duty through out the night Half a dozen Cabinet Ministers were within call, a most unusual thing before the commencement of the annual series of November Cabinet meetings. The Government has not consulted other powers with regard to any concerted ac tion. The overhauling of warships at the home naval stations which has been in progress for some time past Is being hastened by working overtime. Never be fore have the vessels In the reserve fleet been more in a condition of preparedness than they are at the present time. At Portsmouth overtime work has been ordered on board the battleship Triumph, purchased not long since from the Chilean government which was damaged recently In a collision. The Triumph Is one ot the most powerful units of the home fleet and It is evidently the Intention of the Admiralty to bring that squadron to its full strength at tho earliest possible mo ment. Orders have also been given for the Good Hope and the Drake of the cruiser squadron, to be got ready for sea acraln as quickly as possible. The overhauling of the heavily armed and armored cruisers Berwick and Kent belonging to tho "county" class la being hurried forward at Chatham and Is expected to bo com' pleted by Friday evening. Tho vessels will leave on Saturday to Join the cruiser squadron. The only two vessels attached to the cruiser squadron at present at Devon port are the cruisers Donogal and Mon mouth, both of which are under repairs in tne dockyards. Night and day shifts are working on the Donogal, which is having its gun mountings altered. Orders have also been given that no work on vessels In commission or tho fleet reserve is to be commenced unless it can De completed In a fortnight. Declare It Was Only a Collision. CHERBOURG, Oct. 26. As a result of ine visit ot tne Kussian torpedoboats hero on Monday a report la circulated In naval circles giving the following version of the -lurm aea mciaent: The Hull flshlncr fleet hn Ha Hot. tlnKUlshed When tho tnrrvrinu-tci moving up the Russian fleet collided with t tho fishing boats. The Russians assert no snow were urea and that they were about to render assistance when, seeing other fishlngboats succoring tho damaged cruii, ine Fquaaron proceeded. One tor nedoboat Which la RnM tn hnva ViAan Aam aged during the collision is reported to have been repaired In the outer harbor aere auring its stay on Monday, but this ia nut. conurmea. End of Russian Defense Approaching TOKIO, Oct 27. A message received nero irom a rorelgn correspondent at Port Arthur, dated October 17, stated that the Russian firing line shows some loss of vigor, and it Is therefore considered that -lid cuu jl xiuaaitui. uciense is approacmng, Commander of Scottish Rite Masons NEW YORK. Oct 26. The surname council for the United States of America Scottish Rite Masonry today elected M. W. Bayliss, Washington, D. C, sovereign grana commanaer. AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND, J P. HeUIer. Chicago B tx southard. G Kap L Li Merrlman, Chics a vf anage, ao C 8 Glcason. Seattle P L Hoadley. do D S Anderson. Pt Twn I" S ilyers. FMladel Ii A Iefevre. San F J 21 Hamilton and wife. Boseburg v i G D Hampton, city J A Hunter, New Tk W A Barbour and wf, Oakland. Cal H Allen. Astoria J W "W Hardy A G DonoRh, Berkly A Weber. Seattle. A B Smith and wife. San Francisco, Cal H B "Warren, do A Meyer. San Fran G Grosbeck. Oregon I Mrs Grosbeck. do J SI Wilson, do j H N Greiner do i H B Cornwell. San F THE PERKINS. Geo Snell. Dawaon iGeo Stela. Seattle T TV Jackson. do (Mrs Mclnneo. T Dalls Mrs D M Walton, do jW B Kurtz. do John Dobson. CnehaljK G Perkins, Myrtl P a r .palmer, aan Jsiairs J Kosenstein, F E Rogers, McMlnnl Genesee. Idaho H C Parley, San Frnjlnna Rosenstein, Gen JArs .Farley, ao ijuua Kosenstein. do u F illller. i or urove A Ju iJratton. city Eugene France, AbrdlG F Cohn, Pomeroy Bell France. do IL B SJaah, Spokane Mrs G E Weaveraon.Sol Hasbrook. Boise Aberdeen C V Russell, For Grv E Anderson. Seep ItvlUrs Kusell. do J M Culbertson. S FID C Harr. Glassrow H V Gates. HlllsborojO W Barthold. San J w j lutcme, w fto I a .Bryant, Kamier W G "Wood and wife. rittsbunr. Fa C R McCormlck. S F W S Sherwood. St PI F Ja Carter. Clncinna J Hammond, San Frn J M Young, San Fran ii it Mann. do A Salomon, Pittsburg, IS. Marcus. Chicago H B Harmon, Bueyrus Dr A M Ball. Phlla J T C Hansen, Chgo J Kudolpn. do J C Davidson. San Fr H S Winter. Liverpool G W Spencer, San Frn W J Conroy, 8an Frn w A Trepbagus,. do L G McCune, do A McCune. do F Stlno and wife. Walla Walla. Wash Mrs J Caaper. Wal TV C E Gaddls. Sroolcs R Llndenburger. Asto C E Coon. Washingtn u a woou, ao A S Vallcn, Valentin F H Fawk, Rlckreal a s itnin. vajaes J T Cotton. Myrtlo C Mrs cotton. do Mrs C E Ktaehart. Ashland Mrs Rlnehaxt do B F Scarborough. Salt Lake. Mrs Bryant do S Friedman. Salem (Clyde Frost, Tacoms O G Ayers. Toledo O D H Welch. Astoria J Larkln. Kewberg O m a uavia. do U P Heuetlnrar. do w li rullen. Astoria. u ys yoorfcee. fanoa ARCHITECT HODGDON Wfet Has Ertciftd Stmt tf tit Flit-st Bxlltings In Pitisburc TESTIFIES Ftr MnytVs Paw-Paw ani Says It Cind Kim ! Gaiarrk cl the sumach No need to tell ths psople of Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia and South eastern Ohio, who C. W. Hodgdon, of Pitts burg, is, as his fame as an architect has ex tended far beyond the confines of that city. He Is an ardent believer in Munyon's Paw Paw Tonic This is what he says: 4,JndiEestloa, which finally, resulted in Catarrh of the Stomsch, brought on a case of Insomnia, and I was almost Incapacitated for business. I was Induced to try Mun yon's Paw-Paw Tonic and the results were xnagicaL Less than half a dozen bottles effected a complete cure and now I feel aa well as I ever did." It is such testimony as that which has in one brief year made Munyon's' Paw-Paw Tonic and Paw-Paw Laxative Pills tho most talked of remedies that the druggists handle. Those who have Dyspepsia, indi gestion or Constipation or who are nerv ous and cannot sleep make a serious mis take in not making an immediate trial of Munyon's Paw-Paw Tonic or Pills. Mnnvnn's Remedies a separate cure for each disease and Munyon's Witch Hazel Soap and other toilet preparations, tor saia everywhere. Mrs Scarborough. S L J w Farrar, Salem O Larson. do Taylor Hill. Prinevill Airs Hill. do M Beck. New Zealand mn JrfecK do J A Gibson. San Fran Airs Gibson. do E R Pratt. Kansas C T R Egerston. Corvl E C Goodwin. T Dlls Geo Schmeer. Ontario J E Nelson. Skamok C E Miller. Dawson Mrs Miller. do A E Sprlggs. Sprlngfl H A Fottlt. Seattle jC E Moulton. Tacoma L C Stlne, Ottawa Mrs Stlne. do L R Dennlson. San Mt Mrs E J Elmmonds. do Miss K- J Paine. P Grr H B Clough. Grass V1F Moline and family, J Silver. Rarmond Henry Jordan, Seattle v c jcnsyn, do Mrs Jensyn. do H W Bassett, do R Smith. do Mrs H H Brooks. Hib u a iiayen. Seattle H E Whitmore, Wallc wm bauers, Seattle Mrs Sauers, do J M Fuller. St Paul F H Hunter. -Rosebe F A Valentine. Baker airs valentine, do E W Garren, do THE IMPERIAL. P Geverte. Astoria I C H Marsh. do W H Lee. Albany O L Hoetson, St Paul Mrs Hoetson. do C A Bennett. San Frn Mrs JJennett; dq BDaln Mrs E H Ingham, Eug Master Ingham, do C E Dubois, Estacada. Mrs S is Stevens, beat Carl Haoerlach. Tllia Mack Baker. La Grd John Hemrich. SeattI C E Price. Tacoma F Winters. Ogn City A L Robblns. Boise S Breader IT N Kennedy. Wdodbn J H Hepburn. Astoria Mrs Hepburn, do R Shelton. Salem jj N Fulton. Seattle Roy Bailey. do Stanton Rider, do A M Sauers, Seattle Mrs Sauers, do Mrs N Molltor, La G C Stein. Chicago Mrs .E Silsley. Ashlnd Mrs J J Thornton, Pullman E V Hoemeyer, SeattI F A Bailey. Hlllsboro it Jj wnitc. saiem A M Cannon. Salem A Ponkey. Ashland C J Trenchord. Asto) THE ST. CHARLES. James Patterson, Newberg J B Teon, Sr. Rainr a u Hunt. Astoria D Z Buck G E McHoes. Pendltn M Porter, Corvallls M S Hasen, warren A L Stevenson, Eurk Mrs Stevenson, do R Davis, Vancouver Mrs Davis. do M G Flcmmlng. Taexn Mrs M E Webber. SF W M Toner, Taqulna E B Hawks, city O D Doane. T Dalles G E Bartlett, do R Burgett. do Geo E Robinson, do F C Tyler. do Wm A Moore. do H'W Simons. Boise Mrs Simons. do B H Earle. Astoria J H Ackerman. Salem J P McCullv. Tacoma U S L Rhyme. Ban Frn IJ W Abbott, Wash DC H A Elklns. Lebanon J Elklns. do E L Smith. do A Rawlings, do R N Tucker, do Mrs S E Webb. Rock! Mrs J M Nelson. Lews Chas J Johnson, Silvrt J Baumlster. JuneauiC D Havens. Aurora n TTT T T- tJAk . TT n i Q W Byers, Jr. Dund ii Dupont. valley C Dupont, Valley. Or L M Gles. USA C N Plowman. Or Cit Fred S Wilcox, Grnvll A P Anderson, Ocosta Newell Gleason, Hub Fred Worth, USA Chas Norberg, do A Sorensen, do Inez France. Mexico; Mrs S W Gantt. Chg Mrs Frame Alvord, Rainier N J Dupont. Valley Joel Miller. Falls C Mrs Miller. do C A Porter. Stella Mrs Porter. do C T Bonney, Woodbn Ed TValKer. do A W Bennett, do Grover Todd, do R L Houck. T B Sldwell, Astoria F E Baker, Paris Delos Walker, H Rvr W R Kllllngen. Corbt Mr Maglstad. Seattle Mrs Mngistad. do W A Hendrlx. Dufurj Mrs Hendrlx. do A H Tarbell, Warren tl T Bennett, do C F Struckmeier, W Dunbar E A Dunbar TV A Shaw, Orient W W Smith, Peru H J-r Colvln N Merrill, Clatskanle H Snerllng. city O Conk 11 n, Centralla. Frank Cox. Stewlacke J F Bishop. Oakland J R Smith. Ivewberg M J Mognett. Greshm H -T Elgin. Kalnler W C Wilklns, Skamok Ed Prill. do Bert Stanajan, H Rv Mrs A B King. Wdina Dan Gray G F Reynolds. Nome J H Sprague, Mt Angl F M Porter, ituDhara Mrs Porter. do B Grath. Dundee Mrs Grath, do R Grath, do J O Dcnson, Heceta R E Dunson do H S Smith. Sprlngflld H W Selllck, Salem C E Van Schoick. Bkr THE ESMOND. J Bascom. Baker City airs 3 as com. do J Berry. Mayger J C Atchison, do H L Hathaway, Wshgl F Smith, Vancouver 1 J Taylor, Seattle I Mrs Taylor, do C Pylo. Ohio J Powell. Omaha Mies Powell. do T Brearey. do I Mrs i3rearey. do J H McDonald, SanFi M Dobie. do J M Copeland, Boring C J Btotwoll. uanaa L W Ball. Qulnn U Omet, Cathlamet L S Mason. Mayger H Thompson, do J E Mygle. Ingles C C Maaten. Svenson T xoung, do . J Dorrls, Cathlamfct Mrs Dorris. do Miss J Brooks, do J N Detrlck. do C J Boyt. Clatskanle W Hall, oneiaa J Hall. do F Caples. Or City J F Hurlburt. do Mrs Hurlburt, do F O Petrle. Chicago W Hamilton. Mlnnpls Airs Hamilton, do G Hamilton, do F Hamilton, do J Grinder, do F Munson. Albany Mrs Munson. do G Phillips, Clifton D Murphy. La Center G Clark: do G Kirby. Vancouver W Tahlmas. Skamok F S Durlane. Oakland E B Durlane. do S N Bowman, Dallas I A W Phillips. McMinn N H Stewart. Astoria J White. Cascades F L Bayley, Kelso C F Brown, Proebstel G Heath, - Lebanon J T Haroer. Tvch VI S Arndt, Clatskanle Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma. American plan. Rates, $3 and up. Hotel Doaaelly, Tacema. Flrst-claes restaurant In connection Thousands whom It has cured vouch for the value of Hood's Sarsaparilla as a cure for catarrh. Don t have a fall ing out with your own hair It might leave you I Then what? Better please it by using Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair .stops coming out, becomes soft and smooth, and all the deep, rich color of youth comes back to gray hair. An elegant dressing. Sold for 60 years. Pure, Healthful, Refreshing Apollinaris THE HIGHEST SCIENTIFIC AUTHORITIES declare Apollinaris to be- the pre-eminently pure and healthful Table Water and that it is bottled at the Spring, Neu-enahr, Germany, under the most favorable conditions. Address, "Hotted Aarxcr Co., 503-Sth Ave., New York, for a Phil. May Sketch. The Kind You Hay Always Bought, and which has beea in use ior over years, Has oorne the signature of and has Deen made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy AHowno one to deceive von in hf a. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle "with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORSA v Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Fare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 7HC CENTAUR COMMHT. TT WVIUUT tWH. RC TCM CITY. UK-: 1 mS that inHHHHMaMi Health in Winter is not best promoted still less is comfort by piling on weight that stifles the skin and induces unne cessary perspiration. The heat of the body is all sufficient if it be kept in, and the action of the pores unimpeded. The man you think is "careless of his health" may be the really careful one. If he wears WRIGHT'S HEALTH UNDERWEAR he can afford to dispense with the great coat, the muffler, the chest protector that some people try to keep out cold with. The Tleeee of Comfort is ample protection against both sud den changes and extremes of temperature. Write for our free book "Dressing for Health, " which tells all about the genuine health underwear is sold by dealers for the price of ordinary kinds. WRIGHT'S HEALTH UNDERWEAR CO.. 75 FnakKa St., New York. lale Ten Million Boxes a Year, 1 J Twenty Years of Success In tne treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diar rhoea, dropsical swellings, Brlghrs disease, etc Kidney and Urinary Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or bloody "urine; unnatural discharges speedily cured. Diseases of the Rectum Such as piles, fistula, fissure, ulceration, mucous and bloody discharges, cured without the knife, pain or confinement. Diseases of Men Blood poison, gleet, stricture, unnatural losses, Ira- potency thoroughly cured. No failure. cures guaranteed. YOUNG utrJN troubled with night emissions, dreams, exhausting drains, bashfulness. aversion, to society, which depjrlve you- of your manhooo.lIjre'ITS YOU for BUSINESS OR MARRIAGE. MIDDLE-AGED MEN', who from, excess and strains have lost their 3CANX.Y " OTJn,OD SKES" DISEASES, Syphlllls, Gonorrhoea, painful, bloody urine. Gleet. Stricture. Enlarged Prostate, Sexual Debility. Varicocele. Hydrocele, Kid ney and Liver Troubles, cured without MERCURY OR, 6 TILER POISOXOUS DRUGS. Catarrh and rheumatism CURED. Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He use no patent nostrums or ready-made preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical treat ment. His New Pamphlet on Private Diseases sent free to all men who de scribe their trouble. PATIEXTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All letters answered in lala avel8?. CoHultatiss fre aad sardly coa&deBtiaL Call nn or address. DR. WALKER, 151 Fkst Street, Corner Yamhill, Portlurd, Or.