10 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, s 190. CRACK SHOTS COMPETE ANNUAL RIFLE MEET OF THE NA TIONAL GUARD OPENS TODAY. Eighty-Five Men, Representing "17 Teams From AJl Parts -of the State, Are Entered. . Crack shots from every portion oC Ore gon are gathering here to engage In the annual rifle, revolver and carbine compe tition of the Oregon National Guard, be ginning at 7:30 ovclock this morning-on the range of the Third Infantry, south of the City Park and at the head of Jefferson street. Eighty-five men. representing 17 different teams, -will contest at the shoot, which will probably not be concluded until tomorrow night or Saturday morning. In the state trophy match the prize Is t silver cup, to, become the property of the organization winning it three times; and in the state medal match the prize is a gold medal to become the property of the officer or solider winning it three times. Last year the silver cup was won by Troop A, cavalry, and the gold medal br Private E. S. Smith, of Troop A, cav- alry. The Roseburg team is favorably spoken of as the winner of the silver cup, but the Portland teams will certainly do their best. Other critics favor the cav alry as possible winners. The regulations governing, the shoot will be taken from the firing regulations for small arms governing the United States Army, and there is more interest this year In the shooting than before because of the recent efforts taken by the United States Government to Improve rifle shooting all over this country, not only among the regular Army and militia of the different states, but among citizens. This year offi cers of the different militia companies vie with sergeants, corporals and private sol diers, to see who le the best shot. It was at first a matter of regret to see men of Troop A, cavalry, frpm Lebanon, take away both the silver cup and the gold medal from city soldiers on the occasion of the last contest, but it has since been pointed out that the city men were handi capped from the start in being able to shoot only at stated occasions on the Third Regiment range, while their rivals from the cavalry, largely composed of farmers and farmers sons, were practi cally shooting all the year. Every participant at the shoot Is paid $3 per day. which Includes $1 per day lor rations. Each company of infantry and the cavalry troop are entitled to choose ne team each, of four selected men and one substitute. The marksmen are chosen not only because of their ability to shoot well but their general steadiness, good soldierly habits and conduct are taken Into account. It Is after a careful sifting that the marksmen are chosen. Twenty men have been detailed to 'act as markers, who will be under the direc tion of staff officers stationed In the rifle pits to see that the scoring Is correctly re corded. These staff officers are attached to no purely local commands, and thus It Is argued that'' positively no favoritism can be shown to any one team. It le not yet known which team shall be the first to shoot, as a representative of each team will draw lots for the right of precedence. The arms used will be United States serv ice rifles and carbines, caliber .30. with not less than three-pound trigger pull; and the regulation United States Army Colt revolver, caliber.. 3S, with not less than fnur-nound trigger pull. All practice shooting practically ceased Tuesday, as the rules say there must oe no previuua shooting on the day of the match. In Knt, matches the distances are for slow fire 200, 500 and COO yards, and. for rapid fire 200 and 500 yards. Every competitor t. oiinuL-Ari ivin shots at each distance. Every portion of the Oregon National Guard will be represented at the shoot t via TTiPn of the First Batters'. Port land. In past years, officers say, 'the pub lic has manifested little tor no Interest in the competition, un me present. i ic that everv one interested, es pecially veterans of the Civil and Spanish- American Wars, Will oe juccym. Rifle Squad From The Dalles. THE DALLES. Or.. Oct. 26. (Special.) nt-in -Rarfrfl with a sauad from Com pany D, Oregon National Guard, left here this afternoon ior roruanu w umc In the rifle competition In that city to morrow.' Sergeants Burgett and Moore and Corporals Tyler and Komnson accom panied Captain Bartell. BUS INKS S ITEMS. If Baby Is Cutting Teeth. t nn snd use thai old and well-tried remedy. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soo thine Syrup, for children teething.' It soothes the child, softens the sums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and diarrhoea. The Denver & Xlio Grande will run series of special personally conducted ex cursions to St. Louis during me worms Fair. No chance of cars Portland to St. Louis. Call at 124 Third street for partic ulars. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL RSrORT. PORTLAND, Oct. 20. Maximum tempera ture, 63 deg.; minimum, 44. xRlver reading at 11 A. M., 2.5 feet; change lntpaat 24 hours, rise, 0.8 foot. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., none: total since September 1, "1904. 2.36 Inches; normal. 5.01; deficiency, 2.60. To tal sunshine October 25, 1904, 10 hours and 24 minutes; possible, 10 hours and 24 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at IT P. M., 30.08. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. STATIONS. Baker City . Bismarck .. Boise ...cs;o.oo ...(52 0.00 !NW 6SE Clear lClear 65I0.W NIY Clear Eureka Helena Kamloops, B. C North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg - Sacramento Salt Lake City San Francisco .... Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island ..... Walla Walla M.O.Ol Cloudy O.OO sw Clear Clear Clear Clear jClear 0.00! 0.00 0.00 SW nw SE W 0.00 0.00 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear 0.00 0.00 E o.oo W 0.00 W NE 6410.00 5210.00 11L Clear 56'0.00j ,SW Clear : Clear 640.00 Isw Light. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Clear and pleasant weather continues to pre vail In all sections of the North Pacific States: clear weather also prevails In California, ex cept along the northern coast, where It Is cloudy. A light shower also occurred today at Eureka. The indications are for continued fair weather In this district Thursday, with but little change In temperature. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 2S hours ending at midnight. October 27: Portland and vicinity Ealr; northwest winds. Western Oregon and Western Wasningion Fair; northwest winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair. A. B. WOLLABER. Acting District Forecaster. NEW TODAY. WOODSTOCK Portland's most attractive suburb. We offer cheap lots and blocks. We will loan money to bulla, iou can pay In Install merit. See the Owner. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 103 Third St. INVESTMENT BONDS " Warrants and , stocks . boifght and sold. J. W. 1rutfccrj & Co., Chamber ,ot Commerce. HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN Boosts. 91.00 to $3.00 Per Day According to location. J., I". DATXES, Pres. St. Charles Hotel ' CO. (INCORPORATED.) " FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS . PORTLAND, OREGON European Plan Rooms 50c to $1.50 First-Class Restaaraat In Connection CLASSIFIED AD. HATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board." "Horue keeplng Rooms," "Situations Wanted," 15 words or lees, 15 cents: 1C to 20 words. 0 cents; 21 ro 25 words, 25 cents, etc No discount for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL,, OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 54 cents, etc first Insertion. Each, additional Insertion, one-half: o further discount un .der one month. IMPORTANT Tho low second-time rat on advertising that rims either in the classi fied columns, or .under head "New Today," will be civ en only when advertising Is In serted on consecutive days. Dally and Sunday Issues. Advertising that is scheduled to appear at Intervals of one or more days apart will bo charged for at full one-time rate each Insertion. "NEW TODAY" (ganre measure agate), 13 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional Insert! oa. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregon I an. and left at this a flice, should always be Inclosed In sealed en. velopes. No stamp Is required on such let ters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In julvcrtUemeats taken through the telephone. AUCTION SALES TO DAT. By J. T. Wilson, at aalesroom. 331 An keny. cor. 6th. at 2 P. it. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At Baker's auction-house, corner Alder and Park. Sale at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker & Co., auctioneers. At Gilman's auction-rooms, 413 Washington street, at 10 o'clock A. SI. S. L N. Gil man, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. MINERVA LODGE, NO. 19. L O. O. F. Regular meeting this Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Initiation. Visitors welcome. B. KLOTZ, Secretary. OREGON COMMANDERT. No. 1, K. T. Special conclave tnis evening at S o'clock. Or der of the Red Cress. Visiting SJr Knights courteously invited. W. S. MACRUM, Recorder. OHIO SOCIETY The regular monthly meeting of the Ohio Society will be held on Friday. October 28. at K. of P. Hall, Mar quam bldg. A large attendance Is requested. Refreshments. WM. GOLDMAN, Sec COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114. A. F. & A. M. Special communication this (Thursday) evening. 7:30 o'clock. Masonic Temple. 3d and Alder sts. Work InM. M. degree. By order of W. M. B. S. PAGUE, Sec DIED. ALLEN At 251 North 24th street, on Oc mhor 25. 1004. Minnie Anderson Allen, be loved wife of Captain Robert H. Allen, U. S. A. FUNERAL NOTICES. tt a PT PHnnds and aeaualntanres are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral services of Jane Hart, wnicn win oe ai nn io residence. 690 24 St.. at 2 P. M. today, after which the remains will be taken to the Cre matorium. DUNNING. f McEXTEE & GILBAUGH, successors to Dunning & Campion, under takers and embalmers, modern in every do tall, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Undertakers and embalmers, have moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. J. P. FINLEV & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. NEW TODAY. D. NCE MT. SCOTT DANCING ACADEMY, Davis Hall. Lents, tonight; all Invited; gen eral admission 25c special car. 12:45. WILL SELL CHEAP 20.000 SHARES STAR Consolidated Mining stock; adjoins Oregon Securities. Address P 39, Oregonlan. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY PROPERTY 'In sums to suit. Parrlsh, Watklns & Co., 250 Alder st. NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, ALL kinds of fruit, lot 60x100. 916 Halght ave $2700. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Our records are complete and up to date. We furnish abstracts promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved Portland Real Estate. SECURITY ABSTRACT TRUST CO. 214-215 Chamber of Commerce. WE OFFER One of thi finest quarter blocks' on Portland Heights One block from the cars. Location perfect. Price, low. Terms, reasonable. PORTUND TRUST COMPANY GF OREGON 109 Third Street. FOR SALE; Vorthington Compound Duplex Pump, second hand, AI condition. Size 10xl8Kxl4xlO. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute. Check valve, lub ricator, etc., complete. Inquire A. W. Cechraa, OrconIaH BnIIdl8. PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON PLAN First-CIass Check Xeetrarast. Connected "With Hotel. C. O. SATIS, See. and Treas. TH& ESMOND HOTEL OSCAB ANDERSON, Huaier Front and Morrison Streets PORTLAND - OREGON FREE 'BUS TO AND TROM ALL TRAINS. Rates European plan. 50c. 75c. $1.00, J 1.50, (2.00 per day. Sample rooms In connection. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLD. Res. Man. .rnone jiain tvts. Two Performances Onlr Two. Friday Night and Saturday Mat., Oct. 28, 28, ISADORE RUSH In the sparkling comedy with musical numbers. Evening nrictis Lower floor. 51.50. 1 bal cany, 51. 75c 30c: gallery. 50c Matinee pricss Lower floor, SI, 75e; balcony. ic, ouc; gaiiery, mc, 2oc SEATS ARE NOW SELLING. THE ADVANCE SALE OF SEATS , FOR FRANK DANIELS In the musical comedy. "THE OFFICE BOIV At the'Marquam Grand Theater. Monday and Tuesday nights. Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, will open tomorrow (Friday) morning, at 10 o'clock. Prices Entire lower floor, $1.50. Balcony, first 6 rows. Si: first 3 of last 6 rows. 75c: last 3 rows In balcony, 60c Entire gallery. 60c. .oozes ana logea, $10. CORDRAY'S THEATER CORD RAT & RUSSELL. Managers. Portland's Most Popular Playhouse. Crowded houses. Delighted audiences. Tonight and every night this week, with ladles' ana children s maunee aaiuraay. That beautiful pastoral play, "An Orphan's Prayer" Starting next .Sunday afternoon matinee, four days only, Sunday, aionaar. luesaay ana Wednesday, Oct. 30. 31. Nov. 1 and 2, ANOTHER BIG SENSATION. Straight from the heart New York's big hit, "The Fatal Wedding" PRICES. 10c 20c, 30c Special reserved seats. 60c Matinee. 25c any part of the house: children (special seats), 10c BAKER THEATER KEATING & FLOOD. Managers. Third and TamhllL LARGEST CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE HOUSE IN THE WORLD. EVERY SEAT 10c One performance afternoon; two every evening. THE STAR THEATER The Best and Most Fashionable Vaude Tllle Theater. ALPINE .FAMILY. HOWE AND EDWARDS. THE THREE RENOS. LOIS KKNDENHALL. JOHN J. WELCH. WILL C. HO XT. THE PROJECTOSCOPE. Shows '2:30 to 4:30 P. M-. 7:30 to 10:30 P M. General admission, 10c; reserved box seats, 26c LYRIC THEATER (.Corner Alder and Seventh.) HIQH-CLASS. REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30; 7:30 to 10:30; Sunday, 2 to 10 P. M. This ad. and 10c will admit two people any matinee, except Sundaya and holiday. TEN CENTS NO IIIGHBR. THE ARCADE THEATER The Original Family Vaudeville llouve. This Week. THE DANCING KIDS. BEATRICE LORNE. DURRANT AND BALDWIN. GILLEN AND GILLEN. KATE COYLE. THE BIOSCOPE. Shows 2:30 to 4:30 P. M., 7:30 rir 10:80 "P. M. Admission, 10c to any seat. t .J BIJOU THEATER SIXTH ST.. OPP. OREGONIAN. Week of October 24. LANE AND SUSINETTE. - THE TOMLIN KIDS. STICK AND STONE., THE TWO RUSTICS. MENLO MAGICIAN. MARGIE GILLETTE. " NEW PICTURES ON VITASCOFE. 10 Cents; that'salL Afternoon, from 2:30 to 4:30; evenings, from 7:30 to 10:30. ROSE EYTINGE Pupils prepared for stage, pulpit, platform or parlor. Either private lessons, or class work. For time and terms, apply at 261 Thirteenth Street PHONE MAIN 1203. BASEBALL Portland vs. Los Angeles Rscnsation Park, Oct. 25, 26, 27, 23, 29, 30 Ladles' days. Thursday and Friday. Games called 3; Sunday, 2:30 P. M. Ad mission, 254? children, 15c EW TODAY. $35 CASH Buys a lot on -the Peninsula or St.' Johns car line, high, sightly, level, city water, streets graded, adjoining Iota same, size. without Improvements, celling for 5125; must be sofa to close out estate. Title perfect. abstract with each sale free. Last chanc to secure a lot for hi of Its true value, and are as fine as any between Albtna and St. Johns. BROWN. S31 Stark sL. opposite Library. FOR SALE We have a very elghtly home in one of Portland's most beautiful suburbs, half block of ground, on gooa car-ime: s incur modern new home; very cneap ai easy terms. PORTLAND TRIM COMPANY OF OREGON 109 Third Street. MORTGAGE .LOANS Ob Portland raal state at lowest rates. Titles insured. Abstracts furnished. I Title Guarantee & Trust Co., FOR 'SALE REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATJfc FOR SALE BY THE TITLE Guarantee & Trust Co. S500 Takes a fine lot on Union ave., bet. Stanton and Sellwood; sewer and gas. (A. 230.) $1400 New house. 5 rooms, bath, gas. basement, lot 50x70 feet. Falling at... near Union ave.; $150 cash, balance 515 a month. (A. 295.) 51000 New cottage 5 rooms and two lots 00x100 feet In North Irvington. Call at our North Irvington on Union ave., near Fall ing st. (A. 293.) 51750 House 5 rooms, bath. Patent W. C street Improved and sewered, lot 50x 105 feet, on Ivy st.. bet. Williams and Rod ney ave (Ai 298.) ,.'500 100x100 feet and house 6 rooms, streets Improved and sewered. Mason st.. 3 blocks from Thompson School, car passes property. (A. 297.) At 51600 New cottage 6 rooms, bath, full basement, stationary washtubs. electric light, street Improved and sewered; Mal lory ave.. near Falling. (A. 293.) 51650 New house 7 rooms, bath, full basement, lot 50x100 feet; Mallory ave.. near Going st.; bet. two car lines. (A. 292.) 52250 New house 5 rooms, bath, etc; piped for gas; lot 60x100 .feet; Holladay Park Addition. (E. B. ) 52000 Fine corner 100x100 feet, E. 19th and Schuyler; cement sidewalks, sewer. (H. 176.) $225 Woodstock, 100x100 feet, cor. Ross and Lovell sts. (E. P. 231.) $1200 Lot on 18th at., near E. .Morrison. E. P.) $2500100x100 feet, S. E. cor E. 19th and E. Stark. (E. P. 236.) $3250 House 6 rooms, concrete base ment, gas, barn, sewer In and paid for; street newly Improved; cor. E. Couch and E. 24th. (E. P. 223:) , . , $3000 E. Taylor st, near 23d, lot 60x100 feet arid a first-class modern house of 7 rooms, piped for gas. (E. P. 234.) $175003x100 feet and modern house 7 rooms, bath, two fireplaces. Hear the car line, top of Portland Heights;, fine view. (P. ) Cheap lots We have a bunch of fine level lots within a few minutes' walk of car at Peninsular Station for sale very cheap: fine chance for small chicken ranch. Also sites for the homebuilder. Call and Inves tigate. Titles Insured, abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co.. 6 and 7 Cham ber of Commerce. Ground floor, 4th-st. side. THE PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 'The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon." offers Its services to the public for the buying and selling of real estate upon com mission. This rtrnnrtment of Its business Is In charge of Mr. John F. Daly. Real Estate Officer, and Mr. Walter J. GUI, Second Assistant Secretary. The Company, having ample capital and resources, which It does not hesitate to use In the service of Its clients, expects to do a large and continually Increasing business in real 'estate, and you are re spectfully Invited to call at this office. 100 Third street, and confer with Its of ficers In regard to anything that you may wish to buy or sell. $700 TO $1000 NUMEROUS- CHOICE, building lots In Evans' Addition to Aioina, the cream and center of that section at low prices. 51000 to SHOO Two fine lots, N. E. cor ner 2d and Grover; will advance money to build. SIfiOO House 60S Front street. Portland Trust Company of Oregon, 109 3d street. $7000-06x100 ON 12TH AND HARRISON sts.. 1 block from Portland Academy; the ground Is covered with all kinds of shrub bery; there la a house that can be re modeled, but we do not figure this house In ih nrict The nroDertv without a vestige of anything on it Is worth more than the price asked, w. a. unncaiarc, i-io a car. FOR SALE WE HAVE A VERY SIGHTLY "home In one of Portland's most beautiful suburbs, half block of ground, on good car line: strictly modern new home; very cheap at $2000; easy terms. Portland Trust Com pany of Oregon. 109 3d st. FOR SALE 0-ROOM HOUSE. SUPERB Queen Anne style. 2 lots, cnicken-nouse. sta ble, woodbouse. 15 bearing fruit trees, $1550 if sold in 14 aays. a snap, on- nowe si., Durham ave.. E. Woodlawn. Isaac Moore. Abstract furnished. FARM FOR SALE CHEAP TO ACRES. ncrea cleared: house ana nam; weit ana springs: one acre mixed fruits on county road. IV miles oorui ul i-iijr. x ai, we Oregonlan. PRETTY HOME. 4-ROOM COTTAGE, tiantrr. hall, beautiful location, corner lot. car txyo blocks, 15 minutes to city; $300 complete. Address owner. V 55, Oregonlan. MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE. WITH HOT water heating plant, witnm easy walking distance and near two car lines. Apply at premises. 364 Ross st. CHOICE BUILDING SITE. 40 FT. FRONT on 22d st.. near Irving; will advance money to build. Portland Trust Company. 109 3d st. S950 I-ROOM HOUSE, 3 FULL LOTS. housenoia luraiiure, cow. irein soon, iu sacks potatoes, wood. 129S N. 14th St., Woodlawn. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. f. electric line. o. R. Addition. Lents, Or. Take Mt. Scott car. 5c COSY COTTAGE: IRVINGTON; CORNER lot; shrubbery, iruit trees; reasoname terms. Inquire owners 562 Tillamook st. FOR SALE 600 ACRES STUMP LAND. IS miles from Portland. Inquire 2S7 rlson st. C R. Davis Fuel Co. FOR SALE LOT 12. BLOCK 3. ROSE dal- Addition; make cash oner. Address C 40, care Oregonlan. tlOCO-CORNER LOT, S. E. COR. HOOD AND Grover sis., iuu ieei on xiooa bu aeo owner. 211 Glbns St. WILL. BUILD 5-ROOM. HOUSE. FURNISH lot. $100 cash. $10 month. c commercial bldg. NEW, MODERN, 8-ROOM home, Willamette Heights, easy payments, .rnone -East 875, FOR SALE 9-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN. full lot; bargain. 383 urana ave.yx. HOME CORNER LOT. 9 ROOMS. $675 CASH. Berry & Alexander, 4 r. etn. 6-HOOM MODERN COTTAGE; EASY TERMS. Owner. Phone East uio. FOR SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 80 ACHES with 11 under plow and 11 acres more slashed and nearly cleared; all good land; some emal' timber on place; 50 bearing fruit trees and HQ vounc fruit trees not yei Deanng 1-story house, small barn, live water, team young horses, neany new namess ana mjoa 2 cows and calves. 70 cnicxens. a tons nay, am Ttotatoes. harrow and other tools: mile, from Carroll ton. a town on the Colum bla River and N. P. By. Price $1250. with $750 down. Imus & Wlllougnby, Kaiama, Wash. $3000 FIRST-CLASS SO-ACRE FARM IN Clackamas County, near electric railroad, two-thirds in cultivation, good house, two barns, all kinds outbuildings, big orchard, fenced and cross-fenced, living water. 118 Ablngton bldg. BARGAIN FINE STOCK RANCH AND dairy farm, 320 acres, Columbia River bottom, 1 miles river frontage. prai rie, balance brush and grass land; house, barn and orchard; price $2750; terms. G 30. Oregonlan. ) FARM FOR SALE 320 ACRES LEVEL, nice land, nearly all cleared. 100 acres fine bottom land, JJ5 head of stock, running water, good out range: close to school; terms to suit, all for $9000. R. L. Hall. 43 Vt 3d st. Z IMPROVED FARMS FOK BALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to Wm. MacMaster. 311 Worcester block. FINE FARM. 55 ACRES. NICELY TM proved, 8 miles -east; electric car, fine roads: 6 acres Winter apples Just bearing: fine soil, excellent water. 227 Front. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS FINE LEVEL farming lands, abundance of good water; making up party to start In few days. No. 4 N. 6th. opposite Postotflce. FOR SALE a SECTION OF LAND, WEST ern Lane Co., suitable for dairying and stockralslng. Cascara nearly pays price. W 100. Oregonlan. IRRIGATED LANDS OF THE DESCHUTES Irrigation & Power Co. for sale by A. C Palmer, local agent, 418 Oregonlan bldg. Farms, acreages, city property, timber In large and small tracts: homestead locations. Max well & Burg. 319 Ablngton bldg. RARE BARGAINS $1600 BUYS 255 ACRES near Brownsville. P. O. Box 275, Oregon City. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED A LARGE TRACT OF GOOD - land near railroad to divide up and sell to a colony wanting small farms; must be good land and cheap. B 47, Oregonlan. WANTZD HAVE CASH TO BUY 7 OR 8 reess acdern bosse: Wnt Side. Particulars Baft it ciTa. W IS, OrcfQou. TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE SEATTLE PROPERTY for lodging-house or any business In Ore gon: what have you got? Box 9. Hub bard. Or. . BLOCK OF 14 SIGHTLY LOTS. PORTLAND. win exchange for improved city or farm property and pay cash difference. 226 Fall ing bldg. WANTED TO TRADE FOR AUTOMOBILE: also lor huiming lots, ttiz commercial bldg. Main 1940. TTXBTiR LANDS FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approvkd, unrestricted, ready for Immediate use. LOWEST PRICES, a P. & F. B. Riley. 608 Chamber Commerce. PERSONS WANTING TO BE LOCATED on homestead or timber claims apply to 306 Commercial bldg.. Portland. Or. -LAND SCRIP. ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRIP. GENERAL land practice; our forest reserve scrip for nonrtlmbered lands Is now .ready. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH- er guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate. Maglnnls & Son. 227 Falling bldg. FOR "SENT FARMS. OWNER 190 ACRES IN WILLAMETTE Valley, all cultivated, new house and barn. 801 Hood st., cor. Glbbs.' Phone Front 077. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. $110 BUTB TEAM. WEIGHS 2350 POUNDS; ure couna ana true pullers, suitable for farm or express work, with good harness. Call 26 N. 15th st. FOR RENT SEVERAL STALLS FOR horses cheap. Travis Bros'. Woodyard. 463 Everett, cor. 12th. Phone Main 810. FOR SALE TWO GOOD WORK HORSES; netful jow uuu urn. juiuerson urea , sta bles. ,254 3d at. $30 BUYS A GOOD RIDING OR DRTVTNG pony witn saaaie ana bridle. 459 Me chanic .street. RESPONSIBLE PARTY CAN HAVE USE of good work horse for - its board. Call Lyon's Stable. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AN 2D-HAND venicies on oost tor saie or hire. 211 Wash. WOLFSTELN buys and sells horses, wagons, luuuciu, uusbics. turn implements, zt iront. FEW TOP WAGONS AND BUGGIES cheap, 49 N. 4th, near Davis. FINE SPAX PONIES, VERY STYLISH, FOR saie cneap. .rnone union ho Pianos. FOR SALE CHEAP FINE. NEW 'A. B. Chaso piano, owner leaving city. Call morn ings 147 13th st. Miscellaneous. SEWLNG MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prlcea singer, v. a., uomesuc. wheeler &. Wilson and White; dropheads In oak and box tops. At Wheelex. & Wilson and Domestic offices, S. S. Slgel, agent. 335 Morrison st. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with Elaterlte: It rolls, easv to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles: best for new roots. Elaterlte Roofing Co.. room 2, Hamilton bldg.. FOR SALE CHEAP ALMOST NEW large steel range, suitable for boarding house or logging camp; reason for sell ing, have no further use for same. 331 East Jilorrison. Phone East 287. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments: we rent tables, with privilege of buying. Mod ern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick . Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. FINE SHOW FOR LEWIS AND CLARK Fair: three handsome models, magnificent painting and lecture for same; had success ful run on St. Louis "fiKe ; easily packed. Apply 339 sneriocK mag- FOR SALE 100 TONS 20 AND 25-POUND steel relaying Tee rails. Apply to D. J. Gregory, care M. Barde & Son. cor. 8th and Gllsan sts., Portland. A LONG-RANGE TOURIST GLASS WITH case and strap almost new; original cost $22.50; only $9.50. Uncle Myers, 143 3d St.. near Alder. FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED FEMALE bull terrier. 3 months old: price reason able; call morning or evening, 413 11th st. HUNTERS I HAVE A DUCK AND GOOSE gun. will sell at half what new one costs. 35 North 1st, Exeaubrack. t)verland Hotel. FOR SALE MAHOGANY. GOLDEN OAK: Axmlnster carpets, all new. of 8 rooms or 14 rooms In all. 4i0 Taylor st. FOR SALE A FRESH COW 0 YEARS old, gives 4 gallons per day. Inquire 344 Sellwood st.. Alblna. Moving picture film, song slides, magic lan terns. T. F. Andrews, lou Mont., s. f., Cal. IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FOOT LIVE FIR, oak and asn wooa, go to noover & uonway. ONE FINE KITCHEN STOVE: ONE HEAT- ing stove; cheap; party moving. 89 N. 15th. True writers, ail makes, at coat, from $25: rub ber stamps, seals, etc Coast Co.. 231 Stark. BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF- Americans now tn ana jaomson. GOOD JERSEY COW FOR SALE INQUIRE 1321 Mllwaukle ave. Phone Scott 3671. WALNUT ROLL-TOP DESK. COST JSO. Will sell for $40. Phone 3452 union. TTKT.T- WANTED MALE. THE ORIGINAL JOHN A. MOLER HAS opened one of his famous barber colleges at 644 Clay St., San .Francisco, special induce ments this month; positions guaranteed; tu ition earned while learning. Write correct number, 644 Clay st., San Francisco. LOGGERS. MILL AND YARDMEN. LAB- orers. city and country; men and teams, farmhands and milkers, restaurant and mess-housa helot work of all klnda. Ca nadian Employment Co., 249 Burnslds and eja orris on. .fnone Mam 2074. MANUFACTURING CONCERN DESIRES. A person living la city, town or village for a special work; $15 per week for one that Is active, reliable and honest: a good, steady position; give age. Ideal Fire Extinguisher Company. Philadelphia, Pa. I POSITIONS OPEN FOR COMPETENT STEN ographers. bookkeepers, office men. managers, salesmen and technical men. Call Pacific Commercial" Bureau. . room 45. Concord blk. 2d and Stark, Portland, or write for. booklet. f AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR SUPE- rlor. high-grade nursery stock; new and com plete outfit furnished-' free; cash weekly: write today for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, or. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN. SIN gle, to travel and learn good-paying bust ness, wno can leave town immediately; rei erences. Call at room 14, 409 Morrison st. from 10 to 3 P. M. WANTED 1 00 AMATEUR SINGERS. ACT- ors. musicians, etc., for Portland's World's Fair and road shows. Newman's Vaude ville Circuit, the Raleigh, 6th and Wash ington. WANTED YOUNG MAN. SOME EXPERI ence. "window-trimming; fine opportunity. Clerks Registration Bureau, 265 Morrison. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. commission; long or short hours. Clyde's Advertising Agency, 418 Chamber of Com. j WANTED YOUNG MAN WITH SOME talentuo learn cartooning; excellent oppor tunity. Address E. U.. care Oregonlan. WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGNS, dlstrubute circulars, samples, etc; good pay. Sun Advertising bureau, unicago. BOY WANTED. ABOUT 15 YEARS OF AGE. for omce wont ana as messenger; .witn di cycle preferred, u 00. uregonian.' WANTED BOY: MUST BE ACCURATE and very quick at flgurea; must .write good hand. X 3S, Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. SALARY OR COMMIS- slon; $4 to $10 per day. jv. k. xayior & Co. 23 LaDbe mag., roruana, ur. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR . ber trade; some money required. Inquire at 260 1st st. WANTED EXPERIENCED MACHINE miners and tool sharpener, long Job. Q 40, Oregonlan. Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber College. 741 -Howard st.. San Francisco. PLATEN PRESS FEEDER; ALSO ERRAND boy. at 210 Stark. A. F. Ellis, printer. WANTED B OT. GUIS WOLD & PHEGLF-Y. 131 VIS. st, HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLEBODIED, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate hablts.'who can speak, read and write English. For information, apply to Recruiting- Officer. 3d and Oak sts.. Portland. Or. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE IN S weeks and secure profitable positions. S-Ul Inducements this month. Catalogue ituUIed free. Moler System Col.. San Francisco.. Cat HELP WANTED FEMALE. 25 GIRLS FOR A FACTORY. MANUFAC turlng overalls, shirts: piece work: guaran tee $3 per week to Inexperienced help. Apply to Clendennlng Angllm Co., 410 Occidental ave., Seattle, Wash. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS CHAM- hennaias. cooks, waitresses, nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, housework $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors. 226H Morrison. Phone Main 1323. WANTED 100 AMATEUR SINGERS. ACT- ors. musicians, etc, for Portland's World's Fair and road shows. Newman's Vaude ville Circuit, the Raleigh, 6th and Wash ington. STAGE DANCING. SKETCHES. DRAMATIC arc. singing, etc, taugnt; engagements se cured: big salary. Newman's Vaudeville School, the Ralelgn, 6th and Washington. WANTED A GOOD NURSE GIRL FOR .child four years old; must sleep home: hours, 8-6:30. Call today only, room 2, Hesperian, 17th and Morrison. TWO SWEDISH GIRLS. COOKING AND second work; first-class family; must be experienced; best wages. 230 Vi Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 2304 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. WANTED RESPECTABLE GERMAN woman, under 35, housekepeer, widower, with children. 23054 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. WANTED A STEADY GIRL FOR HOUSE- work; good plain cook, small family; call forenoons. 61 N. 21st St., cor. of Davis. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; must be a good plain cook; two In family; good wages. OSS Raleigh at. WANTED BUSINESS WOMAN TO TRAV- el for Portland firm; must be over 25; fair education. D 40, Oregonlan. WAITRESS, EASTERN OREGON HOTEL, $zu. fare: girl for camp; hotel cook, $30. Drake's, 205 Washington. WANTED TWO WOMEN TO HELP COAT- makers in tailor ship Immediately. 224 Washington st, room 10. GOOD RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 809 Lovejoy, bet. 24th and 25th. Apply morning. WANTED GIRL AS COOK AND LAUN- dress; must be competent. 179 St. Clair st. Mrs. J. N. Teal. WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS LADY CAN- vassers, well experienced, big money. 801 Dekum bldg. NEAT GIRL, GENERAL HOUSEWORK. small family. 10th st. Apply 495 E. Davis, cor. E. A GIRL WANTED AT 232 N. 18TH TO take care of a child 5 years old; call even ing. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE- work, small family. 783 Williams ave. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework. Apply 369 10th st. WANTED EXPERIENCED RESTAURANT waitress at Morris', 327 Washington. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL kitchen work. Apply 575 Hoyt st. A WOMAN FOR GENERAL HpUSEWORK; gooa wages. 461 itoaney ave. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED INDUSTRIOC8 MAN OR woman, each district to manage business of well-established compuiy; salary $20. paid weekly and expenses; expense money advanced; position permanent: no invest ment; previous experience not essential. Manager Como bldg.. Chicago. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PHOTOGRAPH printer, lady or gent; also two retouchers. 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED GOOD WASHER, WRINGER hand and polisher. F 39, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. AN .EXPERIENCED CLOTHING SALES man wants position in store or as city salesman or collector. Address L 40, Ore gonlan. POSITION IN "GROCERY BY EXPERIENCED clerk. Address James cook, 28 7th st. North, POSITION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED shipping clerk. Y 38, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. NATIONAL &. CONTINENTAL DIST. CO. iut wasn. oiag.. room ay. .rnone Alain 1T78. Distributors of all kinds of advertising mat tr and samples; guarantee advertiser against all loss; mall or telephone ordem. NATIONAL & CONTINENTAL DIST. CO., 270 Washington bldg., room 30. Main 1778. Distributors of all kinds of advertising mat ter and samples, guarantee advertiser against all loss; mail or telephone orders solicited. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING SCHOOL wants place to work for beard and room, outside of school hours. Apply at the Port land Business College, or phone Main 564. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING SCHOOL WANTS place to work for board and room. Call or Phone Main 564. Portland Business College. YOUNG MAN FROM EAST DESIRES Posi tion In office, cashier or light outside work; best references. Address T 39, Oregonlan. SIT. STEADY POSITION WANTED BY A good young baker, stranger In city. Ad dress 82e N. 3d st. The Model, room 3. EXPERIENCED JAPANESE WANTS SIT- uatlon to do cooking and housework, pri vate family. Frank. 253 Couch street. OUTSIDE POSITION BY YOUNG MAN. experience, seven years in office; two years traveling salesman. T 28, Oregonlan. EXCELLENT JAPANESE WANTS Posi tion In hotel or restaurant as chef or sec ond cook. 71 N. 3d St., city. FIRST-CLASS CARPET LAYER WANTS steady place; Is also good furniture doc tor. Address B 56. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED HORSEMAN. RELIABLE, wants work In livery stable, or care of horses. G 56. Oregonlan. POSITION BY YOUNG COUPLE. STRANG ers, in hotel or other work; best of refer ence. J 50. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS MEATCUTTBR and sausagemaker; good reference. F 38. care Oregonlan: GOOD JAPANESE SCHOOL BOY WISHES position to do housework. Address 43 N. 4th st.. city. FIRST-CLASS AMERICAN CHINESE COOK wishes a place In hotel or restaurant. R 38, Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS JV. POSITION TO help In kitchen; small wages. Clay 834. Eastman. BARTENDER WANTS A POSITION. CITY or country; well recommended. N 39. Ore gonlan. SCHOOL BOY WANTS PLACE TO WORK for board. W 38, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. WIDOW WITH 11-YEAR-OLD BOY, WANTS position as housekeeper for widower or land, lady for rooming-house. F 32, Oregonlan. Domestics. POSITION WANTED AS FIRST-CLASS cook in boarding-house; also flrst-class . dining-room -girl; best of references- In quire at 193 4th st. WANTED PLACE BY YOUNG LADY TO do chamber or second work; several years' experience. Call 166 N. 18th, bet. 9 and 2. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED Swedish girl as family cook or second work. 230 YamhllL Phone Black 2881. WANTED A PLACE TO DO CHAMBER work, room 25, 228 Washington st. A YOUNG GIRL WISHES A PLACE AS neeond glrL F 56.. Oregonlan. 3 SWEDISH GIRLS WANT GSNSKAL SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers aad Stenographers. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER' OF SIX years experience desires position; ha. Knowledge of bookkeeping. T 40, Ore gonian. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRE'S position; pas knowledge of bookkeeping; Rij-U-erate salary. Main 2331. Nurses. PRACTICAL NURSE WISHES A S1TUA- tlon; no objection to leaving city. Phone Scott 2402. . Miscellaneous. SITUATION WANTED BY CAPABLE young woman as nurse. Invalid or sick, or governess; experienced chambermaid; 1st clas3 washerwoman: housekeeper, waitress. 230H YamhllL Phone Black 2SS1. WORK WANTED TELEPHONE CLAY 445 for chambermaids, cooks, domestics, house keepers, laundresses, waitresses. Drake 203H Washington. WANTED TO GIVE PRIVATE LESSONS evenings. German or English. For particu lars address V 38, Oregonlan. PLAIN SEWING FOR WOMEN AND CHIL- dren. flrst-class work. 2CS Clay st. Phone Main 4197. YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION AS nurse girl; speaks German. Address Q S9. Oregonlan. WANTED TO LEARN MILLINERY trade. Phone Main 4256. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS ON SALARY OR COMMISSION The greatest agents' seller ever produced; every user of pen and Ink buys it on sight: 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent s sales amounted to $620 in six. days; another $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co.. X 44. La Crosse, Wis. HUSTLERS TO SELL HARDWARE NOV- elty; practical ; sells at sight to farmers, mechanics or householders; money-maker, exclusive rights: call after 6 P. M. 2St Yamhill st. Phone Hood 972. FIVE FIRST-CLASS AGENTS TO SELL A choice Investment security; strong com pany; high commercial rating. Rooms 312 313. Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED TWO UP-TO-DATE PHOTO coupon sellers; ladles or gents. Rembrandt Studio. Ablngton bldg. WANTED PICTURE AGENTS; NEW OF- fer; big money. &01 Dekum bldg. WANTED CANVASSERS, MALE OR FE- male. call 184 4tn st. WANTED TO RENT. WE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS WHO WANT houses. If you have a house to rent, see us or send description. We make no charge' for renting. H. E. Edwards. 187 1st at. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED BAYj BROWN, SORREL, -OR dapple gray gelding, 1200 to 1400 lbs., thoroughly broke to single harness; ani mal must have appearance and have no defects or bad tricks. Apply at U3 Front st. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes: highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 X. 3d. Phone Hood C17. WANTED GOOD YOUNG TEAM WEIGH- lng about 12Q11 each; harness and farm wagon. J. E. Cronan. 410 Macleay Bldg. WANTED TO BORROW $2000 OR .$3000 on land close to Portland. Address B 33, Oregonlan. MONEY WANTED $1600 to $2000. at 7 per cent, on East Side suburban acreage. Q 33. Oregonlan. WANTED A HORSE TO FEED FOR THE Winter; will guarantee best of care. 10J 5th st. THREE OR FOUR STORE COUNTERS, must be. cheap. Address P 38, Oregohlatt. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 50c at HOOLA- baugh'e. 267 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CATi tie of all klnda. Phone East 2233. FOR RENT. Rooms. -i THE AUDITORIUM. 208 3D ST.. BET. Taylor and Salmon, one block south of Ba ker Theater, new brick building, elegantly furnished, steam heat, hot and cold water in room, porcelain bath, rooms with private baths, elevator: reasonable rates. HOTEL OXFORD (EUROPEAN). 6TH AND Oak Finest rooms in city, single or en suite; all modern conveniences; private baths, hot and cold water In every room; tourists and commercial men solicited. Phone Main 53. THE FATRMOUN T. 29 N. 6TH. NEAR P. O. New. elegantly furnished rooms, single or en suite; hot and cold water In rooms, steam heat, electric lights, baths; reasonable rates. Phone Red 1731. , "THE LINCOLN." 409 Morrison, cor. 11th New brick, elegant, furnished, aunny rooms; all modern conveniences: tourists, and travel ing men collcited. Mrs. T. D. Hughes. Prop. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH AL cove. suitable for 3 gentlemen; also smaller furnished room, accommodating one or two gentlemen. 141 13th st., cor. Alder. THE ANGELUS. 272 CTH ST., COR. JEF ferson Just completed, strictly modern, choice location; some nice tront suites; single rooms. $2.50 up per week. THE NEWCASTLE. .3D AND HARRISON Elegant up-to-date furnished and unfurnish ed housekeeping and other rooms; heat, bath, light free; reasonable prices. 1 FOR RENT, 190 12TH ST. ONE LARGE, nicely furnished room; bath, gas, furnace beat, parlor; no sign; ladles only. PLEASANT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, everything new, four blocks from Hotel Portland, home comforts. 250 6th. 471 JEFFERSON. BET. 13TH AND 14TH Two beautiful rooms, private family; rea sonable; board near; references. FOR RENT A LARGE, PLEASANT front room, modern conveniences, suitable for two. 103 13fh st., cor. Taylor. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN suite, newly furnished: bath, gas, phono and furnace heat. 251 10th st. ICS 11TH ST. NICE. CLEAN. WELL-FUR-nlshed rooms, good location; furnace heat, electric lights; reasonable rents. LARGE. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman, private family, light, heat, batb 551 Taylor. Main 2396. NEWLY FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM IN" private family; modern conveniences; cen tral location. 272 Park st. WANTED TWO OR THREE THOUSAND dollars on country property, close to city. Address B 55. Oregonlan. 407 STARK. BLOCK NORTH WASHINGTON, pear 10th Nicely furnished front rooms, all conveniences. Phone 1043. LARGE ROdM NICELY FURNISHED, ALL modern conveniences; "breakfast If desired. 349 Harrison st., near 7th. 121 13TH, COR. WASHINGTON NEWLY furnished rooms, lngle or en suite; $2.50 and up; gas, bath and phone. 129 13TH ST. NICELY7 FURNISHED FRONT room. bath, phone; reasonable; between Washington and Alder. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BATH AlCD phone, reasonable, at 129 13th St., bet Washington and Alder. TWO LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms: reasonable; suitable for gentlemen. 288 3d and Columbia. DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM. WITH BOARD, modern conveniences; In pleasant home. 181 N. 16th. Main 4971. 244 7TH NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for one or two gentlemen; all con veniences; reference. 4 166 10TH. NEAR MORRISON FURNISHED front room, suitable for one or two persons; modern conveniences. TWO HANDSOME ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN" suite; modern. Corner Park and Jefferson. t Phone -Slain 3335. 11TH ST.. 258 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT alcove room, private family, modern; two gentlemen. ELEGANTLY FURNISHD ROOMS. NEAR Multnomah Club; modern. 182 17th. cor. YamhllL TWO NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS, close In. East Side. 110 E. 14th. Phone East 304. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH, stove. $10; also small front room, $0. 250 12th. Neatly furntsfeed siagle rooms and housekeeping' i