THE MOENING OKEGONIAtf, MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1901. lOlds, Wort man & King The "Different Store" Olds, Wortman & King Portland's Style - Shop Olds, Wortman & King The Bishop, the Bargain Table and this Store A Post-Sunday Sermon for Monday Breakfast Reading His Reverence, Bishop Potter, in a recent talk before the Consumers' League, declared: "Yon .cannot buy anything on the bargain counter without finding on it, if your eyes are sharp enough, a stain of blood somewhere." Whatever may be our agree ments with or differences from that reverend gentleman in many matters is not for discussion here. We must all allow, how ever, that the Bishop is a high-minded, pure-principled man and believes thoroughly and sincerely in all he does and says. A broad-guage man in the highest sense and imbued with deepest intellectuality and practical Christianity. However, like us all, weak mortals, he is but human and shares with us the heritage of all humanity the art of making and saying mistakes. We take exceptions' to the reverend gentleman's remark as above Quoted. If the reverend doctor knew as much about modern 1 1 storekeeping as he knows about religion he wouldn't have said what he did, sacrificing truth to epigram. The Pacts in the Matter Are That the price' of goods on the bargain counter and the price originally paid for them have very frequently no relation. The bargain counter is replenished, not with goods made cheap by extortion from the worker and consequently sold cheap to the dealer, but with goods that the manufacturer or retailer is, for various reasons, ready and willing to sell at a sacrifice. Under this heading comes goods perhaps slightly mussed, articles whose season is- closing with a maker but really only opening with the retailer, ends and oddments of lines, and lines which the manufacturer or retailer is ready to go out of. IT REQUIRES LITTLE ARITHMETICAL KNOWLEDGE to figure that if a hundred dozen of an article has been sold at a profit, the dealer may well afford to let a remnant of a few dozen go at bargain prices and still be ahead on the transaction. Again, stores of largest output always stand to get greatest bargains, and most of them. Just as the hundreds of streams, creeks and rivulets flow into a river and the river, in turn, into the sea, so does a store like the OLDS, WORTMAN & KTNG organization 'distribute the. greatest quantity of good merchandise sold at less than usual prices. BARGAINS the real are a .legitimate outcome of present-day methods of production. THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING- definition of a bargain is Something desirable and worth its full value, but which is priced for less. The addition of the Sixth-Street Annex Stores this week makes this PORTLAND'S LARGEST STORE. It has always been its beet. We print today another page of DEPEND ABLE, WANTED BARGAINS, which, added to yesterday's full page catalogue, forms THE MOST STUPENDOUS LIST OP BARGAINS EVER PRINTED BY A PORTLAND STORE. PORTLAND'S LARGEST, FOREMOST STORE. THE RIGHT REV. BISHOP POTTER. Monster 3 Days9 Sale of Women's Knit Underwear,Hosiery Underwear and Hosiery Aisles First Floor. WOMEN'S $1.50 CASHMERE UNDERWEAR FOR 91.19 Women's fine Cashmere Vests and Pants, white and blue gray, silk tape "and silk finish, long-sleove vests, ankle-length pants; best possible $1.50 value, for three days, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only, special at, garment $1.19 35 FOR WOMEN'S COTTON UNDERWEAR WORTH 50c Wom en's Jersey ribbed Winter-weight, cream-tinted cotton jests and pants, splendid 50c quality; special for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only, each . 85 WOMEN'S Vl-25 COTTON UNION SUITS FOR 95 Women's fine white cotton union suits "Merode" high neck, long sleeves and high neck, short sleeves, ankle length; regular $1.25 value, special at, suit 8o A FINE CHANCE FOR THE STOUT WOMEN. $1.15 FOR WOMEN'S "MERODE" UNDERWEAR WORTH $L50 Women's extra size merino vests and pants, white, extra silk trim med, medium weight, long-sleeve vests, ankle-length pants; excellent $1.50 value, special for three days only, each $1.15 49 FOR WOMEN'S COTTON HOSE WORTH 75c Women's black cotton outsize hose, finished foot our O. K. importation sizes 8V2 and 9 only; regular 75c value, special for three days only at, pair 49 55 FOR WOMEN'S HOSE WORTH 75c AND $1.00 -Women's black cotton hose, opera length, finished foot, full lengths; 75c and $1.00 values, special for three days only at, pair ..55 39 FOR WOMEN'S 50c HOSE Women's black cotton opera-length hose, finished foot; regular 50c value, special at, pair 39 9 FOR WOMEN' 0 LISLE HOSE WORTH 75c Women's fine luster lisle hose with drop-stitch boots, full finished; big 75c value, special for three days only at, pair 49 jflSSES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR Misses' white and silver gray worsted union suits, Oneita style a nice soft garment Sizes 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-9-10 Regular Price 65c 70c 75c 80c 85c 90 $1.00 Special Price 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 60 FOR CHILDREN'S $1.00 UNION SUITS Odds and ends in children's wool union suits; good value at $1.00, special for three days only at, suit 60 Special "Moving Sale" Prices on Autumn and Winter FOOTWEAR First Floor WOMEN'S 5.00 SHOES FOR 3.26 Women's fine street shoes, in patent leather or patent kid, matt tops, military heels, plain or tipped toes, welt soles, either button or lace; regular $5.00 value, special for Monday only at, the pair $3.26 $1.38 FOR SHOES WORTH $1.75 "Old Ladies' Comfort Shoes" with good broad toes, hand-turned soles and flat heels, either congress or lace styles good solid comfort in these shoes; regular $1.75 values, special for Monday only at, the pair $1.38 83 FOR SLIPPERS WORTH $1.25 Common sense comfort slippers, with flat heels, broad toes and hand-turned soles just the thing to wear around the house; regular $1.25 value, special for tomorrow only at, pair 83d S3. OS FOR WOMEN'S $5.00 SHOES Women's patent kid shoes, with matt or dull kid tops, full Louis heels, hand-turned soles, neat toes, high arch lasts five of this season's newest styles very dressy shoes; regular $5.00 values, special for Monday only at, pair 3.08 WOMEN'F $5.Q0 STREET SHOES FOR $3.08 Women's shoes suita ble for street wear, best patent kid vamps, matt tops, neat round toes, hand-welt soles, plain or patent tips, splendid shoes; regular $5.00 value, special for Monday at, pair $3.08 S2 74 FOR WOMEN'S $4.00 SHOES Women's shoes of box calf or patent colt, matt top, joiucner or j&au swyxs, ubjuulm wciu bqiw, memum toes, good high arched instep lasts, outside back stays, patent or stock tfps good shoes for Winter wear worth $4.00, special for Monday, pair $2.74 $1.68 FOR HOUSE JULEETTES WORTH $250 Juliettes with rubber heels for house or hospital wear, or for nurses, neat round toes, hand-turned soles, fine soft kid uppers; regular $2.50 value, for Monday only at, pair $1.68 "Sel Across the Continent Flashed the Order aincoats!" From previous instructions received from our Miss Bernard the woman buyer who buys women's ap parel for this store, an undisputed authority oti dress we read between the two words of her tele gram the welcome news-that- she has closed a pur" chase of mighty importance to Portland women, a purchase that places us in possession of over a thou sand of the handsomest, swaggerest Eaincoats a well-known, fashionable New York tailoring-house ever produced, and at a remarkable bargain price which enables us to offer our patrons Today, the Great est Sale of Rain coats Portland Ever Knew The advance guard of the immense purchase arrived on Saturday. Miss Bernard's telegram came just before closing time too late for announcement in the Sunday papers hence it has been "delayed in transmis sion.' to you. But the SALE OPENS AT 8 IE TODAY. Miss Bernard has spent nearly two weeks of her time in Hew York, where she now is, in consummating the immense purchase. A doubt existed when she sent the first relay today's offerings of her obtaining the balance of the stock. The telegram settles the doubt, how ever, and the Raincoats must be kept moving cramped as we are for room on the second floor. Other lots will be coming daily; they must flow out as fast as the source supplies. Better skim the cream today. 250 beauties in this shipment. The swaggerest, swellest Raincoats ever donned by woman. Fit for sunshine as well as rain An all-weather fashion in waterproof garments. Stunning styles. Trim, trig and tailormade. Cravenettes, Priestley's included, and handsome waterproofed or cravenetted silk and alpaca garments. Some swagger "Co lonials" in the lot, with the blue and buff of the Continental Army. With all the new sleeve effects, the "Dolly Varden," "Peggy," "Bischoff," etc. The color line affords rich choosing, embracing grays, light to dark, Ox fords, handsome mixtures of green, castor, covert, blues, royal and navy, champagnes, browns, black and white and the swell mannish effects. Superbly tailored; beautifully trimmmed in contrasting velvets and broadcloths, fancy novelty silk braids, stitching effects and buttons, eta Detailed description is foiled by vast variety. Profits are lost sight of in today's monster sale. The Olds, Wortman & King guarantee goes with every statement and every garment. The values are standard as set by America's leading, authoritative garment stores. Today Only We Offer These Matchless Bargains Better be early only 250 in this lot and don't know just when more will come. Best $25.00 Raincoats, today $19.35 Best $28.50 Raincoats, today $21.98 Best $32.50 Raincoats, today 325.95 Best $35.00 Raincoats, today $27.55 Best $38.50 Raincoats, today $29.95 Best $12.50 Raincoats, today $9.98 Best $15.00 Raincoats, today ...S11.69 Best $16.50 Raincoats, today S12.42 Best $18.60 Raincoats, today $14.25 Best $20.00 Raincoats, today.... $15.95 Best $22.60 Raincoats, today $16.98 'Tis a Lifetime Opportunity! Grasp It I Today. Women's $35 and $35.50 Tailored Street Suits Special Today at $26.55. Special "Moving Sale" Dinner Sets ' THIRD FLOOR. Every set in the house at SPECIAL SALE PRICES, to save movinsr Into the now Sixth-Street Annex this -week. DECORATED ENGLISH SEMI-PORCELAIN DINNER SETS SOrpiece Dinner Sets, value $5.20, special at $3.64 60-piece Dinner Sets, value $6.60, special at $4.62 100-piece Dinner Sets, value $10.30, special at $7.21 OLD BLUE ENGLISH DINNER SETS 60-piece Dinner Sets, value $7.60, special at $5.22 60-piece Dinner Sets, value $9.60, special at $6.72 100-piece Dinner Sets, value $14.90, special at $10.43 ENGLISH SEMI-POROELAIN DINNER SETS Neatly traced with gold, new, fancy shapes 50-piece Dinner Sets, value $8.16, special at HTO 60-piece Dinner Sets, value $10.20, special at $7.35 100-piece Dinner Sets, value $16.15, special at $11.45 AMERICAN SEMI-VITREOUS DINNER SETS Chrysanthemum decoration in pink and green, with gold-traced handles and knobs 50-piece Dinner Sets, value $6.35, special at $5.28 60-piece Dinner Sets, value $8.50, special at $6.80 100-piece Dinner Sets, value $12.75, special at . $10.20 GERMAN CHINA DECORATED DINNER SETS 100 pieces in set, value $20, special at $15.95 FRENCH CHINA DECORATED DINNER SETS 100 pieces in set, value $27.50, special at ..$21.95 OUR ENTIRE LINE OF HLAVXLAND DECORATED CHINA. OPEN STOCK PATTERNS, EITHER IN SETS OR SEPARATE PIECES, AT SPE CIAL SALE PRICES! A Rare Bargain! in the World's! Best C o r.s et s b In the Royal "Worcester Sa lons, 5th-street Annex. Three very stylish and desirable num bers, from discontinued lines of the famous Royal Worcester Corsets, the finest models in the world for wear of American "women, in the popular "Bon Ton" designs, with medium high bust and full over hips. 'Colors black, drab "and white. The best $5 models, special at, pair $3.60 Millinery Chiefs -Announcement , SECOND FLOOR. "Busy as Bees" is a term that could be most truthfully applied to the helpers In our Millinery -workrooms. The hustle and bustle of the past few weeks In the salesrooms canot be compared to the struggle going on back of the scenes in the workrooms where our trimmers have been over whelmed with orders and alterations. At times we have been dismayed and were on the point of refusing to accept any more orders for the time being. But. thanks to the apparently slack conditions at other stores, we were enabled to secure some of their best help and with this additional force we can now handle all work expediently and satisfactorily. During this great rush our stock has been woefully neglected. "We ab solutely could not turn out the hats as fast as they were sold. But this trouble has also now been remedied with our additional workroom force; this branch of the department has received special attention during the past week. v Fifty swell new Hats make their appearance here today. To give a description of them would be most difficult, as there are no two alike but rest assured they are of the same high standard of perfection character istic of Olds, Wortman & King Millinery. TWO GREAT BARGAIN OFFERINGS FOR TODAT As Is our custom, we will hold our usual Monday bargain offering, namely: 50 FUR TURBANS, appropriately trimmed with velvet, flowers, feathers, etc.: browns, grays, black and plain whites Special value, each... $3.06 ANOTHER BARGAIN BLOOM FOR MONDAY BUYERS 100 FUR TURBANS, handsomely trimmed In velvets, flowers, feathers, etc.: browns, grajs, black and plain whites an extra special Monday value- at a cnoice zor - The exquisitely piquant and jaunty "CATHRINE COUNTISS SAILORS" continue to gain in favor, as does their beautiful, talented namesake; for street wear nothing could be prettier; price? popular R Great Clearance Sale of Baby Go-Carts Fourth Floor. Go-Carta with patent foot brake, anti friction wheel fasteners, cushion rubber tires, complete with parasol and cushion and all latest, newest improvements, re duced as printed Best $10.00 Go-Carts, today... S 6.25 Best $15.00 Go-Carts, today... S 9.75 Best $18.50 Go-Carte, today... $11.75 Best $20.00 Go-Carts, today... $12.50 Best $23.00 Go-Carts, today. ..$14.75 Best $25.00 Go-Carts, today... $16.50 Best $30,00 Go-Carts, today... $19.50 Best $S6.00 Go-Carts, today... $23.50 Best $55.00 Go-Carts, today... $32.50 LACES LACE SECTION, FIRST FLOOB LACES. So for Valesci-eraea Laces, Trertk 15c to a&e 100 dozen yards of wide V a 1 e s c 1 ennes Laces with inser tion to match 2 to 5 inches wide "Very suitable for trimming fine un derwear, and worth from 15c to 35c the yard. Special for tomorrow and while it lasts at. the yard 8ci PEERLESS RIB BOX BAK- GAIX First Floor. Rlkkeaa worth 35c to 75c for 35c Swell Dresden Ribbons, 6 Inches wide, worth 75c; Glacey shot Ribbons, 4 Inches wide, worth 35c; striped Kibbons in black and white and blue and white, 5 inches wide and worth 40c the yard And a lot of Scotch highball Ribbon, all silk, 6 inches wide, wide satin border, especially adapted for cushion ruffles, worth 75c the yard. All, for Monday and all week, at the special price of, the yard 5c Note Not over 5 yards of one pattern to a customer. A GREAT SALE OF ODDS AJOJ EJTDS IX KID GLOVES. Glore Counter First Fleer. SSc for ftae Kid Gloves. wGrtk from $1.35 to $2.00 We have had a general sorting out of all the odd pairs of Kid Gloves we had In stock all as good as they ever were. Styles correct and many different colors -All sizes In the lot. I These Gloves .consist of our regular 2 clasp "Hector" at L25 the pair 2 clasp Fisher at 8L5e the pair 3 clasp Jouvin at $1.80 the pair "2 clasp Mentone, undressed at 1.56 the pair 2 clasp Regatta at $2.e the pair 2 clasp Griffon at the pair 2 clasp Mochas at $1.25 the pair All go on sale Monday at.SSc the pair 78c fer Kid Gloves, wertk 1.0G All of our 2-clasp Magnet Kid Gloves, over seas) sewed and puffed fingers A splendid $1.00 glove For tomorrow and Tuesday only. Special at, the pair 78c A JTECK AND KECK" RIBBON OPPORTUNITY. aSe for RlbfeoHS, wertk 95c aa 40c All silk and satin Taffeta Ribbons, 4& and 5 inches wide, all colors pink, blue, red, old rose, cardinal, apricot, beaver, royal blue, malse, brown, cream, turquoise, green, black and white Regular 35c and 40c values For today and all week. Special at, yard 35a Gee for Oriental Laces, trertk 75c aad Orient al net top Laces 5 and S Inches wide, worth 75c and $1.00 Special for tomorrow at the yard 58c Also a lot of Net Rands at special prices. l&c for YraUe Bufa, wertk 36 A lot of ecru and .cream Tenlse Bands from 1 to 3 Inches wide, also some in white All worth 25c the yard. Spe cial for tomorrow only at, yard 10c The Olds, Wortman & King Bargain Table Children's Boanets of Bengaline Silk, slurred Hack and over crown, full front, cMffon plaited and pn5ed facing, colors tan, red, navy and white, all sizes; regular J I A? $3.00, spatial T I 25c for Ecra asd Cre&Bt Vete Galleesc, wertk Bc A lot of Blaek Spaasled Sujs rh Gal lee Regular $1.75 to $2.50 values Special for Monday only, at, the yard see to sa4S Special "Moving' Sale of Blankets and Rugs Fourth Floor. $6.75. FOB WOOL BLANKETS WORTH $8.50 Very fine all pure fleece wool blankets, white with pink or blue borders, full size; regular $8.50 value, special at, pair 6.75 93.35 FOE WOOL BLANKETS WORTH. $4.00 Heavy wool blankets, mottled gray in color; regular $4.00 value; special at, pair $3.35 SMYRNA RUGS. $1.28 FOR RUGS WORTH $2.25 Sayraa Rugs, all wool, double faced, 30x60 iiches is. size; good $2.25 valve, special at, pair .-....$1.28