Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 24, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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land, CaL Tha sessions, "which will 'be
held forenoon, afternoon and evening,
will fce open to the public.
The Oriental Sale Continues Through the Week
National Government
May Buy Locks.
Ownership of Willamette Falls,
the Crucial Point
ULunu vi iiiiwii v
Portland General Electric Asks Price
for Property, Which Can Be Cut
If War Department Proves
Right to Water.
Can the United States Government
vlraw -water from "Willamette Falls In
order to operate locks for navigation.
or does the Portland General Electric
Company, which owns the present locks,
possess exclusive right to the water
of the falls, and the land on which
new locks would be built?
The outcome of these questions will
determine whether the National Gov
ernment shall acquire the present
locks and abolish the tolls now levied
has demanded a sum for the locks far
In excess of what the "War Department
is wllllncr to nav and the Government
can force down the price only u it has
the right to build and to operate new
and additional locks. Engineers of the
War Department have estimated that
new locks can be built on the Oregon
City side of the river for less than half
the sum demanded by the electric
To determine whether the United
States has the right to draw water from
trie falls for new locks. Congress has
directed the Attorney-General to in
vestigate. The matter has been side
tracked for two years owing to inad
vertence In Washington, but several
weeks ago it came to light again and
instructions were sent out here to
United States Attorney John Hall to
look Into the subject. It Is understood
that Mr. Hall has sent back an opin
Jon citing that the United States can
operate -new locks provided the land
which It occupies is below -ordinary
high-water mark. The opinion will
doubtless be approved by the Attorney
General and forwarded to Congress this
Senator Mitchell said yesterday that
the Oregon delegation will endeavor to
have Congress proceed toward ac
quiring the present locks. How the
matter would be taken up he did not
then know but there should be as lit
tie delay as possible.
"I favor purchase of the present
locks at a reasonable price," said he.
The electric company should not ex
pect a fancy sum." The Senator added
that if the company should fail to be
"reasonable" he would advocate the
building of a new waterway over the
Five years ago Mr. Hall, in an opin
ion rendered to Captain Langfltt,
United States Engineer, said that "the
Government has the right to construct
other canals and locks, although it
may Impair the usefulness of those al
ready constructed, provided It con
structs them over ground that is either
covered at all times by the flow of the
water or that lies below ordinary high
water mark. Within these limits the
authority of the general Government
for purposes of commerce and navlga
tion is supreme and cannot be divested
either by the state or by Individual
proprietors, and damage that might
arise would be an injury without
The rates of toll are 50 cents a ton
for freight, 50 cents a thousand for
lumber. 10 cents a head for passengers,
sheep and hogs and 25 cents a head for
.cattle and horses.
These tolls are felt on all shipments
up and down the Willamette "Valley to
and from points above and below the
falls, whether they be by water or rail.
Shippers know that abolition of the
tolls would not only lessen water rates
tout reduce ran rates toy the same
In 1SS9 the electric company offered
to sell the locks for $1,200,000. This
price was deemed excessive by a spe
cial board of Government engineers
which reported that new locks could
be built according to one project for
$439,000 and according to another pro
ject for $45G.000. The actual value of
the present locks at that time, based
on their earning power, was estimated
at $421,000. or based on cost of con
struction and right of way, $310,500.
The electric company holds that I
derives exclusive right to the water at.
below and above the falls by virtue of
its ownership of the banks on each
side of the stream; therefore that its
rights extend from each bank to the
. thread of the stream. The company,
consequently, avers that the Govern
ment would have to purchase land for
new locks or to condemn in the courts
and pay, not only what the lands are
'worth but also what the use of the
water is worth, to the company as sole
owner of the land and water rights.
What the Press Agents Say.
Clever Comedy at the Marquam.
The attraction at the Marquam Grand
Theater tonight will be the clever farce
comedy, "A Friend of the Family," which
begins an engagement of three perform
ances. Tnia. is witnouta aouDt one ot rue
greatest laugh-producers Portland will
have this season, judging from the criti
cism the Puget Sound papers have given
this excellent company of players. The
latest farcical effusion has a theme entire
ly different from anything yet seen here
on that order, was written for the sole
purpose of amusing the theater-going pub
lic, and the amusement Is created in a
logical and reasonable manner.
"A Friend of the Family, however. Is
built on Infinitely more original lines than
the farces of recent productions. It con
tains more consistent complications, a
good story that is quaintly told, and from
the rise to the fall of the curtain it Is full
of Interest.
The company is composed of some capa
ble players and funmakers, among whom
are: William Friend, Harry Crandall, Eu
gene Bedding, William Woodside, Thlas
Magrane, Theodora Dudley, Helen Trav
ers, VIolette BUliers, Lucille Villlers, Car
roll Hamilton and others.
The. "Oriental Sale" offers exceptional values in Oriental and European merchandise of every description That the idea has met with great favor is proven
by the immense store attendance all day and evening Saturday From, 7:30 to 9;30 P. M. store service was taxed to its utmost The splendid bargains in for
eign merchandise, nsefal and ornamental household effects, wearing apparel, etc., interested throngs of buyers Scores of money-saving chances at every
turn The handsome decorations are alone worth a store visit Come !
Portland Agents
Peninsular Stoves
The Meier Frank Store
Portland Agents
Butterick Patterns
"Glittering Gloria."
Much Interest is centered in the coming
of Fisher & Ryleys new production, "Glit
tering Gloria." which will serve to Intro
duce Miss Isidore Bush in a comedy role.
The book was written by Hugh Morton,
who wrote "The Belle of Xew York" and
other famous pieces, and in this, his latest
work, he haa given us an up-to-date Amer
ican comedy, with scenes laid in London.
The stage settings are on a magnificent
scale, especially the last act, which is a
duplicate of the Interior of Euston station.
showing the great train shed and a regu
lar English railroad coach, which will en
able one to see the mode of travel there,
in contrast to what we enjoy. The piece
throughout contains witty lines and com
plicated situations, which cause laughter
from the rls'e of the curtain on the first
act to the finale of the piece. Miss Bush
has been surrounded with a remarkably
strong cast. Only two performances will
be given at the Marquam Grand Theater,
next Friday night and Saturday matinee.
The advance sale will open next Wednes
day morning.
New BUI at the Star.
Whenever the Star Theater puts out a
new programme the public has something
to see. At 3 o clock this afternoon as
great a list of attractions as has ever been
listed In Portland will present their first
performance. The Alpine family, the
mos sensational wire-pedestrians In the
wide, wide world, lead the bill. They will
appear only three times a day owing to
the Intense character of their act. Howe
and Edwards In the "Spooks ot Spoopen
dyko" will present the most famous com
edy sketch ever written, and the three
Benos are classed among the funniest ac
robats who ever went on a stage.
Baker Opening Tonight.
The New Baker will throw wide Its doors
tonight for Its premier performance as a
vaudeville theater, the largest and most
pretentious in the Isorthwcet. This old re
liable place of amusement has been re
modeled and renovated from top to bottom
and will enter upon its now career under
the management of Keating & Flood with
the longest vaudeville bill ever seen In the
City of Portland. There will be two per
formances tonight, and hereafter there
will be three each day, one in the after
noon and two night. The regular bill will
consist of ten acts.
By rare good fortune the management
has been able to secure Pete Baker, the
famous German comedian and oweet sing
er, as the extraordinary top-line feature
of the opening week. Every patron of the
drama knows Pete Baker as the greatest
actor of German parte and the sweetest
yodler since the late J. K. Emmett. The
great Dal Adelphla, the cowboy magician.
and nine other fine acts. Tonight, from
7:30 to 11 o clock.
At the Lyric Today.
The grand new show at the Lyric will
open a week's run this afternoon. It Is
one of the best bills ever offered by Port'
land's most popular amusement place and
Includes: The Mai corns, world-famous
globerollers. who perform miraculous
feats with reckless abandon on rolling
globes, defying all the laws of gravitation.
They are the greatest gymnasts and con
tortionists of the age. Falarado, known
as the "human orchestra," In imitations
of bands, orchestras and all manner of
musical instruments; the Drews, Irish and
German comedians, in their laughable act;
Beatrice Daily, the delightful soubrette,
whose eongs and dances have captivated
America, and by special request the vita
scope melodrama, "The Moonshiners," will
be shown for another week.
New BUI at the Arcade.
No event in the local theatrical world is
attended with more genuine interest than
the regular opening of the new programme
every Monday afternoon at the Arcade
Theater. Today this standard family vau
deville house will present a bill loaded
with Interesting acts. Perhaps the one
which will be best liked by the feminine
portion of the audience will be the "Danc
ing Kids." These terpsichorean tots are
pretty and clever. Then there will be
Durrant and Baldwin In a farce that will
cure any solemn disease ever Invented.
And there isn't room to tell of all the
other features.
Conference of Unitarians.
SALEM. Or., Oct. 23. (Special.) The
annual session of the North Pacific Uni
tarian Conference will be held In this city
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of
this week. It is expected that abqut 2o
delegates will be present from Oregon.
Washington, Idaho and Montana. The
officers of the conference are W. F. Wood
ward, Portland, president; W. G. Eliot,
Portland, corresponding secretary; B. W.
Wilbur, Portland, recording secretary. One
of the principal speakers at the confer
ence will be Bev. Earl Morso Wilbur, dean
of the Unitarian Divinity School at Oak-
Extra Bijou Attraction.
As a special leading feature for the new
bill beginning this afternoon the Bijou
has secured the Quo Vadls gladiators.
Lane and Suzlnetta. They come directly
from the San Francisco Orpheum. Clad In
armor they fight one of the most sensa
tional Roman sword combats seen on any
stage. In reality two acts combined are
presented, for a great exhibition of cannon-ball
juggling Is given. Mile. Suzlnet
ta 1b said to be the only woman cannon
ball Juggler in the world.
For reduced rate Chlcago-St. Louis round
trip tickets. Sale dates October 27. 2S and
9 only. Any route going and the same
or any other route returning. Call on or'
address B. H. TRUMBULL.
Commercial Agent. Illinois Central Ball
road Company, Portland. Or.
Burnett's Extract of TanlHa
Eu taJccn cold medals against all other brands.
Portland's Largest and Best Store
Custom Shade and Drapery Work Our Specialty Best Materials and Workmanship Lowest Prices Guaranteed Agents for "Ostermoor" Mattresses
The Largest and Best Trunk and Bag Store on the Pacific Coast, 3d Floor Trnnks, Bags, Suit Cases, Telescopes, Etc., in Every Good Style and Size
"Willamette" Sewing Machines Sold on the Easy-Payment Plan, $5.00 Down end $1.00 Weekly Every One Guaranteed for 10 years Second Floor
300 New Raincoats $20-BIouse Cravenettes $22.50-New Cravenet's $25
60 Huge Express Parcels Came Yesterday 60
Our assistant cloak chief put in eight hours' hard work yesterday so yon could select from the greatest assortment of
Raincoats in the city today Saturday night's 7:45 Northern Pacific Overland and yesterday morning's Northern Pacific
Overland brought us 60 immense parcels of Raincoats which, in addition to the 300 garments which arrived Saturday
morning, makes an assortment today unequaled by any display the length and breadth of the land These garments, the
personal selection of our Mr. Ludwig Hirsch, is a sufficient guarantee that they are correct in style and the greatest val
ues obtainable for the money Included in the immense lots are the $30 and $22.50 coats hundreds of friends of Port
land's leading cloak and suit storg have been waiting for Extra salespeople for today and tomorrow
Picture Dept.
A General Clearance Sale.
Pharaoh's Horses. In colors, 4-Inch
black frames, regular $3.50 Qc
values s
Hand-Painted Comic Pictures, framed,
size 15x18 inches, J2.S5 val- c a q
ues, at v r
Passepartout Sets, 13c value 8c
Large Matted Pictures, 20x20 and 15
x20, great variety of subjects, i j
each JOC
All Medallions Price
10x16 Matted Pictures. Ballet i j
Girls, in colors, each 1 I C
10x12 Framed Pictures, pretty frames,
variety of subjects, -15c val- 50
ues, for CrfG
Damaged Brlc-a-Brac at low prices.
Oil Paintings, 50 to select fronc re
values up to J20.00. for O.zfJ
Picture Framing
14 Off
25 per cent reductions on all Picture
Framing orders taken this week
largest and best line of moldings
In the city to select from.
Second Floor.
Cloisonne Ys Off
During the "Oriental Sale" choosn
from our entire stock of Cloisonne
Ware at 33 1-3 per cent discount from
our regular selling prices an Im
mense variety to select 1 rff
from t VJII
Japanese Sewing Tables, prettily deco
rated and enameled, 53.50 r nn
values, each .70
$3.50 Shoes
$2.05 Pair
We have never shown as big line in
exclusive novelties as this Fall, and,
shall !e pleased' to have you see them
before selecting your winter outfit.
Another great special lot of E00 pairs
of Women's Jew Fall and Winter
Shoes at a ridiculously low price
every - pair guaranteed to be equal
to the best $3.50 values to be pur
chased anywhere. Made to our spe
cial order by a prominent New Eng
land manufacturer, favorably known
all over the country for the excel
lence of his product Included will
be found patent cojt. lace or blucher
stvles, medium weight soles: vid
kid. patent tip, lace or blucher
styles, heavy or light soles; all sizes
and widths the sale Is for today
and Tuesday only and economical
women won't miss the opportunity
to buy desirable and satisfactory
footwear at a big saving.
wear at a big saving, qij
Great Dress
Goods Bargains
Eight great lines of novelty Mixed
Dress Fabrics at decidedly low prices
for one week all new. desirable mate
rials of superior quality and styles
every woman having need for dress
fabrics Is interested in the following
saving prices:
c grades, per yard 39c
S5c grades, yard 71c
$1.25 grades, yard $1.07
$1.75 grades, yard $1.47
75c grades, yard 63c
$1.00 grades, yard 79c
51.50 grades, yard $1.27
$2.00 grades, yard $1.69
Our entltre stock of plain Black and
Colored Dres3 Fabrics at greatly re
duced prices for one week all the
most desirable weaves, all the leading
shades, all grades. Bemember, every
yard of plain black and colored materi
als is Included.
Three Great
Silk Bargains
2500 yards of 24-Inch Colored and Black
Crepe de Chines, an Immense assort
ment to select from, all the "jc
$1 line at the low price, yard.... tC
2500 yards of Colored Peau de Sole, 21
inches wide, superior quality,
20 shades, 51.C0 value tC
2500 yards of Princess Silk Crepe, a
beautiful dress and waist material,
all the best colors. 21 In. wide, q .7
regular $L25 value, yard OiC
150 tan and Oxford Raincoats, slot seams, belt
all around, velvet coUar. beautiful tailored "Cra
venettes" of splendid style and fit Equal style
costs you $25 at other storos.
New i Covert Coats by express. Beautiful mod
els at f 18.00 and each.
Handsome blouse Cravenettes in tans, Ox
ford? and olives, collarless and fancy button
trimmed An Immense line of new styles for
you to choose from. Styles marked $28.00 at
other stores $22.50 here.
CRAVENETTES $25.00 to $40.00
220 new Cravenettes received past two days
from New York's leading manufacturers. Tans,
olives and Oxfords In exclusive styles and all
sizes. Greatest showing in the city at $33.00,
$38.00, 30.00 $35.00, $40.00, $45.00, $48.60, $50.06,
Thanksgiving Linens, China, Cutlery
Dependable Table Linens and Tableware at greatly reduced prices
for this Annual Thanksgiving Sale Pricing we know every
housewife must be interested in We have gone through the de
partments with the greatest care and selected articles that would
make the table the most presentable Articles that would help
the housewife prepare better than ever and with less worry The
Thanksgiving Sale will continue until all your wonts are supplied
Thanksgiving Linens Matchless Bargains
Hemstitched Satin Damask Table Cloths, beautiful
styles, all the best grades at Thanksgiving Sale prices
$4.50 Cloths for S3.80 $5.00 Cloths for $4.20
$6.00 Cloths for $4.90 $7.00 Cloths for $5.80
$9.00 Cloths for $7.30 $10 Cloths for $8.20
Hand-embroidered Afternoon Tea Cloths and Cen
ter Pieces, beautiful designs and qualities, great bar
gains at the following special prices:
$2.25 Pieces, $ 1 .87 ea. $4.50 Pieces, $3.85 ea.
$2.50 Pieces, $2.10 ea. $5.00 Pieces, $4.35 ea.
$3.00 Pieces, $2.60 ea. $6.00 Pieces, $5.20 ea.
All our finest pieces up to $15 greatly reduced
Our entire stock of Dinner Napkins, all grades, best
patterns ' immense variety, all at Thanksgiving Sale
prices. The grandest Napkin bargains ever offered
$2.00 Napkins $ 1 .72 dz $3.25 Napkins $2.68dz
$2.50Napkins $2.05 dz $4.00 Napkins $3.25 dz
$5.00 Napkins for $4.20 Dozen
All Napkins up to $ 12.50 doz. at reduced prices
72-inch Satin Damask Table Linens, all
the best patterns ; regular $1.00 qq
grade, at yard
72-inch Satin Damask Table Linen, hand
some designs, regular $1.25 Qt f
grade, at the low price of yd. . .
72-inch Satin Damask Table Linens, all
the regular $1.50 values,
for, the yard
72-inch Satin Damask Table Linens, the
$2.25 grades, for this sale 9 i
at the low price of, yard V "
Hemstitched Damask Tray Cloths, 17x23
inches ; value extraordinary O 1
at this low price each .
Hemstitched Damask Tray Cloths, 20x28
inches, marvelous values ORr
at each OU
Hemstitched Damask Tea Cloths all the
best sizes and patterns great bargains.
$1.00 grades, 83 each; $1.50 grades,
$1.21 each; $2.00 grades, $1.52
each; all $3.00 Tray Cloths for, each
See the new French Table Linens being
offered at Thanksgiving Sale Prices.
All our high-class Satin Damask and Double Satin Damask Table Cloths, in all sizes from two yds. long to 5y2 yds. long; magnifi
cent styles;' values ranging from $3.50 set up to $75.00 set, will be offered at exceptionally low prices during the great Annual Thanks
giving Linen-Sale. Entire stock of John S. Brown & Sons' fine Linens at special sale prices.
Thanksgiving Sale of China, Cutlery, Roasters, Etc.
Tableware and Kitchen Helps at Thanksgiving Sale prices-Things that will make the Thanksgiving preparations less
worrisome Things that will make the table and dinner more inviting than ever before We've made the prices as low as
safe storekeeping permits The "Oriental Sale" also offers great values in many useful articles Basement.
Family Roasters
Black Iron with roasting rack
and ventilator, guaranteed to do
the work satisfactory to the most
particular housewife
9x13 inch, 40c value,. for. . .28 $
101x15 inch, 50c value, for.36
12y2xl7 inch,' 60c value. . .42
Famous "Royal" Roasters
The famous "Royal" Roasters,
worth their weight in gold
10x14 inch, special, each 82
11x16 inch, special, each 90d
12x17 inch, special, each. .$1.00
Chafing Dishes, 3-pint size, a handsome nickel
plated dish, wroughtiron stand,
regular $4.00 value, for this sale. .p3&
Paper Candle Shades in red, pink and j
green, wild rose design, great value. .
Fancy Candles, all colors, each 5
"White Metal Salt and Pepper Shakers, c -values
extraordinary at, per pair
3-Piece Carving Sets, stag handles, sterling sil
ver mounting, in lined case, very i
best steel; regular $5.00 set
3-Piece Beef Carvers, in Jined case, very neat,
medium size, best $3.75 fi 1 It
value, for the low price of
50c Bread Knives, warranted best steel. 39
iv ' ssaMfc-j jmm
Fine Table China at Low Prices
Haviland, French and German China handsome patterns
75c Cups and Saucers, sale price, each 59
90c Cups and Saucers, sale price, each 68
$1.00 Cups and Saucers, sale price, each
$2.00-$2.25 Sugar and Creamers, pretty styles, pair
$2.50-$2.75 Sugar and. Creamers, pretty styles, pair
$2.25 Cracker Jars, $1.79 each; $2.75 Cracker Jars, each. .$2.13
Handsome Chocolate Pots, $2.50 values, for, each $1.63
$1.35 to $1.50 Salad Bowlsr 99 ea; $3.60-$3.75 Salad Bowls $2.65
$2.50 Celery Trays, $L84 each; $2.00 Celery Trays 59
$2.25 Bread Trays, $1.77 each; $2.50 Chop Dishes
$3.00 Bread Trays, each $2.29
$2.25 Fruit Saucers, set of six, for "
$2.00 Fruit Saucers, set of six, for $1.49
$3.00 Fruit Saucers, set of six, for $2.35
32c Plates, 23 each 55c Plates, 42$ each 65c Plates, 49 each
75c Plates, 53 each 95c Plates, 73 each $1.10 Plates, 83 ea.
Kitchen Utensils at Low Prices
9xl2-inch Drip Pans, special at, each 11
10xl2-inch Drip Pans, special at, each 12
llxl7-inch Drip Pans, special at, each. 16
No. 8 Granite Tea Kettles, $1.00 values, each 69
2-ring "Wood Towel Racks, 15c value, each 9
15c Wire Toasters for the low price of, each...'. 11
Asbestos Griddles, 35c value, for - I.27
Asbestos Fry Pans, 10c value, for 7
Peninsular" Cook Stove $15.00
Full nickel-trimmed Peninsular Cook Stove, 19-inch
oven, perfect baker, guaranted for ten years....
"Peninsular" Coal or Wood Heater, solid cast iron
fire pot, double front door, swing top