10 THE MORNINa OREG02JIAN, .TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 190-i. MAYOR TALKS TO MAYOR L. F. BOYD, OF SPOKANE, CALLS ON GEORGE H. WILLIAMS. - Man From Washington Seeks Infor- .nation on Various Problems of City Government. After a day spent In Portland studying the various phases of municipal govern ment; Mayor I F. Boyd, of Spokane, left last night for Beattle,Vhere he will visit Xor a day or two before returning to his home. Yesterday morning Mr. Boyd called upon Mayor Williams at his office and spent several hours in discussing the dif ferent questions upon which he desired tot receive information. The police sys tem of Portland was taken up and dis cussed comparatively with the systems of other cities in the country. Municipal re form Jn all its phases was discussed and the various plans often suggested for the betterment of city conditions were talked at length. The City Engineer was next visited by Mr. Boyd and the good and bad qualities of the different pavements in use in the city of Portland were discussed at length. The plan of surface-paving the bridges of the city was explained to the visitor and estimates given as to the cost of the work. In the afternoon Mayor Boyd viJted the City Park, where, he went over the grounds and through the Zoo. He made particular note of the method ofhandling the animals, of their care and their habits, In order that he would be able to arrange for the Institution of the proposed new park In Spokane. The visitor from the Northern state was much impressed by what he saw In Portland and will take back to his home some valuable ideas which he will put into effect as rapidly as possible. He was much interested In the conversations hold with the city officials and is sure that good will come from his visit. The Spo kane Mayor Is a man who has the Inter ests of his city at heart and is out looking for any points that may be of use to him in his administration. Sunday night he talked of what he wished to do, and among other things stated that it was his Intention to secure the services of a plain-clothes man and make a tour of tfle city in order to see if it was either better or worse than his town. The re porter suggested that a detective was not at all necessary and that he would will ingly lend his assistance in solving any of the problems confronting the Spokane government, or its executive head. "Let's see," said the Mayor as he emerged onto the street and started North. "Now, this Is Sixth street, I be lieve." x The reporter admitted the fact and the Mayor counted off the cross streets as he walked along. "My, my." he said, "but Portland has grown. I have not been here for 11 years, and this part of the town was out in the woods when I lived here." "Don't you know," confided the official, as he stopped and gazed off across the housetops, "I went to -school In Portland in 75. I lived on Eighth and Morrison then and It was considered to be out In the country. Portland has surely grown." "I see they are remodeling the custom house," continued Mr. Boyd, as he and his companion turned down Burnslde street. "I noticed it as I left the hotel." The reporter explained that it was the Postofflco that was being remodeled. "Well, well," commented the visitor, "is that the Postoffice? It used to be the custom house when I lived here. I re member how they fixed the lawn there vears atro. They sodded It. ana 1 as boy could not get It through my head how they had made the grass grow so thick in a night." The two travelers stepped out across Third street and the Mayor paused and looked above him. "My goodness." he ejaculated, "look at those lights. This Is a onmanuy-iigntea street, to be sure." The reporter pushed -open a swinging door and waited for his guest to pass in. but the guest paused on the threshold of the block-long room in open-moutnea wonder. "My, my," he said at length, "we haven't got anything like this at Spo kane. This is a wonderful place, ne con tlnued, as he ventured In a little farther and stood looking around tne loresi 01 tables, and the several hundreds or men. listening to the orchestra playing on the stage. Then he counted the bars, each large but looking little in the immense room, and his wonder broke iorin again. "Well, well," he said slowly, "but this is an awful big place. I never saw any thing like it before." The newspaperman took the guest out through another door and across the street into another place. "My goodness," he explained, as he stopped in front of a marble-tiled bar built up in the middle of the hall, "that is a pretty thing and It must cost a lot of a money." "There, now," continued the investiga tor, as he looked through a door at the strong man balancing a dozen chairs on his chin, "that is something like we have In Spokane, only we have it all upstairs. But it is all bigger, so much bigger," he said, as he sought the outer and the fresher air. Spokane hasn't got half that Portland has." "I tell you what," confided the man from Washington, as he walked slowly back towards his hotel, "the Mayor of Portland has got a job on his hands for pure. That is a wonderful place and it must be a hard job to control it," And the visitor sought his hotel still ponder ing at the load upon the shoulders of Portland's chief executive. TO IMPROVE THE SQUARE. Grounds Surrounding Soldiers' Monu ment to Be Laid Out. M. It. Pratt, president of the Lone Fir Monument Association, says that plans ' have been adopted for the improvement of the grounds surrounding the soldiers monument in Monument Square in Lone Fir Cemetery. The association has a deed for the 50-foot square In the center of the block, but it is proposed to improve the entire block. Some of the trees -will be removed and others planted, and the ground will be leveled and seeded. Iron seats vrill be provided and fired perma nently and some field cannon will be pro cured to be placed at the four corners of the monument. Professor Pratt has had some correspondence Tvlth the War De partment, and he is confident that the cannon can be had. The Improvements will be permanent. as it Is felt that Lorie Fir Cemetery will soon become a park, and that burials there must become less and less every year, and finally cease altogether. Professor Pratt hopes to get work started in a few days. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 17. Maximum tem perature, 55 degrees; minimum. 42 degrees, River reading at 11 A. M., .9 of a foot; change in past 24 hours. 3.4 feet. Total precipita tion. 5 P. M. to 6 P. M., trace: total si ce September 1, 1004. 2.29 inches; normal since September 1. 1904, 3.69 inches; deficiency. 1.40 inches. Total sunshine October 16, 1904. 2:30; possible, 10:54. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M.. S0.29. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The pressure has decreased rapidly today In the western portion of the North Pacific States and another disturbance has made its appear ance off the Washington coast. It has caused Increasing cloudiness west of the Cascade Mountains and the weather In this section is again quite threatening, although no rain has yet .occurred except along the extreme north west coast of Washington. The indications -are that the storm wUl con tlm Us inland moremant during the next 'M. HOTEL Fifth 'and Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms. SLM to S3.ee Per Day, AceerAfcac to Locatloa. J. F. DAYJES, Free St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.) , FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON European Plan Rooms 50c to $1.50 First-Class Restaurant In Conaectlon hours and that a chance will occur to rainy conditions by tomorrow. TVEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours ending at midnight October J8: Portland and vicinity Cloudy, with showers; winds becoming southerly. "Wee tern Oregon and Western Washington Cloudy with showers; increasing southerly winds, probably becoming high along the coast. Eastern Oregon, Eastern "Washington and Northern Idaho Increasing cloudiness, slightly warmer. Southern Idaho Partly cloudy and slightly warmer. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. a Wind. 22 5 a STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck ....... Boise Eureka Helena Kamlodps, B. C. North Head Pocatello ........ Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City... San Francisco... Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island... Walla Walla..... 14810.00 ISE 8INW W 8 N Cloudy iCiouay Clear 152 0.00 520.00 uelo.oo 56 o.oo; 520.00 ,142r T Cloudy Pt. Cldy. Cloudy Cloudy 14-W 10 jS o;b !n"w . ;n 'NW 8 NW I 'IS 10W 61 S IS Clear teofo.oo C80.00 CO 0.00 C8 10.00 Cloudy Pt. Cldy. Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear PL Cldy. 42 0.00 70:0.00 5210.00' 56 0.00 Cloudy 54 0.10 1SS Cloudy Pt. Cldy. 15810.001 NW light. T trace. A. B. WOLLABER, Acting District Forecaster. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Gllman's auction rooms. 413 Washing ton street, at 10 o'clock AM. S. L. N. Gll man, auctioneer. At Baker's auction-house, corner Alder and Park. Sale at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker & Co.. auctioneer. By J. T. Wilson at 331 Ankeny at 2 P. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. . MEETING NOTICES. A. & A. S. RITE, AINS WORTH CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX NO. L Regular meet ing in Memorial Hall, Scot tish Rite Cathedral, this even ing at 8 o'clock. By order WISE MASTER. OREGON LODGE, NO. 1. K. OF P. Come up to the meeting, eighth floor, Mar quam bldg.. this (Tuesday) evening, October 4, and Join with the boys in having one of their usual good times, winding up -with good things to eat. Knights rank. THAD L. GRAVES, C, C. ED D. -CURTIS, K. of R. and S. PORTLAND LODGE, NO. 55, A F. & A. M. Special communication this (Tuesday) evening, 7:30. Work In "F. C. degree. All F. C. are invited. By order W. M. I. W. PRATT. Secretary. rx-cnrj mnnr 'n l. rr of t PAm. .ir n h Tnitlns- .lphtl floor. Mar. quam bldg., - this (Tuesday) evening. Oc tober IB, ana join wtn xoc Days in naming one of their usual good times. Knights rank. ED D. CURTIS. K. of B, and S. DIED. WILSON At Oswego, Or., the infant son of A King Wilson. GRENIER In this city. Oct. 17, 1904. Peter Grenler, aged about S years, unerai no tice hereafter. NORDSTROM At St. Johns. Or., October 17, 1004. Robert G, Nordstrom, aged 42 years. Funeral notice hereafter. HUNT Mrs. C R. Hunt, of Tillamook, died Oct. 15, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Dey, 4S0 Burnslde st. FUNERAL NOTICES. HAS KINS Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services of Annette H. Hasklns, which will be held at Finleys Chapel at 2:30 P. M. today. Interment Rivervlew Cemetery. FINKE Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral services of Luclle C. Finke which will be held at the family residence, 206 Market street, at 2 P. M. today. Interment River view Cemetery. DUNNING, McENTEE St GILBAUGH, successors to Dunning & Campion, under takers w"1 erobalmers, modern la every de tail. 7th. said Fine. Phone Mala 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO, Undertakers and enibalmers, have moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 607. 1 3. T. FINLEY & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. Sd and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. 6. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. lady assistant. Telephone East 62. Zeller-Byrnes Co., Undertakers, embalm ers. 73 Russell. Phone East 1088. Xady A't NEW TODAY. FOR SALE THE BANKRUPT STOCK OF Mrs. Deshon; dry goods, furnishing goods, show-cases, fixtures; etc 9 North 8d st. NEW MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE, ALL kinds of fruit, lot 50x100, S16 Haight are,, 12700. INVESTMENT BONDS Warrants and stocks bought and sold. J. W. Cruthers & Co.. Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE: Worthington Compound Duplex Pump, second hand, Al condition. Size 10xl8Kxl4xlO. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute. Check valve, lub ricator, etc., complete. Inquire A. W. Cochran, OreftealaD huiIjlo. PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON First-CIaas Check? Sestauraat. CeBBected With Hotel. C O. SATIS, Sec aad Tress. :THE: ESMOND HOTEL 8SCA8 AXDEBSOR, Mauser Front and Merrison Streets PORTLAND - OREGON FREE 'BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. Hates European plan. 50c. 70c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 par day. Sample rooms In connection. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER AT W. T. P ANGLE, Resident Manager. Phone Main S6S. Tonight and Tomorrow Night FREDERIC BELASCO PRESENTS FLORENCE ROBERTS. IN "TESS OF THE D'CRBERYILLES." Thursday. Friday. Saturday Matinee and Night "MARTA OF THE LOWLANDS." Evening Prlccs-$1, 75c, 50c. 35c and 23c Matinee Prices 75c. 60c and 35c Seats Are Now Selling for Entire Engagement. pORDRAY'S THEATER v- CORD RAT & RUSSELL. Managers. PORTLAND'S MOST POPULAR PLAY HOUSE There is no law in the State of Oregon that will permit the Russian Consul to stop the play For Her Soke It is the greatest Russian play ever written and depicts scenes and Incidents true to life. It is the reason's biggest "HIT" and must be eeen to be appreciated. Will be presented to night and every night this week with Saturday matinee. . PRICES 10c. 20c and 30c: special reserved seats, 50c Matinee, 25c to any part of the house; children (special seats), 10c ColumbiaThcaterr 14th and Washington. Phone 110. TONIGHT. 8:15. AND ALL THIS WEEK. MATINEE SATURDAY. THE POPULAR COLUMBIA STOCK CO., Presenting Charles Frohman'a New York Success, "SOWING THE WIND." By Sydney Grundy. Prices Evening. 15c, 25c and 60c: matinee. 10c 15c and 25c Downtown ticket office. Rowe & Martin's Drug Store, Cth and Wash ington ta.. from 10 A M. to 7 P. M.; at the ater, after 7 P. M. THE STAR THEATER The Biggest and Most Fashionable Yande- vlllo Theater. SYLVESTER, JONES AND PR INGLE. IIARRY HOWARD. THE THREE ALARCONS. DOTTSON. THE THREE ALTONS. THE PROJECTOSCOPE. Shows 2:30 to 4:30 P. M.. 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. General admission, 10c; reserved box seats, 25c THE ARCADE THEATER The Original Family Vaudeville House. This Week. HOWARD AND CAMPBELL. HEARS AND LEWIS. JAR RETT. WESTTN. KATE COYLE. THE BIOSCOPE. Shown 2:30 to 4:30 P. M 7:30. in in-3ft T M. Admission, 10c. to any seat.- LYRBC THEATER (Corner Alder and Seventh.) HIQH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE ' 2:30 to' 4:30; 7:30 to 10:30; Sunday. 1 to 10 P. X. This ad, ana 10c will admit two people any matinee except Sundays and holidays. TEN CENTS NO HIGHER. BIJOU THEATER SIXTH ST.. OPP. OREGONIAN. This Week's Programme. 3EHAN, MASCOTTE AND BEIIAN. HUNT'S DOG AND MONKEY CIRCUS. ROBINSON AND DONOVAN. LOUIS LEMAR. MENLO MAGICIAN. MAGGIE GILLETTE. THE VITASCOrE. ALL FOR 10 CENTS. AFTERNOONS, 2:30. EVENINGS, 7:30. ROSE EYTINGE Pupils prepared for stage, pulpit, platform or parlor. Either private lessons or class work. For time and terms, apply at 261 Thirteenth Street PHONE MAIN 1203. CLASSIFIED AD. SATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board," "House- keeplnxr Rooms." "Situations Wanted," 15 words or lees. 18 cents; 1C to 20 words. 20 cents: XI to 25 words. "25 cent, etc. No discount for additional insertioas. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," SO cents for 15 words or Ieta; 16 to 20 words, 40 ceata; 21 to 25 words, 56 cents, etc Qrst insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half ; so further discount un der cbo xaoBtb. IMPORTANT The low second-time rato ea advertislnc that runs either in the classi fied column, or under bead "New Today,' will be gives only whea advertising is In serted on coBsecBtrro days. Dally and Sunday issues. Advertlslaf that Is scheduled to appear at intervals of one or more day BjLrt will be charged for at full one-time rate each lasertloB. "NEW TODAY" (rase measure acate). 13 cents per Use, Rrst Insertion; 10 ceata per line for each additional Inseraom. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregoaiaa. aad left at this face, should always he laclosed la sealed ea Telope. Ne staap is required oa sach let ters. The Am tn will act be respossibla icr errors la advertisesieBts takea throagh tlit telephoae. , NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY I AM A FARMER. HAVE farms to sell, small and large, improved, unimproved and some choice; 32 years here. T. Wltbycons.be, room S, Hamilton block. NEW TODAY. Homes Free PORTLAND HOMEBUILDING COMPANY Will enable 7011 to procure a home on payments less than rent. Get a house and lot through the Portland Home building Co. and let the rent pay your payments, which will he equivalent to getting the property free. JSetter still, occupy the house yourself and pay the rent to yourself. OUR PLAN You select a lot at University Park, price $200, and pay down 10 and pay 5 monthly till you are awarded $1000 with which to build a house, after which your monthly payments will be $10 monthly and 6 per cent simple annual interest on what remains un paid at the end of each month. No part of your money is used for ex penses. The Land Company bears all the expense in return for the benefits that will come to it by having so many fine houses built in University Park. CONTRACTS Contracts are issued in series of 100 contracts in each series. Every con tract holder must get a home. When you take a contract in this company you know, positively, that you will some day have a home. All contract holders stand on an equality. The last to purchase has the same opportunity as the first EXCELLENT INVESTMENT You can rent such property for the full amount of the monthly payments, including interest, thus making the property practically free to you. The 6 per cent interest paid by those who have homes will be divided among those who have not yet received homes, thus making your money draw interest as it is paid in, at a higher rate than you could get on any sav ings deposits. CLASS OF HOMES You select your lots when you pay down your first payment, and thereby get the benefit of the advance in values as well as 6 per cent interest. You will be allowed to furnish your plans and specifications for y6ur home. You may select your contractor, and may pur chase the material, and see that no graft" is worked on you. Every house must be built new. Only a limited number of these contracts will be issued, and only to the best class of persons morally. All will get homes, and have them paid for in a compara tively short time. For particulars call at the office of PORTLAND HOMEBUILDING CO., Room COG Commercial Block, Portland, Oregon. Francis I. McKenna, Agent. $35 CASH Buys a lot on the Peninsula or St. Johns ' line, high, sightly, level, city water. streets graded, adjoining lots same size, without improvements, selling for $125; must be sold to close out estate. Title perfect, abstract with each sale free. East chance to secure a lot for K of its true value, and are as fine as any between Alblna and St. Johns. BROWN. 35i Stark st., opposite Library. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Our records are complete and up to date. W furnish abstracts promptly. , MORTGAGE LOANS On improved Portland Real Estate. SECURITY ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. 214-215 Chamber of Commerce. MORI GAGE LOANS On Portland real estate at lowest rates. Titles insureds Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 7 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. THE PORTLAND TRUST CO.. OF OREGON, 103 Third Street. OFFERS FOR SALE. $460 to $750 Three choice building lots in Bartsch Park, o-mlnute car serv icer will advance money to build. $000 to $750 Seven choice lots In Dent's Addition; will advance money to build. $C50 to $850 Six desirable lots. bet. E. 27th. 2Sth. Pine and Ash. These lots are cheap, and we will- build on them for you. $700 to $1000 Numerous choice building lots in Evans' Addition to Alblna, the cream and center of that section at low prices. $1000 to $1100 Two fine lots, N. E. corner 2d and Grover; will advance money to build. $ 1C00 House 563 Front street. $1000 to $6000 Lots and houses on Port land Heights, reached by the .new "locp" electric line. $ 2600 Lot and building S. W. cor. Union ave. and Broadway. A profitable In vestment. $ 7000100x150 feet East 3d and Bine, 2 houses. $10.000 The finest block In Holladays Addi tion. On car line, win advance money to build eight houses, or any other number the purcnaser may de cide on. $ 7000 A beautiful large, house, with barn and lovely grounds, S. E. cor. E, 15th and Hancock, worth $10,000. We can sell for $7000. $ 2000 Fine lot, on Northrup st., facing south, bet. 2itn ana zatn, on car line. Will advance money to build. S 2400 Choice buildlnsr site. 40 feet front. on 22d St., near Irving; will advance money to build. $ 3700 A homelike house on Corbett st. near Bancroft ave.. 10 rooms, pos session given promptly, price moder ate; terms reasonable. $ 2450 A beautiful lot facing south on Northrup street, between 23d and 24th sts.. barn, cement sidewalk. . Improved street; will advance money to build. i $ 2500 A choice building lot on 23d st. near Johnson. Nob Hill district; will advance money to build. $ 000 To Investors we offer a beautiful house andMot on Nob Hill for $8000. now leased to responsible tenant, so as to yield a good return on the price. We have lots Improved and unimproved In South Portland. ome exquisite building sites on Portland Heights, and hundreds of lots in our most desirable suburbs. We can suit every purse and can build or advance money if desired. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF ORE GON, NO. 109 THHtD STREET. THINK OF THAT BEAUTIFUL U BLOCK with lOOvfeet of cement pavement, S. E. cor. 15th and Weldler. being slaughtered for $1900. A D. Marshall. S2& -2d st. $800 QUARTER BLOCK, FOOT OF GROV er street. South Portland; good place for small cottages; will rent quick. 305 Ablng ton bldg. 1 200 FARMS, SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on.O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton. Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car; 6c. FOR SALE SCO ACRES STUMP LAND. 16 miles from Portland. Inquire 2S7 B. Mor rison st. C R. Davis Fuel Co. GOOD EtfVESTMENT, WEST SIDE, COR, paying 15 per cent net oa $4700. Phone Main 4340. Owner.. LARGE. MODERN HOUSE, CLOSE .West S4d ceraer. Fheae Jttost f7. IN. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE" BARGAINS. Lots In North Alblna, $250 to $350 Lots- In Point "View s 90 to tlOO Lota In Central Alblna $300 to $350 Lots In Patton Tract $230 to $300 will sell for1 $3 or $10 per month; no excuse for you not owning a home of your own In Portland's best speculative property. Do not overlook Walnut Park, with her wide streets and allies,' selling for only ?9 and S10 a front foot. Building restrictions; no shanties can be built In Walnut Park. W. M. KILLTNGSWORTH. 303 Chamber of Commerce. 18 SMALL MONTHLY" PAYMENTS: STX room beautiful house, full cement basement, modern plumbing, piped for gas, nice re ception hall, beautiful room?, tinted walls; Upper Alblna. Easily rented for $18 month; house cost $1550; lot worth $S00. Bargain, $2000, $500 cash. Do you pay rent? You can easily pay for this home. T. W. Plt tenger. 245H Morrison. . FOR SALE WE HAVE A VERY SIGHT ly home in one of Portland's most beau tiful suburbs, half block of ground, on good car line; strictly modern new home: very cheap at. $2000: easy terms. Portland Trust Company,, of Oregon, 109 Third st. $125 TO $180 WILL BUY YOU A LOT AT Myrtle or Myrtle Park, on the Mount Scott car line, on Installments of $5. and $5 per month. Good water, etc. Knapp & Mackey, room 2. Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE WE HAVE A VERY SIGHTLY home in one of Portland's most beautiful suburbs, half block of ground, on good car line: strictly modern new home; very cheap at $2000; easy terms. Portland Trust Com pany of Oregon. 109 3d st. NICE 2-ACRE HOME. GOOD BUILDINGS, fruit and water, close in; also 3 acres cleared and fenced, near car line. Owner for particulars. Room 33, Ruesel bldg., 4th and Morrison. 1 FARM FOR SALE CHEAP 70 ACRES. 7 acres cleared; house and barn; well and springs; one acre mixed fruits on county road. 10 miles) north of city. T 17. care Oregonlan. WE BUILD HOUSES, EASY PAYMENTS, furnish lots If required. 612 Commercial bldg. Main 1040. $2600 NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, close in. large . lot, fruit trees. 303 Cham ber Commerce. $3400910 E. TAYLOR, NEW MODERN 7-room house, 50-foot lot, very attractive neighborhood. WILL BUrLD HOUSE AND FURNISH LOT, $100 cash, $io per montn. 612 commercial bldg. HOME CORNER EOT. 9 ROOMS. $675 CASH. Berry & Alexander. 4 ri. Otru SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE IN HIGH- land. Call 434 Yamhill st. 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE; EASY TERMS. Owner. Phone East 675. FOR SALE FARMS. 1 GOOD FARM BTJTS- 106 acres. 25 fine orchard, house, barn, new fruit-drier; all well-fenced; In high state cultivation. $4250. 60 acres, all one-plowed, field deep black loam soil: none better for hopfleld; a pickup at $35 per acre. 220 acres, all cultivated, near depot; house, barn; $40 per acre; all above-named places near North Yamhill. STOCK RANCH AND RANGE. SCO acres of alfalfa land. In Irrigated val ley, Eastern Oregon; this property practical ly controls 40,000 acrea unoccupied- outside range; all this tract can be Irrigated and will produce hay enough with the range to support 3000 head of cattle from year to year; other alfalfa lands can be secured ad Joining at low figure; this property must be sold and the price has been reduced to $15 per acre. Here is the opportunity for a stockman's paradise. Call and learn about our Little Homes on the Columbia River. 45 minutes ride of the city. Inquire B. S. Cook. 251 Alder street. Phone Main 953. Portland. Or. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 80 ACRES with 11 under plow aad 11 acres more slashed - and nearly cleared; all good land; some small timber on place; 50 bearing fruit trees and 60 young fruit trees not yet bearing; 1-story house, small barn, live water, team young horses, nearly new harness and wagon, 2 cowa and calves. 70 chickens. 3 tons hay, 1 acre potatoes, harrow and other tools; H mile from Carrollton, a town on the Colum bia River and N. P. Ry. Price $1250, with $750 down. Imus & Wllloughby. Kalama, Wash. $3000 FIRST-CLASS. 80-ACRE FARM IN ClacKamas county, near eiecinc rauroau, two-thirds In cultivation, good house, two barns, all kinds out buildings, big orchard, fenced andcross-fenced. living water. 305 Ablngton bldg. 13 ACRES, 714 ail.l.ta iKUJi ruKiiiAjiu, near depot, stores, churches and graded school; partly cleared, two acres cultivated; $600 cash, balance time. Box 73, Beaver ton, Or. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; -payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to Wm. MacMaster. 311 Worcester block. FOR SALE DAIRY FARM. 150' ACRES, 40 cattle, team. Implements, etc, 8 miles on Sandy road; easy terms. George Wills, owner, Cleone, Or. IRRIGATED LANDS OF THE DESCHUTES Irrigation & Power Co. for sale by A C Palmer, local agent. 418 Oregonlan bldg. Farms, acreages, city property, timber In large and small tracts; homestead locations. Max well & Burg. 319 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR INSIDE property, 120 acres, near Gresham; good Improvements. C 2. Oregonlan. $350 10 ACRES. 8 MILES ELECTRIC line, surrounded by cultivated farms, springs, creek. 468 E. 9th. TEN ACRE8. ALL IMPROVED; SOME fruit: near electric cars. Owner, room 445, 834 3d st. RARE BARGAINS $1 600 BUYS 255 ACRES near Brownsville. P. O. Box 275. Oregon City. Or. FOB BENT FARMS. 160-ACRE CORN. WHEAT AND STOCK farm, with orchard; furnished house; Im plements, etc $150 year."' Oregon Ex change. 283 H Washington st. TO EXCHANGE. NINE LOTS IN THE ABBEY HOMESTEAD Addition of San Francisco, two blocks from car line; value $2000; clear.. Wish small home in Portland. What have you? Ad dress B 33. Oregonlan. WELL STOCKED AND FEtELY IM proved farm of 28 acres, 6 miles from Courthouse; to exchange for city property. L. E. Thompson. 223 3d. A TRACT OF -GOOD TIMBER LAND 20 miles from Portland to trade for a farm or city property. Ames Mercantile Agency, . Ablngton bldg. FOR EXCHANGE SEATTLE PROPERTY for lodging-house or any business In Ore gon; what have you gotT Box 9, Hub bard, Or. WILL EXCHANGE ONE-THIBD ETTEREST in fine hardware and sporting goods business at Seattle tor ronisna imiiiwij. cuj. "v, City. CITY LOTS TO EXCHANGE FOR IM p roved acreage; will pay cash difference. 220 Falling bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE, A MODERN C room house. Inquire room I, 133 5th. WANTED REAL ESTATE. tt-ait TO PURCHASE A GOOD 6 OR 8 room house between Montgomery and Mbr . ....... ,-n.lv Address T SX. Ore gonlan. nnnnn TO INVEST IN INCOME-BEARING business property. Send particulars of lo cation, rents and price to -n jh. care ure- gcnlan. utatctotv-HAVE CASH TO BCr 7 OR 8- room modern house: West Side. Particulars must be given, w 14. uregonma. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. KVmrsrr RESERVE SCRIP. APPROVED. Rgnti -kv with cower of attorney to convey; also fractional soldiers" additional; will eater small tracts. Maglnnls & Son. 227 Failing building. WIBT?ST TIRSERVS SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready for lsanaediats use. .L.U w 1 t'iuv.&e. EL F. F. B. Riley. COS Chamber Commeree, PERSONS WANTING TO BE LOCATED on homestead or timber claims apply to 306 Commercial bldg., Fortiaaa. or. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP NOW ready. H. B. Compeoa. 818 Jtarauam otag. LAND SCRIP. 1T.T. CTTDS OF LAND SCRIP- GENERAL land practice; "our forest reserve, scrlp ec non-umoerea iaao i ru.r. L4 Ca., OtaMfd -. FOR sT.-tr. Horses, Vehicle aad Karaeas. HORSES" FOR SALE FIVE HEAD, TWO draught horses, weight at 1600 pounds each; 3 driving horses, weight 1000 pounds each. Address Page, The Gazette. Rai nier, Oregon. FOR SALE TWO GOOD WORK HORSES; weight 1300 and 1100. Anderson Bros.'. Sta bles. 254 3d st. ' ONS GOOD DOUBLE-SEATED CARRIAGE for $27. or will trade oa wagon. 313 Water sc WOLFSTDIN burn and sella horses, wagons, harnessi buggies, farm implements. 227 Front. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AN 2D-HAND vehicles on Coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. FEW TOP WAGONS AND cheap 49 N. 4th, near Davis. BUGGIES Pianos. FOR SALE CHEAP FINE. NEW A B. Chase piano, owner leaving city. Call morn ings 147 13th st. SHERMAN-HYDE. IN FIXE MAHOGANY case. $00. Ellers Piano House. 351 AVaehing ton street. ITHACA, EBONIZED CASE. GOOD ACTION. $150. Sellers Piano House, 351 Washington street. Misccliaarou. FOR SALE LOGGING OUTFIT. 2 DONKEY engines. 9x10, with cables, blocks. Jacks, chains, etc. a complete outfit, with all necessary tools, axes, saws, etc.; cook house outfit complete, can be seen at Marshland. Or, during present week. The H. C Albee Co.. 248 Grand ave. -I BE WIN G MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices Singer, V. 8.. Domestic. Wheeler & Wlisoa and White; dropheads In oak and box tops. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic office. S. S. SlgeU agent. 335 Morrison st. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elatertte; It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co., room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN COMPLETE merchants lunch outfit; only used a short time, consisting of large cooking range, soup tureens, roast heaters, knives, forks, plates, etc. Call 379-381 East Morrison. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: easy payments, we rent tables, "with privilege of buying. Modern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brans-wlck-Balke-Collender, 49 3d 'st. MACHINERY, BOILER. CENTRIFUGAL pump, engine, small tools, stoves, builders hardware. 187 Front. Moving picture film, song slides, magic lan terns, i. i . Andrews, xuu aiont. sc. a. js .. u IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FOOT LIVE FIR, oak and ash wood-, go to Hoover tt Conway. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, at cost, from $25; rubber exam pa, seals, etc coast Co., zjj. biarx. BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF- Amerlcans now $Z3. 7th and Morrison. FOR SALE A GOOD COUCH, HALF price. 163 Park at. HARD BRICK FOR SALE 1209 DTVISION st. Mrs. Howe. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE bodlcd. unmarried men. between ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For In formation, apply to Recruiting Officer. 3d and Oak sts., Portland, Or. WANTED AT ONCE FIRST-CLASS CARD writer, one experienced floor man, one ex perienced silk salesman, Tine domestic and washgoods salesman, one harness and sad dlery traveling salesman, one manager real estate office. All high-class, high-salaried positions. Call suite 45, Concord block. LOGGERS. MILL AND YARDMEN. LAB orers. city and country; men and teams, farmhands and milkers, restaurant and mes-t-house help; work of all kinds. Ca nadian Employment Co., 249 Burnslde and 226 Morrison. Phone Main 3074. WANTED-MAN WITH MOVING PICTURE machine and films; also young man or boy with gcoa voice; long engagement, sure sal ary; state all particulars; medicine comedian. Write Brother Edward Quaker Med. Co., CuldesBC. Idaho. POSITIONS OPEN FOR COMPETENT STEN- ographers, bookkeepers, office men, managers, salesmen and technical men. Call Pacific Com mercial Bureau, room 45, Concord block, 2d and Stark, Portland, or write for booklet. i BOARDING-CAR OUTFIT, COMPLETE IN every way and boarding a good-sized gang at present: 3 cars and outfit, tents, bunks, etc. for 70 men; price $250 cash; a fine place for man and wife. 110 1st st. AGENT3 WANTED TO SELL OUR SUPE- rlcr. high-grade nursery stock; new and com plete outfit furnished free; cash weekly; writs today tor choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN. single, to travel and learn good paying business, who can leave town Immediately; references. Call at room 14. 409 Morrison st., from 10 to 3 P. M. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS MEAT-CUT - tcr for good shop In Everett, Wash.; high est wages paid to thoroughly practical man. Apply with references. Box 54, Ev erett. Wash. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN Ex perienced In hardware and machinery; good opening to right man. Address giv ing experience and salary expected. M 30, Oregonlan. WANTED 100 AMATEUR SINGERS. PER- formers. musicians, rpr Portland's world's Fair; long engagement. Newman's The atrical Agency, the Raleigh, 6th and Wash ington. WANTED GOOD. BRIGHT OFFICE AND errand boy, about 10 years; must write good hand; state salary expected, refer ences and phone number. N 100. Oregonlan. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE IN 8 weeks and secure profitable positions. Special .inducements this month. Catalogue mailed free. Moler System Col.. San Francisco, CaL WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED GROCERY salesmen for Eastern Oregon towns; prater clerks with some knowledge of nam ware; give references. Address S 44. Oregonlan. GOOD LIVE MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF business chance department in real estate office; give address and references In first letter; central location. V S3, Oregonlan. rWANTED SUPERINTENDENT LARGE mercantile house; must De tuny experi enced and have best of references. Clerks Registration Bureau, 265 Morrison st. WAKTCO-BOY ABOUT 15 TO DELIVER letters and be useful about an office; state salary expected. Address P. O. drawer 7, TVwtlnnil Or. 1 NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING SOLICITORS; commission; long or snort nours. t-iyo.es Advertising Agency, 418 Chamber of Com. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN AD- WTltlng; expert instruction; snuui lee. au dress E. C. care Oregonlan. WANT GOOD. HONEST MAN THAT CAN repair bicycles, guns; suu .msca. j. Miller & Son, Aurora, Or. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS STOVE MOUN ter. Apply to Stove Dept., Albion Iron works Co., Victoria. B. C WANTED FIRST-CLASS BUILDERS HARD- tenre man: no omer au uyytj. juuvjuniu Bros., Spokane, Wash. wiktwi-A. YOUNG MAN THAT HAS EX perlence in fur trade. Apply H. Llebes& IX., Soa jaorriauu 01. FIRST-CLASS PLUMBERS WANTED Wages $4.50 .per day. Apply to Robert Gil lan, 413 Morrison st. YOUNG MAN WANTED TO LEARN BAH ber trade In good shop; terms reasonable. J 33, Oregonlan. nrAVTRD FIRST-CLASS COATMAKEB, none other need apply. C O. McWllllams, Baker City. Or. GOOD BARBER, $15 PER WEEK; STEADY lob for suitable man. No. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. TV A KTCT) TO UN G MAN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade; some money required. Inquire at 280 1st st. MEN FROM 18 TO 35 YEARS TO PREPARE for railway mall examination. S 31, Ore gonlan. f wivTOn-ira-PKRIHUCSP MACHINE. MTN ers and tool sharpener; long Job. S 38. Ore gonlan. WANTED THREE SKILLED BROOM TY- ra VVssomiton uroom norisj, oibuu. Wash. - ur wasted to learn barber trade. Barber College. 741 Howard, st.. San Francisco. Tk-ANTED OFFICE AND ERRAND BOY. AP- X sir Paa jfay C., FcthK rt jsjft HELP WANTED FEMALE. DOMESTIC HELP QP ALL KCTD8 chambermaids, costs, waitresses, sure girls, second girl, housekeepers, house work, $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors. 226U Morricon. Phone Main 1328, STAGE DANCING, SKETCHES. DRAM- atlc art. singing, etc. taught; engagements secured; big salary. Newman's Vaudeville School, the Raleigh, 6th and Washington. COMPETENT GIRL TO WAIT ON TABLE and assist, in general nousework. 718 Wayne St.. bet. King and St. Clair, one block south of Washington car. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230 & Yamhill. Phono Black 2S81. WANTED IMMEDIATELY RESPECTABLE woman, under 4U, nousexeeper, widower, country home. 230 .4 YamhllL Phone Black 2SS1. TEN SEWING GIRLS WANTED IN THE cloak and suit department of Llpman, Wolfe & Co. Apply after 8:30 A. M. to superin tendent. WANTED-EDUCATED WOMAN; MATURE years, to fill responsible position with North west Vlavl Co., at once. Call room 23 Lew is bldg. LADIES. EARN $20 PER HUNDRED WRIT- ing snort letters, send stamped envelope for particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cassosolls Mich. " ' WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL TO As sist In tailor shop. Sam' I Rosenblatt & Co., cor. 3d and Morrison sts. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- worjc; must De good cook. Apply 248 N. 20th st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, email family. Call before noon. 463 Market st. WANTED DRAMATIC PEOPLE IN ALL lines for company now organising. F 45, Oregonlan. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE woTk. Inquire at 45 E. 15th 0f, bet. Oak and Pine. WANTED COOK; MUST BE EXPERI enced; for private boarding-house. 394 Al der st. WANTED A YOUNG STRONG GIRL TO As sist in general housework. Apply 54 16th st. N. A GIRL TO ASSIST IN SECONDNWORK AND caring for children. 574 GUsan st.. cor. 18th. YOUNG GHtL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE work. Apply 767 Qulmby street, near 23d. GIRL WANTED FOR KITCHEN WORK. Portland Delicatessen, 183 3d st. WANTED A WET NURSE. INQUIRE BET 2 and 4 P. M. 325 Marquam bldg. WANTED NEAT GIRL FOR SECOND work. 9 N. 10th St., near Burnslde. LITTLE GIRL AS DISHWASHER help in kitchen. 3S6 Morrison st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 669 Johnson st. GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK AND care of children. 368 E. 15th N. t HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED INDUSTRIOUS MAN OR woman, each district to manage business of well-established company; salary $20. paid weekly and expenses; expense money advanced; position permanent; no invest ment; previous experience not essential. Manager Como bldg.. Chicago. WANTED TEACHERS, $45 MONTH. THE .risK ieacnera Agency, 4 7th st. cor Stark. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED BY CAPABLE MANAGER (NO' in oiorauo; position as superintendent of large office building or similar situation; sat isfactory references. N 45, care Oregonlan. WANTED A POSITION BY A YOUNG married man as collector or salesman. Best of references. Address H 45, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG MAN wen educated; speaks French fluently; four years In bank of Nova Scotia, Canada; ex cellent references. Addrero W. 7 Park st. WANTED BY THE JAPANESE BOYS. position of schoolboy, valet, or some kind of work at lodging-house or hotel. Address M 35, Oregonlan. WORK WANTED FOR COOKS. FARM hands, laborers, waiters, dishwashers, por ters, camp help. Phone Drake's, 205 Washington. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING SCHOOL WANTS piace to work ror board and room. Call or Phone Main 564. Portland Business College. TWO JAPANESE YOUTHS WHO SPEAK fluent English wish to do work for a few hours in the daytime. TeL Clay 854, William. MAN OF 35 DESIRES POSITION AS watchman, or to take care of horses; Al references. J. Stone, Washington Hotel. OUTSIDE POSITION Bl YOUNG MAN. experience, seven years In office; two years traveling salesman. T 28, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS BARTENDER WOULD LIKE position in or out 01 city; can give good city references. C 45, Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUA- tlon to do good cooking and housework. Phone Black 152. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION at housework; wait table. Address 53 N. 4th. city. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A 'SITUATION as schoolboy near High School. B 44, Ore gonlan. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION as schoolboy. Address 43 N. 4th at., city. SITU ATI OX WANTED FEMALE. Nurses. WANTED children o Oregonlan. BY EXPERIENCED NURSE, : infants to care for. Q 40, PRACTICAL NURSE WISHES A SITUATION; no objection to leaving city. Phone Scott 2402. AN EXPERIENCED NURSE DESIRES cases; good referenced. Phons' Main 4138. Housekeepers. POSITION WANTED BY A COMPETENT and reliable woman as housekeeper; refer ence. 31 N. 16th St., care Sisters of Mercy. Domestics. WANTED POSITION, CHAMBER WORK, laundry cr pantry; can give best references. O 44, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. CHAMBERMAIDS, WAITRESSES. FAM lly help, housekeepers, nurses, dishwash ers, store, factory, laundry, anybody fur nished. Drake's, 205 Washington. SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, day workers, cleaning, housework, nurses. 230 YamhilL Phone Black 28SL SITUATIONS WANTED REFINED, MID-dle-aged woman, housekeeper, elderly couple; experienced waitress. 230 Yam hill, Phone Black 288L COMPETENT WOMAN WISHES DAY work, laundrying; cooking, cleaning, emerg ency and substitute work. Phone Mais 1625. WANTED POSITION IN PASTRY COOKING or housekeeping; can give best of references. P 44, Oregonlan. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED AT HOME; nrst-ciasa worx. x-none union iw. HOME LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS, 13 cents and up. Phone East 623. WOMAN WANTS FAMILY WASHING. CALL 184 N. 0th. Phone Main 1353. PLAIN SEWING DONE REASONABLE. Phono Front 502, . WANTED AGENTS. WE WANT LIVE, ENERGETIC AGENTS to handle best selling goods in the world; $5 to $15 per day; no experience, neces sary. For particulars, write Underwood & Underwood, 113 Phelaa bldg., Saa Fran cisco. FIVE FIRST-CLASS. AGENTS TO SELL A choice Investment security; strong com pany: high commercial rating. Rooms 313 313 Chamber of Commerce feuUdlag. AGENTS WANTED EXPERIENCED POR trait agents for proof orders; also proof passers. Call m E. A. Kale. 43 3d st. AGENTS $5 A DAY AND UP, KASYr PAK-