J 10 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8r 1904. IS READY TO MARRY HIM MARY ROBINSON MAKES MICH r AEL PfERTIER HAPPY. His Attempted-Suicide Due to Imagi nary Fickleness of -the Girl " , Eager to Leave Hospital. Michael Piertier slept last night on a couch of happiness and dreamed of love The old man'learned yesterday that his 15-year-old sweetheart is awaiting the day when he shall be discharged from the hospital and that on that day she -will become his wife. The -would-be suicide is glad that 'the poison he took did not have a deadly effect, 'for he has discov ered that it was all a mistake and that he himself, -was to blame. Yesterday afternoon Piertier was able to talk. "I went to Vancouver one day too early," he said. "When Mary did not come, I thought she had changed her mind or that her parents had finally re fused to let the marriage lake place, and I grew despondent. "When I came back to Portland J -was so overwrought that J. did not know what I was doing. I have no remembrance of purchasing the drug or of taking It. and I must have been out of my mind when I did it. I am glad it is all a mistake." Piertier is still very weak and very sick, but he was happy yesterday. Mary Rob inson's brother was at St. Vincent's Hos pital yesterday morning to talk with him and he explained, to the old man that the girl was willing to become a bride as soon as Piertier was able to leave the hospital for the altar. Piertier does not seem to care for the great differences in the ages of himself and his bride-to-be. He Is apparently devoted to the child and earnestly desires to marry her. He talked with the girl's brother as long as the nurses would allow the conversation to go on, and when the young man left. Piertier shook hands with him. and told him "to tell Mary he would be all right within a short time and would be sure the next .time to "arrive at the rendezvous on the appointed day and not the day be fore. Though Piertier is 60 years of age, just four times as old as the girl he is going to marry, he is well preserved and strong, siothlng but his gray hairs' and beard be traying his age. He is estimated to be worth about $30,000. All that he would talk of yesterday was his coming hap piness and he. repeatedly begged the nurses and physician to do everything to hasten his recovery, that the wedding arrangements might be carried out. The girl's brother, when asked yester day where the pair would live after the wedding, answered that he did not know. but that he hardly thought Piertier would insist on spending the remainder of his life lii his scow on the river-bank. It was more probable, he said, that he would build a residence in St. Helens and live there with his girl-wife, spending In quiet ude the remaining years of his life which. for the past few months, has been tem pestuous. AT THE THEATERS "What the Press Agents Say "SALAMMBO" MATINEE TODAY Frederick Warde and Kathryn Kidder in Beautiful Production. This afternoon at 2:15 o'clock the cele brated players Frederick "Warde and Kath ryn Kidder, supported by an excellent cast, will be seen at The Marauam Grand Theater In the gorgeous spectacular Bcenlc production "Salammbo." TJhls 'pro duction is the mst sumptuous that has yet been exploited by Managers "TCagen hals and Kemper. It a stirring and tragic love story of Matho and Salammbo, the two central characters which will he as sumed by Mr. "Warde and Miss Kidder. respectively. Among the large support ing company are wadsworth Harris, Thomas Cooke, Dudley Kellard and Ina Brooks. The last performance will be given tonight - 8:15. Remarkable Feat in "Niobe." Miss Countiss accomplishes a remark able feat in "Niobe." the current attrac tion at the Columbia Theater, by stand Ing perfectly still not moving an eyelash for & period of at least five minutes. This occurs "in the first act, when she is first disclosed as the marble statue. The ten sion that accompanies the situation itself Is Increased by the fact that every eye in the audience is upon her and every line spoken during the scene has reference to this wonderful figure. Moreover, the lines are funny enough to create laughter, no matter how many times they are heard. and that the actress maintains the In animation of the statue for the whole time is little short of wonderful. "Niobe" has proved Itself a big magnet this week. It has drawn larger audiences than any attraction playing in. town. The usual matinee will take place this after noon and .the final performance tonight. Matinee Today. v True S. Janios'-ls pleasing the patrons of the Joaker Theater by his clever in terpretatlon of Sherlock Holmes in A. Conan Doyle's "The Sign of the Four,' There are just two more performances of this thrilling detective play, the mat lnee this "afternoon at 2 o'clock and the last performance tonight. The sale of seats indicates two rarge houses. ""Coon Hollow" Matinee. The last two performances of "A Ro mance of Coon -Hollow," which has been such a tremendous success at Cordray's the past week, will occur this afternoon and tonight Unqualified approval is the verdict of Portland theatergoers concern ing the play. COMING ATTRACTIONS. Ralph Stuart at the Marquam. "By long odds the sanest things in the line of melodrama that has been pre sented this season Is 'By Bight of Sword, which Balph Stuart produced at Jthe American Theater," says the New York Daily News, concerning the next attrac tion at the Marquam Grandthree nights and "Wednesday matinee, beginning Mon day, October 10. "Mr. Stuart was long a a ptock star at the American and Murray Hill Theaters, and a couple of seasons ago he essayed a tour to the Pacific Coast, where he became a popular favorite, and Incidentally produced this dramatization of A. "W. Marchmont's stirring Russian story, 'By Bight of Sword.' After two successful tours of the Coast, he brought the play to New York, where he made a complete new scenic production, engaged the best possible cast, and scored a romantic-comedy triumph of the season at the American." The complete production and original 5ompany will be seen with Mr. Stuart at the Marquam Grand. Seats are now selling. "The Wizard of Oz" at the Marquam. "The "Wizard of Oz," one of the few genuine unqualified successes of the seas on, will be the attraction at The Mar quam, Grand Theater next Thursday, Fri day and Saturday nights, October 13, 14 and 15, with a special matinee Saturday. The success of "The "Wizard of Oz" points two trenchant facts. One is thai the artj ol extravaganza is not yet aeaa; tne otner is that American managers need not go to London or Paris to import pantomlnes and spectacles when native talent can boast a director like Julian Mitchell, who can stage anything so magnificent as this extrxvasanza. The advance sale of seats will open next Tuesday morning; Octo ber H, at 10 o'clock; " Sale for "An American Citizen." The seat 'sale for "An American Citi zen" the Columbia Theater's offering for next week, is going with a rush that in dicates the great "popularity of the local stock company as no other sign could. Many Portlanders remember Nat C Good win s periorm ance 01- tne pi ay, ana are apparently anxious to bear the -comedy once more. It is a clean. Goodwin-like piece, filled with the cleverest epigrams that even, came from the pen of Madeline Lucette Byley. brimming over with hu morous situations and still retaining the pathos of which Goodwin is so fond. Mr. Baume and Miss Countiss have both played their respective roles before, and they are as much in love with the play as they appear to be in love with each other during its progress. Following "An American Citizen," the company will pre sent the well-known drama, "Sowing the Wind." "Burled at Sea" at Cordray's. The Humphrey-Chapman Company will open at tomorrow's matinee in the start ling sensational melodramatic and comedy success, "Burled at Sea." The earnest ness with which each member of the com pany plays his or her part has a great deal to do -with the realltv of the niece. The -splendid scenery and effects are the same as were used in the original produc tion. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS The Fascination of Danger. Something fascinating lurks in every perilous feat and so it is that hundreds of people are returning day after day to the Star Theater to see the single casting act of the three Forrests. This great act wherein one gymnast swings another in a giant arc and then tosses him in the air is watched in breathless suspense by the spectators. Safely accomplished it evokes round- after round of hearty applause. Those who have not seen this sensational turn should not miss the remaining per formances today and tomorrow. "One Long Scream." Sometimes an act is described by some enthusiastic performer as being "one long scream." This means that its presenta tion was greeted,. with much applause and laugnier ay tne audience, xne act or Bussell and O'Neill at the Arcade The ater this week is really entitled .to be de scribed In this way. It is one of the funniest sketches offered in any vaude ville house in Portland for a long time, and is meeting with hearty appreciation. It will be presented at all performances today and tomorrow, but no longer. At the Bijou Today. For the vaudeville show that presents- the most attractive features there's noth ing like" the Bijou -performance In town this week. This afternoon and evening especially excellent performances "will be given. The vltascope pictures of the burning of the General Slocum are the vaudeville sensation of the week. For fancy steps and marvelous dancing, Smith and Brown, common names but remark able men, are premiers. Baby Buth in her dainty, cute dancing 'and acrobatic act is a star. Hattie "Wade Mack is an 'inimi table old Irish woman. Mirth, Music and the Lyric. The big comedy bill at the Lyric is prov. ing the most successful of any offering made by that handsome theater this seas on. The audiences this week have been limited only by the capacity of the audi torium and the most cordial reception has been tendered each of the artists on the programme. If you want a chance to laugh for an hour without once blushing or feeling ashamed of yourself see the funniest show in town at the Lyric. BATTLESHIP LITTLE DAMAGED Fire on the Kansas of No Conse quence, and Not at AH Suspicious. CAMDEN N. J., Oct 7. General Man ager Hill, of the New York Shipbuilding Company, today made the following statement concerning the fire last night on the battleship ' Kansas, in course of con struction at the yards: "There was positively nothing suspicious about the fire on the Kansas. As a mat ter of fact the blazes are not unusual and can hardly be prevented. The fire oc curred In a lot of sawdust that had been thrown about one of the tanks. This is done after the tanks have been filled with water to test them, the sawdust being used to dry up the surface of the tanks and show any leak.. "There are 20 gangs of riveters working op. the battleship, which is about 30 per cent completed. One of the riveters late yesterday afternoon must have dropped a hot rivet, or perhaps a splinter irom a rivet landed in the sawdust. A fire en sued and continued to smolder -until It developed toward midnight. The damage to the ship amounts to nothing." It was erroneously reported last night that the fire had occurred on the cruiser Washington. The Denver & ZUo Grande will run a series of special personally conducted ex cursions to St. Louis during the World's Fair. No change of cars Portland to St. Louis. Call at 124 Third street for partic ulars. quent remark of purchasers of Carter's Little Liver Pills. When you try them JUU tWil Oil J IUC DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Oct. 7. Maximum temperature, 63 deg.; minimum, 5L. River reading at 11 A. II., 2.2 feet; chance in past 24 hours, rise 0. foot. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. is 5 P. M trace; total since September 1, 1904, 0.23 inch normal. 2.47 Inches; deficiency, 2.19. Total sunshine October C 1904, 3 hours and 12 mtn utes; possible, 11, hours and 24 minutes. Ba rometer (reduced to sea level) ,at 6 P. M. 29.69. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. Wino. 5 So STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck ....... Boise Burtka 'Helena Kamlcops. B. C. orth Head Pru-htMlfi .... Rain Cloudy Rain Cloudy Cloudy kSoudy (Clear Pt. cloudr Portland ...... Red Bluff Roaeburg Sacramento Salt Lake City San Francisco Spokane Seattle Tatoosb Iiland "Walla, Walla KJiouay Raw PL. cloudr .tsain Cloudy Kain (Cloudy Cloudy NE Pt. cloudr Light. T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Showers and thunder storms have occurred today In Northern California, Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho. Elsewhere In the Pacific Coaet' States fair but cloudy weather has pre vailed. It Is etlll raining this evening In Ear em Oregon. Southwestern Idaho, and In the Interior of California. It Is much cooler than usual east of the Cas cades and in Nevada and Northern California. The Indications are for cloudy weather in this district Saturday, with showers in East ern Oregon and Southern Idaho. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at S P. M. for 28 houra ending at midnight. October 8: Portland and vldnlty Clpudy; northwest winds. Western Oregon Clcudy; winds mostly north, erly. Waatara WsiM Tying CI o ud r, -with- abowera ... 5S 0.08112 jSW ... 50 0.00120 X ... 63 0.221 IN ...56 0.011 6 W ... 40O.O2 N ... SOO.OOi 0 ... MiO.OO 10NW ....1641 T !SB 63(0.00 NW 620.14 SB .....- esio.oo io!n 6G0.06 ,6'BW 70 0.00 6'S 04J0.06 8 SW 62 T INB 10010.00 1NW 52 0.02 60 0.00 HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN -PLAN Keens. $1.W to $3.00 Per Bay, Acesrdiac to. Location. J. t: DAYIES, Pre. St, Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON European Plan Rooms 50c to $1.50 First-Class Restaurant In Connection mill alone; the coast; variable winds, mostly north to east. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho- Cloudy to partly cloudy. Easter Oregon and Southern Idaho Cloudy, ?rlth probably showers. A. B. WOLLABER, Acting District Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. HATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board," "House keeping; Booms," "Situations Wanted." 15 words or less, 15 cents: 10 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No discount for additional Insertion!, UNDER ALL OTHER I LEADS, except 'New Today," SO cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words. 40 cents: 21 to 25 words. SO cents, etc flrst Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half ; no further discount un der one rflontM IMPORTANT The low second-time rate on advertising that runs either In the classi fied columns, or under head "New Today," will be given only when advertising Is In serted on consecutive days. Dally and Sunday Issues. Advertising that Is scheduled to appear at Intervals of one or more days apart will be charged for at fuU one-time rote each Insertion. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure oipite), 15 cents per line, flrst Insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonion, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed en velopes. No stamp Is reyuired on such let ters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. MEETING NOTICES. THE REPUBLICAN CLUB OF PORT LAND Rally tonight at Allsky Hall, Third ana .Morrison streets, at S o'clock, come out and bring your friends. Good speaking and music H. H. NORTHUP, CHAS. E. LOCKWOOD... President. Secretary. HARMONY LODGE NO. 12. A. F. this (Saturday) evening at "7:30 o'clock. Work In the E. A. degree. Visitors are cordially Invited. 3y order of the W. M. W. M. DE LIN. secretary. DIED. RALEIGH October 7, at 0 A. M., George M. .Raleigh, aged 40 years. FUNERAL NOTICES. RALEIGH Oct. 7. George II. Raleigh, aged 40 years. Funeral rrora uatnearai. iota ana Davki. Saturday morning, at 8 o'clock. Friends Invited to services. Interment at St. Mary's Cemetery. Funeral private. nnVN'INT,. McENTEE GILBAUGH. successors to Dunning & Campion, under takers and embalm ers. modern In every de tail. 7Ui and Tine. Phone Main 430. Xady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO- Undertakers and erobalmers, have moved to their new build ing Third and Salmon. Lady, assistant. Telephone No. C07. 3. P. FIN LEY SON, Funeral Directors., eor. .3d and Madison. Office of County Cor oBeri.Lady assistant. Telephone No. 8. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414' East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone 2ast 52. Zeller-Byrnes Co- Undertakers, embalm ers. 27S BusseU. Phone East 1088. Lady As't. NEW TODAY. TO GO TO TROPICS MAN WITH 12 YEARS' experience In Spanish-America; speaks and writes Spanish fluently; cllgbt knowledge of French, desires position manager or agent In Sp&nteh'Amerlca or Philippines. Address M. care S47 Mallory avenue, Portland. Or. SEE THIS 25x100, BET. WASHINGTON and Alder on Tenth, for sale. Fine piece business property. Tenants anxious for lease, old .building or now. R. M. Wilbur, 306 McKay bldg. FOR SALE THE BANKRUPT STOCK OF Mrs. Deshon, dry troods, gents' furnishings, show-cases, counters, shelving. 9 North 3d etreet. Special Offers CRnftfl Modern residence, 9 rooms, large POOUU reception-hall, two grates, fur nace, concrete basement, barn. 2 lots IDOxlOO -feet, fine lawn and shrubbery. Cor. 12th and Weldler streets, Holladay Addition, conn ft Beautiful suburban home at Mt. JOUUU Tabor, house 10 rooms, with tower containing, smoking or sewing room commanding unsurpassed view, large double parlors, library. dining-room, large bathroom, two toilets, basement under entire , house,, furnace, closet In every room lrl house, two open fireplaces and one very handsome mantel. Interior finished In Fort Orford cedar and California Redwood and beautifully frescoed. Grounds 350x132 feet, abundance of orna mental, shade and. all kinds of fruit? trees, new barn; owner has spent over J 12.000 on this place. Terms: moderate cah payment, balance on time at C per cent. ein nnil Hoytr street, near 22d, lot COxlOO 51U,WUU feet two -di-bullt houses. rented to flrst-class tenants and paying over 10 per cent. Terms ' can be arranged. The Title Guarantee & - Trust Co. 6 and 7 Cbaaber of Commerce. Ground Floor. Fourth -St. Side. FOR SALE: "Wbrthfngton Compound Duplex Pump, second hand, Al condition. Size 10xl8Mxl4xlO. Deliver ing875 gallons per min ute. Check valve, lub ricator, etc;, complete. Inquire A. W. Ceckraa, OrcgsklaH BvIMlBg. h, -jjgmm irasssssssBKu -a tT7L A PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON First-Class Cheek XestaHrast. Connected With Hotel. C O. DAVIS, Sec audTrea. :THE- ESMOND HOTEL OSCAR ANDERSON, .Hansjar Front and Morrison Streets PORTLAND - . OREOON FREE 'BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. Rates European plan. 50c, 75c. $1.00, $1.30, $2.00 per day. Sample rooms In connection. UNCALLED-FOE ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRESENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE OREGONLAN OFFICE: A 12, 17. 21. B 14, 16. C 2. 17. 100. D 8, 12, 15, 19, 21. E 8, 11, 17. F 11, 15, 16, 18, 21. G 15, 18, 19, 21. II 10, 17, 18, 20, 21. J 9, 11, 15, 17, 20; 20. " K IS, 15, 17. L 15, 12. - ' M 7. N 9. 11. 17, 10. ' O 10, 17. r 10, 12. Q 1, 11. It 12, 16, fj. v -i . S 10, 11, 12, l'4 i T 18. V 11. IS. W 13, '20. X-i-C. 19. Y 10, 16. 18, 25. AMUSEMENTS. r !..rU; TU Geo. LEiier VUlUlllUld 1 lldlXl Kanajtr 14th and Washington. Phone 110. Matinee today, last performance tonight , of Paulton'a farce-comedy, "NIOBE" Presented by Columbia Stock Company. .All next week, starting matinee tomorrow, Nat Goodwin's greatest success. "AX AMERICAN CITI?EN. By Madeline Lucette Ryley. Mr. Goodwin says: "It Is the "best American comedy ever written. Prices 15c. 25c, 50c; entire gallery, 15c Matinee 15c and 25c; entire gal lery, 10c Ticket office open at Rovre & Martin's, 0th and Waablngtop, from 10 A. M. to 7 P. M. Phone Main 110. At theater from 7 P. M. to 10 P. M. Phone 311. MAROIIAM RnAVI) THEATER- TV. T. PANGLE, Resident Manager. inone Jiaineua. Portland press unanimous In praising FREDERICK WARDE AND KATHRYN - KIDDER. In Wagenhals & Kemper's gorgeous production. "SALAMMBO." Special-price matinee today. Prices, fl, 75c, 50c. 35c 25c 1 Last performance tonight, $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c, MARQUAM GRAND THEATER . W. T PANGLE. Resident Manager. rnone Alain 63. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Nights. Oct. 10. 11. 12. 1004. Popular-price matinee Wednesday, JIB. RALPH STUART In the romantic arama. "BY RIGHT OF SWORD." Evening prices Lower floor. SI. 75c Balcony. "5c 50c Gallery. 35c 25c Popular Wednesday matinee prices Adults. 50c; children. 25c; to any an oc tne tneatcr. CORDRAY'S THEATER - CORDRAY & RUSSELL., Managers. Portland's rtonulir nlavnouse. Last performances Matinee. 2:15 today, and sua tonight, CHARLES E. CALLAHAN'S Celebrated slay. "A Romance of Coon Hollow" Beautiful scenery. Strong cast of characters. A comedy melodrama. Songs, dances, specialties by the ALABAMA QUARTET. Prices Night. 10, 20, 30; special reserved seats, 50c. Matinee prices. 25c to any part oi ice nouse; children, special reals, 10c NEXT ATTRACTION The Humphrey-Chapman Co Starting Sunday Matinee, October 18. Monday, xuesaay ana Wednesday evenings, "BURIED AT SEA" Thursday, Friday, Saturday matinee and nigni. "Ji.OU3 O' TENNESSEE." ( BAKER THEATER Oregon Theater Co. (Inc), Lessee. Phone Main 1007. Geo. L. Baker. Manager. Matinee .today, last performance tonight, A great success, "THE SIGN OF THk FOUR" Sir A. Conan Doyle's wonderful story of the adventures OL boeriocK .Holmes True S. James as Sherlock- Holmes. Baker prices prevail. . THE STAR THEATER The Biggest and Most Fashionable Vaude ville oaeater. THE THREE FORRESTS. CLIFFORD ESKELL. BELL AND DALTON. THE KRAMERS. THE DOWNEY" SISTERS. WILL C. HOYT.. THE PROJECTOSCOPE. . Shows 20:30 to 4:30 P. M.. 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. General admission. 10c; reserved box seats, 25c THE ARCADE THEATER The Original Family Vaudeville House. This Week THE GREAT BCRDICK. RUSSELL AND O'NETL. EMMA O'NEIL. KATE COYLE. TIIK BIOSCOPE. . Shows 2:30 to 4:30 P. M., "K30 to 10:30 P. M. LYRIC THEATER Corner Aider nd beventh.1 HIGH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:3u to 4:30; 7:30 to 10:30; Sunday, 2 to 10 P. M. Titis ad. a&a 10e will admit two people asy matinee except Suadaya and bauoays. TEN CENTS NO HIGHER. BIJOU THEATER Sixth, Bet. Alder aad Washlagtea The home of polite vaudeville. Continuous perforasa&ces from 3 -to 4:39 P. M. Bundaym, contlwuoaa 2 to-10:30 P. M. Kr relax performance frem 7 to 10:30 F. M. Any eat e laeaicr. TEN CENTS BASEBALL Seattle vs. Portland FMrufiM Pari;, Oer. 4, 5, I, 7, 3, S TfliHm dars. Tfcarsdtur aad FrMar. Gaaes eaHed 3: Sday. 2:39 P. M. Ad wlselm. 3e; shllarnr. lc NEW TO DAT. LOTS IN Piedmont AND WEST PIEDMONT 60x100 FEET, $200 EACH AND UPWARDS ON EASY TERMS (We have a branch real estate office at "West Piedmont in charge of. Mr. E. B. Cary from whom full in formation may be obtained. Take "TJ" car to the junction office is a few hlocks north.) Title Guaraatee & Trust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Oommerce. Ground Floor, Fourth-street Side. LOTS AT POINT VIEW ST. JOHNS. Close to car line, few minutes' walk from mills and factories. Fine loca tion. $5.00 DOWN AND.$5.00 A MONTH Title Guarantees Trust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber, of Commerce. Ground Floor, Fourth-street Side. WOODSTOCK Portland's beautiful suburb. Homes on Monthly Installments. See the Owner. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 108 Third St. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ' $1000 New cottage, 5 rooms, small barn and two lots, 90x100 feet. In North Irving ton; terms, half cash, balance on time. (A. 293.) $1400 House 5 rooms, bath, gas, base ment, lot 50x70 feet. Falling St., bet. E. .8th and E. 10th; terms $150 cash, balance $15 a month. (A. 205.) $3200 House 6 rooms and e lots 200x100 feet. E. 37th. bet. E. Taylor and E. Salmon sts. (S. 203.) 2050 Modern house, G rooms and lot 50x100 feet, nice yard and fruit. "E. Mor rison and E. 35th st. (S. 107.) $3200 Six fine lots In Irvington. Terms half cash, balance on time. (H. 174.) $3000 House G rooms, full attic and full basement, lot 50x100 feet, E. 8th and Til lamook sts. (H. 173.) $1550 New modern house 7 rooms, bath, basement, lot 50x100 feet, . Mallory ave.' near doing st. (A. 292.) $1000 Two fine lots 100x100 feet, S. E. cor. E. 13th and Hancock sts. Terms, small amount cash, balance monthly pay ments. (H. 171.) $1200 House 4 rooms and bath, lot 50x 100 feet. E. Washington st., bet. E. 35th and E. 3Cth sts. (S. 195.) $1400 House 7 rooms and two lots lOOx 100 feet. E. Yamhill and E. 44th sts. Terms, $300 Cash, balance In monthly payments. (S. 202,) $2250 New bouse 5 rooms, bath, piped for. gas. lot 50x100 feet. Holladay Park Addition. (H. .) $6300 New, modern house, 9 rooms; gas fixtures, furnace, lot 75x100 feet, concrete sidewalks, streets Improved. Waaco- and 22d sts.. Holladay Park Addition. (H. Titles Insured, Ab stracts Furnished. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO., U and 7 Chamber of Commerce. ' THE PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 1 "The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon," offers Its services to the public for the buying and selling of real estate upon com mission. This department of its business is In charge of Mr. John F. Daly. 'Real Estate Officer, and Mr. Walter J. GI1I.I Second Assistant Secretary. The Company, having ample capital and resources, which it does not hesitate to use In the service of Its clients, expects to do a large and continually Increasing business In real estate, and you are re spectfully Invited to call at this office. 109 Third street, and confer with Its of ficers in regard to anything that you may wish to buy or sell. . A HOME READY TO YOUR HAND WE have for sale on Corbett street, near Ban croft ave.. a desirable house of ten rooms; possession can be given promptly: price moderate; terms reasonable. Portland Trust Company, of Oregon. 109ThIrd st. GREATEST BARGAIN TODAY BY OWNER. $1500 Very nice 8-room house on E. Taylor St., Sunnyslde; hot and cold water, bath, etc.; everything In fine' condition. Inquire 170 E. 34th st. FARM. FOR SALE CHEAP 70 ACRES. 7 acres cleared; house and barn; well and springs; one acre mixed fruits on county road, lo miles north of city. T 17, care Oregonlan. THINK OF THAT BEAUTIFUL U BLOCK with 100 feet of cement pavement, S. E. cor.' 15th and Weldler, being slaughtered ror $1000. A. D. Marshall. S2K 3d st. $7000 THREE MODERN, SIX-ROOM houses, close In; yearly Income, $864; terms East Side. Apply Qsborn Hotel. Phone East 375. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE. LOT OLD FRUIT trees, large lot; must sell; time or cash, $800. Joe Nash, Nashville Station, on Mount Scott car line. CHOrCE BUTLDING SITE. 40 FEET FRONT on 22d st., 'near Irving; will advance money to build. Portland" Trust Company, 100 3d st. "200 FARMS, SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. w. 1 - eiecinc line- u. it. Addlton, Lents, Or. Take Mt. Scott car; 5c $850 FOR SALE BY OWNER AT A SAC rlfice. a cozy little home on 24th and Brooklyn sts., 783. Phone Union 3552. -BLOCK FOR SALE, BY OWNER, ON 13th and Division sts. Tlbbetts" Add.; price $2500. Inquire at 42S E. 11th. FOR SALE-SSOO ACRES STUMP LAND 16 miles from Portland. Inquire 287 E, Mor rison it C B. Davis Fuel Co. MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE, TWO LOTS, concrete basement, gas, sewer, etc.; ,$2500. Phone Union 0524. $3400016 E. TAYLOR, NEW MODERN 7-room house, 50-foot lot, very attractive neighborhood. ONE 7-ROOM. ALSO ONE "4-ROOM HOUSE for sale on' instalments. Phone Union 173, Mrs. Howe. FOR SALE TWO LOTS. COR. HAWTHORNE and West .avenues. Owner, premises, or 131 Grand ave. $3200016 E. TAYLOR, NEW MODERN; 7-room house, lot size to suit, nice lawn. FOR SALE-LOT 50x100. AT RICHMOND, very cheap. Owner, 395 Front at. HOME CORNER LOT. 9 ROOMS. $875 CASH. Berry & Aiexanaer. . om. FOR 8ALX FAXMS. FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE. 7 ROOMS: 771 Kearney, bet. 23d and 24th. Apply 322 Fall ing bldg. . . RARE BARGAINS $1 600 BUYS 2S6 ACRES near Brownsville. P. O. Box 275. Oregoa City. Or. MODERN 55 ACRES. CLOSE IN. ELECTRIC car; 700 Winter apples; easy terras. 227 Txomu r NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. 242 gellwood sc. Albtea, feet. 2 ear liaes. JXKv SALE PAKMS. THE OLD AND MOST RELIABLE REAL estate -.eoespany otters you best farms listed anywhere 375 acres, IS miles from Portland. . nearly 260 acres in cultivation, good buildings, ana la,a&. running, water, only $30 per acre if sold quick. : s . 240. acres. 1ft miles from Portland 100 acres In. cultivation, fine buildings, black soil, extra, good dairy or stock ranch. $35 per acre. , 13 acres fine land on O.' W. R., 9 miles out; S. aires clear, new 5-room house. $1S00. CoiB and.eee our ble list. CHARLBSON & STAUB. 245H Morrison st. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 200-ACRE dairy fatm on Columbia River, and goeu county road, 2 miles' below Kalama; 150 acres meadow, balance cleared grazing land; large, well-arranged dairy bam. almost new; larit farmhouse; land fenced and crossfencd; orchard; place Is an ideal dairy farm. 'and will aappcrc from CO to 60 milch cows; don't buy until you see this one; price only $3000, Irnua &. Willoughby, Kalama, Wash. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to Wm. MacMaster. 311 Worcester block. IRRIGATED LANDS OF THE DESCHUTES Irrigation & Power Co. for eale by A. C Palmer, local agent, 418 Oregonlan bldg. $356 EACH TWO 40-ACRE TRACTS. 34 miles electric line, best of farming district In Oregon, springs, creek. 4GS E. 0 th. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 5. 10. 15 OR 20 acres bearing-fruit farm, one mile south of Hood River, Or. T. Chapman, owner. . Farms, acreages, city property, timber In. large and small tracts: homestead locations. Max well & Burg. 319 Ablngton bldg. TOR BENT FARMS. WANTED TO RENT GOOD FARM OF FROM 10 to-100 acres. P. O. Box 14. Woodstock. Or. LAND SCRIP. ALL KINIJ3 OF LAND SCRIP. GENERAL land practice; our forest reserve scrip for non-timbered lands is now ready. Collins Land Co., Concord bldg. rrvmv.R. LANDS FOR SALS. . FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted.: ready for immediate use. LOWEST PRICES. B. F. & F. B. Riley. 60S Chamber Commerce. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. APPROVED. Santa Fe with power of attorney to convey; also fractional soldiers' additional-will enter small tracts. Maglnnls & Son. 227 Falling building. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE OR SELL 120 ACRES, homestead relinquishment, 2 good placer mines, three good timber locations, leu acres coal land. Box 27, Toledo, Or. CITY EOTS TO EXCHANGE FOR FARM property. 226 Tailing bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED HAVE- CASH TO BUY TOR 8- room modern bouse; West Bide, particulars must be given, w 13, oregonlan. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. BARGAIN BROWN MARE. 8 YEARS OLD, weight 1100; new top buggy ana Harness. 585 5th. ONE GOOD DOUBLE-SEATED CARRIAGE- for $27. or will trade on wagon. 313 warer si. -wnr.FRTEJiN buvs and sells horses, wagons. WANTED GOOD DRIVING HORSE. about 1000 lbs. Inquire 45 1st st. HORSES AND WAGONS TO HIRE .BY DAY, week, or month. 2U Washington. TEAM. WEIGHT 3000 pounds, age T and 8. 320 iront st. Pianos. FOR SALE CHEAP FINE. NEW A. B. Chase piano, owner leaving city. Call morn lngs 147 13th st. Miscellaneous. HAY FOR, SALE 8000 TONS OF FERST- class- alfalfa hay for -sale in lots to suit purchaser cn the Payette bench, well lo cated for feeding sheep or cattle; for particulars Inquire of W. F. Ringer, New Plymouth. Idaho. R. F. D. No. L In dependent phone. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN COMPLETE merchants' lunch outfit; only used a short time, consisting 01 large cooking range, soup tureens, roast heaters, knives, forks. plates, etc. can 379-381. ii&sz aiornsca. nnra vnim -nnnv T.ttatc? Repair It with Elaterite; It rolls, easy- lo lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old-iron, tin or smngies; Dest xor new roots. Elaterite Roofing Co., room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE HUSH BETTER DOG. S YEARS old.- broken, all birds, $30; aIso124 homer pigeons. $1.60 pair. 1284 Vlllardave., Wil lamette Station. ONE CHOICE MALE. TWO FEMALE FOX terrier pups. Deaunes, inoruugnorea. petu greed, at sacrifice; owner leaving city. ISi N. 9th. ONE NEARLY NEW REMINGTON TYPE wrlter for sale cheap or will rent. Ad dress Typewriter,' 266 Park. LAUNCH FOR SALE L. 28 ft., 8 h. p.. 4 cycle engine, speed 11 miles. O. P. Gra ham, foot E. Pine st. 1,000,0)0 HARD BRICK FOR SALE. MRS. Howe's brickyard. Inquire 1209 Division et. Phone Union 173. TYPEWRITERS', all makes, at cost, from $25; rubber stamps, seals, etc Coast Co., 231 Stark!. Moving picture film, song slides, magic lan terns. T. P. Andrews, 109 Mont. St., S. F.. CaL IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FOOT LIVE FIR, oak and ash wood, go to Hoover & Conway. WOULD LIKE TO SELL 100 BOXES OF fine Ben Davla apples. O 24, Oregonlan. BICYCLE CLOSING OUT BALE $40 WOLFF Americahs now $25. 7th and Morrison. FOR SALE COUNTER. 14x16 FEET, AT fcyour price. 386 Morrison street. HELP WANTED MALE. WE PREPARE YOU QUICKLY AS ILLUS trator, cartoonist, lawyer, pharmacist, stenographer, bookkeeper, . journalist, ad writer, correspondence man, banker. Write for free book. "Profits of Knowing How" tells everything. National Correspondence Schools. 82 When., Indianapolis, U. S. A. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE bodied unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For in formation, apply to Recruiting Officer, 3d and Oak sts., Portland, Or. WANTED A THOROUGH MEN'S FUR nlshing goods and hat man for Seattle; must be capable of taking full charge of the two departments and be a good window-trimmer. Apply room 240, Hotel Port land. Sunday. 10 to 12 A. M. and 2 to 4 P. M. ENERGETIC MAN WANTED TO TAKE charge of Portland branch office of San Francisco manufacturing concern; good ref erences and small Investment required; lib eral salary and commission. Address. "Man ager," 327 Market St., San Francisco, CaL LOGGERS, MILL AND YARDMEN, LAB orers. city and country; men and teams, farmhands and milkers, restaurant and mess-house help; work of all kinds. Ca nadian Employment Co., 249 Burnslde and 220 Morrison. Phone Main 3074. A BRIGHT FUTURE FOR THOSE AT tendlng the Portland Watch School; flrst class, practical instruction in watch and Jewelry-making, engraving, assaying, op tics, eic; tuition reasonable. Address C. H. Saake, 311 Dekum bldg. posrridNs paying $1000 to $5000 open' for bookkeepers, .stenographers, salesmen and technical men.. Send for plan and booklet. Dept. F, Pacific Commercial Bu reau. Inc. Seattle, Wash., and San Fran . Cisco, . CaL SALESMAN-WANTED FOR OREGON AND Washington, on line of household cutlery and .hardware specialties; good commission; give refereacos and full particulars. Address "Cutlery," 144 Walnut street, Newark. N. J. AGENTS . WANTED TO SELL OUR SUPE-rlor- hlb-grede. nursery stock; new and com plete Outfit furnished free; cash weekly; write today for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. WANTJED1 FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER. ftteBOgra-pher and ,typewrlter. Address H 2, Oregonlan. Mea wasted to J earn barber trade. Barber Cellf, 741iowara. su. san r raacieco. H3ELP WANTED MALE. SALESMEN EVERY BANK AND BUSINESS house knows- us; our goods are salable; we can employ few more men on our well known map of U.. S. and World; large scale clearly engraved; beautifully colored; fre quently sells at sight; new plan of work of great help In getting order: many of our salesmen averaging from $18 to Ho per week: no experience necessary; permanent employment. Write for full Information Rand. McNally & Co., Chicago. III. A MANUFACTURING COMPANY WILL PAT honest farmer big money to handle Its busi ness In the country; mint be under 45 yeara of age. and have $1000 or more. L 24 Or, gonlan. WANTED GOOD. BRIGHT OFFICE ANTi errand boy. about 16 years; must write good band; state salary expected refer ences and phone number. N 100. Oregonlan AMATEUR SINGERS, PERFORMERS, MU- ,uio nauicu, auiiu-jr - weeKly. jew man's Theatrical Circuit, Raleigh, 6th and Washington. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PANTS AND nm py - u j.ao ror pants and $3 for vesta, Apply to A. H. MarqWdt. La Grande. Or. WANTED AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAN OF bwu. uuuasicr iu ituie a position as travel ing salesman; specialty grocery line 5 Front st. " BRIGHT BOY 18, ASSISTANT BOOKKEEP- T r. .in;B nurn. sterns .Regis tration Bureau. 265 Morrison. ""TED DANISH PRINTER AT ONCE. ""uuwim ruousninj lo., Jtussell bldg., 4th and Morrison sts. WANTED GROCER CLERK AND SOLICI- 7 -r? r,Q0 weei- Clerks' Registra tion Bursau, 265 Morrison. WANTED TDTTXCi -Rnr Tn ir-vn -c. ' 1 P"u"e. X.H011 court, 11th and Yamhill, after 9 A. M. YOUNG MAN. SOME EXPERIENCE WIN- w uiuuuius. lwixj -negistration Bu reau, 265 Morrison st. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN AD. miuusi expert instruction; small fee. Ad dress E. C., Oregonlan. BOY WITH BICYCLE WANTED; GOOD Binary 10 ngnt coy. it. s. Ervia & Co.. 3d and Alder, city. WANTED A POLISHER. INQUIRE OF .uuuie steam ja unary, iicsilnnvllle. Or. MAN AND WIFE TO WORK ON FARM. Apply room 8, 145 1st st. COOK, $40; CAMP FLUNKY, $26. HAN sen, 26 N. 2d st. PRESSFEEDER WANTED. .ALVTN S. uawke Co. STRONG BOY FOR GROCERY STORE. 60 N. 6th. HELP WANTED MALE OB 'FEMALE. WANTED INDUSTRIOUS MAN OR woman, each district to manage business of well-established company; salary $20, paid weekly and expenses; expense money advanced; position permanent; no invest ment; previous experience not essential. Manager Como bldg., Chicago. WANTED INDUSTRIOUS MAN OR woman, each district, to manage business of well-established company; salary $20, paid weekly, and expenses; expense money advanced; "position permanent; no invest ment; " previous experience not essential. Manager Como bldg., Chicago. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS chambermaids, cooks, waitresses, auras girls, second girls, housekeepers, house work, $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors, 226 Morrison. Phone Main 1323. STAGE DANCING, SINGING, VAUDEVILLE acting; dramatic art, music. 50c per lesson; engagements secured. Newman's Vaude ville School. The Raleigh, Qtp. and Wash ington. WANT COOKS, WAITRESSES (CITY, Biggs, La Camas), chambermaid, lone (fares); housework girls; everybody. Drake's,. 205 Washington. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black? 2S8L k GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK IN FAMILY of three; take S car South, get off at Ab ernethy; go two blocks back; good wages, good home. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. WANTED CAPABLE GIRL. FAMILY SEC ond work; also experienced woman, chil dren's nurse. 230 YamhiiL Phone Black 28SL I LADIES EARN $20 PER HUNDRED WRIT lng short letters. Send stamped envelope for particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cassopolls, Mich. WANTED YOUNO WOMAN, EXPERI enced monogram, stamper on stationery. W. G. Smith & Co.. Washington bldg. WANTED YOUNG LADY WITH TASTE for art to learn book and magazine Illustrat ing. Address E. C, Oregonlan. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SECOND gin; gooa wages. Appiy mornings, w iuin. st., cor. Market. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework, small family; wages $25. 54 N. 20th. GENERAL HOUSEWORK. COR. 7TH. ST. ' and Alnsworth ave. Take Woodlawn car. Phone East 664. EXPERIENCED NURSE GIRL TO CARE for children. 609 Everett, bet. 19th and 20th. WANTED 2 EXPERIENCED ARM WAIT resses at the Zlnsley Restaurant. 230 1st sU RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, small family. 428 Montgomery st. MANICURE. HAIRDRESSER AND AP jjrentlce. Rosenthal Sisters, 160 5th st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN" eral housework. Phone East 243. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 246 -N. Utn sr.. mornings. LITTLE GIRL AS DISHWASHER AND help in kitchen at 386 Morrison st. WANTED WOMEN FOR PASTRY WORK anl help In store. 69 N- 6th. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers aad Clerics. 1 YOUNG MAN. 21 YEARS OF AGE, DE sires a position with a goo'd house, where he can build himself up; salary no ob ject. X 18 Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WISHES OFFICE WORK, place as assistant bookkeeper or other work in business house; Al references. B 25, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WITH REFERENCES, HAS taught school, desires employment in of fice or business house. O 18, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED GROCERY CLERK AND solicitor; city reference. A 24, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. YOUNG- MAN ATTENDING PORTLAND Business College wants place to work for board and room. Call there, or telephone Mah564. YOUNG MAN WANTS PLACE TO WORK for board and room, while attending col lege. Main 500. Bennke-Walker Business College. YOUNG MEN ATTENDING SCHOOL WANT places to work tor board. Holmes Suslnez3 College. Yamhill and 11th sts. Phone Mala 513. JAPANESE ASSN. CAN FURNISHED Do mestic servants, farm and all kinds of help. Black 092. 268 Everett st. RELIABLE MAN NEEDS SITUATION, night clerk or watchman; cash security If required. W 22, Oregonlan. WANTED BY JAPANESE COOK; HAVE recommendation for permanent position. Roy Tauboi. W 23, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED JANITOR WISHES Posi tion In store or building; can give- best of references. J 24, Oregonlan. - EXPERIENCED MAN. GOOD BUSINESS blllty, would like work In general store or grocery. X 22. Oregonlan. , JAPANESE B O Y W ANTS POSITION, GOOD cook, or good waiter, speaks .good Eng lish. 273 Burnslde st. EXPERT BAKER. PASTRY COOK, JUST arrived: open for engagement; Al man. Ad- cress .K. JJ. uregonum. JAPANESE COOK WITH 10 YEARS Ex perience -wishes situation In. good fam ily. J 21, Oregoalaa.