It ' THE MOKN'IXG OREGOKIAY WEDNESDAY, uurvrsiSK oa. isms. HOPS JUMP AGAIN Market. Advances to Thirty One Cents. BIGN TRADING AT THAT PRICE Nothing Apparently Can Stop the Upward Tendency of Values Inferior Grades Also Oom . mand Full Figures. Nothing can stop the upward course of the hop market. Thirty-one cents is now the price, and there is not a grower In the Valley but that believes 35 cents will be reached before the week is ended. To Henry Lu Bents, a well-known grower and dealer of Butteville, must be given credit for the latest rise in the market. He stepped, in yesterday when the bears were telling everyone that the top had been reached and by offering 31 cents, secured between 400 and 500 bales in the country around Independence, Dallas and McMInnville. Bents is one of the most conservative and reliable men In the trade, and when it was noised abroad that he had ad vanced the market, the men who have been -predicting an immediate slump quickly subsided. The fact that such men as he and the people he represents are willing to invest heavily at present figures ahows the strongest faith in the future of the market. Yesterday's purchases by Bents were for M. H. Durst, the big "Wheatland, Cal., grower, who in past seasons has operated heavily in hops in this state. Durst Bros, are producing this year on their California ranch nearly 5000 bales of high-grade hops. Among the lots that Bents secured yesterday wer those -of C. J. Coon, 95 bales, and B. F. Daniels, 130 bales, both raised near McMInnville. Daniels still has 13V bales left, which he is holding for higher prices. "Word comes from McMInnville that buyers are nu merous in that town and none of them are offering less than 30 cents. As no such prices have been paid smce 1894, the growers are naturally Intensely excited. Over a fourth of the crop, of Yamhill County, is reported sold. There was also liberal buying yester terday In other parts of the Valley, gen erally at 30 cents. The first report of an advance over this figure came in the forenoon from Eugene, where John Car michael bought 240 bales at 30 cents. This was sufficient in. itself greatly to strengthen the views of growers and bulls here and to cause chagrin on the other side. Another big deal was the sale of the Gallagher lot in North Yam hill, aggregating 275 bales, at 30 cents. Portland traders did not seem to be do ing much at 'home, though all of them kept their representatives busy in the country. An 80-bale lot that J. J. Metz ler sold for 30 cents was about the only local transaction that came to light. A feature of the situation that Is en couraging to the growers is the fact that hops that do not grade up to choice are also being bought freely and In some In stances 30 cents are being paid for these grades. FIRST 31-CENT SALE. Bents Lifts the Market a .Full Cent at Independence. INDEPENDENCE, Or., Oct. 4. (Spe cial.) The hop market was raised an other notch today and the price is now fixed at 31 cents. Dave Dove sold a total of 10,000 pounds at that figure to H. L. Bents this afternoon. Feelers were put out last night and this morning at 304 and 30 cents, but the buyers generally talked strong against anything above 30. Even the Dallas buyers, who have been leaders in high prices all along, were lying low. During the day C. L. Fitch- ard bought 30 bales of Hiram Woods at 30 cents, and J. E. Klrkland purchased 53 bales of Helmick & Bush at 30 cents. Neither of these buys were scarcely up to the sale of Lyman Damon to T. A Riggs yesterday of 86 bales at 30 cents, for nearly half of Damon's hops were babies. Last year Mr. Damon got only 17 cents for his baby crop, while the older hops sold at 25 cents. In this sale Riggs made no discrimination against the baby crop. Since the sale of Dove at 31 cents in. the afternoon, that figure Is being freely offered. "Walter Roy. during the alter noon and evening, was offered 31 cents by three different buyers. Woodburn Market Lively. "WOODBURN. Or., Oct. 4. (Special.) The hop market in this city remained strong today, with an advancing tena ency. Thirty cents was freely offered for choice lots and In many instances ce cllned. The following sales were made Catlln & Linn, for Eastern account. bought of Steven Morton, at St. Paul, 94 bales at 30 cents and 20 bales ox .Mrs, Anna E. Stewart, of "Woodburn. at 2991 cents. "Walter Lu Tooze purchased the M. Ferschweller lot of 45 bales at 30 cents for choice and 28 cents for first growth. Only a few lots remain unsold in this -district. AT THE THEATERS "Wh'at the Press Agents Say A POETIC "NIOBE." Uncommonly Fine Performance at the Columbia Theater. The farce comedy, "Niobe," running this week at the Columbia Theater, by the Paultons, intended as a facetious fancy, based on the story of Niobe, whom the gods of Grecian mythology turned to stone, has been a popular little play, and, as a diversion, was expected to be welcome at the Columbia, done by the excellent company now occupying that fashionable playhouse. The performance at the Columbia is not only welcome, but a surprise. It is astonishingly good. It is better 1 than capital; it is a piece of art that is so true and correct that it has a lasting quality. The play, as given, is probably btter than the authors hoped for it. The chief factor in bringing about this superfine result Is the poetic conception of "Niobe" taken by Miss Countiss. This "Niobe" of Miss Countiss harks back to Hellenic days, carries our winged thoughts to the perfect Athenian civiliza tion, when to be beautiful was enough, when people lived that life of perfect art, and beauty that knew omy simplicity, the hour in the world that will always mark the human race's nearest approach to artistic perfection the meridian, the zenith to which 'cultured mankind ever points. LAST PERFORMANCE TONIGHT One of Cleverest Plays Portland Ever Had, "Raffles." Tonight at 8:15 the last performance of the distinguished English actor, Kyrle Bellew, supported by E. M. Holland and the original New York, company, in "Raf fles, the Amateur Cracksman," will be given at the Marquam Grand Theater. This is one of the most clever and fasci nating plays Portland has ever had, and when acted, by such a company of artists affords a pleasure seldom realized nowa day?: Daring Work at the Star. Cb elavar and daring work of the three Forrest acrobats is the feature of the Star Theater programme this week. The Forrest trio consists of two men and a young woman, all of them be Ins models of Derfect ohTslcal training- One of the young athletes has tremendous muscles and hancs by his feet from the trdpeze while he swings the two other gymnasts as though they were feather-weights. The single casting act 13 watched In breath less silence. Baker Theater Audience Pleased. Last night a thoroughly pleased audi ence left the Baker theater, fully con vinced that Sir A. Co nan Doyle, the author of "The Sign of the1 Four," from which all Sherlock Holmes stories emanate, was certainly a clever writer of tnrming ac tion. It is wonderful to sit In an auai- ence and ollow the adventure of Sher- lock Holmes and see the clever manner I i Rrv.i.v. th ontmHint. oviripnm of th I vflrfmiB crimes committed Is worked out. tmrelv hv deduction. The "Sign of the Four" will run all this week, with a mati- I nee Saturday. Coon Holloas Farewell. The most successful melodrama which Cordray's has offered in years is A. Xio- i mance of Coon Hollow," which opened to crowded houses on Sunday and has " " zlr " 77 every night this week. The plantation dancers, the lavish scenic Investure and ?,Spi0 Grandfather's Clock." Tonight is the last chance to see the big event of Cor- . t i f. I A MKSI Cordray Patrons See the First Per I ..r nnjfthm'c rnr-lr " a. tneatricai event oi especial iniereai. i and importance will be tne initial per formance of Charles E. Callahan's new est dramatic work, '"Grandfather's Clock," at Cordray's, tomorrow night. The play was written by the famous au witn a view orprduclng lHn Nw York thor of "A Romance of Coon Hollow.' next season, but Portland will enjoy the rare privilege of seeing it a year In ad vance of the Metropolis. The trial en gagement of the piece at Cordray's on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, with a matinee Saturday, will be the only times "uranaratner s tJioc win De put on this season. It Is up to the Portland public to pass its verdict on the play, ana tne xuture oi tne proaucuon jjiii uejjeim lately uii uimw n is reccivea ncre. "SaIammbo" Tomorrow Night. Beginning tomorrow night, and contln- special matinee Saturday. Frederick Wo r-Ar. on TTatVir-fn TrifJpr Drill tlfl seen I In the stupendous scenic production of "s uv eiposiuon ol our own lor nexi "Salammbo." From the many elaborate 'ear 81 Uege to commemorate the seven productions mado by Managers Wagen- ty-fifth anniversary of the establishment hals and Kemper In the past, one may well Imagine the glittering, gorgeous stage settings they have provided for "Salamm- DO. l 13 bam mey "l'"'" less thanv$30,000 on costumes and scenery alone. Delightful incidental music writ ten by the eminent composer, Henry K. Hadiey. is another feature which Is said to make the play a delightful as wen as a thrilling evening's diversion. The cos tumes are by Madame Frelslnger, jrom designs by Mrs. Seidel, of the Metropoli tan Opera-House, ew JTorx. Ralph Stuart Coming. "By Right of Sword," direct from its recent triumphant run at the American Theater, with Ralph Stuart In his original role of Richard Hamilton, which he has played successfully from the Pacific Coast to New York, comes to the Marquam Grand for three nights and Wednesday matinee, beginning Monday, October 10. The scenes of the play are laid in Rus sla. which gives opportunity for jIctu resque scenic environment and gorgeous costuming. The first act is laid at a military ball In Moscow, one of the most magnificent spectacles of modern drama, and the succeeding acts show striking scenes In and around the ancient Russian capital. Mr. Stuart not only proves his nre-eminence with the sworn, but nis skill In light comedy as well as strenu ous situations. Seats on sale Friday, October 7. Regu inr -MnmiMTn TirlrAs -Brill nrevall with a C wnrlar- mntln i Fun at the Lyric. j -d,, .mntiifnnt TnirtTi Rof- tn ,l T,o'o wt tVi a T.vr-lo hill la this ti.o.. , " ' r. i weeic, ana you ougnc 10 see me way uio i people are taking to It. They stood in the lobby ten deep last night waiting lor a chance to get a seat. Every act pre- sented Is an Instant hit and Is received with round after round of applause. The Lyric certainly Is tho place where the puonc can -always iuiu scuuiiic auauoc- monr, aee uie i wran, near xory and enjoy all tho other feature acta this Excellent Bill at the Arcade. Russell & O'Nell, Irish comedian and l Hibernian soubrette, are the funny team of the show at the Arcade Theater this week. Russell's song entitled "All "We "Want Is John L. Sullivan Back Again" Is received with rounds of applause. One of the greatest pictures shown this season is flashed by the bioscope and illustrates tne, work of a Ufesavlng crew when the waves are running mountains high. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Or.. Oct. 4. Maximum tem perature. 74 degrees: minimum temperature, 47 degrees. River reading at 11 A. M., .8 of a foot: change in past 24 hours, 0.2 of a foot. Total DreclDltatlon. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.. none; total precipitation since September 1, 1904, .2S of an inch; normal precipitation eince Septem ber 1. 1904. 2.15 inches; deficiency, 1.S7 inches. Tbtal sunshine, October 3, 1904, 10:15; possible sunshine. October 3. 1004, 11:30. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 6 P. M., 23.83. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. S t Wlna. m 2 5s i 2- 2. 5S. C go 2 " 2. STATIONS. MgS S s If? f : 3 3 : : : Baker City IT01O00J 'INW Clear Bismarck J35JT o N Boise fo.00j IN Cloudy NW Clear Eureka Clear Cloudy Helena North Head Pocatcllo Portland ......... Rpii muff . 4010.00 S'NE 64I0.O0 14. N Clear sTCW.UO SW 74W.O0 C NW Clear Clear .SlO.OO iSB Clear Clear Clear nhnn. ISOiO.OOr SiNW Salt Lake Cll"I..ts0to.poJlOjNW San Francisco J78K).O0l24.W gPOteae !0j0.00, 6;NE Clear Clear Pu CIdy. 2S"7. - i:.V-i iSKim is; n Cloudy 62 O.00jl8J B Cloudy AValla Walla Clear TVP-ATTTFiT? CONDITIONS. Th n-9thr rontlnucs fair In the states west of the Rocky Mountains. A high area of ...ntii. hn moved southward from the British poHsassloas and this evening i n TsTi.n. it tiss Miiwd n. decided dron in temperature in that etate. In the Pacinc Coast States but lime cnasge in lemperauie has taKen place since jeaieroaj. The indications are for generally fair weatner ir. this district Wednesday, except along the r- ,. -cs,. v- vnrttr Wuhinnon coast, where showers are probable. It will be cooler east of the Cascades. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecast made at Portland for the 2S hours ending at midnight. October 5: Portland and vicinity Fair; winds mostly northerly. Western Oregon Fair; winds mostly north erly. Western Washington Fair, except probably showers in- northwest portion: north to east winds. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair and ellghuy cooler. A. B. WOLLABER, Acting District Forecaster. CAN VOTE AS THEY WISH EMPLOYES OF WALLA WALLA PRISON ARE NOT INTIMIDATED. Superintendent F. M. Dryden .Denies That He Has Attempted to Line Up Guards for Turner. "It is true that I shall vote for George Turner for Governor, but the published statements to the effect that I am at tempting to coerce the employes, of the Washington State Penitentiary to support j - utucc a au This Is the statement maae oy ouper- Intendent F. M. Dryden, of the Wash- lngto'n State Prison at Walla Walla. Mr. Dryden Is a Republican and Is one of the leaders of the iicfcsnae wing oi tne party. x d , feev.bound Dy the recent state convention and shall- not nnnr -Mr. Mead." he continued. "I fhft rHanatrfiP unv T m linine up the employes of the penitentiary for Turner by threats of discharge, l aon't know what been dono at tne prlson m . but- the statemeat3 that I am attempting to influence my subordl- "I t r T, ' X. " 1 uiou u UB.H ed to vote for Turner. a3 he claims. His of absence until after election. I told him he could have it. Then he wanted to know if he could come back and resume worK alter tne election, ana x tola nim T thouirht he had better stav nn the farm "These charges are prompted by spite ful politicians. I have discharged nobody for political reasons, nor have T attempt ed to force them to vote for Turner. I did not like the turning down of Governor e far Senator Tur ner. In doing so I believe I am still a good Republican, but I'm not driving the employes of the Walla Walla prison to Turner." Mr. Dryden remained in Portland but a few hours, leaving for Olympla last even- , Completes Tour of America. NEW YORK, Oct. 4. Gustav Francotte, Belgian Minister of Commerce and In flnctrv cntl tnAav nr. Vnm. six weens' tour of America. He traveled West to San Francisco and expressed delight over everything he had seen. "This la my first visit to America and JrK came, xne .xpoaiuon " "i. uuuia la ivuuumui. c iirc KBl mucuueute ul lucccismus, Sheriff Killed In Political Quarrel. T.1H "r Oof 1 C3,lff Melendez, of Mora County, has been shot and killed as the result, it is said, of a political quarrel. Sheriff Melendez was one of the leaders of a dominant faction in Mora County politics and was widely known. Owing to the fact that floods have impaired means of communication, no further particulars have been obtained. AUCTION SALES TODAY. By J. T. Wilson, at 331 Ankenr. at 10 AM. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. DIED. WILLIAMS Near Lenta. Or., October 4, ivu juewis w. wiiuams, aged 28 years. i.unerai nouce nereaxter. BUTRICK At Salem, Or., October 3, 1004. August w. -BuincK, aged 59 years. Funeral notice nereazter. KISSLOW In this city, October 4. 1004, Paul a, Klssiow, aged. 47 years. Funeral notice hereafter. MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND CHAPTER, NO. 8. R. A. fiL Stated convocation this (Wed nesday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work In P. M. degree. All R. A. M. are cordially invited to attend. HENRY ROE, Secretary,. JS:- A. F. & A. M.--Stated comraunlca- V Uon this (Wednesday) evening. 7:30 J ?.cocS oa xiaii, x.urKnara y wag. work in -. u. degree, visitors -welcome. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary, MARTHA UNION NO. 85. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, will give a dance October 8 at the hall. Second and Yamhill streets. Good floor and good music Admission. 25 cents. DUNNING. M'ENTEE & GTXBAUGH. successors to Dunning & Campion, nnder- aobalmmt modern in orcry de tail, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady oacLtftnt- EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Undertakers and emb&lmers, hare more to their new build ing Third and Salmon. Ladxj- aesistaat. Telephone No. 507. JT. P. ITNLET & SON. Funeral Directors. cor. 3d and Madison. Office of Cotraty Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No! 9. F. S. DUNNTNO, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 53. Zeller-Byrnes Co., Undertakers, embalm era. 27S BusseU. Phone East 1088. Lady As't. CLASSIFIED A3). RATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board," "Honse- keplng Jtooms," "Situations Wanted," 13 words or less, 15 cents: '16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 . words, 25 cents, etc No discount for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, execs t "New Today," SO cents for 15 words or less; IG to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words,'Gd cents, etc first insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. IMPORTANT The low seoond-timo rate on advertising that runs either in the classi fied columns, or under head "New Today,' will be given only when advertising is hi' serted on consecutive days. Dally and Sunday issues. Advertising that is scheduled to appear at intervals ot one or more days apart will be charged for at full one-time rate each insertion. -NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate). 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per lino for each additional Insert! oa. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oresonlnn, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed in sealed en' velopes. No stamp is required on such let ters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisement taken through the telephone JXtn VUAX. 'flflflNFY SAVED I UIVMil-i Jf- si IS MONEY MADE cooo. cream, w "" """"S:""w i t;,, S5c n I ekes, per dozen.... 25cand30c j 5 pounds refined lard.-.. 50c & poun'ds lard cqmjwund.... v 43c i Best sugar-cured tams ,-Hc girfa,t hucon Cheese, pound ..........5c, 10c and 12c Swiss cheese - ...25c Chickens lor b&iuroay ai your own price. LA GRANDE CREAMERY 2C4 Yamhill Street. mortgage Loans 5and Upwards " Kcal Estate City and Farm Insurance in AH Lines A. H. BIEKELL, 902-3 McKay Building. Tilrd. aad StarX. rea mrrsciiA?,-, rre. - tmilX US 7MU38T3a SKIcTJ. NITU1I. C1CM1 Europcn'Pfan THE PORTLAND .PSgTURO, 03. American Plan also European Plan. Modern RestaHrant. $3 PER DAY and upward. COST OXX MUilOH DOULABS. New Bail dine lesatly Furalahed Centra Ur Located. HOTEL SCOTT SEVENTH AND ANKENY STS. PostoEco Block. .EUROPEAN PLAN" " . SOOMS ?So TO $2.03 PER "SAY. FREE BUS M. E.FOLEY, Manager. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLE, Resident Manager. PHONE MAIN $68. Tonight at 8:15 o'clock. Last Performance or The Distinguished Actor MR. KYRLE BELLEW Supported by Mr. E. M. Holland and the Orig inal New York Company. "RAFFLES. THE AMATEUR CRACKSMAN." PRICES Parquet. $2; parquet circle, S1.50. Balcony: First 8 rows, $1; last 6 rows. 16c. Gallery. 75c -and 60c Boxes and loges. S12.50. I MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. Tan gle, Resident Manager. Thursday. Friday. Saturday nights. Oct. 0. 7, 8, 1004. special price matinee Saturday, Frederick Warde and Kathryn Kidder, in the spectacular romantic drama, "SALAMBO." Erenlng prices Lower floor, except last 3 rows, Jl.&o; last 3 rows, $1; balcony, first 3 rows, $1; second 3 rows, 76c; last 0 rows, 50c; gallery, 35c and 25c; boxes aad loges, $10. Special Saturday mat inee prices Parquet, $1; parquet circles. .5c; balcony, first 3 rows, 75c; jecond 3 rows, 50c; last 6 rows, 50c; gallery, 35c and 25c Seats are now selling. " COLUMBIA THEATER, GEO. L. BAKER, Manager. 14th and Washington. Phone Main 110. All This Week, With Matinee Saturday. The superb Columbia Stock Company In "NIOBE," Harry Paulton's Farce Comedy. Prices 15c, 25c, 60c; entire gallery. ' 15c Matinee 15c and 25c; entire gal lery, JOc Ticket omce open at nowe & Martin's, 6th and Washington, from 10 A. M. to 7 P. M. Phone Main 110. At theater from 7 P. SI. to 10 P. M. Phone 31L : . ( CORDRAY'S THEATER CORDRAY & RUSSELL. Managers. PORTLAND'S POPULAR FAMILY RESORT. LAST PERFORMANCE TONIGHT. Charles E. Callahan's Best Southern Play. "A Romanrn of Coon Hollow." Thursday. Friday and Saturday matinee and night, new comedy-crania, nrst time on any stage. "Grandfather's Clock." Nlrht tiHcm lOe. 20c 30e: soecial reserved seats. 50c Matinee prices, 25c to any part ot the house; children, special seats, 10c r- BAKER THEATER Oregon Theater Co. (Inc.), Lessee. Phone Main 1007.. Geo. L. Baker, Manager. ALL THIS WEEK. MATINEE SATURDAY. A great success, "THE SIGN OP THE FOUR" Sir A. Conan Doyle's wonderful story of the adventures or Sherlock noimes. True S. James as Sherlock Holmes. Baker prices prevail. THE STAR THEATER Tho Biggest and Most Fashionable Vaude ville xneater. THE THREE FORRESTS. CLIFFORD ESKKT.L. BELL AND D ALTON. THE KRAMERS. THE DOWNEY SISTERS. WILL C. HOYT. THE PROJECTOSCOFE. Shows 2:30 to 4.30 P. M.. 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. General admission, 10c; reserved box seats, 25c THE ARCADE THEATER The Original Family Yaudevlllo House. This Week THE GREAT BURDICK. RUSSELL AND O'NEIL. EMMA O'NELL. KATE COYLE. THE BIOSCOPE. Shows 2:80 to 4:30 P. M-, 7:30 to 100 P. M. Admitslon, 10c to any seat.- LYRIC THEATER Corner Alder und Seventh.) MIQH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:20; 7:30 to 10:30; Sunday. 3 to 10 P. M. This ad. and 10c will admit two people any matinee except Sundays and aouaays. TEN CENTS NO HIGHER. BIJOU THEATER Sixth, Bet. Alder and Washington The home of polite vaudeville. Continuous performances from 2 to 4:30 P. iL Sundays, continuous 2 10 10:30 r. Evening performances from 7 to 10 JO P. M. Any seat in the theater, TEN CENTS BASEBALL Seattle vs. Portland Recreation Park, Oct. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Ladies' days, Thursday and Friday. Games called 3: Sunday. 2:30 P. M. Ad mission, 26c; children, 15c NEW TODAY. LODGES ORDERS Often have funds on which they would like to get EJTEREST. until they are to be disbursed. We have been most successful in Issuing our special certificates of deposit in these cases, so that the lodge would receive from 5 to 4 per cent interest, and yet have the prlvitege of drawing the money at any time on short notice. ( Let your committee call on "The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon" or send for our book of ILLUSTRATIONS. Portland Trust Company, of Oregon. 109 Third st. BENJ. L COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA .....Assistant Secretary FOR SALE: Worthington Compound Duplex. Pump, second hand, A I condition. Size 10x18x14x10. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute. Check valve, Iur ricatorj etc., complete. Iaqalre A. VY. Cochran, Oregealaa EtflMIag. c w. knowles, Mzr. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day EE1WMSTER1 iciuoflftmsm ccK&EECUi turan'. Special ratei made to fasiUln and sluslo EeotU mes. The man BsremeBt wUl be pleased at all tlxaea to ahoif roozBs aad Kirs prices. A modem TurkUh bath es tablish meat la the hotel. II. C. BOWERS. Maaacrr. First-Clais Beataarant la Connection. Steam Heat. Electxio Us&ts. PORTLAND, ORE G.ON NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS Oa Portland real estate at lowest rates. Titles insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co.. .7 Chamber ot Commerce. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. THE PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. "The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon," offers its services to the public for the buying and selling of real estate upon com mission. This department of its business is in charge of Mr. John F. Daly, Real Estate Officer, and Mr. Walter J. Gill, Second Assistant Secretary. The Company, having ample capital and resources, which it does not. hesitate to use In the service of its clients, expects to do a Inrga and continually increasing business in real estate, and you are re spectfully Invited to call at this office. 109 Third street, and confer with its of ficers in regard to anything that you may wish to buy or sell. CHEAP BEAUTIFUL HOME, 0 ROOMS, gas, mantei. porcelain Data, toilet, brick basement, full corner lot, fruit trees, close to school, central, East Side; part cash, balance, any old terms. Owner, Y 19, Ore gonlan. TIMBER LAND TO TRADE FOR LOTS. I have 1C0 acres of Oregon timber which I will trade for Seattle, Wash., vacant lots, or for house and lot. Howard Williams, 339 Arcade bldg., Seattle, Wash. FOR SALE 0-ROOM, NEW MODERN house, E. Davis, bet. E. 15th and E. ICth sts.; on easy termor $3400; 40x100 feet on E. 16th. 60 ft north of E. Ankeny St., S1150. J. L. Wells Co.. 94 Grand ave. I' GREATEST BARGAIN TODAY BY OWNER. $1500 Very nice 8-room house on E. Taylor st, Sunnyslde; hot and I cold water, bath, etc; everything In fine condition. Inquire 170 E. 34th st. CHOICE LOTS NEAR MT. SCOTT CAR line, $80 and $00 each, streets graded, water mains laid. 95 down and $5 monthly. Pacific Land Investment Co., room 7, 167H First st. FARM FOR SALE CHEAP 70 ACRES. 7 acres cleared; house and barn; well and springs; one acre mixed fruits on county road, 10 miles north of city. T 17, care Oregonlan. THINK OF THAT BEAUTIFUL BLOCK with 100 feet of cement pavement, S. E. cor. 15th and Weidler, being slaughtered for $1300. A. D. Marshall, i&ft 3d st. 1 6-ROOM HOUSE: FULL PLUMBING AND basement. S1050; 5-room cottage: full plumbing: concrete basement. ?S75. Phone East 1115. CHOICE BUILDING SITE. 40 FEET FRONT on 22d st. near Irving; will advance money to build. Portland Trust Company, 109 3d st. ' , , BEAUTIFUL EIGHT.ROOM NEW MODERN house, Willamette Heights, overlooking Fair grounds and river; easy terms. Phone East 675. r 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS ArD LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R, Addltcn, Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car; Sc. H -BLOCK FOR SALE, BY OWNER, ON 13th 'and Division sts.. Tibbetta' Add.; price $2500. Inquire at 428 E. 11th. ' FOR SALE 500 ACRES STUMI LAND 10 miles from Portland. Inquire 2S7 E. Mor rison st. C R. Davis Fuel Co. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. CALL on us when you want to "buy. Mathews Palmer, 4 IS Oregonlan bldg. -ROOM NEW HOUSE. MONTAVTLLA : your own terms; bargain. 612 Commercial bldg. Main 1940. FOR SALE 5-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT 27x100. Sherman St., near 0th. Inquire 564 6th. S1300. FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE, 7. ROMS; 771 Kearney, tiet. ana Mia. ,appiy ssi tan lng bldg. RARE BARGAIN f 1600 BUYS 255 ACRES near Brownsville, p. o. Box ST5, Oregon City. Or. 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE: SMALL PAY- meat; balance same as rent. Phone East 675. NEW MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE. Sellwood st.. Alblna. bet. 2 car lines. HOME CORNER LOT, 0 ROOMS. $373 CASH. Berry & Alexander. 4 otn. FOB SALE FARMS. THE OLD AND MOST RELIABLE REAL estate company oilers you best farms' listed anywhere 375 acres. 18 miles from Portland, nearly 250 acres in cultivation, good buildings, fine land, running water, only $30 per acre if sold onlck. 240 acres. 16 miles from Portland, 100 acres In cultivation, fine buildings, black oll, extra good dairy or stock ranch, $35 per acre-. 13 acres fine land on O. W. R., 9 miles out; S acres clear, new o-room nouse, 51800. Come and see our big list. CHARLESON & STAUB. 245 Morrison st. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 200-ACRE dairy farm on Columbia River, and- good county road, 2V5 miles below Kalama: 150 acres meadow, balance cleared grazing land; large well-arrangea uairj nun, airaoat new; large'farmhouse; land fenced and cronsfenced; nrrhard: olace is an ideal dairy farm, and will support from 50 to 60 milch cows; don't buy unttl you see Ulis uue; ycite uuij vw, Imus & Willoughby, Kalama, Wash. FOR REN'T OR SALE STOCK RANCH. 170 acres, 90 cleared and sown to grass; fair bouse and barn and good orchard. Will rent or sell 'on -installments for $1250. For par ticulars write C L Starr, corvailis. Or, TMOTjrtv-RT) FARMS FOK SALE IN ALL part ot Oregon and' Washington; payments made to stilt purchaser. -For particulars apply to wm. joacjtiastcr. u lYorctuier block., 320 ACRES WHEAT LAND, 200 IN CUL tlvatlon. fenced, i mile to E. K. station ir. Walla County: 33000. part cash or trade. Box 73, Beaverton, .Or. FOR SALE DAIRY FARM. 150 ACRES. 40 - cattle team, implements, etc.,- 8 miles on Sandy" road; easy terms. - George Wills, owner, Cleone. Or, Farms, acreages, city property, timber In large and smalt tracts: homestead locations. Max well Sc Burg. 31B.Ablngton bldg. IRRIGATED LANDS OF THE DESCHUTES Irrigation & Power, Co. for sale hy A- C. Palmer, local agent, i IS Oregonlan oldg MODERN C5 ACRES. CLOSE IN. ELECTRIC car: 700 Winter apples; easy terms. 227 Front. LAND SCXIl. ALL KIND OF XAXD SCRIP, GENBRAL laad sracUeer ear Zreac rerve scrip tee aon-tliabere4 lands is ew tAt'. ColJtsu Laad C., CMi4 Miff. TryKKTC IXBS FOK SAXX, FOREST RSSERVS SCRIP. Approved, tsareatrleted. ready roc tsaxt Clxis ate. LOWEST PRICES. E. F. I". B. Riley, 608 Chamber Commerce. FOREST RESERVE SCRIT. APPROVED, Santa. Fe vilth power of attorney to convey; til bo fractional soldiers additional: will enter email tracts. Magtnsla Jt Son. 22? Falllns bldr. 'GOOD timber land csesp, crrp (or aale.' Hathewa & Palmer. -US Oreconlan bide. WANTED REAL ESTATE! WANTED HAVE CASH. TO BUT 7 OR S roora modern house: West Side. Particulars must be given. W 13, Oregonlan. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. BARGAIN TEAM. WEIGHT 2SoO LBS., coming 8 years old, are sound and working at $4.30 per day. Job goes with team. Call 26 N. 13th St.; also heavy harness. WILL RENT OR SELL TEAM. 2600. single horse, 1200, lumber wagons. 3U and 34 inches; will sacrlflce for cash. Phone East 2333. FOR SALE ONE STANDARD BRED horse, weight 1200 lbs.; also new buggy and harness. W. J. Hocken, 2d and Main. BARGAIN BROWN MARE. S YEARS OLD. weight 1100; new top buggy and harness. 5S3 Fifth. ONE GOOD DOUBLE-SEATED CARRIAGE for 327. or will trad on wagon. 313 Water st. WOLFSTFJN buys and sells horses, wagons, harness, buggies, farm Implements. 227 Front. WANTED GOOD DRIVING HORSE, about 1000 lbs. Inquire 45 1st st. HORSES AND WAGONS TO HIRE BY DAY. week, or month. 211 Washington Pianos. FOR SALE CHEAP FINE. NEW A. B. Chase piano, owner leaving, city. Call morn ings 147 13th st. Miscellaneous. HAY FOR SALE 8000 TONS OF FIRST class alfalfa hay for sale in lots to suit purchaser on the Payette bench, well lo cated for feeding sheep or cattle; for particulars Inquire of W. F. Ringer, New Plymouth. Idaho. R. F. D. No. 1. In-. dependent phone. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN COMPLETE merchants' lunch outfit; only used a short time, consisting ot large cooking range. soup tureens, roast neaters. Knives, xoras, Slates, etc Call 370-3S1 East Morri3cn. I DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with Elaterlte; it rolls, easy .to lay; needs no painting or coating? good over old iron, tin or shingles: best tor new roots. Elaterlte Roaring Co.. 10 Worcester blag. FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE ALMOST NEW Singer tailoring sewing machine; leaving town. M 17, Oregonlan. FOR SALE FRESH JERSET COW gentle; no horns: price low. 171 Fourth. Telephone Clay 973. LAUNCH FOR SALE L. 23 ft, 8 h. p.. 4- cycle engine, speed li miles. O. P. Graham, foot E. Pine st. FOR SALE HENS AND EARLY PULLETS. 5B0 Garfield st., second Midway, Oregon City car line. . FINE YOUNG JERSEY COW: FRESH six weeks; gentle and good milker. 5Sa 5 th st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, a. cost, from $23 rubber stamps, seals, etc. Coast Co- 231 Stark Moving picture film, son sllaes, magic Ian- terns. T. P. Andrews. Iu3 Mont. at-, s. i. cal TF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FOOT LIVE FIR. oaK and asn wood, go to Hoover & Conway. BICYCLE CLOSING'OUTiSALE $40 WOLFF- Amerlcans now IZS. 7th and Morrison. HEAVY DOUBLE HARNESS, NEW, $15. xo. uregonian. FOB KENT PIANOS. FINE-TONED UPRIGHT PIANO FOR rent: $2.50 per month. Inquire room Washington bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. WE PREPARE YOU QUICKLY AS ILLUS trator, cartoonist. lawyer, pharmacist, stenographer, bookkeeper. Journalist, ad writer, correspondence man. banker. Write for ''free book. Profits of Knowing How" tells everything. National Correspondence' Schools. 82 When.. Indianapolis. U. S. A. j ENERGETIC MAN WANTED TO TAKE charge of Portland branch office of San Francisco manufacturing concern; good ref erences and small Investment required; lib eral salary and commission. Address, "Man ager." 927 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. LOGGERS. MILL AND YARDMEN. LAB orers. city and county: men and teams, farmhands and ' milkers, restanrant and mess-house help: work of all kinds. Ca nadian Employment Co.. 249 Burnslde and 220 Morrison. Phone Main 3074. A BRIGHT FUTURE FOR THOSE AT tending tho Portland Watch School: first class, practical instruction in watch and Jewelry-making, engraving, assaying, op tics, etc.; tuition reasonable. AddreJs C H. Saake. 311 Dekum bldg. WANTED A SHREWD. ACTIVE MAN. with no Incumbrances, willing to travel: pleasant position, paying $20 per week and expenses and chance to make big money: $500 required. For particulars address B 19, Oregonlan. $100 WILL BUY HALF INTEREST IN NEW and lucrative Dusintes; proiiis a a. ua.y now; the services of a partner required to further develop same. Call room 17, 207, 3d st., 12 to 2 and 4 to S P. M. WANTED TWO 1ST-CLASS COLLECTORS and solicitors, gents or ladles; good sal ary; for particulars call on C. T. Trimble, room IS, Golden West Hotel; hours from S to 10 A. M. and 5 to 7 P. M. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR SUPE rior high-grade nursery stock; new and com plete outfit furnished free; cash weekly; write today for choice of .territory. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN. SIN gle. to travel and learn good paying busi ness, who can leave town immediately; ref erences. Call at room 11, 4tf9 Morrison st., from 10 to 3 P. M. WANTED FIRST-CLASS, RAPID MOLD ers, capable of doing general bench and floor work; $3.50. per day, 9 hours; open shop. Benlcia Iron Works, Benlcla. Cali fornia. 1 Wanted good, bright office and errand boy, about 16 years; must write good hand; state salary expected, refer ences and phone number. N 100. Oregonlan. TEAMS, $25 MONTH AND FEED; DRIVERS, 435 and board; chances for four-horse teams to haul bridge timbers, railroad work, free transportation. Hansen. 26 N. 21 st. TRUSTWORTHY AND CAPABLE MEN can obtain positions they desire through us. Pacific Commercial Bureau, Agts., "Hapgoods. Inc.." Seattle. AMATEUR SINGERS, PERFORMERS, Mu sicians wanted; salary '$23 weekly. New man's Theatrical Circuit, the Raleigh, 'J23i Washington. .WANTED YOUNG MAN TO JOIN PRI- vato class in mecnanicai drawing ana en gineering. Address E. C, care Oregonlan. WANTED MAN AS BOOKKEEPER AND stenographer; must have had experience In life Insurance office. P IS, care Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED HARNESS AND raddle-maker. Address the Weber Harness & Shoe Finding Co. Walla Walla, Wash. , WANTED OFFICE BOY IN LARGE wholesale store; reply in own handwriting. G, 18 Oregonlan. MAN AND WIFE. LABORER-AND COOK for railroad, $70 to $85 and found. Hansen, 28 N. 2d st. BARBER TO BUY A GOOD-PAYING SHOP cheap: everything first-class. H 10, Ore gonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR. ber trade; terms reasonable. R 7, Ore gonlan. FETISHERS WANTED BY - J. J. RICH ardson. 22d and Wasco st.,"HoUaday Add. WANTED-YOUNG MAN WITH $30 TO rN-' vest in a paying business. V IS. Oregonlan. WANTED Al SOLICITOR. MERCANTILE Printing Company, 92 First st. WANTED BOY IN PRINTING OFFICE. Alvin S. Hawk Co. SHIRT CUTTER WANTED. CARE Q IS, JBARBKB WANTED JLT 211 M05UU0X. - KELP WANTED SCALE. SUPERINTENDENT OR FOREMAN FOR. rock crusher and quarry; state age. national ity and experience. Box H 19, Oregonlan. HKT.P WANTED FEMALE. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL XKDiU chambennalds, cooks, waitresses, aar girls, second girls, housekeepers, house work, $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors. 2384 Morricon. Pbons Main 1322. YOUNG MAN. STUDYING SHORTHAND. four evenings a week; within walking dis tance of Taylor and 10th; 25c per hour. S 19, care Oregonlan. STAGE DANCING, SINGING. VAUDEVUiLE ucung, aramatic art, music, 30c per les son; encasements secured. Newman's Aaudevllle School, the Raleigh, 6th and Washlnston. WANTED A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT ana reuaDie woman solicitor for a special charity work; flcst-class references re quired. Address P 18, Oregonlan. WAITRESS. CHAMBERMAIDS (COUNTRY. t-vii ciij-. ircsiaurant, Doaroing). nest wages; chambermaid. $30; housework. Drake's, 205 Washington. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER, COOKS. wuamucruuuua, general worKers. Su Louis Agency, 230 tt YamhilL Phone Black 2SS1. GIRL TO DO-HOUSEWORK IN FAMILY ot wree; taice s car. south, get off at Ab ernethy; go two blocks back; good wages, good home. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOC3E- worK. small family, must be able to cook; good wages. Call mornings, 74S Johnson st. GIRL WANTED GENERAL HOUSE- work. 471 Ainsworth ave.. cor. E. 8th st. Take Woodlawn car. Phone East 604. wanted Young woman, experi- encea monogram stamper on stationery. W. G. Smith & Co.. Washington-bldg. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework; must bo a good cook. 812 Kearney st., bet. 24th and 25th. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; Norwegian girl preferred, two In family. Call 820 Corbett st. WANTED YOUNG LADY TO TAKE PRI- vate lessons In stenography; fine chance. Address E. C. care' Oregonlan. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework r.nd cooking; good wages, ref erences. 203 West Park. WANTED 2 LADY COOKS. 2 CHAMBER- maias, 4 housekeepers. 2 waitresses, 2 dining-room girls. 132 1st. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework, small family; wages $25. 34 N. 20th. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SECOND girl; good wages. Apply mornings, 332 10th st., cor. Market. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY AGENTS. city ana country, good pay. Address at once E 20. Oregonlan. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL TO TAKE care of child of 2. Call 2ol 10 th; references required. I- MANICURE. HAIRDRESSER AND Ap prentice. Rosenthal Sisters. 160 5th st. FIRST-CLASS NURSE WITH GOOD REF erences can be found at 462 Sixth st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS HAIRDRESSER and manicure. :64 Morrison st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family. Phone Main 729. LITTLE GIRL AS DISHWASHER AND HELP in kitchen at 3S6 Morrison sv A GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply at 309 Johnson. WANTED EXPERIENCED ARM WAITRESS at the Zinsley Rett. 230 1st st. I . WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL TO dq, cooking. 293 12th st. 1 ( WANTED A GD?.L girl kept. 04 2 let N. TO COOK SECOND WANTED GIRLS. APPLY 213 N. 12TH ST.. cor Lovejoy. r- WANTED GIRLS ON DRESSMAKING. 283 Alder st. -i Domestics. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good plain cook; small family. 651 Hoyt St., near 20th. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED INDUSTRIOUS MAN OR woman, each district tp manage business of well-established company; salary $20. paid weekly and expenses; expense money advanced; position permanent; no invest ment; previous experience not essential. Manager 'Como bldg., Chicago. WANTED MAN AND WIFE WANTS TO take charge of rooming-house on salary or commission. C 19, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG MAN OF 21 WANTS POSITION: har had 3 years experience in grocery and general merchandise: can give good city references; has good habits. C 20, Ore gonlan. YOUNG MAN. 21 YEARS OF AGE, DE sires a position with a good house, where he can build himself up; salary no ob ject. X. IS, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WITH REFERENCES, HAS taught school, desires employment In of fice or business house. O 18, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. YOUNG MAN WANTS PLACE TO WORK for board and room, while attending coi- lege. Main 500. Behnke-Walker Business College. YOUNG MEN ATTENDING SCHOOL WANT places to work for board. HoImes Business College. Yamhill and 11th sta Phone Mala C13. WANTED PLACE FOR BOY 15 YEARS old to work for board and- room, and go to school. Y. M. C. A. Employment dept. JAPANESE ASSN. CAN FURNISHED Do mestic servants, farm and all kinds of help. Black 992. -OS Everett ot. GOOD GIRL DESIRES SITUATION HOUSE work. small family, central location. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. EXPERIENCED WOMAN DESIRES PLAIN sewing by day In families. Call 230 Yam hill. Phone Black. 28S1. DENTAL STUDENT WANTS A PLACE TO earn his board, doing any worlc required. M 12. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE COOK WANTS A position in small family lor gooa wages. B 20, Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS. 8ITUA- tlon 40 do good cooking and housework. C 18. Otegonian. A YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE STEADY work; well acquainted with the city. Q 19, Oregonlan. JAPANESE COOK WISHES SITUATION IN family la the city or country. B 12, Ore. gonlan. JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION TO DO cooking and housework. Phono Black 7512. YOUNG MAN SEEKS SITUATION AS. BAR -tender. P 20, Oregonlan. . Nurses. CAPABLE WOMAN. LADY'S NURSE OB Invalid; refined middle-aged woman house keeper. 530 YamhilL Phone Blade 2831. 0 SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers aad SteBOgrapaers. POSITION BY EXPERIENCED BOOK keeper; references. S 20, Oregonlan. Hsttsekeepen. HOUSEKEEPER WANTS POSITION: NO objections to" leave city. Address 428 8th, St., city. LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION housekeeper. Call at 329 Salmon st. A3 Desaestles. POSITION BY THOROUGHLY COMPE tentr woman in family hotel or' nice- home, good manager and careful buyer. D 20, Ore gonlan. THREE GIRLS WANT PLACE FOR GEN eral housework: la private family. Address 591 Upshur st. WANTEDPOSITION AS BBCOXD GIRL, geed refereacM, Wiite particulars. IT 1. Ocgnton. 1