-t Vj fc-Tyiyi ; . 12 THE MORNING ORE&ONIAN, SATURDAY,. OCTOBER 1, 1904. rYGE AMONG THE CHINESE SOME HAVE CERTIFICATES PAWN AND CAN'T PAY. IN Inspector Barbour Spreads Consterna tion by Calling on Them to Show Up or Go to China. Woe to the Chinamen -who have their lertlficates "In soak." Inspector Barbour b after them and his deputies are run ting them down. The law demands that Thlnamen be able to produce their cer Jflcates at once, and that they cannot do I they are in the pawnshop. It certainly is a temptation for a hard ip Chinaman to raise $25 or $09 on his cer Sflcate, for the stoical Chinks sometimes fet up against it as well as whiXe men. Hoy Him, an old-time Portland Chinese nerchant, found himself in that fix six nonths ago and pawned his "ticket." Jlnce then he has never been able to aise the wind, but did not find himself iefore Inspector Barbour till yesterday. "Where is your certificate?" asked the rprightly Eurasian interpreter In Chl lese. "Hock shop," wailed Hoy Him, and rept. Moy Him did not look well weep ng, nor was he very coherent in his ex planation that he lived here a long time, K&.H once prosperous but was bankrupt ind altogether in a. bad way and had a !amlly on his hands. He did not want to fo to Jail, and in three days would have roough money to take his certificate out if pawn. Inspector Barbour granted the time tfiked, but warned Moy Him. that if he did sot bring the certificate around to his iffice by next Tuesday, he would send an fflcer to his Quarters in Chinatown over jeid Back's store and take him away trom his wife and his yellow-pantalooned Jttle Moys. For a long time the Chinese Inspector Sad known that Chinamen constantly pawned their certificates at a Chinese awnshop, where they could readily get ihem, but It has only been within the ast year that the Chinamen have taken to the gilded balls. There are several pawnshops -which will take certificates, tnd they are only now beginning to see sow they may be buncoed by the wily Chinee who is about to go back to China tor good. But on the whole the invest nent is good for the pawnbrokers, for very time a Chinaman leaves town he Inds his certificate necessary to him and akes it, leaving the pawnbroker a fine, asurious Interest, and now, that the in ipector Is after the spendthrift Chinamen, ;hey will all find It necessary to redeem :helr certificates. AT THE THEATERS "What the Press Agents Say "THE JILT" MATINEE. Afternoon and Evening Performances at the Columbia Theater. Don't forget the matinee of "The Jilt" Lt the Columbia Theater this afternoon it 2 o'clock. The matinee and this even jig's performance are the last chances we aave to see this charming comedy by the treat BoucicaulL 1 Boucicault never wrote a better play than "The Jilt." It has .excited and en :ertalned and charmed thousands of Port Jand people this week at the beautiful Co lumbia Theater, and today the crowds are mre to be in abundance. lt Is safe to engage your seats well In idvanco in order to secure your choice. The spirited play, full of line situations, is put on with scenic elaboration unequaled Heretofore in stock in this cty. The tompany, from the leading woman and icadlng man on through the cast to the least part that is taken, is simply superb. This adjective "superb" is getting to be used very generally when people speak of ;he Columbia Stock Company. It ex presses just what they are superb. They are artists, all of them, and they put on ;he play, "The Jilt," as well as it has ever been acted in the East. Boucicault hlm Felf, If he would turn over In his grave, tvould express himself as delighted with the performance. This high grade of achievement is filling the Columbia The ater nightly, and the company richly de serves the plaudits lt receives. We have never had' so good a stock com pany in Portland. It will be long before it can be Improved upon. No one, should miss a single week of these beautiful plays so capitally acted. Once again lt is appropriate to praise the efficiency of Stage Director Bernard, whose care and exquisite taste is largely responsible for the smoothness and finish that characterize the performances at tho Columbia. As "The Jilt" passes into the history of Portland theatrical annals, one more tribute is due to the high artistic quality the splendid artists give to their present rendering of the play. Each member con tributes his and her share to this effective presentation: and, leading them all, lead era in their profession, come those distin guished stage folk. Cathrlne Countiss and Edgar Baume, real artists, finished in their work, an honor to their calling. "SAN TOY" MATINEE. Big Chinese-English Musical Comedy at the Marquam This Afternoon. This afternoon at 2:15 o'clock a special matinee will be given at the Marquam Grand Theater when John C. Fisher's big Chinese-English. Musical comedy. "San Toy," will bo the attraction. Tho ex' cellent cast, headed by "That Funny Fel low," James T. Powers, do full justice to tuneful airs and clever lyrics, with which this English comedy abounds. The last performance will be given tonight at S:15. MacDowell's Last Matinee. "We are sorry to see MacDowell go," is tho expression heard on every side since the Baker Theater patrons began to real ize that Melbourne MacDowell and his splendid company would close their en' gagement at the matinee today. There is only one chance to see Mr. MacDowell In "The Empress Theodora," and that is at the matinee today, as ho will leave im mediately aiier mat performance for Spokane. "In the Hills of California." A natural comedy entirely devoid of buffoonery is -what will greet the patrons of Cordray's Theater at the matinee to day, and for the last time tonight. "In the Hills of California" Mr. Bacon has a valuable ploce of theatrical property, and the play Is likely to outlive tho "Old Homestead" or 'In Old Kentucky." COMING ATTRACTIONS. "The Sign of the Four." "The Sign of the Four," one of Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes' stories, will be the attraction at the Baker Theater all next week, starting with the usual matinee tomorrow. It Is a stirring melodrama and will be presented by a capable company. Including Mr. True S. James as Sher lock Holmes. The detective, whether in drama or lit erary fiction, is a highly popular favorite, and nono moro so than the widely-known and much-abused Sherlock Holmes, whose name has come to stand as & symbol of deductive reasoning. From the standpoint of the critic "The Sign of the Four" is among the best of the dramas brought to this city. It has none of the chronic afflictions of the type which might more appropriately be called "yellow dramas," "with which cheap In tellect and managerial cupidity have af file. American stage. It ha? barred sickly sentimental ism, preposterous vil lainy and all but escapes the curse of a too broad humor. Its rogues are exceed ingly human, although bloodthirsty, and the sentiment displayed Is healthy enough to be recognized by an ordinarily consti tuted human being. Kyrle Bellew Coming. Hide your valuables! Take your dia mond necklaces to the safety deposit vault! "Raffles, the Amateur Cracks man," the deftest, most plausible and most fascinating villain in literature or drama, will soon visit this city and be the attraction at the Marquam Grand J. ne ater next Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day nights. October 3, 4, 5. E. w Horn u rig's famous scoundrel-hero comes in the person of handsome Kyrle Bellew, who portrayed the character some 200 times at the Princess acd Savoy Theaters, New York, last season. But he promises to filch nothing but good will and to plunder our people of nothing but smiles, thrills and applause. The coming of the dis tinguished English actor In such a fas cinating role is indeed an event of Inter est. "A Romance of Coon Hollow." A. Romance of Coon Hollow," which will be saen at Cordray's Theater next week, commencing with the Sunday mati nee, is a splendid Southern play. It is presented by an unusually strong com pany this season and has some exquisite scenery. A strong company presents me play, and a sextette of negro comedians furnish the comedy specialties. Nothing better in this line has been seen on a local stage at any price. "Coon Hollow" runs until Thursday night. Commencing Thurs day night, a new play will be presented at Cordray's, "Grandfather's Clock,' which will receive its first presentation upon any stage. "Nlobe," All Smiles, Sunday. "Nlobe," all smiles, Harry Paulton's clever farce-comedy, founded upon the story of Pygmalion and Galatea, will be the bill for the coming week at the beau tiful Columbia Theater, beginning with the usual Sunday matinee. This Is one of the most laughable and amusing farces imaginable, and at the same time full of wit and poetry. The statue in a modern house comes to life from an electric wlro and creates consternation. It will be put on with fine scenic effects, and enlist the full strength of the Columb'.a Stock Com pany. Warde and Kidder. Frederick Warde and Kathryn Kidder will be seen at the Marquam Grand The ater next Thursday, Friday, Saturday nights, October 6, 7, 8, in "Salambo," the stupendous spectacular dramatic pro duction which Wagenhals & Kemper have furnished for them this season. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS Today at the Star. Today and tomorrow are the last op portunities to see theKlns-Ners, the world-famous balancers, at the Star Theater. Klns-Ner has no equal. His presence at the Star Theater has at tracted thousands this week and one and all proclaim his act a marvel. One of his feats Is to balance on his chin a cart. which lt requires the strength of three men to lift. Klns-Ner does the stunt with case. The other acts are entertaining. Matinees from 2:30 to 4:30 offer especial attractions to school children. Laughter at the Arcade. "Personal" is the reigning vaudeville sensation. It is at the Arcade Theater, and is the title of a moving picture film that is the funniest ever seen on a vaude ville stage. It Illustrates the adventures of a French Count who advertises for a wife in New York City. Peals of laughter follow the swift-moving pictures as they show the astounded Count meeting a bevy of pretty applicants, their pursuit when he tries to escape, and his subsequent cap ture. The other acts round out a great bill. Matinees today, 2:00 to 4:30. Continu ous bill tomorrow. Six Bijou Acts. The greatest six acts in town are at the Bijou. This afternoon and this evening specially attractive performances will b given. Fred Collins continues to astonish all by his feats of serpentine movements. He's the india-rubber man for fair. Charles Gardner Is the oddest monologuist ever at this theater. Hagen and Hagen and Ward and Ward are fun specialists of the purest type. Cunning Today. There are only a few more chances left to see the marvelous, cunning master of locks and handcuffs. His engagement at the lyric ends Sunday night. See him before lt Is too late. He Is the wonder of the age. There are many other great acts on the bilL Continuous tomorrow from 2 to 10:30 P. M. FAIR IS WELL ADVERTISED. George W. Hazen Finds Widespread Interest in the East. George W. Hazen, the well-known at torney, and his -wife returned yesterday from an extended Eastern tour which In cluded a visit to the World's Fair. They" spent some time in Pittsburg, Pa., and on their return vlBlted friends in Ohio, Kan sas and Nebraska. "I found widespread interest In the Lewis and Clark Fair wherever I went,' said Mr. Hazen upon his return. "In Pittsburg the papers extended me many courtesies and were anxious to print mat ter pertaining to our Exposition. We spent some days in Atchison, Kas., on our way back to Oregon, and the people were clamorous to get information concerning the Fair. Ed Howe, the famous editor of the Atchison Globe, published an inter view with me and told me that he and many of his friends were coming out next year. At Erie, Kan., where we also visit ed. I found similar conditions. If we keep up the present lick, the Fair will bo well advertised by the time It opens, and wc will have an immense attendance from the country east of the Rocky Mountains. "I found the political outlook In the East very satisfactory from a Republican standpoint. "At Pittsburg Mrs. Hasen and myself dined with John Dalzell and his wife.. Mr. Dalzell Is one of the leaders In the lower house of Congress and In close touch with National politics. Ho had Just re turned from New York and insisted that Roosevelt will carry the Empire State by a safe majority. He told me that Tarn manv was lukewarm in its support of Parker and would make no especial effort .to carry tho state for him. All along the line, wherever I went. I found the Repub llcans confident of success and lt looks like a certain Roosevelt victory to me. . LOW RATES TO ST. IX) CIS FAIR. St. Louis aad Return, $67.50. Chicago and Return, $72.30. The Great Northern Railway will sell on October 3, 4. S, 27, 25. 29, round-trip tickets to St. Louis and Chicago at above rates. Tickets first class, good until De cember Si. stopovers allowed and good for rettim via same or any direct route. For further information call on or address H. Dickson, a P. & T. A.. 122 Third street. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL KEFOET. PORTLAND. Sept. 30.MaTlTr.um tempera ture. S3 dg.; minimum, BC. River reading at 11 A. M.. 9 feet; change in past 24 hours, none. Total precipitation. B P. M. lo 5 P. 51., none: total since Septeber 1, 1004. 0.28 inch; normal. L75; deficiency, L47. Total sunshine September 29. 1004, 7 hours and SO minutes; possible. 11 hours and 48 mlnutea. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M., 30.00. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Fair and pleasant weather, frith atlghtly higher temperatures, prevail this evening in Oregon. Washington and Northern Idaho. In ottthcn X&feo, light sbaTre occurra toda y. HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Room. $1.M to $3.00 Per Day, According to Location. J. r. DATCES, Pres. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Europeaa Plan Rooms 50c to $1.50 First-Class Restaorant In Connectloa and the weather in that section la now cloudy. Fair weather continues In California. The Indications are for continued fair weather In this district Saturday. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight, October 1: Portland and vicinity Fair; northerly winds. "Western Oregon and Western Washington Fair; northerly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair. . PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. 4p STATION. Baker City BtFmarck 74jO.00j NW SO 0.00 8SW 78 0.001 ;s OAin.nni vw Clear Clear Cloudy Bo lee Eureka Helena trjear 76!o.O0! !SE Clear Kamloops. B. C. Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear 64lo!o024 N North Head Pocatello T Is Portland R.1 rt.OO 0 nw SE iSW 18W XW In sw Red Bluff ISOlO.OO Rceeburg 8 0.0V 840.00 Clear Sacramento Clear Salt Lake City.... 72HJ.W 74 0.00 60 0.00 Clear San Francisco ... Pt. cloudy Spokane Seattle Clear Clear 720.00 Walla Walla ISOlO.OO! 'Clear Light. T trace. MEETING NOTICES. A LB IN A LODGE, NO. 101, A. F. it A. M. Stated communication this (Saturday) evening at S O'clock. E. A. degree. All E. A. cordially Invited. By" order W. M. A. J. HANDLAN. Secretary. BORN. LONG To Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lcng. .202 N 10th., Sept. 27, a girl. FUNERAL NOTICES. SIMMONS Friends and. acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend tne funeral serv ices or Samuel Simmons, which will be held at the I. O. O. F. Temple, cor. 1st and Alder eta., at 2 P. M-. Sunday. October 2. Inter ment Multnomah Cemetery. Take the Mt. Scott car; set off at Gray's crossing. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Undertakers aad embalm cdi, have moTed to their sew build ing Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. S07. 1 J. 1. ITNLET SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephono No. 9. F. S. DUNNING. Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. DUNNING & CAMPION. Undertaker. 7th and Pine. Lady assistant. Phono Main 43. Zeller-Byrnes Co., Undertakers, embalxn ers. 273 Russe.IL Phono East 1088. Lady As't. UNCALLED-FOB. ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAT BE HAD BT PRE SENTING TOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE GONIAN OFFICE. A 10, 90, 00. 15 1, 9. C 1, 8, 9. 98, 100. D 1. 9, 88, 91, 99. E 03. V 3, 4, 6, 9. 95. 1, 4, 66, 93. 112, 10. 88, 96, 99. J 3, 4, 8, 69, 88, 93, 94. K i, 7, 9, 10. 100. s. L 7, 10, 91, 100. M t, 7, 9, 86. 91, 99. N 6, 88, 96, 100. O 0, 9, 88, 90. V 1, 0, 9, 60. 93, 100. Q 2, 3, 7, 9, 93. R 5, 90, 95. K 3, S3. V 1, 2, 5, 97, 100. V'B. 94. X 6, 7, , 9, 97, XTZ. Y 1, 4. NEW TO DAT. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR DAIRY or stock ranch, good tuel business, city. B 49. Oregonlan. FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM HOUSE eale; house for rent. 2S2 E. 7th sU TO OUR FRIENDS "THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY XX OREGON." has elected MR. JOHN F. DALY. Real Estate Officer. With the intention of engaging: In the general buying and selling of real estate for its cli ents. The same faithful attention to their interests as marks the other departments of the company's business will be carried out, and the use of Its own capital will often enable lt to make sales that might otherwise fall. When calling at the office upon real est&to business, kindly ask for Mr. John F. Daly, Real Estate Officer, or Mr. Walter J. Gill. Second. Assistant secretary. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 109 Third Street. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET ., secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary LOOK HERE 25x100, -west side of 10th, bet-ween Wash inrtnn imd Alder, irrand chance tor small Investment in extra choice Inside growing business property. ACREAGE 36 acres or less. Junction of Portland Boulevard and Patton ave., between Pied mont and Willamette River. Only large piece between Portland ana sr. jonns avail able for platting. CORD WOOD LAND 160 acres, 12,000 cords, close to Willamette Slough. TIMBER LAND 2400 acres, head of Nehalem River, solid body cheap.. Very easy terms on all of the above. PWC Ol oxace lor rai. B, M. WILBER, 306 McKay Bldg. MARSHALL STREET Easy $1850 Terms Southwest corner. 60x30. 23d and Marshall is.: beautiful building site. Telephone Main KB PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON Hrt-Cla8s Check ReetaHrast. Collected With Hotel. C O. SATIS, See. aad Trea. :THE: ESMOND HOTEL SCAR AXBEBSQH, Minarir Front and Morrison Streets PORTLAND - OREGON FREE 'BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. Rates European plan. 50c. 73c $1.00, ?tW), 92.00 per day. Sample rooms In connection. AMUSEMENTS. pORDRAY'S THEATER ' CORD RAT & RUSSELL. Managers. (Washington Street.) "Portland's Most Popular Theater." Matinee prices Adults. 25c; children (special seats), 10c Night prices. 10c, 20c. 30c and 60c. TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK. "The Hills of California " "Best of all Rural Plays." Next Week, Starting Sunday Matinee. Mr. Charles E. Callahan' NEW YORK COMPANY IN "A Romance of Coon Hollow" Starting Thursday Evening, "Grandfather's Clock" "First 'time on any stage." Columbia Theater CHAS. W. YORK, Assistant Manager. 14th and Washington. Phone Main 110. ALL THIS WEEK, Tbi superb Columbia Stock Company In Dion Boucicault's masterpiece. "THE JILT Prices 15c. 25c, 50c; entire gallery. 15c Matinee 15c and 25c; entire gal lery, 10c Ticket office open at Rowe & Martin'. 6th and Washington, from 10 A. M. to 7 P. M. Phone Main 110. At theater from 7 P. M. to 10 P. M. Phone 311. BAKER THEATER Oregon Theater Co. (Inc), Lessee. Phone Main 1007. Geo. L. Baker, Manager. TODAT MATINEE, Last performance of the great Sardou actor, MELBOURNE MACDOWELL IN THE "EMPRESS THEODORA." No performance tonUht. STARTING TOMORROW MATINEE and all next week, matinees Sunday and Saturday, Special engagement of the great New Tork success, Conan Doyle's latest success, "The Sign of the Four" WITH MR, TRUE 8. JAMES as Sherlock Holmes And a strong metropolitan cast. The greatest of all detective stories. BAKER PRICES PREVAIL. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. P ANGLE. Resident Manager. raone Main sua. Special-Price Matinee Today at 2:15 o'clock. Tne Musical Comedy, "SAN TOT" WITH JAMES T. POWERS. Matinee prices Lower floor. $1.50. $1. Bal cony. 51, 75c Gallery, 50c Last performance tonight at 8:15 o'clock. Evening prices Lower noor. i.oo. Balcony, Jl.oo. 91, ibc. uai lery, ac, 50c Seats are now eelllng. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLB. Resident Manager. Phone Main 80S. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Evenings, October 3, 4, 5. 1904. MR. KYRLE BELLEW Supported by EL M. Holland and the original New York company, in "RAFFLES, THE AMATEUR CRACKSMAN." Prices Parquet, $2; parquet circle, 21.50. Balcony, first 6 rows, SI; last 6 rows, 75c Gallery, 75c and 50c Boxes and loges, 112.50. beats are now selling. SEE THE GREAT KJNS-NERS AND AX EXCELLENT VAUDEVILLE BILL AT THE STAR Shows 2:30 to 4:30 P. M., 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. General admission, 10c; reserved box seats, 25c PERSONAL SEE THE FUNNIEST MOVING PICTURE FILM AND A GREAT VAUDEVILLE BILL AT THE ARCADE Shows 2:30 to 4:30 P. M.. 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. Admission, 10c to any 'seat. LYRIC THEATER tCorner Alder and Seventh.) HIQH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:0 to 4:80; 7:80 to 10:30; Sunday. 2 to 10 P. M. This ad. aaX lOo will admit two peopU any matinee except Sundays and holidays. TEN CENTS NO HIGHER. BIJOU THEATER Sixth, Bet. Alder and Washington The home of polite vaudeville. Can He coca performances from 2 to 4:39 P. M. Buscays. continuous z to ioiw tr. . Ercstag performances from 7 to 10:30 P. M. Any seat in the theatar. TEN CENTS BASEBALL Oakland vs. Portland RicreafoFi Park, Sept. 27, 21 28, 30, Od 1, 2 Ladles days, Thursday and Friday. Games called 3: Sunday, 2:S0 P. M. Ad mission, 25c; children, 16c. NEW TODAY. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE Good creamery butter 45c and 60c Best creamery 55c and 6fte nood dairv 40c Eggs, per doxen... 23c and 30c o pounoa rennea tsra c 5 pounds lard compound.... .............. ..45c Best surar-cared hams. 14c Picnic hama ....12c Breakfast bacon ...15c Cheese, pound Sc. 10c and I2c Swiss cheese -2c Chickens cheaper than ever this week;, at your own price. All goods retailed at wholesale 'rices xor caaa. LA GRANDE CREAMERY 24 TasW 6fct CLASSIFIED AD. SATES. -Knnms aad Seari." "Hase- keevtac Ttnmn, -flHnaUona Waste 15 words or less, IS cesia; IS to 34 wards. 2 cents;. 21 e 25 words, X costs, etc No UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, exeept "New Today,' 39 cents for 15 words or lent 16 to 2 words, 40 ceats; 21 to 35 words. 5 eeats. etc &rt laserUoa. Eaea additions! laeertieH, eae-baH; further dUcwaat aa der oao month. "NEW TOD ATT fgMg raeaffsro agate), 15 cents per llae, ft t lssearttea; ceata per Use far each, addltlosal lasertisB. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care Tne OreseaJaB, aad left at this office, sBoeld always he taclesed la sealed en velopes. No stamp required ob suca let ters. Tne Oregonls win noC be respess&le tor errors Is adverUsessems taicea uirosgn taa telephone. 3fEW TODAY. FOR SALE: Worthington Compound Duplex Pump, second hand, A 1 condition. Size 10xl8Kxl4xlO. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute. Check valve, lub ricator, etc., complete. iBtroire A. W. Cochran, Oregonlaa Building. rOR SALE REAL JESTATE. THE PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, "The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon." offers its services to the public for the buying and selling of real estate upon com mission. This department of its business is in charge of Mr. John F. Daly, Real Estate OOcer, and Mr. Walter J. Gill, Second Assistant Secretary. The Company, having ample capital and resources, which lt does not hesitate to use In the service of its clients, expects to do a large and continually increasing business in real estate, and you are re spectfully invited to call at this otOce. 109 Third street, and confer with its of ficers in regard to anything that you may wish to buy or sell. 1 GUAR ANTE FD AS ADVERTISED THREE good homestead places of 160 acres each, with more or less in cultivation good houses, barns, and orchards; black loam soli; live wa'.er; In every way excellent places for general farming and stockrals ing; all within 7 miles of town on Colum bia River. Price $400 each, with part down. Be first and get choice. Imus & Wllloughby, Kalama, Wash. 8-ROOM HOUSE ON PATTON BOULEVARD for J 1300; modern Improvements; a bargain; 4 more lots can be had If wanted; all Im proved; young fruit trees; all for $3000: 400 feet from car-line. Call Sundays, Scott 671 L After Sunday, East 70S. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST-LOCATED 9-room, modern houses, with barn and 2 Xuir lots, on the East Side, close in, on im proved street; schools, churches and car lines; will sell on easy terms. J. L. Wells Co., 94 Grand ave. FOR SALE BY OWNER. AT A SACRI- flce. 8-room house, corner lot, 50x100. E.i 13th and E. Rhine st.; $1750 cash, or easy terms. Address F 12, Oregonlan. FOR SALE OrROOM MODERN HOUSE. 3S8 San Rafael st, near Union ave.; good location; will sell reasonable. Inquire 399 Hancock. Phone East 1685. FIVE ACRES, UNIMPROVED, ADJOINING Woodstock, on car line; also ten acres im proved, near Lents. 445 Sherlock bldg. Phone Clay 1842. t- HOUSE OF 5 LAIIUK JtOOiia, vJUrtrsirt lot. 50x100, elegant fruit, one oiock rrom car line; cheap. 1235 E. Yamhill. Phone Scott 101. S4600 NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, AOD 0ULU1US, IIAO Ik mxvucj , move right In. W. H. Grlndstaff. 243 Stark st. 6-ROOM HOUSE. GOOD PLUMBING. nearly new, $100 casn, bat. io per xnontn. A. S. Ellis, 058 Williams ave. Phone Union 0S71. FOR SALE! I FINE LOTS. EACH 50x100 feet. Parkview AOQ., near aunnysiue, ai $250 each; a snap; by owner. Phone Hood 5CS. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on u. w. f. ejecinc une. -. . Addlton. Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car; 6c FOR SALE 500 ACRES STUMP LAND 16 mile from .forutna. inquire x Mor rison st. C R. Davis Fuel Co. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH Ufa. CALL on us when you want to buy. uatnews Palmer, 418 Oregonlan bldg. LARGE MODERN HOUSE, 12 ROOMS. SIT- uated on a corner aot, ciuoc in; iioerai terms. Phone East 675. FOR SALE BRAND-NEW BICYCLE. COST $40; a snap it soia at once, xtoom e. mz'.'i Washington st. RARE BARGAIN-1600 BUYS 255 ACRES near Brownsville. P. O. Box 275. Oregon City. Or. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSED HIGHLAND FOR particulars address owner, uox 148, soutn Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE CHEAP NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE, lot 50x100, Darn ana garacn. j-i spencer sr., Montavllla. FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE, 7 ROOMS; 771 Kearney, bet. Z3U ana zttn. Apply sa .rail ing bldg. FOR SALE MODERN C-ROOM HOUSE. very cheap. Inquire room 1, 133 H 5th at. $2600 HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS. FULL BRICK basement; lot 50x100. at 246 North 17th st NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. 243 Sellwood sr.. Alblna. bet. 2 car lines. $1200 HOUSE AND LOT. APPLY TO owner.j 614 Qnlmby; a snap. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR RENT OR SALE STOCK RANCH. 170 acres. 90 cleared and sown to grass; fair house and bam and good orchard. Will rent or sell on Installments for $1250. For par ticulars write C. L Starr, Corvallls, Or. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to Wm. UacMaster. 311 Worcester block. 320 ACRES WHEAT LAND, 200 IN CUL tlvatlon. fenced, K mile to R. R. station in Walla Walla County; $3000, part cash or trade. Box 73. Beaverton. Or. IRRIGATED LANDS OF THE DESCHUTES Irrigation & Power Co. fcr sale by A. C Palmer, local agent. 418 Oregonlan bldg Farms, acreages, city property, timber In large and small tracts: homestead locations. Max well A Burg, S19 Ablngton bldg. MODERN 55 ACRES. CLOSE IN. ELECTRIC car; 700 Winter apples; easy terms. 227 front. LAND SCRIP. ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRIP, GENERAL land practice; our forest reserve scrip for non-Umbered lands is now ready. Collins Land Cc Concord bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. RECENTLY FROM THE EAST AND WANT to hear from dealers in real estate, timber lands and mining propositions. D. J. Forbes. 515 Yamhill st-, Portland. Or. WANTED TO BUY HOME CLOSE IN. ON monthly installments; must be a bargain. Address at once, J 9, Oregonlan. WANTED 8MALL RANCH, NEAR PORT land; give price. John A. Fort, Newberg, Or. TO EXCHANGE. SAWMILL. NEARLY NEW SMALL PAT ment down, balance in sawing,' or will trade for country store P 8. Oregonlan. CONTROLLING INTEREST IN VALUABLE mining property for real estate, farm lands preferred. C 7. Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. 20-ACRE FARM. GOOD BUILDING. WTND mlll, fruit, near Woodstock; furnished residence in Woodstock, 7 rooaas. C. L. Parker. Woodstock. j FARM FOR RENT ISO ACRES, 18 MILES from Portland, near railroad: stock and Implements furnished; rent oa sfearts. Q 3, Oregon! as. TIMTBBR LANDS TOR aav'se FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, uarestrictsd. ready tec las. 43ta as. LOWEST PRICES. E. r. & ST. B. Riley. 908 Chamber Coauaerce. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. APPROVED Santa Fa. with power of attorney to convey; also fractional soldiers additional; will enter amall tracts. Mnglnr.is A Son. 227 Falllnr bldg. Approved ecrlp; new loi agr lculrural or Umbar t lands. L. W. Whiting 4c Co.. 403 AbUigtooL GOOD Umber land ceap. scrip for s Mathaws Xt Palmer. 18 Oregonlan bldg. POR SALE. Horses, Vehicles aad Harness. WILL RENT OR SELL TEAM. 2000. single horse, 1200. lumber wagons, 3 and 3 Inches; will sacrifice for cash. Phone East 2333. EXCELLENT HORSE. 1000 LBS., YOUNG and sound, for sale or trade. Phone West 2975, after 3 P. it. FOR SALE GOOD WORK HORSE. APPLY at Lyon's stable, 115 Union ave., corner East Alder. ONE GOOD DOUBLE-SIsATED CARRIAGE for S27. or will trad on wagon. 813 Water st. WOLFSTEtN buys and sella norses. wagons, harness, buggies, farm implements. 227 Front. WANTED GOOD DRIVING HORSE, about 1000 lbs. Inquire 45 1st st. HORSES AND WAGONS TO HIRB BT DAT. week or month. 211 Washington. FOR SALE GOOD WORK HORSE. CALL 1212 Ellsworth st, Richmond. Plaaoc. FOR SALE CHEAP FINE. NEW A. B. Chase'plano. owner leaving city. Call morn ings 147 13th st. BALLET. ROSEWOOD CAS J:. USED BUT HT tle; great bargain, $130. Ellers Piano House, 351. Washington st. FOR SALE PIANOLA, USED ONLY FEW months; good as new; bargain. Address x a, oregonlan. Decker upright piano, slightly used. $50- new Kimball organ, $35; must sell. 24l lst-Main. Miscellaneous. HAY FOR SALE 8000 TONS OF FIRST - class alfalfa hay for sale -In lots to suit purchaser on the Payette bench, well lo cated for feeding sheep or cattle: for particulars Inquire of W. F. Ringer, New Plymouth, Idaho. R. F. D. No. L In dependent phone. DOES TOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair lt with Elaterlte: lt rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co.. 10 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN COMPLETE merchants' lunch outfit; only used a short time, consisting of large cooking range, soup tureens, roast heaters, knives, forks, plates, etc Call 379-381 East Morrison. FOR SALE TWO THOROUGHLY BRED bull terrier female puppies; prices rea sonable. -Inquire 413 Eleventh st. FOR SALE BARGAIN IN GOOD VIOLIN, including case and bows; will pay to in vestigate. V 0, Oregonlan. NEW COLUMBIA DISC ORAPHOPHONE. with 12 popular records, at your own price. Phone Union 0S7L TYPEWRITERS, all makes, av coat, from $23: rubber stamps, seals, etc Coast Co., 231 Stark Moving picture film, song sllaes, magic lan terns. T. P. Andrews, 109 Mont. St.. S. F., Cat IRON BED AND SPRING. NEW CHAIRS and rocker. 134 N. 9th st. Phone Main 1353. IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FOOT LIVE FIR. oak and ash wood, go to Hoover & Conway, BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF- Am erics na now $25. 7th and Morrison. SMALL AND LARGE SAFES, GOOD CON dltlon; cheap. R SO. Oregonlan. SHOWCASES AND COUNTERS FOR SALE at the Chicago. 69 3d st. FOR SALE GOOD RAMBLER BICYCLE. Call 217 Oregonlan bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. WE PREPARE YOU QUICKLY AS PLLUS- trator, cartoonist, lawyer; pharmacist, stenographer, bookkeeper. Journalist, ad writer, correspondence man, banker. Write for free book. "Profits of Knowing How" tells everything. National Correspondence Schools. 82 When.. Indianapolis, U. S. A. LOGGERS, MILL AND YARDMEN. LAB orers, city and county; men and teams, farmhands and milkers, restaurant and mess-houso help; work of all kinds. Ca nadian Employment Co.. 249 Burnslde and 22815 Morrison. Phone Main 3074. A BRIGHT FUTURE FOR THOSE At tending the Portland Watch School; first class, practical Instruction In watch and Jewelry-making, engraving, assaying, op tics, etc; tuition reasonable. Address C H. Saake. 311 Dekum bldg. WANTED FIRST- CLASS. RAPID MOLD- ers, capable ot aoing general oenca ana. floor work; $3.50 per day, 9 hours; open shop. Benicla Iron Works, Benlcia, Cali fornia. WANTED GOOD, BRIGHT OFFICE AND errand boy, about 10 years; must write good hand; state salary expected, refer ences and phone number. N 100, Oregonlan. EMPLOYED OR UNEMPLOYED CAPA ble. experienced men are wanted; write for booklet. Pacific Commercial Bureau, agents. "Hapgoods lnc" Walker bldg., Seattle. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS WINDOW trimmer and card writer; state salary ex pected, experience and give reference. Ad dress P. O. Box 134, Tacoma, Wash. WANTED YOUNG MEN STENOGRAPH- ers and bookkeepers ior gooa paying posi tions. Holmes Business College. Yamhill and Eleventh sts. Phone Main 513. FOR SALE TWO-CHAIR BARBER SHOP, established ten years, in city; no opposi tion; good trade; $330. Apply Sec Barber's Union. 167 First St., room 1. AMATEUR SINGERS, PERFORMERS, Mu sicians wanted; salary $25 weekly. New man's Theatrical Circuit, the Raleigh, 323 H Washington. WANTED A GOOD, ACTIVE BOY. 15 TO 20 years "Id, to learn the orchard business and farm work. Apply to S. M. Beard, Van couver, Wash. WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN TO SELL stock for a new patent harness buckle; everybody wants it. L 99. care Oregonlan. WANTED A STRONG, ABLE-BODIED, experienced shipping porter. Apply to Wad hams & JCerr Bros., Front and Oak streets. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO STUDY LAW; excellent chance to save time and money. Address E. C care Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG LADY TO TAKE PRI vate lessons in stenography: fine chance. Address E. C., care Oregonlan. WANTED BRAKEMAN FOR LOGGING road; none but experienced men need apply. Address A 10, Oregonlan. WANTED TRAVELING ' SALESMAN TO take standard article of hardware as side line. H 7, Oregonlan. TAILOR TO WORK ON ALTERATIONS. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, 3d and Stark sts. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR ber trade; terms reasonable. R 7, Ore gonlan. FOREMAN FOR EXCAVATING. CELLAR and street work, $3, city. Hansen, 26 N. 2d st. WANTED EXPERIENCED COUPON SOLIC- ltors for out-ot-town gaiiery. i-o, uregouian. WANTED A GOOD BOY ABOUT 16 TO work in store. Inquire B. B. Rich, 103 3d. BOY WANTED AT G. P. CRUMELIN & Sons. 126 Second st.. near Washington. WANTED A TINNER. EDMONDSON Co., St. Johns, cor. Jersey & Leavltt. CLOTHING SALESMEN WANTED AT Strain's, 2S5 and 287 Washington sU WANTED BOY TO LEARN THE FLOR lst business. Call 613 Washington. WANTED ERRAND BOY. APPLY MANN . Sc Beach, 92 2d at. WANTED BOY WITH WHEEL. 355 MORRI- SOB St. WANTED A BOY AT THE PUBLIC Li brary. JrANXD 0Y. AT. NAU'S DRUG. STORE. KELT WANTED FE3CALE. DOMESTIC HELP OT ALL XXNDS chamber aids, ceeka, waitresses, aurs girls, second girls, housekeepers, house work. $15 to Sao. Canadian Parlors, 236. Uorrteon. Phone Main 1328. STENOGRAPHER. CORRECT AND QUICK in dictation and transcribing; salary to be gin with $30; no novices or yesterday busi ness college graduates need apply. J 11, Oregonlan. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work, elderly lady preferred; three In family; reasonable wages and good home for right party. 830 East 10th st.. North. WOMAN OF GOOD ADDRESS AND REFINE- ment lor responsible managerial position In town of 3000 Inhabitants; references and se curity required. Q 1. Oregonlan. LADIES $20 PER THOUSAND COPYEn'G letters Home. .No canvassing; material free. Send stamp for particulars!. Howard Co.. 1268 Broadway. New York. LADIES EARN S20 PER HUNDRED writing short letters. Send stamped en velope for particulars. Ideal Manufactur ing Co., Cassopolls, Mich. WOMAN WANTED FOR GENERAL housework, family of four adults, small washing, early Sunday dinner, no evening work. 355 Taylor st. AMATEUR SINGERS. PERFORMERS, MU- luans wanieu; salary i-o weeKiy. .New man's Theatrical Circuit, the Raleigh. 323 Vi Washington. GIRL FOR COOKING AND DOWNSTAIRS worjt; aiso girt to taxa care or 3-year-old child and do up-stalrs work. 230 King st. Phone Main 2511. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS. waiters, cnamoermalds, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phone Blade 2S81. POSITION NOW OPEN FOR LADY STEN- ogrspaer anu. oooKxeopcr; wages to start. $40. Apply at Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, city. WANTED AT H. B. LITTS, 4TH AND Washington sts., apprentice girl for alter ation department; also first-class jacket hand. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSD- work; three adults; must live at own horns nights; references required. 320Hi 7th su COMB QUICK. EARLY; 10 ARM TRAY waitresses good pay; also chamber work; do mestics. Drake, 205H Washington. WANTED LADY WORKING TO SHARE rooms with lady; every convenience; very cheap. L 12, Oregonlan. GIRL WANTED FOR DOMESTIC WORK in flat, good wages, four in family. 200 14th st., cor. Taylor. GIRL TO DO LIGHT HOUSEWORK, SLEEP home, call before 8 A. M.. 320 1st, cor. Halsey. 1 EXPERIENCED WAIST FINISHER AT once; only first-class need apply. 412 Alder street. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR SEC ond and dining-room work, hone Main 2443. WANTED A FlRST-CLASS. UP-TO-DATE lady canvasser; & snap. 404 Ablngton bldg. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, from 8 to 2; wages $12. 651 Kearney st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: must understand cooking. 133 N. 18th st. EXPERIENCED NURSE WANTS POSITION caring for elck or Invalid. V 5, Oregonlan. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOCSE work in small family. 527 Northrup st. STRONG GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, 351 32d st, Willamette Heights. WANTED GOOD COOK. TWO IN FAM lly. Apply mornings, 812 Johnson st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; must be cook. 3l3 13th st. SPECIAL WORK FOR LADY; GOOD PAY TC-' right party. C 100, Oregonlan. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL SMALL FAMILY. Apply mornings, 301 13th st. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 468 Market st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. PUPILS IN TELEGRAPHY BY AN EX- penenceu operator, uau iMoft .First at. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. GdOD FURNITURE SALESMAN WANTS position, wholesale or retail, on the floor or traveling; 12 years' experience, sober and steady. Address G 11, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN EXPERIENCED AS COL- lector wonts position; well acquainted with the town; can give reference and bonds. Address C 10, Oregonlan. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED ACCOCNT- ant, bookkeeping to do evenings; satisfac tory references. Y 13, Oregonlan. AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKSEPR AND office man wishes position; can give Al .references. L 11, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED POSITION AS CHIEF ELEC trician or assistant superintendent or su perintendent of power plant or electric light and water plant by young electrical engineer, technical graduate aad have my own tools. Had 8 years' practical experi ence and now superintendent of light and works in town of 3000; good references. Ad dress T 8, Oregonlan. WANTED A POSITION BY A FIRST-CLASS, all-round German butcher, 23 years' experi ence, strictly sober and steady, and not afraid of work. Address W 11, Oregonlan, Portland, Or. ALL ROUND MECHANIC. 25 YEARS' Ex perience, builder and contractor, desires work as finisher or foreman. J. McKlnza, 315 Couch st. YOUNG MEN ATTENDING SCHOOL WANT places to work for board. Holmes Business College, Yamhill and 11th sts. Phone Main 513. i POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG MARRIED man with responsible firm; chance for ad vancement; no soliciting-. C 6, Oregonlan. WANTED TO DO SCRUBBING AND house or office cleaning or fire furnace, by white man. Address "W 2, care Oregonlan. THREE 'JAPANESE WANT POSITIONS AS cooks In the country, hotel or camp. Ad dress 121 N. 15th st, tel, Clay 854. STEADY, EXPERIENCED MAN AS HELP er in blacksmith shop, iron works, or kindred trades. P. O. Box 300, city. JAPANESE ASSN. CAN FURNISHED Do mestic servants, farm and all kinds of help. Black 992. 268 Everett st. BAKER WANTS POSITION OR WOULD take second on bread or cakes. 91 Grand ave. N. R. 50. SITUATION BY ALL-ROUND CANDY maker. pastry and cake baker. Address G S. Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUA tlon to do good cooking and housework. S 7, Oregonlan. DENTAL STUDENT WANTS A PLACE TO earn his board, doing any work required. M 12, Oregonlan. WANTED WORK OF ANY DESCRIPTION by a good man, German or English. O. L. 285 Front st. I STEADY, YOUNG MARRIED MAN WANTS inside work; wages $1.75 'to $2 per day. 430 E. 10th. JAPANESE COOK WISHES SITUATION IN family in the city or country. E 12, Ore gonlan. t MALE COOK WANTS PLACE IN CAMP, hotel or restaurant. 388 Everett sU WANTED SEVERAL GOOD HOUSES TO make collections for. ' L 97. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. SITUATION WANTED RESPECTABLE woman, boy 10. housekeeper widower's family. 230 Yamhll. Phone Black 28SL WANTED A POSITION AS HOUSEKEEP er by a middle-aged lady. J 12, Oregonlan. TWO EXPERIENCED SWEDISH GIRLS want work in family. 642 Upshur st., ctr. 20th N. 'aPseeHaneoHS. YOUNG WOMAN. STUDYING MUSIC, WILL do light housework in small family for good home and use of plaao. Address. A 9, Oregos&s