12 THE MOBNLNG OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER " 28, IS0 COINS SELLING FAS Great Demand for Lewis and Clark Souvenirs, TOURISTS EAGER FOR THEM Another Issue May Be Needed Be fore Year Expires Banks All Over United States Asked to Help Ladles' Good Work. I the sale of the Lewis and Clark sou venir coins continues as it has during the six days since the coins were placed on sale, another coinage "will he required from the Government Mint before the close of the year.. When the Exposition Company's office in the Stearns building closed last even ing 3341 of the coins had been sold, and the revenue from these sales amounted to $4650. During the day 200 coins had been sold, bringing in $346. On Monday the sale brought in $578, customers ap pearing every few minutes during the day. Many of those who made purchases are tourists, but the majority are Port landers, who see that by an investment of $2 .they can help the fair and at the Eame time acquire a valuable souvenir, which is bound to increase in value be yond its purchase price in years to come. ' The Commercial Club has sent in an order for $300 -worth of coins, the first con signment for sale by the committee of young' ladies having been disposed of. This indicates that the fair Portlanders are dolnjj effective work. In order to hasten the distribution of the $25,000 in Lewis and Clark souvenir coins, the co-operation of banks all over the "United States is to bo secured. Commu nications were sent out yesterday by Sec retary Henry E. Heed to all banks con nected with the clearing-houses and to other prominent banks, apprising their officers of the facts concerning the Lewis and Clark coins. The communication is as follows: The Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition Company offers for sale at the price of $2 each ' 25.000 souvenir gold dollars. To each purchaser of five coins will be given one coin free of charge, making six for $10. These coins are Issued by the Secretary of the Treas ury, under authority of an act of Congress, approved by President Roosevelt. April 13, 1904. The itace is limited to 250.000. These coins are singularly Interesting from the fact that they have two heads or obverses. On one side Is the head of Captain William Clark and the words "United States of Amer ica" and "One Dollar." On the other elde appears the head of Captain Meriwether Lewis and the words "Lewis-Clark Exposition. Port land, Ore.," and the date "1004." The coin has neither wreath nor stars. Some estimate of the value of this email issue of souvenir legal-tender gold dollars may be made from the present value of the or dinary United States gold dollar, of which there were coined 10,490.337 between the years 1840 and 1800. These now i"ell for $2 each. No coins 6f this Issue will be placed upon eale at a lower figure than is quoted In this circular. All coins are sent to purchasers by registered mall at the expense of the Exposi tion Company. SAVE BEST FRUIT FOR SHOW State Commission's Appeal to Grow ers How to Preserve' Fruit. Since Oregon fruits are to be a feautre of the exhibits in the Agricultural Palace at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, the fruitgrowers of the state are being com municated with daily and urged to pre serve their best products for next year. While the response to the appeals for fresh fruits recently was not all that could be expected, it Is believed by the State Commissioners, who have charge of the preparation of Oregon's exhibit, that interest will awaken with the ap proach of the Fair. In order that producers may become fa miliar with the best methods of preserv ing fruit for exhibit purposes, circulars are being distributed by President Jeffer son Myers explaining the most approved formula. The general directions con tained in the circular follow: After the fruit has been carefully- selected, place It in a receptacle in which it Is to be preserved; cover with clean, clear water, and let it stand for six or seven hours, pouring off the water and rinsing the fruit thoroughly in the receptacle with a email hose, in order to remove every partlcule of dirt from both the jar and fruit. It is difficult to determine just how much glycerine should be used, ao different fruits require different amounts, and practically the only way this can be determined la to make a practical test, which can be done by adding glycerine from time to time as It seems neces sary to do so. The specific gravity of the different fruits and even different specimens of the same vari ety differ considerably, so that no definite advice can be given. If a fruit is firm and solid. 1t will not require a liquid of the eame specific gravity that it would if it were over ripe. It is recommended that the preserving liquid be as much lighter than the Juice of the fruit as is possible without causing the fruit to crack. If ' the preserving liquid Is heavier than the Juice, the result will be that the fruit will shrivel: therefore, there la danger of adding too much, glycerine, and practically the only way to avoid doing so is to begin with a email amount and add more if It is found to be necessary to keep the fruit from crack ing. Fall Strawberries to Bo Exhibited. B. C. Giltner returned yesterday from Southern Oregon after effecting the pur chase of 150 boxes of Fall apples for the fruit exhibit of the Lewis and Clark Ex position. Mr. Giltner brought with him several boxes of fine strawberries, which he found on the market at Ashland at a reasonable price. The strawberries were of the third crop, and the successful rais ing of them is the discovery of an Ash land agriculturist, who makes the predic tion that a few years hence will see strawberries a regular Fall dish. TO HONOR A GOOD "WOMAN. Bishop O'Dea Comes to Conduct Mrs. Anderson's Funeral Services. Bishop O'Dea, of Seattle, came to Portland yesterday to hold pontifical requiem mass over the remains of Mrs. Emma H. Anderson, who died here Sunday morning. Bishop O'Dea will hold mass because he was long a friend of the deceased woman. He said yesterday: "It was little enough, for me to do for Mrs. Anderson to make this jour ney for her after the good she has done the church and its institutions. "It is a pleasure for me to tell you something about Mrs. Anderson," ho continued, "for during her lifetime she always objected to having her dona tions and charitable actions made pub lic Now that she is dead, I can take advantage of the situation and tell of her noble life. "Besides being openhanded and lib eral .on all occasions, she made some very'valuable gifts to oharitable insti tutions during her life. The largest of these was 14 acres known as Hob inson's Hill at the south, end of Park street, at the time of the gift valued at $75,000, and not to be sold according to the gift for less than that amount, the proceeds of the sale to be expended in the building of an orphanage for boys. "She also donated ten acres at Park Place near Oregon City for the estab lishment of a home for .sraxward war. SffiffH ttfi 1A!WTH STBKTS, HITU3I. 8KSi Earopwa Pfcn $1.00, $10, $2,00 pr Dy THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. American Plan also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. $3 PER DAY and upward. Jfew Building Elegantly Furnished, Centrally Located. cost oxe mxxxxox doixjm. HOTEL SCOTT SEVENTH AND ANKENY STS. Pcstomee Blocfc. c EUROPEAN PLAN BOOStS 75o TO S2.00 PER BAY. FREE BUS M. E FOLEY, manager. men and girls. She also endowed the first and only bed for the poor in St Vincent's Hospital, and furnished be side a large ward and a private room." Mrs. Anderson was the wife of Judge Levi Anderson and for many years after his death, until a few months ago, lived in her old home on the cor ner of Second and Salmon streets. She was born in Paris, May 21. 1F37, of Swedish r"nts, who w-jre visiting in Paris at the time of her birth. She came of a distinguished family, a fact she was never heard to mention, her father having been Minister Plenipotentiary of the Free States of Sweden. She came to Portland with her husband in 1,865 and has lived here since .that time. She became a convert to Catholicism in middle life and has remained a devout member of the church since. At her funeral, which will take place at 9:30 tomorrow morning, Bishop O'Dea will sing pontifical high mass of requiem. Archbishop Christie will also officiate. The body will bo buried at Rlverview Cemetery. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Sept. 27. Maximum tempera ture, 04 deg.; minimum. 54. River reading at 11 A. M., 8.1 feet; change In past .24 hours, 0.3. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., trace; total since September 1, 1004, 0.21 inch; normal, 1.46; deficiency. 1.27. Total sunshine September 2C. 1904. none; possible, 12 hours. Barometer (reduced to Eea level), at 6 P. M., 80.10. ' PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. f3 Wind. 2 - Sa o 3S" STATION. Kr 8 o o vj Q f ? : i I : Baker City Bismarck Boise Eureka. . Helena Kamloops, B. C. North Head .... Focatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City.. San Francisco .. Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island .. Walla Walla .... Light. T trace. 15410.001 N SB NW N V SB S sw SW N NW NW W W s SB S SW (Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Cloudy EHfU.VUi G41U.UO O.OO 0.00 0.00 0.04 tnouay Rain Clear k).2 i T Cloudy oo Clear 0.00 Cloudy "210.00 5CI T 1 Clear Ram Clear Cloudy Cloudy Rain CSIO.OO; 66 0.00 60 0.04' 54 0.56 6SO.00 IPt. cloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS. Showers have occurred today In the "Willam ette Valley and the Sound country, while else where In the North Pacific States fair weather has prevailed, except in Southeastern Idaho, where a light shower occurred this morning. The weather Is still cloudy and -uneottled west of the Cascade Mountains, but to the eastward of this range It is partly cloudy this evening. The indications are for cloudy to partly cloudy weather In this district "Wednesday, with light showers In the "Willamette Valley and Western "Washington. "WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight September 28: Portland and vicinity Cloudy, with probably showers; south to west winds. "Western Oregon Cloudy, with showers north portion; south to west winds. "Western "Washington Cloudy, with showers; southeasterly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern "Washington and Idaho Partly cloudy. A. B. WOLLABER, Weather for October. The following data, covering a period of 32 years, have been compiled from the "Weather Bureau records at Portland, Or. They are lsrued to show the conditions that have pre vailed, during the month In question, for the above period of years, but must not be con strued as a forecast of the weather conditions for the coming month. TEMPERATURE. Mean or normal temperature, 04 deg. The warmest month was that of 1001, with an average of 59 deg. The coldest month was that of 1893, with an average of 50 deg. The highest temperature was S3 deg., on October 7, 1891. The lowest temperature was 31 deg., on Octo ber 31, 1877. and on October 30, 1895. The earlleet date on which the first "killing" frost occurred in Autumn, was October 13. Average date on which first "killing" frost occurred In Autumn, November 15. Average date on which last "killing" frost occurred In Spring, March 17. The latest date on which last "killing" frost occurred In Spring, May 9. PRECIPITATION. RAIN OR MELTED SNOW. Average for the month, 3.00 Inches. Average number of days with .01 of an Inch or more. 13. The greatest monthly precipitation was 11.63 Inches, in 1691. The least monthly precipitation was a trace. In 1S95. The greatest amount of precipitation recorded in any 24 consecutive house was 2.93 inches, on October 9 and 10, 18S2. The greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any 24 consecutive house (record extended to "Winter of 18S4-85 only), was, none. CLOUDS AND "WEATHER. Average number of clear days, 9; partly cloudy days, 10; cloud)' days, 12. WIND. The prevailing winds have been from the northwest. The average hourly velocity of the wrad is 5 miles. The highest velocity of the wind was 53 miles, from the south, on October 10, 1900. NEW TODAY. jUortgage Loans 5and Upwards Real Estate City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. H. MR HELL, 202-3 McKay Building, Third and Stark, CHOICE RESIDENCE PROPERTY. The modern 7-room house. No. 738 Irving at., can be bought at a reasonable price; part cash, baL at 6 per cent. Is In the best residence district, convenient to both car lines. For prices and terms see Geo. M. Strong, 103 Second st. LOUIS H. BOLL PUCNO STUDIO, S42 WASHINGTON ST. Students . should a1 l- rlr. Fw hours dU HEADOOUTESS f OB TOURISTS JU5 CCKHE8WAL 1UTELES? Special rates made to families and single gentle men. Tks mas-j aremeat will be pleased at ail time to ahovr rooms and sire prices. A raoaera Turkish bath es tablish meat Is the hotel. U. C BOWERS, Manacer. Xlrst-ClaM Restaurant In Connectlo, Steam Heat, Electric LlghU. PORTLAND, OREGON AUCTION SAXES TODAY. At residence, 171 13th st. (Dekum resi dence), by S. L. N. Oilman, at 10 A M. By J. T. Wilson, at 331 Ankeny, at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON COUNCIL, NO. 3, R. & S. M. Stated assembly this (Wednesday) evening, 7:30 o'clock. In Masonic Hall, Burkhard. bldg.. East Side. Visiting companions cordially Invited. Work. Refreshments. By order of TH. ILL. M. C. M. BROSY, Rec. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER, NO. 54. O. E. S. Regular communication this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Work. By order W. M. KATE M. STEADMAN. Secretary. DEED. WOOD In this city, at the family residence, 600 East 2Sth st, Sept. 27, 1904, Thomas A. Wood, aged 07 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. SIMMONS In this city. September 27. 1004, Samuel Simmons, aged 52 years. 2 months and three days. Notice of funeral here after. FUNERAL NOTICES. ANDERSON Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services of the late Mrs. Levi Anderson, which will be held at the Cathedral. 15th and Davis sts., at 9:80 A M., Thursday, 29th Inst. Services at the grave private; kindly omit flowers. FRASER In this city, September 28, Ida Shogren Fraser, wife of Arthur R. Fraser; funeral will be held from the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Shogren, 229 Grand avenue, Wednesday morning, Sep tember 28, at 10 o'clock. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Undertakers and emb aimers, havo moved to their new build ing Third - and Salmoa. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. J. P. I7NLEY & SON, Pnneral Director, cor. 2d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 8. T. 8, DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Tclephono East S3. DUNNING CAMPION. Undertakers. 7th and Pine. lady assistant. Phono Main 430. Zeller-Byrnes Co., Undertakers, emb aim ers, 273 Russell. Phono East 1088. Lady As'fc. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. "Rooms," "Booms and Board," "House keeping Booms," "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No discount for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed en velopes. No stamp Is required on such let ters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through the telephone NEW TODAY. $3500 TO LOAN AT C PER CENT FOR 3 years, on West Side property only. Y 1, Oregonlan. FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale; house for rent. 2S2 E. 7th st. LOOK HERE 25x100, west side of 10th, between Wash ington and Alder, grand chance for small Investment In extra choice Inside growing business property. ACREAGE 36 acres or less, Junction of Portland Boulevard and Patton ave., between Pied mont and Willamette River. Only large piece between Portland and St. Johns avail able for platting. . CORD WOOD LAND 160 acres, 12,000 cords, close to Willamette Blough. TIMBER LAND 2400 acres, head of Nehalem River, solid body cheap. Very easy terms on all of the above. Part of office for rent. R. M. WILBBR. 306 McKay Bldg. .ILLUSTRATION NO. 17. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. NO. 109 "THIRD STREET. Incorporated April 22, 18S7. In January, 1002, a life Insurance company took one of our special certificates of deposit payable upon ten days' call for the sum of $10,000. It thus secured a liquid investment for a portion of Its reserve, and this money Is still on deposit with us. There are other life insurance companies in the country that might with advantage use these certificates. We should be glad to confer with their officers, or send them full particulars together with our book of ILLUSTRATIONS. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant ' Secretary 1 FOR SALE: Worthington Compound Duplex Pump, second hand, A 1 condition. Size 10x18)x14x10. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute. Check valve, lub ricator, etc., complete. Inquire A. W. Cochran, Oregonlan Building. JAPANESE GOODS p Every Description. Lowest Prices. R. KOHABA. 351 ilfiiaoa, Gear 7th. ASffUBKXrTNTg. Columbia Theater CIIAS. W. YORK, Assistant' Manager. - 14th and Washington. Phone Main 110. ALL THIS WEEK, The superb Columbia Stock Company In Dion Boucicaulfs masterpiece. "THE JILT" Prices 15c. 25c, 50c; entire gallery. 15c. Matinee 15c and 25c; entire gal lery, 10c Ticket office open at Rowe & Martin's. 6th and Washington, from 10 A. M. to 7 P. M. Phone Main 110. At theater from 7 P. M. to 10 P. M. Phone 311. Marquam Grand Theater, W. T. Pangle', resident manager. Phone Main S68. LAST PERFORMANCE TONIGHT At 8:15 o'clock. THE BEAUTIFUL COMEDY-DRAMA, . "SWEET CLOVER" A play with a moral. Prices, $1, 75c. 60c, 35c, 25c. Marquam Grand Theater, W. T. Pangle, resident manager. Phone Main 868. Thursday, Friday, Saturday nights, Sept. 29, 80. Oct. 1; special price matinee Saturday. The big Chlnese-Engll&h musical comedy. "SAN TOY" "The Real Thing." 76 people in the castr-j-70. Evening prices Lower floor, except last 3 rows, $2; last 3 rows, $1.50; balcony, first 3 rows. SL50; second 3 rows, ?L00; last 0 rows, 75c; gallery, 75c and 50c; boxes and loges, $12.50. Special Matinee Prices Parquette, $1.50; parquette circle, $1.00; balcony, first 6 rows, $1.00; last 6 rows. 50c; entire gallery. 50c Not more than 6 seats to one person for any single performance. BAKER THEATER Oregon Theater Co. (Inc.) Lessee. Geo. L. Baker, Manager. FIVE- NIGHTS AND SATURDAY MATINEE, Farewell performances of Melbourne MacDowcIl In the Great Spectacle. "EMPRESS THEODORA" No performance Saturday night, as Mr. Mac Dowell leaves for Spokane after mattnee. Baker prices prevail. Next week, "The Sign of the Four." pORDRAY'S THEATER v-' CORD RAX & RUSSELL. Managers. .Portland's Most Popular Family Theater. Tonight and every night this week, the one big hit of the season. Hundreds turned away last night. Return of the favorite. Frank Bacon, In the v "HILLS OF CAUFOBNIA." Supported by Wilfred Roger and Beeele Bacon and a Splendid Company of Players. Prices. 10c, 20c, SOc; special reserved seats, 50c Matinee prices any part of house Adults, 25c; children's department, 10c. GREAT ACTS AT THE STAR. THE KTNS-NERS, The Marvellous European Equilibrists. MR. AND MRS. HUNN. EDWARD DE MOSS. DE SHIELDS. HARRY GIBBS. WILL C. HOYT. THE PROJECTOSCOPE. Shows: 2:30 to -1:30; 7:30 to 10:30. General admission 10 cents; reserved box seats, 25 cents. THE ARCADE'S NEW BILL. RIZAL AND FAT IMA. RUSSELL, O'NEIL & RUSSELL. BILLIE MILLER. MORRIS, THE IMITATOR. KATE COYLE. AMERICAN BIOSCOPE. Shows, 2:30 to 4:30; 7:30 to 10:30. Ad mission to any seat, 10 cents. L.YRIC THEATER l Corner Alder and Seventh.). HIOH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:20; 7:30 to 10:30; Sunday. 2 to 10 P. M. This ad. and 10c will admit two people any matinee except Sundays and holidays. TEN CENTS NO HIGHER. The home of polite vaudeville. Continuous performances from 2 to 4:30 P. M. Sundays, continuous 2 to 10:30 P. M. Evening performances from 7 to 10:30 P. M. Any teat in the theater. TEN CENTS BASEBALL Oakland vs.. Portland Recreation Park, Sept. 27,28, 29, 30, Oct. 1, 2 Ladies' days. Thursday and Friday. Games called 3; Sunday, 2:30 P. M. Ad mission, 25c; children, 15c. NEW TODAY. FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE FOR DAIRY or stock ranch, good fuel business, city. B 49. Oregonlan. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $7500 BEAUTIFUL 10-ROOM RESIDENCE on 14th st.. West Side; ground 80x100 ft. jS00 Fine full lot on E. Taylor St.; close in. CHARLESON & STAUB. 245 Morrison. 1 FOR SALE SECOND HOUSE NORTHWEST cor. 10th ave. N. and Broadway, Holladay'a Addition, by owner; strictly modern 7-room house; must be sold at once; no reasonable offer refused; terms to suit. SURPRISINGLY CHEAP. BY OWNER $1500 Very nice S-room house on East Tay lor st., Sunnyslde; bath, hot and cold water, sewerage, etc.; everything In fine condition. Inquire 170 B. 34th. ' FOR SALE 8 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS 33 1-3x60 feet each; fine location, near Haw thorne Park; streets and grounds Improved; will eell separately. Inquire on premises, 060 E. Salmon. I FOR SALE A NICE LITTLE CHICKEN ranch, with house and water, on 5c car line; $10 down. $10 a month. Inquire third house north of station. Laurelwood. C. L. Brubakerv 5-ACRE TRACTS, RUNNING WATER, $60 per acre; make your own terms; house and 2 acres, $325. Take Estacada car. get off at Gates crossing; agent at first house south. TWO SELECT LOCATIONS ONE LOT 60s 100 feet. 23d and Johnson; quarter block, Portland Heights, one block from car line. Inquire rooms 225-6 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE PRETTY HOME AT ST. Johns, full block, good house, barn, fruit, water: must be sold at once: see Louie Henrlch, east end Steel bridge. FOR SALE 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 38S San Rafael 8t., near Union ave.; good loca tion; will sell reasonable. Inquire 390 Han cock. Phone Ea6t 1685. Hj00 NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, Nob Hill: nothing like It for the money; move right in. W. H. Grindataff, 246 Stark st. 6-ROOM HOUSE, GOOD PLUMBING, nearly new, $100 cash, bal. $15 per month. A. S. Ellis, 058 Williams ave. Phone Union CS71. 200 FARMS, SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton, Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car; 5o. $4300 CORNER. TWO NEW HOUSES, NEAR per cent. 305 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE 500 ACRES STUMP LAND 13 mllefc from Portland. Inquire 237 E. Mor rison st. C. R. Davis Fuel Co. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. CALL on ui when you want to buy. Mathews & Palmer. 418 Oregonlan bldg. NEW G-ROOM HOUSE. HIGHLAND FOR particulars address Owner, Box 148, South Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE CHEAP NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE, lot 50x100. barn and garden. 321 Spencer St., Montavllla. FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE, 7 ROOMS: 771 Kearney, bet. 23d and 24th. Apply 322 Fall ing bids. NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. 243 1. Sellirnod AIMna. .hat. 2 xar Jlaec FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED THREE good homestead places of 100 acres each, with more or less In cultivation good houses, barns, and orchards; black loam soil; lire water: In every way excellent places for general farming and stockrals lng; all within 7 miles of town on Colum bia River. Price $100 each, with part down. Bo first and get choice. Imus & Willoughby, Kalama, Wash. MY FINE RESIDENCE, MODERN, NINE rooms, 3 baths, 2 toilets, gas, full brick, basement, fireplace, mantel, full corner lot, close, in, best residence district. East Elde; terms, part cash, balance same as rent. Address E 7, Oregonlan. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST-LOCATED 0-room, modern houses, with barn and 2 full lots, on the East Side, close In, on Improved street; schools, churches and car lines; will sell on easy terms. J. L. Wells Co., 04 Grand ave. 8-ROOM HOUSE ON PATTON BOULEVARD tor 5 1 BOO; modern Improvements; a bargain; 4 more lots can be had If wanted; all im proved; young fruit trees; all for 53000; 400 feet from car-line. Call Sundays. Scott 671L After Sunday. East 70S. RARE BARGAIN 1 GOO BUT 3 255 ACRES near Brownsville. P. O. Box 275. Oregon City. Or. FOR SALE MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, very cheap. Inquire room 1, 133 Vk 5th at. FOR SALE FARXS. DON'T FAIL TO HrVESTIGATB-35.00 PER acre for 240 acrea of finest land, 16 miles from Portland; 100 acres clear, balance pas ture and timber; fine orchard, elegant new 8-room house; large, good barn; everything in finest condition; close to school and church, fine road, best dairy or stock farm in county; good reasons for selling bo cheap. Charleson & Btaub, 245& Morrison st. SYVR (TO R1T.P cyrvwL- t vrritr acres. 90 cleared and sown to grass; fair house and barn and good orchard. Will rent or sell on installments for $1250. For par ticulars write C. I. Starr; Corvallls, Or. FOR SALE 37-ACRE ORCHARD. ASSORT ed fruits; near Vancouver, Wash.; all In full bearing trees, except 10 acres; house, stable n and well: lovely country home; will sell very cheap. Owner 605 Commercial block. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 35 ACRES best soil; VA miles from Portland, J-mlle to depot; stores and graded school; two acres cultivated, rest partly cleared. Box 73, Beaverton. Or. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments mads to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to Wm. MacMaster, 311 Worcesttr block. IRRIGATED LANDS OF THE DESCHUTES Irrigation & Power Co. for sale by A. C Palmer, local agent. 418 Oregonlan bldg. WE HAVE A FEW MORE CHOICE HOME steads open for location. J. A. Mortenson, 205 Morrison. MODERN 55 ACRES, CLOSE IN. ELECTRIC car; 700 Winter apples; easy terms. 227 Front. LAND SCRIP. ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRIP, GENERAL land practice; our forest reserve scrip for non-timbered lands is now ready. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready ,for Imme diate use. LOWEST PRICES. E. F. & F. B. Riley. 003 Chamber Commerce. FOREST RESERVE SCRIF, APPROVED, Santa Fe. with power of attorney to convey; also fractional soldiers' additional; will enter small tracts. Maglnnls & Son, 27 Falling bldg. HAVE YOU USED YOUR TIMBER OR homestead right? Have two or three yet, near coast for location. Address M 6, Ore gonlan. Approved scrip; new lot agricultural or timber 4anas. u. w. Whiting & Co.. 408 Ablngton. GOOD timber land cueap. scrip for sale. Mathews & Palmer, 418 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. RECENTLY FROM THE EAST AND WANT to hear from dealers In real estate, timber lands and mining propositions. D. J. Forbes. 515 Yamhill st., Portland, Or. TO EXCHANGE. WILL EXCHANGE MODERN LARGE RESI dence, completely furnished, corner 50x100; close in; for good business; city or country. Address D 7, Oregonlan. CONTROLLING INTEREST IN VALUABLE mining- property for real estate, farm lands preferred. C 7, Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. HAVE FOUR HEAVY PAIR OF HORSES, weighing from 1350 to 1600 lbs., are sound and true pullers; will be shown In harness; also ten sets of logging harness; will sell separately. Call Red Front Stables, 15th and Washington st. BARGAIN PAIR OF MATCHED HORSES, 7 and 8 years old. weight 2400 lbs., are sound and suitable for delivery, express or farm work; also heavy double harness and three-Inch wagon; sell separately. Call 20 N. 15th st. 1 WE PAY HIGHEST MARKET VALUE FOR horses, wagons, bugglos, harness; If you have any of the above to sell telephone Main 1125. Call Red Front Stables. A BARGAIN TODAY. WAGONS AS GOOD as new. iiVt, stougnton, $u; uia jiick ory, $00. Inquire 361 Halsey st. Phone East 2333. ONE SINGLE EXPRESS WAGON. HORSE and harness, doing good business, for sale cheap. 115 Union ave.. South. East 252. A BARGAIN FOR CASH. GRAY TEAM, weight 2400; black horse, 1300; bay, 1130. Call 301 Kalscy at., cor. E. 3d.- EXCELLENT HORSE, 1000 LBS., YOUNG and sound, for sole or trade. Phone West 2975, after 3 P. M. 1 ONE GOOD DOUBLE-SEATED CARRIAOE for $27. or will trade on wagon. 813 Water st. WILL LET FINE DRIVING MARE TO RE sponslble party for her keep. Address K 7. Oregonlan. WOLFSTEIN buys and sells norses, wagons, harness, buggies, farm Implements. 227 Front. HORSES AND WAGONS TO HIKE BY DAY. week or month. 211 Washington. OLPSMOBILE, REASONABLE. INQUIRE John A. Gram, 41 1st st. Pianos. BAILEY. ROSEWOOD CASE;. USED BUT HT tle; great bargain, $130. Etlera Piano House, 351 Washington et. FOR SALE PLVNOLA, USED ONLY FEW months; good as new; bargain. Address X 6, Oregonlan. UPRIGHT PIANO, $135, COST $400. NEW Kimball organ with mirror. $35. 241 1st. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments. We rent tables, with privilege of buying. Modern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Bruns-wick-Balke-Collender, 49 3d st. FOR SALE BARGAIN IN GOOD VIOLIN, including case and bows; will pay to In vestigate. V 9, Oregonlan. NEW COLUMBIA DISC GRAPHOPHONE. with 12 popular records, at your own price. Phone Union 6S71. RAMBLER TOURING AUTOMOBILE, 5 pasyenger, for sale at sacrifice; perfect condition. Hood 1551. WHEEL IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. IN qulre Severance, 515 Yamhill. Phone Front 740. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, a', cost, from $25; rubber stamps, seals, etc Coast Co.. 231 Stark Moving picture film, song sliaes, magic lan terns. T. P. Andrews. 109 Mont. St.. S. F., Cal IRON BED AND SPRING. NEW CHAIRS and rocker. 134 N. 9th st. Phone Main 1353. IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FOOT LIVE FIR. oak and ash wood, go to Hoover & Conway. BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF- Americans now $25. 7th and Morrison. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, ALMOST new, a bargain. Address P. O. Box 816. SMALL AND LARGE SAFES, GOOD CON ditlon; cheap. R SO. Oregonlan. SHOWCASES AND COUNTERS FOR SALE at the Chicago, 69 3d st. COW FOR SALE. GOOD MILKER. $20. a none union .sjw. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. DOES TOUR ROOF LEAK? Repalrlt with Elaterite; It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating: good over eld Iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterite Roofing Co., 10 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE ONE FIRST-CLASS TICKET from Portland to Denver. Call 127 Grand ave. HELP WANTED MALE. WE PREPARE YOU QUICKLY AS ILLUS trator, cartoonist, lawyer, pharmacist. stenographer, bookkeeper,' Journalist, ad writer, correspondence man, banker. Write for free book. "Profits of Knowing How" tells everything. National Correspondence Schools, 82 When.. Indianapolis. U. S. A. . 1 COOK FOR A SMALL PRIVATE CLUB, $70; only first-class man need apply. Man and wife, laborer and cook. Station men, new R. R. work, free fare. R. It. laborers, $2.50 day. Northern California. HANSEN'S OFFICE 26 N. 2D ST. LOGGERS, MILL AND YARDMEN. LAB orers, city and county; men and teams, farmhands and milkers, restanrant and mess-house help; work of all kinds. Ca nadian Employment Co., 240 Burnslde and 226 Morrison. Phone Main 3074. A BRIGHT FUTURE FOR THOSE AT tendlng the Portland Watch School; first class, practical Instruction in watch and Jewelry-making, engraving, assaying, op tics, etc; tuition reasonable. Address C. H. Saake, 311 Dekum bldg. WANTED GOOD. BRIGHT OFFICE AND errand boy, about 16 years; must write good hand; state salary expected, refer ences and phone number. N 100, Oregonlan. BARBER TRADE TAUGHT BY OUR NEW method, which enables student to earn wages while learning. Call or address for free cata logue American Barber College Co., 06 N. 6th. A FEW FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN TO travel and sell fire and burglar alarms; fine opportunity to make big money. Amer ican Alarm Co.. 403-404 Marquam bldg. EMPLOYED OR UNEMPLOYED CAPA ble. experienced men aro wanted: write for booklet. Pacific Commercial Bureau, agents. "Hapgoods Inc" Walker bldg., Seattle. FOR SALE TWO-CHAIR BARBER SHOP, established ten years. In city; no opposi tion; good trade; $350. Apply Sec. Barber's Union. 167 H First at., room. 1. AMATEUR SINGERS, PERFORMERS, Mu sicians, wanted; salary $25 weekly. New man's Theatrical Circuit, The Raleigh. 323 Washington. WANTED BRIGHT, SINGLE YOUNG MAN with $50 cash for paying inside proposi tion, guaranteeing $4 daily. D 0, Ore gonlan. WANTED BASS SINGERS FOR MALE quartet; must be good: references. Call bet. 10 and 12 A. M.. room 66, 280 Grand ave. WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN TO SELL stock for a new patent harness buckle; everybody wants It. L 99, car Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO TRAVEL AND learn good paying business; references. Call 10 to 2 P. M., Hotel' Perkins. WANTED CAPABLE YOUNG MAN FOR office work, wholesale house. Clerks' Regis tration Bureau, 265 Morrison st. -J WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN AD- wrltlng. Expert Instruction, small fee. Ad dress E. C, care Oregonlan. r . WANTED BRAKEMAN FOR LOGGING road; none but experienced men need apply. Address A 10. Oregonlan. dentists Wanted two good opera- tors: highest salaries paid. New York Dental Parlors, Seattle, Wash. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN TO take standard article of hardware as side line. H 7, Oregoniarh ALL-AROUND BUTCHER, MECHANICS can apply B. F. Jones, the Fulton Market, 3d and Yamhill. WANTED A PHYSICIAN REGISTERED IN Oregon who Is willing to travel. P 10, t Oregonlan. WANTED STRONG BOY TO HELP driver on delivery wagon. H. E. Edwards, 191 1st. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR ber trade; terms reasonable. R 7. Ore gonlan. WANTED AT ONCE A FIRST-CLASS COAT maker. Dlerllng & Padden. Vancouver, Wash. TAILOR COATMAKBR WANTED IMME dlately. 01 Court St.. Salem. Or. Enrlght. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE BAK ery wagon. Apply 114 Russell st. WANTED CLEANER AND PRESSER FOR gents' clothing. Call at 236 2d st. PRESS-FEEDER WANTED; ALSO ER rand boy. Alvln S. Hawk Co. WANTED ERRAND BOY. MANN & Beach, 92 2d st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS chambermaids, cooks. waitresses. nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, house work, $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors. 226 Morrison. Phone Main 1323. WANTED A NURSE TO WORK AT HOT Lake Sanatorium; permanent position; sal. ary $40 per month with room and board; write at once to Dr. W. T. Phy, Hot Lake, Oregon. -1 WOMAN OF GOOD ADDRESS AND REFINE ment for responsible managerial position In town of 3000 inhabitants; references and se curity required. Q. 1. Oregonlan. LADIES $20 PER THOUSAND COPYING letters home. No canvassing; material free. Send stamp for particulars. Howard Co., 12C9 Broadway, New York. AMATEUR SINGERS. PERFORMERS, Mu sicians, wanted; salary $25 weekly. New man's Theatrical Circuit, The Raleigh, 323 Washington. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St. Loula Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2S31. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; must be good cook; good wages. 812 Kearney st., bet. 24th and 25th. WANTED YOUNG LADY WITH TASTE for art to learn book and magazine Illus trating, jvaaress r.. cars uregoniui 1 WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST GENERAL housework, small family, In small cottage. 1024 Vancouver ave., cor. Bain st. WANTED A (RL FOR GENERAL HOCSE work. throo In family; no washing. For In formation call at 346 Washington si. IF ANY LADY KNOWS THE ADDRESS OR whereabouts of Mrs. Alice M. Wolter, please send it to E 9, Oregonlan. WANTED RELIABLE GIRL, GENERAL housework and cooking; good wages. Ap ply 825 E. Main, cor. E. 20th at. COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework: good wages: small fam ily; references. 295 West Park. WANTED IMMEDIATELY SECOND GIRL, first-class family; good wage3. Call 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL, GOOD wages, small family; references required. 367 10th, near Montgomery. 1 WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. family of three, wages $15. Apply mornings. 447 W. Park st. - 1 WANTED GIRL FOR SECOND WORK AND to help care for two children. Inquire mornings. 393 W. Park. nnnn rnnK TCtn ROOD EASTERN TRE. gon family. Apply room 10S, Perkins Ho tel, 11 to 1 o'clock. NEAT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; small family. 257 North 22d, cor. Northrup. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR second work. Apply morning, 332 10th, cor. Market. GIRL TO "DO LIGHT HOUSEWORK. SLEEP home, call before S A. M.. 320 1st, cor. Halsey. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; MUST be good cook. 6S2 East Aah St.. corner 19th. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN housework and care of baby. 723 Gllsan st. EXPERIENCED NURSE WANTS POSITION caring for sick or invalid. V 5. Oregonlan. STRONG GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 351 32d st., Willamette Heights. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 65 N. 21st st. t- SPECIAL WORK FOR X.ADY; GOOD PAY TO right party. C 100, oregonlan. JLBBJRI HELP WANTED, 314, THE DEKUM HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work in family of three; good wages. Apply 661 East Ankeny st. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN OR GUIL FOR general housework; two In family; no wash ing. 591 East Aider. WANTED A NURSE TO TAKE CARE OF child of 2 years; references required. Call 251 10th. r- WANTED YOUNG WOMAN FOR GENERAL office work; must be good at figures. K 10. Oregonlan. MIDDLE-AGED LADY FOR HOUSEWORK and a good home. Apply 553 4th st., near Lincoln. ,i WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO HELP WITH cnnaren ana second work. Phone Scott 1S02. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOU3E work; German preferred. 547 Hoyt. near 10th. NEAT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family. 495 B. Davis, cor. E. 10th su GOOD COOK AND SECOND GIRL, AT good wages. C. E. Smith. Call at 721 2d. WANTED GOOD FINISHERS ON COATS at once. 422 Washington st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; GOOD wages. 690 Flanders street. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST EN' GENERAL nousework. 560 Hoyt st. GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK. 127 N. 12TH St., German prefered. WANTED GIRL FOR SECOND WORK. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED A MAN OR WOMAN AS CASrf- ler ana sienograpner in nie insurance of fice who has had experience. F 6, Ore gonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. -1 Bookkeepers and Clerks. GOOD RETAIL SALESMAN WANTS Po sition as traveling salesman for wholesale house; sober and a hustler; will take a position on trial; references. Q 10, Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER AND general office man. owning machine, desires position: have had experience In creamery business; references. John M. Low. 387 Taylor St.; phone Front 1703. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED GENERAL store salesman wishes poeltion 'In country eore; Just from Indiana; best of reference; In town only a few days. D 6, Oregonlan. YOUNG 'MAN EXPERIENCED AS Col lector wants position; well acquainted with the town: can give references and bonds. Address C 10, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN, 23, GOOD EDUCATION. considerable clerical experience, desires po t sltlon In city. A 6. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED YOUNG MAN WITH EXPERI ence would like position with lumber com pany, either as log-scalar or lumber tally man; would do part of office work If desired. W 10, Oregonlan. WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN WHO wisnes to attena college, a place to work: vonlnga and mornings for board and room; reference given. T 7. Oregonlan. YOUNG MEN ATTENDING SCHOOL WANT places to work for board. Holmes Business College. Yamhill and 11th Bts. Phone Main 613. POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG MARRIED man with responsible firm; chance for ad vancement; no soliciting. C 6. Oregonlan. WANTED TO DO SCRUBBING AND house or office cleaning or fire furnace, by white man. Address W 2. care Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. WISHING TO FINISH Ap prenticeship in barberlng. would like posi tion; two years' experience. J 7. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE A POSITION at gas and electric fixture work; has had some experience. V 10. Oregonlan. JAPANESE ASSN. CAN FURNISHED Do mestic servants, farm and all kinds of help. Black 992. 268. Everett st. YOUNG MAN. WELL ACQUAINTED WITH city, understands care of horses, wants work driving. T 10. Oregonlan. 4 SITUATION WANTED BY JAPANESE BOY to do cooking in hotel or boarding-house. O 10, Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION to do good cooking and housework. S 7. Oresonlan. WANTED SEVERAL GOOD HOUSES TO make collections for. L 97. Oregonlan. MAN AND WIFE WANTS STOCK RANCH on share or salary. B 7, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED COMMISSARY MAN, TIME keeper wants Job. G 7, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Domestics. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERD3NCED German girl as upstairs maid or care of children; good seamstress. Address E 6. Oregonlan. J TWO SWEDISH GIRLS WOULD LIKE TO work In same place or do second work. Upshur 642 N. cor. 20th. j Miscellaneous. HOUSEKEEPER FROM FASHIONABLE resort seeks position In hotel or rooming house; personal references. 7 Park at. YOUNG LADY WILL TAKE CARE OF children a few hours each day. Call or ad dress room 3, 295 Third st. A POSITION WANTED BY TWO YOUNG girls, 16 and 18, to care for child. Phone Main 3311. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED AT HOME; first-class work. Phone Union 1844. HOME LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS, 15 cents and up. Phone Eat 623. Nurses. EXPERIENCED NURSE WANTS CARE OF invalid willing to assist with housework. A 0, Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TO sell one of the best and fastest sellers on the market. Call 175 11th. upstairs. 4 LADIES AND GENTS TO HANDLE GOOD toilet article; hustlers can earn big money. 429 Mohawk. WANTED TO RENT. WE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS WHO WANT houues. If you have a house to rent, see ua or send description. We make no charge for renting. H. E. Edwards, 187 1st st. A NEW COTTAGE OF 7 OR 8 ROOMS. ON West Side, centrally located and with all modern Improvements: state price; references exchanged. Address P. O. Box 103. WANTED 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; must be close In, 5 min utes' walk from Oregonlan building; state price. A 99, Oregonlan. BY LADY EMPLOYED DURING DAY. small sleeping room In private family; references. C 9. Oregonlan. I WANTED S-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED or unfurnished; hospital district; long time. Q 100. Oregonlan. SUITE OK TWO ROOMS. WITH BATH, wanted by gentleman; centrally located. X 9, Oregonlan. NICE CLUBROOM. POSSIBLY WITH PIANO, as a meeting place for singing circle. O 7. Oregonlan. WANTED 2 OR 3 FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, or small cottage. V 1. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT SMALL COTTAGE. 3 or 4 rooms; suburban. Corner 16th and Marshall. 2 ROOMS. SELECT. NEAR CENTER OF town, with or without board. W 9, Ore gonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. 1 WANTED SECOND-HAND RAMBLER Bi cycle with coaster brake; must be good wheel and cheap. Call from 10 to 11 A. M. today only, 272 Oak. WANTED TO HIRE TEAM FOR FEED until March. See Geo. Bracey, 209 E. 6th. North. SHOES HALF-SOLHD FOR 50C AT HOOLA baugh's. 2C7 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT- ' tie of all kinds. Phono East 2233