12 THE MORNING OBEGOEIAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 190. DAIRYING ON COOS BAY COUNTRY CELEBRATED FOR ITS PRODUCT OF FORXY YEARS. The Profits Are Not' Large, but the Rancher Has a Life of Plenty and Is Content. MARSHFIEL-D, Or., Sept 1Z Special Correspondence.) The dairy 1b the typical life of the Coos Bay country. This vas the first industry developed here. Even before the timber of this region became celebrated and was sent abroad, ships that touched here and brought in the mall took in return Coos Bay butter for their commissaries. From far and near the woodsmen and hunters came down out of the mountains to the postofflce at Em pire for their mail and took home with them a roll or two of Coos Bay butter. This was 40 years and more ago. This was in the days before the modern cream ery, when the butter was "gathered in the old-fashioned churn with its up-and-down dasher. It was in the days before the Roseburg wagon-road, when Coos Bay was as isolated for all except ships as were the Hawaiian Islands. Now Coos Bay gets all its mail from the railroad and there are many postoffices around through the county, but the ships still touch here and carry away cargoes of Coos Bay butter and cream cheese to the San Francisco market, where they com mand the highest prices. And yet, after all, things have not changed much in 40 years. The writer has Just returned from a trip up the North Fork of the Coos River, where he visited several dairies. They are all about alike and when you have seen one you have seen all. On either bank of the river up as far as Allegany, about a mile apart, is a wharf, trunks of trees four feet through at the little end, moored to piling. Twenty feet above the water in the river is a level piece of bottom land, seldom more than a quarter of a mile in width. Set with a background of ever greens is a white house with a red roof, and flowers blooming on the lawn. To one side is the cowbarn and near it an acre or two of greencorn. There Is al ways the accompaniment of the orchard and garden. This, In brief, is a Coos River dairy. In particular It is a near description of the dairy of Thomas Blain as seen in the accompanying photograph. This is a rear view, the front being on the river side. "When more than a half mile away from Sir. Blaln's place a boy was heard alter nately singing and whistling as he herded the cows in the pasture. The cows are turned into the meadow for an hour or two in the morning and herded in one spot till they get their fill. Then they are allowed to wander in the forest on the hillside till evening, when they are again fed on the grass of the meadow. In addition they have their mangers filled twice a day with the succulent greencorn. This corn is a revelation to a man who came from a corn state. It is not very tall, but It grows In rows as thick as peas. It becomes one tangled mass, and one cannot go through the cornfield as he would in Kansas. The corn is cut oft even with the ground and the cows eat up every vestige of the stalk. There is no stubble left, and every weed long before had been carefully hoed out. The corn does not mature, but keeps in the roasting ear for months. It remains a deep green while the meadows at this season are parched and brown. Mr. Blain grows the Missouri popcorn for his cows. The boy came nearer as he drove the cows before him, always singing or whistling. The music was like the choir of a whole tabernacle. There is a won derful echo in the canyon of the Coos River. The voice rebounds again and again from the soft-garbed hillsides un til the music swells into a vast chorus. It is a perfect auditorium. The scene all around was one of great beauty. The perfect mirror of the river lay in a half circle at the base of the mountain, re flecting the saffron of the maple and the green of the myrtle that hung above It. A boy could sing at his work amidst that scene and be happy. The boy came from behind some trees and was in sight. That boy was 56 years old and a bearded man. It was Mr. Blain himself. He came to Oregon 40 years ago overland from Missouri, when a lad of 16. He has been a lad ever since, never ill a day, and Is good for another half century. Two years go he went back to Missouri and brought home a young bride, his second wife. For 38 years Mr. Blain has lived in one place on Coos River. Only he and Robert Rooke are left of the old-timers of that day. Even In those early times Mr. Blain began making butter, and has run a dairy ever since. But before he could do much he had to clear his SO acres of bottom land of the heavy growth, of mrytle trees. He paid $1500 for the place unimproved. It would seem as if real estate was high In those days, but it must be remembered that there was very little bottom land on Coos River to be cleared. It cost Mr. Blain $75 an acre to clear his land, or $6000. He invested several thousand dollars in buildings. The other day he was offered $S00O for his place, but wouldn't take $10,000. Thus we see that after a lapse of 40 years land on Coos River has practically made no advance in value. But this will not always be. The time is coming when property there will be very valuable. And the mrytle wood that was cut off that tract would today be worth several times what the land is. Mr. Blain sold all the myrtle timber for $100 to a man who cut It himself and took It to San Francisco for rudder-posts in ships. But this is not the point. A man does not want to wait 40 years for one big feast. What he wants Is a dinner every day. That myrtle was worth in those days Just what he sold it for. The finest of myrtle in those days -was slashed and burned up Just to get rid of it. If Mr. Blain had tried to keep his myrtle timber lor a feast some day he would have 6tarved to death. But he cleared it off and has had a happy home ever since. When Mr. Blain first came to the coun try he planted a slip from an Isabella grapevine. That vine has spread until it Is today a fine arbor. The leaves pile up several feet thick over the trelllswork and the sun cannot come through. In fact, the leaves have to be cut away to let 'the sun in to ripen the grapes. It Is late when the grapes get ripe, but they are fine when they do. This year Mr. Blain picked a half dozen delicious early Crawford peaches out of his or chard, but as a rule peaches here are not a success. But this Is the home of the apple, and six Just fill a box in length. The story of the profits from running a dairy is told in a few figures. The gross return from each cow per year, including the value of her calf. Is $60. Some make the estimate as high as $75. Out of this you must deduct the cost of her keep and the cost of milking. It is a good man who will milk SO cows, and in the height of the season 12 are all he can take care of, and he Is worth $40 a month. Then there Is the boatman's charge for taking the milk to the cream ery, when all this Is considered there is little left for interest on investment. And there must be an investment In two acres of land to each cow. But the life is one of peace and con tentment. The farmer usually does all his own milking and he counts his work as clear gain. In addition he has his liv ing off the ranch, and the 23 cents that comes in for a pound of butter he puts away In bank. Butter is not his only Income, for he markets bis garden truck and the fruit from his orchard. The life is one of ease. The boat does not start till 7 of a morning, and If the dairyman gets his cows milked by the time it gets along at 9 or 10 o'clock he is all right. But one delivery a day Is made. The evening's milking is left in cans on the wharf for the boat in the morning. The can Is left partly uncovered both on the wharf and in transit, so that the jnllk will not sour. There are no serfs In the dairy lysl- naz. MXTSCKAX, Pm. Europc-m Plan THE PORTLAND POBTWiD, OB. American Plan also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. $3 PER DAY and upward. New Building Elegantly Furnish od. Centrally Located. HOTEL COST ONE HTEXIOK DOTiT.Aatl SEVENTH AND ANKENY 6TS. Postofflco Block. EUROPEAN PLAN BOOMS 75o TO $2.00 PEB BAT. FREE BUS M. E FOLEY, Manager. ness. Each man Is an American king, and it would be difficult to And a happier people. DISTURBANCES IN TURKEY. Missionaries Report Rebels Active In Various Sections. BOSTON, Sept. 15. The American Board of Foreign Missions has received reports from the various sections of Eastern Tur key. Serious disturbances have taken place during the last three months. These reports agree fully with that recently made by United States Consul Norton, who is now in that region by direction from the State Department at Washing ton to investigate the conditions that pre vail there. Reports from ali parts of the country indicate conditions similar to those that prevailed in Macedonia a year ago. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL BEPOBT. PORTLAND. Sept. 15. Maximum tempera ture, 76 deg.; minimum, 47. River reading, 11 A. M., 4 feet; change in 24 hours, 0.2 foot. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., none; total since September 1, 1904, trace; normal, 0.64 inch; deficiency, 0.64. Total sunshine Sep. tember 14, 1004. none; possible, 12 hours and 30 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M.. 30.02. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. "Wind. 1 2 p 2 2 If O ft fi- 2- 2- ? '. ? ; STATION. ISp o o ca 3 Baker City Bismarck Boise Eureka .. Helena Kamloops, B. C. NW NW IClear Clear Clear W sw B Cloudy Cloudy Smoky Clear Clear Smoky Pt. cloudy North Head Pocatello .. Portland ... N S NW S w Red Bluff Roseburg Cloudy Sacramento Salt Lake City.. San Francisco.. Spokane Seattle Tatooeh Island.. Walla Walla is OS Pt. ciouay Pt. cloudy Clear 00124 W IN 6 NW NE !sw Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Smoky t Light. "WEATHER CONDITIONS. Dry, smoky weather continues In the North Pacific States this evening, and no rain Is re ported west of the Rocky Mountains during the last 24 hours. It is slightly warmer in the "Willamette Val ley and the interior of Northern California, and correspondingly cooler in Southwestern Idaho. The Indications are for fair weather in this district Friday. It will probably be wanner west of the Cascade Mountains. "WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight, September 16: Portland and vicinity Fair and slightly warmer; northerly winds. "Western Oregon and "Western "Washington Fair; slightly warmer, except near coast; north erly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern "Washington and Idaho Fair. A. B. WOLLABER. Acting District Forecaster. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction House, corner Alder and Park streets. Sale at 2 P. M. Geo. Baker & Co., Auctioneers. At Gllman's Auction Rooms, 413 "Washing ton street, at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gllman, Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. "WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. MULTNOMAH CAMP NO. 77 Meets Friday nights In their forest. East Sixth and East Al der streets. Floor work not ex celled by any camp In tb order. Come and meet with us. J. M. WOODWORTH. Cleric PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 55. A. F. and A. M. Stated communica tion this trriaay evening. 7:30. Work in F. C. Degree. All F. a in vited. By order "W. M. L "W. PRATT. Secretary. DIED. HUNTER In this city, at the residence of his parents, 371 Front street, Martin Mil ton, infant son of Liddle and Boss Hunter, aged 2 months and 24 days. Notice of funeral hereafter. DENNIS September 15. 1904, near University Park, by accidental drowning. David Elmer, son of Stephen and Amanda Dennis, aged 12 years. Funeral notice hereafter. SPARROW At the residence of his daugh ter, Mrs. G. A. D. Mallleue. In Vancouver. B. C, I. M. Sparrow, aged 81 years and 10 days. HARRINGTON In this city, September 15, 1004. at 726 Northrop at.. May Harrington, age 20 years,. Announcement of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. ALLEN At her late residence, Louisa A, wife of Rev. J. H. Allen, aged 60 years, 8 months. Funeral from Berea Mission, Second and Jefferson streets, Sunday, at 10:30 A. M. Friends invited. 1 EDWARD HOLMAN CO- Undertaker end embalm ers, have moved to their anr build ing Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 607. JT. P. UNLET SON, ran mil Directors, cor. Sd and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lcdjr assistant. Telephono No. 9. F. S. DUNNES" O, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Ltdr assistant Telephone East fit. DUNNING & CAMPION. Undertaker, 7th and Pine. Lady assistant Phone Main 439. Zeller-Byrnes Co-, Undertakers, embalm era. 273 RusselL Phone East 1088. Lady As't NEW TODAY. GOOD INVESTMENT. Corner lot on 0th and Davis with three, nice buildings yielding good income on XB&oa. TTmmwH Jc Birth. ZZUt 34 ccr. Oak. .... SOi.O.00 .... tfSO.OO .... 86 0.00 .... 56 0.00 74 O.OO .....,.U.U.W 184 K). 00 76 0.00 17210.00 84 0.00 82 0.00 .... 62 0.00 .... 8210 .00 72(0.00 56 0.00 84 0.00 p. W. KKOWZXS, Mgr. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 par Day RUDOnlSTERS F8ST80R1ST$B COMES CUL I BATE LEI 1 Special rates xaade to families sad slur's gentle men. Ths man agement trill be pleased at ail time to she- room and (It prices. A Kocton. Tnrkfsh bath es tablish meat la the hotel, n. C, BOWERS, Manager. First-Class Reatacrant In Connection, Steam Heat, Electrics' Light. SCOTT PORTLAND, OREGON AMUSEMENTS. Cord ray's Theater CORD RAT & RUSSELL. Managers. Portland's Most Popular Family Theater. Tonight, Friday. Saturday Matinee and Even lng. Last Performances of "On the Bridge at Midnight" THE BIG CITT SHOW. "Week Commencing Sunday, September 18, Sunday Matinee, Jule Walters in "Side-Tracked" A PERENNIAL SUCCESS. New Specialties New Faces New Music. PRICES 10, 20 and 30 cents. Special re served seats, 50c Matinee prices, 10 and 25c. 3IARQUAM GRAND THEATER. W. T. Pangie, Res. Mgr. Phone Main 868. TO-NIGHT AT 8:15 O'CLOCK Hoyt's Successful Comedy, A TEXAS STEER Prices, $L00, 75c, 50c, 35c. 25c Bargain Matinee Tomorrow (Saturday) After noon. Adults, 50c Children, 25c Last Performance Saturday Night. "New York." THE BAKER THEATER Oregon Theater Co., Inc. Lessee GEO. L. BAKER, Manager. A Genuine Success. ALL THIS "WEEK. MATINEE SATURDAY. Melbourne MacDowell. supported by excellent company, in Sardou's Masterpiece, "GISMONDA." . Note Our Prices. Evening: 15c, 25c, 35c, BOo Matinee 10c, 15c, 25c FMPIRE THEATER Cor. 12th and Morrison. Phone Main 117. TOM "WIEDEMANN, Manager. AU this week, "MICHAEL STROGOFF' PRICES 10c. 15c, 25c; matinee, 10c and 15e. Reception matinee Saturday. Ice cream and cake free. Next week, commencing Sunday matinee. "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN." t OREGONIAN COUPON No. 12 Coupon No. 12 ; STAR THEATER J Friday Matinee, Sept. 16, 1904 This coupon and 5c entitles holder to one admission when presented at box office. At the Arcade This Week EARL & HAMPTON, BEN TRASK, STANLEY & SCANLON, CAMPBELL, THE JUGGLER, KATE COYLE, AMERICAN BIOSCOPE. Admission, 10c to any seat. Continuous vaudeville, 2 to 4, 7 to 10:50 P. M. LYRIC THEATER (Corner Alder and Seventh.) HIQH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:S0 to -4:30? 7:30 to 10:30; Sunday. 2 to 10 P. M. This ad. ana 10a will admit two people- any matinee except Sundays and holiday. TEN, CENTS NO HIGHER. The home of polite vaudeville. Continuous performances from 2 to 4:20 P. M Sundays, continuous 2 to 10:30 P. M. Evening prfonnances from 7 to 10:30 P. U. Any seat in the theater, TEN CENTS BASEBALL Tacoma vs. Portland Recreation Park, Sept 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Ladies' days, Thursday and Friday. Games called 8; Stmday, 2:30 P. M. Ad mission, 25c; children, 15c NEW TODAY. FOR SALE RESIDENCE, 8 ROOMS, HIGH corner lot, on 10th St.; $5000. Apply 220 Oak st. Easy Terms If you will pay $200 cash for a lot at Portsmouth we will lend you money enough at a low rate of inter est to build you a 5 or 6 room house. FRANCIS I. McKENNA, Room 606 Commercial Block Mortgage Losns 5 and Upwards Real Estate City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. H. EIItRELL, 202-3 McKay Bulldlnr. Third and Stark. WANTED CASCARA CHITTAM BARK CAR LOTS OR LESS Call or write to Rosenberg Bros. & Co., 211 California St, San Francisco, or 2004 Washington St. Portland. Or. JAPANESE GOODS Bamboo furniture, wholesale and retail. R. XOH.ARA. 351 MORRISON. NEAR PARK. CLASSIFIED AD. HATES. "Seetne." "Booms as BearaV "Heuse keepbsg Beess," "SitaatfeB Wanted," IS werda or less, 15 casts; IS te SB -worda, 29 eeata; 31 25 wards, eeata, etc No dfeeeaat ier additieaal iaserteas UNDER ALL OTHER XQCADg, except "Sew Todar," 8 easts far IS wards or less; 1 to 2t wards, 49 casts; 21 ta 25 wards, CO casts, etc. first lBsertlea. Sack additional iaaerttes, eee-kali; bo farther dlseooBt hb- "JOSW TOD AX" rasse aaeassre acate), 15 casts -ser Mae, first; lasertloa; 1 cestx per lisa far each additJeaal lasartJeB. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dresses' esre The Oregon In it, aas left at this office, abaald always b lecloeed la sealed en velopes. Ne otas-B is repaired ea such let ters. The OregaaJsa will Bet he responsible far errors la adTertisemeats takes threagh the telephcse. NEW TODAY. The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. NO. 109 THmD ST. Incorporated April 22, 188T. Banks and trust companies formerly waited for buslneea to seek them, now tbey eeek busi ness. They act upon the theory that what is worth having Is worth asking for. THE PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON Is 17 years old; it has become firmly established In this community, and has strong financial connections. It has ample capital for the conduct of any business that may be entrusted to lt care. It conducts a general banking business with all the liberality consistent with prudence. It issues interest-bearing certificates of de posit for any term from 10 days to five years, at from 3 to 4 per cent interest Particulars are contained in our book of ILLUSTRATIONS. Copies of which we shall be glad to furnish. BENJ. I. COHEN., President H. li. PrrroCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET - Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary FOR SALE: Worthington Compound Duplex Pump, second hand, Al condition. Size 10xl8xl4xl0. Deliver ing 875 gallons per -minute. Check valve, lub ricator, etc., complete. Inquire A. W. Cochran, Oregonlan Building. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR DAIRY or stock ranch, good fuel business, city. B 40, Oregonlan. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SUBURBAN RESIDENCE CHEAP; LOVE ly home at Richmond; handy to car; sur rounded by highly improved residences and desirable neighbors; cottage 5 rooms, bath, furnace, concrete basement Btone founda tions, wired for electric lights; grounds 100x100 feet; fine lawn, fruit and shade trees; concrete walks; must be sold irt once, as owner leaves for Europe next week; photo at office; price $2500, easy terms. The Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 0 ani 7 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. $4000 FINEST 8-ROOM HOUSE IN CITY aor money; N. W. corner 10th and Broad way, in Holladay's Add.; was built for home, but business reasons demand sale at once: combination stairs, elegant man tel, built-in sideboard, fine modern seats, reception hall, 4 bedrooms, two toilets, full basement, laundry tubs; finely decorated and finished in weathered oak; terms to suit See owner on premises. 57500 BEAUTUTUL 10-ROOM RESIDENCE on 14th st., West Side; ground SOxlOO ft. fg00 Fine full lots on E. Taylor st; close in. CHARLESON & STAUB, 245 Morrison. -i DO YOU WANT SITE FOR HOTEL. lOOXJOO. on 12th and Alder; best central location for both car-lines, theaters, hotels and churches? Louis Salomon, 112 1st st. BRAND-NEW BEAUTIFUL 0-ROOM HOME, 721 Hawthorne ave.; Just ready to occupy: best location In the city. For terms call 100 3d at. j MODERN 11-ROOM HOUSE. 2 FULL LOTS, choice fmlt and shrubbery; east front; a snap. See owner, 1247 Mallory ave. Phone Gcott 6752. 54600 NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, Nob Hill; nothing like it for the money; move right in. W. H. Grindstan", 246 Stark st. FINE MODERN RESIDENCE,, 14 LARGE rooms, 2 baths, cement basement Between two car lines. 204 N. 22d st FOR SALE 500 ACRES STUMP LAND 16 miles from Portland. Inquire 287 E. Mor rison st. C. R. Davis Fuel Co. 200 FARMS, SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton, Lents, Or. Take Mt. Scott car; 6c r LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. CALL on us when you want to buy. Mathews & Palmer, 418 Oregonlan bldg. LOT SITUATED 100 FEET WEST OF school, Portland Heights; beautiful view. 231 Washington st. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. GAS. FURNACE; cash or Installments. Address Box 44 M. B., Sherlock bldg. RARE BARGAIN 51600 BUYS 255 ACRES near Brownsville. P. O. Box 275, Oregon City. Or. NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. 243 Sellwood. st, Alblna. bet 2 car lines. WANTED REAL ESTATE. I WANT TO BUY WITH S8500 WEST 8IDE property; give Ibwest price and location. Address E 65, Oregonlan. FOR SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 120 acres, with 30 under the plow, balance graz ing land that can be put In cultivation; lots of good cedar on place; land fenced and cross-fenced; live water; 400 choice bearing fruit trees; six-room house, two large barns, and other outbuildings; ideal place for stockralslng and general farming: on county road, cIok to school, and miles from Carrollton, a town on Columbia River and N. P. Ry. Price S1700, with 5500 down, balance on Installments. Come see us, or write for list of bargains, lmus & Willoughby, Kalama, Wash. NEVER A BETTER TIME TO BUY "AN Oregon farm" than now. See those fine bargains we have In small and large farms, one each 10, 37, 40 -acre tracts, on Columbia River; larger farms in the Wil lamette Valley, 100 to 000 acres, all In high state of cultivation. We have some thing choice to show In Eastern Oregon stock ranches that cannot be excelled. In quire B. S. Cook, 251 Alder st I 1 FARM FOR SALE 10 ACRES, G&OD SOIL, near a sawmill; good, young orchard, 5 roomed house and new cellar; two living springs; price 5500. See owner at 407 10th st IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE EN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to Wm. MacMaster. 311 Worcester block. 1 PARTY GOING TO LOCATE ON HOME stead wants a few more persons to locate good wheat land. McMullen. room 2, 205 Morrison. i IRRIGATED LANDS OF THE DESCHUTES Irrigation & Power Co. for sale by A, C. Palmer, local agent 418 Oregonlan bldg MODERN 55 ACRES. CLOSE IN. ELECTRIC car; 700 Winter apples; easy terms. 227 Front, TTMp-R LANDS FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready for Imme diate use. LOWEST PRICES. E. F. & F. B. Riley, 608 Chamber Commerce. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. APPROVED. Santa Fe. with power of attorney to convey; also fractional soldiers' additional; will enter email tracts. Maglnnls & Son, 227 Falling bldg. Approved scrip; new lot agricultural or timber lands. L. W. Whiting & Co., 408 Ablngton. GOOD timber land cheap, scrtp for sale. juathsws Palmer. 418 Oregoni&n bldg. ,t FOR KENT FARMS. DAIRY FARM FOR RENT WILL SUP-, port 25 cows; new. un-to-date dairy barn for 28 cows. S. M. Beard, Vancouver, Wash. SO EXCHANGE. GOOD AUTOMOBILE FOR EXCHANGE Call room 204. Ablngton, or address Lock Box 478. LAND SCRIP. ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRIP, GENERAL land practice; our forest' reserve scrip for non-timbered, lands is now ready. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. FOR SALS. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. SOUND. BAY HORSE, WITH HARNESS: gentle and good driver; weight 1150; sell cheap. Call between 4 and 6 P. M. at Sprague's Arcade, 30 N. 6th. FOR SALE CHEAP FINE TEAM AND express wagon, doing a good business. In quire 381 East Morrison, or phone East 28T. ONE GOOD DOUBLE-SEATED CARRIAQH for 527, or will trans os wagos. 813 Water st WOLFSTEIN buys and sells horses-wagons, narness. Duggies, iina implements, -jxi i- ront. HORSES AND WAGONS TO HIRQ BY DAY, week or month. 211 Washington. Piano. NEW. RELIABLE MAKE. WTLL TRADE for real estate, or sell cheap. W 84, Ore gonlan. WEBER PIANO. 5150: GALLE, 525; ORGAN with mirror. 558. 241 1st St., cor. Main.. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE CHEAP ASSORTED LOT OF feed-mill fixtures in good condition, com jjrtalng pulleys, belts, platform and flour scales, trucks, tools, etc. Address for fur ther information. Room 36 Concprd Bldg. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elateiite; It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles: best for new roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co., 10 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments. We rent tables, with privilege of buying. Modern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Bruns-wlck-Balke-Collender, 49 3d st FULL-BLOODED FOX TERRIER PUPS; very handsome; will make fine companions and house dogs; will be sold cheap; satis faction guaranteed. Brayford, Hood River, Or. MITCHELL MOTOR CYCLE, LADY'S Co lumbia and Rambler bicycle at a bargain. 10 Washington bldg. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, av cost, from 525; rubber stamps, seals, etc. Coast Co., 231 Stark Moving picture film, song slides, magic lan terns. T. P. Andrews, 109 .Mont st, S. F., Cal IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FOOT LIVE FIR. oak and ash wood, go to Hoover & Conway, BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE 540 WOLFF Amerlcans now 525. 7th and Morrison SMALL AND LARGE SAFES, GOOD CON ditlon; cheap. R 80. Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. . t LOGGERS, MILL AND YARDMEN, LAB orers, city and county; men and teams, farmhands and milkers, restaurant and mess-house help; work of all kinds. Ca nadian Employment Co., 249 Burnslde and 220 Morrison. Phone Main 3074. 1 WANTED IMMEDIATELY A FIRST class retail store salesman; also a shelf hardware salesman; each man must be able to prove his ability and have first class references. Write Jensen, King, Byrd Company, Spokane, Wash. A BRIGHT FUTURE FOR THOSE AT tendlng the Portland Watch School; first class, practical instruction in watch and jewelry-making, engraving, assaying, op tics, etc; tuition reasonable. Address C H. Saake. 311 Dekum bldg. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN, single, to travel and learn good-paying business, who can leave town Immediately; references; others need not apply. Call at room 14, 409 Morrison St., from 10 to 3 P. M. WANTED EXPERIENCED SPECIALTY salesman who can Invest 5200 to 5500 In stock with reliable manufacturing company; must have ability and be able to earn $2000 to 53000 per year. Call 513 Marquam bldg. WANTED ENERGETIC MAN TO WORK In country store; must understand book keeping; one who wants a long job pre ferred. Monument Mercantile Co., Monu ment, Or. SINGERS, PERFORMERS, PIANISTS, ETC., wanted Stage dancing and vaudeville act ing taught; engagements guaranteed. New man's Vaudeville Circuit, 313 Washing ton. BARBER TRADE TAUGHT BY OUR NEW method, which enables student to earn wages while learning. Call or addrees for free cata logue American Barber College Co.. 66 N. 6th. WANTED MEN AND BOTS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. Co. School of Practical Plumbing; send for catalogue. Address 4073-5 Easton ave.. St. Louis, Mo, MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE IN 8 weeks and secure profitable positions. Spe cial Inducements this month. Catalogue free. Moler System College. San Francisco, Cal. WANTED TAILOR THAT UNDERSTANDS ladles' tailoring work and pressing; will employ a gents' tailor If willing to work on ladles suits. Apply 432 Wash. st. WINTER TERM AT THE PORTLAND watchmaker School begins October 10; ap plication should be made now. For particu lars address C. H. Saake. 311 Dekum bldg. WANTED A MAN WITH EXPERIENCE In grocery or crockery business. Address, giving reference, experience and age. Ad dress J 86, care Oregonlan. TRUSTWORTHY AND CAPABLE MEN can obtain positions they desire through us. Pacific Commercial Bureau, Agts., "Hapgoods, Inc.," Seattle. WANTED?OUNG MAN TO ASSIST IN billing and stock; able to use typewriting machine; small wages to begin. Address B 86, Oregonlan. 4 BARBER TO BUY PAYING SHOP; NO opposition; living and clubrooms furnished; lease. Address Barber, lock box 5. Echo, Oregon. WANTED-BOY TO DELIVER PACKAGES and work In store. Apply Sunday from 10 to 12 Robinson & Co., 289 Washington ou COMPETENT GUNSMITH WANTED; GOOD stocker; give experience and salary. Charles E. Tlsdall, Vancouver, Canada. WANTED 3 SHEET METAL-WORKERS; 54 a day; -union men; shop 19th and Wil son. W. G. McPherson Co. TWO WELL-DRESSED YOUNG MEN WITH good referenc-es. Fashion Tailoring Co., 433 Washington at. A GOOD SOLICITOR WANTED, TO REP resent a Portland Mfg. Co. Call or address 514 Marquam bldg. WANTED TOUN MAN ABOUT 17 YEARS old to assist In store and errands; references. C 87, care Oregonlan. WANTED AT ONCE. FIRST-CLASS COAT maker. Dlerllng & Padden, Vancouver, Wash. WANTED EXPERIENCED TELEGRA pher for commercial work. R 60, Orego nlan. WANTED 10 GOOD PRACTICAL MIN lng men. 30 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. BOY. WITH PONY. TO CARRY MORNING papers. Apply Oregonlan office, bet. 4 and 5. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO DO work in boafding-house. H 87, Oregonlan. A FIRST-CLASS PANTSPRESSER. FASH lori Tailoring Co., 433 Washington st GOOD BARBER WANTED; STEADY JOB TO right man. Address B 87, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED SHOE CLERK WANTED. Call 291 Morrison. Marks Shoe Co. WANTED DELIVERY BOY. market 2C0 Yamhill. WANTED BOY FOR DELIVERY. CALL 429 Washington st WANTED BOY FOR FACTORY WORK. 4U Front, cor. Davis. BOY WANTED THE J. M. ACHESON CO., 5th and Alder. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRL FOR GENERAL WORK. GOOD wages. Apply 547 ,7th st Phone Front 76. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADY AGENTS MAKING LESS THAN 525 weekly should write today for our catalogue and terms. We start you In business and make you Independent; outfit prepaid. Wom an's Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. WANTED WORKING HOUSEKEEPER: auues ngnt; iaay of refinement and edu cation; widower, alone; farm, convenient to railway. Answering give mall address, self-written. F 81. Oregonlan. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KTDS chambermaids, cooks, waitresses. nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, house work. 515 to 530. Canadian Parlors. 228 Morrison. P&one Main 1323. WANTED LADY CASHIER AND BUNDLE wrtfyper; rausi oe inoroughly experienced; able to run a desk and use typewriter: state references and salary to E 00. Ore gonlan. HOTEL COOKS. CITY. 535 DOWN; SPRINGS. 530; waitresses, tf city, 2 East. 530; cham bermaids. 3 city 1 East, 520 (fares); lronens, housework. Drake. 205 Washington. CwOI$ i35.', HOTFL DISHWASHER, 54 Z' tl; waitress, 520, hotel; cook, camp. 525; chambermaid;' plenty work. Pioneer Employment. 215 Morrison. WANTED YOUNG LADY TO STAY IN OF flee of music studio during day; can practice and take lessons. Room 218 Tourney bldg. Phone Red 3376. WANTED SCHOOL GIRL TO WORK FOR board and room; good home; near Park or High School. Apply N. E. cor. 14th and Jefferson. WANTED RESPECTABLE WOMAN, good appearance, under 40, housekeeper widower, country. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2S81. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, neuters, cnamoerxnaias, general workers St, Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 28S1. PRINTER COMPETENT TO TAKE CHARGE of small plant; must be good Jobber; country; steady Job. Address James Barnum, Hotel Perkins. r WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN cral housework; references; cottage; small family. Apply SC7 16th st, near Mont gomery. SALESWOMEN WITH EXPERIENCE IN selling domestics can find steady positions at Llpman, Wolfe & Co. Apply to superin tendent WANTED YOUNG LADY WITH AD dress; a good proposition for right party. Call at 488 Flanders st, from 4 to 6 P. M. WANTED A WOMAN TO WASH TODAY. Call S47 Mississippi ave. Phone Scott 411. Take L car and get off at Shaver st COMPOSITOR LADY; GOOD ON STRAIGHT matter, to go to country; steady job. Ad dress James Barnum, Perkins Hotel. COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOK AND GEN eral housework In a small family. Call Main 1309 or call at 822 Kearney. WANTED COMPETENT WOMAN COOK for private boarding-house. Apply by let ter to The Leyde, Astoria, Or. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; references. Apply 600 Belmont, or phone East 2276. WANTED EXPERIENCED. GOOD SHIRT hands on power machine; good wages; steady work 422 Washington. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; family three. Phone East 1200. D 86, care Oregonlan. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; must be good cook. Apply before noon to day 67 N. Park st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB work; family of three. 848 Overton st Phone Main 3540. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOU8E work and to tako care of children. 308 East 15th North. h COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB- work; none other need apply; good wages. 093 Marshall st. WAITRESS AND CHAMBERMAID; WAGES, 520. room and board. National Hotel, Front and Yamhill. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, small family. 571 Jackson st. Phone Main 3525. J A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: must understand cooking; good wages. 690 Flanders st. WANTED GI RL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; no children to care for; at once. 340 10th st. ELDERLY LADY TO ASSIST IN ROOM-Ing-house, for room and board. E 89, 'Ore gonlan. WANTED GOOD LADIES CLOTHES lroners. Union Laundry Co. 2d and Colum bia. f WANTED RELIABLE PERSON FOR nurse to two small children. 777 Flanders st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: 2 IN family; good wages. 581 E. Main, cor. 14th. A GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply at 215 12th st, cor Salmon. FIRST-CLASS MILLINERY MAKER; ALSO apprentices. Apply 352 Morrison st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOK Ing and housowork. 215 N. 20th st WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE work. 546 3d st, near Lincoln. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN CARE OF baby. Apply 533 Johnson st. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 747 Glisan st. A COOK TO ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK; good wages. 074 Everett st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family. 570 Hoyt st WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COOK; good wages. 231 7th st. SHIRTMAKER WANTED. JACOBS SHIRT Co., Hamilton bldg. GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK. 194 N. 17th st SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO TAKE PRI vate lessons in bookkeeping; rare chance to acquire a fine profession. Address E. C, care Oregonlan. MAN. SEVERAL YEARS' EXPERIENCE as manager and salesman, wholesale busi ness, wants position. D 89, Oregonlan. BOY WISHES POSITION IN DENTIST'S office: experienced in laboratory; best rec ommendations. J 80, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED STENOGRAPHER, young man, 8 years' experience; 5100 month. M 82, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WITH 2 YEARS' EXPERI ence in general drugs, wants position at once. G S5, Oregonlan. DRUGGIST, REGISTERED IN WASHING ton, as prescription clerk or manager. S 59, Oregonlan. , EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WISHES position; understands stenography. K &), Oregonlan. WANTED BOOKKEEPING TO DO AFTER 0 o'clock. M 87. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. A MIDDLE-AGED MAN. RESPONSIBLE and capable of doing any kind of business, wants employment. F 86, care Oregonlan. A MAN THOROUGHLY FAMILIAR WITH warehouse and wholesale grocery work, desires position. G 87, Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUA tlon to do cooking and milk cow; any kind work in con. J 90, Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUA tlon to do good cooking and housework. Phone Hood 363. -I MAN AND WIFE WANT JOB ON FARM or dairy ranch, no children. J. W. Shlneall, 355 Second st. ? BY MAN AND WIFE. BOTH GOOD COOKS; man good baker also. E. G. Wagner, 63 North 0th st. HOUSE CLEANING AND SCRUBBING done flrst-class by white labor. L 85, Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE MAN WANTS POSITION, cook, business, janitor, housework. H 90, Oregonlan. 3 JAPANESE BOYS WANT SITUATION farmer work In country. L 87, Oregonlan TEAMSTER WANTS POSITION. F S7. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper aaa Menotcrapbers. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER. 4 YEARS experience, desires permanent position. . D 85, Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position; moderate salary. Phone Main 3755. Dressmakers. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WANTS sewings Dy aay. inone ront 702. Mlscelniiieous. WANTED POSITION AS GOVERNESS OR companion Dy couege-Drea young woman, qualified to teach various branches, includ ing languages, piano, drawing and physical culture. L 90, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED GOOD WOMAN nouseKeeper. cnamDermaids. cooks, house work girls, nurses. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WANTS COOKING. private xamiiy; no wasning or scrubbing; good cook. Call 330 North 17th st. POSITION BY EXPERIENCED CHAMBER. mala; no triners need answer. Call even ing at Phone Scott 20. WILL TRIM AND MAKE OVER HATS REA- oonaoie. aw at your come to laxe orders. Phone Red 3376. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS, PEDDLERS. STREET MEN FOR an uqoj ok noveiues. sneu rings, stamped solid gold cigars. Jewelry, souvenirs, cam paign goods. 315 Commercial block. WANTED LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TO " uus mo ucoi ana iostest sailers on the market Call 175 11th St., upstairs. IF YOU ARE OUT WORK AND WANT TO uiuko some money call at room 401 Mar quam bldg., and we will put you next. WANTED SEVERAL GOOD SOLICITORS; easy proposition; gooa money. 33 Wash ington st. WANTED TO RENT. WE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS WHO uuuaeo. xi you nave a nouea to rent. ee us or send description. We make no charge for renting. H. E. Edwards. 187 1st st. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED HOUSE, in good residence district on West Side; modern; will pay good rent F. C, Port land Hotel. YOUNG MAN WANTS BOARD AND ROOM, not over 54 week, and not over 18 blocks from Commercial bldg. West Side. rK. 89, Oregonlan. . WANTED 3 UNFURNISHED HOTJSE keeplng rooms; close in. B 85, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest ptios paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WANTED FULL-GROWN PIGEONS. IX large or small lots; homers preferred; also squabs. McPherson, Gllman Hotel. WANTED INFANT OR SMALL CHILD TO board; good home; references exchanged. 593 Spokane ave., Sellwood. 52500 WANTED FOR ONE YEAR ON flrst-class security, worth over 57000. P 60, Oregonlan. WANTED SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRI ter No. 2; state condition and price. Box 740, city. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT Ue. of all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOB RENT. Rooms. THE AUDITORIUM. 208 3D ST.. BET. Taylor and Salmon, one block south of Ba ker Theater, new brick building, elegantly furnished, steam heat hot and cold water In room, porcelain bath, rooms with private hatha, elevator; reasonable rates. HOTEL OXFORD (EUROPEAN). 6TH AND Oak Finest rooms la city, single or en suite; all modern conveniences; private baths, hot and cold water In every room; tourists and commercial men solicited. Phone Main S3 THE FA1RMOUNT." 29 NORTH 6TH. near P. O. New, elegantly furnished rooms, single or en suite; hot and cold water in rooms, steam heat, electric lights, baths; reasonable rates. Phone Red 1731. I , "THE LINCOLN." 409 Morrison, cor. 11th New brick, elegant furnished, sunny rooms: all modern conveniences; tourists and travel ing men solicited. Mrs. T. D. Hughes. Prop. THE NEWCASTLE, 3D AND HARRISON, elegant up-to-date furnished and unfur nished housekeeping and other rooms; heat, bath, light free; reasonable prices. ROOM. MODERN CONVENIENCES. CEN tral, nice neighborhood, bath, furnace heat and gas; reasonable; private family; refer ences. 431 Taylor st. 181 1ST, COR. YAMHUAf SPLENDIDLY furnished front suite with closet; also single rooms, reasonable; transient solicited. Phone Clay 755. FINELY FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR. 5 per week; suitable for one or two; furnace heat; private family; central. 894 Yam hill st DESIRABLE SUITE OF ROOMS. FIRST floor, for three months; steam heat gas, hot and cold watar. Apply 809 Stark st. Furnished and unfurnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms; 51 week up. Oilman. 1st. and Alder; Alblna. Hotel. 450 Goldsmith. LARGE WELL FURNISHED. SUNNY rooms, suite or single, with private family, modern conveniences. 324 Salmon st. WILL HAVE THREE NICELY FUR nlshed rooms for gentlemen only, Portland Heights. October 1. H 85. Oregonlan . PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS. IN NEW house, four blocks from Hotel Portland; home comforts.' 250 6th st. 755 IRVING, COR. 23D FURNISHED rooms, with every modern convenience; furnace heat Take W car. fS FURNISHED SUITE OF ROOMS. WITH bath and phone; young lady desired, with references. Phone Red 3376. . . 1 THE MARQUAM, 145 0TH ST. ROOMS, transient, en suite or single and house keeping. Phone Clay 1653. 3C4 TAYLOR PLEASANT ROOMS FOR gentlemen; two blocks Portland Hotel; gas. pnone, oaiaj no ciijiucu. THE TEMPLE NICELY FURNISHED rooms; rent, $2.50 up. 343 Yamhill st., op posite the Portland Hotel. 129 13TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for two; reasonanie; phone; bet. Washington and Alder. FOR RENT 3 PLEASANT UNFURNISHED rooms, very reasonable, walking distance. Telephone Main 3253. FINE, COMFORTABLE FURNISHED rooms at 201 10th st., cor. Taylor, 4 tolocks from Portland Hotel. THE FRANCIS. UP-TO-DATE APART5IENTS. Transient solicited; new management. West Park and Morrison. 1 VERY PLEASANT. COMFORTABLE ROOMb at reasonable rates. Call at 16S 11th st.. or phone Main 1995. NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM SLIT able for one or two gentlemen; modern. 188 12th. near Yamhill. CLOSE IN LARGE FRONT ROOM. 8UIT able for two; also small room. Phone, etc. 205 4 th st. GENTLEMEN CAN FIND NEWLY FVR nlshed rooms In private family. 141 13th st, cor. Alder. NICE QUIET ROOM. WITH FRIVATE family, four blocks south Hotel Portland. 248 6th st. CLOSE IN FURNISHED ROOMS, $1 week; housekeeping, 2 rooms. 512 month. SO 10th. THE OLIVE. 303 WASH. ST., COR. 5TH Rooms en suite or single, per mo. 510 up. "THE APPLETON." 71 N. TH ELEGANT furnished sunny rooms, 52 per week and up. FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT NO. 211 12TH st. Apply to J. P. Bronaugh, 144 4th st. i FOR RENT 3 FURNISHED ROOMS, modern. 269 Clay st. Rooms With Board. 718 WAYNE ST.. BET. KING AND ST Clair, one block south Washington car Very desirable front room, with board, best block on King's Heights. BLAKELY HALL FIRST-CLASS BOARD with rooms; now in our new quarter. 270 and 270Vi 6th ft. All up-to-date and modern conveniences. Main 2631.