10 THE MORNING OBEGOKIAN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1904. TRIP UP NORTH FORK idyl of 18 Miles Travel on Beautiful Stream. WHERE PEOPLE UVE EASILY Climate Makes Femin!novFaces a Joy to Behold Eyes That Pierced the Heart of Susceptible Corre spondent Aboard the. Boat. ALLEGANY, Or., S4pL 8. (Special Cor respondence.) Allegheny, Pa., and its namesake In Oregon for which It -was mis spelled, have this In common they are both United States money-order offices. There the resemblance ceases. A .passenger took the boat at Jlarshfleld ior Allegany, 18 miles up the North. Fork of Coos River, at 2 o'clock, by the time card. The only remarkable thing about this -was that It was 2 o'clock. By the watch it was nearly half-past. People take life leisurely in this country. In the run across the bay a man re marked that vessels here carried no life preservers on board. "When attention was called by the passenger to his mistake he exclaimed in disgust that he meant liquid life-preservers. The first stop was made at the cream ery, where the passenger went ashore and began to interview some men. He was in formed that a certain curd in a vat was first taken out and dried, and then made into collar buttons, combs and whalebone. "Whalebone made out of cow's milk! That was the limit. He longed to return to the quiet of some real estate office where he could hear the truth once more. From this experience he learned two things. One waB that the information was worth what ho paid for it, and the other was that the man said that whalebone was iade out of cow's milk. He returned, and the boat settled down to her run against the ebb tide up the river. On board were some men, several women and children and a cigarette cmoker. Mail in Milk Cans. The boat had taken on a cargo of empty milk cans, each lot numbered to corro ppond with the number of the dairy. This boat carried the United States mail. The mail for each dairyman was put into one of his empty milk cans to be set ashore. "Whether the return mall is put inside one of -the full cans but, pshaw, that would be absurd. Just outside the room where this Is writ ten stands a plum tree. A beautiful little girl of nine happy Summers has just In formed the passenger that "the plums on that tree are all ripe and gone." The thought occurred that if they were all gone, how were they ripe but that will be all right. We should not be too critical in this world. y This girl has wonderful eyes, and she knows how to pilot them with the most, bewitching grace. It is Just such eyes as hers, when they get older, that do a man to his death, unless he has been vacci nated. But let us return to the voyage up the river. An old gentleman landed, followed by a watermelon, a half-dozen milk cans and a basket or two. They are all bun dled off In a hurry, and the boat hasn't lost her headway till she Is off again. "Where Is the watermelon?' yelled the old gentleman after the boat, and he looked straight at the passenger. Not cince he was a boy and the sport was ."popular had the passenger so felt the guilt of the accusation of stealing watermelons. The old gentleman probably thought the passenger, as they had been talking to gether, had that watermelon in his pocket It weighed 50 pounds In California. Boat Carries to School. At "Myrtle Bank the boat stopped and took on a dozen and a half of school chil dren. Beautiful children they were. This Pacific climate gives a delicacy and tint to the skin of women and children that is seen nowhere else in the United States. There was one among them, handsome as a queen, with an ,alr of mother to the flock. Those who had seen the species be fore would recognize her as the young lady schoolteacher. The children were remarkably well be haved. Perhaps a reason for It Is that If they are not good they can easily be drowrAd. It is not known that thle has ever been done, but if the necessity for it should arise it could be. The boatmen handle the children just like they do milk cans set them off on the wharf, usually with their feet down. That is, they discharge In this way all but the young lady schoolteacher. It was very pretty to see her hop off unaided and skip up the bank. The independence of Western women has often been re marked upon. The charge for thiB service used to be 50 cents per month for each child. But competition In children sprang up, that is, competition in carrying them to school, and now they ride free. Just what ar rangement per month the boat has with the pretty young lady teacher is not known, but it is more than likely that they pay her something to rldo with them. On board were a groom and his bride who had Just returned from Portland on their wedding trip. They behaved them selves with such perfect propriety that they were taken for ordinary married peo ple. Whether the groom had repented himself of his choice or not there was, of course, no way to tell. But married life anyway must be a tame affair after a week or two. Elysium for the Cow. At one point on the river two cows had come down to the bank to see the boat go by. The life of the cow Is a happy one. She has nothing to do all day In this de lightful climate but stuff herself on the finest of grasses and green corn, and at morning and evening she gives down a pail or two of milk, apparently without effort. There are even no files here for the cow to exert herself to switch away. A screen against flle3 in this country is a thing unknown. And think what a diver sion it must be each day to see the boat go by! It is said that the cow sets a bad example and that this habit of hers of taking her ease is contagious, but you needn't believe this unless you wish to. Speaking of green corn, the corn here is evergreen. It stands green in the fields till away in January and is fed to the cows as needed. Or is this another whale bone story that some one has amused him self with at the passenger's expense? But anyway, this item of perpetual youth is characteristic of the country: the women here remain aiways young. At one landing the passenger was Inter viewing the magnificent scenery, and the boat pulled off without him. He was urged to try to board anyway and assured that he could make it in two jumps. When traveling you will always find some face tious person who has been reading the comic papers. There is one thing we should all learn, and that is not to try to be funny when discussing serious mat ters. Another Vision of Beauty. Around the bend down the river came a skiff with a fishing party. Seated in the stern with a line in her hand, trolling for trout, was a beautiful young woman. (The women here are all beautiful.) The at tachment between her and the passenger was mutual from the start. There was an exchange of the waving o hats. If there had been time it might have been a dangerous flirtation, and this is something the passenger never did. Even as it was, if his eyes did not de ceive him. and he doesn't think they did. judging of what It was from the descrip tions he has read Iir-iwJvels, the girl In the boat threw him a kiss from the tips of aer fingers. She was stfe; the man couldn't rail HMiacsux, rre. lErnrT-HUB ? rams, mru, ihmi European Plan THB PORTLAND FCBTLAMD, OB. American Plan also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. $3 PER DAY and Upward. I COST OXX MTLLIOX DOLLARS. New Building Elegantly Furnished, Centrally located. HOTEL SCOTT SEVENTH AND ANKENY. STS. Poatofflce Block. EUROPEAN PLAN ' BOOMS 75o TO $2.00 PER DAT. FREE BUS M. E FOLEY, Manager. walk on top tho water, and it was too deep to wade. If perchance the eyes of the girl in the boat should fall upon these lines and of course they will, for every one here reads The Dregonian she -will know that kiss is cherished in the heart of one who can never be false. "Was this what might.be called a fishing smack? But let us hasten on. These nautical terms are very con fusing to one who has not yet got his sea legs. Coming up on the boat in two open boxes were a lot of delicious French prunes. Of course one could not determine this fact by simply gazing at the fruit- There was no sign up, "Take one," but the people didn't seem to need It. The passenger was quite surprised when they arrived at the landing to find that the owner of the boxes was a gentleman whom he had thought with himself had been stealing tho fruit. The only casualty on the trip up was the falling overboard at one of the landings of a Mason fruit jar warranted to hold a quart, but It was gallantly rescued by the captain's son at the risk of getting his coatsleeve wet. There arc no roads along the lower river. People have lived there for 40 years and the only 'means of access Is by boat. The fare from Marshfield to Allegany and return is six-bits. This is a good deal cheaper than walking would be. Landed on a Sandbar. The river at this season of the year at Allegany Is so low that the gasoline launch which had been substituted for the upper mile and a half of the trip could not reach the landing. The boat stopped on a sandbar below, and the passengers walked to shore. But they point out on the trees where the water has stood 30 feet higher than It is now at low tide. This Is a good deal higher than Northern Pa cific stock went a few years ago. A young man has just come in and re marked that he saw three bears crossing the road in front of him not a mile from the Allegany Hotel. The fellow looks to be truthful enough, and he is not talking for the benefit of the passenger. It is sad to see a bright young man, the'prlde of his parents, start off In life in a way that does not command people's confidence. Those wonderful hazel eyes are disturb ing the passenger's train, or boat, nauti cally speaking, of thought. Their owner has dared him to try to catch her, and met him in the face with a decayed lemon. The course of true love never did run smooth. There Is more to tell; but a trip like this on the water is apt to make dry reading. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL. REPORT. PORTLAND. Sept. 11. Maximum tempera ture. 78 deg.; minimum, 57. River reading, 11 A. M.. 4.0 feet; change In 24 hourt 0.1 foot. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., none; total elnce September 1, 1904. trace; normal, 0.44 Inch; deflcienoy, 0.44. Total sun shine September 10. 1904, 12 hours and 48 min utes; possible, 12 hours and 48 minutes. Ba rometer (reduced to eea level), at 5 P. M 29.32. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. Wind. JJ 2. " n '. ? ; STATION. Baker City Bismarck Boie Eureka Helena ICamloops, B. C North Head, Pocatello Portland .......... Red Bluff Roeeburg Sacramento Salt Lake City San Francisco Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island.... Walla Walla I Light. I76!0.00(. 6!NW 64 0.001 8SB 82 0.00 V 50 0.00, W Clear PL cloudy Clear Foggy 1720.00 W TO.o.ool Cloudy ft. cloudy Cloudy. 5410.00114 1 NW 78 0700 8 SW Clear W8 0.001 'INW . 08 0.001 SB iClear Clear 82 0.00 ,W S4 0.00 10.S Cloudy clear 80 0.00 NVV :G0O.O014V Clear Pt. cloudy 76 0.001 W Cloudy Ft. cloudy Pt. cloudy 54 O.OOl 6 "WEATHER CONDITIONS. The weather continues fair throughout the rta'ten west of the Rocky Mountains; In the North Pacific States and in the Interior of Northern California considerable emoke pre vails, which makes the atmosphere sultry and oppressive. . It is slightly warmer this evening In Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho, while In the "Willamette Valley and the Sound coun try the temperature is about the same as at the same hour yesterday. Light frosts occurred generally on the higher plateaus east of the Cascades this morning. The indications are for continued fair weather In this district Monday, -with nearly stationary Temperature. "WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight September 12: Portland and vicinity Fair; northerly winds. Oregon and "Washington Fair weather; north erly winds. ' Idaho Fair weather. NEW TODAY. The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. NO. 109 THIRD ST. Incorporated April 22, 1887. Banks and trust companies formerly waited for business to seek them, now they seek busi ness They act upon the theory that what Is worth having Is worth asking for. THB PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON Is 17 years old; it has become firmly established in this community, and haa strong financial connections). It hao ample capital for the conduct of any business that may be entrusted to its care. It conducts a general banking business with all the liberality consistent with prudence. It issues Interest-bearing certificates of de posit for any term from 10 days to five years, at from 3 to 4 per cent Interest. Particulars are contained In our book of ILLUSTRATIONS. Copies of which we shall be, glad to furnish. BEN J. I. COHEN ...President H. L. PITTOCK... ... Vice-President IB. LED. PAGET Secretary J.iXOQLTRA.. Afrtstaat Secietaqr C W. JCNOWLES, Mgr. $1.00, $1.50,-$2.00 per Djry HUDOOilTEBS rorrooRiSTS iw COMMEfiCUL TMIEIEM Special ratal Bade to families aad lBta geiatle men. Tho xnaa a rem est will ba pleased at all times to show rooms as4 give prices. A mofera Turkish bath es tablish meat la the hotel. H. C. BOWERS. Manager. Flrst-Clasa Restaurant in Connection, Steam Heat, Electric Lights. PORTLAND, OREGON AUCTION SALES TODAT. By J. T. "Wilson at 331 Ankeny, cor. 6th, at 10 A. M. J. T. "Wilson, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. MINERVA LODGE NO. 19, I. O. O. F. Members arc requested to meet at Oddfellows' Temple at 2 P. M. to attend the funeral of our late brother, John August Fischer. By order of N. G. PETER WIEDEMANN. MARTHA "WASHINGTON CHAP TER No. 14. O. E. S. A regular communication this (Monday) even-lag- at 8 o'clock by order W. M. SARAH B. GUERIN. Secretary. REGULAR MEETING OF THE EXEMPT FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION this (Monday) evening at 7:30 o'clock In their rooms, N City Hall. By order of the president. R. M. DONOVAN, Secretary.. HARMONY LODGE NO. 12. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work in the M. M. degree. Visitors are cordially Invited. By order of the "W. Mr "W. M. DE LIN. Secretary. CAMELIA CHAPTER NO. 27, O. E. S. A stated communication this (Monday) evening at S o'clock in Hill's Hall. By order W. M. ESTHER KANE, Secretary. FUNERAL NOTICES. JACKSON In this city. September 10. 1904, at the residence of her daughter. Claxrlssa Jackson Devereaux. 87 Russell street, Mrs. Jennie Mary Jackson, aged 52 years, 4 months and 28 days. Tho remains will be taken to Sycamore, I1L, for Interment on "Wednesday evening, via the O. R. & N. train at . 8:15 P. M. Salem. Or., papers please copy. DRENNEN At his late residence, 1 Union avenue North. September 10. 1004. Charles A. Drenneu, aged 45 years, 5 months, 21 days. Funeral will take place Monday, September 12, at 9 A. M.. from the St. Francis' Church, corner East Oak and East Eleventh streets. Friends invited. HAMILTON At Seaside. Or.. September 10. 1904, Bernard R.. beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Hamilton, aged 8 months and 10 days. Funeral will take place today. Sep tember 12, at 2 P. M. from F. S. Dunnlng's funeral parlors. 414 East Alder street. Friends Invited. FISCHER September 10. 1904. at the family residence. East Forty-first and Stark streets. John August Fischer, aged 79 years, 8 months and 21 days. Funeral from residence at 3 P. M., September 12. Interment at Lone Fir Cemetery. EDWARD HOLM AN CO-, Undertaker and embalm en, hare moved to their new build ing Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. I J. p. PIXLEt & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d nnd Mndlcon. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone- No. 9. F. 8. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414, East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. DUNNING ft CAMPION. Undertakers, 7th and Fine. Lady assistant. Phone Main 439. Zeller-Byrnes Co., Undertakers, embalm ers. 273 Russell. Phone East 1088. Lady Aa'-i. CLASSEETED AD. BATES. "Rooms," "Rooms nnd Board," "Honse- keeninir Rooms." "Situations Wanted," ltT words or less, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No discount for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or lees; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc. first insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAT" (gauge measure ngate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonian, and left at this office, should always be inclosed In sealed en velopes. No stamp 1 required on such let ters. The Oregonian will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE: Worthingtqn Compound Duplex Fump, second hand, A 1 condition. Size 10xl87Xl4xlO. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute.. Check valve, lub ricator, etc., complete. Inquire A. W. Cochran, Oregonian Building. Just Read This THE PALACE MARKET 200 Yamhill, bet. 3d and 4th. The most popular place In the city to trade. Prompt delivery, good Jssrvlce and low prices. Here is a bargain: Three-tier peaches, per box ,....50c Large Tokay grapes, basket, very fancy.... 30c California black sweet grapes, per basket.. 25c We kill and drezs our poultry. Carry a full line of fancy fruits, vegetables, fish, butter, eggs and a fine line of fresh meats at low prices. Just come in and look around. WANTED CA'SCARA CHITTAM BARK CAR LOTS OR LESS Call or write to Rosenberg Bros. & Co., 211 California St., San Francisco, or 20014 "Washington St, Portland. Or. Mortgage Lords 5 and Upwards Keal Estate -City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. H. EIRRELL, ?0fi-8-BuUdnjT2ilra-.a&4. stark. tit AMUSEMENTS. THE BAKER THEATER Oregon Theater Co., Inc. Lessee. GEO. L. BAKER, Manager. A Genuine Succms. ALL THIS WEEK. MATINEE SATURDAY, Melbourne MacDowelL supported by excellent company, in Sardou's Masterpiece, "GISMONDA." " , Note Our Prices. EvenlHc ik. as. BOo Matinee 10c, 15c, 25c Cord ray's Theater CORD RAY & RUSSELL. Managers. Portland's Most Popular Family Theater. Tonight and All. Week. Saturday Matinee. Magnificent Presentation of "On the Bridge at Midnight" Unsurpassed Scenic Splendor! Tale of Human Interest! Fund of Rich Humor! Prices, 10c. 20c, 30c; special reserved seats. 60c Aiatmee Prices, 10c and 2oc fMpire theater Cor. 12th and Morrison, Phone Main 117. TOM WIEDEMANN. Manager. All this week, "MICHAEL STROGOFF" the Great Russian War Drama. Matinee Wednesday and Saturday. Prices: Evenings, 10c, 16c, 2So; Matinee, 10c and 15c: Reception Matinee Saturday. Ice cream and cake served free. New Bill Starts Today AT THE STAR THEATER PORTLAND'S FASHIONABLE VAUDEVILLE PLAYHOUSE General admission, 10c; reserved box seats, 25c Performances, 2 to 4:50. 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. ARCADE THEATER Seventh and Washington. REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:15 to 4:20. 7:15 to 10:30. Eunday. continuous from 2 to 10:30. For Ladies. Gentlemen and Children. Admission 10 cents to any seat. LYRIC THEATER t Corner Alder and Seventh.) tilQM-CLASS RErFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:20 to 4:X0; 7:30 to 10:30: Sunday. 2 to 10 i. M. This ad. and 10c will admit two p-eoplo any matinee except Sundays and ( holidays. TEN CENTS NO HIGHER. The home of polite vaudeville. Continuous performances from 2 to 4:30 P. M. Sundays, continuous 2 to 10:30 P. M. Evening performances from 7 to 10:30 P. M. Any seat in the theater. TEN CENTS NEW TODAY. FOR SALE 10 ACRES IN CULTIVATION,' fenced, east of East Ankeny car line: own er nonresident: will sell for one-half what it cost present owner seven years ago. Title perfect. Here Is a bargain. Inquire at room 37 Palmer House, cor. Park and Alder sts. 4 FOR SALB OR EXCHANGE FOR DAIRY or stock ranch, good fuel business, city. B 40, Oregonian. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Our records are complete and up to date. We furnish abstracts promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved Portland Real Estate. SECURITY ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. 214-215 Chamber of Commerce. SAVIER STREET Corner lot, 50x100; price $2000. 100 feet on Savior, fronting south. Telephone Main 44. MARSHALL STREET 50x50, between 23d and 24th Sts. Price $1150. Phone Main 44. LOUIS hi. BOLL PIANO STUDIO. 34215 WASHINGTON ST. Students should call early. Few hours left. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. I OWN HALF-BLOCK IN WOODSTOCK. Portland. Or., on car-line, which I will sell or trade for Los Angeles or surrounding town property: value about $1000; will as sume or pay small difference. This property Is well located and with the City of Portland growing so rapidly, should appeal to parties who own lots in Southern California, and do not live here. Addresa R. F. Davis, 320 Trust bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. $7500 BEAUTIFUL 10-ROOM RESIDENCE on 14th st, West Side; ground SOxlOO ft. $S00 Fine full lots on E. Taylor st.; close In. - , CHARLESON & STAUB, 245 Morrison. FOR SALE FINE 0-ROOM HOUSE. ELE gantly furnished complete, at Mt. Tabor; will sacrifice on account of slcknees and death. A. E. Hacke, Mt. Tabor. FOR SALE S-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN IN every respect; lot 50x150 feet. Apply to Mercantile Trust & Investment Co., 32 Labbo bldg. !' $450 MUST SELL AT ONCE, 100X100. PIED- mont, corner uarneia. ave. ana uouax; diock from cars. Erickson. 2118 7th ave., Se attle. Wash. MODERN 11-ROOM HOUSE. 2 FULL LOTS, choice fnfct and shrubbery: east front; a snap. See owner, 1247 Mallory live. Phone Scott 6752. $4600 NEW MODERN. S-ROOM HOUSE, Nob. Hill; nothing like It for the money: move right In. W. H. Grindstaff. 248 Stark st. NEW, MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE, 837 Hendricks ave., near Skidmore; easy terms. Address Box 148. South Seattle. Wash.; owner. BY OWNER NEAT HOME OF 7 LARGE .rooms; lawn, fruit, flowers: convenient to "school and two car lines. H 76, care- Orego nian. FOR SALE HOUSE AND TWO LOTS ON 10th and J sts.; newly finished; $2000. Ad dress Alex. Thlbadeau, Vancouver, Wash. $7000 IMPROVED INCOME -PROPERTY; close in; netting 10 per cent. Apply own er, Osborn Hotel. Phone East 375. FINE MODERN RESIDENCE, 14 LARGE rooms. 2 baths, cement basement. Between two car lines. 204 N. 22d st. FOR SALE BOO ACRES STUMP LAND, 10 miles from Portland. Inquire 2S7 E. Mor rison st. C. R. Davis Fuel Co. -J 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton. Lents, Or. Take Mt. Scott car; Be LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. CALL on us when you want to buy. Mathews & Palmer, 4 IS Oregonian bldg. LOT SITUATED 100 FEET WEST OF school. Portland Heights; beautiful view. 231 Washington st. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. GAS. FURNACE; cah. or Installments. Address Box 44 M. B., Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE ACRES AND HALF ACRES: your own terms; owner. 310 Chamber of Commerce. RARE BARGAIN $1000 BUTS 255 ACRES near Brownsville. P. O. Box 275, Oregon City. Or. FOR SALE LOT AT RICHMOND. CHEAP if taken at once. Inquire 305 Front st. NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. 243 Sellwood st., Alblna, bet. 2 car lines. 910 E. TAYLOR ST. MODERN 7-ROOM house; lot size to suit; nice lawn. FOR SALE FARMS. 5 ACRES STRAWBERRIES AND OR chard. Montavllla car line, and Wiberg Lane, S. E. corner; also plows, harrow, cul tivator and H. H. goods for sale; cow and calf. FOR SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED' 120 acres, with 30 under the plow, balance graz ing land that can be put In cultivation: lots of good cedar on place; land fenced and crossfenced; live water; 400 choice bearing fruit trees; six-room hooee, two large barns, and other outbuildings; Ideal place for stockralslng and general farming: on county road, cloao to school, and BV4 miles from Carrollton, a town on Columbia River and N. P. Ry. Price $1700. with $500 down, balance on installments. Come .see us, cr write for list of bargains, Imus & WUloughby, Kalatna. Wash. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL porta of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to Wm. MacMaster, 311 Worcester block. IRRIGATED LANDS OF. THB DESCHUTES Irrigation & Power Co. for aale by A. C Palmer, local agent, 41& Oregonian bldg 55 acres, cultivated, furnished, modern. 8 m E.. car. 700 Winter apples. 227 Front. TO EXCHANGE. WANTED TO EXCHANGE DESIRABLE bvrifnrea property on let st., valuation $10, 000, present Income $720 per annum for 9 or 10-room modern residence, or will rent res idence. Address D 60, care Oregonian. -1 TO T?vnJHKRE 19 SCATTERED SUBUR- ban lots for city property. Owner, 310 chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE STORE BUILDING AND property in the country; what have you? T S3, Oregonian. EXCHANGE ONE THOUSAND SHARES mining stock for; suburban lota or diamonds. P. O. Box 670. v GOOD AUTOMOBILE FOrk EXCHANGE Call room 204. Ablngton, or "address Lock Box 470. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready for Imme diate use. LOWEST PRICES. E. F. & F. B. Riley,. 608 Chamber Commerce. FOREST RESERVE. APPROVED. SANTA Fe. on hand, ready for location; also sol diers' additional land warrants and Sioux scrip. Maglnnls & Son. 227 Falling bldg. Approved ecrln; new lot agricultural or timber lands. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 408 Ablngton- GOOD timber land cheap scrip for sale. Mathews & Palmer. 418 Oregonian bldg. TOR RENT FARMS. FOR SALE OR RENT 150-ACRB FARM, highly Improved. 20 miles from city on Wll lametto River, with boat landing on place. Inquire pwner, 101 Front at., city. LAND SCRIP. ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRIP. GENERAL land practice; our forest reserve scrip for non-tlrobered lands Is now ready. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. FOR SALE. Horace, Vehicles, Etc. FOR SALE "MAGGIE." THE DAM OF BEN Bolt and Portia Knight, runabout and har ness; used this Summer. Mare Is one of the best roadsters In the city. Address W. B. C, 1 1st et. FOR SALE CHEAP FINE TEAM AND express wagon, doing a good business. In quire 381 East Morrison, or phone East 287. ONE GOOD DOUBLE-SEATED CARRIAGE for $27. or will trade on wagon. 313 Water t. WANTED 20 TO 30 HEAD OF HORSES FOR railroad work. Address Hansen, 26 N. 3d st. WOLFSTEIN buys and sells horsts, wagons, harness, buggies, farm Implements. 227 Front. HORSES AND WAGONS TO HUtEJ BY DAY. week or month. 211 Washington. FOR SALE FINE BAY HORSE. $110. CALL 175 E. 23d, near Belmont. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD DELIVER? horse. Phone Main 764. Pianos. NEW. RELIABLE MAKE, WILL TRADE for real estate, or sell cheap. W 94. Ore gonian. FISCHER upright piano. $125; Kimball organ, $15; banjo, violin, mandolin, $10. 241t 1st. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION. TACOMA. Wash., November 23. 1004. 10 o'clock A. M., at No. 1701 Dock St., the Quartermaster Dry dock, with all Its tools and appurtenances, and about 205 acres of land adjoining, with buildings, water system, etc.. the steamer Starling, the Puget Sound Drydock & Ma chine Company's valuable machine shop6 at Tacoma, lease of the ground, patterns, tools, stock on band, and all property of whatsoever sort owned by the said company; all subject only to first-mortgage 20-yeor 4 per cent bonds. For detail list of property, terms and conditions, apply to H. S. Qrlggs, Treas urer. FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION, TACOMA. Wash., December 1, 1904, 10 o'clock A. M., County Courthouse, G-etreet entrance, $40, 200.00 first-mortgage bonds, and same amount of stock of Puget. Sound Drydock & Machine Company: valuable lots and acreage In Ta coma and Pierce Counties; also many Judg ments and notes. For detail list cf proper ties, terma and conditions apply to Settle ment Company, Tacoma, Wash. FOR SALE CHEAP ASSORTED LOT OF feed-mill fixtures In good condition, com prising pulleys, belts, platform and flour scales, trucks, tools, etc Address for fur ther information. Room 36 Con&ord Bidg. DOES TOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with Elaterite; it rolls, easy to lay: needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterite Roofing Co., 10 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments. We rent tables, with privilege of buying. Modern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Bruns-Wlck-Balke-Collender, 40 3d at. FOR SALE FINE BRIDGE-BEACH COOK lng range; used elx months. Apply Monday, from 11 A. M. to 4 P. M.. 35 N. 22d. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN A LOT OF 25-pound second-hand rails. Railway Equip ment Co., 324 Chamber of Commerce. HIGH-BRED FOX TERRIER PUPPIES; prize-winning stock. 134 9th North, cor. Hoyt Phono Main 1353. MITCHELL MOTOR CYCLE. LADY'S Co lumbia and Rambler bicycle at a bargain. 10 Washington bldg. FOR SALE 125-H. P. AUTOMATIC ENGINE in a Al condition; a bargain. Address Box 137, Portland. NO 6 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER. GOOD as new, for sale cheap. Address 266 Park st. -1 TYPEWRITERS, all makes, at cost, from $25; rubber stamps, seals, etc. Coast Co., 231 Stark Moving picture film, song slides, magic lan terns. T. P. Andrews, 109 Mont, st., S. F., Cal IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FOOT LIVE FIR. oak and ash wood, go to Hoover & Conway, BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF Amerlcans now $25. 7th and Morrison. 1 FINE BLACK WALNUT BOOKCA8E, with glass doors, cheap. 231 Taylor st. FOR SALE 12 COW'S AND MILK ROUTE, South Mount Tabor. A. J. Oldenburg. SMALL AND LARGE SAFES, GOOD CON ditlon; cheap. R 80, Oregonian. 30-FOOT SPEED LAUNCIi; GOOD CONDI tlon, cheap. F 50, Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED EXPERT WOOD TURNERS; good wages; steady employment. J 81. Oregonian. CARPENTER WORK WANTED IN Ex change for lots; I furnish material. McCoy 86 10th st. WANTED 2 PHOTO COUPON AGENTS, ladies or gents, winning offer. 801 Dekum. BOYS WANTED TO WRAP SOAP AT LUCK, el. King & Cake soap factory, 640 Hood et. WANTED GOOD STOUT BOY TO DRIVE single wagon; salary $30. T 82, Oregonian. WANTED PANTS AND VESTMAKER. Apply to A. H. Marquardt. Union, Or. BOY IN PRINTING OFFICE; also experi enced pressfeeder. Alvin S. Hawk. WANTED EXPERIENCED BUTTERMAK er. Address H 60. care Oregonian. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GLOVE AND mitten cutter. E 57, Oregonian. WANTED ERRAND WcsfclSfftOB t BOY. CALL 429 HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED. Station men, rock work, new railroad, free fare. Men camp cooks, flunkies. Blacksmiths to register names and ad dresses for situations on new railroad work, HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT 'OFFICE, 2tt North Second SU AS TRAVELING COLLECTOR AND De livery in an, man who has experience as salesman; must have $50 nd be able to give Al references; also good personal bond. Address P. O. box 624, Portland, Or. State references, experience, etc Posi tively others need not apply. LOGGERS, MILL AND YARDMEN, LAB orers, city and county; men and teams, farmhands and milkers, restaurant and mess-hou6e help; work of all kinds. Ca nadian Employment Co., 249 Burnslde and 226 Morrison. Phone Main 3074. A BRIGHT FUTURE FOR THOSE AT tendlng the Portland Watch School; first class, practical . Instruction in watch and Jewelry-making, engraving, assaying, op tics, etc; tuition reasonable. Address C H. Saake. 311 Dekum bldg. WANTED GANG EDGERMAN, LATH MILL man, knot sawyers, shingle packerac top wages; man to log hardwood on contract; office open Sunday. Lumbermen's Labor Bu reau. 205H Morrison. INTELLIGENT BOY WANTED AGED about 15 years, for office work and collec tor; must reside with parents and be well recommended. Address W 82, care Ore gonian. EMPLOYED OR UNEMPLOYED CAT? able, experienced men are wanted; write for booklet. Pacific Commercial Bureau, agents. "Hapgoods Inc" Walker bldg., Se attle. SINGERS, PERFORMERS. PIANISTS, ETC., wanted Stage dancing and vaudeville act ing taught; engagements guaranteed. New man's Vaudeville Circuit, 313 Washing ton. BARBER TRADE TAUGHT BY OUR NEW method, which enables student to earn wages while learning. Call or address for free cata logue American Barber College Co., 66 N. Sth. y WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. Co. School of Practical Plumbing; send for catalogue. Address 4973-5 Eaaton ave., St. Louis, Mo. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE IN 8 weeks and secure profitable positions. Spe cial Inducements this month. Catalogue free. Moler System College, Ban Francisco, Cal. WINTER TERM AT THB PORTLAND watchmaker School begins October 10; ap- filicatlon should be made now. For parti Gu ars address C. H. Saake, 311 Dekum bldg. SOLICITOR YOUNG. ENERGETIC MAN. experienced and well acquainted In city, per manent position; salary or commission; ref erences required. 408 Washington st. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR Implement and machinery line; must be good salesman; answer with references, stating salary. Address N 80, Oregonian. WANTED BRICKLAYERS. WAGES $6 PER day. Apply to F. H. Goss, at New North ern Pacific Hospital, East 33d and H sts., Tacoma, Wash. BARBER TO BUY PAYING SHOP; NO opposition; living and clubrooma furnished; lease. Address Barber, lock box 0. Echo, Oregon. WANTED BOY TO DELIVER PACKAGES and work In store. Apply Sunday from 10 to 12 Robtneon & Co., 289 Washington eL WANTED 3 SHEET METAL-WORKERS; $4 a day; two union men; shop 19th and Wilson. W. G. McPhereon Co. i WANTED COMPETENT MANAGING SALES, man for Portland branch hardware and mv chinery. J 57. care Oregonian. WANTED BRAKEMAN FOR A LOGGING road; none but experienced men need Ap ply. Y 83, Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BOOK and magazine illustrating. Address E 6, care Oregonian. BOY WANTED. GRISWOLD & PHEOLBT. 131 6th st. KttLP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. 2 CHAMBERMAIDS, 2 WAITRESSES, COOK, man and wife, farm, $40; dishwasher, $7; register for a clerical, want a solicitor, stenographer; saleslady for Infants wear In Seattle Eagle Employment Bureau. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES! I HAVE A VERY DESIRABLE, honest position to offer one lady In each lo cality which should easily pay any woman from $15 to $25 per week. This Is a bona fide proposition, and If you can spare only two hours per day do not fall to write to Mabel EL Rush, Box H, Jollet, UL LADY AGENTS MAKING LESS THAN $25 weekly should write today for our catalogue and terms. We start you In business and make you Independent; outfit prepaid. Wom an's Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. , DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS chambermaids, cooks, waitresses, nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, house work, $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors, 22&U Morrison. Phone Main 1323. WANTED WORKING HOUSEKEEPER; duties light; lady of refinement and edu cation; widower, alone; farm, convenient to railway. Answering give mall address, self-written. F 81, Oregonian. WANTED A GJBL FOR GENERAL housework and cooking; 4 in family; no washing; no children; wages. $25. Call be tween 9 and 12 A. M.. 830 Marshall it. FIRST-CLASS ENGAGEMENTS FURNISH ed: amateur singers, performers, musicians; information gratis. Newman's Vandevllle School. 313 Washington. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; German or Swedish preferred; good wages -v. Apply 346 Clifton, cor. 7th, bet. Jackson and Lincoln. LADIES EARN $20 PER HUNDRED writing short letters; send stamped en velope for particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cassopolls, Mich. WANTED A COMPETENT LADY STENOG rapher at once; give references; experience required. Addrecis in handwriting, N 59, Oregonian. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS. WAIT ers. chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 28S1. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED CHAMBBR raald at once. Apply 270 6th st.. bet. Madi son and Jefferson. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: small family, good wages. 185 E. 13th, near xayjor. 1 WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work and to take oars of children. 308 East 15th North. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: no washing, no baking; no children. 7P5 Irving st. WANTED A RELIABLE WOMAN TO DO cooking. Apply 270 6th st., bet. Madison and Jefferson. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: must understand cooking: good wages. 600 Flanders at. GIRL WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work: three In family. Inquire 175 23d. cor. Johnson. WANTED GUrtL FOR COOKING AND downstairs work. 236 King st. Phone Main 2511- WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, small family. 571 Jackson st. Phone Main 3525. PUPILS IN ALL GRADES RECEIVED AT 435 Alder st; competent teacher. M SO, Oregonian. WANTED GIRL FOR SECOND WORK; small family; good wages. 233 24th, cor. Marshall. j WANTED WAIST FINISHERS, SKIRT FIN. lehers and apprentices at Mrs. Edwards, 153 10th st. W ANTED GOOD LADIES CLOTHES ironers. union Jaunary v-o. -a ana Colum bia. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK. Inquire forenoons. 266 7th st. near Madison. A COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework. Inquire 215 N. 20th. WANTED EXPERIENCED RESTAURANT waitress at Morris". 327 Washington. COMPETENT GIRL TO DO COOKING AND housework. Apply 307 N. 22d st. r EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES WANTED at Watson's Restaurant. 100 4th. GIRL FOR PLAIN COOKING DC PRIVATE family. 345 Oak st,. cor. 7th. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; family of 3. 275 6th st. WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING AND GEN r&l housework. 39L 7th at HELP WANTED FEMALE. IMMEDIATELY. GOOD RELIABLE GIRL tor light housework and cooking; small fam ily; good wages. Call 450 Montgomery st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- worK ana cooxing; wages 825 East Main st., cor. 26th. Phone East 1616. WANTED FOR MONDAY, 2 FIRST cooks. 2 chambermaids, - waitresses. 2 housekeepers. 152 1st St. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL TO care for .child and assist with second work. Call 707 Flanders st. WANTS A GIRL FOR WAITER; MUST have good experience. Boston Kitchen 12"J N. 6th st. PIANIST ABLE TO PLAY WALTZ. ETC.: 10 days' trip. Call noon, 518 Chamber of Commerce. STENOGRAPHER: $40 A MONTH. APPLY between 11:30 and 12:30 today, at 414 McKay building. WANTED HOUSEMAID. CITY REFER ences. Apply 769 Hoyt st- WANTED YOUNG GIRL IN FACTORY 42S E. 9th st. South. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUS5 work. 657 Everett at. , SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. AN EXPERIENCED MAN WISHES POSI- uon as DOOKKeeper or otner clerical work, recommendations. D 56. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED STENOGRAPHER, young man, 8 years' experience: $100 month. M 82, Oregonian. WANTED BOOKKEEPING TO DO AFTER 6 o'clock: experienced. Address P 59. care Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED PLACES WHBRB STUDENTS can work for room and board while attend ing school. Holmes Business College, Yam hill and 11th sts. Phone Main 513. YOUNG MAN WANTS SITUATION FN BAK ery to finish learning (trade; have had three months' experience. Address O 69, care Ore gonian. A GOOD JAPANESE COOK WANTS Posi tion In hotel or boarding-house. Address G. Nakamura. 65 3d st. IN PORTLAND. BY GOOD ALL-ROUND Ex perienced dentist; references furnished. Ad dress S EJ). Oregonian. YOUNG MAN ATTENDDfO BUSINESS COL lege wants place to work for board and room. J 84, Oregonian. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION tn An irrwxi rrnlri n ir anH 1un.vn.v ty.AMa Hood 363. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenorrapbers. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position for afternoons only; prefers general office work. 511 Morrison at." 2omectlcs. GIRL WANTS PLACE EXPERIENCED COOK and general housework; good references. 64 E. Davis st. JAPANESE GIRL WANTS"' X POSITION, cook or housework. 245 1st st. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAISTS AND SUITS made satisfactory; also plain sewing; reason able. 310 10th st. Miscellaneous. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED AT HOME, flrst-claes work. Phone 'Union 1S44. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR HIGH grade nursery stock; liberal commission, cash advanced on receipt of orders; outfit free; experience and capital unnecessary if you have push and energy. A few choice fields still open in Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Write Immediately before they are assigned. Chlco Nursery Co.. Chleo. Cal. AGENTS MAKE BIG MONEY SELLING our new stereoscopic views of the Russian Japanese War. St. Louis Exposition. Presi dent Roosevelt on the Coast, Judge Parker, many other splendid views. Liberal terms. No experience necessary- Underwood & Underwood, Phelan bldg., San Francisco. AGENTS, PEDDLERS. STREET MEN FOR all kinds of novelties, shell rings, stamped solid gold cigars, jewelry, souvenirs, cam paign goods. 315 Commercial block. 1 FEW BUILDING AND LOAN MEN FOR Idaho; new plan; big commiseions; write for terms. P. A. Westrope, Nampa. Idaho. GOOD SOLICITORS, MALE OR FEMALE $50 per month guaranteed. Call at 330 Sherman st. WANTED SEVERAL GOOD SOLICITORS; easy proposition; good money. 433 Wash ington st. WANTED PICTURE AGENTS, BIG MON ey. Rembrandt Photo Studio, Ablngton bldg WANTED TO RENT. WANTED ABOUT OCTOBER 1. 2 FUR nished rooms with board. In private fam ily, fqr gentleman and wife; have child 1 year old; electric lights, hot water. Apply S. H. Chambers, care Chief Quartermaster. Vancouver Barracks, Washington. GENTLEMAN WITH REFERENCES WANTS board and room In quiet private home for the Winter; must be desirable neighborhood, not too far from business center. Give phone number. Address F 59, Oregonian. FURNISHED, OR UNFURNISHED HOME OF 7 to 9 rooms; state location and price, and give telephone number. Addrras W SO. Ore gonian. WANTED BY LADY AND DAUGHTER, two furnished housekeeping rooms in pri vate family. Addrees G 60, care Oregonian. I WANTED SUITE ROOMS AND BOARD with private family, by couple without chil dren; West Side. Y 80, Oregonian. WANTED UNFURNISHED LOWER FLOOR of house or flat. 3 to 6 rooms; good location; West Side. W 80. Orejronian. WANTED SMALL FURNISHED COTTAGE, modem, close to buslnees center; must be reasonable. S 56, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT, HOUSES, FLATS and cottages. Bailey, free rental agency, 187 1st st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED TO INVEST $2500 IN SOME good paying business; active partnership; full particulars 'by letter; confidential; no agents. R 84, Oregonian. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 817. WANTED FULL-GROWN PIGEONS. IN large or small lots; homers preferred: also squabs. McPherson. Gllroan Hotel. WE CALL FOR DEADHORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR RENT. Rooms. ROOM. MODERN CONVENIENCES, CEN tral. nice neighborhood, bath, furnace heat and gas: reasonable; private family; refer ences. 431 Taylor st. 181 1ST. COR. YAMHILL SPLENDIDLY furnished front srulte with closet; also single rooms, reasonable; transient solicited. Phone Clay 755. FOR RENT LARGE. PLEASANT FRONT room, furnished; modern conveniences; suitable for two. 129 14th st.. near Wash ington. DESIRABLY LOCATED ROOMS. FURNISH ed or unfurnished; bath, gas, phone: private house. Phone East 1029 or call 13 E. 7th st. Furnished and unfurnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms: $1 yeek up. Gllman. 1st and Alder: Alblna Hotel. 450 Goldsmith. 188 13TH ST. NEW HOUSE. VERY DE slrable furnished rooms; every conveni ence; gentlemen only; references. 753 IRVING. CORNER 23B FURNISHED rooms, with every modern convenience; furnace heat. Take W car. THB TEMPLE NICELY -FURNISHED rooms; rent reasonable. 343V Yamhill St., opposite the Portland Hotel. 364 TAYLOR PLEASANT ROOMS FOR GEN tlemen; two blocks Portland Hotel; gas, phone, bath; no children. I "THE APPLETON." 71& N. 0TH ELEGANT furnished sunny rooms. $2 per week and up. LARGE WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS jaoLera;.ood location. 205 6th. sV